05-24-71 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA MAY 24, 1971 1. Call to order 2 . Invocation 3. Approval of minutes of May 10, 1971 4. Recognition of visitors 5. Correspondence - Chamber of Commerce 6. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing (a) Zoning-Change D to D-1 Ed Smith Subdivision (b) Change Code Sec. 28-11 7. Call for Bids : First Addition to Sewer Plant 8. Replat Royal Palms Subdivision 9. Chief of Police 10. Public Wor&-s Superintendent 11. City Manager 12 . Commissioners 13. Mayor 14. Adjourn I - . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 24 , 1971 , AT 3 : 00 P.M. Present : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner A. J . Longo R . R. Rosborough L. W. Minton, Jr . Preben Johansen , Commissioners and R. C . Vogel , City Manager Oliver Ball , City Attorney Adele 3 . Grage , City ClerTf. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr . Howell . The Invocation was given by Commissioner Minton , followed by the Salute to the Flag . The mihttes of the meeting of May 10 , 1971 were approved as written upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Rosborough N, and carried . •, Mr • Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda . The rewas none . -.),4 Mr. Howell presented in part a letter from the Chamber of Com- merce in which letter the Chamber set up a proposal whereby the City may become a member of the Chamber and the minimum requirement , based on a per capita situation , would be $500 N) for a year membership . Mr . Howell asked the opinion of the Commissioners about how they felt regarding joining the Chamber and Mr . Johansen stated that he felt it was right that they should join and support the Chamber of Commerce who worked for the entire Beaches area. Mr. Nelson of the Chamber was asked to clarify the membership fee and he stated that it went back to a previous meeting when he and Mr . Young appeared and the Commissioners had requested that they present a muni- cipality membership , which this proposal was . T ° ar-s- - e-r capita. It was moved by Preben Johansen , seconded by Mr . A. Longo , that $350 pro-rata memi:er- ship be paid by the City for the balance of the year . No action was taken on the motion as Mr . Ball stated that from a legal point of view, he would be remiss not to state that this would be questionable legally . The figure , he stated , could well be equivalent to one mill . He further stated that it had been ruled too many times that the Chamber of Commerce ' s acti- 1 vities are not solely for the purpose of the public . Mr . Howell asked the attorney ' s opinion as the city joining the Chamber as opposed to their being members of the Florida League IP • Page 2 , May 24 , 1971 of Cities . Mr . Ball answered that the Florida League of Cities was a direct professional organization directed to the organization and lobbying for municipalities . It was asked by Mr . Johansen if it could not be legally worked out whereby the Chamber be hired as our agency for advertising . Mr . Ball stated that if the City could maintain control of the money this would be satisfactory . Mr . Howell asked Mr . Nelson to get together with City Attorney Ball before the next meeting to work something out and a report would be made at the next regular Commission meeting . Mr . Howell presented Ordinance #90-71-45 , which Ordinance amended Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 designating on the official zoning map certain areas in the Ed Smith sub-division to be Residence D-1 instead of Residence D . Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with Charter requirements . Mr . Howell then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance . As no one apeared either for or against said Ordinance , the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed . It was moved by Commissioner Longo , seconded by Commissioner Minton , and carried , that the Ordinance be passed on its second and final reading . Mr . Howell presented Ordinance #90-71-46 , which Ordinance amended Zoning Code Section 23-11 as to minimum lot coverage in Residence C . Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with Charter requirements . Mr . Howell then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance . Mr. Billy Arzie appeared before the Commission and questioned the size of the proposed rooms and asked if the Ordinance per- tained only to those units of 20 or more . Upon an affirmative answer , Mr . Arzie stated that he had plans for a 4-unit apartment he wanted to build on his property and that this proposed Ordinance would go against his plans which he had had drawn up according to an Ordinance he received from the City a year ago . Following lengthy discussion regarding this mat- ter, Mr . Howell asked that Mr . Arzie present his plans to the Board of Adjustments and make an appeal under a hardship case. Following further discussion regarding adding the word "addi- tional" as noted to the Ordinance , it was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Johansen , and carried , that the Ordinance be passed on its second and final reading as amended to read : "over 4 bedrooms add 150 sq . feet per ° additional ° room. " City Manager Vogel reported that Mr . Parks had written a letter requesting the Commission to call for bids for June 2Cth on the first addition to the sewer plant . He asked Mr . Ball if this could be done before the 30-day appeal time lapsed , and upon a negative reply , it was unanimously agreed that the bids would 1` Page 3 - May 24 , 1971 be called for returnable at the first meeting in July, namely, July 12 . City Manager Vogel presented revised maps of the proposed re- platting of a part of Royal Palms subivision . Mr . Howell stated that the new maps did not show any drainage , and that was the main reason for having these prepared . Mr . Fox appeared on behalf of the proposed replatting and stated that these maps were corrected plot plans which eliminated those seven lots owned by the Aquatic Pool . He further stated that he had wanted to clear the land starting the following morning after this meeting and that the drainage would be handled according to specifications , and submitted for approval . There was no objection on the part of the Commissioners to the basic re- platting of the property. Mr . Fox will submit plats indicating drainage easements . Mr . Minton expressed his appreciation and thanks to Mayor Howell for his tremendous fight against the consolidation with the City of Jacksonville . Mayor Howell stated that in this regard , it was quite well summed up the previous Friday in Mr . Martin ' s column in the local Florida Publishing Company' s newspaper , whereby he stated that regardless of what the people were told in 1967 , when the vote was taken, the point was this is what they have got . He further stated that this is what they have to live for and that he would fight to the bitter end to prevent any such consolidation. There being no further business , the meeting was declared adjourned by Mayor Howell at 3 : 50 p .m. e/:;' /// r ///e, 0; Ad Attest : yam S . H wee Mayor-Commissioner ade..6.._ S j/4 k,r - Adele S . Grage City Clerk