MAY 10, 1971
1. Call to order
2 . Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of April 26, 1971
Approval of Minutes of May 3, 1971
4. Recognition of visitors
5. Correspondence
6. Ordinance 1st Reading: Zoning - Change D to D-1
Ed Smith Subdivision
7 . Ordinance 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
(a) Change Code Sec 2811 and 28-12
(b) Sec 28-12 ., Par. 2 - Off-street parking
8. Replat Royal Palms Subdivision - Drainage Change
9. Public Works Superintendent
10. City Manager
11. City Commissioners
12 . Mayor
13. Adjourn
AT 3 :00 P.M.
Present : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner
Arthur J . Longo
Preben Johansen , Commissioners
R . C . Vogel , City Manager
Oliver Ball
Adele S . Grage , City Clerk
Absent : L. W. Minton , Jr . , and
R. R. Rosborough, Commissioners
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner ,
Mr . Howell .
The Invocation was given by Mayor Howell , followed by the
Salute to the Flat .
The minutes of the meeting of April 26 , 1971 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr.
Johansen , and carried .
The minutes of the special meeting of May 3 , 1971 were
approved as written upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by
Mr . Johansen , and carried .
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the agenda.
At this time a petition was presented to the Commission by
Mr . Kenneth E . Todd , of 36 Saratoga Circle , in which the
petition asked that the Commission deny any further requests
for construction of apartments in Atlantic Beach Villa, Unit
#2 . Messrs . Green and Kirkpatrick were also present together
with. Mr . Todd in this regard . They stated the petition was
signed by the majority of the homeowners in that area of
Atlantic Beach Villa. Mayor Howell replied that unless deed
restrictions were removed , the Commission would not consider
such a move and he received the petition for filing .
Mr . Howell presented an Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance
#90-59-3 designating on the official zoning map certain areas
in the Ed Smith sub-division to be Residence D-1 instead of
Residence D . Said ordinance was presented in full in
writing for passage on first reading by Title only . Mr .
Longo moved passage of said Ordinance on first reading by
title only , seconded by Mr . Johansen and carried . Public
Hearing was set for May 24th, 1971 , at 3 : 00 P.M.
Minutes 5/10/71 Page #2
An Ordinance amending Zoning Code Section 28-11 and 28-12 ,
as to minimum lot coverage was presented and Mayor Howell
read same in full . Notice of Public Hearing was posted in
line with Charter requirements . Mr . Howell then declared
the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance .
As no one appeared either for or against the Ordinance , the
Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed . It was moved by
Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Johansen , and carried , the
Ordinance be reconsidered and studied further by the Commis-
sion as a Committee of the Whole .
Ordinance No . 90-71-44 amending part of Section 28-12 of the
Code of the City of Atlantic Beach as to °eoffstreet parking'
in Residence D , was presented by Mayor Howell and read in
full . Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with
Charter requirements . Mr . Howell then declared the meeting
in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance . As no one
appeared either for or against said Ordinance , the Mayor
declared the Public Hearing closed . It was moved by Mr .
Longo, seconded by Mr . Johansen , and carried , that the
Ordinance be passed on second and final reading .
City Manager Vogel presented maps to the Commissioners re-
garding a proposed replat of a part of Royal Palms subdivi-
sion and drainage change , on the West side of the drainage
ditch . The purpose is to put in a cul de sac at the end of
Sailfish West and connect Nautilus so there would be a
traffic circle . The proposed plans showed a bridgeway
from the area to the Aquatic Swimming Pool . Mr . John
Lauwaert of the Beaches Aquatic Inc . appeared and requested
that before anything is replatted that they be informed of
any proposed changes , due to the fact that they own 7 lots
in the area being discussed . Mr . Fox, who requested this
change also appeared in behalf of this project . Following
a lengthydiscussion on the matter , Mayor Howell asked that
Mr . Fox prepare a new plan showing the proposed drainage and
to leave off any property owned by anyone other than them-
selves , as the present proposed plan incorporates property
owned by the Aquatic Pool , Inc . Mr . Fox agreed to do this .
