Permit 1022 Atlantic BoulevardI ' P$R3644 ; ~~. _ t Y 16$69 .,y,,: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _ - PERMIT INFORMATION ______ __.__.._ LOCATION INFORMATION, -_____ ermzt Number: 16569 A dress: 1022 ATLANTIC BgULEVARD Permit Type :SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH, FI~+'JRII7A 32233 lass of Work:ALTERATI~JN w------- LEGAL DI?'SCRIPTIgN - ------- Fanstr. Type:W0017 FRAME Block: Lat: Twp: ~? Proposed Us~:COMMERCiAL Section: 4 Subd: Rna: 0 Dwellin~xs: 4 Subdivi4ion: Est. Value, 0.44 ~mprav. host; 4.40 Total Fees: 30.44 ~,e Pa-~.ti: 7/23/1998 ork ~C:2.~ S~' FT ---- -' ER TNFI7RMAT'iON ----___.._ e ; ____.___ APPLICATIQN EELS _________, arnp : pB~.` MAI6AGI~?'r/SHOE BOX ERM I T 3 4.4.0 dd r ~ `' ' ATLANTIC BEACHr P`LORIDA 32233 hone : (444 } t?~4-t1t300 -~..-- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~- --_ ame : CI~MMERC I AL S I GPt CONTRACTOR S ddr: 4735 PHYLLIS STREET JACKJSC~NVILLE FLORIDA 32254 Lic`s' - Exp: ~ r' ype,+ 3xON' NOTES: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND Mk)ST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ``FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN R THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDLNG LII~t~1~OVE ~ ~~, ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT 70 VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~/ ATLANTI EACH. BUILDING 0 PAR ENT ~1B~83~18~ ay: \i CM.- ~ ~ ~,. -- - - ~.. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: ~ ~Cs ~~~ ADDRESS : ,I~~ h'~I)G,~'/1~ ~~ PHONE : ~ f ~~ TYPE OF SIGN:~~1~ ~,J,~l~~..S~ I,SIZE: I ~~Q to ~ ~ ~ e PROPOSED LOCATION : -5~~~<-l s~`~~.~.~J WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? C.i~~Y~(~ .--' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR : ~ T ~ ~~.~C~ Z~C~~J Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b), Code of Ordin ces, City of tic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ OWNER SIGNATURE: Q Date: /L is D .~ _ Q1.., . ~.. n . i ~ ea ~ ~0~ r G~Pc~ ~yll ~~.,~-,' ~^C .. ~.~~ ~e~ •= ~. `\~~ +~~ _Q ~~ O' "V ~ G ~~ ~+ D Op N< °' v ~o