March 9, 1970
1 . Call to Order.
2 . Invocation.
3 . Approval of Minutes of meeting of February 23, 1970.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Correspondence.
6: Bid Opening: City Hall Addition.
7. Committee Report: Commissioner Minton - members for
Recreation Board.
8. Report: City Manager - list of sewer assessment accounts.
9. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Two Zoning Ordinances.
10. Police and Fire Chief -
(a) Reports
11 . Public Works Superintendent.
12 . City Manager.
13 . Commissioners.
14. Mayor.
15. Adjourn.
AT 8:00 P. M.
Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
R. R. Rosborough
A. J. Longo
Preben Johansen
L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Minton.
The minutes of the meeting of February 23, 1970 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Johansen
and carried.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor not on the Agenda.
Miss Susan McAllister advised that the University Women are
quite interested in the matter of pollution. She also spoke
of their interest in the use of insecticides. She will give
the City Manager a list of harmful insecticides.
Mr. George Bull stated he felt we would be remiss not to
recognize the appearances Mayor Howell has made on television
and the great credit with which he has conducted himself before
the cameras, and it should be spread on the minutes that the
Mayor is upholding the status and honor of our community. Mayor
Howell thanked him.
Mayor Howell read copy of a letter from the Jacksonville Beaches
Area Chamber of Commerce to Neptune Beach City Council relative
to their having appointed members from their Council to serve
on a Committee to study the feasibility of consolidation of the
three Beach cities . Mr. Howell advised that he has taken a
stand that there is a similar Resolution presented to the Duval
Delegation which is far more reaching and concise and which
apparently is going to be passed by the Delegation and for this
reason he has taken no action in appointing any members to any
study group requested by the Jacksonville Beaches Area Chamber
of Commerce. This is not to reflect on the request but he thinks
this is matter whish should be resolved by the Delegation.
Bids were received covering proposed addition to City Hall as
Maurice Burns $8, 366.00
Jack Elledge 7, 700.00
Dave Plummer Const. Co. 7, 547.77
Minutes 3/9 /70 Page #2
Dave Plummer also sent in a proposal to build the addition at a
fixed fee of $1, 000.00 plus costs, allowing City to purchase own
material and any other savings to be made in this manner.
Mr. Vogel advised he can do the addition for approximately $4800.00,
and on questioning advised this was due to saving on overhead costs,
insurance, etc. There was discussion as to feasibility of using
City labor and taking from other needed work. The City Manager
will supervise work and eliminate that expense. He plans for this
not to interfere with any other work the City has planned to do.
After further discussion Mr. Minton moved the bids be rejected
and the City Manager authorized to build the addition with his
own forces and other means, cost not to exceed $4800.00, providing
he uses no City forces already committed, seconded by Mr. Longo
and carried.
Mr. Minton reported on Recreation Board and his desire to improve
our facilities and get more citizens involved. He has selected the
following to serve on the Board for 1970: Chief Carl Stucki, A. J.
Ruffin, "Dick" Hilliard, James Burton and Robert Price. Mr. Longo
and Mr. Minton are to be ex-officio members of this Board. He is
calling first meeting of the Board at his house on Wednesday
evening, March 11th, at 8: 00 P. M.
Mr. Vogel presented a list of outstanding sewer assessments totaling
$18, 742 . 58. There was a discussion during which it was brought
out that some are paying off a little at a time. After discussion
Mr. Longo moved the list be turned over to the City Attorney to
peruse the list and move forward vigorously to bring suit in Small
Claims Court against all those he feels we should bring suit
against, but notify the people first, seconded by Mr. Rosborough
and carried.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance to increase lot coverage
in Residence A-1 and A to 1200 square feet was presented for
second and final reading. Mayor Howell read same in full follow-
ing which he declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing
on said Ordinance, it having been continued from last meeting. It
was advised that there has been another Ordinance introduced to
take the place of this Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or
against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr.
Johansen advised he feels the second Ordinance proposed has lots
more merit than this one and he therefore moved that this Ordinance
not be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr.
Rosborough and carried.
Mayor Howell then presented an Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance
as to lot coverage for passage on second and final reading and
read same in full. Ordinance provides lot coverage of 950 square
feet for 1 bedroom, 1050 square feet for 2 bedroom, and 1150 square
feet for 3 bedroom in Residence A-1 and A for single family houses
only. He then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing.
Notice was posted in line with Charter requirements. As no one
appeared either for or against, the Mayor declared the Public
Hearing closed. Mr. Howell then suggested that we not pass this
Ordinance but hold action in abeyance from day to day and that the
City Commission meet with a Committee to be appointed by the Mayor
Minutes 3/9/70 Page #3
to study this matter and report back to next meeting on March 23rd.
