07-26-71 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA JULY 26 , 1971 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of July 12th, 1971 and July 14, 1971 4. Recognition of visitors 5. Correspondence: a . Interstate- request for extension of time on Ord. 90-71-42 b. Mr. Fox-request extension of time on Ord. 90-71-40 c . Request Re-zoning - Van Kleeck 6. Ordinance - 2nd and final reading-Rezone Bus. A. to Res. C-1- Jones 7 . Report on request: Mrs . Runyon re: Beach access B. Report on ECO-Action Pilot Program 9. Condominiums-Mr. Clay Wells 10. Chief of Police 11. Public Works Superintendent 12 . Commissioners 13. Mayor: (a) Report on Sewer Plant Bids (b) Sewer Bonds-delivery-bank account (c) Bank Account-Jax Tax Rebate 14. Adjourn 114._ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM- MISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JULY 26 , 1971 , AT 3 : 00 P.M. PRESENT: William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner A. J. Longo L. J. Minton , Jr . R . R. Rosborough Marion Marvin , Commissioners , and Dick Hilliard , Acting City Manager Oliver Ball , City Attorney Adele S . Grage , City Clerk Absent : City Manager Vogel (on vacation) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner , Mr . Howell . The invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough , followed by the Salute to the Flag . The minutes of the meeting of July 12 , 1971 , were approved as written upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Rosborough and carried . The minutes of the special meeting of July 14th , 1971 , were approved as written upon motion of Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Minton , and carried . Mr . Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda . There was none . Mr . Howell read a communication from Mr . John Blow in regard to Ordinance #90-71-42 passed in February 1971 with six months time limit to begin construction . The item had inadvertently been left off of the previous agenda. Mr . Blow asks that Ordinance #90-71-42 coincide with Ordinance #90-71-47 , which Ordinance has an expiration date of January 12 , 1972 and is a part of the same project . He requested the extension due to many aspects delaying his proceeding with development as planned . It was moved by Commissioner Longo , seconded by Commissioner Rosborough, and carried , that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance for the next regular meeting of the City Commission extending Ordinance 90-71-42 to expire January 12 , 1972 . A request was made by Mr . Paul Fox, who stated that he had had his property cleared and had been in contact with the water and sewer departments , but due to illness and circumstances beyond his control , he had been unable to maintain his proposed schedule and asked for an extension of time on Ordinance #90- 71-40 , which Ordinance was passed January 25 , 1971 . It was Minutes 7/25/71 - Page 2 moved by Commissioner Longo , seconded by Commissioner Rosborough and carried , that the City Attorney prepare an Ordinance for the next regular meeting of the City Commission extending the time of Ordinance #90-71-40 and Resolution 71-2 for a six month period . Mayor Howell read a request from Mr . James Van Kleeck of 122 Lth Street asking for rezoning of his property to allow three indi- vidual units in the dwelling on the premises . Attorney John Alexander appeared in Mr. Van Kleeck ° s behalf and presented a prepared brochure showing his intent of improvements to the residence and a petition signed by many of the neighboring resi- dents testifying to there being no opposition to this rezoning . Mr . Howell introduced an Ordinance in full in writing for first reading by title only , said Ordinance to rezone East 1/2 of Lot 6 , Block 19 , Atlantic Beach . It was moved by Commissioner Longo , seconded by Commissioner Rosborough, and carried , the rules be waived and that the Ordinance be passed on first reading by title only and a public hearing date set . Public Hearing was set for August 9 , 1971 . Mr . Neil Bayne appeared on behalf of the Atlantic Beach All Stars Little League baseball team and reported that they had captured the District 3 Championship , which is comprised of teams through Green Cove , Orange Park and other surrounding towns . The team is to leave next Monday , August 2 , for St . Petersburg to be in the state finals . Approximately $ 1 ,000 is required to take the 17 boys to St . Petersburg and Mr . Bayne asked if the City could in any way, through advertising, pub- licity , etc . , help them to raise the necessary funds . Mayor Howell suggested that he get in touch with Mr . Dick Hilliard immediately and see what could be worked out . It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Rosborough , and carried , that it be turned over to Acting City Manager Hilliard for action . Mayor Howell read in full on second and final reading Ordinance # 0-41-43 which would rezone from Business A to Residence C -1 , the N . 200 feet of Blocks 11 , 12 , and 13 , Section H. Notice of Public Hearing on said Ordinance was posted in line with charter requirements . Mayor Howell declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance . No one appeared either for or against said Ordinance and Mayor Howell declared the public hearing closed . It was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr .. Rosborough, and carried , that the Ordinance be approved on its second and final reading . Acting City Manager Hilliard made a report on a request made by Mrs . Runyon at the previous meeting wherein she had asked for a walk to the beach to be constructed down the 10 ° easement just north of the Chateau. property . Following discussion rela- tive to drainage pipes , cost and other concerns , it was moved by Mr . Longo , seconded by Mr . Marvin , and carried that the Minutes 7/26/71 - Page 3 request be denied . Mayor Howell made a report on the ECO-Action Pilot Program and stated that the committee had been working on it diligently and that pickup programs were being started in designated parts of the City , Wednesday August 4 , being the first one . Mr . Clay Wells appeared before the Commission and stated that he was a developer and it was his intent to build high rise and low rise condominiums on a 21 acre tract of land just north of the Selva Marina Country Club . The land at present is un- zoned and he stated that he appeared just to let the commission be cognizant of his intent and that he wo.ild be willing to work with them in any way possible to achieve the accomplishment of this project which project would be completely surrounded by electrically operated fencing and gate . The condominiums will range in price from $27 ,500 to $75 ,000 and would be an asset in many ways to the City of Atlantic Beach according to