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Permit 1073 Atlantic Boulevard
.+ CITY OF >t~ic ~~~ - `~~Cr~ida June 21, 1988 Atlantic Beach Mini-Storage, Inc. 1073 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: ZONING CHANGE AND USE BY EXCEPTION ATLANTIC BEACH Gentlemen: 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD F. O. BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 249-2395 After public hearing, the City Commission at its regularly scheduled meeting on June 13, 1988, has granted your application for a zoning change on the property described in Exhibit "A" on your zoning applica- tion. We understand this property is located to the rear of your existing development. The Commission also granted your application for a use by exception to utilize this property fox additional mini-storage ware- houses with. the understanding that you will comply with all of the drainage requirements of the City of Atlantic Beach and prepare the necessary plans and specifications to the City's satisfaction showing how you intend to dispose of run-off. Please contact Rene' Angers, Community Development Director, at the Atlantic Beach City Hall for any additional information. ly, Richard Fellows City Manager RCF38 cc: ommunity Development Director ~~ ~~ CITY OF ~, r~~°~uztic ~eac~ - ~wrda Y ~ ~ . ~ ) , ~ , . 718 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 26 , ~ ~ , f r. ,ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 92233 TELEPHONE (904- 249-2396 ~,.~.-- June 15,.1988:..,,. .. ,. i. ,. ;;,~,.. .. K ~ _.,~,. ,, ~ . ,. r , ! 't + ~ } ,. To: .All Concerned .City, Staff , .fir , ~ ,~, , ~~~ ~ ; From: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager~~~ ,~ ~ ~± , Subject: Actions of the„City; Commission June'113, ,1988 ,, , r ,. , The City Commission, at its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday June 13, 1988, took action on .the following:... ~ ,,,; .,, ,,~ _ . , ~ , -- Appointed commissioner Jensen ,to ,head a committee_to review bids on the new lighted tennis court at Russell Park- , ~ ., 1 .. ~ k. ~ >. ~ 7 -- Appointed commissioner Edwards to,~chair a committee to review the bids on acquisition .on aerators for ,the, ,sewage,,; effluent pond and Aquatic Gardens retaining base., . , ,.,. ~ ~ ,, ; ., , „~ ,. -- .Appointed commissioner .Cook to chair a, committee to ,review bids on street resurfacing,.sideway.k,construction.,and,repair, and. construction of basketball courts. ,, ,,, , -- Approved a water inter-tie. between Atlantic Utilities, Oak Harbor Utility .and. the Buccaneer.Water; and, Sewer:District,pending approval of Gee & Jensen , -- Approved a new contract with Clements, Rumple, Goodwin, D'avi for an in depth study of anew city hall adjacent to the public safety building Accepted for maintenance the water and sewer facilities in the Oceanside subdivision. Building permits may now be issued in this subdivision -- Authorized advertising under the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act for future wastewater needs to the year 2000 in the city of Atlantic Beach and for feasibility study on consolidated the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer wastewater plants -- Adopted an emergency ordinance to remove a " litch" in the ordinance recently adopted relative to maxim sewer charge single Please Type or Print in Ink Application Fee $75.00 APPLICATION FOR "USE BY EXCEPTION" Date Filed:_ FebruarY_24,_1988_r- Name and Addrer?e of Owner or Ta~nant in PoanaOr~ion of i'remioeos Atlantic Beach P9ini Storage, Inc. ---------------------------------- 1073 Atlantic Boulevard _B~l~B~~c;_Beach,_Florida 32233 ^__ Phone Work: __L904 x_241 X5000 Homes Street address and legal description of the premises es to which the "Uae by Exception" is requested: 1073 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida, 32233, more ,p,~rtieularl~ described as _(See_attached_Exhibit_"A")~_ A description of the "Use by Exception" desired, xhich shell specifically and particularly describe tt~e type, character end extent of the proposed "Use by Exception"s An a~lication_has-been filed requesting a change in zoning of the subject property from RG2 to CG: wWFien 'fie zoning c7.assi`~'icr3~i'~ti'-t'S'--"- ch_anges.arr_exce~tion_will be necessary. The use by exception sought is use as a mini Stara e ~aciZit g T ~- y ,,~' w~ii cT~ w i'1"1 "6e ari ad"d'i`~ i 6rT"f6-~7i'e'---- mini storage facility which presently occupies the front 420 feet ---------- --------- ------- of Petitioner'.: property. A11-ingressan~"egres's~"~o ~"rI'd"f~6'i~'-~K~--'--- sub~ect_prUperty_will be through the existing mini storage units. Specific reasons why ttie applicant feels the r Est silo ld bbe anted s This parcel is the westernmost portion of a 5~~ deep ~ot frot~~iny. _on Atlantic Blvd. The front 420' is already improved with mini storage uirits,lari~-petitioner desires ~o ina'k'~"3^i`tfi'~.I"aY'U's'~'-6f -t'tri's-parce~;-mfiic~h is approximately _1_l_0_' x_ 10_8'__x_ 160' x 112' . The property is cut off ~a...~.~....~ ~~ rte... from meaningful access to other streets besides Atlantic ~Ivd-;-ana"Efie _~~.~'~'ounding properties have recently developed into commercial intensive useage. There is no other reesoriab~e use-for`f~ie~'prope~'~y;~"ana'fifi~'""-" _recLuested zoning arrd use as a mini storage units will have no measurable impact on the surrounding neighbc~rhacid.-~Wheri '~nz'~toiiE pate~2' way aevs~.~~cfi~tiLti * " Zoning Claesi ication:_ Present~_RG2^__CG_has been a lied for :~ Atl t~c~ ach Mini b - g In Atla is ~a h Mini ~t ~c~a~ , nc. t FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Ingress and egress to property•and proposed etruatures is adequate. Particular reference is made to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffia flox and control and acaeae in case of catastrophe; 2. Off-street parking and loading is adequate. Particular attention is paid to the items in 1. above and the economic, noise, glare and odor effects of the special exception on adjoining properties and properties generally in the district; .~ 3. Locations of refuse and service areas are compatible with surrounding poperties and' are easily accessible. 4. Locations, availability and compatibility of utilities are adequate. 5. Type, dimensions and character of screening and buffering are adequate. 6. 5igna and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glarre and traffic safety, are in harmony and are compatible with other properties. in the district. 7. Required adequate. 8. The use is properties and COMMUNITY DEVEI .~ RECOMMENDED .yards and other open spaces are generally compatible with ad~aaent' • other property in the district. :.OPMENT BOARD REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONSt APPROVAL YES HO 1w-IT1 A AT11'1111 11T'IA111/'~. EXHIBIT "A" - THE PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED A part of the Castro Y. Ferrer Grant, Section 38, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southeasterly corner of lands described in deed book 1224, page 257 of the .Public Records of said Duval County, Florida. From the point thus described, run N 6 degrees 19' W along the easterly line of said deed book 1224, page 257, a distance of 420.58' to the point of beginning. From the point of beginning run N 6 degrees 19' W along the easterly line of said deed book 1224, page 257, a distance of 160.0' to a point lying S 6 degrees 19' E and 400.0' from the southeasterly line of a 50' road recorded in O.R. 350, page 386; THENCE 5.68 degrees 45' E parallel to the said southeasterly line of a 50' road a distance of 112.02' to a point in the westerly line of lands described in deed book 1082, page 222; THENCE S 6 degrees 19' E along the said westerly line of lands described in deed book 1082, page 222, a distance of 108.50' to a point in the said westerly line of lands described in deed book 1082, page 222 lying 431.50' S 6 degrees 19' E from the intersection of the northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard, as now established and the said westerly line of lands described in deed book 1082, page 222; THENCE N 89 degrees 51' W parallel to the said northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard a distance of 100.0' to the point of beginning. The subject property is shown in the 'attached copy of survey. } A74„q,-.171C 6pVLEVARD t V ry ! N. . . .~~ . '. e ~~ A v~° ~~~~ ~ °~ 1~a ~ +4 ~ gp~ tZ~ { oh q u ~n ~~ A 1' S7' W. ~w .v i ~_ w , O r q , y •~ e i}~ 1 ~ • t . •- m 1 , ~ I + ~a~ y'C 1 ~ 0 . ! ~ j . tt ~ z ~ H ~' I ~ ~ 9 ~ r•} ~~ 4 £ ~ +'*~ E ~ '1 m ~ y rJ ~ ~,.. z. t ~ i~ ~~ & ` '~ ~, 11+ -f ..1 '~. ~, • _~-': - s ~o~t' } 1 . ~bt; ~ V r f ~ v Y ~ ~' 6 (.r C ~, n !' $ °~ b ~ , O ~~ ~ N , •~ n .. -- s ~n>~~rvitOh'.a "~tD~~idAV L6 PAO .•.~ ~~~c pe o 8 c`jy~ 5,~a \ A ~ D~S1 ObK, ~, Loft ,n l~ ..i ' r i o m.+Am .+.. • ^LS~L7~p0~ lO ~r ~~i~ ~~ . ~ m 4mv LS~Ch a n .L ~i C'` L. ~ 1 m °~u~°v~~g=t ..n°~ n~LR~ia ~ r i N d c~u ~ ~• ~~~~~ ~~ Y OA.VfO L~~ ~m "`po9 aa~g>c °~~rw~ r. o nr~pt~~n, ~myap~.M~N~`6~~Rpr[{ ~a re •~i{ tS 1~vpJ.6y ri ~'`!u i~.`'+CP OpV~6 ll„~' ;^1 .~ ~ .tvnm ~ r o .. c ,:' 1ty'y;~p6 c~ 9~` ~`~t ~''a~a vi' Qr~e o 0/."'!• •p / ++ t~i~L~t!~M~gA~~.S spS~a~t~ ....1 p~'•* YQt ~ ~ ii~`~~~v~O~~T S°'£~q '~.. >~ ~ 1.1 /III /~{~ ~ ~ ^`Q+~onn~~~cwPL~~ O~ "(ti . ~ ~ ~ a-. ~ .r;' 1 to ~ ~ v, • O . ~ ~t1 ~ ~ :r~ i~ f' (~- yy 3 ~ ./ s. ,~u ^ti"n. JI K 1 ea. ~S E ~ ~ ~ ^^•.. a~ 'y''~ .t. t e 4 •. PACE 1 of 1 1'leaso Print or Type 'USE BY EXCEPTION' APPLICATION DATE FILED: NAME b ADDRESS OF OWNER OR TENANT IN POSSESSION OF PREMISES; PHONE 1073 Atlantig~lvd. ~~,c~}each. FL 32233 WORK: 241-5000 NOME: STREET ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES AS TO WiIICN THE USE BY EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED: 1073 Atlantic Blvd. A DESCRIPTION OF T11E USE BY CXCEPTION DESIRED, WFIICN SHALL SPECIFICALI AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE THE TYPE, CIiARACTER AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED USE BY EXCEPTIONc mini-warehouses SPECIFIC REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT FEELS THE REQUEST SHOULD BE GRANTEE ~scistina nee = rinr n n w 7.nninq restrictions PRESENT ZONING: ~~ g~nature o ~p cant or cant a Authorized Agent or Attorney. If Agent or Attorney, Include Letter of Owner or Tenaalt to that Effect. ~l~^ ' / ~L~ ._/ g~ature o r o per (Necessary to Process Applicatiat~ ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD'S REPORT AND RECO1`1MENDATIONSs `~ r' a I `ra Application Number Property Address Tenant nbr, name Application description . Property Zoning . Application valuation . . 06-00032127 . 1073 ATLANTIC BLVD . RE ROOF . ROOF . TO BE UPDATED . 