Minutes-Workshop TMDL 12-15-08 v MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBER, ON DECEMBER 15,2008 AT 5:00 PM. City Commission Members Present: John S. Meserve, Mayor Mike Borno,Mayor Pro Tem Paul Parsons,Commissioner Carolyn Woods,Commissioner Absent: John Fletcher,Commissioner Staff present: Jim Hanson,City Manager David Thompson,Assistant City Manager Donna Kaluzniak,Utility Director Tim Gilboy,Deputy Public Works Director Donna L.Bartle,City Clerk The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the report from consultants on the TMDL/Wastewater Study and Recommendations,was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Meserve. He then explained the process for discussion at Workshops. Gordon Grimes and John Collins representing HDR Consultants of the TMDL Compliance Study gave a presentation,which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Subjects included how to meet the new(TMDL) standards limiting the discharge of nitrogen into the St. Johns River from City wastewater plants and the storm water system. The possibility of treating the wastewater and distributing it to several possible customers for irrigation(called reuse) was one option. Possible upgrades of both of the city's wastewater plants were considered. The elimination of the Buccaneer wastewater treatment plant(WWTP#2)either through sending the wastewater to JEA for treatment or re-piping to the city's main wastewater plant(WWTP#1)was also considered. The recommendations were to upgrade WWTP#1 to meet the new wastewater standards,eliminate WWTP #2 by re-piping the wastewater to WWTP #1,and to plan for an expansion in capacity from 3.0 millions of gallons per day(MGD)to 5.0 MGD for WWTP#1. The timetable and phasing for the expansion would be further considered after the results are available of an ongoing study about the possibility of taking wastewater from the City of Neptune Beach for treatment at Atlantic Beach's WWTP#1. The results of that work are expected in late winter or spring of 2009. After review and discussion, it was the consensus of the commission to support the recommendations of the consultants and request that an amendment to the engineering contract with HDR be prepared for commission approval at a regular meeting that would continue their work by designing the upgrade of WWTP#1,eliminate WWTP#2 and make preliminary plans to expand WWTP#1 to a capacity of 5.0 MGD. There being no further discussion by the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. adapt/net ordiaidegd Donna L. Bartle,CMC City Clerk IIIIf _kit: NMI "1111- - ���. CITYit :;..,,,„, , BEACH TMDL COMPLIANCE PROGRAM , . December 15th, 2008 1-3 n x 4 1 R. ✓-- -.3 JCEA, LLC t PROJECT SCO PE • REUSE PROGRAM • ANALYSIS OF WWTP # 1 AND WWTP # 2 • PHASE OUT WWTP # 2 • PUMP TO JEA 11:• PUMP TO WWTP # 1 PRESENT WORTH COST ANALYSIS 2 JOEA, LLC T e •Y . FLOW SUMMARY —, la., Available Permitted Average Daily Capacity Facility Capacity (MGD) Flow (MGD) (MGD) WWTP # 1 3.00 1 .80 1 .20 WWTP # 2 1 .90 0.70 1 .20 Aggregate System 4.90 2.50 2.40 l MGD = Million Gallons per Day r ,,v tik_, IM -� JCEA, LLC rt . TOTAL mAximum - COMPLIANCE , „ r, 4 ; 4 V " \ JCEA, LLC on WASTE LOAD ALLOCATIONS Allocation (lbs/year) Net Reduction Facility from Start Point WWTP # 1 29,610 52.40% WWTP # 2 18,859 60.00% Stormwater - 1 ,488 72.70% Aggregate 46,614 59. 10% Sit) ][17111L ' 1 =)) JCEA, LLC • EusE PROGRAM ._ . ,.. ., . _ . ., _ , .. _ .. ,. _ _ 1 4 . 6 �� JCEA, LLC El t ,s___. ..,,..p....N....„ s •`iitiPootA ._ 411.-- si.ftift-1$1 WWTP # 2 _ 2 ay ..__ -4.. ‘, --,---, _,.. 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F' A ALYSIS � OFNSULTS • APPROXIMATELY 1 . 10 MILLION GALLONS PER DAY OF REUSE WAS IDENTIFIED. • APPROXIMATELY 3 .5 MILES OF TRANSMISSION PIPE ARE NEEDED TO DELIVER THE FLOW f Present Worth of Capital and O&M Costs (20 Years) Both plants are reuse $ 12.9 Million providers WWTP # 1 is regional $ 16.4 Million provider 8 ` --� ` JCEA LLC ANSWER? IS SUSE THE Present Flow Projected Flow of Flow Required Required ITEM* Required (MGD) (MGD) WWTP # 1 85% 1 .27 2.55 WWTP # 2 71 % 0.50 1 .35 PLANTS COMBINED 80% 1 .76 3 .90 *Does not include treatment upgrades hax \ JCEA, LLC , . .. . . , . ; ... ..r.... . _ . _ . - - - ' A .., . :: _ ,. . ....,... .. , ... . . . . . FACILITIES . ... ,.. ,. �;4 "A#; --.�' �4 10 �s • � l� �, � ---�- ' JCEA, LLC u WWTP # 1 NITROGEN REMOVAL OPTIONS 1111 • OPERATIONAL MODIFICATIONS PROCESS MODIFICATIONS COMBINATION OF OPERATIONAL OR PROCESS ODIFICATIONS COST ANALYSIS WWTP # 1 OPTIONS Total O&M Cost Present Capital (Yearly Worth Cost Options Cost (Year Differential (20 Considered* 1) Average) Years)** MLE Process $7,229,000 $ 90,000 $ 11 ,839,000 4 Stage Process $6,830,000 ($55,000) $9,317,000 -#i M1r .41 ,�x�ci. ;..;`, *Each option is 3.0 MGD - ADF - ,, :.. **Includes capital improvements rr .4 T. listed in the City CIP . .rs. hal \ Uri u� s JCEA, LLC 4 STANITROGEN REMOVAL ITESLAYOUT \ \, ....._..........: ... 0 _____ _. .: ....., , 4 . .. . _ 6 tii \ \ . . ..- ... ,... ; : F�.wA 014 ,r't /11 . . — ---...... ....—_,..-.,__ . I -22.51.1 c, /i ' ) 'Ili ' / ;"o --- .. VVr ,1.-- V 1 ( . . / , ) k -, mot _ ..- .,,,.: • , ' \ \ la__.v- .scorn- .. -.a.3 .- , - WWI I • r D ; .1:11 ' • 4 .- -I le ' r ■ � , ' . : . 4 . 1 74 r ." =�-` -- - '�' L '''T 13 1.--ill `tot ___ JCEA, LLC MOUIIIKOMEMIE 0111100111, 11111.111111"11Si WWTP # 2 NITROGEN REMOVAL OPTIONS • OPERATIONAL MODIFICATIONS • PROCESS MODIFICATIONS it COMBINATION OF OPERATIONAL OR ii:PROCESS MODIFiCATiONS ASE OUT AND DIVERT FLOW TO WWTP # 1 OR JEA PHASE OUT WWTP # 2 FLOW SHEDDING FROM WWTP # 2 TO WWTP # 1 ,,, , ,,,,, ., .'.,%!j , *DEVELOP TRANSMISSION ROUTES G 1*EVALUATE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE 1 •EVALUATE EXISTING LIFT STATIONS OD EVELOP FF,ASIBLE OPTIONS '- -- 15 1 1J JCEA, LLC 1 RNN —Rna LMt � sill RNAs IA-Sea.Plumdi) �, II — PAMDISE ,40,..-- 2U41 NAY'•Ri _Raw,D-9wy. NSMVRa P• �„ I RNH1G1-SIR�rylMarpsGpTlssy Ra 00rri A Holt 2.Wal Nl.1,,R2 A� m X F _—Raw S-WypaR Ra [ G .• —RNNA-u.lvanRe,««am. ��d 1 i IMYRORfINtlNG DY 2 0 WWTP # 2 NANTUCKET ]STM CME CHARLES zrn NONGON p lii• SENAGO RUDDER p F C F SOCA GRANDE F ' • GLLMAGOS 14ARW .�•NA�IY \..... `suNAPEE PANUCO 4y_GREEN GY > g '�,ylf•'n��l�p, ii s. o s TCROSSNG g UNpN i O L QQdA TRENTON OCEAHRNLR i ii TH;p„E o $Q: T o s SSS!!! 6X6 t s 2 zj` DELOENCE .,9•''' P� o pTM r� [�Q• 000- 447...,,,,,qA,T »>Zp • t BRVBSA DE wR< ` 3' 3 '2 Ole A ,9TH O 1 E9JM9Dss DoltE �i20f JL`l.`4 1 A t TN t7 OESTNE 1 Y w {S 3' DOVE LANDING O Y iiCC _.. =ic _ ++T R • BUCCANEER s� —�5•AruRWt 111 ••• , 111N t BLUE LE MAUNA $ DIIiTON ISLAND jIIMVEL DDDNTIry CLD. WWTP # 1 + i `STEWART WOIEY P NAOAEY 1Srll m S4YDNS m >o LEWLR p.•� p g RoSEAT `^sA n F 11 H EDGAR STANLEY WALTER ^' 12TH JACKSON NENOAUAL 9 f. LEVY ......t MOELIA g — 11TH = A F i `n <90TH N� ......t +S .a• IAREs p5 10Th PLATA S m ' sJOr AMBER-PACK 11111 W lYq _ SONfiA MIA ,}p C �1 PLAZA �S �$ 2O AR MI . 2 L i D yu sQ� o REDFlN s TES ,n 9TH A s u 9TH O •� S1BAL0 VI N+ sNs 5 as tIDo s ,;_ 1y + _ ara 16 Exhibit 1 ✓ ,G) All Alternative Routes : \ ,JCEA, LLC Vs ar LOIS ~ :1 — J Comm En0.,..rg w Msu0..., TRANSMISSION COSTS wing Route Total Capital Costs 1 $3,390,000 3 $3,430,000 2 $3,510,000 4 $3,710,000 100. ALL• 17 41110 X . JCEA, LLC Jill PRESENTWORTHANALYSIS - : . th, .. .....,.....,.....„ , WWTP # 2 O&M Cost -, (Yearly Total Present Options Capital Cost Differential Worth Cost (20 Considered (Year 1) Average) Years) Z:. Upgrade WWTP # 2, Rehab Tanks $6,223,000* $ 280,000 $9, 162,000 Phase out WWTP # 2, transfer to WWTP # 1 $3,390,000 ($280,000) $952,000 *Includes capital improvements listed in tio�c,... L� '' the 2006 Master Plan Costs r, atilt 7. `� E ;�� JCEA, LLC , .. N f egi , .., 1 , SEND . , ,,., ,._ , Wr,. _.. . A., STEWATER TO . ., . , ,,„ .. .. ._ ... (TEA • ... „ ,..._ , ,, ,, . . ., . ., .... , _., . , �� 19 JCEA, LLC �r PRESENTRTH ANALYSIS �O O&M Cost Total (Yearly Present ' Options Capital Cost Differential Worth Cost Considered (Year 1)* Average) (20 Years) Transfer wastewater to JEA @ 0.7 MGD $3,330,000 $ 1 ,200,000 $ 17,952,000 4lifoi, *Does not include possible TMDL r upgrades cost at JEA WWTP o„. J1 , 20 0,49 A, —� JCEA, LLC COST ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS • UPGRADE WWTP # 1 TO AWT STANDARDS • INITIATE PHASE OUT PROGRAM FOR WWTP # 2 • INITIATE DESIGN FOR FUTURE EXPANSION AT WWTP # 1 J J COMBINED ALTERNATIVES Capital Costs O&M Cost (Yearly Total PW Costs Differential (20 Years) Average) 4 Stage Process @ WWTP # 1 and.... Phase Out WWTP # 2 $10,220,000 ($335,000) $10,269,000 on Upgrade and Maintain $13,053,000 $225,000 $18,479,000 WWTP # 2 Send to JEA $10, 160,000 $ 1, 145,000 $27,269,000 2 MGD Expansion at $8,961,000 ($198,300) $9,783,000* WWTP # 1 *Includes sale of WWTP # 2 22 property JCEA, LLC IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION DATE obi Phase ONE — WWTP # 1 UPGRADE TO AWT a. Preliminary Plans Complete 05/01/2009 b. Final Plans and Specifications Complete 10/01/2010 c. Begin Construction 04/30/2011 d. End Construction 12/31/2012 e. Begin Operation 03/31/2013 f. Operational Level Attained 10/01/2013* • *While the final date of 10/01/2013 to meet TMDL allocation is firm, how you achieve it is flexible fa( -� = JCEA, LLC DISCUSSION. Afr24 wmpiew 53 lot , rt�; JCEA, LLC