He is not prepared at this time to name Committee but will do so
and believes can come up with an Ordinance that will be a little
more in line and more concise than ones presented tonight. He feels
we are all working for best of the City and these Ordinances are
in the right line but there are things left out. He has talked
to two of large landowners in City and they, Mr. George Bull and
Mr. John Blow, have given their verbal assurance that there will
be no mass permits filed with the City of Atlantic Beach until
this has been fully and thoroughly studied. Mr. Rosborough agreed
it should be referred to a Committee and givenconsiderable thought
and study, and he would like to move that we go along with the
Mayor' s suggestion, seconded by Mr. Longo. Mr. Johansen says would
go along with Mr. Rosborough and Mr. Longo but he would like to
have it made a permanent record in the minutes that he does object
very strenuously to anyone that can' t speak for plain Democracy
and discuss this, but would like to intimidate and threaten while
the discussion is going on. Mr. Longo advised that referring to
verbal agreement from Mr. Bull and Mr. Blow that they would not
file any more permits, he would like to see a letter from those
gentlemen' s offices stating that they will agree and concur with
the wishes of the City Commission. Mr. Howell advised he would
consider any man a gentleman and would consider his word as being
that of a gentleman until proven otherwise. Mr. Longo would
still like to have agreement in writing. Mr. Rosborough feels
both men are gentlemen but agrees with Mr. Longo that it should
be in writing, and in his remarks didn' t mean to imply that we
were forced into this thing but feels after talking to several
persons, that it does need more consideration and thought. Answer-
ing a question, Mr. Howell advised Ordinance can be held in
abeyance from day to day and a meeting can be called if needed on
24 hours ' notice. The only Charter requirement is that there be
a minimum of 5 days between first and second reading - beyond that
point there is no limitation. Mr. Johansen does not feel 24 hours
is enough time for anyone to have, we have our regular meeting
and if they are not here it is their fault. At the next meeting
we can pass Ordinance as written or amend. Mayor Howell advises
no way to get written agreements tonight and for that reason he
suggested abeyance from day to day. There was more discussion as
to permits, etc. Mr. George Bull advised that he takes no offense
at what they are trying to do, and he does not think they are
talking about Mr. Blow as Mr. Blow already has permits on all of
his lots that are usable. He feels they are concerned with him
and if they want it in writing, this is an official meeting and
if he makes a statement and the Clerk records it, is it in writing?
He was advised it was. He then stated that on all lots in Saltair,
or any other lots they control they will not ask for a permit on
anything below the minimum anticipated in this changing Ordinance.
He trusts this will suffice as a written statement in the minutes.
There was further discussion in which Mr. Longo suggested we pass
this Ordinance, then after making study amend it. Mr. Jchansen
concurred with Mr. Longo on this. Mr. Howell then put the question
and the call vote was:
Aye: Minton, Rosborough, Howell
Nay: Johansen, Longo
• Minutes 3/9/70 Page #4
Whereupon Mr. Howell declared the motion carried. He will
appoint a Committee to study.
Miss Susan McAllister asked some questions regarding the Ordi-
nance. Mr. Howell advised that a 950 square foot house only nets
out slightly over 800 square feet of actual living space, due to
walls, etc. , and he hopes that through the study we can come up
with an Ordinance that will be a proper Ordinance for some years
to come.
Miss Rowena Eaton advised the drainage condition around her house
is bad and asked for something to be done. Mr. Hilliard and Mr.
Vogel will look into and see what possible solution can be made.
Approval was requested for purchase cf meter yokes, etc. in the
amount of $82 . 36 from Account #1501. Mr. Longo moved approval,
seconded by Mr. Minton and carried.
The City Manager' s mileage for February was 292 miles, and the
City Clerk ' s 190 miles.
Mr. Vogel requested approval to call for bids on an auxilliary
engine at an estimated cost between $1200.00 and $1500.00 for
use in emergencies in waterworks. There was discussion following
which Mr. Longo moved approval to call for bids as requested,
seconded by Mr. Minton and carried.
The Southern Standard Building Code provides for certificate of
occupancy on new buildings, and he would like for the City
Commission to consider asking our Attorney to draw up Ordinance
to cover all buildings whether new or being re-occupied. This
would give us authority to inspect for deficiencies . Mr.
Rosborough moved the City Attorney be directed to draw up such
paper as needed, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried.
The Police Department report for February was received for
information and filing.
Mr. Howell reported that he, Mr. Vogel, and City Attorney, Mr.
Ball, went to Tampa to the Florida League of Municipalities
Conference. They attended conferences on annexation, etc. , and
he will report in more detail on various other subjects covered
at later date.
On Friday he, Mr. Vogel, Mr. Ball and Commissioner Minton
attended a meeting of the sub-committee of the Duval Delegation
at which time we put in an official objection to the bill being
sponsored by the Bold New City of the South to limit the taxing
authority of the other Municipalities in Duval County to 6 mills.
This is being taken under consideration and can' t begin to tell
now what the outcome will be. We advanced a few points on the
Mr. Longo advised he would like to object publicly to the
salaries paid some of the unofficial administrative assistants
with the Bold New City of the South.
Minutes 3/9/70 Page 45
Mr. Rosborough stated he feels we are indebted to the Mayor
and the others who represented us at these meetings . Also there
was favorable comment on the Mayor' s T.V. appearances.
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting
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Adele S. Grage
City Clerk