06-26-72 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA June 26, 1972 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of June 12, 1972 4. Recognition of visitors 5 . Correspondence 6. Ordinance: Second Reading Public Hearing Zoning Change Royal Palms 2 A Blk 16 and 26 7 . Consideration for Application for "PUD ZONING" Royal Palms Subdivision Twenty-Five (25) Acres Including Blocks 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 8. City Clerk 1110 9. Chief of Police 10. Public Works Superientendent 11 . City Manager 12, Commissioners 13. Mayor 14. Adjourn 111 413 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1972, AT 8: 00 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner R. R. Rosborough, II L. W. Minton, Jr. F. W. Fogg D. W. Speed, Commissioners AND R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 12, 1972, were approv- ed as written upon motion of Commissioner Minton, seconded by Commissioner Speed and carried. The minutes of the special meeting of June 19, 1972, were approv- ed as written upon motion of Commissioner Fogg, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Mayor Howell recognized visitors and asked for any items to be considered not appearing on the agenda. There were none. Mayor Howell presented a request from four families on Mealy Lne, which joins Mealy Street of this City for city water and they agreed to pay said cost for service. Following discussion Com- missioner Fogg moved we furnish these families with water service providing they pay all the cost, seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Mayor Howell stated that the house at 610 Sherry Drive has been sitting there for years and at the last meeting the Commission decided to take some positive action against this.. The neces- sary notice was sent to Betty Renshaw, owner, and she has pre- sented a proposal from Hamby ' s Construction Company submitting specifications and estimates for finishing the inside and painting the outside. Following discussion Commissioner Minton moved the Commission postpone action on the property located at 610 Sherry Drive until the next meeting at which time the owner must have a concrete proposal in writing as to her purposes; whether she is going to re-build, improve; or whether the City is going to dismantle it.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fogg and carried. MINUTES June 26, 1972 Page Two Mayor Howell read in full Ordinance No. 90-72-58 on second and final reading and declared the meeting open for Public Hearing. Anyone wishing to speak for or against said Ordinance may do so at this time. Mr. Don Phillips spoke against passage of said Ordinance. Mayor Howell stated for the benefit of the Public Hearing this Ordinance was passed on first reading June 12, 1972 and referred to the Advisory Planning Board, June 13, 1972, for their recommendation. The minutes of the Advisory Planning Board were read in full. The Advisory Planning Board recommended to the City Commission renewing the extension of the zoning on all the above lots to July 16, 1972. Following discussion the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Rosborough moved Ordinance No. 90-72-58 be passed on second and final reading. There was discussion and the minutes of the meeting of January 24, 1972 were read as tc the extension of time being made with agreement that, as stated by Mr. Howard, Lots 1 and 2, Block 16 Royal Palms was being sold to Pic N'Save and would be paved and a screen fence built. It was agreed that this paving and screened fence should be done. Commissioner Rosborough then made a substitute motion that Ordinance No. 90-72-58 be passed on second and final reading amended to specify permits to build must be issued before July 16, 1972, and will be issued subject to substantial proof that the paving and fencing is done or will be done on Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Royal Palms, seconded by Commissioner Fogg. Mr. Ball, City Attorney, stated the amendment changes the date by which the permit must be issued, also the requirement as to paving and fencing Lots 1 and 2, Block 16 Royal Palms. The Chair stated that Mr. Howard had agreed to the time change when he met with the Planning Board on June 13, 1972, and as regards the paving and fencing of Lots 1 and 2, Block 16 Royal Palms, that Mr. Howard stated at the January 24, 1972 meeting that he intended to so do. Therefore, the Chair ruled the amended Ordinance is not a substantial change. The Mayor then put the question on the substitute motion and the motion carried, and the Ordinance passed on second and final reading. Mayor Howell stated at the Commission meeting of June 12, 1972 the City Commission received application for "PUD ZONING" of twenty-five (25) acres including Blocks 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 Royal Palms Subdivision and referred same to the Advisory Planning Board for recommendation. . MINUTES June 26, 1972 Page Three The Advisory Planning Board met on June 20, 1972, to discuss the proposal and the following is a report from the minutes of the Advisory Planning Board. "When all things were considered, including alternative uses of the land, the Boards ' vote was unanimous to re- commend to the City Commission the entire twenty-five (25) acres be designated a "PUD ZONING" . Included in the recommendation was the approval of Phase I . Further development on Phase II and Phase III will be contingent upon the demand for various types of living units and submittal to the Board for approval. " Mayor Howell stated according to the Ordinance upon a tentative plan the City Commission shall set the proposed "PUD ZONING" for Public Hearing in the same manner as a Public Hearing for final adoption of Ordinances. Commissioner Fogg moved we accept the recommendation from the Advisory Planning Board that Public Hearing be scheduled for July 10, 1972. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Minton and carried. Mr. Vogel, City Manager, requested the Commissions' approval to install another similar Air Conditioning unit in City Hall due to the two room addition, the one we have is not sufficient for the entire building. The additional unit will cost $950.00 Commissioner Speed moved, seconded by Commissioner Rosborough that the City Manager be instructed to purchase another unit. The motion was carried. Mr. Speed stated he was going to be absent from two meetings and would like the matter of the Chamber of Commerce membership be settled. At this time Mayor Howell turned the floor over to Mr. Bob Nelson, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce to give a presentation of the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce and how (it 'benefits Atlantic Beach. One phase is the "Turn in a Pusher" (TIP) Program. After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Speed not to join the Chamber of Commerce, seconded by Commissioner Minton. The vote was "Ayes" Commissioner Speed; Commissioner Minton. "Nays" Commissioner Rosborough, Commissioner Fogg, Mayor-Commissioner Howell. The motion failed. S r MINUTES June 26, 1972 Page Four Commissioner Rosborough then moved to join the Chamber cf Commerce, seconded by Mayor-Commissioner Howell. The vote was "Ayes" Commissioner Rosborough; Mayor-Commissioner Howell. "Nays Commissioner Speed; Commissioner Minton. Abstain Commissioner Fogg. Mr. Speed moved that we join the Chamber but specified the money be used for "TIP", and that it be taken from the Commissioners salaries. Mayor Howell ruled the motion out of order as the salaries are set by Charter and it is up to each Commissioner how to spend his salary. At this time, Mr. Nelson withdrew his request that the City join the Chamber of Commerce. There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. ‘- .,, j/i-, j. 1 . -owe l" Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: CtrAL)2c2_ ,X , J4-4 Adele S. Grager''''' L..-- City Clerk