Mayor Howell stated that an item had inadvertently been left
off of the agenda which had been requested at the previous
meeting of April 26 , regarding the appointment of Mr. George
Bull , Jr . to the Board of Adjustments . It was moved by
Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Johansen , that Resolution #71-10
be adopted to appoint Mr . Bull to the Board of Adjustments ,
and carried . Copy of said Resolution is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof .
Minutes 5/10/71 Page #3
Miss Charlotte Reid , who arrived at the meeting late , was
given a chance to address the Commission at this time . She
asked what the City intended to do regarding the Eisenhower ' s
moving into the area this summer . She commented that her
neighborhood was very much concerned about the possibility
of increased traffic which would be hazardous with the chil-
dren playing in the area. Mayor Howell stated that the
Chief of Police had been in consultation with the proper
authorities on this matter and since it was something that
the City had not been faced with before , he wanted to make
it known that the City was taking every measure they could
in this matter .
Miss Reid then asked about the blind spots or corners when
driving through Atlantic Beach, and commented that there were
many of these said corners in the City. City Manager Vogel
stated that we need wider thoroughfares but due to the fact
the City had been built many years before when there was not
the number of cars or traffic that we had now, the streets
were made narrow . He did state that notices were being
sent to owners of property where trees or bushes could be
cut back, but that where a house was built to the corner it
was impossible to do much about it . Mayor Howell requested
that if she had any specific areas in mind to call the office
and report the problem area to Mr . Vogel and proper steps
would be taken tc eliminate the problem as much as possible .
Miss Reid then asked about boating regulations -- if there
were any in effect . She was particularly interested in the
regulations in the swimming area where water skiers were
coming into that area. Mayor Howell stated that there were
none in effect at the present time and that there would be
the problem of enforcing any such laws and the jurisdiction
beyond the high water mark .
Mr . Hilliard reported on the situation of the parks and
roadwork being done . It was established that Mr . Grant , who
had appeared at the previous meeting in regard to the lack
of swings , etc . in the park in his area, had been misinformed
on the situation and that the area was not in such a bad
condition as he described . Mr . Hilliard did state that there
was the continued vandalism in various areas and that three
light bulbs had been shot out recently .
Mayor Howell at this time welcomed and introduced Mr. Bill
Dryden , the new owner and editor of the Leader .
Mayor Howell then informed the Commission and visitors that
on Saturday morning , May 15 , at 9 : 30 a.m. there would be a
meeting in the Jacksonville Council Hall of the three Beach
Minutes 5/10/71 Page #4
communities , the town of Baldwin and the Jacksonville Council
as a whole . The meeting would be withthe full delegation
in regards to the beaches position with consolidation . He
stated that they had reached the point where certain moves
by the Consolidated Government had put us in an untenable
position and that they must finally resolve the issue one
way or the other . He stated that he and Mr . Ball had
attended a meeting last Thursday with members of the Duval
delegation who in turn called this meeting for next Saturday.
The public is invited to attend this meeting and Mayor
Howell so urged anyone who was interested in the future of
the City of Atlantic Beach to do so .
City Attorney Ball reported on the status of the bond issue .
He stated that the validation suit was filed last Friday.
The Order to Show Cause will be published in the Leader
for the next three weeks according to the law and the
hearing was set for June 4th . This will be the one and
only hearing and following a 30 day lapse of time to allow
for appeals , the bonds would be validated and could be sold .
There being no further business , the meeting was declared
adjourned by Mayor Howell at 3 : 50 p .m.
Allel a AL 4 AINI-A IA
Wil7yam S . Howell
Attest :
4 - buir
Adele S . Grage
City Clerk
CITY OF. . .
Agifailia Beadie•Fliskia
George Bull, Jr. , be appointed to the Board of Adjustment for
the unexpired term of Daniel R. Moss.
Passed by the City Commission on May 12, 1971.
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Adele S. Grage, City Cl