7000 Date 2/02/06 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ ASH, MIKE BOYER CONSTRUCTION INC 2294 MAYPORT RD.#24 6926 PHILLIPS PARKWAY DR S ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32256 (904) 880-2359 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ROOF PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 98.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 7000 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 98.00 98.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 98.00 98.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE W[TH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ~-' 1 ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ,~; ~ _ ~ 800 SEMINOLE ROAD `'~~'-~ ~ =~`' ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 .,r,~ tt ~, f.....)ti3( f BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PER~IIT CALCULATION SHEET Address ~ ~ ~3 ~i L r~ ~ (c. ~ ~~ ~. Date ~ ~ Z ~ b-C~ Heated Square Footage @ $ _ per sq ft = $ ~:1~-~ Garage /Shed @ $ per sq ft = $ ~~r Carport /Porch .@ $ ~ per sq ft = $ Deck ~ @ $ per sq ft = . Patio ~~b. Total Valuation 6~~z, Remaining Value @ $ per- sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: 35 7~ $ (obi $ "per thousand or portion thereof CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TOTAL BUILDIlVG FEE $ G ZONING: _ + % Filing Fee $ ~~~ FLOOD ZONE: ()Fireplaces @ $35.00 $ IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ ~( 8 WATER IMPACT FEE $ SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER METER/TAP $ CAPITAL IlVIPRO't1EMEN'1' $ SEWER TAP $ C ( )RADON .0050 $ SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ FIYDRAULIC SHARES $ CROSS CONNECTION $ ST( )SURCHARGE $ OTHER $ GRAND TOTAL DUE: $ 3S $ 3b $ ~ ~ e-~ '`'~~~''~`~`~` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH c~: ~~ ~~,. ~~J/ < `~~~' BUILDING /ZONING DEPARTMENT °~ 800 Seminole Road .Higgins ~.. ~ ~~~ oe '~ ~ I Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 r~; f _~ % (904) 247-5800 (904)247-5845 Fax www.coab.us PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # d lD - ~ 2 / Z Property Address: ~a 1 ~ ~,T/~-}, T G ~~j/~ Applicant: ~0 V ~/' (~On TTi9 ~ ~ /~ ~ ~/~ C Project: This permit application has Approved ~ Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your application when these items have been complettted. Reviewed By: ~~ Date: ~ I ~- ~ (~ ~ Date Contractor Notified: rS ~ "'~'~~!'Jr ,~ :-a -- v,. J _. Job Address: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ROOFING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: ~~3 ®/~ Owner of Property: ~~ l~J ~~~ ~YC ~- !tom Address: ~~~ 1<~ ~~'~+~~ c1~tLkSe~/iLtu~~~i, ,;i?a,d,,y /a Telephone: ~O ~ `~~ ~~ ~~7/.~~j ~~'1~C • State License Number: ~0/JTiE4 Contractor: ~j() ~~~ CC C (~~tf ?~ 3 / ,~ s: ~r s ~v~ti '~ ~f' ~'I ! ~C ~s ~'`~'~ k w'4~ Contractor's Addre ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~L `3~ ~~ ~ 1 O Telephone: ~~ 7 ~ d ~~1 -- ~~~' y Fax: Ca y ~ ~~~ -- ,~' j ~ f7 Scope of Work: ~~ r~U~ r4/°~'~'i1 X/~~~/'~'r~ ~ ~UU s~ ~~ ~ 5~~`f Deck Slope: / Z Greater than 2:12 `~ Less than 2:12 G~' Valuation of work: ~ ©0. Product Name (Example: Timberline): ~^~ ~T Manufacturer (Example: GAF): c~G:' ~Tt'!