09-13-71 v V CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA September 13,, 1971 1. Call to order. 2. Invocation. 3 . Approval of Minutes of August 23, 1971 and August 26, 1971. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Correspondence. 6. Bid Opening: Sanitary Sewer Extensions - East Coast Drive. 7. Connie Daniels: Day Nursery. 8. Raymond Dagley: Junk Car Operations. 9. C. S. Perry: Resolution Nuisance Ordinance. 10. Chief of Police. 11. Public Works Superintendent. 12. City Clerk. 13. City Manager. 14. Commissioners. 15. Mayor. 16. Adjourn. • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1971 AT 8 :00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner t . J. Longo L. W. Minton, Jr. R. R. Rosborough M. Marvin, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, City Attorney Adele S . Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called :.o order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The invocation was given by Commissioner Minton, follwed by the salute to the Flag. The minutes of August 23, 1971 meeting were approved as written and moved by Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, and passed. The minutes of the special meeting of August 26, 1971 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Minton. Mr. Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. Mr. Murray Cabe of 379 Ahern Street appeared and stated that he was there in regards to Rolands Red Barn on Atlantic Boulevard, and the excessive smoke, soot, and odor coming therefrom. He further stated that there were several large property owners and motel owners in the audience who were also up- set about the situation. Mayor Howell stated a letter had been re- ceived from the Carleton Motel owners relating to this subject. He suggested that the City Manager be directed to get in touch with the Environmental Control of the City of Jacksonville on this matter and forward a letter to Mr. Roland Blalock advising him of the situation and report back to the Commission at the next regular meeting. City Manager Vogel stated that he would do so and that when this pit was built Mr. Blalock had guaranteed that there would be no polluting effect on the neighborhood. A further complaint was received that the restroom facilities were not being used to full extent late it night and the backyard was being used. Mayor Howell asked Police Chief Stucki to check on this matter. Bids were received on Sanitary Sewer Extension on East Coast Drive between 12th and 15th Streets as follows : Porters Welding and Iron Works - $4,143.85 Jax Utilities - $4,984.00 Universal Environmental Control - $4,697.00 It was moved by Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Minton, and carried, that the bids be referred to Committee for study and to report back at the Minutes 9/13/71 m Page 2 next meeting of the Commission. Mayor Howell appointed Mr. Minton, Mr. Marvin, and City Manager Vogel as the Committee. Mrs . Connie Daniels appeared in behalf of her petition to operate a Day Nursery at 420 Whiting Lane. She stated she would like to limit it to five children other than her own small youngster and that -he had been in contact with the proper health authorities who had in- formed her that she would have to get City Commission permission first and then come to them for the further steps to be taken. Following discussion it was moved by Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Marvin, and carried , that Mrs . Daniels be permitted to operate a day nursery at this address and at these hours of 7 :30 A. M. to 5 :30 P . M. with a maximum number of six children assuming that she has the permission of the Welfare and State Board of Health. Mr. Raymond Dagley appeared on behalf of the junkyard car operation he operates in Atlantic Beach, on Blocks 111, 112 , 113, and 142 , Section H, City Manager Vogel had written to Mr. Dagley and informed him that he was in violation of City Ordinances and that complaints had been received from owners of property in that neighborhood re- garding appearances and damage being done. It was pointed out that he had operated the junkyard for some 20 years and never been licenced to do so. Mr. George T. Hall appeared to testify against Mr. Dagley's operation and that when he had returned home from Oregon cars were found to be parked on his property as well as on City property in that area. Mr. Dagley appeared in his behalf and stated that the cars were coming in at a faster rate than they could be taken care of or picked up and that his was the only and last one of its kind in the Beach area. He pointed out that it would be a detriment to the beaches area to do away with the last junkyard of its kind in the area. He further stated that cars had been pulled into him from the City of Atlantic Beach as well as from the other Beach cities. Mr Longo asked Mr. Dagley if he owned property and he pointed out that he owned 21 lots in the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Ernest Porter stated that he had known Mr. Dagley for some time and that the operation was an asset to the beach what with number of cars being abandoned as junk daily in the beaches . Mr. Doug Speed stated that he, too, had known Mr. Dagley and he testified for his character and the good he had done the community in his work with the boys of the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts , etc . , in the City. He further stated that he could not see voting a man out of business and giving him no other way of making a livelihood. It was moved by Mr. Minton, seconded by Mr. Marvin, that the Ordinances presently in force as of right now be enforced and that Mr. Dagley was illegally operating the junkyard on City land, and that appropriate action be taken at this time. Following further discussion, a substitute motion was made by Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, and passed that Mr. Dagley eliminate the further receiving of any cars and to eliminate all vehicles on his property now with the greatest amount of haste not to exceed 12 months . It was then moved by Mr. Minton, seconded by Mr. Longo, and carried , that the City Commission look into this matter Minutes 9/13/71 - Page 3 further and that a committee be formed to look into the matter at the earliest possible time to benefit Mr. Dagley and the City and to see if something could possibly be worked out to have cars re- moved from the streets of the City and hauled to a shred or other out- let, and that no junkyards be allowed to operate in Atlantic Beach. A committee was set by Mayor Howell consisting of Mr. Marvin, Mr. Minton, and City Manager Vogel. Mayor Howell presented Resolution 71-21 to enforce the Nuisance Ordinance regarding Mr. C. S. Perry, and the unsightly and unsanitary conditions on Lots 1 - 7, Block 34, Section H. City Manager Vogel commented that Mr. Perry had been served with a preliminary notice and he would like to see it corrected within 14 days as stated in the resolution. Following discussion, it was moved by Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Minton and carried, that the resolution be passed. Copy of Resolution #71-21 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Rosborough stated that he wanted to commend Mr. Vogel, Mr. Hilliard and Chief Police Stucki for installing the signs around the school areas. Mr. Longo asked if something could be done to have the owners of Pleasant Acres improve their parking lot and to clean up the area. Director of Public Works, Dick Hilliard, commented that he and his crew had been in that Area just that day and took out six truck loads of debris. It was ascertained that since it was a private parking lot, the owners could not be forced to pave it. Mayor Howell commented that he has been in contact with Mr. Ray Bailey, Atlantic Beach School Principal and the school coordinator. Whether or not the program being formulated in the schools now of having them open daily, 12 months out of the year to give special instructions and afternoon recreational programs will depend on their success by the cooperation of all and he asked that $1,500.00 be transferred from Park Improvements which has to do with recreation into Community School Program. He stated that the Federal Government is coming up with some funds as well as the City of Jacksonville and the School Board. It was moved by Mr . Minton, seconded by Mr. Rosborough, and carried, that Resolution #71-20 be passed to transfer $1500.00 from Park Improvement into Community School Program. Copy of Resolution #71-20 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P. M. Respectfully sub tte* , l AtL st• A . Ali, LLcUL-Qc' ' )4J) 2 Adele S. Grage, City lerk 44(,'460111t1 i ' ,�"' Howe -. Mayor Commissioner 7 CITY OF, . . Beath-UG4i4a ■ „,,„.,,,,..,,esi „.(7,,„rd „,., ,,„...„,.,_a,...,___,,,,_• RESOLUTION NO. 71-20 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That: The following transfers and changes be made in the 1971 Budget: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE PARKS & RECREATION 906 - Community School Program $1, 500.00 9-1012 - Parks Improvements $1, 500.00 TOTAL INCREASES & DECREASES $1, 500.00 $1, 500.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on September 13, 1971. Attest: 1 occeiLic_ 4 (Y . / Adele S. Grage, City Cler RESOLUTION NO. 71-21 A RESOLUTION LEVYING AND IMPOSING SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE REMOVAL, SUPPRESSION OR ABATEMENT OF A DANGEROUS UNSAFE, DILAPIDATED OR UNSANITARY STRUCTURE, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 25-67-6 OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AGAINST THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY THAT IS HEREBY DECLARED TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, SECTION 1. It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared that the certain structure, occurrence or condition upon that certain property described as : Lot 1 to 7 Block 34 Section H Known as 660 Mayport Road, At7antir Reach, Florid (Street Address) Owner Charles S . Perry to be a dangtrous, unsafe, dilapidated and/or an unsanitary structure, occurrence or condition as described and specified to the owners and interested parties by written notice heretofore served, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 25-67-6. SECTION 2. That the aforesaid conditions constitute a public nuisance. SECTION 3. The City Manager, or his duly authorized agent, is hereby ordered to: remove debris, junked building materials . and unsightly and unsanitary materials SECTION 4. The City Manager, or his duly authorized agent, shall cause a true copy of this Resolution to be posted upon the premises and a true copy delivered or mailed to the owner and interested parties. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. * * * * * * * * Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 13 day of September 19 7 (20(Leja 1/1K (SEAL) City Clerk NOTICE RESPECTING DANGEROUS, UNSAFE, DILAPIDATED OR UNSANITARY STRUCTURES Delivered by Hand to: Charles S . Perry 660 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach, Fla. 32233 TO The Owner, Occupant or Custodian of: LOT Lots 1 to 7 BLOCK 34 - Section H KNOWN AS : 660 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, Fla. ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. NOTICE is hereby given that the building or structure situated upon the above described property has become structurally dangerous, unsafe, dilapidated or unsanitary in the following respects, to wit. Debris, junked building materials, and unsightly and unsanitary materials. and has been allowed and permitted to remain in such dangerous, unsafe, dilapidated or unsanitary condition contrary to, and in violation of, the provisions of Ordinance No. 25-67-6 of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida; That it is the opinion of the undersigned that the above mentioned prohibited act or condition should be removed, suppressed and abated by the tearing down and removal of all of those por- tions of the above described property which are detailed above as being in a dangerous, unsafe and dilapidated condition, or such other appropriate action as may be necessary to relieve the unsanitary, or other condition complained of and that the estimated cost thereof is the sum of $ 200.00 ,and that the proportion of such cost to be borne by the City of Atlantic Beach is the sum of $ 50.00 , represented by the furnishing of equipment, engineering and other services and facilities, and the proportion of such cost to be borne by the owner or occupant of the above described property is the sum of $ 150. 00 That the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will meet on the 13th day of September , 19 71, at the hour of £3 :00 P. M. in the City Hall of said City, to • permit any owner, occupant, or other person interested in the above described property, to present to the City Commission -1- 1' 4 -2- any objections which he, she, or they may have or assert to the removal, suppression or abatement of the above described pro- hibited act or condition, or to the assessment of the cost thereof as hereinafter provided; That unless such prohibited act or condition has been effectively removed, abated or suppressed on or before the time of aforesaid meeting, the City Commission may order the same forthwith removed, suppressed or abated in such manner as the City Commission may determine, and assess the cost of so doing, or such proportion thereof as it may deem equitable and just, against the owner or occupant of said prmperty, and provide that the City, in order to enforce collection of such proportion of said costs as is net borne by the City, shall have and assert a special assessment, together with interest and all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney' s fees and any such owner, occupant, or person otherwise interested therein, who shall not at such meeting present in writing to the City Commission his, her, or their objections to the proposed removal, suppression or abatement, or levy of special assessment to finance and defray the cost thereof, shall be deemed to have consented thereto. Dated this 7th day Of September , 1971. Pr/ City Manager, Atl nti Beach, Florida ATTEST: ade_et, City Clerk, Atlantic Beach, lorida 111