OCTOBER 13, 1969
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of September 22, 1969
and October 7, 1969.
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Public Hearing:
(a) Ordinance - 2nd & final reading - Annuity for
City Employees.
6. Communications :
(a) Letter from Mr. George Bull with deed to Selva
Marina # 6 Parks.
(b) Letter from Mr. Stansell - re 6 duplexes - Main St.
7. Approval Contract on Landfill 10/1/69 to 9/30/70.
8. Resolution 69-17 Transfer funds.
9. iir. George Bull - Proposed Recreational Park.
10. Approve mileage expcn Q . for September - City
Manager & City Clerk.
11. Approve excusing tax on Lot 145 Saltair purchased by
12. Municipal Court Dockets for September 22nd 29th. , 1969
and October 6, 1969, & Police & Fire Dept. Reports
for September 1969.
13. City Manager
14. Commissioners
15. Adjourn
AT 8:00 P. M.
Present: William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Arthur J. Longo
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
Robert R. Rosborough
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough.
The minutes of the meeting of September 22, 1969 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Rosborough
and carried.
Minutes of the meeting of October 7, 1969 were approved as written
upon motion of Mr. Weldon, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none.
Mr. Howell presented for second and final reading Ordinance
#42-69-1 covering annuity for certain City employees and read
same in full. He then declared the meeting in session for Public
Hearing on said Ordinance. Notice of Public Hearing was posted
in line with Charter requirements. As no one appeared either for
or against, Mr. Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr.
Longo then moved that Ordinance #42-69-1 be passed on second and
final reading, seconded by Mr. Rosborough. Mr. Howell brought up
for discussion that there is one other employee who has been with
us a considerable length of time, that is Robert Stewart. It
states for a continuous period of at least 25 years. The only
period of interruption that Robert has had was when he went into
service back in World War #2 and then he came back with City. Mr.
Howell wondered if this paragraph 2 of Section 2 might be changed
to say except for time out for military service or something like
that. The matter was discussed and there was no objection to
making certain military service an exception. It was agreed it
would take another Public Hearing and final reading if changed.
After further discussion Mr. Weldon made a substitute motion that
Paragraph 2 of Section 2 be amended to read substantially as
follows: "Have been an employee of the City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida, except for required active military service in the Armed
Forces of the United States, for a continuous period of at least
25 years" , seconded by Mr. Longo, and after further discussion
the question was put and the motion carried. The Public Hearing
on said Ordinance as amended will be October 27, 1969.
• 1
Minutes 10/13/69 Page #2
A letter from Mr. George Bull together with a deed to the City
for Park located in Selva Marina Units #6 and #7 were presented.
Mr. Bull who was present advised that they would like for the deed
to be accepted in time to record before January 1st so that the
property involved will not be subject to 1970 taxes. Accepting
and recording this deed will not operate to extinguish the obliga-
tion of Selva Marina Realty Company to improve the Park prior to
the City' s assuming the maintenance of this Park in accordance
with the original agreement. A copy of Mr. Bull ' s letter is
attached to these minutes for reference. There was discussion of
the matter during which Mr. Weldon advised he would be willing
to go along if given a definite time to improve. It was advised
that in accepting deed does not mean we are accepting maintenance
or responsibility. Mr. Weldon advised he would like to see the date
of completion stated in deed, or if not accomplished, the property
will revert to Selva Marina Realty Company. Mr. Bull advised he
had no objection, as they are obligated to improve in line with
prior agreement with City. After further discussion it was agreed
that wording be approved by City Attorney. Mr. Weldon moved that
the deed be accepted upon modification that grantor will comply
with terms of agreement between grantor and City and that they
will beautify such Park and it be accepted by the City Commission
within 6 months, and in event of failure to do so the land will
revert to the grantor, it' s successors or assigns, seconded by
Mr. Rosborough and carried.
A letter was presented from Mr. George W. Stansell asking approval
of his building 6 duplexes on Main Street North of Levy Road and
installing a lift pump and sewer lines to nearest gravity line.
Mr. Parks has figured on this and it will be in line with our
overall sewer system plans. Mr. Holloway asked if others could
hook onto this line and it was advised that no one else could
hook on to this station but these six units unless the Stansells
wished to expand and then they would get approval for additional
units. They want water and sewer on one service. There was
lengthy discussion and it was brought out that it will fit into
overall City plan. There was no objection to the plan.
The landfill contract with the Consolidated City of Jacksonville
was presented for approval. It has been approved by the City of
Jacksonville subject to our approval. The total sum is $2, 339. 76
to be paid $194. 98 each month from October 1969 through September
1970. It is up $1.46 per month over last contract due to addi-
tional garbage services in City. Following discussion Mr. Longo
moved approval of landfill contract as presented, same to be
signed by proper City officials, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and
There was a discussion of the condition which existed at present
landfill site and the City Manager was instructed to get with
City of Jacksonville Health Authority on this. It was advised
the landfill is moving to Jacksonville Beach.
Minutes 10/13/69 Page #3
Resolution #69-17 to transfer funds in 1969 budget was presented
and read by the Mayor. Said resolution is a corrective one, due
to Resolution #69-12 getting our funds out of balance. Mr.
Longo moved passage of Resolution #69-17, seconded by Mr. Weldon
and carried. Copy of Resolution #69-17 is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. George Bull spoke at length against the proposed Recreational
Park being planned by the City of Jacksonville for area North
of Atlantic Beach. He advised they had been to Court unsuccess-
fully and had also requested plans for the Park without success.
He requested the City to get the plans if possible. Mr. Howell
advised he is willing to take a long look at the matter and that
we have already objected to the traffic problem which may result.
Mr. Rosborough recommended that the City Manager get the facts
and see if can get together with other side on this and bring
information back to Commission.
The mileage bills for September 1969 were presented for City
Manager in amount of $49.60 and the City Clerk in amount of
$20.00. Mr. Rosborough moved approval, seconded by Mr. Holloway
and carried.
The City Clerk requested the Commission to approve excusing
the 1969 City tax in amount of $2 . 16 on Lot 145, Saltair. This
lot was bought by the City after January 1st and is part of the
Park site on Seminole Road. It was understood at time of purchase
that the seller would not have to pay 1969 taxes. Mr. Holloway
moved the taxes on this lot be excused for 1969 as requested,
seconded by Mr. Longo and carried.
The Municipal Court dockets for September 22nd and 29th, 1969,
and October 6th, 1969, were received for information. Also Fire
and Police Department reports for September 1969 were received
for information and filing.
Mr. Vogel advised he can replace present heating system with
oil heat for less than $1, 000.00 and asked for approval of
expenditure. He has received 3 proposals on this. Mr. Weldon
prefers that we call for bids. There was a discussion of lower-
ing the ceiling and improving City Hall, following which Mr.
Rosborough moved approve not to spend over $1, 000.00, seconded
by Mr. Longo and the call vote was:
Aye: Rosborough, Howell
Nay: Holloway, Longo, Weldon
Whereupon Mr. Howell declared the motion not carried.
Mr. Weldon then moved that we call for bids on the heating of
City Hall, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried.
Mr. Weldon brought up the situation on Main Street West of Mayport
Road relative to the cars parked there, and if there was a
license issued for a parking lot in this location. It was ad-
vised there was no such license issued. It is understood they
Minutes 10/13/69 Page #k4
are cars belonging to Shipyard workers at the Naval Base and
they park there and a bus carries them to the Base and back.
Chief Stucki advised that bcth businesses stated they were
customers of theirs, and he therefore felt he had no legal right
to keep their customers from parking there. The matter was
turned over to the City Manager and City Attorney to investigate
and report back at next meeting.
Mr. Longo stated that Pleasant Acres still looks bad and he
thinks we have done all we can reasonably do. He asked that the
City Attorney look into and see what can be done further, either
to make owner take care of or the City do it and bill the owner.
Also Mr. Longo feels that the "Stop Sign" at Seminole Road on
East Coast Drive, Itpound lane, needs to be moved northward
about 25 feet as it,OblockApevisionat present location, and per-
haps we could stencil "Stop" on pavement. He also asked as to
list turned in on blind corners. Mr. Vogel advised we are working
on it. He called especial attention tc; the corner of Royal
Palms Drive and Plaza.
Mr. Rosborough asked as to finishing up paving area where they
went across with pipe at Country Club Lane and Seminole Road.
It was advised it is now finished.
There being no further business Mayor Howell declared the meeting
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Will 1.m S. Howell
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Adele S. Grage
City Clerk
tCITY OF.. .
i Ago& Beack-Tito4ida
The following transfers and changes be made in the 1969
NO. 220 House Removal $1000.00
No. 2053 Sewer Construction $1000.00
* * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on October 13, 1969.
Adele S. Grage, City Cler r
October 10, 1969
Mayor and Town Council
City of Atlantic Beach
Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233
Re: Park Selva Marina Units 6 & 7
Enclosed herewith is the deed from Selva Marina Realty Company to the
City of Atlantic Beach, conveying to the City the park extension in
Selva Marina contemplated by the plats of Selva Marina Units 6 & 7,
the park being specifically shown on the plat of Unit No. 7. This
deed is in substantially the same form as the previous one relating
to the park in Selva Marina Unit No. 2 that was accepted by the City
in 1957, and recorded in Official Records Volume 413, page 287.
It is requested that you accept this deed and place the same for record
so that the property involved will not be subject to the 1970 taxes.
The 1969 taxes will be paid by Selva Marina Realty Company, as all
the property in Selva Marina Units 6 & 7 is assessed as acreage for
this year.
The acceptance and recording of this deed by the City will not operate
to extinguish the obligation of Selva Marina Realty Company to improve
the park prior to the City's assuming its ma'ntenance responsibility
in accordance with the existing agreement .
Ne ly yours,
George . 1