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Permits 774,780,786,792 Aquatic Drive CITY OF mastic 's 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD JL P.O.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 January 27, 1986 Pre-Service JEA 233 West Duval Street Jacksonville, FL 32203 The following final inspections have been made and are satisfactory: Permit YA548 - 426 Aquatic Drive Permit #4549 - 432 Aquatic Drive Permit YA550 - 438 aquatic Drive Permit #4551 - 444 Aquatic Drive Permit #4540 - 774 Aquatic Drive Permit #4541 - 780 Aquatic Drive Pexiiiit #4542 - 786 Aquatic Drive. Permit YA543 - 792 Aquatic Drive All Permits issued to Allstate Electrical Contractors, Sincerely, `� Hilary Tompson Building & Inspection Division go INSPECTION LOG r ' JOB ADDRESS w CONTRACTOR OWNER BUILDING PERMIT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT TEMPORARY POLE PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT FLOOD ZONE DATE SURVEY FILED Called-In Approved J .E .A. Temp Pole Footing Slab Framing Plumbing (R) Electrical (R) � IM Mechanical Fireplace Top out Other Electrical (F) FINAL INSPECTION Certificate of Occupancy Issued COMMENTS : �) IIECIIANICAL F'F:RM1Tjj D' ';F:SS. — PLUMBING PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT WORKSHEET ELECTRIC PERMIT TEMPORARY ELECT. Heated Square Footage 0 @ $ . `5 er sq ft = $ � aG Garage/Shed / @ $ per sq ft = $ Carport @ $ per sq ft = $ Porches @ $ per sq ft = $ Deck (fj @ $ _mer sq ft = $ � Patio @ $ - per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION $ Total Valuation Data ist $ L A 07 a Remainder Valuation @ $ e)per thousand or potion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ , + 2 FILING FEE $ � , FIREPLACE @15 . 00 $ TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT $ ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUMBING PERMIT FEE$ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE$ ELECT. TE.•IPORARY $ ELECTRICAL. PERMIT $ WATER METER SIZE $ ACCOUNT NUMBER SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER CONNECTION $ (@10 . 00 per fixture unit) APPROVED BY: TOTAL BUILDING/PLAN FILING FEE $_ TOTAL WATER METER CHARGE $ Of3 TOTAL SE14ER IMPACT FEES $ TOTAL WATER CONNECTION CHARGE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES $ GRAND TOTAL DUE: $ / rY� N PLUMBING WORKSHEET SINKS SHOWERS DISHWASHERS CLOSETS BATH TUBS FLOOR DRAINS WASHING MACHINE WATER HEATERS DISPOSALS LAVATORY URINALS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT FIXTURE UNIT BREAKDOWN FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT $10.00 PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF LAVATORY (1 UNIT) WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, AND BATH TUB OR SHOWER STALL SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND (6 UNITS) (3 UNITS) DRINKING FOUNTAIN 02 UNIT) URINAL, WALL LIP FLOOR DRAIN (1 UNIT) (4 UNITS) URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON WASHING MACHINE RES. (3 UNITS) JET BLOWOUT (B UNITS) WATER CLOSETS, VALVE OPERATED WATER CLOSETS, TANK-OPERATED (8 UNITS) (4UNITS) SHOWER STALL, DOMESTIC BATHTUB (W/OR W/O OVERHEAD (2 UNITS) SHOWER) (2UNITS) LAUNDRY TRAY BIDGET (3 UNITS) (2 UNITS) DISHWASHER (_2 UNITS) KITCHEN SINK (2 UNITS) KITCHEN SINK/WASTE GRINDER (3 UNITS) TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS @ $10.100 EACH A Ei�R 1:,CliANICAL PhRM1Tjj---. PIAPI-14BING PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT WORKSBEET ELECTRIC PERMIT TEMPORARY ELECT. Beated Square Footage 52) — $ e r s q f t $ Garage/Shed $ Lo er sq ft $ Carport $ --Per sq ft $ Porches $ ____per sq ft $ Deck 11 s __per sq ft Patio @ $ ____per sq ft $ TOTAL VALUATION s v 7- z Total Valuation Data ist $ a C)C) Remainder Valuation @ Zper thousand ,� .3c or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE + 3, FILING FEE FIREPLACE @15 . 00 TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT ---------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- PLUMBING PERMIT FEE$ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE$ ELECT. TEMPORARY $ ELECTRICAL PER14IT $ WATER METER SIZE —$ ACCOUNT NUMBER SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER CONNECTION $ (@10. 