January 13, 1969
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of 12/23/68.
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. BIOS -
(a) Police car
6. Ordinance - 2nd and final reading
(a) Franchise Jacksonville Electric Authority.
7. Selva Marina #6
8. Resolution #69-1
(a) Mileage costs - City Manager & City Clerk
9. Public Works Report.
10. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets
11. City Manager
12. Commissioners.
13. Adjourn
Present:. William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
John W. Weldon
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
Robert R. Rosborough, Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
Abc t_: Arthur J. Longo, Commissioner
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough.
The minutes of December 23, 1968 were approved as written upon motion
of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the
floor not on the Agenda. There was no business.
Bids were next received on a Police Patrol Car. Certified proof of
publication of "Call for Bids" is attached hereto and made a part
hereof. The bids were as follows:
The 3::c R Chevrolet Co. $2, 589.89
Gordon Thompson Chevrolet, Inc. 2,213.49
Thor Chevrolet, Inc. 2,490.40
Mr. Rosborough moved bids be referred to a Committee for tabulation
and repot hack at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Holloway and
carr. i_ed. Mr. Howell referred bids to Mr. Rosborough to handle.
Ordinance #40-69-6 granting a four (4) year franchise to Jacksonville
Electric Authority to furnish electricity to Atlantic Beach was pre-
sented for second and final reading. Mayor Howell read the Ordinance
in f7i.11 following which he declared the meeting in session for Public
Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against
the Ordinance, Mr. Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr.
Weldon moved that Ordinance #40-69-6 be passed on second and final
reading with the following change to be made in Section V (a) that
the words "in all areas served by Grantee" be added after the word
"..1 ificat. on" , seconded by Mr. Rosborough. Mr. Ball, on being
questioned, advised he did not think the Electric Authority was too
pleased with the paragraph we just added to, or paragraph X, "the
favored nation clause" , but he thought it would be acceptable to
them. It was brought out that there will be a 6% franchise instead
of the present 3%, but there will not be any fringe benefits such as
City Hall current and some free street lights, etc. , however, it is
anticipated that we will net $6, 000.00 or better more than under
present franchise. The Mayor put the question and the motion was
unanimously carried. The Ordinance will now be presented to the
Jacksonville Electric Authority for acceptance.
Minutes 1/13/69 Page #2
. ti
' Mr. George Bull presented a composite map of the proposed Selva
Marina Units #6 and #7. There was discussion with Mr. Bull who
advised it was decided would be preferable to go along with larger
size sewer lines and water mains with the City to pay difference
between larger size and deeper installation and the low bid of the
bids previously taken. This difference has already been established
at time of the competitive bidding and the certificate of indebted-
ness will be for the amount of that low bid. Mr. Bull has made
arrangements for financing with another company other than the low
bidder - but the City will o-ly make certificate for amount of the
previously taken low bid. Also the certificate will not be given
until work is finished and has been inspected and accepted by the
City. He would like for the City to approve contract for work and
the plat as presented. Mr. Ball advised he saw no objection to
contract - it' s a normal contract. After further discussion, Mr.
Rosborough moved approval of contract and plats for Selva Marina
Units #6 and #7, and that they be signed for the City by the Mayor
and City Clerk, seconded by Mr . Weldon and carried.
Resolution #69-1 approving mileage payment to City Manager and City
Clerk when using personal cars on City business was presented and
read in full. Mr. Rosborough moved passage of said Resolution,
seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Holloway feels policy should be
established as to what constitutes City business, if comes to too
much, it might be cheaper to buy City Manager a car. It was agreed
that will have to be determined. After discussion the :Mayor put
the question and the motion carried. Copy of Resolution #69-1 is
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The Public Works Department report was received for information and
filing. Mr. Hilliard advised he has material for practice tennis
board and hopes to have it up in few days. He has put in basketball
court slab and is waiting for parts for backboards to get that
Reports of Police Department for month of December, 1968 and Fire
Department for November and December, 1968 were received for informa-
tion and filing. Also copies of Municipal Court dockets for
December 23rd and 30th, 1968, and January 6th, 1969, were presented.
Chief Stucki advised for a 15 day period during the holidays we had no
accidents in the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Weldon stated he feels
our Police Department needs commending { oi this record.
Mr. Vogel requested permission to put a storage area over City
Manager' s office for old records, etc . He proposes to put a deck
at about 8 feet with a door opening out into the outer room with a
ladder going up to it. It will cost approximately $200.00. He
also plans to put a metal buil-Ting outside, back of the City Hall,
for Janitorial supplies. There was no objection.
Mr. Vogel advised we plan to have the Police and Fire Station treated
for powder bugs. He has had a figure from Orkin Company but plans
to get more bids before signing up for work. The Station will be
covered with a tent for 2 days, and we will work out arrangements
for Public Safety Department to operate out of Phblic Works Building.
Anticipate getting done in next few months.
Minutes 1/13/69 Page #3
Mr. Vogel requested approval to contract with Michie City Publishing
Company to codify City Ordinances. Mr. Weldon asked as to number of
pages to be provided. Contract calls for 150, and additional pages
at $11. 50 per page could run into money. It is believed the 150 pages
will cover as they revise Ordinances and cut out wordiness, also they
edit out duplications. They plan to consult with our City Attorney
and if any questionable change made feel sure our Attorney would bring
it to Commission' s attention. There was further discussion following
which Mr. Weldon moved that we proceed with contract with Michie City
Publishing Company for codification, seconded by Mr. Holloway and
Mr. Vogel stated that on street maintenance where they put the two
accounts together he assumed the Commission wanted to hold control
over them, and Mr. Hilliard has recommended we start paving as soon
as possible when the weather permits, if this meets with the
Commission' s approval, as some of the streets are deteriorating badly,
and if limestone is put in, after the first rain, it washes out.
There is difference in patching and resurfacing. It was stated we
should go ahead with needed patching, but on resurfacing and repaving
they suggest that Mr. Hilliard prepare his recommendations and let
the City Commission call for bids on work - showing streets, width
and length of pavement, etc. The list to be in line with priorities,
and when bids are taken it may be necessary to cut out some. Determina-
tion will have to be made then.
Mr. Weldon advised he had counted at least 7 of the lights on the
Atlantic Beach side of Atlantic Boulevard out, and since we are paying
for these lights they should burn. Mr. Howell suggested the police
make a check about twice a week and report to City Manager any lights
that are out. It was agreed that whenever the police see any street
lights out that they make note of it and report to City Manager.
Mr. Weldon inquired as to matter he brought up at last meeting regard-
ing walls, etc, going out over the seawall. Mr. Vogel said he had
looked it over and talked to Mr. Ball who advised that down state
hotels, etc. build barricades out to high water mark. They have been
sued and taken to Supreme Court but still have barricades. He advised
there is some question as to who owns the seawall for at time it was
built each individual property owner paid for seawall in front of
their property and the City at large only paid for seawall at street
ends and runways. There was further discussion and Mr. Weldon advised
he understood same wall was built in Jacksonville Beach and they are
stopping it. Mr. Ball advised they have a Zoning land use Ordinance
but we do not have such an Ordinance. Mr. Weldon then moved that an
Ordinance be drawn up similar to the Jacksonville Beach Ordinance
for submission to the Commission at next meeting relating to the
extension of walls up to and including the bulkhead line or seawall
so as to protect the citizens of Atlantic Beach, seconded by Mr.
Holloway, who thinks these things are detrimental. Mr. Howell
requested that they also consider at the same time, and we might
incorporate into that Ordinance, to control the elevation to which
a man can raise his property in relation to his abutting neighbor' s.
We have a situation where a man has put 3 or 4 feet of fill on his
property - seems he must have to put in a retaining wall to hold the
fill - then he has a permit to build a 4 foot fence around his
property. The 4 foot fence with a 4 foot fill makes an 8 foot
' r
Minutes 1/ 3/69 Page #4
obstacle for his neighbor. There was discussion in which it was
brought out that usually on the Ocean Front the yards are filled at
a slanting grade from the house down to the seawall . Mr. Weldon
advised he would amend his motion to include the problem presented
by the Mayor and suggested that the City Attorney and City Manager
get together as to grades of property, etc. , seconded by Mr. Holloway
and carried.
Mr. Weldon asked as to the $1, 500. 00 provided in paragraph 6 of
Selva Marina Realty and R.C.B.S. stipulation as for settlement
purposes. Mrs. Grage advised she gave the bill to Mr. Harcourt
Bull and he returned it to her saying the R.C.B.S . part had not been
settled by Court and that he is not going to pay the City $1, 500.00
when the City is going to owe them more than that. He understood
this would be handled in final settlement. It was agreed that in
line with paragraph 6 of stipulation the plaintiffs owe the City
the $1, 500.00 and the City Attorney is to be given the bill for
collecting for the City.
Mr . Holloway asked if City Manager has been able to proceed with
any program of beautification on Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Vogel
advised that he has talked to Mrs. Marvin and the "Hands" program
has become interested in the project and she has also talked with
the three Garden Circles interested in Atlantic Beach and she will
follow through on this. The City will work with her on this project.
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting
ZO/&005.::# _Al
Wil1ia S. Howell
ace..2„ V
, ,
Adele S. Grage
City Clerk
The Florida Times-Union ri Jacksonville Journal
Bids will be received by the City Con.
Publishers mission of the City of Atlantic'Beach,
JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUN'T'Y, FLORIDA Florida, 6,il r 8fu P.M., Monday,11) OliCP
ary 13, 1969, for furnishing one (1) pplice
Patrol Car for the City of Attjrttic
All material.: eqment furnished
and all work performed shall be in sirjcf
COUNTY OF DUVAL accordance with the specifications and
contract documents
and pertaining thereto,
:hin, may be examineduipor procured at
the City Clerk's office, City Hall, Atlantic
Beach, Florida.
Each bid should be submitted in sealed
envelope addressed to the City Commis-
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared _ cion, APantic Beach, Florida, marked
id on Police Patrol Cary' and delivered
or mailed in time to be received in the
City Clerk's office, City Hall, prior to bid
E. W. Clifton , who on oath says that he is time.
The City reserves the right to waive in-
formalltles in any bid; to relecl any or.
Retail-Advertising Manager - of The Florida Times-Union, and del tithe bi whate or in part, and to ac-
cent the bid that, is its iudgment, will.be
to the best interests-of the City of Atlan-
t.c Beach.
Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, ATLANTIC BEACOH,N FLORIDAQp
By William S. Howell
By William S. Howell
• Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a.___ Mayor-Commissioner
;Adele S. Grape,City Clerk
Legal Notice
in the matter of -Cl__for_ lids
in the
was published in Jacksonville Journal
• in the issues of 4, 19€9
Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are
each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said
newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida,
The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and
each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval
County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per-
son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing
this advertisement for publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this ( _-____ _____day of
Jaw A.I 19. 1__``
Notary Pub ic,
State of Florida at Large.
My Commission Expires .. loos
WHEREAS, the automobile owned by the City Manager of the City of Atlantic
Beach , Florida, and the automobile owned by the City Clerk of the City
of Atlantic Beach , Florida, are both used during the course of the working
day in the performance of the duties of both these City Officials , and
WHEREAS, it is not the intention of the City Commission of the City of
Atlantic Beach, Florida, that these officials should bear the cost of
these automobiles when being used for city business , out of their own
pockets , and
WHEREAS, it is intended that this cost should be borne by the City of
Atlantic Beach, Florida,
That the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach , Florida,
hereby declares and determines :
1 . That the City Manager and the City Clerk are entitled to
and deserve re-imbursement of the cost of using their privately owned
automobiles in the performance of their official duties.
2. That such re-imbursement shall be at the rate of ten (10t)
cents per mile, for each car; and
3. That the City Manager and the City Clerk shall each render
a statement at the end of each month to the City Commission of the City
of Atlantic ach, Florida, showing the exact amount of mileage which
their privately owned automobiles have been driven on city business
during the preceding month , and re-imbursement at the aforesaid rate
of 10t per mile shall immediately be made to each of these city officials.
4. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon
its adoption.
Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
this /3LG day of )42 «- , 1969.
Adele S. Grage, City Cr k.