Permits 1013 Atlantic Blvd w ADDRESS /0 13 �a�c BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER__! -�2 INSPECTIONS: FOOTING UNDER SLAB PLUMBING 96 SLAB FRAMING COVER-UP INSULATION FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY / /3113 , ELECTRICAL PERMIT # INSPECTIONS ROUGH FINAL__��_/ MECHANICAL PERMIT # PLUMBING PERMIT # � 6 NOTES : / �v �23 i� Pete loftis Owner 1015 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904.241.1849 Tel 904.241.2294 Fax January 12, 2008 Ms. June Conner- Property Manager January 7, 2008 Equity One Realty Jacksonville, FL. Dear June , I appreciate what you have obviously done with regard to helping me with the negative situation at The Land Shark Cafe. While I have not heard from you, the back of their store was just cleaned up and the front has been cleaned as well. I appreciate that and assume you have made ari impact the serves both the health of my business but also the safety and image of Atlantic Village. I have received several positive comments from our customers. This is very positive. I am still concerned with the loud music, the excessive drinking outside and the loud, drunk patrons next door. `)Q I am very concerned about the possibility of more parties in the parking lot with barricades and port-a-potties and unruly behavior and mess that accompanies these parties. While I am seeing progress, I would like to think we all keep our business inside our stores and not have the party come outside and spill over into my store front and into the parking lot. Specifically, I would like to request the picnic tables be removed from the common area in front of The Land Shark. Should Culhane's and Sequino's, who have a much more mature and respectable clientele, be allowed to have outdoor drinking?I do not conduct business outside of my store. Consumption of alcoholic beverages out front of stores in a mall leads to problems for those of us who play by the rules. Again, I appreciate your help and would like to respectfully ask that The Land Shark and other stores REMOVE THEIR OUTSIDE TABLES. One bad apple has an affect on everyone. Thank yo Pete Loftis Owner The UPS Store f k F4, '., ;I � r slow A6 77 ' f i e r gF - "4 .3r f I�► i pr Ai- Awdki s G "3 r n t t • �i r � n} 1 t x � r rr t } M1 } � a 9 f - L Y a A � *0 t j � i rs k r a ti r t b } \J j CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND PLANNING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD S� ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 ;) TELEPHONE:(904)247-5800 +) FAX: (904)247-5845 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us January 11, 2008 Robert Deering Landshark Cafe 1013 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Mr. Deering: You have asked the City to provide written confirmation that outdoor seating is permitted in association with your restaurant located at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center and within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District. Chapter 3 of the City's Municipal Code authorizes such seating within the CG Zoning District as set forth in Section 3-8(a)(3) as reproduced below. Sec. 3-8. Consumption on Licensee's premises. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person(s) to consume Alcoholic Beverages on any Licensed Premises except: (1) Inside of the building that is the Licensed Premises, or (2) within a recreation area contiguous to the building that is owned or leased, and maintained and controlled by the Licensee and used exclusively for recreational purposes including but not limited to golf facilities, tennis facilities, swimming facilities, or other recreational purposes, or (3) within an outdoor seating or dining area contiguous to the building that is owned or leased and maintained and controlled by the Licensee. As you are aware, this outdoor area must be part of your DABT Licensed Premises and operated consistent with your SRX license. Also, the seating area must be maintained in a clean and orderly condition and contained to an area such that it does not interfere with use of the sidewalk by other patrons of the shopping center. Sincerely, Sonya B. D err, AICP Plamling Director cc: Jim Hanson, City Manager Donna Bussey, CMC, City Cleric AGENDA ITEM#813 AUGUST 13,2007 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Request from Landshark Cafe for a Use-by-Exception to allow for the on- premise consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in association with a restaurant within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr,AICP Community Development Director DATE: July 19, 2007 BACKGROUND: This request seeks approval of a Use-by-Exception to allow for the on- premise consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (SRX-Special Restaurant License) in association with an existing restaurant, the Landshark Cafe. The restaurant currently has a Use-by- Exception for beer and wine service, and wishes to expand to provide full Alcoholic Beverage service. The SRX license requires that at least 51% of sales be food, and the owner has stated that even with full beverage service,they expect food sales to far exceed the 51% amount. Staff recommends approval of this request in that full beverage service would seem to be a reasonable expansion of services for a successful restaurant, and this business seems to be a positive and well-received addition to the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. Other restaurants within the center have similar SRX licenses. The Community Development Board considered this request at their July 17th meeting and unanimously recommended approval. BUDGET: No budget issues. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a Use-by-Exception (File Number UBE-2007-03) for the Landshark Cafe to permit the on-premise consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (SRX DABT license) in association with a restaurant within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Community Developme t Board Minutes and application package. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: August 13,2007 regular meeting AGENDA ITEM#813 AUGUST 13,2007 Draft Minutes of the July 17, 2007 Community Development Board Meeting a. UBE-2007-03, Landshark Cafe. Request for a Use-by-Exception in the Commercial General Zoning District to allow on-site consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in association with an existing restaurant (SRX special restaurant DABT license) located in the Atlantic Village Shopping Center at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard. Robert Deering, co-owner of the Landshark Cafe appeared before the board to request a Use-By-Exception to expand the restaurant's beer and wine service to a full bar. Mr. Deering stated that the restaurant, which has now been open for about a year has experienced good business. However, he is requesting an expansion to a full bar to compliment the expanding menu and to remain competitive with other nearby restaurants. Joshua Putterman asked if the restaurant was located in the same center as Publix, to which Mr. Deering responded, yes. Mr. Putterman asked if the Italian restaurant in the same plaza had a full bar. Mr. Deering confirmed that the Seguino's restaurant, as well as Culhane's, also located in the same plaza, both have full bars. Mr. Deering noted that his restaurant had never received calls from the Atlantic Beach police department, and that an off-duty officer is on location for any special events they might have once or twice a year. Ms. Doerr noted that she had spoken with Chief Thompson and confirmed this to be the case. Sam Jacobson noted that it seems like a popular place and the type of place where people congregate to have a beer and socialize and asked if there was indeed a full menu available. Mr. Deering confirmed that a full menu was available, and that most of their sales would continue to be food sales. Ms. Doerr added that this type of license is a SRX, Special Restaurant License. It is a requirement of the SRX license that at least 51% of the business must be food service. Mr. Deering commented that food would continue to be the major portion of sales. Motion: Craig Burkhart made a motion to recommend approval of UBE-2007-03, requesting a Use-by-Exception in the Commercial General District to allow on-site consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in association with an existing restaurant, the Landshark Cafe (SRX special restaurant DABT license) located in the Atlantic Village Shopping Center at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard; David Boyer seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. Page 2 of 9 r AGENDA ITEM#813 AUGUST 13,2007 AGENDA ITEM 5-a. .jr1�`Jr J p1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT July 17, 2007 Public Hearing Use-by-Exception, Landshark Cafe (File Number UBE-2007-03) To: Community Development Board From: Planning, Zoning and Community Development Department Date: June 25, 2007 Subject: UBE-2007-03 Applicant: Landshark Cafe 1013 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Requested Change: Request for a Use-by-Exception to allow on-site consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in association with an existing restaurant(SRX special restaurant DABT license)located within the Commercial General(CG)Zoning District. Location: 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center Surrounding Zoning: Commercial General (CG) Surrounding Land Use: Various commercial uses. AGENDA ITEM#813 AUGUST 13,2007 STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION This request seeks approval of a Use-by-Exception to allow for the on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a full service restaurant,the Landshark Caf6. The owners received a Use- by-Exception in 2006 for beer and wine, and wish to expand their 2-COP DABT license to a SRX, Special Restaurant DABT license,which allows for full alcoholic beverage service. The SRX license is specifically for restaurants with more than 51% of sales in food. Staff recommends approval of this request, in that full beverage service would seem to be a reasonable expansion of services for a successful restaurant,and this business seems to be a positive and well-received addition to the Atlantic Village center. SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of this Use-by-Exception to allow for the on-premise consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Commercial General Zoning District in conjunction with an existing full service restaurant,the Landshark Cafe, within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard, provided: (Provide findings of fact similar to the following, and attach conditions as may be appropriate.) 1. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63,Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Regulations for the City of Atlantic Beach and also Section 24-112,the Commercial General District Regulations. 2. The request is not contrary to public interest and is not detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of general public. 3. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses within the surrounding area. 4. The proposed use is consistent with the Commercial Future Land Use designation. H:\PLANNING\USE-BY-EXCEPTION FILES\UBE-2007-03(Landshark Cafe')\CDB Staff Report.Doc 2 AGENDA ITEM#813 AUGUST 13,2007 F_ APPLICATION FOR AUSE-BY-EXCEPTION City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5826 • FAX (904)247-5845 • http://www.coab.us Date O Lg::� File No. U15� r-7 .2( �?�� Receipt 1. Applicant's Name LAiv�SW A21C 2. Applicant's Address 10% 3 i 1--.4+ti'T'► �- ��—�+d A"R—`36— 3. Property Location 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number Block No. Lot No. 5. Current Zoning Classification C n V 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation 7. Requested Use-by-Exception 8. Size of Parcel 9.Utility Provider 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for the requested Use-by-Exception, which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as Exhibit A. (The attached guide may be used if desired. Please address each item,as appropriate to this request.) 11. Provide all of the following information. (All information must be provided before an application is scheduled for any public hearing.) a. Site Plan showing the location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height, number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways. Identify any existing structures and uses. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner, a letter of authorization from the owner(s)for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies.(Two(2)copies of all documents that are not larger than 11 x 17 inches in size. If plans or photographs,or color attachments are submitted,please provide eight(8)copies of these.) e. Application Fee($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s)or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached: Printed or typed name(s): g� Signature(s): ADDRESS AND CONTACT IN!F�ORMATION IF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLICATION Name: Mailing Address: UD r 3 +t—A+-z►�- Ord �'`�- �Gl^- Z.'L'2 Phone: y (Q Co D 2!1 FAX:_!�__72_ - y <�9.!j E-mail: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND PLANNING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904)247-5826 FAX: (904) 247-5845 wwwxoahus RECEIVED AUG 2 2 2007 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK August 20, 2007 Robert Deering Landshark Caf6 1013 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: Approval of UBE-2007-03 (Landshark Cafe) Dear Mr. Deering: This letter serves as notification that the City Commission at their meeting on August 13, 2007, approved your Use-by-Exception, as requested, to obtain a SRX-Special Restaurant License permitting the sale of Alcoholic Beverages for on-site consumption in association with a restaurant, the Landshark Caf6. Please feel free to call me at 247-5826 with any questions. The City wishes you continued success with your business. Sincerely, Sonya B. oerr, AICP Community Development Director cc: Donna Bussey, CMC City Clerk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND PLANNING �rtlx 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904)247-5826 1I1 FAX: (904)247-5845 www.coahus J gis RECEIVED AUG 2 2 2007 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK August 20, 2007 Robert Deering Landshark Caf6 1013 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: Approval of UBE-2007-03 (Landshark Cafe) Dear Mr. Deering: This letter serves as notification that the City Commission at their meeting on August 13, 2007, approved your Use-by-Exception, as requested, to obtain a SRX-Special Restaurant License permitting the sale of Alcoholic Beverages for on-site consumption in association with a restaurant, the Landshark Caf6. Please feel free to call me at 247-5826 with any questions. The City wishes you continued success with your business. Sincerely, Sonya B. oerr, AICP Community Development Director cc: Donna Bussey, CMC City Clerk d S rj rLJf,~ I J City of Atlantic Beach - 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5448 Phone (904)247-5800 - Fax (904)247-5845 - http://www.coab.us REGISTRATION FORM J FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY SPECIAL EVENTS All information requested on this form must be fully addressed in order to receive approval from the City of Atlantic Beach to hold any special event by any commercial entity, non-profit, charitable, or for profit organization on private property, which involves activities exceeding normal day-to-day use of property or business operations, the use of outdoor tents, service or cooking facilities, or any expansion of the business area to an outdoor area or any parking area. Use of tents requires an additional tent registration form. In no case shall any such temporary special event extend to utilize any public property, street, sidewalk or right-of-ways. Requests to receive approval for temporary special events should be submitted to the City not less than thirty(30) days prior to the proposed event. DATE 1015- BUSINESS AND APPLICANT NAME: L_ ha ( 1C ca.2E _11 Y_Gly- )t Qj24°1 "QU iCO r-e �A :F0 x MAILING ADDRESS: 0 f—r1 1 cv� ADDRESS AND LOCATION WHERE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE (If different from mailing address.) Y EVENT T�A� ' 0C+ 3 5�- �,�J REQUESTED DATE(S)FOR TEMPORARY -''I 00) 2'�)O(4) THE BELOW SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR THE COMPANY CONDUCTING SUCH TEMPORARY EVENT ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH EVENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT. Signature of property owner or authorized agent. SIGNATURkuv AAPRINT NAMEYJDAW: ' CONTACT INFORMAT ION OF PERSON SUBMITTING THIS REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT) NAME � MAILING ADDRESS rr/,A �C �l Cp�1 a/tu bCAAt PHONE ��- vl�I0� FAX � �"V.�O�C•1 E-MAIL Please provide all information as requested on the attached pages. i 1. What type of alcohol will be served and how? Beer? Wine? Other? Served inside? Outside? 2. Provide approved copy of any required Alcoholic Beverage Permits from the Division of Alcohol Beverages and Tobacco? (Additional permit required by DABT for any expansion of Licensed Premises.) 3. Identify the event sponsor and provide appropriate contact person in case of any emergency. 4. Provide a site plan depicting the layout and location of all activities, including parking and traffic flow distribution points, any tents, fences, security check points, and location of planned events and activities. 