09-04-86 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL MEETING, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 1. Public hearing on the City of Atlantic Beach tentative budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1 , 1986, and including a dis- cussion of the relationship of federal revenue sharing funds to the tentative budget, and adoption of a proposed millage rate 2. Action by the City Commission to approve and adopt a tentative budget for the new fiscal year beginning October 1, 1986 3. Adopt a proposed millage rate and publicly annouce the percent, if any, by which the proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate, and set a public hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for 7:15 PM, Monday, September 8, 1986 4. Action by the City Commission to authorize the undertaking of Phase II of Step I activities in regard to major sewer system rehabilita- tion under the Governor's discretionary funds in the amount of $6,500.00 through the engineering firm of Smith and Gillespie 5. Any other matters to be brought before the City Commission Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 AT 7:15 PM The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell to hear the views of the Public on the tentative budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1986, including a discussion of the relationship of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to the tentative budget, and the adoption of a proposed millage rate. The Mayor announced the proposed budget was presented to the City Commission by the City Manager on July 28, 1986. The millage proposed and submitted to the Property Appraiser on August 1st was 2. 1892 mills, a 16% increase. Several work- shops had been held during the past few weeks to discuss what could be cut. He asked for any comments. The City Manager explained when the budget was set up, they had calculated all the expenditures based on the rolled-back rate, but he had in the budget two extra police officers and funds to pay volunteer fire- men amounting to approximately $52,000. Since police officers were generally paid from taxes, he had suggested increasing the millage by 3/10 mill over the rolled-back rate which brought it to 2. 1892 mills. During the budget workshop meetings funds to pay the volunteer firemen were deleted. Funds were allocated from other sources to hire the two police officers. The City Manager suggested the Commission might wish to consider adopting the rolled-back rate which would be 1.8892 mills. There being no other discussion, Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing. He announced the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds had been allocated to the operation of the Public Safety Department. He invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Morris moved to adopt the tentative millage rate at 1.8892 mills which was the rolled-back rate. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gulliford and carried unanimously. Mayor Howell set a Public Hearing to adopt a final millage rate for 7 :15 p.m. Monday, September 8, 1986. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Gulliford moved to adopt the tentative budget as amended in the workshop meetings. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. During discussion, Mr. Fellows reported he and Commissioner Edwards had met with Messrs. Braid and Townsend to discuss the proposed sewage treatment plant opera- tor. They checked with DER in Tallahassee and there was no mandate to hire any additional personnel at this time. After discussion, the Committee agreed the sewage treatment plant operator would not be required for fiscal year 86-87. He added the decision to not hire the operator would not have any affect on the millage rate. It was in an Enterprise fund, not the General Fund, and would just decrease the amount of expenditures in the Enterprise fund. Following discussion: Commissioner Edwards moved for a substitute motion to strike the sewage treat- ment plant operator at $15,308 from the proposed budget, and move for adoption of the tentative budget as amended. The substitute motion was seconded by Commissioner Gulliford and carried unanimously. PAGE TWO MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 Mayor Howell announced final action would be taken on the budget at the next regular meeting on September 8, 1986 at 7:15 p.m. * * * * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * * Action by the City Commission to authorize the undertaking of Phase II of Step I activities in regard to major sewer system rehabilitation under the Governor's discretionary funds in the amount of $6,500. through the engineering firm of Smith and Gillespie. The City Manager reported the City Commission had approved a $4,000 expenditure to Smith and Gillespie for the undertaking of Phase I of Step I. In discussing the fast changing Governor's discretionary program, Smith and Gillespie had informed him they wished to move rapidly into Phase II. Approximately $2,000 had been utilized of Phase I, and the other $2,000 would no longer be used. They will finish up Phase II of the program which was absolutely necessary for the city to be in line to be considered for a 55% grant in the major sewer system rehabilitation program. It would include Televising, actual cleaning and sealing of the lines, and the determination that if any major sewer line collapsed or other problems, that would result in the city being eligible for the 55% grant. The amount of $6,500 would be for drawing of the specifications, taking bid documents, inspections during the televising, cleaning and sealing of the sewer lines and manholes in Section A which was previously involved in a flow isolation study done by Griner of Orlando, Fla. Commissioner Gulliford moved to authorize the undertaking of Phase II of Step I activities in regard to major sewer system rehabilitation under the Governor's discretionary funds in the amount of $6,500 through the engineering firm of Smith and Gillespie. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously. * x * * * * * * * * :: * * * * * * k * * k * .. * * * * Mr. Carl Smith complained about an individual filling up a drainage ditch that affected his property. Mayor Howell suggested he bring a survey to him and he would check into the matter. Mr. Smith also asked when the repairs to Main St. would be complete. The contractor installing the outfall line had to partially tear up the street. The City Manager will contact Mr. Smith re the completion date. Mr. Fellows mentioned information had been brought to the Commission about a mis-alignment of a sewer line in Selva Norte. The City Commission took the position the line should be moved and put into the easement as shown on the as- builts. He had received a new easement which included an additional 10' to line the Selva Norte lift station with the manhole on the back of the lot. Apparently the lift station and the wet well were outside the original easement. The City Manager recommended the city accept the new easement. Commissioner Cook moved for the new easement from Grenville and Meuse to be accepted and approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gulliford and carried unanimously. PAGE THREE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 Mr. Fellows advised the Commission, in connection with the loan from the Fl. League, there were certain attorneys costs involved in the amount of $35,000. Mayor Howell noted there was one item not settled as yet, and the total attorney fees for Atlantic Beach would be slightly less. He said they closed the loan and would advise correct cost to the city as soon as possible after the Board meeting on the 30th. Mr. Fellows asked the Commission if they would like to follow through on a sug- gestion made by Commissioner Gulliford several months ago relative to setting aside some funds for the acquisition of green space, park and recreation areas. He recommended setting aside $300,000 from the fund balance for the project, and said the Land and Water Conservation Fund would match dollar for dollar the city put up. The program would be available for applications between November 1st and December 15, 1986. Commissioner Gulliford asked what kind of restrictions would be placed on the land. Mr. Fellows responded you have to dedicate the land for green space, parks and recreation space, in perpetuity. The City Attorney suggested using the bed tax as a source of revenue for the acquisition. Commissioner Gulliford moved to set aside $300,000 for future acquisition of green space, park and recreation areas. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried unanimously. There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8:10 P.M. Workshop Meeting on Utility Improvements in Section H Mr. Bob Hill of Bessent,Hammack & Ruckman offered a break-out of the construction costs for the modified plan for Section H which included the area west of Main to Jasmine for Area I and also Area II. Total cost for the new Area I would be $3,228,580 less 1/3 for roadway/drainage of $591,785 giving a total assessed cost of $2,636,795. Area II total cost would be $420,022 less 1/3 for roadway/drainage of $61,632 with a total assessed cost for Area II of $358,390. The next step would be for them to begin design on Area I, Area II or the com- bined areas. His scheduling estimates were two months for survey, 90 days after for preliminary design, and 90 days following preliminary for final design. Mr. William Weathers of Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc. offered his assess- ment program, estimated timetable and sequence of events,and proposed financing plan for road improvement and water and sewer for Section H. He suggested the city expedite the program by going with preliminary plans, provided a prelimi- nary assessment roll would be furnished. That could reduce the cost as the bond market was excellent at this time. Mr. Weathers recommended that special assessments be utilized to pay the costs of the improvements with a back up pledge of the city's electrical franchise tax and local option gas funds. A Resolution would be prepared to specify that once the required amount had been deposited in required fund accounts, the remaining funds from the franchise tax may be used for any lawful purpose and the gasoline tax may be used for transportation purposes. Copy of his report attached hereto and made a part thereof. PAGE FOUR MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 Mr. Fellows asked how they would handle applications for building permits that would be coming in within the next nine to ten months. A detailed discussion was held on declaring a moratorium on septic tanks in the area. Following discussion, the Mayor adjourned the workshop meeting at 9:00 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9:05 P.M. Mayor Howell called the Special Meeting back into session to further discuss utility improvements in Section H. Commissioner Gulliford moved to direct Mr. Hill's engineering firm, Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman to proceed with a field survey and assessment roll, and direct the City Manager to refrain from the issuing of any building permits within the area defined as Area I and II of Section H unless adequate city water and sewer is provided, on the basis of the fact that continued development in the area would have detrimental affect and impact on the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Atlantic Beach. The City Attorney be instructed to draft the appropriate Resolutions and Ordinances declaring a moratorium on the construction and development of properties in Area I and II of Section H, Atlantic Beach, Florida. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. During discussion, Commissioner Morris expressed concern over declaring a moratorium now on septic tanks. It should have been placed a long time ago. He was in favor of proceeding with the field survey quickly so the city did not have to inconvenience the citizens. He was not in favor of septic tanks, but they had been allowed, and now they had carved out areas that were exempt, such as Area III. If the moratorium was placed within the city limits of Atlantic Beach, and not just areas I and II, he could possibly vote aye. Commissioner Morris offered the suggestion the stipulation could be made that individuals could go ahead and develop, but they should expect to pay to hook up when the lines were available, whether it be two weeks or two years. He felt the require- ment should be on connecting to our lines when available. Following discussion, Commissioner Gulliford withdrew his motion, and Commissioner Edwards withdrew his second to the motion. Commissioner Gulliford moved to direct Mr. Hill's engineering firm, Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman to proceed with a field survey and assessment roll. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously. Commissioner Gulliford moved to direct the City Manager to refrain from the issuing of any building permits within the area defined as Area I and II of Section H unless adequate city water and sewer is provided on the basis of the fact that continued development in the area would have detrimental affect and impact on the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Atlantic Beach. The City Attorney be instructed to draft the appropriate Resolutions and Ordinances declaring a moratorium on the construction and development of properties in Area I and II of Section H, Atlantic Beach, Florida. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. PAGE FIVE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 1986 Following discussion, a roll call vote was requested. Aye Nay Cook Morris Edwards Gulliford Howell The motion carried with a four to one vote. The City Attorney will have the Resolution and Ordinance ready for introduction at the next meeting on September 8,1986. There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. A0001 Adig Wil •:m . 'owell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk