03-26-73 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA MARCH 26, 1973 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of March 12, 1973 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence 6. Request Beaches Chamber of Commerce Participation Parade 7. B. B. McCormick & Sons - Final Payment 8. Bull Airport - Application for P.U.D. - Public Hearing 9. Approval of P. O. Beaches Printing 10. City Clerk 11. Chief of Police 12. Supt. 'Public Works 13. City Manager 14 . Commissioners 15. Mayor 16. Adjourn 1 • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1973, AT 8: 00 P . M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner L. W. Minton, Jr. R. R. Rosborough, II F. W. Fogg D. W. Speed, Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, Acting City Clerk ABSENT: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the meeting of March 12, 1973 were approved as written. The next order of business was a request from the Beaches Chamber of Commerce Participation Parade, April 19, 1973. Mayor Howell stated that this request was for a float from Atlantic Beach in the Welcome Day Parade. It was moved by Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Com- missioner Minton and carried that the City of Atlantic Beach parti- cipate with a float costing $225.00 to be taken from Account 209 Advertising. The next item on the agenda was a request from B. B. McCormick & Sons for final payment. Mayor Howell stated that the City of Atlantic Beach received a letter from Mr. Walter Parks advising that the work be accepted and final payment be made to the contractors described and March 15, 1973, be established as the date of accep- tance for warranty purposes as called for in the specifications. Mayor Howell stated that some years ago B.B. McCormick & Sons did a job on Units No. 6 and 7 Selva Marina and they were fully paid for the work to be done in the park also and that to date the work has not been completed. Mayor Howell proposed that payment be deferred until B. B. McCormick has completed the work in the park. He also stated he had received numerous complaints about the condition of the park and that it is an embarrassment to the City. Mayor Howell read in full a letter from J. T. McCormick, dated May 8, 1972, addressed to Mr. Harcourt Bull, President, Selva Marina Realty Co. , Atlantic Beach, Florida. (Copy of letter from B.B. McCormick & Sons is attached hereto and made a part hereof. • MINUTES MARCH 26, 1973 PAGE TWO After a lengthly discussion and various comments from the City Commissioners, it was moved by Commissioner Rosborough, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that B. B. McCormick & Sons be paid for the paving and drainage as per specifications on their contract. Mayor Howell declared the meeting open for a Public Hearing regard- ing Bull Airport, Application for P .U.D. Mr. George Bull made his presentation stating that he had appeared before the City Commission, February 12, 1973, with his request that the Bull Airport property be placed under P .U.D. At this time, the City Commission referred him to the Advisory Planning Board for their recommendations. He pointed out that the present zoning of the airport is Residence "D" and the property immediately east of Bull Airport abutting the lagoon is Residence "AA" . Mr. Bull stated he proposes to build cluster homes adjacent to the lagoon and sub-divide the airport property into single family lots. He stated he wishes to give 4.78 acres, located next to the Sewer Plant, to the City of Atlantic Beach in exchange for 1. 33 acres now owned by the City of Atlantic Beach for the purpose of changing the city yard site. Mr. Bull explained that the cluster houses will have a lower, density than if he chose to build single family dwellings. He called atten- tion to the fact that from his point of view and the City' s point of view it would be wise to consider the re-location of the city yard. The City is getting considerably more in area; that is to take care of the additional growth requirements for sewer treatment and more room for the city yard. Mr. Bull stated the value ol. the build- ings of the present city yard must be taken into account. He re- commended evaluation proceedings are in order for the city to re- build. Mr. Bull stated that with the swap in land it will avoid the City of Atlantic Beach the necessity of purchasing additional property, thereby leaving cash for the new buildings. In his propo- sal Mr. Bull stated there will be no immediate necessity for the City to vacate the property immediately because it will take a year or two to complete the development work. At this time, Commissioner Speed asked Mr. Bull if he intended to widen the lagoon? Mr. Bull replied that he had always intended to widen the lagoon and the restrictions to the people on the east side contemplate that. The lagoon needs to be widen because it is a source of fill which all that land was developed. MINUTES MARCH 26, 1973 PAGE THREE Mr. Bull stated that the preliminary engineering work has been done in orer to widen the lagoon. Approximately 200, 000 cubic yards will will have to be taken from the lagoon and put on the land to bring it up to a suitable grade. Mrs. Fred S. Aldridge, Selva Marina Drive, Atlantic Beach, Florida, questioned Mr. Bull regarding whether or not he intended to get per- mits from the Enviromental Control Board. Mr. Bull stated he plan to ask the court for an injunction against that agency because they have no legal jurisdiction over the lagoon. Mrs. Ruth Wo Jackson expressed her .position to the project. Mr. Bull summed up his presentation by stating that the advantage of cluster houses is that your buildings take up less of your land with more open spaces. The most expensive, houses will be the cluster houses. Each one of those units will cost twice as much as a single family house on the other part of Bull Airport. Mr. Bull stated he will have architectural control over the entire project. Mr. Vogel stated that the main difference between this and "AA" zoning is that you are eliminating side yards and converting them into open spaces. Iv1ary Pace reported for the Advisory Planning Board that the cluster houses will certainly be more appealing than having smaller houses. She stated that this is a new concept and the Advisory Planning Board feels this is the highest and best use of the land. The Beard feels it will definitely upgrade this property and the Advi- sory Planning Board recommends to the City Commission, based on the preliminary plans presented, that the entire project be placed under P .U.D. Mayor Howell declared the Public Hearing closed, Mayor Howell stated that Mr. Bull is requesting tentative approval cf his over all plan but the first question the City Commission needs tc determine is whether or not the exchange of land will take place. Mr. Vogel suggested that the City get professional help on the appraisal of this property. After a lengthly discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Speed, seconded by Commissioner Minton that the City Commission accept Mr. Bull ' s application for P .U.D. - Bull Airport, after that the City Commission take under advisement the MINUTES MARCH 26, 1973 PAGE FOUR the swapping of property and Mr. Vogel be permitted to ask for one or more appraisals of the property and existing buildings. There was discussion following the motion wherein Mayor Howell stated that he would like to make it perfectly clear that whether the City decides to move the city yard or not move the city yard would Mr. Bull continue this project? Mr. Bull stated he would further examine the planning to see if he could sucessfully screen out the city yard where it would not create such a detriment to the community. Mayor Howell re-stated the fact that the vote tonight did not guarantee that the City of Atlantic Beach is going to move the city yard. At this time Mayor Howell call for the question. The vote was: Aye - Commissioners Minton, Fogg, Speed and Mayor-Commissioner Howell. Nay - Commissioner Rosborough Mayor Howell instructed Mr. Vogel to get the necessary appraisal value of the land and Mr. Bull agreed to share in the expense if the City of Atlantic Beach hires two. The next item on the agenda was the approval of purchase orders from Beaches Printing Company. Mr. Vogel stated Mrs. Grage had ordered these prior to her leaving and she was not aware the price would be over $500.00. Mr. Vogel explained that the amount of the invoice was.', $737 .15, which is $237 .15 more than he is allowed to spend with- out Commission approval. It was moved by Commissioner Rosborough, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the invoice from Beaches Printing Company be paid from Account 203-A. Mr. Hilliard, Director of Public Works, requested bids be let for one hundred (100) water meters. There were no objections. Mr. Hilliard stated the City is having problems with all the streets that are platted in Atlantic Beach that are not developed; no water, sewer, paving, etc. Mr. Vogel stated that Mr. Walter Parks has on the drawing boards two or three lift stations to go in Section H that will be built from residual from the Sewer Bond. Commissioner Speed suggested that the City Commission, along with Mr. Parks, form a committee to solve this problem. There were no objections to Commissioner Speeds suggestion. MINUTES MARCH 26, 1973 PAGE FIVE Commissioner Rosborough asked if anything further had been done concerning the sidewalk to be constructed from Sailfish Drive east to Seminole Road on Seaspray? Mr. Hilliard reported that construc- tion could not begin until the weather becomes drier. Commissioner Fogg requested a report on the progress of the lots in Saltair - Lots 276, 261, 268 and 269. Mr. Hilliard stated nothing has been done on these lots due to the inclement weather. There being no further business Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. Wi iam S. Howell, Mayor ATTEST: A9,t ice" Gloria June Knight Acting City Clerk (SEAL) • tU `�� B. B. McCORMICK & SONS, INC. t4SIT-MIXED CONCRETN POST OFFICE BOX 248 RIGHT OF WAY CLEARING ..KNEADING FILLING CONCRE'rE-STEEL-WOOD) Jacksonville Beach, Florida 322 5 0 HEAVY HAULING GRADING AND MUCKING ROAD CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION AND PILE DRIVING PHONE 249-i661 WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS May 8, 1972 Mr. Harcourt Bull President Selva Marina Realty Company 321 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Bull: Your recent inquiry with respects to completing the cleaning up of the park area as established for Selva Marina Unit 7, was very embarrassing to me. It was embarrassing because so much time has passed since you authorized us to do this work. At the time we finished the other work in that unit, the park area was too wet to do anything with and it was decided to do it at a time when drier weather prevailed. Since that time, we have walked down the underbrush on two different occasions and, as you are aware, we have, for all intent and purposes, cleared the right-of-way for the drainage canal which meanders the approximate center line of the park. It is too wet now to develop the park in a manner that it should be, however, we will attempt in the immediate future to excavate the canal which will assist to a large degree in handling the above normal rainfall we are experiencing and as soon as drier conditions prevail, we will proceed to immediately complete the clearing of the area in a manner that meets your desires. We hope you will accept our apologies for having missed the one dry period that we did have and hope you can bear with us until another dry period exists . Thanking you for your continued patience, we remain Yotars.,very truly, IVYcCO trrfiidk __ - Secretary/Treasurer JTMcC/gh