MAY 28, x.973
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of the Minutes of May 14, 1973
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Correspondence:
A. J. F. Aderhold RE: Sewer and Water Service
B. Refuse Service RE: Solid Waste Disposal
C. City of Jacksonville Beach RE: Solid Waste Disposal
6. Commission Consideration:
A. Kelly Amber RE: P.U.D. Saratoga Circle
B. Commercial Construction on Levy Road
7 . City Clerk
8. Chief of Police
9. Director of Public Works
10. City Manager
11. Commissioners
12. Mayor
13. Adjourn
PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
L. W. Minton, Jr.
R. R. Rosborough, II
F. W. Fogg
D. W. Speed, Commissioners
AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney
Gloria June Knight, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell.
The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the
pledge to the flag.
The minutes of the meeting of May 14, 1973, were approved as written
upon motion of Commissioner Speed, seconded by Commissioner Minton
and carried.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from
the floor not on the agenda.
Mr. Zadok D. Harrison asked to speak before the City Commission
stating he had a number of signatures objecting to the re-zoning of
the land located at the corner of Ocean Boulevard and Tenth Street
in Atlantic Beach. Mayor Howell stated that the owners of the
above mentioned property have withdrawn their application for re-
zoning. Mr. Harrison presented the petition to the City Commission
and requested it be recorded in the minutes and filed with the City
Under correspondence, Mayor Howell stated that the City of Atlantic
Beach received a petition from J. F. Aderhold, Custom Built Homes,
311 17th Street, Atlantic Beach, Florida, asking for sewer and water
service outside the City Limits on Mayport Road to serve. approxi-
mately 115 trailer lots together with a recreation building.
Mayor Howell stated that the sewer plant situation is getting criti-
cal and the City Commission should analyze the situation to deter-
mine just how much gallonage the City can afford outside the City
Limits. After lengthly discussion, it was moved by Commissioner
Minton, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the City
Commission meet as a committee as a whole on June 4 , 1973, at 8:00
P . M. , at the City. Hall.
MAY 28, 1973
The next item on the agenda was a letter from Refuse Service, Inc.
concerning what the City of Atlantic Beach intends to do with their
garbage after August 1, 1973. Mayor Howell suggested that the City
Commission meet as a whole in regard to the question of the landfill
on the same night as scheduled for the meeting on sewer and water
service outside the City Limits. It was moved by Commissioner
Minton, seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the City
Commission meet as a committee as a whole on June 4 , 1973, at 8:00
P . M. at the City to discuss solid waste control.
At this time, Mayor Howell turned the floor over to Mr. Kelly Amber
application for Planned Unit Development, Lots 1, 2, 21, and 22,
Block 4, Atlantic Beach Villa.
Mr. Amber stated he planned to construct an institutional type
building on Mayport Road and Saratogo Circle under the "PUD"
ordinance to house the local representatives of the Tax Collector
of Duval County and the Jacksonville Electric Authority. He stated
that this location is not suitable for single family residence and
that the buildings he plans to construct will help to increase the
property value in this area and the convenience of having these
agencies in a good location will also be an asset to the people of
Atlantic Beach.
Mayor Howell called on Mr. R. L. Wardrep, Chairman of the Advisory
Planning Board, for their recommendations. Mr. Wardrep reported
that the Advisory Planning Board met with Mr. Amber on two different
meetings and discussed the re-zoning at great length and the Ad-
visory Planning Board feels as though this is a more or less a
start with getting something attractive and desirable along Mayport
Road. He stated that the Advisory Planning Board does not think
it will effect the residents in the area and recommends that the
City Commission accept Mr. Amber' s application for Planned Unit
Mr. Ken Todd, 86 Saratogo Circle South, Atlantic Beach, spoke in
opposition to the proposed re-zoning. He stated he represented Mr.
Perry A. Greene, Mr. William D. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Saxon, property
owners for the past ten years on Saratogo Circle and other residents
in the immediate area. Mr. Todd presented a copy of a petition
signed by the residents on Saratogc Circle wherein the petition
stated that the undersigned, being Home Owners and/or Occupants of
various dwellings of Atlantic Beach Villa, Unit #2 in the City of
Atlantic Beach, Florida, hereby petition the City Commission of
Atlantic Beach, Florida to deny any and all future changes in
zoning classification (Zoned Residence "A" . It was brought out by
the people opposing the re-zoning that they had bought the property
MAY 28, 1973
because it was zoned single family dwellings and some of their
objections were that it would increase the traffic flow and that
there are a number of children in the area. Also, the school bus
stop is located at the corner of Saratogo Circle and in their
opinion it would be a hazard to the children.
After lengthly discussion, Mayor Howell stated that if Mr. Amber
could get the concurrance from the property owners in the immediate
area or there was no opposition by the residents tc the re-zoning,
then the City Commission would be more inclined to consider per-
mitting the variance.
It was moved by Commissioner Rosborough, seconded by Commissioner
Speed and carried that Mr. Amber' s application for Planned Unit
Development for Lots 1, 2, 21, 22, Block 4 Atlantic Beach Villa be
Mr. Vogel stated that the City of Atlantic Beach has received an
application for construction of mini warehouses on Levy Road. He
stated the request has met the zoning requirements and the Southern
Standard Building Code. It was moved by Commissioner Speed,
seconded by Commissioner Rosbcrough that the permit be issued for
commercial construction on Levy Road, Atlantic Beach. The motion
The Director of Public Wcrks reported that the sidewalk has been
completed at Seminole Road to Sailfish along Seaspray.
Mayor Howell announced with deep regret the death of Judge A. J.
Craig and expressed the City Commission' s and the City of Atlantic
Beach profound and sincere appreciation for the life and service
of Judge Craig. Mayor Howell announced that the City Hall would be
closed between the hours of 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM for anyone who
wish tc attend the funeral services to be held at the Neptune
Baptist Church.
There being no further business Mayo ' w 11 declared the meeting
adjourned. �-
Wil .am S . .0- , Mayor/
-,,e4a WO-el
Gloria June Knight, City lerk