00 p_er fixture unit) APPROVED BY: TOTAL BUILDING/PLAN FILING FEE $ TOTAL WATER ME TER CHARGE s TOTAL SEWER IMPACT FEES $ t,4 TOTAL WATER CONNECTION CHARGE $ --�:160 600 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES $ GRAND TOTAL DUE : s PLUMBING WORKSHEET SINKS SHOWERS �- DISHWASHERS CLOSETS BATH TUBS FLOOR DRAINS / WASHING MACHINE / WATER HEATERS DISPOSALS LAVATORY URINALS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT FIXTURE UNIT BREAKDOWN FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT $10.00 PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF LAVATORY (1 UNIT) WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, AND BATH TUB OR SHOWER STALL SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND (6 UNITS) (3 UNITS) DRINKING FOUNTAIN (2 UNIT) URINAL, WALL LIP (4 UNITS) FLOOR DRAIN (1 UNIT) WASHING MACHINE RES. URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON (3 UNITS) JET BLOWOUT (B UNITS) WATER CLOSETS, VALVE OPERATED WATER CLOSETS, TANK-OPERATED (8 UNITS) (4UNITS) BATHTUB (W/OR W/O OVERHEAD SHOWER STALL, DOMESTIC (2 UNITS) SHOWER) (2UNITS) LAUNDRY TRAY BIDGET (3 UNITS) (2 UNITS) DISHWASHER (2 UNITS) KITCHEN SINK (2 UNITS) KITCHEN SINK/WASTE GRINDER (3 UNITS) /11 TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS @ $10.,00 EACH a V � IjEiRE S PIAT11-IBING PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT WORKSflEET ELECTRIC PERMIT TEMPORARY ELECT. Beated Square Footage @ er sq ft = s Garage/Shed @ s er sq ft = $ 10 , Carport $ Der sq ft = $ Porches $ ___per sq ft = $ Deck $ @ er sq ft = Patio @ $ __per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION $ �16 1�2 e) Total Valuation Data ist Remainder Valuation @ per thousand or portion thereof 1,36 , TOTAL BUILDING FEE s + 12 FILING FEE s FIREPLACE @15 . 00 TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT ---------------------------------------------------------------- PLUMBING PERMIT FEE$ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE$ ELECT. TEMPORARY $ ELECTRICAL PER14IT $ WATER METER SIZE ACCOUNT NUMBER SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER CONNECTION $ (@10 . 00 fixture unit) APPROVED BY: TOTAL BUILDING/PLAN FILING FEE $ TOTAL 14ATER METER CHARGE $ TOTAL SEWER IMPACT FEES TOTAL WATER CONNECTION CHARGE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES GRAND TOTAL DUE : 4 =A PLUMBING WORKSHEET / SINKS SHOWERS DISHWASHERS CLOSETS / BATH TUBS FLOOR DRAINS WASHING MACHINE L WATER HEATERS DISPOSALS LAVATORY URINALS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT FIXTURE UNIT BREAKDOWN FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT $10.00 PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF LAVATORY (1 UNIT) WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, AND BATH TUB OR SHOWER STALL SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND (6 UNITS) (3 UNITS) DRINKING FOUNTAIN (11 UNIT) URINAL, WALL LIP FLOOR DRAIN (1 UNIT) (4 UNITS) i' J URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON WASHING MACHINE RES. (3 UNITS) JET BLOWOUT (8 UNITS) WATER CLOSETS, VALVE OPERATED WATER CLOSETS, TANK-OPERATED (4UNITS) (8 UNITS) BATHTUB (W/OR W/O OVERHEAD SHOWER STALL, DOMESTIC SHOWER (2 UNITS) ) (2UNITS) BIDGET (3 UNITS) LAUNDRY TRAY(2 UNITS) _ DISHWASHER (2 UNITS) KITCHEN SINK (2 UNITS) KITCHEN SINK/WASTE GRINDER (3 UNITS) TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS @ $10.00 EACH ��� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Owner Aquatic Gardens Joint Venture Address P.0-Box 24627, J2�xFL. Phone 268-8612 Architect Douglas J. Snead, Jr. -Address 7601 Alton Ave., jaxFL. Phone724-8740 Contractor James B. Jaffa Address....P.O.Box 24627, J��x.,FL. Phone 268-8612 License Number CG CA01597 Expiration Date June 1987 Lot # RO-8 Block # Subdivision Aquatic Gardens Zoning Street Aquatic Drive _Between Atlantic Blvd. -and Royal Palms sideAtl.Bch. V11 Valuation $ Purpose of Building Residential Type Const. wood frame Dimensions : Building Lot Sz.Footings_12 x 12 Sz. Piers Sz. Sills Greatest Span Sills Sz. Ceiling Joists rafters Distance on Centers 2411 o.c.. Greatest Span 2411 o.c. Sz . Floor Joists slab Distance on Centers ----- Greatest Span----- Sz. Rafters see plan -Distance on Centers 2411 o.c. Greatest Span 241, o.c. HeatingAir to air heat purri$jolid-Filled Ground solid --Roof shingles Flood Zone C If located within a FLOOD HAZARD ZONE fill out reverse of this application. Inspections Required: 1 . When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2 . When steel is in place and ready to pour columns/lintel. 