Mayor Pro Tem Gulliford called the budget workshop meeting to order at 9:15
p.m. Those present were Mayor Howell, Commissioners Cook, Edwards, Gulliford
and Morris, City Manager Fellows, City Clerk Tucker, and all Department Heads.
Mr. Fellows mentioned as he had previously, the budget that was before the
Commission with nothing cut out, had the roll back rate in place. He said
when all items had been cut or added as desired by the Commission, the City
Manager will come back with the new rate.
The warehouse storage building for Public Works was the first to discuss.
Acct. 30-541-6200, Capital Project. Mr.Fellows reported they had re-figured
the cost and estimated the warehouse could be build for $28,000 by utilizing
one of the existing bays and chain length it in, so all materials could be
under lock and key and available to only limited personnel. Materials are now
stored in various departments, some under lock and key. There was no inventory
control system. Commissioner Gulliford suggested an inventory control system
be set up, and evaluate for one year, and see how much loss/gain was involved.
Mr. Braid said they presently had a store keeper and would try to control
the inventory with limited access. Discussion followed on whether $28,000
would be sufficient.
Commissioner Cook moved to delete the amount of $50,000 for the warehouse.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Following discussion, the
question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
It was the consensus of the Commission that Public Works needed to set up a
system for controlling inventory and assets owned by the city. A lengthy
discussion followed on the trials and tribulations of storekeepers. Also
pros and cons of cardex system against computers.
Commissioner Morris moved to replace the $50,000 for warehouse with $5,000
for the setup of inventory and controls,and a study of space needed for
storage of parts and equipment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Cook and carried unanimously.
Acct. 30-541-6200, Capital projects. New Public Safety Bldg. The engineers
reported the location selected was on land fill, and the soil report said
it would have to be excavated to almost eight feet deep and replaced with
clean fill or built on pilings. The architect felt building on pilings
would be the most cost effective method. Estimated cost $50,000-$75,000.
Mayor Howell moved to add $50,000 to the new Public Safety Building cost
to have a total of $400,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards
and carried unanimously.
The Commission had asked if another type of building was available for
the Recreational Coordinator. Mr. Fellows reported he had obtained prices
on temporary buildings that would accommodate Dial-a-Ride and recreation.
Price would be $2400 annually. That would save approximately $12,000 by the
time the building was moved on site and tied down, and then moved off again.
It was not known if grant funds would pay for the rental of a building.
The recreational facilities would be grant funded. Approximately $20,000
AUGUST 25, 1986
would be the approximate cost. After discussion, line item of recreation
building and improvements was dropped from $30,000 to $20,0000. ,however there
would only be a gain of $5,000. Acct. 15-75-6200. Total recreation capital
improvement budget including tennis courts & lights for $29,000 (item 24)
would be $49,000.
Acct. 41-535-6400 and 14-596-6400 Sludge hauler was discussed. Reduce cost to
a total of $75,000 instead of $81,000. (line 22)
911 Equipment. Chief Thompson reported the 911 coordinator in Jacksonville was
planning to ask for a raise in the surcharge on the phone lines that will fund
the equipment for the beaches. In theory, the extra surcharge, effective as of
February, would pay for all the first time expenses for the equipment. He re-
minded the Commission that was only the intent, and he had nothing in writing
to that effect.
Commissioner Morris moved to strike $5,000 from the police dept. 911
equipment. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gulliford. Mayor Howell
reminded the Commission they may have to come back and fund a portion of the
$5,000 just in case the City of Jacksonville did not come through with their
intent. He agreed they should strike the item at that time. The question was
called and the motion carried unanimously.
Acct. 01-521-6400 - Photo equipment. Leave in $600.
File cabinets . Mr. Fellows reported the state price was $160.00 for a steel
case. City had been using Hahn which were a better quality. Also the State
contract was a firm out of Tallahassee, so delivery time could be a factor.
Mr. Royal commented the latest Hahn cost $201.00, not $290.00 Mayor Howell
moved for items 3, 5, and 13, misc. equipment, to be changed from $290 to
$220. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously.
Item 29, Sidewalks, $50,000. Mr. Fellows reported that was not the $50,000
plugged in for the current year. That was an additional $50,000. Commissioner
Morris moved to reduce $50,000 for sidewalks to $25,000. The motion was
seconded by Mayor Howell and carried unanimously.
Mayor Pro Tem noted the cut now added to approximately $71,210.
Drainage improvements, line 30 and 31. leave in.
Items 35,36, and 37 page 2 would be funded out of the Fla. Municipal Loan
program. Leave alone.