Mr . Wells . Acting City Manager Hilliard reported that Plant Engineer Glenn Edwards had received his Class C License from the State of Florida and was attending night school on his own time to ob- tain his Class B license . The Commission commended Mr . Edwards . Mayor Howell reported on the sewer plant bids and stated that he had had discussions with Mr . Parks regarding same and that Mr . Parks had sent out an addendum to all bidders calling for bids on additional items required by the government to meet the specifications not originally in the plans . These will be re- ceived by the Commission at their next regular meeting of August 9th , 1971 . The sewer bonds are being printed and the printers informed the City that they would ship the bonds on July 30th and they would arrive at the First National Beach Bank on or before August 2 . They will be signed by Mayor Howell and delivered to the successful bidder , Walston and Company on August 5th . A check for approximately $493 , 000 will then be received for same . He asked for authorization to deposit these funds into the First National Beach Bank and immediately invest them in some sort of certificates . It was moved by Commissioner Longo , seconded by R . Rosborough, that Resolution #71-15 be passed for the funds to be deposited in the First National Beach Bank for immediate investment in certificates or a similar type of security. Motion carried unanimously . Copy of Resolution 71-15 is attached hereto and made a part hereof . Mr . J. Fearnside appeared before the Commission and stated that he was associated with the State of Florida Bureau of Planning, Department of Transportation , Tallahassee . He referred to a prepared statement with regard to Federal aid urban system for Minutes 7/26/71 Page - 4 this area. The Federal Highway Act of 1970 has authorized a new metropolitan assistance program. A fourth administrative system is being organized and it may complement or replace the previously defined Federal interstate Federal aid primary and federal secondary systems within the urbanized area. He stated that this is to include all of the' municipalities having a residence population in excess of 5 , 000 people of any incorporated municipality which is touched by a prin- cipal arterial system. He further stated that statutory legisla- tion required that Congress be furnished by January 1972 a recom- mended federal aid system by each urbanized area. A 20-year cost estimate for improvements required by them on the recom- mended system must also be developed and submitted by each state , by August 15 of this year . Appropriate action would be the mayor ' s signature on the map showing the Commission ' s approval . It was moved by Mr . R. Rosborough , seconded by Mr . Minton, and carried , that Mayor Howell be authorized to sign the map . The two roads affected in Atlantic Beach are Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard and they are state roads . Mayor Howell reported a check had been received in the amount of $24 ,415 from the Consolidated government . This was a tax rebate from the last half of their fiscal year . The additional tax rebate due from April 1 of 1971 to October 1971 , would have to come up in the new budget of the City of Jacksonville . This money is for the use of Police and Fire departments , street , recreational parks , in lieu of in kind services . Mayor Howell stated a special fund should perhaps be set up to receive these monies and then it be paid out to the various departments . Mr . Longo complimented Mayor Howell on his aggressiveness in following through on this and many other items with the Con- solidated government of Jacksonville . The other Commissioners agreed . Mayor Howell presented Resolution #71-17 urging the United ,;tater Government to acquire the Guano River Wildlife area and set this land aside as a national park or whatever would be some sort of natural reserve . Mr . Longo moved passage of Resolution 71-17 , seconded by Mr . Marvin and carried . Copy of Resolution #71-17 is attached hereto and made a part hereof . There being no further business , Ma :r How 1100e .red t meeting adjourned . / Attest : / t lai , owell Mayor-Commissioner Adele S . Grage, City Cls k r - RESOLUTION NO. 71-15 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that, The City Clerk-Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to establish an account at the First National Beach Bank, Jacksonville Beach, Florida, to receive the funds received from the sale of the $500, 000.00 General Obligation Sewer Bonds, and that, the City Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to immediately invest said monies in interest bearing certificates or securities, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Funds on said account be subject to withdrawal only upon check signed on behalf of the City by the City Treasurer or the Assistant City Treasurer. * * * * Passed by the City Commission on July 26, 1971. Attest: Adele S. Grage / City Clerk (SEAL) RESOLUTION #71-17 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE MOVEMENT TO PRESERVE THE GUANO RIVER WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA FOR PUBLIC RECREATION PURPOSES . WHEREAS, Florida oceanfront property is becoming increasingly scarce, and WHEREAS, private developers are buying it up at a rapid pace for real estate subdivisions, condominiums, etc. , and WHEREAS , a point will soon be reached when there will be little or no available oceanfront property for public recreation purposes, and WHEREAS, Florida without public beaches and recreational areas would become no less than a national catastrophe, and WHEREAS, there is in St. Johns County of northeast Florida just South of privately owned Ponte Vedra Beach an area of approximately ten thousand acres of high, dry land, canal front, lakes and ocean front property that is now privately owned and partially used by the public, that is a veritable nature ' s paradise with unlimited potential for public recrea- tion, called the Guano River Wildlife Management Area, and WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Beaches Area Chamber of Commerce is presently spearheading a movement to save this area for pos- terity and for the enjoyment of future generations, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that It strongly voices it support of the proposition of preserving this "Nature ' s Wilderness" and resolves that all agencies and people in high places in State and Federal Government be urged to use all means at their disposal to acquire and save this parcel of Florida land and beach for the enjoyment of our children and grandchildren and for generations as yet unborn . Approved and signed this 26th day of July, 1971. Attest; a_„42...a_ 4 _/(,),,,r- Adele S. Grage City Clerk (SEAL)