5. Has the business consulted with neighboring businesses to obtain their approvals? 7�.S 6. Will there be outdoor music? Will there be amplified outdoor music? What hours? I CY PvY 7. Will there be a live band? What hours? ye S , IYDSCCU, q Prn - 4 1.30 Pyn 8. How many people are expected to attend this event? 2 (740,,- 9. How will crowd control be managed if there is an overflow crowd? 10. What specific special events are planned? (...such as bobbing for apples; ring toss; dunking booths; wet t-shirts; bikini contests; all male/female"review") -4 cu(tw �esN 1-2 S 0 wri tcLR---FL-.,r2 'F�c� /Prt/%k_. , 11. How will parking be located and managed? Include site plan showing parking areas to be used for this event. 12. How will security needs be provided; particularly with respect to prohibiting minors from being served. (See following question.) Will off duty police or private security be used?Who is the contact person on- site if problems arise? (Must be approved by City of Atlantic Beach Police Department. Ok-D 0--n(Tr ) +f110 S W Ki S Iry r 0 �92 U. a-f6 2 0\12 13. How are they going to assure that all people consuming alcohol are old enough? Wrist bands? Door men? \N Ei iN%k► IU W 1 A-4ol liUv-t*to0reA rr c,6\el �1a,�c 1 e.�-I S2Grvv 14. Are any tents to be erected on the property? (Tent registration form required.) 15. Will there be any outdoor heating or cooking? If so, address how any by-products and refuse will be handled, including grease/oil/refuse. How will any extra trash collection and disposal needs, during and after the event, be addressed? Yet ha vz C1 �"x q e- Gtt,b np4cv., Q,Fs on vt-o a N c44-t2 e1v e.,,\4 . 16. Will there be any extension of electricity into the parking areas, outdoor areas or any yards? W 17: Special temporary events cannot negatively impact traffic flows,particularly in any adjacent residential areas, or close or block any public street or right-of-way Please address. 18. Address how fire code requirements and access for emergency vehicle be monitored and maintained at all times during the Special event. 19. Are there going to be any fires or fireworks? N 20. Other than service animals, are there going to be any animals allowed as part of this special event? 2 l� " w 21. Is this a first time event or a continuation of an annual event? \' 22. Were they complaints or problems at prior events of this nature? VVv 23. What additional signage will be used? (Such as for advertising, restrooms, alcohol consumption? (City Sign regulations apply.) S (1�.,'� 1 S�G�Q i ?L-?P�. �6-1 C. x t 4� ICVeAo< 24. How will the event be promoted and advertised(such as through the use of fliers, TV, Radio, etc.) J:-t W%i2— A A�,t � n}-e�r-P—A , 25. Acknowledge by signature below that this special event will comply with all City of Atlantic Beach laws and ordinances and that the event will be conducted and managed as represented within this application. Such acknowledgement extends to all those organizing,planning and staffing this event. SIGNATURE )LP) ; a DATE PRINT NAME (QA W k-e, CIV-) EVENT APPROVED: VL " r_j REQUEST DENIED: SIGNED: Department of Public Safety SIGNED: DATE: /d41c Jim Hans n, City Manager 3 vv vv�vv C� ljz� Cr 000 U.1 B vi 0 c� C Q; C a - o c� s ,yu S 01 rn(4 ��zA _ HP Fax Series 900 Fax History Depart for Plain Paper Fax/Copier Oct 30 2006 11:59am Last Fax Date Time Terve Identification Duration Pales Result Oct 30 11:55am Sent 92466034 1:53 4 OIC Result: OIC - black- and white fax ---CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SENIINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 06-00033161 Date 6/05/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . RELOCATE SWITCHES Application description . . . ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------- ----- ------------------------ EQUITY ONE MCCLURE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD. P.O. BOX 51368 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JAX BEACH FL 32240 (904) 249-9061 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 70 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED=ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES rr � { CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH g E 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247=5826 Application Number . . . . . 06-00033305 Date 6/20/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . INSTALL 6 FIXTURES Application description . . . PLUMBING ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor - ------------------------ ---------- ------------- EQUITY ONE MCKENDREE PLUMBING & HEATING 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD. 4248 LENOX AVENUE JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 JACKSONVILLE FL 32205 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 77 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 77 . 00 77 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 77 . 00 77 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH yr PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 06P 0 2 0 (o Property Address: 16',1 i Z r Owner: �r t ' ✓� Telephone Contractor: S rrt Telephone#: (p L Contractor Address:�.��f Yog C)e F l Fax#: Contractor Signature: In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in ove statement,we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which ar hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Installation of plumbing and fixtures must be in accordance with the most recent edition of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code. Plumbing Type: If other construction is being done on this building or site, ❑ New list the building permit number: }� Re-Pipe ' Number of Fixtures: Bath Tubs Showers Closets Shower Pans Dishwashers Sinks Disposals Urinals Floor Drains Washing Machine Lavatory Water Sewer Water Heaters Sprinkler System Other Fees Permit Issuing Fee: $35.00 Total Fixtures: _ X$7.00 + $35.00 = r , ©--0 800 Seminole Road.Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800. Fax: (904)247-5845. http://www.cl.atiantic-beach.fl.us Revised 1104 s 4CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SS 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 06-00033464 Date 7/18/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . 16 X 15 SIGN Application description . . . SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------- - --- -- - -- -- - -- - -- ----- -- - --- -- - - --------- EQUITY ONE LIBERTY LIGHTING, INC. 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD. 599 CHARLES PICKNEY STREET JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 ORANGE PARK FL 32073 (904) 610-8673 -------------------------- -------- --------- - -- ------- --- -------------------- Permit . . . . . . SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 65 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---------- ------ - -- -- - - - -- - ------- --- -- ---- ---- ---------- Permit Fee Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PLAN REVIEW SHEET Routed to: J S.Makowski Building Department Public Works&Public Utilities Departments i gin 800 Seminole Road 1200 Sandpiper Laneoe Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 TT.—Carper (904)247-5800 (904)247-5834 D. Kaluzniak (904)247-5845 Fax (904)247-5843 Fax Public Safety PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS �a Permit Application# t0 - 3 3 7 Property Address: /Q /3 k L a-%'i!1 blvd Applicant: La-ry Project: �� X ��G �"� F n This permit application has been: Approved as noted by the G Department. Final application approval musT come from the Building Department. Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. Reviewed By: W Date: ?-lidly (2 14 Date Contractor Notified: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH s f SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Please submit(2) complete sets of plans with application. 39 Q Job Address: 10 13 TL 14 A. C RL Owner's Name: Address: H I le. 8 L V Q Phone: L A- q qd 0 Legal Description: Block Number: Lot , umber: Zoning District: e' 4T 4 State License Number:F S 1010 bU a U Contractor: CJ�p tS t#©W p ALIa r 1.11: rT c, Address: 599 cpopugs PI A)"r-4 St --Phone: %q 1,10 - IL-73 City:()P-Ak)Q _ A 112/< State: AL. Zip:A20-73-Fax: 409 a/_6 - 96 y a Electric Permit Required? [11 Yes* ❑ No *Electrical Contractor: K C 1dA I S NOW19R-Ar Dimensions and total square footage of sign: 14,�� IS 100 ?X Please provide two(2)copies of application and the following required information: 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distance from property lines or right-of-ways. For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs,mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office,business or storefront,or entire building,as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided this li 'on is correct. xl�Si tune of Owner. Date: I hereby certify that I Have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with,whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances, or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the ve information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as Signature of Contractor: Date: 16 `?V ®2� — 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 • Fax: (904)247-5845 - http://www.cLatlantic-beach-fl-us Page 1 Revised 1/30/03 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application(please print). Name: 111t36z1� 7'NarnPso+y Mailing Address: Phone: QO y_ K -OQ`i d E-Mail: AS TO OWNER �n Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of �1� .20 d . State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: ""#% ftn P McGovem ;�. WCbMM5810N# DD382370 EXPIRES December 24 2008 Personally Down eoNOEarruRuW..YFgtrUMRnrrcceINC Produced-identification Type of identification produced AS TO CONTRACTOR Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12-G4it\ day of k -"rA State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: ❑ Personally known (H Produced identification Natasha Edgemon Type of identification produced a - ssion#pD470988 Commi September 12,2009 ExpiresaSep aoo- lo,9 � i•'lBonded Troy 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 - http://www.ciatlantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 1130/03 r� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PLAN REVIEW SHEET Routed to: S.Makowski Building Department Public Works&Public Utilities Departments i gin J1i1�• 800 Seminole Road 1200 Sandpiper Lane . oe Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 R.Carper (904)247-5800 (904)'247-5834 D.Kaluzniak (904)247-5845 Fax (904)247-5843 Fax Public Safety PLAN REVIEW CO NTS &V Permit Application# 3 7� rn d ik op Property Address: /3 Applicant: I d•1 h�► Project: �t0 X �� �•�n This permit aimflication has been: -- ^'�•' Department. n the Building Department. 0 L :ention: a VC --�� 'J'<- Please J-Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. ReviewedBy. Date: 7 to Date Contractor Notified: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Please submit(2) complete sets of plans with application. ���'� A,31 D 3 g$1 Job Address: 13 ri TC A QT I C, 9LV Owner's Name: 1) . m Address: 191- N t 1C_ t- V Phone: io ti,a-- qd0 Legal Description: Block Number: Lot umber: Zoning District: Contractor: K e,.0,14 p/S go to A/2/i r U B�t� State License Number: F5 /Aooc, 5 Address:_539 C/{(3IZ`F.S P/0mr--.Ste !Phone: 96(4 (,10 ^ 4073 City:d 2A&KC 1Al2/< State: JAL Zip:aa07:; Fax: '909 a/3 - 96�a Electric Permit Required? 21 Yes* ❑ No *Electrical Contractor: K.C _C'u/3IS NOW/99KAT Dimensions and total square footage of sign: 14,t' )(1 ' p � Please provide two(2)copies of application and the following required information: �'� 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distance from property lines or right-of-ways. For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs, mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office,business or storefront, or entire building, as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided wi this ap li ation is correct. Signature of Owner: Date: 12,� V `i' I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with,whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances, or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon theabove information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as Signature of Contractor: Date: .129 �b 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Page 1 Revised 1/30/03 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application(please print). Name: )Q/QC F L 1q T job/77 PS b&) Mailing Address: Phone: qO cj- E-Mail: AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of J� ,20 V State of Florida,County of Duval .N•.,,, Notary's Signature: �*• � Brian P.McGovern MYCOMMISSION# DD382370 EXPIRES December 28,2008 Personally known • od ;t;'" BONDED fHRU fRSY F.AN INSURANCE INC ,Produced identification Type of identification produced flL 4 I AS TO CONTRACTOR: �} Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2 I day of J' r-1C 20 . State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: ❑ Personally known C. Produced identification ••'aY'P'' Natasha Edgerton Type of identification produced FL 171 Commission#DD470988 • '�� Expire! September 12,2009 ���,•• ©onded Troy Fain-Insurance.Inc 800-385-1019 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 1/30/03 B Rad 2 � 3 eriwrw r � a,K k P 0 J P''N r� +s p C n �•'�O(aD O � O —a Hn�o N D c 'n'i► �y g�=3 8 S� v °' Q3Q a,��amss r F� ,9 EQUITY EQUITY ONE REALTY & MANAGEMENT FL, INC. ONE'- June 21, 2006 The Supermarket REIT`' Building & Zoning Department City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: SIGNAGE INSTALLATION PERMIT, 1013 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER Dear Building & Zoning Department, This letter shall serve as the Landlords acknowledgement that Landshark Cafe/Dive Grill has engaged Liberty Lighting, Inc. to secure proper permits to install signage at the above location. Provided that Liberty Lighting, Inc. installs said signage, on behalf of Landshark Cafe/Dive Grill in accordance with all zoning requirements and shopping center sign requirements. No other work is hereby authorized. Further, this acknowledgement shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the above date. Sincerely, Nicole G. Hooper as authorized agent for Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA / ) SS COUNTY OF DUVAL ) I, Beatriz O. Padgett a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Nicole G. Hooper personally known to me,to be the authorized agent and Property Manager, of Equity One (Atlantic Village) Inc. , a Florida Corporation. Appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his as his free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this" I day or-"C-, 2006. tPvrr A� Notary Public State of r1orida (SEAL) wens Padgett NOTA �p I My Commission DD559405 and` Expires 06/0112010 10601-107 San Jose Boulevard •Jacksonville, FL 32257•Telephone 904-292-2222 • Facsimile 904-292-1255 E® Regional Offices in: Coral Springs •Jacksonville • Lake Mary• North Miami Beach • Palm Beach Gardens • Tampa NYSE. www.equityone.net E M O " m I�� > O Q m N r V_ pQUAv -- w 390 26 0 42 r -T/ RETENTION �.NN� u g D 0°T 11'Oa•E�.1.o z ,I �` 'Z] m C rt w • Y '' 1 0 �' v f �' 1! I N -11 O \• 1• i• • 1• • l N 1 I I✓ 1 c In ' m .n' I I O O r• © O w _- 1107 10.Ot"N 140to.91 10' : .{• It r ::S (A o n r c I r 0 0 Z < \ " m 1 d ° x m I u� H d p = y w Z v / // _� • ,•o• m w / •o' m 1: Q ®® ? m ,w m s I = •f I A u r I •:li O > m Ij ,o = O So- -WE o' �— y V�VA� I� I •01 {'t t'E UO F---0o •1.22'E D �:` •. �:����ao Z o ® x. m � E �D OD I m I "y a.ao.a1 L0° I k- o I x C\\\<<`<�\�o d r' oa I c d ° ^aZ- o /04, as rlORTM I s 00 s1.22'E 5 62' " / \�O m • ' I p • x O � . n al , r• ul �• D > I N l m• Oca E yon o --� C ... o CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SIN 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 ..ter Ult1�`' Application Number . . . . . 06-00033466 Date 7/18/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . ELEC FOR SIGN Application description . . . ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor -------- --- -- -- -- -- - ---- - -- --- -- ---------------- EQUITY ONE LIBERTY LIGHTING, INC. 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD. 599 CHARLES PICKNEY STREET JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 ORANGE PARK FL 32073 (904) 610-8673 ----------------------- ----- ------ ----------- -------- ----------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 70 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ------------ --- -- - --------- ---------- ----- --- -- ---------- Permit Fee Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. r a ; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Property Address: 10 ! 3 /3 TL 19/U T l C, 6C VD Owner: K g r N(.k'_IVu )1 N u b s Telephone Contractor: C/-(19>S NDW)9 n.191- 0 e jT•1A1cm- Telephone#: Contractor Address: 5 C 13kLA-S Pfl0krU #:�10Y �/�-► 9� g� OP-)9 Contractor Signature: In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached pians and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Building: Building Type: ❑ Trailer Service: If other construction is ❑ New ❑ Residence ❑ Temp. ❑ New being done on this building ❑ Old L) Commercial Signs ❑ Increase or site,list the building L� Permit number: ❑ Re-wire ❑ Addition Sq.Ft. ❑ Repair Conductor Size: AMPS: COPPER ALSEl Switch or RACE Breaker AMPS PH W VOLT WAY Existing Service RACE Size AMPS PH W VOLT WAY Meter Number Feeders: NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE Lighting Outlets CONCEALED OPEN Receptacles CONCEALED OPEN Switches Q'In AMPR 1 100 AMPR t Incandescent Fluorescent & M.V. Fixed 0.100 AMPS OVER BELL Appliances TRANSFER. Air H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CEILING KW-HEAT Conditioning COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS HEAT Motors 0-1 H.P. VOLTAGE PH NO. OVER 1 H.P. PHS UNDER600V OVER600V Transformers NO. KVA NO. KVA No.Neon_Transf. Ea._Sign Miscellaneous 800 Seminole Road•Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800• Fax: (904)247-5845• http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Revised 1/04 AGENDA ITEM#4C AUGUST 28,2006 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Request from Landshark Cafe for a Use-by-Exception to allow for the on-premise consumption of beer and wine in association with a restaurant within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP Sz Community Development Director DATE: August 18, 2006 BACKGROUND: This request seeks approval of a Use-by-Exception (File Number UBE- 2006-04) to allow for the on-premise consumption of beer and wine only in association with a restaurant in an existing commercial space. The space has formerly been occupied by several restaurants, all of which had a beer and wine (2-COP) license, however, since the space does not now hold a current Occupational License or 2-COP DABT license, a new Use-by- Exception is required in accordance with Chapter 3 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the City Code. Staff recomm6nds approval of this request, in that on-premise consumption of beer and wine is typical to the proposed restaurant use, and the use is consistent with other restaurant and retail uses in the general area. The Community Development Board considered this request at their August 15th meeting and unanimously recommended approval. BUDGET: No budget issues. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a Use-by-Exception for Landshark Cafe to allow for the on-premise consumption of beer and wine in association with a restaurant within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Community Development Board Minutes. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: August 28,2006 regular meeting AGENDA ITEM#4C "'"Draft Minutes of August 15, 2006, Community Development Board Meeting AUGUST 28,2006 4a. UBE-2006-04. Request from Landshark Cafe for a Use-by-Exception to allow for the on- premise consumption of beer and wine in association with a restaurant within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. Corey Fox, owner of the Landshark Caf6, introduced himself and his other business partners who were present. He gave a brief discussion of the hours of operation, type of food served, and location of the restaurant. He stated that no beverages or food were going to be served outside. The tables outside were strictly for smoking patrons to smoke. A motion was made by Ms. Woods and seconded by Chairman Jacobson to recommend approval to the City Commission of UBE-2006-04, a request for a Use-by-Exception to allow for the on-premise consumption of beer and wine in association with a restaurant within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. The motion passed unanimously. 3 i ter APPLICATION FOR A USE-BY-EXCEPTION City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5826 • FAX (904)247-5845 http://www.coab.us Date File No. Receipt 1. Applicant's Name ` ^J 2. Applicant's Address W CAU 3. Property Location L 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number Block No. Lot No. 5. Current Zoning Classification 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Upe designation 7. Requested Use-by-Exception C'LLL `' ( �.LA,,'e" � 2 G \. e L . 8. Size of Parcel 9.Utility Provider ..) )6—A 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for the requested Use-by-Exception, which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as Exhibit A. (The attached guide may be used if desired. Please address each item,as appropriate to this request.) 11. Provide all of the following information. (All information must be provided before an application is scheduled for any public hearing.) a. Site Plan showing the location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height, number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways. Identify any existing structures and uses. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner,a letter of authorization from the owner(s)for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies.(Two(2)copies of all documents that are not larger than 11 x 17 inches in size. If plans or photographs,or color attachments are submitted,please provide eight(8)copies of these.) e. Application Fee($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s)or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached: Printed or typed a e(s): �` 4,1dk, Signature(s): ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLICATION Name: Mailing Address• 1 �t- �' � C 1� Pho4 FAX: E-mail: EXHIBIT A The review of an application for a Use-by-Exception shall consider the following items. Please address each of the following as applicable to your specific application. 1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed Structures thereon with particular reference to vehicular and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of fire or catastrophe. C Ct.' s f'1 1 .S V 1CL'V C� Z 1 G�r'1G fCc -K � :� ` i-Gt '`1 v E - C=qac ti ec"r 2. Parking and Loading Spaces, where required, with particular attention two the items i1(1) above. 3. The potential for any adverse impacts to adjoining properties and properties generally in the area resulting from excessive noise, glare and lighting, odor,traffic and similar characteristics of the Use-by-Exception being requested. t~ {vk.VA-0 —ir :-t P's ovr o ct 4. Refuse,trash collection and service areas,with particular reference to items(1)and(2)above; 5. Utilities,with reference ee{to locations,availability and compatibility; E-� - �iLf/{ ♦r r lr t S UJ C, a-'lt 1 L 6. If adjacent uses are different types of uses, describe type of screening and buffering that will be provided between your use and the adjacent use. �: ? ��- 1 uC �-G'�v'C . •�r 41.G�.•�t f� � �U� c.t'�#— '1. 7. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting,with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and compatibility and harmony with properties in the District;(See Signs and Advertising,Chapter 17.) r, C7 f `ot i G' J ►�" < �r�-r '(f wL,-� h[ C LP cct,;fc- "' 8. Required Yards and other Open Space. Show building setbacks and areas of open space on site plan. 9. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the surrounding Zoning District as well as consistency with applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. •t7A Z-_ ky e.2. Other information you may wish to provide: a rte- ct C-�,� �'Fv Z C. bt-+"1t.j -.ej c,-,A.- Ck r'K, 1'\E?t OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION FOR AGENT is hereby authorized to act on behalf of , the owner(s) of those lands described within the attached application, and as described in the attached deed or other such proof of ownership as may be required, in applying to the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, for an application related to a Development Permit or other action pursuant to a: ❑ Zoning Variance ❑ Appeal ❑ Use-by-Exception ❑ Fence or Pool Permit ❑ Rezoning ❑ Sign Permit ❑ Plat,Replat or Lot division ❑ Other BY: Signature of Owner Print Name Signature of Owner Print Name Telephone Number State of Florida County of Duval Signed and sworn before me on this day of,2004. By Identification verified: Oath sworn: Yes No Notary Signature My Commission expires: C('TO° Commissiotl CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH izey BUILDING AND PLANNING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD J ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 5445 TELEPHONE:(904)247-5800 y} FAX: (904)247-5845 s http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us August 29, 2006 Kathleen D. Hyde for Landshark Cafe 1013 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Ms. Hyde: This letter serves to confirm that the City Commission, at their meeting on Monday, August 28th, 2006, approved your application for a Use-by-Exception for the Landshark Cafe to allow for the on-premise consumption of beer and wine only in association with a restaurant within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District located at 1013 Atlantic Boulevard within the Atlantic Village Shopping Center. Please feel free to call me at 247-5826 with any questions. Sincerely, Sonya B. Doerr, AICP Community Development Director CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 4 —_— — DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING li BM SE4J MOLE ROAM-A71-ANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-TEL: 247-5826-FAX: 247-5877 __—____ PERMIT INFORMATION _ LOCATION INFORMATION —_ Permit Number: 20313 — j Address: 1013 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: COMMERCIAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Class of Work: REMODEL Township: Range: Book: Proposed Use: RESTAURANT I Lot(s): Block: Section: Square Feet: Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH y Est.Value: i Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: 15,000.00 __ _ OWNER INFORMATION Date Issued: 6/30/2000 Name: VELAQUEZ/BENITZ Total Fees: 255.00 I, Address: 1013 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 255.00 ( ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 _ Date Paid:__ 6/30/2 � _000 Phone: 904 241-7022 — -- -- Work Desc: INSTALL WALK-IN REFRIGERATOR, FLOORING, SINKS, DRAINS, CELL TI_LESI_—RE-__MODE CONTRACTOR(S) APPLIPROPERTY OWNER CATION FEES _— — 255.00 PERMIT FEE DOUBLED/WORK COMMENCED PRIOR TO PERMITTING i i I i � � r i I j _ Inspections Required FRAMING — F NAL BUILDINS INSULATION ! f i NOTICE- INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. PAID 11 IN 0 2000 r —� __ Date: 6/38/08 01 �1 ATLANT�Cf�B�EACH BUIL G DEPT. CHECKS I�eiee�a3��iaee � 7 , S4 Cit ' '�- -- /' ��ate IC OaCh CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH E""'c"i=?� a)-)d PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS, OR ALTERATIONS' MOVING, DEMOLITI NS Z Owner(s) : �� �1 n��r O( n� vS (� Job Address: 10k, Afl"In- cLe?lyj' Phone: 0� ' 70d 4 ea�.'73--f`1`l 6 Lot # Block or Unit # Subdivision: Contractor: State License # Address: Phone No: City State �/ Zip Code Describe work to be done:( - / —�"� �i e AKa�' 02 Ss,'n JJ Or-t os . Present use of building: 0,&kL, C'614A- valuation of Proposed Construction: j� � Proposed use: Is this an addition? If yes, what are the dimensions of the added space: OHO S .ft. X r ft. will the added area be heated and cooled? _ New electrical (or increase) _1 C.1_ New plumbing fixtures?Y New fireplace?/ i- New Heat/AC?fV ,.3 sUBJ�ar TEP" (COMMMCTAT.) TWO (RESIDENTTAT.) COWLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SZTE PLAN, SURVEY, ENERGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF CObNC1JElNT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: Date: Signature CONTRACTOR: Date: AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me-thisJ � day of U f--e- 2000. JENNIFER McOcIL l,1 �-d'V - MYCOMMISSIO3554 14A AALA 41 UBLIC . -s EXPIRES:December 8, AS TO CONTRACTOR: 1jRt�h` s« dTh"'Na°ryP°�` Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ,2000. NOTARY PUBLIC . ak CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT CALCULATION SH ET Address Date �^ ' Heated Square Footage @ $ per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed @ $ per sq ft = $ Carport/Porch @ $—p o er sq ft = $ Deck _ @ $ per sq ft = $ Patio@ $ I, per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION" $ Total V' luation 1st $ Remaining Value $5— per thousand ' or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ S�cw + 1/2 Filing Fee ( ) Fireplaces @ $15 . 00 BUILDING PERMIT FEE S WATER IMPACT FEE $i SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER METER/TAP $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ SEWER TAP $ ( ) RADON (HRS) . 0050 $ SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ HYDRAULIC SHARES $ CROSS CONNECTION $ ( ) SURCHARGE . 0050 $ OTHER $ — GRAND TOTAL DUE $ QST ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES : Mechanical Plumbing Electric/New Electric/Temp ; SwimmingPool Septic Tank Well Survey Sign Finish Floor Elevation ; Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES : — y Cr1Y OF ATLANTIC BEACH OWNER BUILDER PERMIT AFFIDAVrr STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL BEFORE ME, THE LL UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME /�(1t1A !_,7Pr)�'F-P Z , WHO BEING BY ME FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: � I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: � 1_ C�C c._ A laa l�.l IS J�Q-- CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES, PART I "CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING" REQUIRES OWNER/BUILDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE LAW: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR SECTION 489- 103(7), FLORIDA STATUTES: STATE LAW REQUIRES CONSTRUCTION TO BE DONE BY LICENSED CONTRACTORS. YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR A PERMIT UNDER AN EXEMPTION TO THAT LAW. THE EXEMPTION ALLOWS YOU, AS THE OWNER OF YOUR PROPERTY, TO ACT AS YOUR OWN CONTRACTOR EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT HAVE A LICENSE. YOU MUST SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION YOURSELF. YOU MAY BUILD OR IMPROVE A ONE OR TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE OR A FARM OUTBUILDING. YOU MAY ALSO BUILD OR IMPROVE A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT A COST OF $25,000.00 OR LESS. THE BUILDING MUST BE FOR YOUR USE AND OCCUPANCY. IT MAY NOT BE BUILT FOR SALE OR LEASE. IF YOU SELL OR LEASE A BUILDING YOU HAVE BUILT YOURSELF WITHIN ONE YEAR AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, THE LAW WILL PRESUME THAT YOU BUILT IT FOR SALE OR LEASE, WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF THIS EXEMPTION. YOU MAY NOT HIRE AN UNLICENCED PERSON AS YOUR CONTRACTOR. YOUR CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE BUILDING CODES AND ZONING REGULATIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE EMPLOYED BY YOU HAVE LICENSES REQUIRED BY STATE LAW AND BY COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL LICENSING ORDINANCES. ORDINANCES ALSO ALLOW AN OWNER TO IMPROVE THEIR OWN PROPERTY WHEN IT IS FOR PERSONAL OR FAMILY USE,AND LIKEWISE REOUIREALL WORK(EXCEPT MAINTENANCE UNDER$2,000)BE UNDER A BUILDING PERMIT AND PASS ALL NORMAL/NSPEC770NS. THE ORDINANCE STATES OWNERS MAY PHYSICALLY DO WORK THEMSELVES; OR MAY H/RE UNLICENCED WORKERS PROVIDED SUCH WORKERS BE UNDER "DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE OWNER, WHO MUST BE ON THEJOB AT ALL TIMES WHILE WORK IS IN PROGRESS BY UNLICENCED TRADES PEOPLE. THIS DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF UNLICENCED CONTRACTORS. SINCE OWNERS MAY BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES TO WORKERS THEY HIRE, THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE BE PURCHASED UNDER THE HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE POLICY CLEARLY PROTECTS THE OWNER. OWNERS HIRING WORKERS BECOME EMPLOYERS AND SHOULD ALSO OBSERVE IRS WITHHOLDING TAX AND/OR FORM 1 099 REQUIREMENTS ON THE WORKERS THEY EMPLOY ON THEIR IMPROVEMENT TRADES. UNLICENCED CONTRACTORS CANNOT BE EMPLOYED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. OWNERS BEING SUBJECT TO $5,000 PENALTY UNDER FLORIDA STATUTE No. 455-228(l). AN "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" IS NOT ADEQUATE. THE OWNER SHOULD PHYSICALLY SEE THE COUNTY "CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY" OR THE FLORIDA "CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATE" TO ASCERTAIN IF A PERSON IS A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. TELEPHONE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (247-5826) IF IN DOUBT. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE AB DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND THAT I COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN OWNE ILDER PERMIT. Y ''••, JENNIFER J.SCOTT S t� = MY COMMISSION#CC 893554 sy a; EXPIRES:December 8,2003 P Uu.D /c� „ ty, Bonded Thru NMq Public UedswaMrs ( (� ADDRESS TELEPHONE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS�DAY OF 2000• NOTE: PHRASES UNDERLINED ABOVE ARE EMPHASIZED BY THE BUILDING "1Q0 ARY PUB DEPARTMENT. C.OMMIS$1 EXPIR 2 � � rro i� u « Z 1 > r L ` 1 tiq T ' r 14 111,x_ 5838 PSR•3844 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF®UILDINf3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH I `i - LOCATION. INFORMATION PERMIT INFORMATION _ -_. £11,3 ATLANTIC BOVILEVARD ermit Number: 16838 A dre; a: :permit Type-.ELECTRICAL ATLANTIC BEACH� I�LbBIDA 32 3 1aaa of Work-ALTERATIOA� .,..__- -- LEGAL DZS`CRIP'TION -•_. ---..-- i Cc, tr . Type FRAME Black: Lot: Tw> 0 Proposed Use;RZSTAURA'NT ®ct cin fl Subd: Dwellings O subdivision: Est . Values 0 .00 Improv. 'Cost : 0 .00 Total Fees:,, 25 .00 1 Amount P ids 25.00 i Date Paaifk' 2 1998 7i7 i ark bI R` AT MINAMIES 1 t t TION ER ,� APPIsICATtQN FEES �- �_� . [Ames G Ad 3i OULEVARD j AT AP A�_ LORI�DA 32233 �,� � 1 CONT "CTc R I000$MATIpN rtes FIRST, HO C"Z ED RIC �;" d4r.. .2755,.A I� WALK DRIVt:,4'AST *73 ORANGE PA1xt P'L4RIDA 324 Lic EROOlA 4 Exp' 30 srIfIN u+ .a, eur,,"^,r ,z. ' I,m y� u i ft i NOTICE-INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 ObtiAt PI�It�R TC1�N$RIIGTK)N, � BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT.BE PLACE�JJN PUBIkG STAGE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UPLAND HAULED AWAY BY EI'THEA CONTRACTOR OR OWNER `FAILURE TO COM WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW'CAN kRESULT IN THE PROPERTY`©".E]i PAYING TWICE`F`OR BUILDING-11N�P iGV 11A SITS. 1$4-UEp ACCORDING TO APPROVE© PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCO V(OI.ATION:OF.AI PLICABLE PROVISIONS of LAW. C1 , ATLANTI BEACH BUILDINGPARTMENT EIy:, CITY OF ATLANTIC B[A('11 1, 110RIDA APPLICATION FOR FLFCTRICA1. PERMIT I Ill IIIC CIII1:r 1 1 I 'MICAi. IF1SP(_(:IUII: Unir_: 2 pe TUB� l9le IP.tI (M IArl l rJ11111:F: III (;ON`.;1111 IIA I loll OF I'I:Ilrvtl l (;IVI N I OII L)01NG I III WORK AS 11I "cltltil U IN Illi 101 I OWI►I(., 4YI 111 ttE:nY nt;E(I V Io ['I IIfURM SAID WOltic Irl AI:CUItIInNl;l. WIIII IIIc: Al In(:IIEI7I'InrIS nrlU SI'1C11lCnil(1rlti, 4Vill(JI AIIr_ A ('nil l 111 IWO1, AND Irl ACCORDANCE WI II 1111 F (;IIII(;nl 111 GIII nIlO1lS, 1;U1105 AND CI(Y UI' A I I AN I IC [II�ACII OI(DINANCLS, E I ELEC11(ICAL PIIIh1; _ MASI Ell LG 111CIA.14 :m.;,HAIUIJL - 1t��l►}►1lr yf11��I1 ctl�_ . n17nnEss:_ )O (.3_ ���iG 1���p _._ nrn lIUX IILD(i. SIZE _ ---- 111:1 WEEN: AI'I. ( I COMM. ('l1Ell.IC ( I INDUS, I I NEW 1 1 01 D AUDI T ION 1 I 711AILE11 1 1 TEMP. ( I SIIiNS ( I St1. 1 1. SEIEVICE: NEW ( 1 INCnEASE ( I HITAIII f 1 rt_r- COIlDU(%IU1I SIZE _ AMPS COI'I'i:11 ( Al Ilhi. SVYII("II Oil 1I11EAKL11 nhtl'S I'll w - Vol-. HAULWAY E'XISI. SEtly. SIZE AMPS - - -- - r1I w - - - - VOL _ 11nc1IwnY FE.f:D-1:1 IS NO. SIZE No. _._ SIZE I NO. - - - S11E LIGHTING O(lll_Eis CUNt=FACED ------ - O I L N - ---- - IUTAI_ RECEPTACLES CUNCEALEU o 30 nr.u•s. __---_-__-_—_ ---___-- -_ 10 l Al. ---- 1 lu . I SWIIC:IlE9 u All 1,6 ----------- INt:ANDFSCENI FLUOnESCENI & M. V. I°IXE[) 0 100 n111`9. oven - .I. Ain ------- I IIELt_ II1ANSE. II P, nnIINQ - .II G h. IIAIIN CONDI IIUIJIIJG COMP. MOIU(1 OIIIEII MOTOnS AMPS ( t ll_ Ilt:nl: tcw IIt:nI 0-11 -- —--- -- ------- -NIC)101 11.11. VOl-TA(iEOVEIt ITIS No. I II.P. --- ----- ------ VOLTAGE I'll MISCELLANEOUS L\ I r c --�X1_S CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH f 800 SEMINOLE ROAD I =! ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . 06-00032738 Date 4/10/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . SAFETY INSPECTION Application description . . . ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ AMERICAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 5065 ST.AUGUSTINE RD #3 JACKSONVILLE FL 32207 (904) 737-7770 --------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 70 . 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERWr IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE wrm ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDVgANCES AND THE FLORIDA BU"ING CODES. F BUILDING OFFICIAL ` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION _._. Date: LA -10-6(o Property Address: C A 119011 C zkv o Owner: 1 -1-he D V 61Telephone #: Contractor: Afy) I(1 '1] EIecT(t Lm, (16oT_ Telephone Contractor Address: ALc4Al o e. Fax #: Contractor Signature: In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Building: Building Type: ❑ Trailer Service: If other construction is ❑ New ❑ Residence ❑ Temp. ❑ New being done on this building at Old 0 Commercial LlSi ns ❑ Increase Pe site,list the building Signs Permit number: ❑ Re-wire ❑ Addition Sq. Ft. qp Repair Conductor Size: AMPS: COPPER ❑ ALUMINUM Switch or RACE Breaker AMPS PH W VOLT WAY Existing Service RACE Size AMPS PH W VOLT t WAY Meter Number Feeders: NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE Lighting Outlets CONCEALED OPEN Receptacles CONCEALED OPEN Switches Incandescent Fluorescent & M.V. Fixed 0.100 AMPS OVER BELL Appliances TRANSFER. Air H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CEILING KW-HEAT Conditioning COMP. MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS HEAT Motors 0-1 H.P. VOLTAGE PH NO. OVER l H.P. PHS UNDER600V OVER600V Transformers NO, KVA NO. KVA No.Neon_Transf. Ea. Si n Miscellaneous G�FL Z 800 Seminole Road•Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800• Fax: (904)247-5845• http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Revised 1/04 __- kffi DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING, f OF ATLANTIC SEACH PE"IT INFO ATION - . .» LOCATION INrOR TION ;_-_>. -- PermitN � r 3 Add r es sg: 10 i,:� A LAN's I C '�Of�LB�AREt Permit. Tyj 1e--XECHANI'CAL ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA 32233 Clans cif ork:N ► ,.------ LZOAL DESCRIPTION ..�:..,:------ Cpust`r�.. Tylre:WOOL ZRAKE �.B1'0 k: Lot': '�`��: 0 Pr6pbsed Use:RESTAURANT Section: t3 SUM: R0I: 0 Dvel l ings: 0 subdivision*. Est. 'Value* 0.00 rmprov... Cost : 0,00 00` Total Fe " $45.00 A ouir t ��' I►b .t3Q t o°" ION APPLICATION ?SES ------- Na PEIaI I" 45.tlQ CYC : Addr: !"�*TT EVAD , eot Pho Addr: 4565 N I3A 344' 9, U s` EPSP: . Iar k2 w rw ns9 as x, n.a« }y .NOTES: i 1g� Y NOTICE ALL CONCRETE FOR)$S AND FOOTINGS MUST BE 114SPOPT1'ED POORE POURING > PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTERbATO OF ISSUE � BUILDING,MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE P ACED#N PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE :. ,CLEARED,UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR,OR OWNER `�A LUR T C�go WITH THE NVIECH ►N1C ' LIEN LAW CAN. RESULT IN ; # + '', �� PSA'YtNG '1"111i1G.E° 'C # 3 11.0 1N+ ! f� ENT .!$ v ES 6 �ACCQA61N+S TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART-OF,T1 1S�'OeRMI'T"AND SUB.IECT 6,NE'pQCATItI ?N OF,APPLICABLE PROW 141+IS`C}F LAW. 370011114 S 321" ATLANTICIKACH,IBUI IN pE ART',.MENT 1E1 L'1 ilk r { sJ 1 BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISIC i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections 1, II, III, and IV. I. A ` -f � ` lad. LOCATION Street Address: OF Intersecting Streets: Between And BUILDING Sub-division II. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants. In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good.practice listed therein. None of Mechanical R/��I^I G�4-v I�re� S�f"E�Y Contractors Contractor (Print) 46h v kird F4 Master Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Signature of or Authorised AArchitect or Engineer III. GEN , L INFORMATION A, Type of heating fuel: B. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING GONE ON Q Electric THIS BUILDING OR SITE? Q Gas—❑ LP ❑ Natural ❑ Central Utility IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ Oil PERMIT ❑ Other— Specify IV. MlCHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO If INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK — / (Provide complete list of components on back of this form) ElResidential or Ods Commercial ❑, Heat ❑ Space ❑ Recessed O Central O Row ❑ New Building Q Air Conditioning: ❑ Room ❑ Central ❑ Existing Building Q Duct System: Material Thickness ❑ Replacement of existing system Maximum capacity c.f.m. L7 New installation(No system previously Installed) ❑ Refrigeration ❑ Extension or add-on to existing system ❑ Other — Specify Q Cooling tower: Capacity 9.101j". ❑ Fire sprinklers: Number of head= ❑ Elevator ❑ Menlift ❑ Escalator (number) THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ .Gasoline pump (number) (Reeeiwd) ❑ Tanks (number) Remarks Q LPG containeK (number) Q Unfired pressure vesso Permit Approved by Date car .Q./ioilen Other — Specify �I^F- �'.Z'op I,u gnC►^t_'SG! Permit Fo- r LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Number Uait� Description Model Number Manufacturer �)'' "A� CD w �1 d � " ►- VN _ n ' !C ty ' IL 0. i t Oo ra r_ tir Q O .Xlo W M CL c M 3 MIN ch t�Li- O � W g mzCIRo � _ ii v/ M tit b s i PYRO CHEM, INC . PCL-240/350/550 RESTAURANT KITCHEN FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM TECHNICAL MANUAL COMPONENTS DESIGN INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE Pyro Chem, Inc. _ A 301 Division Street ULEX 383 Boonton, New Jersey 07005 November 1, 199 P/N 315-4209C # -hapmer 3—System Desig- Page 3-' Rev ' CHAPTER III System Design This section will cover the proper design of the Pyro Chem Res- 2. Model NL-D2. taurant Fire Suppression System.It is divided into four(4)sections The Model NL-D2 nozzle is a two 121 flow point nozzle 1. Nozzle Coverage and Placement. designed for the protection of exhaust ducts. Only one (1) 2. Cylinder Sizing. Model NL-D2 nozzle can be used on a single duct branch. 3. Piping Limitations. 4. Detector Requirements. A single Model NL-D2 exhaust duct nozzle can protect a Each of these sections must be completed before square or rectangular duct with a maximum perimeter of 75.5 inches and a maximum one-side length of 25 inches. attempting any installation. It can also protect a round duct with a maximum circum- ference of 75.5 inches and a maximum diameter of 24 SECTION1 inches (see Figure 3-1). The nozzle must be installed on the centerline of the duct and aimed directly into the duct Nozzle Coverage and Placement opening (see Figure 3-2). This section will provide guidelines for determining nozzle type, positioning, and quantity for duct, plenum, and 3. Model NL-D3. appliance protection. The Model NL-D3 nozzle is a three(3)flow point nozzle designed for the protection of exhaust ducts. One(1)or two A. Duct Protection (2) Model NL-D3 nozzles can be used on a single duct branch. The following three (3) nozzles have been developed for A single Model NL-03 exhaust duct nozzle can protect a the protection of exhaust ducts: square or rectangular duct with a maximum perimeter of 100 inches and a maximum one-side length of 33 inches. 1. Model NL-P. It can also protect a round duct with a maximum circum- 2. Model NL-D2. ference of 100 inches and a maximum diameter of 31.75 3. Model NL-D3. inches (see Figure 3-1) Each nozzle is approved for use with the exhaust fan dampered, The nozzle must be installed on the centerline of the duct undampered with the fan on,or undampered with the fan off. It and aimed directly into the duct opening (see Figure 3-2). is not required that the fan be shut down or the exhaust duct be Two (2) Model NL-D3 exhaust duct nozzles can protect a dampered for the system to operate properly.Each nozzle is square or rectangular duct with a maximum perimeter of 150 approved to protect exhaust ducts of unlimited length. inches and a maximum one-side length of 66 inches.They can also protect a round duct with a maximum circumference 1. Model NL-P, of 150 inches and a maximum diameter of 47.5 inches.When two(2) Model NL-D3 nozzles are used to protect a single duct, The Model NL-P nozzle is a one (1) flow point nozzle the cross sectional area of the duct must be divided into two designed for the protection of exhaust ducts. One (1) or equal symmetrical areas.The nozzle must then be installed two (2) Model NL-P nozzles can be used on a single duct on the centerline of the area it protects and aimed directly branch. into the duct opening (see Figure 3-2.1). A single Model NL-P exhaust duct nozzle can protect a square w-02 K—oa or rectangular duct with a maximum perimeter of 50 inches and a maximum one-side length of 17 inches. It can also MAX —- -— ,,,r wX protect a round duct with a maximum circumference of 50 - inches and a maximum diameter of 16 inches (see Figure 3-1). The nozzle must be installed on the centerline of the duct and 2L , 2W . 50•MAX ZL . 2W . 755' MAX 2L . 2W - +00' MAX aimed directly into the duct opening (see Figure 3-2). — Two (2) Model NL-P exhaust duct nozzles can protect a —� square or rectangular duct with a maximum perimeter of —L:O'MAXI —1 l2r MAXI L UT MAX)-� 84 inches and a maximum one-side length of 34 inches. They can also protect a round duct with a maximum - —_+--- ---+---� ---+--- circumference of 84 inches and a maximum diameter of - ¢r MAxe. rMAx25.MAX 26.5 inches. When two (2) Model NL-P nozzles are used to L protect a single duct, the cross sectional area of the duct —75.MAX— —ler MAX— —2s MAX — must be divided into two equal symmetrical areas. The nozzle must then be installed on the center line of the area Figure 3-1.Duct Nozzle Coverage Limitations. it protects and aimed directly into the duct opening (see Figure 3-2.1). ULEX 3831 November 1,199• -haver 3—System Design :'33e 3-2 ?ev.1 50' MAX Duct Nozzle Coverage Chart 1.1-1.NL—J2 — 75.5' MAX NL-03 — 100' MAX '-MAXIMUM MAXIMUM NOZZLE SIDE PERIMETER FLOW POINTS NL-P 17" 50" ^-x NL-P 34" 84" NL-D2 25" 75" NL-D3 33 100" 3 3' 2 x NL-D3 66" 150" 6 y , '.VOTE:A SINGLE DUCT BRANCH CAN ONLY SUPPORT: 1)A Single NL-P —r 2)A Single NL-D2 3)A Single NL-D3 —_—_—}—_--� of 4)Two NL-P's W12 5)Two NL D3's --v2— Figure 3-2.Single Nozzle Placement In Duct. B. Plenum Protection The Model NL-A nozzle is a one (1) flow point nozzle that �- -3"f0 or"AX has been developed to protect the plenum section of the -K ��� exhaust hood. Only one (1) Model NL-A nozzle can be `'�' used on a single plenum branch. A single Model NL-A can protect a plenum (with single or V-Bank filters) with -� _� Y • rectangular dimensions of 8' x 4' or less. Larger plenums y can be protected by dividing the hazard area so that each nozzle protects an area of 8' x 4' or less (see Figure 3-3). The nozzle(s) must be located at the center of the V-Bank width or centered between the filter width when used with a single bank filter plenum. It must be within 4" of the wall -- - -- -� - --- -;- it is mounted against (see Figure 3-4), or within 4" of the i! edge of the protected zone. ° Figure 3-2.1. Dual Nozzle Placement In Duct. so ft ao re Ij X/t0 K 46aft �.OR R V I I I a0 K so ft SOK @A it 60 R 10R I I Figure 3-3. Plenum Coverage Limitations,Model NL-A Nozzle. ULEX 3830 November 1, 1994 Chapter 3—System Desk Page 3 Rev C. Appliance Protection 0._a. 1. Range Coverage. The Model NL-F1.25 is a 1.25 flow point nozzle that is used for range top protection.The maximum range top area that can be " protected by a single NL-F1.25 nozzle is 12"x 30".See Figure M. a. Nozzle location. Side To Side Nozzle Location_ The nozzle must be located on the longest centerline of Y the protected zone. Front To Back Nozzle Location: FILTERS�� The nozzle must be located not more than 9" from the Figure 3-4.Model NL-A Plenum Nozzle Placement. center of the protected zone. NOTE Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at the center of the protected Ir 3W ;, �' • � i � � CDoQD GDoCD 48' 30' Figure 3-5. Model NL-F1.25 Range Nozzle Placement. i -T � i' i I i Figure 3-8.Model NL-F1.25 Range Nozzle Aiming. ULEX 38 November 1, 19 thapter 3—system Design -lige 3-4 -�ev.l Nozzle Height: The tip of the Model NL-F2 nozzle has two flat areas The nozzle must be mounted 40" to 50" above the cooking designed to assist aiming. The nozzle must be positioned surface. so that these flat areas are parallel to the longest side of the protected zone. See Figure 3-8.1. b. Nozzle Aiming. The tip of the Model NL-F1.25 nozzle has two flat areas designed to assist aiming. The nozzle must be positioned NOTE Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area so that these flat areas are parallel to the longest side of and aimed at the center of the protected zone. the protected zone. See Figure 376. 2. Griddle Coverage. The Model NL-R nozzle is a one (1) flow point nozzle that �\ is used for griddle protection. The maximum griddle area that can be protected by a single NL-R nozzle is 30" x 30". The nozzle must be located over the griddle cooking surface, no more than six (6) inches from the edge of the T protected zone. The nozzle must be aimed at the center of / / 30••30 the protected zone.The nozzle must be mounted 24"to 211 50" above the cooking surface. See Figure 3-7. / \ NOTE 2 �� Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at the center of the protected zone. ,\ \ -7#� INYHGRALIDRIP PAN 61 ]SAX-�,� ..� V MAX- u COOKING AREA Figure 3-8. Model NL-F2 Nozzle Placement,Deep Fat Fryer. ` 24••SO- ^� rLATS \ ' Figure 3-7. Model NL-R Nozzle Placement,Griddle. \ 3. Deep Fat Fryer Coverage. LONGEST SDE` SHMTEST SIDE The Model NL-F2 nozzle is a two (2)flow point nozzle that is used for the protection of a single vat of a deep fat fryer. The maximum area that can be protected by a single NL-F2 nozzle is: / 1. Cooking Area: 14.75" x 14.00" 2. Integral Drip Board: 14.75" x 7.5" The nozzle must be located over the cooking surface and aimed at the center of the protected zone. The nozzle must '—`°"GEST SO, "ORTEST S&E be mounted 30" to 50" above the top surface of the deep fat fryer (see Figure 3-8). Figure 3-8.1. Model NL-F2 Nozzle Aiming. ULEX 3830 November 1, 1994 Chapter 3-System Desk Page 3- Rev. 3.1. Deep Fat Fryer Coverage. NOTE The Model NL-F2 nozzle is a two (2) flow point nozzle that is For installations that require the use of the Model NL-F2 nozzle to protect a deep fat fryer in accordance with Deep used for the protection of a single vat of a deep fat fryer. The Fat Fryer Coverage 3.1 shown here (See Figure 3-8.2), the maximum area that can be protected by a single NL-F2 following additional restrictions apply to the main supply nozzle is: line piping: 1. Cooking Area: 18"x 18" 2. Integral Drip Board: 18" x 9.75" 1. Minimum length, linear: 8 feet 2. Miminum length, equivalent: 14.1 feet The nozzle must be located within 11.875" of the center of the 3. Minimum system.flow points: 4 longest side, and within 7" of the center of the shortest side of 4. Minimum branches (total): 3 the cooking surface and aimed at the center of the protected zone. The nozzle must be mounted 30"to 42"above the top surface of the deep fat fryer(see Figure 3-8.2). The tip of the Model NL-F2 nozzle has two flat areas designed to assist aiming. The nozzle must be positioned so that these flat areas are parallel to the longest side of the protected zone. See Figure 3-8.1. NOTE Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at the center of the protected zone. rte' 30"-4r ]7.75- ' \ \1 ' ,e• -9.75* IN ORAL 0 PAN COO"No AREA I8' Figure 34.2.Model NL-F2 Nozzle Placement,Deep fat Fryer. ULEX 38 June t,19• Chaptef 3-Systern Oesign Page 3-4b Rev.2 1.1. Range Coverage. Side To Side Nozzle Location: The nozzle must be located on the longest centerline of the The Model NL-RH2 is a 2 flow point nozzle that is used for protected zone. range top protection. The maximum range top area that can be protected by a single NL-RH2 nozzle is 28"x 28". The Front To Back Nozzle Location: nozzle must be located within 5" of the center of the protected The nozzle must be located not more than 6"from the center zone, and aimed at the center of the protected zone. The of the protected zone. nozzle must be mounted 32" to 45" above the cooking surface. See Figure 3-8.3. Nozzle Height: The nozzle must be mounted 15"to 30" above the cooking 1.2. Range Coverage. Surface. The Model NL-F1 is a 1 flow point nozzle that is used for b. Nozzle Aiming. range top protection. The maximum range top area that can The tip of the Model NL-F1 nozzle has two flat areas be protected by a single NL-F1 nozzle is 12"x 28". See Figure 3-8.4. that to assist aiming. The nozzle must be positioned so that these flat areas are parallel to the longest side of the a. Nozzle Location. protected zone. See Figure 3-6. 13" 0+0' NOTE: ss" Nozzle must be 28" located anywhere within the shaded area and aimed Figure 3-8.4. Model NL-RH2 Range Nozzle Placement. at the center of the protected zone. I G i Q t5' n D NOTE: s' Nozzle must be located anywhere within the shaded 2S" area and aimed at the center tr of the protected zone. Figure 3-8.5. Model NL-F1 Range Nozzle Placement. ULEX 3830 June I,1995 Chapter 3—System Des, Page Re 4. Radiant Charbroiler Coverage. depth shall not exceed two (2) layers of lava, pumice, or synthetic rocks. The maximum area that can be protected by a single NL-F2 nozzle is 25" x 25". NOTE A radiant charbroiler is distinguished by the use of The nozzle must be located over the cooking surface and gas or electrically heated metal strips (radiants) that aimed at the center of the protected zone. The nozzle must are used for cooking. be mounted 30"to 50" above the cooking surface (see Figure 3-10). The Model NL-R nozzle is a one (1) flow point nozzle that The tip of the Model NL-F2 nozzle has two flat areas is used to protect either gas or electrically fueled radiant designed to assist aiming. The nozzle must be positioned charbroilers. The maximum area that can be protected by so that these flat areas are parallel to the longest side of a single NL-R nozzle is 25" x 25". the protected zone. See Figure 3-8.1. The nozzle must be located over the cooking surface and NOTE aimed at the center of the protected zone. The nozzle must be mounted 24" to 50" above the cooking surface. See Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at the center of the protected zone. Figure 3-9. NOTE Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at the center of the protected zone. /% \ \ 24'-40" �. 25" \\ �/ 25 \\ Figure 3-10.Model NL-F2 Nozzle Placement,Synthetic Rock \\� Charbroiler. 6. Natural Class A Charbroiler Coverage. Figure 3-9. Model NL-R Nozzle Placement,Radiant Charbroiler. NOTE 5. Synthetic Rock Charbroiler Coverage. A Class "A" charbroiler is distinguished by the use of charcoal, mesquite chips, chunks, and/or logs that are used for cooking. NOTE A synthetic rock charbroiler is distinguished by the use of lava, pumice, or synthetic rocks that are used The Model NL-A nozzle is used for the protection of Class for cooking. "A" charbroilers with a maximum fuel depth of six (6) inches. The maximum area that can be protected by a single NL-A nozzle is 20" x 24". The Model NL-F2 nozzle is a two (2) flow point nozzle that The nozzle must be located over the cooking surface and is used for the protection of either gas or electrically fueled synthetic rock charbroilers. The maximum fuel aimed at the center of the protected zone. The nozzle must ULEX 3E November 1, 1f :'apter 3—System Design age 3-6 ev.1 be mounted 15" to 35" above the cooking surface. See ' Figure 3-11. i NOTE / Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at the center of the protected zone. C/ ' / / 3/ I � / 34-' �� 15'•35' \�\. i 0< 24- � � . Figure 3-12.Model NL-UB Nozzle Placement,Upright Broiler. 20. ✓� �' 8. Chain Broiler Coverage. Two types of chain broilers are commonly used; open and / closed top. Each is protected in a different manner. a. Closed Top Chain Broiler Coverage. The Model NL-UB nozzle is a one-half('/:)flow point nozzle that is used for closed top chain broiler protection. Figure 3-11. Model NL-A Nozzle Placement,Class"A' Two (2) Model NL-UB nozzles are commonly used for this Charbroiler. application. The purpose of using two nozzles is to distribute the chemical evenly between the cooking 7. Upright Broiler Coverage. surface (on top) and the drip pan (below). For closed top chain broilers that have no drip pan, a single Model NL- The Model NL-UB nozzle is a one-half ('/:) flow point UB nozzle can be used. The maximum area that can be nozzle that is used for upright broiler protection. Two (2) protected by a pair of NL-UB nozzles (or a single NL-UB Model NL-UB nozzles are commonly used for this nozzle when no drip pan is present) is 30" x 34". application. The purpose of using two nozzles is to One nozzle must be positioned in the front entrance of the distribute the chemical evenly between the cooking broiling chamber and aimed at the diagonal corner. The surface (on top) and the drip pan (below). For upright nozzle will be positioned above the cooking surface. The broilers that have no drip pan, a single Model NL-UB second nozzle (if necessary) must be installed above the nozzle can be used.The maximum area that can be front edge of the grease drip pan and aimed at its protected by a pair of NL-UB nozzles (or a single NL-UB midpoint. See Figure 3-13. nozzle when no drip pan is present) is 30" x 34". One nozzle must be positioned in the front entrance of the broiling chamber and aimed at the diagonal corner. The nozzle will be positioned above the cooking surface. If necessary,the second nozzle must be installed above the front edge of the grease drip pan and aimed at its midpoint. See Figure 3-12. ULEX 3830 November 1, 1994 Chapter 3-System DwW Page 3.7 Rev.t 9.Wok Coverage 30"\ 34' The Model NL-R nzzle is a one(1)flaw point nuzzle that is used for wok protection. A single NL-R nozzle can cover a single wok of 14"to 24"in diameter,and 3.876'to 7.626'in depth. The nozzle must be mounted 40'to 50"above the cooking surface at a radius of 1 Z'from the center of the wok regardless of wok diameter. The nozzle must be aimed at the center of the protected zone. See Figure 3-14.1. NOTE 1 Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at the center of the protected zone. 24"Dia. Figure 3-13.Model NL-UB Nozzle Placement,Closed Top Chain Broiler. b.Open Top Chain Broiler Coverage. The Model NL-A nozzle is a one(1)flow point nozzle that is used for open top chain broiler protection. The maximum area that can be pro- tected by an NL-A nozzles is 32'x 34". 24"Dia. Max. 10" The nozzle must be located over the opening and aimed at the center ' of the protected zone. The nozzle must be mounted 1 t7'to 22"above the cooking surface. See Figure 3-14. 40" NOTE Nozzle shall be located anywhere in the shaded area and aimed at i the center of the protected zone. Figure 3-1x1. Model NL-2 Placement,Wok i 15"MIN 1 10-22" 15" 1 34" 32" Figure 3-14.Model NL-4 Nozzle Placement,Open Top Chain Broiler. ULEX 3890 November 1.1994 ,haoter 3—System Design P^ge 3-8. aev.1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 Cylinder Sizing Piping Limitations After determining the number and type of nozzles required Pyro Chem Restaurant Fire Suppression System piping to protect the duct, plenum, and cooking appliances, the limitations are divided into two categories; Main Supply total number of system flow points can be determined. Line Piping Limitations and Branch Line Piping The sum of all required nozzles' flow points is used to Limitations. determine the size and quantity of cylinders required. 1. Main Supply Line Piping. MAXIMUM CYLINDER FLOW POINTS Flow Points Cylinde The main supply line is a run of pipe from the cylinder to 8 PCL-240 the hazard area. In general, it is a straight run of pipe that 13 PCL-350 runs through tees. Branch piping is connected to the side 20 PCL-550 outlet of these tees. The main supply line of the Pyro Chem Restaurant Fire For systems requiring more than twenty (20) flow points, Suppression System utilizes either straight line or split any combination of cylinders can be used provided the piping to simplify system installation. total flow point requirements are met. Straight line piping is distinguished by the fact that the main supply line is a straight run of pipe that flows EXAMPLE through tees. When straight line piping is used,the main If a system requires twenty-six (26) flow points, the supply line cannot run into the branch of a tee. following combinations of cylinders can be used: Split piping is distinguished by the fact that the main 1. 1 x PCL-550 and 1 x PCL-240 (28 FP total) supply line runs into the branch of the first tee, splitting 2. 2 x PCL-350 (26 FP total) the main supply line in two. The main supply line can only be split once (as described above). When split piping is used, no branch piping can be connected to the main NOTE: supply line before it is split. In split piping systems, the Cylinders cannot be manifolded together. Each entire main supply line, including both sides of the split, cylinder must be piped separately. cannot exceed the piping limitations outlined in this chapter. In addition, the equivalent lengths of the main MAIN SUPPLY LINE PIPE son � v � BRANCH UNE STARTS AT SDE OUTLET Of MAN SLIMLY UNE TEL to• �I � I t0' 1 �^ 0A v titer— -� i LJ v�II 7 TOTAL LINEAR FEET = 4.0' TOTAL FITTING EQUIVALENT = 14.2' TOTAL EQUIVALENT FEET = 18.2' Figure 3-15.Example of Equivalent Piping. ULEX 3830 November 1, 1994 hapter 3-5ystem Des;( page' Rei; supply line must be balanced to within -10°0 on either MAIN SUPPLY LINE PIPING side of the splitting tee. The difference in flow points on LIMITATIONS each side of the splitting tee cannot exceed one flow point. 1. Model PCL-240. Main supply line piping limitations for the PCL-240 are given 2. B-ranch Line Piping. by Table 3-2.The maximum length of main supply line between the first and last branch tee is 16 feet. Examples of Branch piping is used to connect the discharge nozzles to acceptable piping configurations are shown in Figure 3-16. the main supply line. This piping is connected to the side outlet of main supply line tees. The last branch is 4AX. 4AX _ENGTHS 4IN LENGTHS NAk connected to an elbow at the end of the main supply line. I PPE zow FEET -ELT °ERT,Cx SEC'VN 3IA. JOINTS -WAR °OIAV -PEAR EGLIV ai9E There are seven (7) types of branch piping: Sr, 319- 3 21 l 36 3 , 1. One (1) Nozzle Duct Branch. Table 3.2. Model PCL-240. Main Supply Line Piping Limitations. 2. Two (2) Nozzle Duct Branch. 3. One (1) Nozzle Plenum Branch. 4. One (1) Nozzle Appliance Branch. NOTE 5. Two (2) Nozzle Appliance Branch. For installations that require the use of the Model NL- 6. Three (3) Nozzle Appliance Branch. F1.25 nozzle, the following additional restrictions 7. Four (4) Nozzle Range Branch. apply' 1. Minimum length, linear: 5.5 feet 2. Minimum length, equivalent: 12 feet UNDERSTANDING EQUIVALENT 3. Minimum system flow points: 3 PIPING 4. Minimum branches (total): 3 Piping limitations in this chapter are given in both linear and equivalent lengths. 2. Model PCL-350. Linear piping is the actual length of straight pipe used on Main supply line piping limitations for the PCL-350 are given either the main supply line or a branch. by Table 3-3.The maximum length of main supply line between the first and last branch tee is 30 feet. Examples of Equivalent piping is equal to the total linear pipe used on acceptable piping configurations are shown in Figure 3-17. either the main supply line or a branch plus the equivalent length of any fittings used on either the main supply line MAX. ; MAX LENGTHS 4N LENGTHS MAX AL a branch. See Figure 3-15. i PSE FLOW FEET FEET VERTICAL 9 l °IA. POINTS AR TGUV -OUIV RISE �MSECTMION . SUPPIY 3/0'Equivalent Piping = (Linear Piping) + I/2. p 35 53 3 3 (Total Equivalent Length of Fittings Used) Table 3-3. Model PCL-350. Main Supply line Piping Limitations. All pipe fittings develop a pressure loss which can be equated to the loss through a specific length of straight pipe. This loss is the equivalent length of the fitting. See NOTE Table 3-1. For installations that require the use of the Model NL- F1.25 nozzle, the following additional restrictions apply: 1. Minimum length, linear: 5.5 feet TEE TEE uaoIN 2. Minimum length, equivalent: 12 feet 44' 90' ROW SCE on 3. Minimum system flow points: 3 PPE SUE ELBOW ELBOW 'HAOUGN OUTLET COUPLINGS 3/6• os 1.30.e 2.7 0_3 4. Minimum branches (total): 3 I/2' 0.6 t7 I to 3.4 0.4 Table 3-1. Pipe Fitting Equivalent Lengths In Feet. 3. Model PCL-550. An example of the total equivalent piping calculation for a Main supply line piping limitations for the PCL-550 are typical branch is illustrated by Figure 3-15. given by Table 3-4. The maximum length of main supply line between the first and last branch tee is 35 feet. Examples of acceptable piping configurations are shown in Figure 3-18. NOTE The only acceptable types of piping which can be stow MAX MAX=EN6"" ""'¢rra VER XCAL PSE used with the Pyro Chem System are black pipe, SECTION M POINTS UWAR _.QUV LINEAR EW V RISE stainless steel, or chrome plated pipe. Galvanized Milo 3-0V pipe cannot be used. -. Table 3-4. Model PCL-550.Main Supply Line Piping Limitations. ULEX 38 February 1, 19 'hapter 3-System Design Page 3-1n Rev. 2 2. Two Nozzle Duct Branch Piping NOTE For installations that require the use of the Model Limitations. NL-F1.25 nozzle, the following additional restrictions The two nozzle duct branch is a run of pipe which apply: connects the main supply line to two duct nozzles. A two 1. Minimum length, linear: 5.5 feet nozzle duct branch can support the following combinations 2. Minimum length, equivalent: 12 feet of nozzles: 3. Minimum system flow points: 3 4. Minimum branches (total): 3 1. 2 x Model NL-P Nozzle. 2. 2 x Model NL-D3 Nozzle. BRANCH PIPING LIMITATIONS Two nozzle duct branch piping limitations are given by There are seven (7) types of branches used on the Pyro Table 3-5.1. Chem Restaurant Fire Suppression System: VAX. VAX. LENGTHS SYN. LENGTHS MAX PIPE Flow . 1. One (1) Nozzle Duct Branch. j EET FEET I VERTICAL SECTION DIA POINTS ''-NEAR I EOUV. LWEAR EOUN I DISC 2.Two (2) Nozzle Duct Branch. N N.." � 4 :: 0 D I 3. One (1) Nozzle Plenum Branch. 4. One (1) Nozzle Appliance Branch. Table 3-5.1. Duct Branch Piping Limitations. 5.Two (2) Nozzle Appliance Branch. 6.Three (3) Nozzle Appliance Branch. I One Nozzle Plenum Branch Piping Limitations. 7. Four (4) Nozzle Range Branch. The one nozzle plenum branch is a run of 3/SI' pipe which NOTE: A range branch is any branch that contains four connects the main supply line to a plenum nozzle. A single NL-F1.25 nozzles only. Any branch that contains less than plenum branch can support only one flow point. Plenum four NL-F1.25 nozzles, or NL-F1.25 nozzles in combination branch piping limitations are given by Table 3-6. with any other nozzle(s) is considered an appliance branch. MAX MAX. LENGTHS A!L LENGTHS VAx. When using the PCL 240,the total of all duct, plenum, PPE FLOW I FEET FEET VERTICAL appliance, and range branch piping cannot exceed 25 SECTgN 01A. POINTS -NEAR EOuv EOuv -ISE linear feet and 55 equivalent feet. When using the PCL-350, the total of all duct, plenum, Table 3-6. Plenum Branch Piping Limitations. appliance, and range branch piping cannot exceed 35 linear feet and 100 equivalent feet. 4. One Nozzle Appliance Branch Piping When using the PCL-550, the total of all duct, plenum, Limitations. appliance, and range branch piping cannot exceed 45 The one nozzle appliance branch is a run of pipe which linear feet and 125 equivalent feet. connects the main supply line to a single appliance nozzle. Branch piping limitations are applicable to all cylinder A one nozzle appliance branch can support a maximum of sizes (i.e., PCL-240, PCL-350, and PCL-550). All branch two (2) flow points. One nozzle appliance branch piping piping must be'/," diameter black, chrome plated, or limitations are given by Table 3-7. stainless steel pipe. " IL NTWAX LENGTIq WN. LE14GT1q MAX Pr[ FLOW FEET FEET VERTICAL SECTION DIA. POIS '.BEAR EOUV. -EAR EOUIV. 914E 1. One Nozzle Duct Branch Piping :r:�: ] = 6 = D ° 0' 3rw� Limitations. The one nozzle duct branch is a run of pipe which Table 3-7. One Nozzle Appliance Branch Piping Limitations. connects the main supply line to a single duct nozzle.A 5. Two Nozzle Appliance Branch Piping one nozzle duct branch can support the following Limitations. combinations of nozzles: 1. 