DECEMBER 22, 1969
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Meeting of December 8, 1969 +4--"- -71111-1
4. Recognition of visitors
5. Correspondence:
(a) W. J. Parks re Selva Marina #6 & 7 approval
sewer, water & paving
6. Mr. Chas. Young re sign for Hospital
7. Mr. Dale Jordan re sewer lines extension north of City
8. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
(a) Budget 1970
(b) Electric Permit fees
(c) Garbage fees
9. Committee Reports :
(a) Group Health & Accident Insurance
(b) Fire & Casualty Insurance
(c) Water Reservoir
10. Receive Bids :
(a) Police Cars
11. Ordinances - 1st Reading - Zoning Ordinance
12. City Manager
13. Commissioners
14. Adjourn
AT 8:00 P. M.
William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Arthur J. Longo
R. R. Rosborough
Preben Johansen
L. W. Minton, Jr. , Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, City Attorney
Betty Jean Barnes, Assistant City Clerk
Absent: Adele S . Grage, City Clerk (Vacation)
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Minton.
The minutes of the regular meeting of December 8th and the
Special meeting of December 15, 1969 were approved as written
upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried.
Before going on with the Agenda, Mr. Howell mentioned having
Mr. Henry Isaacs in the audience, former Mayor of Atlantic Beach,
who is celebrating his birthday.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor not on the Agenda . There was none.
Letters from Mr. W. J. Parks, Consulting Engineer, were presented
concerning the sewer, water lines and paving in Selva Marina
Subdivision Unit #6. After a lengthy discussion on Mr. Parks '
recommendations regarding the sewer, water lines and paving,
Mr. Longo moved that the City accept the sanitary sewer extension
and the street paving, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried.
Mr. Longo moved that we accept the water lines with the exceptions
noted by Mr. Parks in his letter and that we withhold a sufficient
amount of money to cover the laying of the pipe, valves, etc.
and paving of the street, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried.
Mr. Charlie Young requested a donation from the City towards an
illuminated sign to be erected on the corner of 3rd and 16th Ave. ,
S . , Jacksonville Beach, for direction purposes to the hospital.
The question of maintenance was brought up and Mr. Young advised
that the City of Jacksonville Beach would assume this. Mr. Howell
moved that the City defray the cost of sign by $200.00 and
assuming that this will be matched by the two other beach cities,
seconded by Mr. Johansen, and carried.
A request by Mr. Dale Jordan for a sewer line extension was pre-
sented by Mr. Howell. Mr. Jordan has asked previously for per-
e mission to hook to City sewer lines . The only question is that
Minutes 12/22/69 Page #2
without water service, it is difficult to enforce payment of sewer
charges. After studying this Mr. Howell suggested that if Mr. Jordan
would put in savings or time certificate an amount in the vicinity
of $100.00 per month and assign this to the City, this would give
the City ample time to take steps to discontinue services if
quarterly charges were not paid. Mr. Ball concurred that he felt
that we could make this work and provide these people with sewer
lines. Mr. Longo moved that the City go ahead and establish this
arrangement with Mr. Jordan and request a six months ' deposit to be
set up in savings or time certificates assigned to the City and that
work be done with approval of the City Engineer, seconded by Mr.
Rosborough and carried. Mr. Howell stated that no work would be
started until necessary money is deposited and properly assigned.
Ordinance #20-69-19, Budget 1970, was presented for second and
final reading and read by Mr. Howell, who declared the meeting in
session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Notice of said Public
Hearing was posted in line with Charter requirements. As no one
appeared either for or against said Ordinance the Mayor declared
the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Longo moved passage of
Ordinance on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Johansen,
and carried.
Ordinance #34-69-1 setting electrical fees for the City was presented
for second and final reading and read in full by Mr. Howell, who
declared meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance.
Notice of said Public Hearing was posted in line with Charter
requirements. As no one appeared for oragainst said Ordinance,
Mr. Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Longo moved
passage on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Rosborough,
and carried.
Ordinance #55-69-12 amending the Garbage Fee Ordinance was presented
for second and final reading and read in full by Mr. Howell, who
declared the meeting open for Public Hearing. Notice of said
Public Hearing was posted in line with Charter requirements. As no
one appeared for or against said Ordinance, the Mayor declared the
Public Hearing closed. Mr. Rosborough moved the passage on second
and final reading, seconded by Mr. Longo, and carried.
Mr. Vogel requested approval of the City Commission to increase
garbage collection rates for Pic N' Save Drugs and the elementary
school. The increase of the school from $15.00 to $33. 50, Pic N'
Save from $318.00 to $448.00. This fee previously set by Resolution.
Mr. Johansen suggested incorporating shopping centers and like in
Ordinance as this sets a precedent. Mr. Longo moved to set rates
by Resolution for these two accounts, seconded by Mr. Howell and
The Committee report on Group Health and Accident Insurance was
presented by Mr. Howell. The Committee recommended that Peninsular
Insurance be awarded the bid. Mr. Longo moved to accept Committee
recommendation, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Minutes 12/22/69 Page #3
The Committee report on Fire and Casualty Insurance was presented
by Mr. Howell, and the Committee recommended awarding the bid
to the McNeill Insurance Agency. Mr. Longo moved to accept
Committee recommendation, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
The Committee report on Water Reservoir was read by Mr. Howell.
The Committee recommended accepting the bid of Harris and Harris.
Mr. Longo moved to accept Committee recommendation, seconded by
Mr. Rosborough and carried.
Bids for two Police Cars were received as follows:
Thor Chevrolet $4, 568. 70
Gordon Thompson Chev. 4, 753 .88
Big "R" Chevrolet 4,683.90
Mr. Howell suggested City Commission move to accept the low bid of
Thor Chevrolet subject to a Committee study that bid is according
to specifications. Mr. Longo so moved, seconded by Mr. Johansen
and carried. Mr. Howell appointed Mr. Longo, Mr. Rosborough and
Mr. Vogel to serve on Committee.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 was presented in
full in writing for first reading by title only. Mr. Minton
moved passage of said Ordinance on first reading by title only,
seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Public Hearing will be
on Monday, January 12, 1970.
Mr. Vogel requested approval to have Mr. Parks, City Engineer,
to proceed with plans for sewer plant. Mr. Minton so moved,
seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried.
Mr. Longo congratulated Mr. Hilliard on decorations on City Water
Tank and wished Merry Christmas to all fellow Commissioners.
Mr. Howell presented copy of State bill providing for increase
of interest on Municipal bonds or certificates to 71/2%. Mayor
Howell asked that the Commission instruct the City Attorney to
make certain that this Act allows the City of Atlantic Beach
without a change in the present Charter to offer bonds or
certificates for sale at 71;%, and if he finds that we are bound
by the Charter that he prepare a bill for presentation to the
Legislature that the City of Atlantic Beach can sell at rate
commensurate with the rate whatever it may be from time to time.
Mr. Howell so moved, seconded by Mr. Minton and carried.
Mr. Howell requested a Resolution to transfer from Account #219,
Retirement Fund, $4, 535.20 into Account #216, Professional
Services, in order for the City to pay Mr. Walter Parks for
engineering fee on design of ground storage reservoir and related
facilities. Mr. Rosborough moved for transfer, seconded by Mr.
Longo and carried.
• Minutes 12/22/69 Page #4
There being no further business, Mr. Howell declared the meeting
- 11$0!:
�`Will'?F Howe 1
-‘1414, 4;Ate-re.
'Betty can Barnes
Assistant City Clerk
14,406,1014 8043441044044420
The following transfrs and changes be made in the 1969
No. 219 - Retirement Program $4, 535.20
No. 216 - Professional Services
and Cosi+ification $4, 535.20
* * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on December 22, 1969.
ace„6, J h_4,_-,1,- -,
Adele S. Grage, City Cler