SEPTEMBER 10, 1973
1 . Call to Order
2 . Invocation
3. Approval of the Minutes of August 27 , 1973
4 . Recognition of Visitors
5. Correspondence
A. George Bull Re :
1 . 73 Acres Airport
2 . Selva Marina Drive
3 . Saturiba Drive
6. Commission Consideration
A. Plan approval of Chicken Unlimited, Inc.
B. Lloyd L. Wagnon Re : P.U.D. Lots 37-39
Block 9 Atlantic Beach
C. George Bull Jr . Re :
1 . Lots 1 and 2 Ocean Grove
2 . City Ordinance 30' Heighth and 2 story
D . R. L. Williamson and Associates
7. Ordinance 2nd reading Public hearing 1973 Budget
1973-74 Budget
8. City Clerk
9. Chief of Police
10. Director of Public Works
11 . City Manager
12 . Commissioners
13 . Mayor
14 . Adjourn
PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
R. R. Rosborough, II
L. W. Minton, Jr.
F. W. Fogg
D. W. Speed, Commissioners
AND R. C . Vogel, City Manager
Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney
Gloria June Knight, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell.
The invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough, followed by the
pledge to the flag .
The minutes of the meeting of August 27, 1973 were approved as
written upon a motion by Commissioner Rosborough, seconded by
Commissioner Speed and carried.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the
floor not on the agenda. There was none .
Mayor Howell stated that the City Commission had received correspon-
dence from. Mr. George Bull in reference to 73 acres known as Bull
Airport. Mr. Bull ' s letter stated that the land owners are anxious
to move forward with the planning of this development and they
wanted to know if the City Commission had reached a decision as to
whether or not the exchange of land will take place. Mayor Howell
stated that this was taken up by the Commission on March 26, 1973,
wherein Mr. Bull wanted to give 4.78 acres, located next to the
Sewer Plant, to the City of Atlantic Beach in exchange for 1.33 acres
now owned by the City of Atlantic Beach, for the purpose of changing
the city yard site.
Mayor Howell reported that on July 18, 1973, Mr. Richard Hamilton
delivered to the City of Atlantic Beach an appraisal of the two
parcels of property. Mr. Hamilton had some misinformation so the
City requested another appraisal. To date, the City has not received
a reply from the last inquiry. Mayor Howell instructed the City
r`Inager to contact Mr. Hamilton for an immediate reply to the City' s
letter. After lengthly discussion Mayor Howell suggested that this
request on the swapping of property be placed on the agenda for the
next meeting. There were no objections.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1973
Selva Marina Drive:
The City Commission received correspondence from Mr. George Bull
wherein he stated that on Selva Marina Drive, north of the Country
Club, the trees in the median are not in good shape and he would like
the City Commission to consider employing a tree surgeon to do what-
ever work is necessary in regard to nourishing these trees so they
can be brought back to a healthy state. Mayor Howell directed the
City Manager and Mr. Hilliard, Director of Public Works, to bring
back to the City Commission more information on the condition of the
Saturiba Drive:
Mr. Bull was present in the audience and asked permission to explain
the letter he had written to the City Commission. He stated that the
Five B's Realty, Ltd. , successors in ownership from Selva Marina
Realty Company, had installed at its expense a culvert to the dimen-
sion and grade designed by Mr. Walter Parks along the southerly
boundary and in Saturiba Drive to perfect the drainage of the area
east of Selva Marina Drive. The installation of the culvert in the
ditch that formerly existed resulted in the southerly third of the
right-of-way being fairly level and devoid of trees. Due to this
fact, he proposed that if and when the deep gravity sewer main is
installed, running from Selva Marina Drive to Seminole Road, that it
be paralled and reasonably adjacent to the culvert so that no addit-
ional trees will be lost. He further proposed that the water main
connecting Selva Marina Drive to Seminole Road be installed in this
cleared area for the same reason. In discussing the future develop-
ment with Mr. Vogel and Mr. Hilliard, we learned that the City's
vehicles for sanitation and emergency are extremely limited and can-
not operate effectively because Sea Oats Drive, Park Terrace East,
Park Terrace West and Live Oak Lane presently dead end at Saturiba
Drive. In addition, the City personnel as well as the developers of
both Selva Marina and Sevilla recognize that the paved improvements
of Saturiba Drive would be a very desirable accomplishment.