3 . When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing , mechanical' rough plumbing and fire place is completed and ready to cover up. 5 . Rough electrical 6 . Final inspection. In case of rejection, reinspection MUST be called SETBACKS for after corrections are made . In consideration of permit given for doing Rear Lot Line the work as described in the above statement , we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications , which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. 0 0 rt rt t-1 t-1 FJ- FJ- Signature OVKER Signature BUILD Front Lot Line FLOODPLATN DEVELOPMhNT INFORMATION Type of Development : X New Building t era t ions to Existing Building Flood Zone C Required Floor Elevation Actual (as built)Lowest Floor Elevai-ion If located within a flood hazard zone (zone A) a survey must be made after the slab has been poured , certifying that the "lowest -6 ion is equal t-o- or a —ove the base flood elevation floor Tevat establisHe-d—for that zone . No Final Inspection will be made and No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until the survey is on file with the Building Depa.,--t!;- 001,114EN'I'S Applicant acknowledgement : I uLiderstand that the issuance of this pe-ciidt is contingent upon the ,Above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. I agree -Lb comply with all applicable provisions of Ordinance No . 25-7-11 and all other 'Laws or ordina effe the proposed developemnt . Date— -------App I i cant ' s Sign tuh-e -------------------------------------------- ----------- -------- -- ----- Dep�irLment Use Survey filed with the Buildin(l Department on Certified Lowest Floor Elevitijn________ Required Lowest Floor Elevation P,liilding Dopartment OF ATLANTIC BEACH 'e1rtj,'ION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ure Address P.O.Box 24627, JAX_,FL. Phone 268-8612 .��ead, Jr. Address 7601 Alton Ave., Jax FrLL. Phone724-8740 /eiliCaV6 affa Address P.O.Box 24627, Jax.,FL. Phone 268-8612 CA01597 Expiration Date June 1987 C�11V_e lock # Subdivision Aquatic Gardens -Zoning .J�ac . and Royal Palms sideAtl.Bch. V11 C C'orx ic Drive Between Atlantic Blvd -��A C Pu,rpose of Building R.esidential Type Const. wood frame 'o- c c c C c DG l r0 iv'k c C e - C g Sz.Footings 12 x 12 s : Building Lot S S z. Sills—__—Greatest Span Sills j z ngioists rafters Distance on Centers 24" o.c.. Greatest Span 2411 o.c. Sz. Floor Joists slab Distance on Centers -----—Greatest Spa.n------ Sz. Raf ters—see plan Distance on Centers 2411 o.c. Greatest Span 2411 o.c. HeatingAir to air heat pun*olid-Filled Ground solid Roof shingles Flood Zone— C —If located within a FLOOD HAZARD ZONE fill out reverse of this application. Inspections Required: 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2 . When steel is in place and ready to pour columns/lintel. 3 . When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing, mechanical , rough plumbing and fire place is completed and ready to cover tip . 5 . Rough electrical. 6 . Final inspection. In* case of rejection, reinspection MUST be called SETBACKS for after corrections are made . In consideration of permit given for doing Rear Lot Line the work as described in the above statement , we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and M specifications , which are a part hereof, and CL in accordance with the building regulations M (D of the City of Atlantic Beach . t-4 t__1 0 0 rt (D (D Signature OWNER Signature BUILD I Front Lot Line FLOODPLAIN DEVELOP!*,NT INFORMATION Type of Development : X ------,-New Building __Alterations to Existing Building Flood Zone___ C Required Floor Elevation Actual (as built)Lowest Floor If located within a flood hazard zone (zone A) a survey must be jii�ide after the slab has been poured, certifying that the "lowest floor elevii-t—ioHis equal to or aS—ove the base flood eleva'tion e s is�ed_f_or that zone No Final Tnspection will be made and No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until the survey is on file with the Building Depart:-", Applicant acknowledgement : I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or sh provided lic?bX�_' r i i s of as required. I agree to comply with all app old Ordinance No . 25-7-11 and all other laws or ff ctinc, the proposed developenint . r i c%2e Id Date_________Applicant ' s Signa -ur -- ---------- ----------------------------- -------- ------- --- ------------------ Dcp.,-irLment Use Sur%7ey filed with the Building Deparf-i-iient on Certified Lowest Floor Required Lowest Floor Elevation B)uilding Departiiient RrpreseiiL'H-.1_V(- BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISIONJ C17Y OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 CALL-IN NUMBER APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections 1, 11, 111, and IV. --- Street Address: 7 LOCATION 7 OF Intersecting Streets: Between N> And zCF.&? E;KIA�' BUILDING Sub-divielon A 11. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants , In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work In accordance with the attac4d plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of goo&.practice listed therein. Name of Mechanical Contractor_(Print) ql� Contractors A40 Master Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Signature of or Aufliorizod Agent Architect or gin*er WLUL INFORMATION A, Typeof heating %al: B. 15 OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DOME ON 0 Electric THIS BUILDING OR SITE? (3 See—0 LP 0 Natural 0 Central Utility 0 00 If YES. GIVE NUMBER OF COWRUCTION PERMIT Ao"011110" — specify – IV. WOM111CAL SWIPMONT TO K INSTALLED NATURE OF WORk Rmvidlo complete list of cornponeaft on back of this form) 11K Residential or 0 Commercial Hoat 0 Space C1 RoceaW 13 Central 0 PAW Now Building CI Air C*Wrlioning: 13 Room 0 Central 0 Existing I Building (3 Dvc� System: MateriaL ThIckm"L_ 0 Replacement of.existing SyStern MAIrIMUM capacity XNew Installation(No system previously Installed) 0 Extension or add-on to existing system 0 t0frigentii" E3 Other— Specify 13 Cooling %war. Capacity gpm. C3 Fire quinlilon: Number of has 13 Els"for 0 manlift C3 Escalsto (#IUWAW) THIS SPACEI 0011t OFFICE US1 ONLY (R"@k 0 60safto pumps (number) 0. TOO$ (number) 0 LM containoft—(numbor) Unifir"prenurs Cl: Illoilit" P*"ni* Appmv*d :O*W SPOCKY Permit PST AU.EQUIPMENT AM CONIII)ITIONIING AND REFRIGERATION EQUWMENT WMIlIft Unft Dfterliptift C&Mdty 'A"WoVft Wo"X=ber XWUfAGbnW CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approv"by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 dp�s' IMPORTANT NOTICF-- IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN�ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTR16AL FIRM: 'rLECT ' C?C MWER L 8lQAjjSj NMRJ JOURNEYMAN NAM&x=kdA4-)T ADDRESS; 72V— k -7.f- BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.1-1-' APT.( COMM.( PUBLIC I INDUS.I I NEWO OLD( REW. ADDITION( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP.1 SIGNS ( ) —SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW(,T', INCREASE I REPAIR FEE� CAJ CONDRCTOR SIZE AMPS /Z-Y—COPPER I ALUM.t—' 7— / 2, —J&ACEWAY ED Z �'AMPS PH 3W 'A MT—CH OR BRLA OLT EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMP 2 1-100 AMPS, SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 2.100 AMPS. 1 0 aFt APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COW.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS ICEIL 14EAT: KW-HEAT OVER ...... MOTORS H.P. VOLT!�OE PH$ NO. I H.'P. VOLTAGE s Lt CA 1 0 t--' Xf/v4/'1- 41 17rkNSFORMFRS: UNDER 600 V. OVER swlvl� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT O%mer Aquatic Gardens Joint Venture Address P-0-Box 24627, JAX,FL. Phone 268-8612 Architect Douglas J. Snead, Jr. Address 7601 Alton Ave., Jax,l--L. Phone724-8740 Contractor James B. Jaffa Address P-0-Box 24627, Jax.,FL. Phone 268-8612 License Number CG CA01597 Expiration Date June 1987 Lot #_AO– � Block # Subdivision Aquatic Gardens Zoning Street INquatic Drive Between Atlantic Blvd. and Royal Palms sideAtl.Bch. V11 Valuation $ Purpose of Building Residential_Type Const. wood Ir-arne Dimensions : Building_ Lot Sz .Footings 12 x 12 Sz. Piers Sz. Sills Greatest Span Sills Sz . Ceiling Joists rafters Distance on Centers 24" o.c.. Greatest Span24" o.c. Sz . Floor Joists slab Distance on Centers ----- Greatest Span----- - - S z . Raf ters see plan —Distance on Centers24" o.c. Greatest Span 24" o.c. IfeatingAir to air heat pun*olid-Filled Ground solid Roof shingles Flood Zone C If located within a FLOOD HAZARD ZONE fill out reverse of this application. Inspections Required : 1 . IThen steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2 . When steel is in place and ready to pour columns/lintel . 3 . When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. I-Then framing , mechanical , rough plumbing and fire place is completed and ready to cover up . 5 . Rough electrical . 6 . Final inspection. In case of rejection, reinspection MUST be called SETBACKS for after corrections are made . In consideration of permit given for doing Rear Lot Line the work as described in the above statement , we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and U� F - specifications , which are a part hereof, and CL (L in accordance with the building regulations (D of the City of Atlantic Beach. t--1 0 0 rt (D (D Signature NER Signature B ILD R, Front Lot Line FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Type of Development : x Building -------Alterations to Existing Building Flood Zone C Required Floor Elevation 8 Actual (as built)Lowest Floor Elevation----- 8 If located within a flood hazard -zone (zone A) a survey must be made after the slab has been poured , certifying that the "lowest Iloor ele is equal to or above the base flood elevation esLablishe f—or that zone . No Final Inspection will be made and No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until the survey is on file with 'the Building Depar'L-,,-­�' COYMENTS Applicant acknowledgement : I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon I-lie above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or e pro Ided as required. I agree to comply with all app li bl(�, ov s of Ordinance No . 25- 7-11 and all other laws or or in 'n eff ct 'ng the proposed developemnt . Date-- ------App 1 i cant ' s Signa.-t-�­-- ----------------- ---------------- --I--------------------- ----- ----- ---- Department Use Siurvey filed with the Building Departirient Certified Lowest Floor Elevation-----.— Required Lowest Floor Elevation ........... Building Department Representative CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Owner Aquatic Gardens Joint Venture Address P.O.Box 24627, JAX,FL. hone 268-8612 Architect Douglas J. Snead, Jr. Address 7601 Alton Ave., JaxFL. Phone724-8740 Contractor James B. Jaffa Address P-0-Box 24627, Jax.,,FL. Phone 268-8612 License Number CG CA01597 Expiration Date June 1987 Lot # 20- Block # Subdivision Aquatic Gardens Zoning S tree tll��Aquatic Drive —Between Atlantic Blvd. and Royal Palms sideAtI.Bch. V11 Valuation $ Purpose of Building Residential Type Cons t. wood rarne Dimensions : Building —Lot Sz .Footings 12 x 12 Sz. Piers Sz. Sills Greatest Span Sills Sz . Ceiling Joists rafters Distance on Centers 24" o.c.. Greatest Span2411o.c. Sz . Floor Joists slab Distance on Centers ----- Greatest Span----- Sz. Raf ters— see plan —Distance on Centers2411o.c. Greatest Span 24" o.c. HeatingAir to air heat pun*olid-Filled Ground solid Roof shingles Flood Zone C If located within a FLOOD HAZARD ZONE fill out reverse of this application. Inspections Required: 1 . When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2 . When steel is in place and ready to pour columns/lintel. 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing, mechanical , rough plumbing and fire place is completed and ready to cover up . 5 . Rough electrical . 