1 x Model NL-P Nozzle. The two nozzle appliance branch is a run of pipe which 2. 1 x Model NL-D2 Nozzle. connects the main supply line to two appliance nozzles.A 3. 1 x Model NL-D3 Nozzle. two nozzle appliance branch can support a maximum of four (4) flow points. Two nozzle appliance branch piping One nozzle duct branch piping limitations are given by Table 3-5. limitations are given by Table 3-7.1. 14X. WAX. LENGTHS 1N LENGTH! WAX MAX, WX LLNGT11s WL LENGT1q WAX WE FLOW FEET FEET VERTICAL P!E FLOW FEET FEET vfRTKII SECTION NA I PONT] LINEAR I EOUN INEAA EOLW Pw POINTS !NEAR IOUV UEAR I EOM RISE ` 1 N"" 6 Dual IW~ tt O 0 t' A"",i�.c" ]/M • M�eA Table 3-5.Duct Branch Piping Limitations. Table 3-7.1.Two Nozzle Appliance Branch Piping Limitations. ULEX 3830 February 1, 1995 Chanter 3—System Desig- Page I' Rev." 6. Three Nozzle Appliance Branch Piping Limitations. The three nozzle appliance branch is a run of]/B" pipe which connects the main supply line to three appliance nozzles. A three nozzle appliance branch can support a maximum of five (5) flow points. Three nozzle appliance branch piping limitations are given by Table 3-7.2. MAX. MAX. LENGTHS MK LENGTH! MAX PIPE 1 FLOW FEET `EET vERTICAL SECTION DIA. POINTS _MEAN EOLIN. Loam EOUv. AtK 7 Hart AaoiMe. IV s ! ,o ze o 0 0• BraKw Table 3-7.2.Three Nozzle Appliance Branch Piping Limitations. 7. Four Nozzle Range Branch Piping Limitations. NOTE: These limitations apply to branches that utilize four Model NL-F1.25 nozzles. No other types of nozzles,or combina- tions of nozzles,may be used on a four nozzle branch. The four nozzle range branch is a run of]/B" pipe which connects the main supply line to four NL-F1.25 nozzles and five (5) flow points only. The four nozzle range branch piping limitations are given by Table 3-8. MAX. MAX. LENGTHS MN. LENGTHS "AX PIP[ PLOW `EET SET VERTICAL SECTION DIA POINTS .liM EOUv E_WV RISE e NOS 39' S Rarya &Men Table 3-8.Range Branch Piping Limitations. NOTE loucn � �-F2 NL--P ��A_'F2 This is not a a (FRYER' (DUCn complete list of all T �' a-F1.2s (FRYER' possible config- V;..� NL-F1.2s ' 1 7 RL-R urations. Others 41 NL-A NW-1`125 (RANGE) b NL_(R LD will be acceptable (PLEN000 NL-A -q provided they (Puaure conform to the NL-D3 ��,� limitations shown DucTt r. y NL-R in this chapter. T i �. I NL_R -03 t� (GRDDLF) (DUCT) NL-F2 .� Y V NL-A (FRYER' � tPLra+wo 0004�� NL-A NL- ro D2 i 'DUCT' ✓ (PLEMIMI �� (RANGE) L-R �,'' NL-F1.25 % ( b K-R / ' v �-q ^.� ICRDDLE' L.Z7 (GRDDLE) NL-F2 NL-A (L_ (PLENUM' I I 3/s- MAW SUPPLY UNE Figure 3-16.Model PCL-240.Examples Of Acceptable Piping Configurations. ULEX 383( November 1, 199• ,i'hapter 3—System Design -,age 3-12 ~ 9ev.1 NOTE DUCT) This is not a complete list of ail possible configurations. Others will be acceptable provided I "O'A° they conform to the limitations shown in this chapter. K�2 0117lJ{ r�� -su{ ♦r'� s 71i-US L'V K-sus awm K-A !►u7i11{ K-03 ouch „� L K-A 1 alDl{0 1 NL-I{ J I mIJCT a F��'L111 1 L.7 PL-A J K'� tK,QA1N mUCfl Y I K-A K-Ft 141 TIDiA{ �!� 1 oloan e�1 �K sus (' iia sus L� 'K-sus OLD&" 1 K-►11! PAN= 1 1 NL-034 Kms{ T Leg J. ICipaLl K-A K-R ?IDAY A u /� L K- !/ 1 . 412MY 1, �1 f � � 1 4L-n a ML-n 0"TW \J yr YAw auwr LK 3/0 MANOI t![ --------- Figure 3-17. Model PCL-350.Examples of Acceptable Piping Configurations. l NOTE i This is not a complete list of all possible rconfigurations. Others will be acceptable provided ♦ �-^ they conform to the limitations shown in this chapter. 616-A WWNR r, RaNY NL-01 �f� Plp{y L y 14.-MSwAlm 1 {1O11Y L A 6-7 ROAM I Mans Ir,jr,� a.loo -- r � jQQN���a sus 1 K+e KmNL-/{Zi�={ 4 s r ,la-A ulAll{{n{{{a{ �NL-4 ouch p r- �a�us %® 14.-A CQ 4 r'i-I� /L�12 K-02 CWjLr L W-411111K-f7 PRIM 1 XIWLM 1 � 1 L K-A K-A 1 �'1?IDAA{ (� OMIe11 UR 1 K-If I U i �s11ea yr VA{I WORT L{[ v{n1AHM u[ ...... Figure 3-18.Model PCL-550.Examples Of Acceptable Piping Configurations. ULEX 3830 November 1, 1994 Chapter 3—System Desig: Page 3-1 Rev SECTION 4 not exceeding 48" x 48" shall be protected by one (1) detector. Cooking appliances with a continuous cooking Detector Placement surface exceeding 48" x 48" shall be protected by one (1) detector per 48" x 48" cooking area. Detectors used Detectors are required over cooking appliances and in the for cooking appliances must be located within the duct(s) of protected ventilation hoods. Detectors shall be located in the plenum area of the ventilation hood. perimeter of the protected appliance toward the exhaust duct side of the appliance. The detector should be located in the air stream of the appliance to enhance 1. Exhaust Duct(s). system response time. Each exhaust duct must have at least one(1)detector If a cooking appliance is located under a duct opening installed in the center of the duct entrance or at a maximum where a detector has been mounted, it is not necessary of 12 feet into the duct,centered. See Figure 3-19. to utilize an additional detector provided the duct detector is not more than 12" into the duct opening. If two (2) appliances are located under a duct opening 2. Cooking Appliance(s). where a detector has been mounted, it is not necessary Each cooking appliance with a continuous cooking surface to utilize an additional detector provided the duct detector is not more than 12" into the duct opening. See Figure 3-19. 0 0 0 APPLIANCE APPLIANCE APPLIANCE APPLIANCE COVERED COVERED COVERED COVERED BY BY BY BY DETECTOR DETECTOR DETECTOR DETECTOR A B B C Figure 3-19.Proper Detector Placement. ULEX 383 November 1, 199 CITY 800 SEMINOLE ROAD OATLANTICIBEACHCHFLORIDA 32233 APPLICATION FOR NEW LICENSE TRANSFER OF AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TO CONDUCT THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS: (Check one) BUSINESS NAME _ (�(�j�q� i�Kl /►,UAM i �S KEc TA,,�a� BUSINESS LOCATION/3AN�L SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUSINESS PREMISES L! (INCLUDE BOTH BUILDINGS & OUTSIDE Jb + PARKING) AREAS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BUSIRE.SS. BUT N07 AREAS IISED POR PATRON MAILING ADDRESS SEfmE EXPLAIN FULLY THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS r DO YOU HAVE, OR WILL YOU HAVE, ANY VENDING MACHINES ON TH PREMISES? (VENDING MACHINES INCLUDE AMU, ESE_ INES- POOL MUSIC MACHINE AND ANY COIN OPERATED MACHINE WHICH DISPENSES OR SERVICE)/Bii-i.rAvn TABLES. ELECTRONIC IF YES, PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER AND TYPE OF MACHINES OWNER/PRINCIPAL OFFICER 6jfoj(,r f,()pp If �OLr✓6 Ty n�A� HOME ADDRESS 3qo /72-,-t 7- BUSINESS PHONE_ 9P(/r o2 �� 0008' HOME PHONE_ DATE OF BIRTH 30 /t SEX DRIVERS LICENSE ## '2e0-0 FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID ## (Attach copy) OR S.S ## J'2- - STATE LICENSE/CERTIFICATION/REGISTRATION # ( If applicable) I. THE UNDERSIGNED. SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT Ccop CITY CLERK IF THERE IS ANY CHANGE IN THE ABOVE INFORMATION. AND I ARES TO N THE I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE BY THE CITY CLERK IN NO WAY RELIEVES ME OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMLIANCE WITH ALL PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF THE PERTAII'(ING TO CONDUCTING A BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. 0wv Signature Title E0iJ6- woo /vA,•4- J in =- Print Name Date NOTE: NO PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION SHALL ENGAGE IN OR MANAGE ANY TRADE, BUSINESS, PROFESSION, OR OCCUPATION IN ATLANTIC BEACH WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING A LICENSE AND PAYING AN ANNUAL FEE. APPLICATION AND/OR PAYMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE. ALL OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES EXPIRE SEPTEMBER 30 OF EACH YEARvl �lu t,� P$X44 02 DEPARTMENT OF BUILOING . CITY OF ATLANTIC 8EA�l� " PERMIT INPOMATION it FwFali i i Luca V di+14r ! 3r�rtit TY ; 1013 , AT�A�+IT.ICr .��►4��EVAAp I � 'o Work MITI '� ,��N, + �'IC" .�EA� � DA, 32233 P r-vos '•R T ►t7 Al T, X31 oak r :at we21ra: 8, ubd. Rig. p. VaI.tea: E k d " "0ion , rov. �,_. . Total' "Ft �2 .00 aunt QN, Ax 1 O ..., N t ; ::.. .AP + CA' � ON PEES .. __ Adc q LEVARD y Phut FLC} IDA 3; ' lad B '� zr7AL`uCt 33x2`2 50 eT 401 ES:� if �/� � 4 NDTI�:E i.1i ..r } AI_L Ct)NCI TE 1=48M$AND FOOTINGS MUST,RE INS#�E"C"!'�� f PERMIT Y©iD SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE,{ F!S aUE, $UlCt311lG MATERIAL,Rl1$815 1 t 11b 4EBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST int©T$E P1 ACEE3#N "U$#.lC; P I CLEAR£t1 UP ANf3,HAfJL1�gWAq#Y EIT"H.ER"CC11UtRAC7 t?R OR 01�tt�:ER ACa ,�Nq MUST BE � { T� HE f PS� � . ` 0477 x rT040 10 ® Alp T A � PLAN$WHICH ARE PART, THIS PERMItlp SU JI;GT "tC} SIE J Alolft 60LAW r r i + H PARTNtEIVT 74 ,j k i ''i F-+�-w �uv..4k �r✓.-� - vim r�.+e... FM E y CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:, _19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF TIC BEACH ORDINANCES. '/u,A A,4?�-4AX LECTRICAL F M: MAST LEC RICIAN SIGNATOR URNEYMAN NAME A4J ADDRESS: �* L ✓ RFD BOX BLDG.SIZ BETWEEN: RES. 1 ► APT. ( ) COMM. PUBLIC 1 1 INDUS. 1 I NEW( ! OL ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP. ( ) SIGNS ( ) SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW( 1 INCREASE ( ► REPAIR ( ► FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ( ) ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT �/-.).EWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMPS. 31.100 AMPS, SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS N.P. I VOLTAGE PHS NO. I H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISC L W DEPARTMENT Or EUILDIW( Y K' CITY OF ATAINTIG �" ptrloit rmit Adilrt 10131 1TLIx 3VI;EV 001 Mi t)C �- .� , to t on Eir t It t 0.00 Ci "0.00 25.00 un t 2 :Qtf } r . . .:� fSON' .. APA It;."CAT' FE$$ s00 Phi C j I "Ra i MT I t" t t 9 04 �TRE2 ` LXP , Y a 777777777 NQT1 E-�, 4 G E I' RIME AND F#)QtihtQ i M!# NI:iPLjC" �# s , p r ati V010slx MCJrVTHS J PT R DAMOF rSSu EtJr#� ? rQ rv4ATEREi ,RL3Er# rrl3 bfJM.THIS WORK Itryr �#t7T"$ CL $RrS'FR IR vt1P.AAF1 ,Nlt 0,AW�' ySIT ER CONTRACTOR'OR10WKP': � k f* �y,'yt} tL FA v ,' I �a Ct�RbF1+�E3, Af'F' �Q Pl:ANS Wi ARE PART 4F"THr t tM14, IP tT ASRI)VI flP"RLF"ABi.E N €.AW. AT!Ar+rACH kJtt, r t EPAHTW ?g 5 L Rk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA M woval by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 3 1! 9 7 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTISMOR ORectrDINANCES. 1004 South Second St JackSonvl Bch FL32250 err/ EL RICAL FIRM: Q NAME ' A-0*r u-"a �� ADDRESS: /0/3 � • RFD_BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.( 1 APT.( 1 COMM.1 1 PUBLIC I 1 INDUS.1 1 NEW 1 } OLD( 1 REW.I } ADDITION( 1 TRAILER ( 1 TEMP.( 1 SIGNS 1 1 SO.FT. SERVICE: NEW l 1 INCREASE( 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER I ALUM. SWITCHBRfAKER PH W VOLT RACEWAY t EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE I NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.SO AMPS. 1 31.100 AMM. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT . i FLUORESCENT S1 M.V. MIXED 0.100 AMPS. I ovim APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P,RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT al OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 N.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS TRAAMFORMERS! UNDER SIM V. OVER 600 V. q 24 CITY O ATLAWI , Addross 1€01 's O� t�1e irk:R wOIML , :�,:. �.«� Ltd OAS ' 'g+�:` Block: on ' ¢ s 3w�t nr s Su + ��iisioia°. ' Qwaa m Cts `. f},flC?00 { on bit w , xDA 32 Phr ' U ------ f C'TORS y, PA 1 j cot : ,r / i W 3 i i lT }IC?SIX M4 lis om 'f I h MU$T ,wt,C"Olk " - t � j f f AM F `f" T�O PERS 3 � y r � Z, �k 4 T �m,A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION: 3 OWNER OF PROPERTY: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: C -�jL,� CONTRACTOR`S ADDRESS: j STATE LICENSE NUMBER:�'�(�s'64j� TELEPHONE: ��_ /,�7 HOW MAVy OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED ____ SINKS _________SHOWERS _LAVATORIES WATER HEATERS _________BATH TUBS _DISHWASHERS __________URINALS _______DISPOSALS CLOSETS / WASHING MACHINES _FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER PANS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURES: X 3.50 + $15.00 MINIMUM PERMIT FEE = $25.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR: -------------------- -------------------------------------- .INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORD STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. ACCORDANCE WITH THE 1994 CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826 SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED IN TO PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING UP - (904) 247-5834. PSA-3844 , 4 p�RARTMIERVT OF® .Q�lw�i � CITY t)P ATLANTICA+ H PERMIT I,NF`ORMT; Ux . . .. � LOCATION, INFORM Permit Numbert. 12077 Ad�tr�s��.; 3 Permit ;'�x.s:MECHANI' AL . ATLANTIC BEACH, PLO RIDA 32 33 Class o 1 sarls,.A TER #T1't9N �.... ,� IwLEt3A LtE CRIPT101 Constr. : Types:W''�3OD Lot': Proposed Use w RESTAURANT Eubd ng Est . 'VaiA2i : c1 .t?I -Improv.. Cosat' Tata 41,00 ;mo xat` 41. 00 ow ,ON -� -� gas - APPLTCATIoN FEES 41 .00 Phan ell lYE' r Add r IMORIDAA 32246 ..` ". NOTES: }� k 1 NDTICE--ALR,COMCRI�TE FORMS AND Fd�?TIN.�Qr$!IlRtl> T 8�':RNI'1 PI�C7IIID 0FZt:E?IpIE Fk�� Rfi+R�i ' PERMIT:VQID SIX MONTHS Af=TE1 !:}ATE O ISSUE t BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH'AND DE8RIS FROM THIS WORK.MUST'NQT B.E P� ACED IN PUSLIG'SP? ,A' NI}MUST BE CLEARED 0PARD HAULED/SWAY RY EiTl4ER CONTRACTOR OR OW R I �AILU �E fiQ ��!" NfTH THE MECM ►f++�fCS' .kfEN LAW # °ESUL�T [' "' HE PR P RITY 0. 9" �A'YII� TV�I1�kj�s �I�["f ." ";oUtu ACGQRR]NG TO APPROV,Efl PLANS WHICH ARE FART O fiN1S PEi M]I AN D`'SUtwebt #.ATION A0PUbA4LE� 61fitIQNS OF k.AW. �c►�e� pate a' 1'1 6/4b -ATLANTI BEACH BUILDING.D RTMENT BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY Of ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC; aaACN, FLORIDA aaaaa APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT ��A��.iN N��ME►� IWORTANT -- Applicant to complete all items in sections I, 11, III, and IV. 1. LOCATION $tr**t Addnea: O 'Gv� `� \�f . • �j t OF laterso4669 flrootc WILDING — S�b-I:.ioioe 11. IDENTIFICATION— To be completed by all applicants. I- co•s-**rage, of per t 9604 for Being the work as described in the above 04#9m*nl we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance ••- r** avec" pleas 0141 6"Cifk66"s wAich are a port hereo cool ►.acs,co 1.0" IAoro.a. l and in accordance with the City o1 Jaclwnville ordinances and standard, d w.re ./ W""a:ael �y ,�y Confronters ►Bowe. ed ►-ew+y 17.14► - up"%we a# A1�� � '' tilnafuro of & Archifeef or login**► 111. GJFIBt/L 04111( NA?t01d A. Tye of►«ting Ind: 6. IS OTN[A CONSTRUCTION SCINt1 DON[OM ''NIS DUILDINO OR SIT[T O V Q Wotwef O Co-w UHNy O 0,1 or Y[S, Give "Wean OF CONSTRUCTION �ERINIT ❑ OtAr — feeti� v. e�C►uW1G1l BpUV~ TO M NATURE 0►WORK t►+..d.-mow 1e1 d ft-Pp eeq M bad ofttlib/srwll , / ❑ Residential or l &mmerclal O tool O fuse O Koo"w 0-1Ge,low O Ilew O New Building G.drK.s�c O Seees �Csywl 9-1,X10#109 BulWing O 1?.c! sw.r..: --- � � e-, :Wacern.nt Of existing system "sai""'ssOSoMI► sal^ ❑ New Insts'"11 n(No syeturs previously Ins1a119d). ❑ 1+4."-*e• 0 Exl*nslon or add-on to existing system O C—f-g "-- corms► � O diner— specify ❑ Ase griaMwa: Nen*er e/ O G...fi.. •A" " olwcl Us 004LY O t..+e 1a0oierl Ise+.feedl ❑ LPG O u*Rr. d P•rew eerw O 1aa. EZF"m*�ApWp *"4 O _ sr•a* UST ALL rgVi .a a7rmt ,ue ].a.aes!vrk. std x,.li • t `iz T�rJ U -- HEATL-+G . FL"AClfie 00"A& FusnAAMS .�,„�, „= t ,PSA,3844 CtIY OF ATLANI`iC.'Biit INPIORMA'I' CR :.�... �� .. . � LOCAT ION IN FORMIi2I C#1� ,.. � . . erm�,t tea 1, 19 Address: 101 TLA,Nfi ��ROU'LJiVAR kAAI a� � v R. r' :1 LAC ``' 4 LT _ ,„�» LEIGAL bZ CR I PT ITO ,. . Conor . Proposed L�set,REOAU,1 AR'T ', ect'idw i ub Rn4. f} l Dwellinos. (? Subdav sioi s Est . Vsi1ue: Imprrt .00 ' I ` � .0 AmoulztRV L ,. , € ) R �» k APPLICATION tZES - "Nam Add ULEVARD : , . Pho ` A I " ". ALJAI� Add r: 1 3 .SOUT DIRRN01; TRAI L CH PL 32082 , L ip. OT FE E NOTICE -A1L C01400191rr.FQRMB AND E t3Tt[ S M1 ► i IN$ ;Tap �EfQI�g POt#�IE3 0EAMiT VMD SIX MONTHS AFTER DAtE QF ISSUE ` BUILDING MATERIAL,RU136i$H Ai+lp`D BRtS FROMTHISWQRti"MUST Nf3T.BE P4ACEb IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE t CLEARED IJP AND;HAULE- AWAY BY fiTHER C©NTRAGTO OR©WNE ` F ►!4lE TtQ�l1PY WI'TH'TH .EMEG �ItC ' L rULT `IN f p + - car rcNTS �$�# �.��,,�b © ACGtJRi3#NG Td AF'PR�7i?# ,PI.AN3 WHICH ARE BART° Q!`.tH'IS'PEF#MI ,A#D SUBJECt TO'R��JCAT �# TION 3i;;�4PPLI�GA$LS PROVISIONS S tyi'LAW, ATLANTIC BEACH B,U#LD#. DEPARTMENT L " CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APp•ow"bv APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES ARID CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ) ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTER EL T ICIAN 619NATURE X013 NAME ADDRESS: — f RFD BOX _ BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: '$ RES. ( i APT.( I COMM.(� PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. ( ) NEW( ! OLD ( 1 REW. ( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( I TEMP. ( ) SIGNS ( 1 SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW( 1 INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ) nn-- ALUM. ) - _ SWITCH OR BREAKER ANA'S 3 PH W ?6 2 VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE lee AMPS _zoo — — _ PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES / v CONCEALED / OPEN TOTAL 0.80 A P$. 31.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0. 