Mr. Bull further stated that in regard to the improvement of Saturiba
Drive, the Commissioners are first asked to visit the northerly ex-
tension of Selva Marina Drive as the developers of Sevilla have im-
proved it. With this type of improvement in mind, the Commission
is requested to authorize that one traffic lane in the northerly
half of Saturiba Drive be installed, similar to the present exten-
sion of Selva Marina Drive, with connections from this one lane of
pavement to the existing pavement of the four streets above mentioned
in Selva Marina.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1973
While the one traffic lane would not permit passing, it is recognized
that where the streets join, passing could be accomplished and because
no passing is possible, the speed limit along this one lane of pave-
ment could be posted at 10 miles an hour.
After discussion concerning the cost of this project, Mayor Howell
requested that Mr. George Bull bring the figures to the next meeting
so that it could be discussed with Mr. Walter Parks, Consulting
Engineer, and the City Commission as a whole.
Chicken Unlimited, Inc.
An application for a building permit for a restaurant on Lots 767,
768, 769 and 770, Block 10 Saltair Subdivision was presented to the
City Commission. Mayor Howell stated the plans meet all the speci-
fications of the Hotel and Restaurant Commission and the Southern
Standard Building Code. Commissioner Minton moved, seconded by
Commissioner Speed and carried that the plans be approved for
Chicken Unlimited, Inc. , on Lots 767, 768, 769 and 790, Block 10
Lloyd L. Wagnon - Application for P .U.D. Lots 33, 37, 39 Block 9,
Atlantic Beach:
Mr. Wagnon was present and requested permission from the City Com-
mission to build two single family dwellings with a common party wall
on Lot 37 and Lot 39, Block 9 Atlantic Beach Subdivision. He
stated that these dwellings are of a design and quality that would be
particularly complementary to this street and would be in keeping
with the better homes in Atlantic Beach. Mayor Howell instructed
Mr. Wagnon to present his plans to the Advisory Planning Board for
their recommendations,
George Bull, Jr. - Re: Lots 1 and 2, Ocean Grove:
Mr. George Bull, Jr. asked the City Commission if any decision had
been made regarding the extension of water lines to Lots 1 and 2
Ocean Grove. Mayor Howell stated that until there is some final
action on the extension of water lines to Ocean Village One, North
Atlantic Beach, that the City could not extend water service to
Lots 1 and 2 Ocean Grove. Mr. Bull was advised that this request
would be taken up at the next Commission Meeting.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1973
City Ordinance 30 ' Height and Two Story Restrictions:
Mr. George Bull, Jr. asked the City Commission for clarification on
Chapter 28, Section 28-8 cf The Code of The City of Atlantic Beach
wherein the ordinance states that no building or structure shall be
erected to a height in excess of two stories or in excess of thirty
feet. After discussion, Mayor Howell suggested that the City Attor-
ney look into the wording of Chapter 28, Section 28-8 and draw up
a new ordinance deleting the words "two stories" ; the number of
stories being irrelevant as long as the ordinance complies with the
building code. It was moved by Commissioner Rosborough, seconded by
Commissioner Minton and carried that the City Attorney draw up an
ordinance eliminating the number of stories in Chapter 28, Section
28-8 of The Code of The City of Atlantic Beach.
R. L. Williamson & Associates:
Mr. Williamson stated that he had acquired property on Mayport Read
in the vicinity of the Buccaneer Mobile Home Park, outside the City
Limits. He requested that the City of Atlantic Beach furnish water
to this project. Mayor Howell stated that this request was a carry
over from the last meeting and at this time the City is still unable
to furnish water to projects outside the City Limits.
Ordinance No. 20-73-26 revising the budget for the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, to comply with State Statutes for the fiscal year
1973, was presented in full in writing and read on second and final
reading by Mayor Howell. Said Ordinance was posted in line with
charter requirements. He then declared the meeting in session for
Public Hearing. As no one appeared either for or against the
Ordinance, Mayor Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Com-
missioner Speed moved for passage of Ordinance No. 20-73-26 on se-
cond and final reading, seconded by Commissioner Rosborough and
Ordinance No. 20-73-27 adopting the budget for the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, was presented in full in writing and read on second
and final reading by Mayor Howell. Said Ordinance was posted in line
with charter requirements. He then declared the meeting in session
for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for
or against the Ordinance, Mayor Howell declared the Public Hearing
closed. Commissioner Minton moved for passage of Ordinance No. 20-
73-27 on second and final reading, seconded by Commissioner Ros-
borough and carried.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1973
Mrs. Knight presented the following names for approval as officials
for the Primary Election of October 2, 1973, to be paid $20.00 each.
Mrs. Cynthia Whittlesey, Clerk
Mrs. Neese Goodling
Mrs. Doris Hoke
Mrs. Helen Joseph
Mrs. Harriet Faulker
Mrs . Adele Grage, Inspectors
Commissioner Speed moved approval as requested, seconded by
Commissioner Fogg and carried.
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting
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Gloria Ju e Knight G�
City Clerk