Line 40-pick up truck. Commissioner Edwards suggested they disregard the pur-
chase of a diesel and purchase a regular truck. Commissioner Cook moved to
strike $12,411 for diesel truck and purchase a truck for a maximum of $10,000.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously.
Sodding for new pond, $15,000. leave in.
AUGUST 25, 1986
Item 54 - 2 Cushman pickups - Mr. Braid reported they had decided, after
lengthy discussion, it would be wise to purchase one cushman and two units to
fit on the back of pickups. Leave in.
Item 59 Central Lube for Sewer Plt. For Buccaneer. Leave in.
Discussion on items 49 and 50, TV, Clean, Repair, Sewer Lines, and sewer line
replacement. No action taken.
Proposed additional personnel
$15,000 for 15 volunteers gear @ $900 per man. Following discussion,
Commissioner Cook moved to reduce the amount to $10,000. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously.
15 Volunteers, $19,710 to cover 365 nights @$4.50 hr. A Lengthy discussion
followed on volunteer/part-time pay or not to pay. Mayor Howell moved to
hold off paying any volunteers. Strike $19,710. If someone comes up with a
plan that will work, they can come back in and ask for the money to be put
back in. Leave the $10,000 already approved to buy extra equipment and see
if we can't create a little esprit de corps with the equipment, beepers,
volunteer cards, etc. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and
carried unanimously.
2 Police Officers - Leave in -
Assistant Mechanic- Mr. Braid reported if the city did all the preventative
maintenance outside, it would cost the city approximately $35,000 per year,
and that cost was before any repairs were made. Leave in. The suggestion
was made to name the position "preventative maintenance mechanic or
maintenance mechanic" or maybe leave out the word "mechanic". Do not use
the title "Assistant Mechanic" in the newly created position.
Sewage Operator - $15,308 Following lengthy discussion, Mayor Pro Tem
Gulliford suggested Commissioner Edwards meet with the City Manager for
further discussion, and report back at the next meeting.
Mayor Howell moved to hire a full time Animal Control Officer @ $15,000.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried unanimously.
There being no other items to discuss on the budget, Mayor Pro Tem Gulliford
adjourned the meeting at 11:45 p.m.
August 25, 1986
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 11, 1986
2. Recognition of visitors
3. Appearances:
Mr. Robert Hill, of Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman, for further
discussions relative to public improvements in Section H
4. Committee reports:
A. Commissioner Glenn Edwards to report committee recommendations
on bid award of a contract for construction of new sidewalks
B. Commissioner William Gulliford with committee recommendations
relative to the purchase of a sludge hauler vehicle
5. Action by the City Commission to approve an invoice from Robert
Bates and Associates in the amount of $2,228.40 for development of
the procurement documents and Environmental Protection Agency data
for the sludge hauler vehicle
6. Report of Advisory Planning Board:
1. Action by the City Conmiission to approve the plat of Snug
Harbor and authorize signing of the plat by the Mayor and
2. Authorize a public hearing on an application for an exception by
Brian Feltis, General Contractor, to operate a contractor's
office in a CG zone with no outside storage, and setting a
public hearing for September 8, 1986
3. Authorize a public hearing on an application for a use by
exception by Ashland Investments for a number of businesses
occupying the property at 1089, 1091, and 1095, Atlantic
Boulevard, and setting the date for the hearing on September
8, 1986
4. Discussion of a proposed Ordinance recommended by the Advisory
Planning Board to amend the supplementary regulations to
provide that vehicle repair, storage, and towing operations
must be conducted within an enclosed building, or behind an
opaque fence, wall, or landscaped buffer at least six feet
7. Action by the City Commission on an application for an exception by
Karl and Jo-Ann Grunewald to establish a cabinet shop at 92 West
Eighth Street in Atlantic Beach in an area presently zoned CG, and
setting of a public hearing for September 8, 1986
8. Action on Resolutions:
1. Resolution No. 86-15 authorizing the execution of an interlo-
cal agreement providing for the creation of a pooled municipal
and county loan program for financing and refinancing of
qualifying capital projects
2. Resolution No. 86-16 to approve a participation agreement
between the City of Atlantic Beach and the First Municipal
Loan Council
9. Action on Ordinances:
Ordinance 88-65-11
Public Hearing and final reading of an Ordinance correcting a
previous Ordinance on the naming of certain streets in Section
H, Atlantic Beach
10. Miscellaneous
PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner E E
Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D
Glenn A. Edwards
William I. Gulliford, Jr. M S
John W. Morris, Jr.
0 E
AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager T C
Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offered
by Commissioner Cook was followed by the pledge to the flag.
1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 11, 1986
Commissioner Morris advised a correction should be made on page four,
paragraph 4, line 5. The minutes reflected "approximately $33.00 per lot"
and should read "approximately $33.00 per front foot."
Motion: Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 11, Cook x
1986 with above noted correction. Edwards x x
Gulliford x
o discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x x
* t x ., 9c * „ * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * Howell x
2. Recognition of Visitors
The Chair recognized Mr. Jerry Randall Salis, Jr. , 10557 Moncrief-
Dinsmore Extension Rd. who informed the Commission that a group of
Dinsmore citizens had signed petitions for secession of the people and
their properties within the outline of the area called Dinsmore from the
Consolidated City of Jacksonville, to be known as the City of Dinsmore,
and incorporated by Charter as such. He hoped all of their surrounding
cities would join in to fight consolidation. Following discussion, the
Mayor thanked Mr. Salis for coming.
3. Appearances
Mr. Robert Hill, of Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman, for further discussions
relative to public improvements in Section H.
Mr. Hill reported they had made the modifications necessary to reflect
the project area which would be 22 blocks west of Main st. Total cost
of the project was 3.2 million dollars. The city's cost would be 2.6
million for Area I, and $358,000 for Area II. Cost for Area I was $47.03
front foot, and Area II cost stayed at $21.84 front foot if they were
separate. If the cost were combined into one cost, the cost would drop
fi6.00 in Area I and would come up in Area to $41.30 front foot.
Mr. Weathers offered suggestions for a financing program. He recommended
the city secure the loan by special assessments with a back up pledge of
the City's Electrical Franchise Tax and Local Option Gas tax as further
Appearances - continued
security. That would secure the city of an excellent interest rate. He
told the Commission they would like a Resolution so drafted to protect
the city that would say once the required amount had been deposited in
required fund accounts, all the remaining funds would be released for
any lawful purpose.
Mr. Weathers recommended the bond issue be amortized for a period of 20
years, with the assessment for a period of 18 years. He suggested the
Bond issue include capitalized interest for two years. He offered an
estimated timetable and sequence of events, and a conventional financing
plan based on current market conditions. The plan would be updated prior
to letting construction contracts. Completion date could be October or
November 1988.
Following Mr. Weathers presentation, it was determined to continue
discussion at a later date, possibly on Thursday, September 4, 1986.
4. Committee reports
A. Commissioner Glenn Edwards to report committee recommendations on
bid award of a contract for construction of new sidewalks
Jommissioner Edwards reported the Committee, consisting of Commissioner
Morris, Mr. Fellows, Mr. Braid and himself met on Tuesday, August 12th
to evaluate the bids for construction of new sidewalks. After reviewing
the specifications and visiting the sites of the proposed construction,
the committee unanimously recommended a contract be awarded to Brian
Feltis of Jacksonville Beach, in the amount of $50,000 for sidewalk
construction in accordance with the following prioritized list: 1.)
Royal Palm - Plaza to Cavalla, East side; 2.) Sailfish - Plaza to Pic N'
Save, West side; 3.) Seminole Road - 11th to 15th, West side with cross-
over at 15th; 4.) Renewal and replacement Ocean - 1st to 7th, East side;
5.) Ocean - 10th to 12th, East side; 6.) East Coast - 12th to 15th, We4
side, and 7.) 16th — Seminole to Ocean, South side.
Motion: Award a contract to Brian Feltis of Jacksonville Beach, in Cook x
the amount of $50,000 for sidewalk construction, subject to Edwards x x
the funds being available and the contract not be executed Gulliford x x
until so provided. Morris x
Howell x
No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously.
I* * * n n * n * i� * i� �* i� *
* * * ): * * 3: .�C * ): .. 'n * nn * n ): 7:
B. Commissioner William Gulliford with committee recommendations relative
to the purchase of a sludge hauler vehicle
commissioner Gulliford reported he had asked Mr. Fellows to follow up oz
vendor that chose not to bid, and Mr. Fellows indicated the vendor had
picked up the specifications late and didn't have time to bid, but in-
dicated he could have bid on the specifications presented. Perhaps he List
chose not to bid. After evaluating to determine the items bid were
Committee Reports - continued
acceptable and fairly well maintenance-free, the Committee recommended
a contract be awarded to Waste Equipment and Leasing,Inc.of Jacksonville.
Motion: Award a contract to Waste Equipment and Leasing, Inc. of Cook x
Jacksonville, for a truck mounted, tilt frame sludge Edwards x x
hauler, and two 16-yard closed sludge containers in the Gulliford x x
total amount of $74,906.00 in accordance with the specifi- Morris x
cations presented. Tires are to be 12-20 16-ply on the Howell x
front, 11-20 14-ply on the back, with a conventional cab
and a frame strength of SM30 with 110,000 psi. double re-
inforced, subject to the approval of the DER. Funds to be
paid from the sewer project (557 grant eligible) and will
be paid for out of correct budget. Execution of the contract
subject to the availability of funds.
No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * .. * .. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mayor Howell excused himself from the Chair, and Mayor Pro Tem Gulliford
accepted the gavel.
Action by the City Commission to approve an invoice from Robert Bates
Lnd Associates in the amount of $2,228.40 for development of the procure-
ment documents and Environmental Protection Agency data for the sludge
hauler vehicle
Motion: Approve payment for invoice from Robert Bates & Associates Cook x
in the amount of $2,228.40 for development of the procure- Edwards x x
ment documents and Environmental Protection Agency data Gulliford x
for the sludge hauler vehicle. Morris x x
Following discussion, the question was called and the motion carried
with a three to one vote. Mayor Pro Tem Gulliford voted no.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * *
Mayor Howell returned to the Chair and accepted the gavel.
6. Report of Advisory Planning Board
1. Action by the City Commission to approve the plat of Snug Harbor
and authorize signing of the plat by the Mayor and Clerk
Mr. Fellows reported the plat had been submitted to the Commission once
and had been referred to the Advisory Planning Board. They had approved
the plat as presented at their meeting of August 19, 1986.
Motion: The plat of Snug Harbor be approved as presented, and the Cook x
Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign on behalf of the Edwards x x
City. Gulliford x x
No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Report of Advisory Planning Board - continued
2. Authorize a Public Hearing on an application for an exception
by Brian Feltis, General Contractor, to operate a contractor's
office in a CG zone with no outside storage.
Mr. Fellows reported the Advisory Planning Board recommended approval
of Mr. Feltis's application. Mayor Howell said if there were no object-
ions from the Commission, he would authorize a Public Hearing on Mr.
Feltis's application for a Use by Exception. There being no objections
from the Commission, the Mayor set the Public Hearing for September
8, 1986.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: ;'c * * * * * * * * ..
3. Authorize a Public Hearing on an application for a Use by
Exception by Ashland Investments for a number of businesses
occupying the property at 1089, 1091, and 1095 Atlantic Blvd.
Mr. Fellows reported the Advisory Planning Board had recommended
approval of Mr. Ash's application at their meeting of August 19th.
Mayor Howell suggested if there were no objections from the Commission,
he would authorize a Public Hearing on the application for a Use by
Exception. There being no objections from the Commission, the Mayor
;et the Public Hearing for September 8, 1986.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: * * * *
4. Discussion of a proposed Ordinance recommended by the Advisory
Planning Board to amend the supplementary regulations to provide
that vehicle repair, storage, and towing operations must be
conducted within an enclosed building, or behind an opaque fence,
wall, or landscaped buffer at least six feet high.
A lengthy discussion was held on the proposed Ordinance relative to
the present laws that were not being enforced.
Motion: Table the proposed Ordinance. Cook x
Edwards x x
Gulliford x x
No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x
• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
7. Action by the City Commission on an application for an exception by
Karl and Jo-Ann Grunewald to establish a cabinet shop at 92 West Eighth
St. in an area presently zoned CG.
Mr. Fellows reported the Advisory Planning Board had recommended approval,
at their last meeting of August 19th, of the application by Mr.& Mrs.
Grunewald. Mayor Howell advised if there were no objections from the
commission, he would authorize a Public Hearing for the Use by Except-
Lon. There being no objections from the Commission, the Mayor set the
Public Hearing for September 8, 1986.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .. * * * * * ;:
Action on Resolutions
Mayor Howell read a statement for the record of his intention to
declare a conflict of interest on the next two items. He would abstain
from voting on any matters relating thereto. Copy of statement attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
1. Resolution No. 86-15
Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 86-15, a
Resolution approving the authorization and execution of an interlocal
agreement providing for the creation of a pooled municipal and county
loan program for financing and refinancing of qualifying capital
The City Attorney advised the documents were in proper order for action
by the Commission. He explained the procedures to be taken for the loan.
Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 86-15. Gulliford x
Edwards x
Following discussion, the Mayor requested a roll call vote.