00 AMP$. I ovale — APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COW.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS PS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT s'1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS s� MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFORMERS: UNDER em V. I I F0VFR Eon V } } .2440. j PSR U" 69PARMW OF Sm C"OF ATLANT104 ' j -_ PETtM ' I#!fiP'©TEAT 1 E3N LOCAT 1 ON I PiT<"C3 +lA'�� Prrmt Numbr 144tI Address: 1b3.3 A' Ti'�IC B�TUATiT7 P+ rmit TPsLC' R1CAT� A" Ll !I 'xCr i1#G `T�ttITA bit RIPTION 'tl asps ni W*01 Rja(ODIL 131, � �; Lc�t� � T'w : Cans t r. 'T"�P"� ?C?C) `RAN Sep t i ►n: ti Subd Rng �'ropos,611 ,Use:RESTAU:MN-` Subdivision: Dwol w 0 Est Value, 0.00 improv. Cost p 00 .00 � Tot ,' O un Q Q Writ "-4 k L�ST�:T' >4C1 Adc r: UILEM . ,..... " C#ami l Ad r l`6 GQ ItQ "SCAT T�LC�R1TSA 32246 L I NOTES TVB --.Wit»Ct►1t i . lJWfoItVt3S tltl1' fl that [ t#'t ► six,*NTHS AUBSIS14 t V8'00M THIS WORK MUBTt`SE PLACED IN PUSLICi SPAGB,APIA MUST BE ,"AU#.T*t?AVW BY E R' RACTC)R C tow "� �� � . ' ;. :` 1W CAS `RES L'1 1 1 d A # NGTO, 6 Pl ANS WHICH'A# ti PART C THIS F# Pt»t tu#iT UIT$ x t 'A'Pt:#Cr��P# i,#S#C)NS COF#,JAW. ATLANTIC SEA�14 BUI y f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approwd by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL 19 PERMIT �TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: �! �— IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE,WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTJC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECT ICAL FIRM: MASTER ELL TAIC1AN ATU E NAME —.. ADDRESS: / '`l tG✓�� RFD BOX r ^_ BLDG.SIZE 7' t✓C!` BETWEEN: C % CGj/1 �i RES.( 1 APT.( 1 COMM.(W' PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. 1 1 NEW ( ! OLD ( ) REW. (� ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( 1 TEMP. ( 1 SIGNS ( 1 SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW( ) INCREASE ( ► REPAIR ( 1 yfS'a`'%✓ � FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ( 1 ALUM. ► � SWITCH OR BREAKER d O AMPS 3 PH 'W I / VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH , W 17 � VOLT �'�� RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.3p$4AMPS. 31-100 AMPS. SWITCHES j INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P. RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS ICEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0-1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS 2792 ;. of CITY W 1 T1 1 tOCATION, INFORXATION --- Permit" Nter': : ` Addxes . 141 3� ATLANTIS f3t}ULR�ARL Permit, Type MRCHANICAL" ATLANTIC ;BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 ..w� �� LEGAL DESCRIPTION .�.___-.:;.. � 1 a ss of Work';ALTERATION Block; Lot Twp: 0 Cons tr, TypeaWC3t } Section: A Subs: gag: proposed Use:RESTAURANT Sect on*. n Dwellings. 0 Est . Iue! Improv, 'Cost. b.,0 ? Total , `+ 2a.O, ..� _ �.- AP I CAT ION PEE�a TION" .._ _. 25 .00 Ns wpiT 'Addr. OvLE1f AR17 FLORIDA 7&1 pha �€ _Name: X0 COMPANY 1 , t3' " E l�t;�5t i t�IgTlC .. ALL mo,Ir � "l 11 EG" EI tlfeQt F�4U tVl PERMIT'S®SIX MONTHS A, FTER ISSUE- RUBBISH AND DEBRIS 1=�iOM THIS WORK MUSfi 10, t,,BE PLACED IN PUBLIC Sf�AA+CB,ANC?MUST BE CLEARED, HAULBI�AWAY:BY EITHER GC3NfiRACfiC3R C►R;0W11dFF� WLCA ME A RES IN SU t EL?AGC I IN i Tt3 A '�f f U I f MS WHICH ARS PART of"CHCS PERMIT AIS SUB,)ECfi Tb pB'�Afi t A'ftC31V C APPLICAfte PffW1S �IIF'LAW, Ism ,96 11� . tis 18;41 C IA+C ^I Il1II" Il IPAFI`ItaINT BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC s[ACH. FLOIIIOA aaaaa APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT --- Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II, III, and IV. i. LOCATION Stroh A4141re":_r _ OF IetorNctnag tw••M: Mlw••o U / /FC And l SUILDNNG Sib-�;�aiso II. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants. 1^ co^&;a@raKoe of Maw;t 9;ven for 410;ng the work as described ;n the above statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordant .,M Me an•ctyd Mens 0041 specit;c0t;o0s which are a part hereof and ;n accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and stondards• d 90,04 orect,c• listed tAOro;n. Maas el h,,ec►oaical CenwOabn Mader C..+rectw (him) C>✓��� � G'" Kom@ of /1 71 P.operty $""sera of Owwr 7 Signature e/ v Ar&b riso4 A**at -� Architect or Engineer til. Gd�1 MdfORMATION A. Type of hooyµg twi: B. O 6 c+ftc IS OTH[R CONSTRUCTION sitING DONC ON THIS BUILDING OR SITlT O v O Nohssei O C 1W UlRity ® Oi IF Y[s. GIV[ Nt meapt 0PP CONSTNCTION PsRMIT Y. orK> ANtCAL @QU1Hr1/t1 100 Rf RWALLAW NATURE OF WORK I ho-do ss"'Ossa Sss s s ee bad of/Ns"I ❑ Residential or ❑ Commercial C) asst O fps+ O Reawet/ O CAW O ilser OZxIstingSullding O AirC.wdtigp- 1 O Rees O Cee#d ou" O owes swoom: -- - • "AA .M O acemont of existing system ",mse imeo peelly �/� Mataltatlon(No system previously Installed). O fioft+gowN"s ❑ Extension or add-on to existing system O C-ii" sees- Come% ♦� L7 Other•- Specity O Fro spiOMes : No-" d ® Efr.w O mosdh O .elb 1 0 6-06- angs Issmbsr1 TM $PACO Hou USE ONLY O T..a,. s��J IReosiee�l Reseals �" Iswtll`er) ® U•Rred prosesss O, be"" hash Appevetl Lir ALL XQUI SUM AM CDMTfOt M AND ME" GUAZ10N EQUftlan )vlaUelr Choles De�esl,tiNss X06d X%Wabw A=, t Nt.ATING • FU RNACM SOEE1tAi• FlIdU LAC>ER i�iier t7rw IRew NVMbw ., > ,• a- t � � r. e ,Yu w fes. �l �}`.< _.� :'�.... �. r M1. PI A a gl r �a v 15 1996 Building and Zoning rax 4 k' , �i f ' 3 r .. > 4 i i r m, 1 - 1996':� Building and Zoning (fig OFPROFESSIONAL REGULATION V��PRTMENT RM uiJdin a COMPLAINT FORM Please return to: DPR Consumer �plal�g Northwood Centre, 1940 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0782 Type or Print Contact(other than yourself) Your Name: SEONG W. NAM Name: COHEN CONSTRUCTION INC. Address:_1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Address.2848 ST.JOHNS BLUFF RD.S ATLANTIC BEACH VT JACKSONVILLE FL 2246 Telephone ( } Business YOurOccupation: RESTURANT OWNER SUB Name: EI H H LL B ELLEY Person and/or Company Address: R z RD. -2099 CONERACTOR City: JACKSONVILLE FL. ZIP: 32246 License # (if known): ECO000689 Have you contacted subject concerning complaint? Yes [ l [ ) No Date: Nov.s,1996 Private Attorney (if applicable) Name Address Telephone CM Witnesses (Please give full name and addresss) Std1e ZlP Please see other side DPR/REG 001 (Rev. 09/90 Note: A Copy of this form will be sent to the SUBJECT of your complaint, Pursuant Statutes. P t to 455.225(1) Florida Please give full details of your complaint. Include facts, details, dates. Please attach copies of bills, docu- ments, records, correspondence, and contracts. HOWET-L,ELECTRIAL CONTRACTOR,ABANDONED My PROJECT TAKING 65% OF THE CONT KE11H JPON R THE RE IREING OF THE RESTURANT AND LEAVEING MORE -1HAN 50% QF 1HE AGREED WORK UNFINISHED. I HAVE H MR. HQWELL SEVERAL TIMES SINCE HE LAST WORKED ON My PROJECT,HE PROMISED TO FINISH WORK , HOWEVER HE HAS FAILED TO DO SO. Florida Statutes 837.06,False Official Statements: Whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his Official duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor cf the second de ree. 5' nature(required to file complainq -- Date DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGU.�,ATION (CON'T'RACTOR CASES) PAGE 2 QQMPLAtNT _YQJ LM If you are the property owner- and y,,) jr cosrpl.aint falls generally into one of the categories In question L, we suggest that you do mot send us a enathv written statement at_triis_ tirne, Write a brief statement on the preceding page. Based upon this and your answers below, our staff will send you specific questionnaires applicable to your situation. Please answer all. pertinent questions below. �?o riot attach papers which say "See Attachments" . Return this to DPR Complaint Section. Sign all pages of complaint forms. Use pencil so you can change your answers. Sign and date at the end. -If you have already f; tlPri out some other agency' s coMDlaint form, we apoloa' 7P dor the inconv ntencg but ask Please-, bear with us and comply with these instruct;ons When returning this complaint form, please send us readable copies of the documents below that you have not already sent us: 1. Contract between you and the contractor (we must have this) 2. Guarantee paperwork (mandatory if guarantee involved) 3. Correspondence to/from contractor about your problem (helpful to us) 4. Liens filed on your property (helpful in financial problem cases) 5. Other papers you feel would be helpful to us 1. I am complaining in my capacity as.,. ✓ Homeowner Subcontractor Supplier Building Dept. -Owner of commercial structure worked on by contractor 2. Check the category that best summarizes the work the contractor did for you or that you were involved in: Built a house Built addition to house _Remodel house Built commercial structure Remodel or build addition to commercial structure Re-roof entire house _ Roof work, commercial bldg. Re-roof or repair art of the roof of house Built a pool at house Air-conditioning or heating work at residence __OTHER as follows: 3 . Please circle the letter (s) for the category that best describes your basic complaint: A. Poor workmanship by contractor . B. Job finished, but contractor will not correct problems. C. Roof leaks, contractor will not repair . D. Contractor failed to pay subcontractors,"suppl_iers . Contractor taking unreasonably long to do job. Contractor abandoned job. G• Financia]_ dishonesty/misconduct by cc;ntr.,ctor . (Continued on the back) ASIC BA(`xranrn,_�DATA 4. Was contract in writing: Yes No (if yes, send us a copy) 5. Contract price: $ 2500.00 Date on contract: 8-16-96 6. Approx. -date work began: 8-16-96 Approx. date work ended: 7. Name of contractor as shown on top of contract: ' 8. Is the woresite oca e insi e cit) 9• If yes, name of City:ATLATIC BEACH,FL.Iimits?- No 10. What County is worksite in? DUVAL 11. Street address of worksite: 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD. You can usually get the answer: requested below b 1oC$1 Building Department. The questions relate tphone obbuilding mcoder compliance by the contractor. 12. Was a permit obtained from the Building Department? es 13. ,g; Name of Building No Department: ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPT. 14. Permit number,;_# 40 8-16- 6 issued: Date 15. Final inspection passed? Yes No 16. Who pulled permit? 17. Certificate of occupancy issued? Yes No COMPLAINANT SIGN HERE: DATE: DPR/REG/117 Original complaint form REVISED 6/89 page 2 PSR-34" 12386 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT INFORMATION ------ LOCATION INFORMATION Kermit Number : 12386 Address : 1013 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Typp:REMODELING ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work:REMODEL Constr. Type:WOOD ;`FRAME --------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION - -_-___- . Proposed Use:REBTAURANT Block: Lot : Twp: 0 Dwellings : 0 Section: 0 Subd: Rnq 0 Est Value: Subdivision; 0 , 00 Improv. Cost : 30 ,000 .00 Total Fe 480..00 :mount 480 .00 996 We ANT Ag i 2 I ON Nam APPLICATION FEES - ~ Addr: :`' A IT 2403 00 BOULEVARD WATER I T FEE �� 240 -00 Pho , { C FLORIDA .__-_- C R R FORMATIt' ------ Name: COHEN C RUCTION HNS BL r� JACKSON FLORIDA Li 6 Exp: d� :ter �� �:» • .,.. �a NOTES: NOTICE--ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE FBUILDINRIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BEND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER w m "FAILIOR ITO, COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S ANIC S LIEN LAW,CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR THE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" 4 ISSUED ACCiDINGTO APPROVED PLAINS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT 100 VIOLATION C APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. t #CKSSU139iK11TO R VOR �: 149 ATLANTIC 6 L F,AUILDING D ART ENT By: " 1996 Building and Zoning CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL , ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS DEMOLITIONS vt Owner(s): ql-' D A/ c� / ,6,1 / Address :10 / -A A7-Z,-, ,,y7—, , 31416 Phone: '09 2 /- - i Lot # Block or Unit # Subdivision: Contractor : y 17'/ I)V (�f 0 State License #_ ,- Address :2 :2-LZsu /phone No: `��- (W 72- Z Describe work to be done: Present use of building:_ Valuation of Proposed Construction:_ C) y O d Proposed use: .1 y ct /1 - J ,=2 L Is this an addition? r- If yes , what are the dimensions of the added space: ft . X ft . Will the added area be heated and cooled? —____- New electrical (or increase)? New plumbing fixtures? New fireplace? New Heat/AC? TWO SUBMIT THRIM COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, ENERGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: Date: Signature CO RACTOR: N License Supplied: Q� Liability Insurance: P� r Worker 's Compensation Insurance: 12590 PSR-38'44. .L 2 5 9 O DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ----- PERMIT INFORMATION - - LOCATION, INFORMATIQN Permit Number , 12594 Address 1013 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD µ Permit Type:MECHANICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class sof Work:REMODELN_----- _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION -- _�---------- Constr . Type:WOOD FRAME Block: Lot : TwpF0 Proposed Use:RESTAURANT Section: n Subd: Rng Dwellings: 4 Subdivision: Est . Value: 0 .00 Improv, Cost : 0 .00 " Total ' 25 .`00 Amount 25 .-00 Da a.. ,�, TIONS- =-d APPLICATION FEES Addr: - --- __ Nam ' eovrz PERMIT w u 25 .44 C7ULEVARD p - C FLORIDA1164 m Pho 5. C R R FORMAT I ------ Name T 3 Ari $ LOC STREET ,. ° .n> CRSON FL 32245 , L' RA 7 Exp. .. .. . NOTES: NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR THE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. .N 44 r- , Reepiats CASH ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 8818888321888 BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISIONCITY OF ATLANTIC SUCH APPLICATIONLTO 6[ACtt, FLORIDA iiaii R MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL IN NUMBER IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections I, 11, III, and IV. LOCATION Street Address: OF Iaferssc81041 Streets: (lstwsen WILDING And Sub-diviuen II. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants. la consideration of Permit given for doing the work as described in the above Statement we hereby a9rs• to .;M the enachld Plans and spec4;cst;ons which at cd good Prsct;cs I,sted Cher ;n, e a Part hereof and in accordance with the Cif of Perform said woes instanraccordance Y JeclsonviU• ordinances and standards Wale e/ Wschaeical Ga"lracf« (hut) C*"tractors ►lamb• of prep" Oweer ��r� Sipetr►e .f Owner w Aarlsariaed Agent Signature of Arthilacf or Engineer !11. 604RAL MdFORJ"TION t7 A. T"w of bosh", fret: 0 Owls ic Is OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONe ON THIS BUILDING OR SITE? D G«—❑ V O Nslrre) D G"1n1 Utialy _ _.._. d Oi IF Yes, GIVE NUMNIASF CONSTRUCTION O 00— — Seoci/y PERMIT ` 2 IV. kdiCKANICAL EWV~ To M WSTALLID (P-40MATURE OF WonK ��W o t�q+"e"1s*a bed of ML fernf) O Resldentlal or r� (' H" O Spon Q Reesww � Commerclal C'"� C Aoe. O NOW Building O Air C«irfi-44iQ Renes Q Cre1 X� Existing Sending ® O.ct Syefsw: Mee..f.f --.—�_ Tttiei...L ❑ Riplaoemont of existing system Now inatallatl0n(N0 system(xev►ously Installed). O O Extension or add on to existing system O C004"+ few copecJM 94-ft0 Other— SWIty O si.•.a. O 61446 O 6aateus,________---Ieeaftte�I Lwsie.I TM SPACE MOI! Ug ONLY -_-fr—B_0 . A Gip F' ON7ytr-w, R _ PLAN V I �W �j4 e'4 " sT 5- �'• Moa 1 P�r E D i Si51FRo N-r" V I E W- /6 nd„ V ��w __. .. .. .. __ -A LE. 5K E TCH . mob I- -Q`„ �ANG� �'OOQ f X H HL)5-1" �OR MINA M I--, YEPPAt3 VPf l SY 1A��oR`s H-rc, . R. C, 538-�,oc-vs i S—�. - �.7-Rx , F•l�. Rai ,�7'r�l;.5 __.�" ► �► , IAV i-r-N N12' ?'A�. �A/A"- 1 AS 14 PZ- F-- by d A. - -" SPACE-P,,- p ?LAN ki ( F MA6 LUL AIR FAN,., _1D, vh X FAM'. N V F- 16AKE -11,p AIR 43 a4i e _SttE r 5' 5' Hoop K x 2 9N S I DF- Y r E-W - _ __....-_-..V. ► „ --ALL SKEW ��f ' r-Rowr u r-w�- Vie. = i —o F�AW Hoc a f-K H PL)5-r J YS-rE M A MiNA M 1'S TEPPAN YAVf ( aAPkNE5F.._ 'FF--'STAuRAN-T- S'(— A-v4DR' H-ro . A.C, 538-�o�vs i S7 - Ax , Fl.. 46 'DMRTAW.W0F**� PF. lIT INFCIR�,TICPi �.. _ »�»»�--- ,LC►CATJON INFORMATION -._�...---- PelrMit nb� « Addrots• 1101 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit T ' ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233:2 233�� � iAILDESCC1 # ar «ALTRAT N` IPTIt . . _- Co)astr. Typo1WOOD FSE ot« Twp: Q " C �u�� « Rrq,: 0Propose4 ,Use T filwat in4o: Subdivision.* Est, _VetlU « <{ ImprovCost* .00 Total, "o Amount TIC3N �. _- A#PLICA.TION FEES ---- IT 51..flt? 'A+�dr« �lbt1 �VRL' FLtBIiA' . A ATL�TI CII, 'PL 32233 1, 3 [ETES. t i NSE- AI.L OW I 1= 3" #NG3 fB � �E POUR11NG r PERMIT VOID Std{MONTHS AFTI �i 6ATI Oft ISSUE BUILQfWMATRIA ,ttBE311 AND I".► Eii1 .FROM THIS WQRK AAUB'fi NAT PLAE IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE .EARED UP AND HAULeb A A'Y'BY MITI#BR+��N?#IAC�C9R 4�t C3 Nl�i� t "C WITRTHE EN LA�j CAN IN MECHANt AILURO� Yl t i J + �NG:TO;AP ( d PANS WHICH ARE PANT THIS PSI�IIT A3 SUBJECT TO LAW ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDIN lc Al`tTMENT Ir BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC GEACH. FLQRIDA 31113 r APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL- PERMIT CALL-'IN NUMBER IMPORTANT —'Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II. III, and IV. I. �� � r �, LOCATION Street Address:. Z49/ OF Intersecting Streets: letween And / �f BUILDING Sub•c(ivision II. IDENTIFICATION -- To be completed by all applicants In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the abcve statement we hereby agree to pe•fer•n said -o-ii with the attacked plans and specifications which aro a pert hereof and in accordance with the City of Jecksonv l'e ordinamces a^a s e-oe os of good practice listed therein. Name of MechanicalContractors Ceetracttir (hint) Mester Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Signature of w Autherited Agent Architect or Engineer III. GENERAL INFORMATION A Type of haatmq fuel. (3. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON )/ ❑ BecMc THIS BUILQING OR SITE T ❑ Ga—❑ LP ❑ Natural O Central Utility IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ Ort PERMIT ❑ Other — Specify IV. MICHAMICM. MUIPMWT TO If INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK �� (Provide complete list of components on back of this form) UJ Residential or X Commercial ❑ t ❑ Space ❑ Recessed O Central O Floor ❑ New Building Condrtiewing1 ❑ Room 'Centra) Existing Building �ct System: MG%Aat Thick ❑ Replacement of existing system Matimum capacity /�V c f r„• �1=t.nslon stallation(No system previously Installed)` Q ,! or add-on to existing system ❑ Relrperation — ,❑ Other — Specify ❑ Cooling tower: Capacity g•P�• ❑ Fire tprnklon: Number of has ❑ Voinater ❑ Montift ❑ Escalatof Itwmber) • .._ __. -- _ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT/CALCULATION SHEET Address 1 LTk L tl Q.. l=010 .0 Date _ Heated Square Footage @ $ per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed ' @ $ per sq ft = $ _. Carport/Porch _@ $ per sq ft = $ Deck , @ $ per sq ft = $ Patio � @ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION : $ �u oc) Tota Valuation 1st G t $ Remaining Value $, per thousand or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ + 1/2 Filing Fee $ 4 ( ) Fireplaces @ $15 . 00 $ Q _ BUILDING PERMIT FEE $�_ WATER IMPACT FEE $ � SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER METER/TAP $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ SEWER TAP $ _ ( ) RADON (HRS) . 0050 $ SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ HYDRAULIC SHARES $ CROSS CONNECTION $ ( ) SURCHARGE . 0050 $ OTHER $ GRAND TOTAL DUE $ ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES: Mechanical Plumbing_____ Electric/New Electric/Temp ; SwimmingPool Septic Tank Well ; Sign_ Finish Floor Elevation Survey Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES : CITY OF 14x�a.ctic t°',ac�c - 11Gytida 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ---- --- ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5435 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 Date: " `� ` 96 /613 t47- cP1r-17r c. Dear Property Owner: The costs to connect your building to the City sewer and/or water system are as follows : Sewer Tap - Labor and Materials to tap into ^ O r sewer main $ Water Tap - Labor and Materials to tap into water main $ .– Water Meter .- Cost of Meter $ D ..- Cross Connection Inspection - Inspection by Public Works to ensure backflow prevention $ — O -- Sewer Impact Fees - Funds future expansion of the sewer plant $ -- O -- - Water Impact Fee - Funds future expansion of the water plant $ </ 0. CQ Capital Improvement - Funds for improvements , expansion or replacement to water system $ TOTAL Costs $ y Q Q O If you have any questions concerning these charges please call the building department at 247-5826. Sincerely, Don C. Ford Building Official DCF/pah FLA. 1067 LAWS ►s 712.13 RAMCO IOAM 400 orf ire of (90MIUrnicenwnt INMpAgt w DY►LICAT60 to fvho= d > The undersigned hereby informs all concerned that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Description of property...... `.... :.... ..........................................................�.L....................................................... ..................................................................................I..... ..................................................._........_................................................ General description of improvOmanfs `. ....1.. ......... t ......... a.is »'.... ............................................... Owner....,. �:......./� :.......� .:...........:�..:....::;..'................................................................................................................................................. ................................ ........:.r.............:..............................................................»»....»........»..«..................................... Owner's intmod in We of #0 knprovMwM...............................................................................................................».................................. FN Simple Ts11a holder (if cow than owner) Name................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11ddr�ss-..... ......................................................................................................................................................._........................................._........... ... .... . Contrador..... so irety _ ............................................................................................Am" of band S................................ N.me of perms w" Sr" of f'�loride daipnated by owner upon whoa n 1xW or odwr doc r be servaa may Neff ..... _.....V ................................................ In addition to himself, owner designates the following as provided in Section 713;13 (1) (F), Florida Statutes..((Fill In at Owner's On to receive aptio f the Ltenor's Notice .,�` ...�...__............................»................. _.......................... P n). Address......._....».......»..........~..................................................................... •�..�.:......»».............................................._...._...................................... nus @P&=►Ow RIMORDER'a uas ONLY ......_.. . ............ .............».............................. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 4131 INSPECTION EMAIL REQUEST: Building-dept&coab.us Application Number . . . . . 07-00100010 Date 6/07/07 Property Address . . . . . . 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description USE-BY-EXCEPTION Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Application desc approved to PROCESS ONLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ LANDSHARK CAFE OWNER 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD. ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . USE-BY-EXCEPTION Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 250 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 6/07/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 250 . 00 250 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 250 . 00 250 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. T6 I�WzzE �S J VAI�r APPLICATION FOR AUSE-BX-EXCEPTION City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5826 • FAX (904)247-5845 • http://www.coab.us Date /0 7 File No. a&!5 -.2,00 7"0 3 Receipt 1. Applicant's Name L4J11ag1.1APX CSArt%� C?�k��-1- lay �cta�uc,ri�r►S 2. Applicant's Address 10% 3 2?3s 3. Property Location 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number Block No. Lot No. 5. Current Zoning Classification T' 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use or designation 7. Requested Use-by-Exception , \)7(7R++.a,E. 2-Cc) tb ul C_0-vt 5-Z 8. Size of Parcel 9.Utility Provider 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for the requested Use-by-Exception, which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as Exhibit A. (The attached guide may be used if desired. Please address each item,as appropriate to this request.) 11. Provide all of the following information. (All information must be provided before an application is scheduled for any public hearing.) a. Site Plan showing the location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height, number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways. Identify any existing structures and uses. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner, a letter of authorization from the owner(s) for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies.(Two (2) copies of all documents that are not larger than 11 x 17 inches in size. If plans or photographs,or color attachments are submitted,please provide eight(8)copies of these.) e. Application Fee($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s)or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached: Printed or typed name(s): Signature(s): ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION F PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLICATION Name: Mailing Address: l a % 3 Phone: ;0-4 (a (, a 2! FAX:3"12- - 4 —E-mail: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 F INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 06-00032957 Date 5/11/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . BUILD/REMDEL INTERIOR BAR Application description . . . RESIDENTIAL ADD/RENOVATE/ALTER Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 1500 Owner Contractor - ------------------------ ----------------------- EQUITY ONE TDB CONSTRUCTION INC 1013 ATLANTIC BLVD. THEODORE DAVID BERKSTRESSER JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 423 ST. AUGUSTINE BOULEVARD JAX BEACH FL 32250 (904) 813-2959 -------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 40 . 00 Plan Check Fee 20 . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 1500 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Permit Fee Total 40 . 00 40 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total 20 . 00 20 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 60 . 00 60 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANnC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. BUILDING OFFICIAL rs! L`lr�Y CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH D w BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT ° 1' =- �) 800 Seminole Road S. oerr J v Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 J;31�r� (904)247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax www.coab.us PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 2 Permit Application # 0 ,Jaa�� Property Address: /a 13 ^1"�G / - Applicant: -n_6 0120 r /n C Project: it Thisapplication has been: Arch w n y Approved iew d and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. L-A;6 Reviewed By: 1, Date: �� �' Date Contractor Notified: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION s (Alterations&Additions) % UTISA, Date: 07 oC1 /0 (.0 Job Address: ZW 4-ah )bc- Xve dTLAti�� c I�. n C S ,p1 �n••�•n Owner of Property: EGA;T) On l Address: Telephone: Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: I D S C O kST ro u ci-1'o r State License Number: C6.6, 16'0(&(& 67 Contractor Address: q2_3 S} A' IU S+l t1e L F L �2-Zv S Telephone: 013 - 2.1 S9 Fax: 2L4'1 -2, 00 Describe proposed use and work to be done: a wa V ad�G *7121 Present use of land or building(s): Valuation of proposed construction: Dimensions of the added space: feet x feet Will this project involve: Heating&Air- C' Plumbing a--Electrical ❑ Fireplace Conditioning Is approval of Homeowner's Association or other private entity required? /V If yes, please submit with this application. Will this project involve changes in elevation, site grade or any use of fill material, or the addition of 5% or more to fhf.aritrir,al imnervin,ic grPa or the removal of any trees? LKNO. Applicant certifies that no change in site grade, impervious area or fill material will be used on this project. ❑YES. See Step 2 below. Approval of the Public Works Department is required prior to issuance of a Building Permit. gNO. Applicant certifies that no trees will be removed for this project. ❑YES. Removal of Trees will be required for this project. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED. Tree Removal Permits to be reviewed by the Tree Conservation Board,which meets two times each month. Procedure: In order to expedite issuance of permits, please follow all steps and provide all information as appropriate. Incomplete applications may result in delay in issuance of permit. STEP 1. Verify zoning designation and proper setbacks for the proposed construction. If you are unsure of this information, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 904-247-5826. In order to correctly verify zoning designation, please have Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number available. STEP 2. Contact the City of Atlantic Beach Department of Public Works to determine if a pre-construction or post-construction topographical survey or grading plan is required. (If not required, written verification must be provided with this application.) The Department of Public Works is located at: 1200 Sandpiper Lane,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5834 STEP 3. Submit Tree Removal Application if trees are to be removed or relocated. STEP 4. Please submit Building Permit Application, Energy Code Forms, Notice of Commencement, Owner/Contractor Affidavit if owner is contractor,and four(4)complete sets of construction plans to the Building Department,which is located at the Atlantic Beach City Hall,800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Telephone:(904)247-5826 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Page 2 Telephone: (904)247-5800 •Fax: (904)247-5845 .http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Revised 8/04 11 In addition to construction and engineering detail,plans must contain the following information as appropriate for the type of work being performed. Scale of drawings should be sufficient to depict all required information in a clear and legible manner. 1. Current survey showing the property boundary with bearings and distances and the legal description. 2. Location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height,number of stories and square footage. Identify any existing structures and uses. 3. If required by the Department of Public Works,a pre-construction topographical survey. 4. Any significant environmental features,including any jurisdictional wetlands,CCCL,natural water bodies. 5. Impervious Surface area calculations: include driveways, sidewalks, patios and other Impervious Surfaces. Swimming pools may be excluded from total Impervious Surface. 6. Other information as may be appropriate for individual applications. Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application(please print). Name: IA 2 e'i ►'ti Mailing dA dress: 13 2.d L) ✓lA��" Le"1 A,-,, 3 Z'Z i S� Telephone: CIG Fax: E-Mail: /A>rc-A I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and attached documentation and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances,or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. Signature of Owner: Date: O O 9b AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this Tiv' ' day of wt Al ,20 y b C� State of Florida,County of Duval SMKVL.GRAHAM Not ignature: Nalwy Pubk-SgtU d FW& Ay Commission Expires Feb 114,20V Personally known Commission ax DD 518533 ❑ Produced identification Bonded By National Notary Assn. Type of identification produced Signature of Contractor: Date: J 0 (O AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of l� ,20_0k. State of Florida,County of Duval ,• �� SHIRLEY L.GRAHAM Notary' ignature: Notary Pubk-Stale of FWft Nly Commission Expires Feb 14,2010 Personally known Commission#DD 518533 ❑ Produced identification �.•ei,>)iaed By National Notary Assn. Type of identification produced 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Telephone: (904)247-5800 -Fax: (904)247-5845 •http://www.ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us Page 3 Revised 8/04 WATER IMPACT FEE WORKSHEET ADDRESS: DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT FIXTURE TYPE VALUE AS LOAD FIXTURES UNITS Automatic clothes washers,commercial 3 Automatic clothes washers, residential 2 Bathroom group consisting of water closet, lavatory, Bidet, and bathtub or shower 6 Bathtub (with or without overhead shower or whirlpool attachments) 2 Bidet 2 Combination sink and tray 2 Dental lavatory 1 Dishwashing machine,domestic 2 Drinking fountain/Icemaker • 5 Floor drains 2 Hose bib 1 Kitchen sink, domestic 2 Kitchen sink, domestic with food waste grinder and/or dishwasher 2 Laundry tray(1 or 2 compartments) 2 Lavatory 1 Shower cam artrnent,domestic 2 Sink 2 r Urinal 4 Urinal, 1 gallon per flush or less 2 Wash sink(circular or multiple)each set of faucets 2 b Water closet,flushometer tank, public or private 4 Water closet, private installation 4 Water closet, public installation 6 TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS= MULTIPLIED X 20 TOTAL S p, 37 o I di ILI Ao o o p t3 O.U3 0 (15 0 co =2b 0 , 6 4 m � 13 b rr s ® ot3 (3) ' b a 13 0 ' OU 13 p t 3 a _ � p Fl-31 0 o +� 0 C) of_t3 .,Q p 0 Gx�fi r�i k APPROVED CITY Ot Al LAi i'IC BEACH BUILDING OFFICE MAY 10 2006 By: zogo Equipment List 1. Ventilation Fan 2. Hand wash Sink 3. Ice Machine -," 4. Refrigerator/Freezer 5. Mop Sink -- 6. 3-compartment Sink w/ drain boards l 7. Work top refrigerator 8. Flat-top stove 9. Fryer 10. Hood w/suppression system 11. Counter 12. Cash register 13. Table & chairs 14. Grease trap (outside) 15. Dumpster (outside) 16. Fire extinguishers 17. Draft box 18. Bottle Cooler 19. Dry Storage 20. Food pick-up 21. Office 22. Men's restroom 23. Women's restroom 24. Women's & Handicap Restroom . 25. Walk-in cooler APPROVED CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING OFFICE MAY 10 2006 By: