04-14-86 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH April 14, 1986 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 24, 1986 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Bid Openings: A. Receipt of sealed bids for micro computers for various departments 4. Committee Reports: A. Commissioner Glenn Edwards with committee recommendations relative to the demolition of "A" and "C" pump stations B. Report by Commissioner Morris on results of a pre-bid conference for the acquisition of police communications equipment C. Mayor Howell to report on recommendations of committee appointed to study the auto salvage yard activity in Section H 5. Action by the City Commission to designate a name for the street running north off Plaza into the City's utility plants and Public Works yard 6. Action by the City Commission on a request from Robert Bates and Associates for approval of Change Order No. 3 on Part 2, New 1.0 mgd sewage treatment plant to furnish and install an 8-inch valve in the waste sludge line; modify plant influent piping to reduce headloss; furnish and install fittings in plant effluent line to supply piping for future reuse water pumping station and provide drainage for screenings slab at the pre-treatment facility, increasing the contract cost by $9,040.00 7. Action by the City Commission on a request of Robert Bates and Associates for approval of Change Order No. 3 on Part 3, New pumping stations to increase the pump station sizes at "B", "D", "E", and "F" stations and modify piping connections at "B" and "C", with an increase in the contract in the amount of $12,150.00. 8. Action by the City Commission to acknowledge receipt of an easement from William Blackard providing access to north Atlantic Beach at the end of Sixteenth Street 1 9. Action on Exceptions: A. Public Hearing on an application by the Church of the Living God for a child day care center on Edgar Street B. Public Hearing on an application by John and Sharon Foster for an automotive repair garage on Seventh Street near Mayport Road (Both of the above recommended for approval by the Advisory Planning Board) 10. Action on Ordinances: A. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code regarding the use of vehicles on Atlantic Beach 11. Miscellaneous 12. Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY ATLANTIC BEACH HELD AT CITY HALL ON APRIL 14, 1986 AT 7: 15 P.M. V V O O PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E Glenn A. Edwards D D John W. Morris, Jr. , Commissioners AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager M S John Dickinson, Acting City Attorney O E Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk T C I 0 Y ABSENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Commissioner NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offere3 by Commissioner Cook was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of Minutes of March 24, 1986 Motion: The minutes of the regular meeting of March 24, 1986 be Cook x approved as written. Edwards x x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * ,. * * * * * .. * * * * * ., ., * * ;: * * * * * 2. Recognition of Visitors amara Hentosh inquired about the increase in her utility bill. The Mayor explained the special generation charge of $5.50 listed was a State mandated charge that all cities must put on their bills when they have received state and federal grants in order to set aside sufficient funds so when needed to rebuild and refurbish, there would be enough monies on deposit to complete the project. The state also mandated the cities could have a basic charge on sewer but beyond that the charges must be based on the amount of water used. Mayor Howell suggested she contact the City Manager, Mr. Fellows and he would go over the details with her. Mr. Roosevelt Cooper, representing the Church of Living God, 35 Edgar St. asked if the city could offer some assistance on the ingress and egress to their church. The land, owned by both city and church is all sand and turns into mud when it rains. The Mayor said they could prob- ably help on the city owned property. The City Manager will contact Mr. Cooper and the Minister. Bid Openings: A. Receipt of sealed bids for micro computers for various departments The following bids were received and opened: Amerisource, total bid price-hardware: $10,857.64 No bid bond. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 14, 1986 COMMRS. M S Y N Bid Openings - continued 2. Computer Source, total hardware bid price: $ 8,024.00 Bid bond, $421.04 check 3. Computerland, total hardware bid price: $10,580.00 No bid bond 4. Komputer Kingdom, total hardware bid price: $10,525.00 letter from S.E.Bank in lieu of bid bond 5. Mind Your Own Business,Div.of S.E.Data Systems,Inc. -total hardware price: $ 9,677.75 No bid bond 6. NCR - total hardware bid price: $11,365.20 No bid bond, but will secure if awarded bid. 7. Sears, Roebuck & Co.-total hardware bid $11,025.33 No bid bond attainable through Sears. 8. Tandy/Radio Shack, Fort Worth, Texas Total hardware bid price $11,170.46 No bid bond. Bid was received on 4/8 and no time to secure bid bond. 9. Ronald A. Trumble Co. ,Inc.-total hardware bid $10,500.00 Bid bond, $525.00 check * * * * * * ,. * ;: * ,. * ;: * * .. * * * * Motion: Refer bids to Committee to report back. Cook x Edwards x x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x Commissioner Gulliford, Harry Royal,Finance Director, and the City Manager will continue to serve on the Committee. * * * >°. * * .. * .. .. * * * * * .. * * * * * * .. ,. 4. Committee Reports A. Commissioner Glenn Edwards with committee recommendations relative to the demolition of "A" and "C" pump stations. Commissioner Edwards reported the committee met on Tuesday, April 1st, and considered the four bids received for the work in demolishing and filling in the old "A" and "C" pump stations and wet wells. The committee also conducted a personal interview with the low bidder and unanimously recommended an award be made to Richardson Enterprises, 137 E. Forsyth St. , Jacksonville, Fl. in the amount of $5,600. Motion: Award the bid to Richardson Enterprises, Jacksonville, in Cook x the amount of $5,600.00 for the demolition of lift stations Edwards x x "A" and "C". Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * .. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .. ., * PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 14, 1986 COMMRS. M S Y N Committee reports - continued B. Report by Commissioner Morris on results of a pre-bid conference for the acquisition of police communications equipment. Commissioner Morris reported the committee met earlier that day with representatives from Motorola and General Electric Companies and dis- cussed the problems they recently had in generating interest in bidding the equipment. They went over in detail the 38 pages of specifications the state had offered the police department for the communications equipment. Following a two hour discussion, the committee recommended the specifications be re-written deleting many items and hopefully will be able to go out to bid again by May 20th. C. Mayor Howell to report on recommendations of committee appointed to study the auto salvage yard activity in Section H Mayor Howell reported the committee, comprised of the Mayor,Commissione'r Morris, Gregg McCaulie, Mr. Mullis, and Mr. Fellows, met with Mr. Dagley and his attorney, Alan Jensen on April 3rd and recommended their sug- gestions be first sent to the Advisory Planning Board for their consid eration. Their recommendation would provide for a pulling in of Mr. lagley's operations,and he would be given an exception to operate in a _pecific area out near the marsh where most of his land is. There would be a swap of some of his lots for some of the city's right-of-way to further consolidate his operation and that would also relieve the city of some additional sewer and water main problems. The Mayor added there would be no action taken until the Advisory Planning Board had considered the committee's recommendations. The Advisory Planning Board meets on Tuesday, April 15, 1986 and probably will call for a Public Hearing on Mr. Dagley to be held at their meeting on the third Tuesday in May. 5. Action by the City Commission to designate a name for the street run- ning north off Plaza into the City's utility plants and Public Works yard Motion: Accept the recommendation of the City Manager and name the Cook x street Sandpiper Lane. Edwards x x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6. Action by the City Commission on a request from Robert Bates and Associates for approval of Change Order No. 3 on part 2, New 1.0 mgd sewage treatment plant. The City Manager reported Robert Bates & Assoc. were requesting approval of Change Order No. 3 on part 2, new 1.0 mgd sewage treatment plant to furnish and install an 8-inch valve in the waste sludge line; modify dant influent piping to reduce headloss; furnish and install fittings in plant effluent line to supply piping for future reuse water pumping station and provide drainage for screenings slab at the pre-treatment facility, increasing the contract cost by $9,040.00. He said when the PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 14, 1986 COMMRS. MSYN 6.Bates Change Order No. 3 - continued "A" station was finished, they found the inclusion of those emergency generators had taken up more space than had anticipated, and there- fore to make sure the crew had sufficient room in which to work, they asked the contractor to enlarge "B","D", and "F" stations sufficiently to accommodate the emergency generators and still furnish the necessary room for the employees to work so that there would be no injuries. Mr. Fellows added he had also made arrangements to have them install an emergency pump-out connection. We were furnishing the equipment, and they were going to install it, and they were going to modify the piping connections at "B" and "C" to reduce the headloss somewhat. The question was asked if this was known beforehand. Mr. Fellows responded no. He recommended the change order be approved. The Mayor and Commission questioned why all the modifications were not considered originally, and a lengthy discussion followed. The Mayor asked if the increase in cost would be eligible for grant funds. Mr. Braid stated there was about $2,700 that was not grant fundable in item no. 6. Most of the changes had come to light as a result of the contractor doing a job where he had to start putting in the yard piping (all the pipes that connect the tanks) and they had discovered on the 8" valve that there was no provision for it. That was an oversight. He explained it was more economical to do some of the things now, than it would be to Codify the plant later on. Mr. Fellows explained on item 7 change order ado. 3 for $12,150. that approximately $6,000 would be the city's expense and $6,000 would be absorbed by Federal and State funds. Commissioner Edwards commented to the best of his memory, about ten (10) years ago, it was mandated by the State of Florida to have a by-pass to every lift station in case of a hurricane, etc. He expressed the opinion the engineer should have been aware of that and should have originally made arrangements for adequate size of the lift stations for the pumps, gen- erators, etc. Mayor Howell stated they should definitely take a further look at the situation but suggested the Commission approve the change orders as they had no choice. Mr. Fellows listed the reductions and in- creases of all the change orders as follows: Part 2 Change Order #1 -$100,000. Change Order #2 +$ 4,543. Change Order #3 +$ 9,040. Part 3 Change Order #1 -$45,141 Change Order #2 +$ 4,844 Change Order #3 +$11,399.99 (originally $12, 152.) Part 5 Change Order #1 +$169,853.90 Change Order #2 +$ 18,566.60 (not finalized at this time) 'fayor Howell commented when reductions were made, they had been done by )bservances of members of the City Commission and not brought about by recommendation of the engineer. Following discussion, the suggestion was made to move on one motion covering both items 6 and 7. PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 14, 1986 COMMRS. M S Y N 6. Bates Change Order No. 3 - continued Motion: Approve Change Order No. 3 on Part 2 and Change Order No. 3 Cook x x on Part 3 totaling $21,190.00. (Items #6 and #7) Edwards x Morris x x During discussion before the vote, the Mayor suggested the Sewer Com- Howell x mittee check into the situation. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. * ,. * * * * * * * * * .. * * * * * * * * * * ,. * ., * * ., * * 7. Action by the City Commission on a request of Robert Bates and Assoc. for approval of Change Order No. 3 on part 3, New pumping stations to in- crease the sizes at "B", "D", "E", and "F" stations and modify piping connections at "B" & "C" with an increase in the contract of $12,500. Action taken in above motion. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;; * ;: * * ., * * * * * * * * ;; * 8. Action by the City Commission to acknowledge receipt of an easement from William Blackard providing access to north Atlantic Beach at the end of Sixteenth Street. The City Commission acknowledged receipt of an easement from William 3lackard providing access to north Atlantic Beach at the end of Sixteenth St. 9. Action on Exceptions A. Public Hearing on an application by the Church of the Living God for a child day care center on Edgar St. The Mayor advised the application was recommended for approval by the Advisory Planning Board and declared the floor open for a Public Hearing. The Chair recognized Mr. Sam Bruce representing the Church of the Living God. Mr. Bruce introduced Mr. Snead of Headstart. He explained that location would be the only Headstart center on the beach and felt it would be great benefit to the community. As no one else spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Passage of "Use by Exception" for the Church of the Living Cook x x God for a child day care center on Edgar St. Edwards x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * .. * * * * * * * * * * .. * * * * * * * * * * B. Public Hearing on an application by John and Sharon Foster for an automotive repair garage on Seventh St. near Mayport Road. -he Mayor advised the application had been recommended for approval by :he Advisory Planning Board, and declared the floor open for a Public Hearing. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 14, 1986 COMMRS. MS Y N B Public Hearing - John and Sharon Foster - continued Motion: Passage of "Use by Exception" for an automotive repair Cook x garage, West Seventh St. near Mayport Rd. for John and Edwards x x Sharon Foster. Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10.Action on Ordinances: Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 57-86-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 5, ARTICLE II, SECTION 5-17 AND 5-18 TO PRO- HIBIT THE USE OF VEHICLES AND THE RIDING OF ANIMALS ON ATLANTIC BEACH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 57-86-11 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. The Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. The Police Chief suggested the words "power driven" be struck and insert the word "motorized" under Section 5-17, line 2. That would help them in enforcement. The subject was discussed at length. As no one else spoke for or against the Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hering closed. Motion: Amend the Ordinance to strike the words "power driven" and Cook x x insert the word "motorized." (2nd line under Sec. 5-17) Edwards x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ., * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 57-86-11 on second and final read- Cook x x ing as amended. Edwards x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Miscellaneous Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of the final plat of Ocean Walk. There are seven lots that will lie in the corporate limits of the City of Atlantic Beach and all lots will be furnished utilities by the City of Atlantic Beach. The Mayor stated the seven lots had to be approved by the city and asked if the Commission desired to take the seven lots through the usual procedures or approve them outright. Mr. Fellows advised there were no roadways or sidewalks to approve, and water and sewer lines had already been approved engineering wise. Commissioner Morris asked if there were some hardships on the developer that the approval was needed that night. The City Manager said not that he knew of. Motion: Refer the plat of Ocean Walk to the Advisory Planning Cook x Board. Edwards x x Morris x x "uring discussion before the vote, Mayor Howell asked that the plat Howell x e considered by the Advisory Planning Board at their meeting the next night, April 15, 1986. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: * ;e * * * * ;: * * * PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 14, 1986 COMMRS. MSY N Mayor Howell announced a party was going to be held for the men of the Saratoga and support ships that would be partially sponsored by the three beaches, and the City of Atlantic Beach was asked for a donation of $100.00. Motion: Move to fund $100.00 for advertising purposes by the city Cook x x on how much we appreciate the men of the Saratoga and their Edwards x x support ships. Morris x Howell x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried with a three to one vote. Commissioner Morris voted no. He said his negative vote had nothing to do with patriotism, but was based on precedent setting. * * * -°. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. / 11 / AAgi Will am S. Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk