JANUARY 26, 1970
1 . Call To Order
2 . Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of January 12 , 1970
4. Recognition of Visitors
S . Correspondence
6. Bid Opening - Resurfacing Streets
7. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - lublic Hearing
(a) Adoption of Ordinance Code
8 . Ordinance - 1st Reading - Zoning Ordinance
9 . City Manager
10. Commissioners
11. Adjourn
HALL AT 8:00 P. M.
Present: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
A. J. Longo
Preben Johansen
R. R. Rosborough
L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Minton.
Mr. Minton, who asked to be excused from the meeting early,
advised that he wanted to commend Mr. Hilliard for his help in
trying to save the baby whale on Neptune' s beach, also Chief
Stucki for the work his department did in apprehending those
involved in the recent breaking and entering cases on the
Upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Minton and carried,
the minutes of the meeting of January 12, 1970 were approved
as written.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the Agenda.
Mr. Robinson, representing the former Navy Base Mobile Home
Sales, advised they are planning to develop a trailer park on
the acreage located in the area west of Main Street and between
Levy Road and Church Road. He wanted information as to getting
sewer and water service there. He advised Mr. Parks is going
to do the engineering, but at present they have no definite
figures as to cost. Mr. Robinson advised they will pay for the
lift station, force mains and water lines if the City will
furnish the service. It was discussed at length and agreed
that we think any problems can be worked out as long as the
improvements they put in are in line with the City system.
It is to be put on Agenda for next meeting when they may have
more definite information. It was also agreed we feel it is
safe for them to go ahead on their deal to buy the property.
The same arrangement will apply on this as our policy on
similar installations by developers and proceeds worked out as
to repayment from those using this lift station.
A visitor in the audience advised she had been informed that
Atlantic Beach had been cited as to the pollution situation
but her informant advised they in Jacksonville had heard
nothing from us as to plans.
Minutes 1/26/70 Page ##2
Mr. Howell explained in detail our plans for secondary sewerage
treatment plant which plans have been discussed with the State.
Mr. Parks hopes to have plans ready in May. We will then have
to pass a sizeable bond issue. We are working on schedule with
this project. He advised all these beach cities, Jacksonville,
and many other cities were cited as we were.
Mr. R. F. Smith asked what is going to be done with the
unsightly, bad situation at Pleasant Acres. It was agreed some-
thing needs to be done. Mr. Ball was asked to come up with
something whereby we can take firm steps as to Pleasant Acres
also the house on Sherry Drive opposite the end of 6th Street.
It is felt we have waited long enough for something to be done
on it.
Mr. Robert Moore of Nashville, Tennessee appeared on behalf of
Mobile Living, Incorporated, advising they are in process of
purchasing Buccaneer Trailer Park and would like to connect some
200 trailers to our sewer system. They, too, are asking Mr.
Parks to engineer plans for them. The Engineer suggested that
they ask the City to accept the sewer construction to their
Trailer Park and they will pay all necessary expenses to get the
lines to the Park. The matter was discussed during which Mr.
Rosborough asked if this would overload our capacity. Mr. Parks
advised yes to a degree, however, it is difficult to say just
what the capacity really is. The matter will be put on Agenda
for next meeting.
Bids were next received on resurfacing streets in Royal Palms
as follows:
Item 1 - $7, 074.44
Item 2 - (a thru f) 1 . 81 per lin. ft.
(g) 2 .40 per lin. ft.
Warren Brothers Company -
Item 1 - $5, 975. 00
Item 2 - (a thru g) 1 . 53 per lin. ft.
Mr. Longo moved they be referred to Committee for report at
next meeting, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr.
Howell appointed Commissioners Longo and Howell, City Manager
Vogel and Director of Public Works Hilliard as Committee.
Ordinance ##47-70-1 adopting a Revision and Codification of the
Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, entitled "The Code
of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida" was presented for
second and final reading. The Mayor read the Ordinance in full,
following which he declared the meeting in session for Public
Hearing on said Ordinance. Notice of Public Hearing was posted
in line with City Charter. As no one appeared either for or
against, Mr. Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr.
Rosborough moved passage of Ordinance #47-70-1 on second and
final reading, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Minutes 1/26/70 Page #3
An Ordinance to delete future trailer parks from Business "B"
Zone was presented in full in writing for passage on first
reading by title only. Mr. Longo moved passage of said
Ordinance by title only on first reading, seconded by Mr.
Rosborough and carried. Public Hearing was set for February 9,
1970, at 8:00 P. M.
Mr. Howell announced the Legislative delegation will be at
Jacksonville Beach on February 16, 1970 at 7: 30 P.M. The Act
which we are proposing to change our Charter to allow 71%
bond interest has been prefiled by Mr. Ball as required. Also
we have several Resolutions which Mayor Howell requested we go
along with. Neptune, Jacksonville and Atlantic Beaches thought
it might be wise if all three got together on these instead
of presenting a Resolution on them from each Municipality. One
Resolution is to ask that Municipalities be exempted by the
State from paying State sales tax on purchases on contracts of
any value whatsoever. Another Resolution is to remove the
present toll from the Buccaneer Trail . A third Resolution is
plans to widen the road AlA between Jacksonville Beach and
St. Augustine from the Ponte Vedra By-Pass on South. Mr.
Rosborough asked as to reasons substantiating removal of toll
from Buccaneer Trail. It is supposed to be toll but not paying
its way and is being carried by the State anyway and if toll
is removed it will get more use than now. The fourth Resolution
is urging the State of Florida to appropriate matching funds
so as to participate in Beach erosion control. A fifth
Resolution is being prepared to ask the State to increase the
sales tax on gasoline by 1G, the 1G to be returned to the City
in which collected to be used for street resurfacing, mainte-
nance and paving. Mr. Howell requested the Commission to go
along with these Resolutions and direct him to sign them for
the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Rosborough moved that we go
along with the other Beaches on these five Resolutions and
direct the Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest to same,
seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Howell advised that he has heard today of the death of
Mrs. June Wright who was a former longtime resident of Atlantic
Beach and a businesswoman with her Real Estate office in
Atlantic Beach. She served on many Committees and did much
to promote the interests of the City. He recommended the
passage of a Resolution in regards to her passing and that a
copy be sent to her daughter, Mrs. J. Davidson Philips, with
whom she lived. Mr. Longo moved passage of Resolution #70-2
as recommended, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Copy
of said Resolution #70-2 is attached hereto and made a part
Mr. Ball advised that in regard to the Code, the Michie City
people had commended Mrs. Grage and Mr. Vogel for their help
in codifying of the Ordinances.
Minutes 1/26/70 Page #4
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the
meeting adjourned.
Awi „, , ,,i• . Howell
A .
City Clerk