August 23, 1971
1. Call to order.
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of August 9, 1971 & August 12, 1971.
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Correspondence.
6. Sewer & water service to property west of Mayport Road
North of City limits.
7. Drainage easement - Lomar Builders.
S. ORDINANCES : Second & final reading - Public hearing
(a) Ordinance 90-71-50 - Blk 44 & 45 Sec. H.
(b) Ordinance 90-71-51 - Lot 17, Blk. 27, Royal Palms
and Royal Palms Tract.
9. Purchase of Lot 47 Saltair Section 2
10. Report on Sewer Plant construction.
11. Chief of Police
12. Public Works Superintendent
13. City Clerk
14. City Manager
15. Commissioners
16. Mayor
17. Adjourn
Present: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
A. J. Longo
L. W. Minton, Jr.
R. R. Rosborough
M. Marvin, Commissioners
R.C.Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr .
The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, followed by the
Salute to the Flag.
The minutes of the meeting of August 9, 1971 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Rosborough.
The minutes of the special meeting of August 12 , 1971 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Longo , seconded by Mr. Rosborough.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the
floor not on the agenda. Mr . Lazar asked about the progress on the
finding of funds for planning as talked about at a previous meeting.
Mayor Howell stated that he had had correspondence with Gerald
Dake and Kemp, Bunch and Jackson and the City Commission was going
to go into session with the firms who had responded from the last
City Commission meeting. City Manager Vogel stated that the Com-
mission has the power to alter the budget at anytime of the year
and they can change the budget to accommodate expenses within
Mr. Howell read a let.cer received from the Air and Water Pollution
Control together with a construction permit to start the sewer
plant . He stated that there were a couple of contingencies that they
were contacting Tallahassee on and asking for clarification. The
permit is basically in order, he commented. Mr. Howell stated that
he had talked to Atlanta today and they requested that we not
actually go ahead and sign the contract until they were in receipt
of Addendum 3 and can approve it which should be sometime between
the date of this meeting and the 12th of September which is the
deadline for signing the contract with Savage and Brandt . He asked
for approval of the City Commission to sign the contract upon re-
ceipt of approval from Atlanta. It was moved by Mr. Longo, seconded
by Mr. Marvin, and passed, that the Mayor and other necessary officials
sign the contract with Savage and Brandt for their go mead on the
work as per their bid as soon as an approval is received from
Mr. Ball stated that the City was threatened with a lawsuit which
pertains to a lien the City has against a lot in Donner area. He
stated that about three years ago a house burned down and it became
incumbent upon Atlantic Beach to tear the remains down and they
then placed a lien against the lot for the cost of tearing the
house down, in the amount of $430. This has been a problem for the
Minutes 8/23/71 - Page 2
last couple of years. Apparently who the City of Atlantic Beach
believed was the rightful owner, was not, and he had sold the pro-
- perty. A compromise came in from the record owner 's attorney,
together with a check in the amount of half of the lien, suggesting
that this settle the matter. Mr. Ball recommended receiving this
amount of $216 . 50. It was moved by Mr. Marvin, seconded by Mr.
Miaton, and passed, that a resolution be adopted to accept the
$216 . 50 in payment of the lien against the property. Copy of Resolu-
tion #71-18 is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Mr. Vogel stated that he had a request from the owners of Pecan
Grove Apartments to furnish them sewer and water, to that area and
they would stand the financial end of it . Mr. Parks , the City
Engineer stated that we could handle the load with the current in-
stallation, that the units would be 96 in the beginning, and even-
tually about 300. There is an extra tap into the force main that
they can link into and even if it is not adjacent to the area,
another tap can be put in. Following discussion, it was moved by
Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr . Longo, and passed, that we permit
them to tap in at the appropriate time subjectto the entire system
being installed under the Specification; and supervision of the
City Commission. This is the line going to Buccaneer Trailer Court
which was put in large enough to accommodate other users . The
apartment developer will put in necessary lift station
Mr. Vogel presented a request from the Lamar Builders to accept the
drainage easement on property they have acquired to install drainage
by them at their complex at their expense . The City will b e respon-
sible for it once it is completed, and the developer is fully paying
for the installation. It was moved by Mr. Marvin, seconded by Mr .
Longo , and passed, to accept the easement .
Mayor Howell read in full on second and final reading Ordinance
90-71-50 extending the effective date on rezoning Blocks 44 and 45
Sec . H. Notice of Public Hearin,_ on said. Ordinance was posted in
line with charter requirements . Ivlayor Howell declared the meeting
in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance . No one appeared
for or against the Ordinance and Mayor Howell declared the public
hearing closed. It was moved by Mr . Minton, seconded by Mr. Marvin
and_ passed that the Ordinance be approved on its second and final
Mr. Howell read in full on second and final reading Ordinance 90-71-51
extending the effective date on rezoning Lot 17, Block 27 R.P. and
tract lying south thereof to Vienna Schnitzel Haus property. Notice
of Public Hearing on said Ordinance was posted in line with charter
requirements . Mayor Howell declared the meeting in session for Pub-
lic Hearing on said Ordinance . No one appeared or aainst tle
Ordinance and Mayor Howell declared the public hearing closed. It
was moved by Mr. Longo , seconded by Mr . Rosborou� h, and passed, that
the Ordinance be approved on its second and final reading.
City Attorney Ball introduced the subject of the lot south of the
Fire and Police Station. The City had tried to purchase the lot
several times and had received an appraisal of 5;1,000 from the
appraiser hired by the City. The owner was so notified and she re-
tained a law firm who also had the lot appraised in the amount of
Minutes 8/23/71 - Page 3
$1, 700 for the lot. Mr. Ball produced a letter he had received
from the attorneys who demanded 32 ,000 in payment for this lot, which
when broken down would be $1, 700 for the lot , $175 for their ap-
praisal, and : 125 legal fees . It was pointed out that Atlantic
Beach had used this lot without permission for the past several
years and the owner had complained about this in the past. It was
Mr. Ball ' s recommendation that the lot be purchased for the sum of
; 2 ,000, which in his estimation was not an unreasonable request.
Following discussion, it was moved by Mr. Marvin, seconded by Mr.
Minton, and carried, that Resolution be adopted to purchase Lot 47
SA for $2,000 with the funds to be taken from the Capital Improve-
ment of the Parks Department. The vote was as follows .
Aye : Longo , Marvin, Minton, Howell .
Nay: Rosborough
Copy of resolution #71-19 is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Mr . Longo stated that he wanted to formally voice his objection to
the purchase of this lot and to the City being forced into buying
it, although he voted for the purchase because we needed it.
Mrs . Grage reported that the City registration books were open for
anyone wanted to register for elections , that is newcomers and
those not already registered under our permanent reEistration.
Mr. Vogel stated that he and Mr. Hilliard had gone over the offsite
plans for the apartment complex on Atlantic Boulevard to be built by
the Lamar Builders and they were following Mr. Parks ' recommenda-
tion on changing the water coming in off of Mayport Road rather than
the way it was originally designed. This was the original recom-
mendation from Mr . Parks to the builders and they chose to ignore it
and design it to their own choosing. They show a 3" meter which
will not pass the Underwriters inspection for fire control, they
need a 6" meter. He stated that it was to the builders advantage
to come off of an 8" line off of Mayport Road.
There being no further business the meeting was declared adjourned
by Mayor Ho ell at 8 :32 o ' clock p.m.
Restfu1 y ub'itted,
1/7f -2 Ad,' AK ' ' i' ',/
1 • i.77 s . 'f. re 1 ,:///7
Attest : Mayor-Commissioner
C JS-f2 - J..
Adele S. Grage , ' •
City Clerk
• , -V
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has been negotiating for
the purchase of that certain lot, i.e. Lot 47, Saltair, Section 2,
owned by Mrs. Mary Coryell (Graham) which is located adjacent to the
Atlantic Beach Public Safety complex, said lot being surrounded
by public lands, i.e. Police Station, Fire Station and Recreational
facilities, and
WHEEREAS, said lands are desired and needed for public
purposes, and
WHEREAS, the owner of said lands has expressed a willingness
to convey in fee simple the lands to the City of Atlantic Beach at
a figure of $2,000.00,
That the City of Atlantic Beach purchases from the owner
(Mrs. Mary Coryell [Graham]) that certain lot described as Lot 47,
Saltair, Section 2, for the stun of $2,000.00, said lot to be used
for public purposes.
PASSEL) BY Tli CITY QD'MISSIni; O 11uc-ust 233, 1971
a 66...ae_ r74/ -1
Adele S. fra --
City Clerk.