June 23, 1969
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of June 9, 1969.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. C orrespondence :
(a) Certificate of Appreciation from Fletcher
Athletic Department.
6. Committee Reports :
(a) Computor Report
7 . Plans, etc. on 10. 5 acres corner Mayport & Levy Roads.
8. Public Works Report.
9. Approval purchase from Acct. 1501 - Approx. $450.00
10. Municipal Court Dockets for June 9th and June 16th, 1969.
11. City Manager.
12. Commissioners.
13. Adjourn.
William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
A. J. Longo
R. R. Rosborough
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, Acting City attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon.
The minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1969 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Holloway and
A certificate of appreciation was presented from Duncan U.
Fletcher High School Athletic Department for the support and
assistance given them by the City during the year 1968-1969.
Mr. Holloway reported that the Committee on studying computer
had met this evening and will have a report at next meeting.
There was no one present and no plans have been received on the
10. 5 acres at corner of Mayport Road and Levy Road.
The report of the Public Works Department was received for
information and filing.
Mr. Weldon advised he was interested in getting the sidewalk
finished on Sherry Drive and the fire hydrant moved. Mr. Vogel
advised we have had trouble with easement in next block. It
has been taken care of except for a fence, which, if owner does
not move back, we will have to and go ahead with this project.
Approval was requested for purchase from Water Works Account 1501
of four (4) 1" meters with curb stops and gooseneck for
approximately $450.00. Mr. Longo moved approval as requested,
seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
The Police dockets for June 9th and 16th, 1969 were received
for information and filing.
Mr. Vogel in his report previously mailed to the Commission
emphasized the immediate need of additional reservoir facilities
at the Water Works. Referring to Mr. Walter Parks ' report of
1961, it was advised that Mr. Parks ' recommendations as covered
by items d, e, and f have been completed but not items a, b, and
c. Mr. Parks was present to discuss the matter with the
Commission. It was suggested that the reservoirs have baffles
Minutes 6/23/69 Page #2
alternating on opposite sides to increase areation as well as
allow more time for settlement in the water. Mr. Weldon inquired
as to status of sewer project and which is more important. Mr.
Vogel stated that financing was problem right now with interests,
etc. at current high rates. Mr. Parks advised there is great
deal of difference in amount of money to do each and that the
Florida Air & Water Pollution would say "pollution" , however
nothing is more annoying to average citizen as consumer and to
officials as not getting water which is good. There was further
discussion in which it was brought out that the time on the
sewer situation has been extended to January 1, 1973, however
Florida Air & Water Pollution will still work towards December
31, 1970. It will cost in neighborhood of one-half million dollars
which would necessitate a bond issue. It is estimated that the
water improvement suggested will cost an approximate $62,000.00
which is felt can be financed out of Water funds. Mr. Parks
advised he can have plans ready for bid in a month. Folowing
further discussion Mr. Holloway moved that Mr. Parks be authorized
to proceed with making plans on the water improvement, seconded
by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Parks advised on question by Mr.
Longo that fee will be on percentage of project estimate or
approximately 5 to 6 thousand dollars.
As to tax assessing and collecting as covered by Chapter 69-54,
Laws of Florida, House Bill #1082, it was brought out that we
have our own tax roll but use County valuations; as to collections,
there is some question as to the exemption of the Consolidated
City of Jacksonville from the Act. Mr. Harcourt Bull advised he
has been in touch with the Consolidated City of Jacksonville and
they are willing and able to perform this service for Atlantic
Beach on a voluntary basis, and that the cost of the services
will not exceed expense imposed on them which he thinks will be
very little, if any. There will be some rulings on this law and
will have more information in next two weeks. This will come
under Mr. Holloway' s Committee report and will be up to City to
decide if they want to do it or not.
As to the junk yard in Section "H" , it is non-conforming as they
are not allowed in any zone in the City. Also they have never
paid a license fee. Mr. Vogel is to get with City Attorney on
Mr. Weldon brought up matter of letter received from Mr. Cole
on Selva Marina Drive relative to putting trash in parkway. It
was brought out that we do not know who gave such permission as
it has always been against best interests of the City for the
parkways to be used for trash piling. A letter has been sent to
owners of property facing all our parks and parkways that trash
and debris is not to be placed in parks or parkways but at front
of owner' s property.
Mr. Weldon commended work being done at street ends.
. 'y
Minutes 6/23/69 Page #3
Mr. Holloway asked as to whether we had an Ordinance on surfers
and bathers. It was advised we do not but in past have had
cooperation of both in areas we designated. Mr. Holloway feels
we should have Ordinance with definite rules that can be given to
Mr. Longo turned in a list of 13 blind corners which he feels
should have immediate correction. He also advised that the
property on Atlantic Boulevard known as Pleasant Acres is in
bad condition and requested the City Manager to contact owner
and see what can be done to improve.
Mr. Longo stated that he would like to have a Resolution naming
Donner Park as Felix White Park, a deceased citizen of that area.
However it was brought out that "Uncle Ike" Lewis was one of
trustees that gave land to the City and Mr. Donner set up the
land for a park and deeded it to the trustees. It was agreed
the matter should be studied and it was referred to Mr. Vogel and
Chief Stucki to look into.
A request for advertising in the Jacksonville Journal Beaches
Special was referred to the City Manager to handle.
Mr. Howell stated since passing of Mr. Frank Thompson, our City
Attorney, we are technically without a City Attorney, and since
Mr. Ball has been Acting City Attorney for over a year during
Mr. Thompson' s illness, he would recommend that Mr. Ball be
appointed as City Attorney. Mr. Longo moved that Resolution
#69-9 be adopted appointing Mr. Ball as City Attorney, effective
immediately, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Copy of
Resolution #69-9 is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Mr. Parks asked as to what is the plan as to the proposed Central
Park to be built north of the City. There is little known except
it is moving in that direction - nothing concrete at this time.
There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting
o// L//
illi-" S. !'ow-el`'
. e
Adele S. Grage '
City Clerk
CITY OF , , ,
Motto Beads--
June 20, 1969
The purpose of this report is to urge the City Commission to
take immediate action for the engineering, advertising for
bids and construction, of an additional ground storage tank
as recommended by Mr. Parks ' report of November 15, 1961.
This report included the following recommendations :
"Needed Within The Next Year (1962) .
For reasons previously reiterated, the following items
are regarded as being needed within the next year:
a . New ground storage reservoir complete with baffles
and aerator.
b. Modifications to existing reservoir including the
provision of baffles .
c . New Venturi meter.
d. New drilled and cased well with pump.
e. New transmission main from new well to water pump-
ing station.
f. Facilities for chemical treatment to reduce
corrosiveness . "
Items D, E and F have been completed, and items A, B and C have
been needed for a number of years .
Mr. Parks pointed out in his report that evidence of corrosion
of metal pipes has been apparent in the City of Atlantic Beach
water system for sometime, and in May 1961 the Florida State
Board of Health collected and performed a chemical analysis on
samples from our system. The results of this test indicated
that the water was possibly "corrosive" . This can be rectified
to a large extent by an additional ground reservoir with baffles
which would allow a longer retention time of water which in turn
would eliminate a larger amount of sulphur content and thereby
reduce the corrosiveness of the water.
CITY OF . . .
Ataallia Beat-
City Manager ' s Report to City Commission
Page #2
June 20, 1969
The estimate made in 1961 which included ground storage
reservoir with baffles, piping, and modification to existing
reservoir, was $47, 600.00. Mr. Parks advised we should add
about 30% to this to bring it in line with today' s costs.
I am of the opinion that this can be financed without a Bond
issue by using $20, 000. 00 from Account #1601 (Future Water
System Renewal and Replacement Fund) , and a transfer from
Unbudgeted Reserve. Also, if necessary, any deficiency can
be budgeted in the 1970 budget.
I am enclosing herewith a copy of Chapter 69-54, House Bill
No. 1082, which became law without the Governor ' s signature,
and has reference to method of tax assessing and collection.
Reference is made to Dagley' s automobile junk yard at 344
Begonia Street, Section H, Atlantic Beach, in compliance with
instructions at the last meeting that I investigate and report
back at this meeting. It has been determined that Mr. Dagley
has been in business at this location since 1952, and in this
time I can find no record of his having been issued an
occupational license by the City of Atlantic Beach. I talked
to Mr. Dagley about this and he advised that Mr. Hall has
periodically been complaining about Dagley' s operation. I
would also like to point out that our existing Zoning Ordinance
prohibits junk yards within our corporate limits, however, due
to the fact that Mr. Dagley has been allowed to operate since
1952 Iconclude that we have an undesirable situation.
Listed below are building permits issued during the month of
May, 1969:
Location Work Authorized
323 Atlantic Boulevard Rebuild partitions .
190 Club Drive Chain link fence .
386 Sargo Road Close in carport.
477 Sailfish Drive Construct storage room.
328 - 10th Street Kitchen cabinets, tile bath,
floor tile, etc.
CITY OF , , ,
City Manager ' s Report to City Commission
Page #3
June 20, 1969
Building Permits Continued -
Location Work Authorized
331 Ahern Street Patch leak in built-up roof.
299 Atlantic Blvd. Seal awning and face brick with
3/4 inch paneling.
465 East Coast Drive Reroof.
364 - 7th Street Install additional door in
house and construct porch.
349 - 10th St. Install 70' Fence.
1055 Seminole Rd. Swimming Pool.
654 Ocean Blvd. Fence.
1144 East Coast Dr. Fence.
390 - 9th St. Close in 12 ' in front of carport.
448 Sailfish Dr. Replace doors, replace missing
brick, repairs to roof, etc.
373-75-77-79 Ahern St. New 4-Unit Apartment.
386 - 9th St. Chain link fence.
343 - 11th St. Brick wall front of house.
Respectfully submitted,
R. C. Vogel
City Manager
WHEREAS, the death of Frank Thompson, City Attorney, has
created a vacancy in that office, and
WHEREAS, Oliver C. Ball has been serving as Acting City
Attorney during Mr. Thompson' s illness,
Oliver C . Ball be and he is hereby appointed City Attorney
for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida.
* * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on June 23, 1969.
OLce,Q_-0-42_ _
Adele S. Grage
City Clerk