JUNE 28, 1971
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of minutes of June 14, 1971
4. Recognition of visitors
5. Correspondence:
(a) Zoning request - Jones
(b) Holmes - Sailboat launching
(c) City of Jax. - Lifeguard appropriation.
6. Ordinances - 2nd & final reading - Public Hearing
(a) Rezone Res. B to C - Section 1 Saltair
(b) Rezoning Business "AA" to Res. C-1, Beaches
Aquatic Pool.
7. Resolution - City of Jax. - Audit
411 8. Chief of Police
9. Public Works Superintendent
10. City Manager
11. Commissioners
12. Mayor
13. Adjourn
AT 3 :00 P.M.
Present : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner
A. J. Longo
L . W. Minton, Jr .
Preben Johansen, Commissioners
R. C . Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
Absent : R. R . Rosborough, Commissioner, out of city.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr . Howell .
The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton , followed by
the Salute to the Flag.
The minutes of the meeting of June 14 , 1971 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Minton , and
carried .
Mr . Howell recognized visitors and called for any business
from the floor not on the agenda. There was none .
Mr . Howell read a communication from Mr . H. I . Jones in which
Mr. Jones asked the City to rezone the North 200 feet of
Blocks 11 , 12 , and 13 , Section H from Business A to Residence
C-1 , which would allow trailers . He stated that he would like
to put 8 mobile homes in the area. It was moved by Mr. Longo ,
seconded by Mr . Minton, and carried , that the proper ordinance
be prepared and submitted at the next regular Commission
meeting .
Mr . Howell then read a letter from Mr. John Holmes , in which
Mr. Holmes stated that many people were enjoying the sailing
of a new type of boat which can be sailed in the ocean as well
as in fresh water. He stated that to accommodate these boats
they needed an area about 100 yards in width and an access
for boat trailer and car to drop the boat off in the water and
an area to park the cars , and he inquired about the possibility
of using a portion of the beach at the end of Atlantic Boule-
vard . They would like to set up a time during certain hours
of the weekends and day to go onto this beach location . It
was suggested by Mayor Howell that this be turned over to the
City Manager and the Chief of Police to look into it and come
in with a recommendation . It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded
by Mr . Minton , and carried , that this be turned over to the
Chief of Police and the City Manager for report back at the
next meeting .
Minutes 6/23/71 - Page 2
Mr . Howell reported that the City of Jacksonville had appropri-
ated $4 ,300 in the 1970-71 budget to be used for lifeguards
service . With their letter , they had sent a resolution for
the City Commission to pass before the funds could be released .
Mr . Howell stated that their resolution stated that they could
hold a full audit of the books and Mr. Howell had the resolu-
tion redrawn which differed just in the area where they could
audit the financial affairs of the City of Atlantic Beach
insofar as it pertains to lifeguard services . At this time
Mr . Howell read Resolution 71-13 , as drawn by our attorney.
It, was moved by Mr . Johansen , seconded by Mr . Longo , and
carried, that Resolution 71-13 be adopted . Copy of Resolution
71-13 is attached hereto and made a part hereof .
Mayor Howell read in full on secondand final reading an Ordi-
nance which would rezone from Residence B to Residence C , Lots
530 and 587 through 591 , section 1 , Saltair . Mayor Howell
declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said
Ordinance . Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with
charter requirements . Mr. Colin Tucker asked if this wouldn ' t
lower the classification of the property, and Mayor Howell
replied that it merely changes it from duplex to multi-family
dwellings . Mr . J. F. Aderhold the builder , stated that it
would be an improvement of the property. They did not have
completed building plans but he did present the plot plan .
Mr . Longo asked Mr. Aderhold if he had received any objections
from any of the nearby residents to this proposed complex and
to date none have been received . When asked if this would be
low rent or just what type of complex, Mr. Aderhold stated
that the apartments would rent for $110 for one bedroom and
$140 for the two-bedroom, which would put it in the classifi-
cation of low-income . A discussion followed on the paving of
Belvedere Street and other surrounding streets and Mr .
Aderhold stated that he would blacktop it or pay his portion
if it was to be fully paved with gutters , etc . It was moved
by Mr . Johansen , seconded by Mr . Longo , and passed , that this
be continued for consideration of passage until the next
meeting so that the City Manager , Mayor Howell , and the devel-
oper would have time to hold a meeting to discuss various items
which have to be worked out .
Mr. Howell read in full on second and final reading an
Ordinance which would rezone from Business AA to Residence
C-1 , the Beaches Aquatic Pool site . Mayor Howell declared the
meeting in session for a public hearing on said Ordinance .
Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with charter re-
quirements . A discussion followed concerning the legality of
passing an Ordinance suchas this witha two-year stipulation
in it , and Mr . Ball stated at the end of the two years , the
City would have a hard time rezoning the property again if there
• Page 3 Minutes 6/28/71
were trailers still remaining on the property. It was brought
out in discussion that this Ordinance would permit trailers
being put on this property, even though they only want to put
one in there now. It would in reality permit a trailer park
area type of complex even though at least one request
week is refused by the City Manager to others . It was moved
by Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr . Minton and passed , that the
Ordinance not be passed .
