07-28-69 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AGENDA July 28, 1969 1. Call to Order. 2 . Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of July 14, 1969. 4. Recognition of Visitors . 5. Committee Reports: (a) Computer Report. 6. Resolution on Board of Assessment Review 4-69-11. 7 . City Manager' s Report. 8. Public Works Report. 9. Municipal Court Dockets for July 14, 1969. 10. City Manager. 11 . Commissioners. 12. Adjourn. uo xTpMapts go 6uTgsTUT; o. sp uotssnostp SPM axau , buTTT; pup uoT4t.waoJuT xo3 pantaoax S M gxodax quaurgxpdaQ sxxoM oTTgnd au , •pata1Eo pup gbno.zogsoj 'xW Aq papuooas 'xaai E AEp auo go sTspq uo aout.0 -zpxo bop agq. buToaoJua xo; gxodax stq uT appur uoTqppuaunuooax go 3soo uTpqqo xabputy '-T0 panour uopTaM •xw uotssnostp but -MoTToa •saxngdEo upur xno shop egg do xoTd oq A4atoos aupumH aq4 xo; pauupTd aq pal.pts Tabora •xW •A4atoos aupumH etTTnuosxot.r aq� qmM gopxquoo xno pup uoTOpnD.Ts bop aq4 oq St. uoTssnosTp AggbuaT E SPM axau , •uapxt.M bop aurr4 gaud p SP enxes oq ;uauigxpdaQ 4.211.4 uT TpnpTATpuT Up o3 suoTgonxgsut a4aTdwoo pup shop x03 quauidTnba aangdpo ggTM quaurgxpdaQ sxxoMDTTgnd au4 uT tun t. dtnbe OM papuauuiooax TaboA •xN •pantaoax SEM gxodax s , xabpupW A;tO au , •3oaxaq ;zpd p appui pup ogaxaq pagop;; ST TT-69# uoTgnTosag go Ado0 •urxaq stu uo ob o; xpeA T q;TM xaquraur ;uasaxd sT upuzaax3 •xW •paTxxpo pup obuor °ay' Aq papuooas 'uoT;nToseu pips go abpsspd panow uopTaM •xW •Matnag 4uaurssassV go paPog eq; uo ur194 reeA Z E xo3 xaxpg paxpTTW 'saw pup urxaq 19A £ E 103 'If 'ssoQ •S •L •xW paquToddp not;nTosag PTS `TTn3 uT ppax pup paauesaxd SEM TT-69# uot3nlosag •paTaavo pup gbnoxogsog •xW Aq papuooas 'uiaq;. 43tM gaaui 04 paxst. aq sxaquzaui aaggTunuop eq; ;pq4 pup TTpH A;TO 9q4 4p `W •d 0£ :L 4E 6961 'L gsn6ny uo ;aaur o; panour os obuol •xW aura; 0.4 sp uotssnostp buTMoTTo3 •suot4Epuaunuooax auk. Apra;s put. ssnostp 0.4 buTgaaur p anpg TTTM aagtTunuop t. Sp but;op UOTSSTunuOO egg ;pq; pup patpn;s aq ;t gsabbns pTnoM pup Aepo; a;ET Adoo pantaoax ATuo aq pagtgs T1aMoH 'IN • (butssaooxd e;ep) xagnduroo uo as;;TunuoD eq; Aq ;xodax ua;;txM t. pa;uesaxd AeEoTToH 'xW -auou SPM axa4L •Epuable eq; uo ;ou xooT3 eqq urox3 ssautsnq Aue 103 paTTeo pup quesaxd sxogtstn peztubooaa TTaMOH 'IW •paTaato pue AeMoTToH •xW Aq papuooas 'gbnoxogsog •xw go uoTlour uodn uaggTam SP panoxdde axaM 696T 'yr ATnr go but;aaw eq; go sa;nutw •uopTaM xauotssTunuo3 Aq UaATL SEM uot;poonuI aqj °TTaMoH •xW 'xauotsstwwop-a0At.W aq; Aq xapxo o; paTTpo SPM buT;aaur au, xaeT0 AgT0 'abpx0 ` S aTapv Aeuxo;;v A;TO `TTt.g IeATTO aebt.ueyt A;t0 'talion •0 `g pup uopT9M `M ugor gbnoxogsog •g •g xr 'AeMoTTOH °0 stnoZ obuoZ •r xnggxv xauotsstunuo0-xoAEW 'TTaMoH •S aiptTTTM :quasazd •W •d 00:8 Iv 6961 '8Z AMU' 'AVQNOW NO 'IT'H ALIO SHL LFI Q'ISH NOISSIWWOD ALIO HOKSS OIJ 'LLV SHS 3O ONIS22W 1VTIII032I SHL 3O SSLnNIW r1' f Minutes 7/28/69 Page #r2 Sherry Drive and it was brought out that we are having trouble with valve closing tight enough to change the fire hydrant. We are trying to do this work in daytime rather than at night to keep down cost of the project. The Municipal Docket for July 14, 1969 was received for information and filing. Mr. Longo inquired as to the painting of the City Hall. Mr. Vogel advised he had tried to contact places on doing the plastic job but the only response had been from Buddy Jones who came and measured the building but have heard nothing further. He will get after this and get something done. Mr. Longo requested that the City Manager write Tallahassee and get a copy of Senate Bill 880 as to law enforcement agencies as regards their pay and avail the Commission of the information. Mr. Longo inquired as to who maintains Seminole Road from Plaza to 16th Street. He feels needs striping and would like to see done. Mr. Longo also inquired as to the list of blind corners and what is being done. Mr. Vogel advised he has written several letters to companies and that he is working with the City Attorney to draw up a new Ordinance covering "blind corners" - need more than one paragraph as is in present Zoning Ordinance to take care of this problem. The matter was discussed and it was requested that the places on list other than business locations be notified and followed up. Also, Mr. Longo commented on condition in back of "Pleasant Acres" and feels something should be done. The City Manager advised he would start condemnation. Mr. Longo stated he would like to see preliminary plans started for a recreation building at the Russell Memorial Park. Mr. Howell feels perhaps we should have year round recreational director first before we build a building. The matter was discussed and it was agreed we could include in future plans. Mr. Holloway agreed to assist. Mr. Longo commended our new Patrolman Rowe and feels he is a good addition to the force. Mr. Weldon advised he would like to see us go seriously into a retirement plan for City Employees . He thinks it should be a plan for employees who work for the City for a great length of time, not just a year or two. There are plans available at reasonable cost, money was S:;t up in budget, and he feels employees would be interested. Mr. Howell advised he agrees with idea 100%, but we did look into a retirement plan some years ago and the cost was more than the employees then wanted. He feels we should have some kind of retirement plan where cost would be reasonable for employees, and if one quit or was fired, the retire- Minutes 7/28/69 Page #3 ment that was paid in by City would go to credit of the City, and if no one retired when we reached a given amount paid in that we would not have to put in any more until some of that was used. Mr. Vogel advised that at City Manager' s meeting they were advised the State Plan was not ready to go into effect as planned by July 1st but they were working on details. Chief Stucki advised he was at a meeting with Broward Williams and he has data that has been drawn up on it and will be happy to turn over to the Committee. Following further discussion Mr. Weldon moved that we write Mr. Broward Williams to come and discuss the State plan with the Commission, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. Ate. Attest: T 1 i- O'S . few- ell Mayor-Commissioner a0"- Adele S. Grage City Clerk CITY OF • • RESOLUTION NO. 69-11 WHEREAS, Section 111 of the Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach provides for the appointment of a Board of Assessment Review, and, NOW TIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following be appointed to the Board of Assessment Review for the period as listed: Thomas E. Doss, Jr. - 3 years Mrs. Mildred Baker - 2 years AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the term of the remain- ing member be hereby confirmed as follows: Walter A. Freeman - 1 year Passed by the City Commission on July 28, 1969. Attest: ad2-12--12iL Adele S. Grage, City Clerk (SEAL)