Commissioner Cook x
Commissioner Edwards x
Commissioner Gulliford x
Commissioner Morris x
Mayor Howell abstained from voting.
Thereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Resolution
adopted. The Clerk was instructed to enter the proceedings upon the
minutes of the City Commission.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2. Resolution No. 86-16
Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 86-16, a
Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida to approve a participation agreement between the City of
Atlantic Beach and The First Municipal Loan Council.
Motion: Passage of Resolution No. 86-16. Edwards x
Gulliford x
Following discussion, the Mayor requested a vote by roll call.
Commissioner Cook x
Commissioner Edwards x
Commissioner Gulliford x
Commissioner Morris x
'Mayor Howell abstained from voting. -
Thereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Resolution
adopted. The Clerk was instructed to enter the proceedings upon the
minutes of the City Commission.
9. Action on Ordinances
Ordinance No. 65-86-11 - Public Hearing and final reading.
Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing by Mayor Howell on
second and final reading. Ordinance No. 65-86-11 was posted in line with
Charter requirements. The Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing and
invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against, the
Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed.
Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 65-86-11 on second and final Cook x
reading. Edwards x x
Gulliford x x
Mr. Fellows advised the agenda listed the number of the Ordinance as Morris x
88-65-11 which was in error. The correct number was 65-86-11 and was Howell x
advertised correctly as such. The question was called and the motion
carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mrs. Peggy Cornelius, Chairman of the Beaches Area Chamber of Commerce
Beautification Committee advised the Commission the Landscaping Companies
bidding on the palm trees had agreed to maintain and replace the palm
trees for two years instead of one as told to the Commission during the
August 11th meeting. Mayor Howell asked if she understood the city limits
of Atlantic Beach did not go to the intercoastal, and she responded in
the affirmative. Forrest Boone was working with the City of Jacksonville
to get that straightened out.
Motion: The City Manager prepare the necessary Resolution relative Cook x x
to the maintenance of palm trees to be located at the Edwards x x
entrance to the beach on Atlantic Blvd. for presentation Gulliford x
at the next meeting. Morris x
No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * sc * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Commissioner Gulliford asked the City Attorney for his response on the
bed tax. Mr. Mullis replied he had not received any response from the
City of Jacksonville, and no response from the Department of Revenue
as to the amount of bed tax that had been collected in Atlantic Beach
since May 28, 1984. Commissioner Gulliford called the Commission's
attention to the copy of Senator Mattox Hair's letter to the Mayor,
"As you know, I have always taken the position that this tax should be
shared with the beaches cities according to the provisions of section
212.0305, Florida Statutes. It was the intent of the Legislature when
Chapter 83-356 was enacted that the proceeds of the tax be shared with
the communities in which the tax had been collected." Commissioner
Miscellaneous - continued
Gulliford expressed the opinion if the city did not receive a response
within a certain defined period of time, the Commission should instruct
the City Attorney to take the appropriate action to collect what was
"Morally and legally due us". The City Attorney will present a more
definitive report at the next meeting.
Commissioner Gulliford asked if he was to assume that everyone on the
new listing furnished the Commission of Commissioners, employees, and
boards fell under the State requirement to file financial disclosure.
The City Manager responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Gulliford
asked if the list classified those that were not appointed or elected,
but were full time employees of the city, as officers of the city.
Mr. Fellows said they were classed as local officers, but subject to the
financial disclosure law. The definition by the Fl Statutes would differ-
entiate the two officers, local, etc. The City Attorney added certain
specified employees were also required to file.
The City Manager noted in evaluation of the intersection of Mayport and
Plaza indicated a need for lengthening the storage lane because of the
backup of traffic. The lane could be lengthened to get the additional
torage needed without widening the intersection. Mr. Fellows had re-
eived two quotations for the engineering work: Smith & Gillespie,
$6,400. and Connelly & Wicker for $3,500. He requested guidance from
the Commission. It was pointed out the reason for hiring an engineer
was a drainage problem at that location.
Motion: Enter into an agreement with Connelly & Wicker for Cook x
engineering work to lengthen the storage lane at Edwards x
Mayport Rd. and Plaza in the amount of $3,500. Gulliford x x
Morris x x
No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Mayor reminded the Commission a budget workshop meeting would be
held immediately upon adjournment of the Commission meeting. There being
no other business to come before the Commission, Mayor Howell declared
the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
William S. Howell
ATTEST: Mayor/Presiding Officer
Adelaide R. Tucker
;ity Clerk