Mrs . Grage at this time read a letter addressed to Governor
Askew from Mr . Preben Johansen in which he stated that he had
forwarded a letter sometime ago tendering his resignation from
the City Commission of Atlantic Beachto run for District Seat
l on the Jacksonville City Council , with his resignation to
be effective July 1 . The letter requested that , since he had
been successful at obtaining the desired seat on the
Jacksonville Council , his resignation from the Atlantic Beach.
City Commission become effective June 28, 1971 . At this time
Mayor Howell called Mr . Johansen to the front and presented
him with a plaque signed by himself and the City Commissioners
in recognition of the many services that Mr. Johansen had
rendered to the City of Atlantic Beach in his terms of office
as Commissioner . Mayor Howell at this time stated that upon
the reading of the letter of Mr . Johansen ° s intent and request ,
he declared Seat Number 5 to be officially vacated . Mr.
Minton placed in nomination Mr . Marion Marvin to fill the
interim term of Commissioner Johansen. There being no further
nominations , it was moved by Mr . Minton, seconded by Mr.
Longo , that Mr . Marion F "Bud" Marvin be appointed to fill the
interim term of Mr . Johansen as Commissioner, Seat Number 5 .
The vote was :
Aye: Mr. Longo , Minton , Howell
Nay: None
Absent : Mr. Rosborough
Whereupon Mr. Howell declared the motion carried and Mr . Marvin
duly appointed .
Mr. Rosborough was absent from the meeting but had submitted a
letter stating that he was in favor of Mr . Marvin ` s name being
placed in nomination for appointment to Seat Number 5 .
There being no further business , Mayor Howell declared the
meeting adjourned at 3 : 55 o 'clock p .m.
, '
Attest :
140 /AA ! .
I? S . 'Howell
ace_e__052_ Mayor-Commissioner
Adele C . Grage , City C, rk
The lots and plots listed below, all located within the City
of Atlantic Beach, Florida, do, because of excessive growth
of weeds, thickets, and/or accumulated trash, constitute a
health hazard to the citizens of said City:
29 & 30 3 A. B. Villa
1 & 2 4 A. B. Villa
21 & 22 4 A. B. Villa
Nz of 21, NE a of unnumbered tract 1 Atlantic Beach
Unnumbered tract lying W. of Block 2 (S'2) Atlantic Beach
17 3 Atlantic Beach
W� of 21, 23 4 Atlantic Beach
W' of 22, 24, 26, E of 28 5 Atlantic Beach
1, 3, 5, 13, 31 5 Atlantic Beach
5 6 Atlantic Beach
28, 30 6 Atlantic Beach
1, 30, 32, 40, 42 & unplatted strip 7 Atlantic Beach
13 8 Atlantic Beach
1, 8, 25, 31 9 Atlantic Beach
29, 31 10 Atlantic Beach
3, 5, 7, 18, 29, 31 11 Atlantic Beach
10, 12, 25 12 Atlantic Beach
12, 14, 38, 40, 42 13 Atlantic Beach
10, 12, 14, 16, 18 14 Atlantic Beach
1 17 Atlantic Beach
5, 6 23 Atlantic Beach
3 29 Atlantic Beach
1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11 33 Atlantic Beach
8, 9 34 Atlantic Beach
1 44 Atlantic Beach
15 60 Mandalay
3, 9, 14 63 Mandalay
10, 11 Atlantic Beach Tel
40, 41 Atlantic Beach Te]
1, 2, 3, 4 1 Atl. Beach Pkway.
Unnumbered Area Hotel Reservation
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 4 Atl . Beach Pkway.
1 to 6 5 Atl. Beach Pkway.
1, 2, 3 6 Atl. Beach Pkway.
1 to 6 7 Atl. Beach Pkway.
67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 95 Saltair
610, 611, 613 Saltair
800 to 809, 838 to 841, 844 to 849, 822 to 833 Saltair
6, 7, 9, 11, 19 12 Royal Palms U. 2A
1 to 11 16 Royal Palms U. 2A
1 to 7 26 Royal Palms U. 2A
Residue, Pt. Castro Y Ferrer Grant,
OR Bk. 1845-272
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in accordance with Ordinance No. 55-59-4
of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, the owners of the above listed
lots are ordered to remove such weeds, thickets, brush, and/or accumulated
trash and thatthe procedure and provisions of Ordinance No. 55-59-4 be
carried out.
* * * *
Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida on
June 14, 1971.
Attest: / /
rQ `
Adele S . Grage /
City Clerk
P,ESOLUI'ION NO: 7�_'_/3
61HERE S, the City of Jacksonville has appropriated funds to the
City of Atlantic Beach, Florida in its 1970-1971 budget for the purpose
of financially assisting the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, in the
provision of Lifeguard services, in the amount of $4,300.00, for a period
of time engrossed in the 1970-1971 budget of the City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida, and
WHERAS, the City of Jacksonville should receive assurance that
the funds as mentioned above are properly utilized,
Section 1. The City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, agrees to:
1. Assist the City of Jacksonville, should such be requested, in
auditing the financial affairs of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
insofar as it pertains to Lifeguard services for the fiscal year during
which the City of Jacksonville funds are utilized.
2. The production, durincr reasonable times and in reasonable
places, for use by the City of Jacksonville Council Auditor, of the
books and records which may be required to facilitate the audit of
the Lifeguard funds as above mentioned.
Section 2. The fiscal year of the City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida ends on 6-_,,e_c e_vr ^- "3/A04 / 9 7J
Adele S. Crage,
City Clerk.