06-11-73 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AGENDA JUNE 11, 1973 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of the Minutes of May 29, 1973 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Correspondence: A. Beach Yellow Cab Company 6. Bid Opening: Sewer and Water Extention on Belvedere 7. Commission Consideration A. Approval of Plan for Recreation Building in Mobil Home Park B. Harold J. Rooks RE: Child Care 8. City Clerk 9. Chief of Police 10. Director of Public Works 11. City Manager 12. Commissioners 13. Mayor 14. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1973, AT 8:00 P . M. PRESENT: L. We Minton, Mayor Pro Tem, Commissioner Re R. Rosborough, II F. W. Fogg Da W. Speed, Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Gloria June Knight, City Clerk ABSENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner, Illness in Family The meeting was called to order by the Mayor Pro Tem, Commissioner Minton. The invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough, follow- ed by the pledge to the flag° Commissioner Minton recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. At this time, Mr. Paul Steckla, 1570 Park Terrace West, Atlantic Beach, ask if there was any report on the status of the Revenue Sharing Bill concerning the Urban Service Districts. Mr. Vogel re- ported that House Bill 1176 (pertaining to Urban Service Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5) came out of the Conference Committee and that every- thing that was detrimental to the Beaches was removed from the bill. Mr. John F. Shea, 390 Tenth Street, Atlantic Beach, requested per- mission to speak before the City Commission. At this time, Mr. Shea stated that he had heard of numerous complaints about the number of dogs on the beach. Mr. Vogel stated that the City of Atlantic Beach as an ordinance against dogs running loose. The dogs do not have to he on a lease, but must be under voice command of their owners. Animal Control in Jacksonville have been invited to come to Atlantic Beach and pick up any and all dogs that are seen running loose. The City had the service of the Humane Society for a number of years but they became so negligent that the City had to cancel out this service, Mr. Shea stated that he did not wish to pursue this matter any further at this time. The City Commission received correspondence from Beach Yellow Cab Company, Atlantic Beach, Florida, requesting permission to operate four additional taxicabs. Commissioner Minton stated that it is not necessary for the City to grant permission for additional taxicabs and recommended that the City Commission pass over this request. . There wire no objections. MINUTES JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE TWO Bids on the Sewer and Water Extension on Belvedere, Saltair Sub- division were opened: Art Reinertson Construction Company, Inc. , Jacksonville, Fla. Total Base Bid for Water Connection $ 1, 942 .50 Total Base Bid for Sewer Connection $10,440. 50 No other bids were received. Commissioner Fogg moved, seconded by Commissioner Rosborough that the bids be referred to Committee for study and recommendation. Commissioner Minton appointed Commissioner Rosborough, the City Manager and Mr. Walter Parks, Consulting Engineer, to study the bids and report back to the City Commission at the next meeting. The next order of business was Commission consideration for approval of plans for a Recreational Building in a proposed Mobil Home Park located off Levy Road, being more fully described as part of Government Lot 1, Township 2, South Range 29 East Duval County. Commissioner Minton stated that the plans have been discussed in a committee as a whole on Monday, June 4, 1973. Mr. Vogel stated that the City Commission zoned the land for a mobil home park and as long as the owner complies with the City Ordinance concerning side line set back, etc. , the land may be used for a mobile home site. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Speed, se- conded by Commissioner Fogg and carried that the City Commission approve the plans for a recreation building located at the west end of Levy Road. Mr. .Vogel stated he had received correspondence from Mrs . Harold J. Rooks, 355 Tenth Street, Atlantic Beach, requesting permission to increase the number of children at her child care center from five to ten children. She also presented a petition to the City Commis- sion signed by the residents in the area of Tenth and Eleventh Streets, Atlantic Beach, giving their approval for the increase in the number of children. Mrs . John Kusenda, 365 Tenth Street spoke in favor of the increase. Several members of the audience were opposed to the increase: Mr. John Shea, 390 Tenth Street, Atlantic Beach and Mr. Lee Whitfield, 349 Tenth Street, Atlantic Beach. Commissioner Minton asked for a motion that the City Commission extend the number of children from five to ten at the home of Mrs . Harold J. Rooks, 355 Tenth Street, Atlantic Beach. Failed for lack of a motion. MINUTES JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE THREE Mr. Vogel stated that at the previous Commission Meeting the question of extending the sewer lines outside the City Limits was left un- resolved. He recommended that the City Commission not extend this priviledge until further study has been made. Commissioner Fogg moved, seconded by Commissioner Speed and carried that a moratorium be placed on the extension of the sewer lines outside the City Limits until further study can be made. The City Commission signed Resolution No. 1-73-17, a Memorial and Resolution dedicated to the memory of Arthur J. Craig for his ser- vice to the City and the Town of Atlantic Beach. Resolution No. 1-73-17 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Commissioner Speed stated that the citizens should attend the City Commission meetings and express their opinions, whether it be pro or con, and their wish(.s should not be conveyed by a third party. Commissioner Fogg stated that his impression was that there were probably quite a few people in the neighborhood who opposed Mrs. Rooks Child Care Center but did not make their opposition known prior to the City Commission approving the original five children. There being no further business Co , i- sioner Minton eclared the meeting adjourned. • ( ATTEST: L. W. Minton, Jr. Mayor Pro T= Gloria Jun Knight, City erk (SEAL)