04-26-71 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA APRIL 26, 1971 1. Call to order 2 . Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of April 12, 1971 4. Recognition of visitors 5. Correspondence 6. Ordinance 1st reading : (a) Change Code Sec. 28-11 and 28-12 (b) Sewer Bond Ordinance 7. Acceptance of Skate Rd. paving & drainage 8. Ordinance - 2nd Reading- Public hearing - Res. D-1 9. Public WorPs Superintendent 10. City Manager 11. Commissioners 12. Mayor 13. Adjourn 4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 26 , 1971 AT 3 : 00 P.M. Present : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner Arthur J. Longo Preben Johansen L. W. Minton , Jr . , R . R. Rosborough, Commissioners , and R. C . Vogel , City Manager Oliver Ball , City Attorney Adele S . Grage , City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr . Howell . The Invocation was given by Commissioner Minton , followed by the Salute to the Flag . Upon motion by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Rosborough, and carried , the minutes of the regular meeting of April 12 , 1971 were approved as written . Upon motion by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Rosborough, and carried , the minutes of the special meeting of April 20 , 1971 be approved as written . Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor which was not on the agenda. Mr . Calvin Grant appeared inquiring into the status of the equipment , ball field , basketball hoops , etc . , at Donner Park. He stated that they were in a state of disrepair and they needed swings and other equipment . Mr. Hilliard advised that the old equipment has been repaired , new clay base been put on the ballpark, and new equipment had been placed in that park as well as Russell Park and that if anything was missing or broken now, it had been done recently . Following further discussion , it was suggested that new equipment and major repairs not be made until such time as the summer playground supervisor is hired and there will be some sort of supervision at the parks , due to the extreme cases of vandalism going on at the present time . Mayor Howell read a letter from Mr. Marvin Sanson in which he stated that his intent was to build two buildings , five town- houses each, located at the end of Donner Road , which would be zoned D-1 upon the passage of an Ordinance for rezoning this area. Minutes , April 26 , 1971 - Page 2 A letter was received and read , from the Chamber of Commerce thanking the City of Atlantic Beach for the float they entered in the Welcome Day Parade . A letter was received and read from Mr. Henry Isaacs in which. he asked that Mr . George D . Bull , Jr . , be appointed to the Board of Adjustments to replace Mr . Daniel Ross , due to Mr . Ross ' s continued absence from the Board meetings . It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Johansen , and carried , that the appointment be ,laced on the agenda for the next regular meeting . Ordinance #15 -71-4 was introduced in full in writing and read by title only, said Ordinance Tdrovides for issuance of $500 , 000 General Obligation Bonds . It was moved by Mr. Johansen , seconded by Mr . Minton , and passed , that the rules be waived and said Ordinance be passed on its first reading by title only. Mayor Howell called a special meeting of the Commission for Public Hearing to be held Monday morning , May 3 , 1971 , at 3 : 00 a.m. for the purpose of considering this Ordinance on its second and final reading . An Ordinance. amending part of Section 23-12 , Residence D was presented in full in writing for passage on first reading by title only. Mayor Howell stated that this should be considered an emergency type of Ordinance in that there are no requirements for off street parking per se , in this sone . It was moved by Mr. Longo , seconded by Mr. Rosborough , and passed , that the rules be waived and the Ordinance be passed on its first reading by title only. The public hearing date was set for May 10th, 1971 at 3 : 00 p .m. City Manager Vogel reported that the paving , drainage , and water and sewer lines on Skate Road from Cutlass Drive to Plaza had been inspected by he and Mr . Hilliard and were satis- factory . It was moved? by Mr . Johansen, seconded by Mr . Longo , and passed , that this be accepted by the City . Mayor Howell presented Ordinance #90-71-43 , which Ordinance establishes Residence u-1 zone and regulations which shall apply, and read same in full . Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with. Charter requirements . Mr . Howell then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance . As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance , the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed . Following discussion by the Commissioners , Mayor and City Manager regarding the garbage pickup stipulations as to size and quantity of containerized pickups , it was agreed to change the sentence regarding garbage collection to read as Minutes , April 26 , 1971 - Page 3 follows : 99Garbage collection - Provision shall be provided by the developer for central containerized garbage collection in the manner and capacity to be approved by the City Manager, " thus eliminating the reference to the limit on the number of family units to be involved in each pickup stop . Mayor Howell asked Mr . Ball , City Attorney, if the changes were minor enough to pass the Ordinance on its second reading , or if they were major and required an amendment . Itwas ascer- tained by Mr . Ball that they were of a minor nature , and the Ordinance could be passed . It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Rosborough, and passed , that the Ordinance as amended be passed on second and final reading . City Manager Vogel reported that he would be in St . Augustine the following day, April 27th, for the City Managers meeting. Mr . Rosborough asked if something could be done regarding the badly wrecked car that is parked on Plaza between Sailfish and Royal Palms on city property , which had been involved in an accident on Atlantic Boulevard . It was moved by Mr . Rosborough, seconded by Mr . Minton , and passed , that the Police Department be contacted and that they in turn contact the owners of the wrecked car and the car nearby with no license plates , and that they be removed from the premises by 5 p .m. April 27th, or the Police Department would remove same . Mayor Howell stated that it was his desire that the public tune into Channel 7 , 7 : 30 p .m. April 27th., to watch the meeting of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville ' s Council . The question of revenue sharing is going to be presented to the Council as a whole from the Finance Committee . What this amounts to , Mayor Howell explained , is the return to the City of Atlantic Beach , tax dollars for services not rendered by the Consolidated City . This has been passed by the Finance Committee following discussion and appearance by represen- tatives of the Beaches local governments last week. It is Mayor Howell ' s hope that the Consolidated City of Jacksonville Council , in their wisdom see fit to pass this Ordinance which now until October 1 would return some $24 , 000 more or less . This is done on a budget to budget basis . There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Howell at 3 :45 p .m. Attest : / - �rT g 1� m Howell , 0/1,G�, �} Mayor-Commissioner Adele S . Grage , Cir Clerk