6 . Final inspection. In case of rejection, reinspection MUST be called SETBACKS for after corrections are made . In consideration of permit given for doing Rear Lot Line the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications , which are a part hereof, and CL in accordance with the building regulations M (D of the City of Atlantic Beach. t-4 t-4 0 0 rt rt t_*1 FJ- Signature ER Signature BUILD V Front Lot Line FLOODPLAIN DEVEL0PM1.`,NT INFORMATION Type of Development : X------New Building ------ -Alterations to Existing Building Flood Zone C Required Floor Elevation— 8 Actual (as built)Lowest Floor Elevation 8 If located within a flood hazard zone (zone A) a survey must be ui,,ide af-ter the slab has been poured, certifying that the "lowest floor elevation" is---c-q-u--aT--t-o---��i--ab�—ove the base flood eleva�l­o­n that zone . No Final Inspection will be made and No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until the survey is on file with the Building Depaj:Li�-,�-.� ,. . COMME'NTS Applicant acknowledgement : I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or sh I be provided ons of ec as required. I agree to comply with all appli c a e pro v d Ordinance No . 25-7-11 and all other laws or or c -e ting the proposed developemn.t . Date s4r-i t ur -- ----- - -- ------------------------------------ ----- ---- ------------ Dep�ai-t:jiient Use Survey filed with the Building Department on Certified Lowest Floor Elevation Required Lowest Floor Elevation Building Department Represent-itive LA�c H 0,40'Z November 6 5 Building #20 101N 7 .. 8 u -B-C-D Aquatic Gardens 80x_ -79�?.�kq atic Drive, Lots A A.'"UMBINC Fiplfll—�— Jim -Mangrum Plumbing Kk�j?ER J,1'LUf4H.eR V. James Mangrum qVY 0CCL1",ATXT,)A), LTC'EN-��'L N%) MP-6.5---(J-ax.-) --,m,p-.4-6-.,--Atlantic Beach ". ,-ATE RF M"I' LIMIR OR "__.,,.-A-,Qua.ti.c--,Gardens- Joint V nture-,., -9 'A)�1 L ,OW Dwellings p 4z J JIM MANGRUM PLUMBING CO., INC. 5543 VISTA VERDE AVENUE - JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32244 PHONE: 772-0428 BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT Applicant to complete all items in sections 1, 11, 111, and IV. Street Address:., LOCATION OF Intersecting Streets: Between And BUILDING Sub-division C_ GARXit-93% 11. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants , In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attack9d plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good.practice listed therein, Nome of Mechanical Contractors Contractor (hint) Master Nome of Property Owner Signature of Own* Signature of or Authorized Agent Architect or Engineer Ill. GMFMAL V!F�O�(>N A I Type of heating fuel: B. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON X'Soctric THIS BUILDING OR SITE? C] Gas—(3' LP [3 Natural E3 Central Utility IF YES. GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION Oa PERMIT Other — Spodfy e IV. MICHANICAL SQUIPMOINT TO 11 INSTALLED URE OF WORK (ProvWe complete list of components an back of this form) Residential or El Commercial Heat 0 Space .0 Recessed -W\Control 13 Flow New Building AirCondhioning: (3 Room —1 Control it 13 Existing Building XDud, System: Mate&LD= Thlckms._� El Replacement of existing system "9.' New installation(No system previously Installed) Mealmum capacity f... X 13 It0frigenation El Extension or add-on to existing system C3 Cooling lower: Capacity gpm. El Other — Specify 13 Fire quinklers: Number of heads 0 Elwotw 0 Monlift E3 Escalato (number) THIS SPACE POR OFWA UN ONLY E3 Gasoline PumPs —(number) (Rdool"8411) 13. To (number) Remarks 13 LPG Centel (number) (3 Unfired pressure vessel Permit Approved Defe 0 swim b 0"W — Specify Permit LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AM CutiMMNM AND REFRIGF.RATION EQUWMENT Ca Approving I �y Number Units DeSerliption Madd Number 11(anufacturor (TODS) EPA L) #tf ir�tt� of C�rru tt CITY OF firpartinrnt of SWIbino �nsprrtinn This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Southern Standard Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances regulating building construction or use. For the following. Use Classification — Bldg.Permit No /(� Group_____,____._Type Construction_C —__Fire District.. �l�ti�'* —wL Owner of Building JQf -- - Address Building Address_ Lot Q AqMt ft 00"s LocaLty • By (J Buildingofficiaiiaal- �q 4�0` Date:__ ! i7OV POST IN A "C"""CUOUa FI ACE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA PERMIT NO. _ZL3 5 PERMIT TO BUILD 7f)6#F)p 5 'e T�HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB 7 96.Mitie, Date 19 1 FValuation$ —1-84,299-�6O Fee$ ___L6�6.5O This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer,and is subject to revocation for violation Of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that J-B. JAFFA has permission to build Q11M)RI1?TRW A-, mD PLANS Classification —Zone Owned by JOTNT 17rt'am rDr,, Lot 9() _Block—�S/D_AqjuKaUqC Garda* House No.– 7-7/.-70A -74n/, According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE—A CON ETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPE ED BEFORE POURING. LA11M CT PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE 0 Building material,rubbish and debris z 4 from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hapled away by either con- tractor owner. ding Official. FOR OFFICE PERMIT USE ONLY NUMBE DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER (ATER **mow "DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA PERMIT No.13-53 PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB 31 Date Decenber 18, 85 Valuation$ 30.00 U00 T $ 01ICK T LLJ I I This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer,and is 600CAU subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. 1A C,I/ y that NORTH 14nPTM This is to certif STOW & FMUO has permission to build Classification RF_qTTWKTrTAT _Zone Owned by JO= VENUM Lot Block S/D—————— House No. 780-7Q9 AnITArT/- DpjW According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS A SiND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- PECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE F4-� -------------10, M 0 Building material rubbish and debris z I from this work Must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared "up- d hauled away by either con- tr It or own Building official. FOR OFFICE PERMIT USE ONLY NUMBER DATE CON PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER Aw V" DEPARTMENT OF 13UILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA PERMIT NO.123-6 PERMIT To BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date DeCeIrber 9 ig T Valuation$-------------�Fee$ LRMIT NC 15291JOUT �18 iI This Permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer,and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable Provisions of law. This is to certify that 0CFAN STATE I has permission to ad INSLAJ�L HEAT & AIR Classification Zone Owned by ionz Lot 20 House�No. 774-BW-786-790 Block----S/D------------ According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ------------10. X 0 Building material, rubbish and debris z I from this work must not be placed i ic sp ce, and must be cleared and ha ed away b either con. a owne uilding cial. FOR OFFICE PERMIT USE ONLY NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER 4W DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACI,FLORIDA "PERMIT NO.__Z2 37 PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date NOV 8 Valuation$ PLUMING 19 85 ;--Fee$ 150.W This Pernlit not valid until above fee has been paid 10 City Treasurer,and is subject to revocation for violation Of applicable provisions This is to certify that of law. T JIM 1vMG1W PUMING 1 164 has permission to 6% INSTAU PUiMix ICAC I MID Classification 4 Owned by Zone Lot House No. 7 Block-------�_S/D According to approved plan, which are part of this permit NOTICE —ALL CONCRETE FORMS A FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- S CTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE X OF ISSUE 0 Building z Material, rubbish and debris I frorn in pulth" work n1ust not be placed Ic space, and must be cleared uP d hauled away by either con- tr r Or own�r. FOR OFFICE PERMIT B ng Official. USE ONLY NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER