February 24, 1969
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of 2/10/69
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Report of Committee -
(a) Dump Truck
6. Approve purchase from Account 1501
7 . Resolutions -
(a) Burning Sewer Bonds and Coupons, Resolution 69-4.
(b) Burning Utility Revenue Bonds and Coupons, Res.#69-5.
8. Ordinance - 1st Reading
(a) Amending Sub-division Ordinance as to paving.
9. Housing Authority.
10. Public Works Report
11. Fire and Police Chief Reports & Municipal Court Dockets.
12 . City Manager.
13. Commissioners.
14. Adjourn
William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Arthur J. Longo
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
John W. Weldon
Robert R. Rosborough, Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon.
Mayor Howell introduced our special guest at the Commission Table.
He was Mike McCuen of Boy Scout Troop #37 of Community Presbyterian
Church of Atlantic Beach, who is acting as Mayor for the Day,
having been duly elected by his troop to act in this capacity.
Chief Stucki then introduced John Roche of the same troop who was
duly elected as Chief of Police of Atlantic Beach for the Day.
Both of the young men have been with Chief Stucki and other
Atlantic Beach officials for most of the afternoon. They were
appropriately welcomed by those present and invited to return for
a visit at any time.
The minutes of the meeting of February 10th, 1969 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Weldon and
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor. There was no business.
A report was presented by Mr. Longo advising that the bid of the
Big R Chevrolet Company was the lowest and best bid and recommended
award be made to them for the dump truck. Mr. Weldon moved the
recommendation of the Commission be accepted, seconded by Mr.
Rosborough. It was advised it is fully budgeted in this year ' s
budget. The Mayor put the question and the motion carried.
Approval was requested for purchase of three 1" American meters
with couplings on Purchase Order #5362 in the amount of $249.00
from Account #1501. Mr. Rosborough moved approval, seconded by
Mr. Weldon and carried.
Resolution #69-4 covering burning of Sewer General Obligation Bonds
and coupons redeemed during 1968 was presented for passage. Mr.
Weldon moved passage of said resolution, seconded by Mr. Rosborough
and carried. Copy of resolution #69-4 is attached hereto and made
a part hereof.
Minutes 2/24/69 Page #2
Resolution #69-5 covering burning of Utility Revenue Water Bonds
and coupons redeemed during 1968 was presented for passage. Mr.
Longo moved passage, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Copy
of Resolution #69-5 is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
An Ordinance amending Ordinance #67-58-1 as to paving, was presented
in full in writing for passage on first reading by title only.
Mr. Weldon moved the rules be waived and the said amending ordi-
nance passed on first reading by Title only, seconded by Mr.
Rosborough. There was discussion in which it was determined
that item C does meet County specifications. There was also a
lengthy discussion as to work done in Royal Palms. There was
question also as to the last sentence of Item "C" which read
"All of the above to be in accord with plans and specifications
approved by City Commission" . Mr. Vogel advised he put this in
so Commission could specify requirements in line with latest Road
Department specifications at time work is done. It was suggested
this wording be changed and after word "course" in item "C" the
following words be added "as outlined in current Florida State
Road Department specifications" , and the last sentence of Item C
eliminated. Following discussion Mr. Holloway presented a
substitute motion adopting the Ordinance on first reading by title
only with Item C changed in line with above suggestions, seconded
by Mr. Weldon and carried. March 10, 1969, 8:00 P. M. , was set
for Public Hearing.
Mr. Howell stated that with Commission' s indulgence he would not
at this time appoint five names for Housing Authority. He has
been contacted by Mr. Frank Sheetz of the Architectural firm in
Atlanta who were Architects for Jacksonville Beach Public Housing
Project. They would like to send a representative to meet with
the Commission and discuss and go deeper into the whole realm of
public housing. They would like to come this Wednesday night, but
Mr. Howell advised that is the date the Duval Legislative Delega-
tion will be at the Beach and he plans to be at that meeting as
he hopes other Commissioners will be too. It will be necessary
that the Architectural representative meet at a later date with
the Commission. It was agreed by all that we badly need much more
information on this Housing matter. Mr. Weldon presented some
papers on the subject which he requested the City Clerk to copy
and distribute to the Commission. Also Mr. Don Goodling advised
he had secured some information while in Washington which he put
at Commission' s disposal. It is agreed we are in need of this
type housing but we must study and get more information on ways of
handling, methods, etc. The matter was continued until we can
research further.
The Public Works report was received for information and filing.
Mr. Weldon asked as to the sidewalk on Sherry Drive and Mr. Vogel
advised they are going to start staking out tomorrow. Mr. Howell
advised he thinks should make some decision as to assessments as
to North-South Streets, that is, East Coast Drive, Ocean Boulevard,
Minutes 2/24/69 Page #3
and Sherry Drive, two are replacing present sidewalks, but Sherry
Drive has no sidewalk of any kind. He feels these three main
streets are used by everyone and perhaps we should do them as
have started with City labor and buying material. However when
we come to the East-West Streets, whenever that is, where there
are no sidewalks, we will have to make a decision. All were
agreed that on the Sherry Drive sidewalk it is needed particularly
for the school children and the City at large and should be done
by the City. It was also agreed that we prepare a long range
plan for both paving and sidewalks and questions be considered
at time project is done. The sidewalk will adjoin the front
property line whenever put in, and it is hoped we can go all the
way from Plaza to Atlantic Boulevard on Sherry Drive this year.
The Municipal Court Dockets for February 3rd, 10th and 17th, 1969
were presented for information and filing.
The City Manager reported there will be a meeting with the
Library Board here at our City Hall at 10: 00 A. M. March 5th,
1969. He has sent the Commissioners a copy of letter from Mr.
Harry Brinton, Director of Libraries, Jacksonville.
Mr. Vogel advised they are making arrangements for treatment of
the Fire Station Building for powder bugs.
He also requested permission to call for bids to roof the Public
Safety Building so that when above treatment is finished we can
get a new roof on building. This was in 1969 Budget. Mr.
Weldon moved approval to call for bids on roofing as requested,
seconded by Mr. Longo and carried.
Mr. Vogel announced that we have an ambulance in service as of 10 A.M.
this morning at the Beaches Hospital with two trained personnel
from Jacksonville. They have a "hot line" from the Central
Station at the City Hall in Jacksonville at the dispatcher ' s
office. The 'phone number is EL-5-8833 . Mr. Howell advised that
the agreement we had with City of Jacksonville to furnish an
ambulance to be stationed at Atlantic Beach Fire Station was
merely temporary until they could supply a second attendant. They
found they could do that and station the ambulance at the Beaches
Hospital. We do not have to supply another man but are respon-
sible for collection on calls to citizens in Atlantic Beach.
The City Manager requested approval for he and the Acting City
Attorney to go to Orlando on March 2nd, 3rd and 4th to meeting
of Florida League of Municipalities. It was concensus that they
attend this meeting to be paid from City Manager' s account #212 .
Mr. Vogel also asked approval to attend the City Manager' s meeting
at Daytona Beach on April 27th to 29th, 1969. It was approved and
to be paid from City Manager ' s account #212 .
Minutes 2/24/69 Page #4
Chief Stucki advised there are some approximately 150 abandoned
automobiles around the City, some of which are real eye sores
and health hazards. He would like some instructions on correcting
these situations. It was advised this comes under our Ordinance
#25-67-6 to abate public nuisance, etc. He and Mr. Vogel will
get together on this and take necessary steps.
As to the secondary roads the County listed to fix, Saratoga
Circle was the only one on our list to repair. Mr. Weldon
suggested the City Manager substitute another street for the
$2200.00 estimated for Saratoga Circle, when he calls for bids.
Mr. Holloway inquired if we are abiding by standards established
by the State as to sirens, lights, etc. on police cars, and
Chief Stucki advised that we are.
Mr. Longo stated he would like to see the City produce or get
made an information sticker to be put on telephones, giving
police, fire and ambulance service telephone numbers. We do not
have any bills going out in envelopes until October to put these
in as "stuffers" but Mr. Vogel advised we would work out some-
thing. It was agreed it is good idea .
Mr. Rosborough asked if Mr. Vogel would be back for Library Board
meeting on Wednesday A. M. and Mr. Vogel stated he would. Alsc,
he suggested we make sure they know about City of Jacksonville
let on Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Rosborough advised the property
at 1421 Seminole Road is in very bad condition: grown up with
weeds, old car in garage, and back door open. Mr. Vogel will
check into.
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting
iam . owell
Adele S . Grage '
City Clerk
CITY CT. . .
• Dcad -Teciada
WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 5 - 3-9/10% General Obligation
Sewer Bonds in the amount of $5, 000. 00, said bonds bearing
maturity date of April 1, 1968, and
WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Sewer Bond interest coupons
which have become due through 1968,
ing numbered bonds totaling $5, 000.00 in value be burned:
Numbers 36 through 40
and that,
The following numbered interest coupons be burned:
Coupon No. 20 from Bonds 36-40, 46-110,
121-185, 186-300.
Coupon No. 21 from Bonds 46-90, 121-260,
262-263, 265-266, 270,
275-281, 283, 285, 292-293,
296, 298-300.
The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission
on Yi2 -«-'``� �- /9 6
Adele S . Grage
City Clerk
CITY OF. . .
WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 8 - 34 Utility Bonds in the
amount of $8,000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of
March 1, 1968, and WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Utility
Revenue Bond interest coupons which have become due through
ing numbered bonds totaling $8,000.00 in value be burned:
Numbers 63 through 70
and that,
The following numbered interest coupons be burned:
Coupon No. 25 from Bonds 205-209
Coupon No. 26 from Bonds 63-191, 202-204,
Coupon No. 27 from Bonds 71-191, 202-204,
The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission
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Adele S. Grage
City Clerk