<" !N ]"~~1~ ASTM Designation(s): Required Inspections: 5heathi g F' a Signature of Owner: Date: AS TO OWNER: S ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ~ /) JQ/a---- , 20 ~~p State of Florida, County of Duval Teresa PWn~ My Commission DD188484 ~a,~ Erq~ires FebruMY 26, 2007 Notary's Signature: ~ ~~" Sh [Personally known ^ Produced identification Type of identification produced ~ ~i O ~ Signature of Contractor: ~~' (/'~ Date: AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ~rt~lc , 20 ~ V~ State of Florida, County of Duval ` Notary's Signature: ~ "5~` '~`'ar~' CA q. RASUN ~! ~~~ MY COMMISSION ~ OD 156G64 ~~'o-1~a EXPIRES:OcWber21,2008 -eooarot~r R, r>oary a«ww s e«~a„a, x,a 800 Seminole Road Telephone: (904) 247-5800 Page 1 Personally known ^ Produced identification Type of identification produced • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 • http:/lwww.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Revised 2/21!03 ~ Address Sc.7~'t ~~ _ t ~ t-~--d "~ ._.:f F~ 7~'=a6--1~' ~-r`~ .! c ~., v i ~-t,v rte. Phone No. `fiU~f ~ S"c ~~~':~ 1 Fax No. iC~Y - ~c~C~' ~ `~~E>G' y Surety (if any) Address Amount of bond $ Phone No. Fax No. Name and address of any person making a loan for the construction of the improvements. Name Address Phone No. Fax No. Name of person within the State of Florida, other than himself, designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: Name Address _ Phone No. Fax No. In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor s Notice as provided in Section 713.06 (2) (b), Florida Statutes. (Fill in at Owner's option). Name .,i ~ ~.~n Address / (f / ~ Phone No. ~T~ Fax No. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement (the expiration date is one (1) year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified): THI5 SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Doc # 2006038599, OR BK 13047 Page 1071, Number Pages: 1 Filed & Recorded 02/01 /2006 at 01:59 PM, JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING $10.00 OWNER or AGENT (If Agent,~P,ow~ of ttorney or Agency Letter Required) Signed: ~~~t~-~~%'~' Dater j/~ k' Before me this _,~ day of in the County of Duval, State of Florida, has personally geared herein by himself/ herself a affir s that ail state ents are true and accurate. Notary Public at Large, State of ,County of My commission expires: Personally Known ~r Produced Identification \/ i ~~`~'~ "~, CATHERINE A. RABUN ~Q MY COMMISSION +Ir 2D 20 ~ ~o EXPIRES:Octobar t-8003NOT~ ~ NOS 8 Bondwq. ~. 17~6Z PSR-3844 kp . ,~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _ .. .. FEFMIT IIVP'~J3~MATI~JN -~_-_.--~ __._____ L~~?CATIe~A! INFQRMATIQF~ -----____.__ ~rm~.+~ I~urriks~r: i'~62 A ~r~s~: 173 ATLANTIC $C1ItI,EVARD F~~mit Ty~e:'CTT~L~~'IE5 ATLAI~T~~" BEAACH, ~'IsORII3A 3223 l~~s of Work:NEW _____.___ LEGAL 'DESCRIPTION __________ ~"r~~~tr. TyI?e° Slack: Lit: T~.p: ~ Fz~~~Fa~~d ~7~e' ~~ction: ~ Subt~sfl Rn~: 0 Fw~lli.nc~:~° ~ Suh~zv?sic+n: Eu~. Va~taP; ~.Dt~ Ireigra~r: Cast : ~ . DO Tr~tal F'~~s = . 1,, 25D . D~ Artiaten.~ Paled: < ~. ;:254 .:.)Q r+ ~ - r. n ~__._._.__ r~yy~~~_ INI°OF~IATI6~r~ -_____w_,.. __,,~_,,..~_ APPLI~'ATTf,)I3 FEES ____.._____ ate: A'~~tAk~TIC $~CP,CB AiI~~ STORAGE ER3~t~' !~ .OCR ~~r; 1~7,~i ;~~.'L,AIY~'IC B~iTLLWAFtP IATER IA4PACT FEE C~.C1~ ATL,A4ITZ~ REA±ry}3. f'LORIDA 322~3~ E6~EA ~lu1FAC~ S'E'E ~'.2~O,A~ . - p -' ._ CC~P1T1~,Fi~'T~1~ I I't~"MP:T T ~Ji'$ - _ _ ~ _ _ ame : S & ~ PL~3MB fi NG ~~d~;,t. 1.3397 _F~FAc"H Z~t,UE ~IACI{~QI~V~I~I,G~~ _F'L :~.222~ Lac: ~'FOC)2.2.'~~3 ExS: ! ! YF~. _ R~ . NOTES: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REGtUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT'BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING .IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION. FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ilc''S~.~ ~9 ATLAN C BEACH BUILD G PARTMENT ~~ 1~2 By: _ 1/17/1998 10:?~ 904-99~-9389 ASH PROPERTIES IhdC PAGE 01 ,~S-H ~„ INS. 13 947 iaadi ih~Q.r So~et Z IOy ~ea~. F~ 3ZZ24 * ('904~PlZ~l4O0 ' imet'l041!!~l3D! Z~7_ S$77 20 : C+~r .~ ~a~6 ~~.~ Data : ~ Z - /7 --?' 8 ....._._ From: ~E/YY .~~'u/1~G~'~. -- -- - - ~ ... Nunber of Pag®a (ineladiaR co~ar -afa)s ~.. ~.~' ja Sze ,b ~ ..~`~ ~~ c~~'c.~~ ~ ~-~c _.~ _.. 1/17/1998 10:22 904-992-9389 ASH PROPERTIES IhaC PAGE 02 K,-r~N~r~ _, o~~t~.~ R T"LAN roc ~ ~- vD. 3~~ r ~'. x D O ~ .. _. ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z m ~ _ m ~._.._._._.: ~ ~ r - ~ ~ m m ~~ ~ ~ m ~ C7 :~ o ,' n m m ~'' -Di n M ~. T. ~a .z ~ z co cn ~- f ,.,, ~, w ,..~ ~ ~: t x. rn a x~ D ~` .__ ..~ x* co -t :~ ,.~ ~~, c, m r~ ~ r~ c.:,t •. = _. t O _ .z~ c;.r ~. ~ , ~ y ~ r-. n r3 r~ ~, ~: ~ :» E o O --i ~ „ TI N w+ :t~ i-. n ~s ~ ~ ,..~ a; z ~" ~ ~ ~r ~ cn ~ ~ ``~ W :-c m D ''" ~' n r~,.t = 3'J rr- w ~.~ ~~'D"dOWa m m m m Z m ~ n a a n O O m D _r r r r r C) ~ N 0 ~ n cn o cn q Z (7 ~ ~ ~ (~ m 0 0 0 0 ""1 r ~ D Dm~Oo-`~ z ~ a m c m O m ~ ~ ~ rr~,.o m ~ ° m ~ .,~ r„ ~ vG vp m ~ ~ a t~Y O m ~, '"' ~ O. t~ *D t,.n c r. ~ i.z -t? 3 ~ :ri t.~~ fl .; C`.1 ~ ~ ~ m ~ .,t \ ~. '~. O~ •A a •• ~ ~ N ~~ O+ V ~..~ tSf Cn t.J •1:7 .?- 30Nb111W3F! H11M Nlil113k! 3SN3011 Hf10A lON SI SIHl 30110N 3SN30111tlN011`dd(1000 CITY OF rrt`ic ~,ea~l - ~~vzida 1300 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 3'L233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 StTNCOM 852-5800 ~~%~i~~ ~~irie~~ ~a~ ~i~zs~z,%ttaL ~Elt„Pi ~~ /.1-itr~NT! C SC' LF .S TU~r~R6F ~y~~. c~.~~.~ _. - ~ ~. ~ , ~ ~ C"~i c~C, cx/~ c~:L: ~.cr~-z cam' r~.-~ cr -x :~.~ ~ o ~ .,-. K ~ . ~.~: ~~~ ~ 1 ~L:. 2a r,~. ~ 4 -_ J'uun~ HP Off ceJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Fax Log Report Dec-10-98 09:59 AM Identification 96303638 es 1 Pales Tune Date ime Duration Diagnostic OK 02 Sent Dec-10 09:58A 00:00:43 002586030022 z..o 0' 7 J J i z ~-~ "~ r C~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~, ~t Z '~ ~, v ~Z ~~ ©'~, m M ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ w~ o ~~ C~ O Z •~t ~ ~ ~r s p ;. c.~ .. ~ O p0- ~i.. S .~'"'~ m © p 1""` V W V ~w ~, O m ~ ~ ` r . 3 a ~ o ~ z r ~o ~ o ~ © ~ ~- r ,~ m ~ z ~ ~ ~ V ? ~ , ~ _~z ~ c .~~s ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ - Q ~~ a o o ~. x ~ w . ~ r C? r~ ~„ • ~n ~s W Z ~ Z 4 ~, ~ ~ o 101.5 -SPECIAL HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND DISTRICTS The provisions of this Code relating to the construction alteration, repair, enlarge- ment, restoration, relocation or moving buildings or structures shall~not be mandato- ry for existing buildings or structures identified and classified by the state or local jurisdiction as Historic Buildings when such buildings or structures are judged by the.Building Official to be safe and in the public interest of health, safety and wel- fare regarding any proposed construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, restora- tion, relocation or moving of buildingwithin fire districts. The applicant must sub- mit complete ar rural and engineering pl na s anTs`p~ci~f~s ns bearing the seal of a re red professional engineer or architect. ~I"01.6 MAINTENANCE All buildings or structures, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or safeguards which are required by the Standard Building Code© in a building when erected, altered or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order. The owner, or his designated agent, shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures._..------~°~~~` 102 --ORGANIZATION 102.1 -ENFORCEMENT OFFICER The provisions of this Code shall be enforced by the Building Official. 102.2 -RESTRICTIONS ON EMPLOYEES An officer or employee connected with the department, except one whose only con- nection is as a member of a board established by this act, shall not have a financial interest in the furnishing of labor, material or appliances for the construction, alter- ation, demolition, repair or maintenance of a building, or in the making of plans or of specifications therefor, unless he is the owner of such building. Such officer or employee shall not engage in any work which is inconsistent with his duties or with the interests of the department. 102.3 -RECORDS The Building Official shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of the business of the department. The records of the department shall be open to public inspection. 103 -POWERS & DUTIES OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 103.1 -RIGHT OF ENTRY 103.1.1 The Building Official or his authorized representative may enter any build- ing, structure or premises at all reasonable times to make an inspection or enforce any of the provisions of this Code. 103.1.2 When entering a building, structure or premise that is occupied, the Building Official shall first identify himself, present proper credentials and request entry. If the building, structure or premise is unoccupied, he shall first make a rea- 2 Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code©1992 /CITY OF ,r~ ~ ~ ~ ~,/~ ~+~~ /3 ~ - ~I~OZKt4 Office of Building Official / /q' `~,"/R~EQ~UEST FOR INSPECTION c/~ Date ! +~ ` U Permit No. ~ C Time A.M, Received j r~ ~{ ¢-- ~y~~ j~ P.M~~L~ „q Job Address Locality Owner's ` ~ '~ Name ~~ ~ r'C /~~~~~~~~_ Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICA Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring Ci ^ Air Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ To ^ Heating Insulation ^ Lintel ^ Final ^ ewer Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. riday Inspection Made '"" ' P.M. Inspector ~ - Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy ^ Date CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT ' :JOB LOCATION: /67 3 ~T~/~Tt~ BLVa. ;OWNER OF PROPERTY : RTC+~'+'- ~ SELF S7zSR~}G~ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR B d~G PCy~,~wG <o- ,CONTRACTOR' S ADDRESS : r39 g ~ 8 ~-~K BCvQ~ STATE LICENSE NUMBER: CFCa1Z593 TELEPHONE: 223"3585 HOW MANX OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS SHOWERS • LAVATORX• WATER HEATERS BATH .TUBS DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS CLOSETS WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER PANS OTHER Qv~Cn~,~G SEwrR TOTAL FIXTURES: ~ x $3.50 ~+~ $15.00 ~ "•MTNIMUM PERMIT FEE - $?_5.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRA ------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING. AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHi:RN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. -' CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826 t SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED INTO PUBLIC WORKS•FOR IPISPECTION '. PRIOR TO COVERING UP - (904) 247-5834 . ,.~ . ~..+ 'S `. • ~fl\I 1758 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CfTY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ._ w _ _ F"LRMT'1' I NFCRT~AT I OIV _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ,. _ _ ~ _. LOCAT T QTR I MF~JRI~i.~-T I C3Pi _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ Fz~i~. ~dumk~~~' 1?5~>3 A~~t~s:~: 1~,''3 A'TLAIVTXC BOULEVARD P~rmat T}~P~°}?laUl'~F3?N~ F,'1'LA1dTIC BEAC~i, FLORIDA 3223 1,~~,~ cif W~rk'P,LTERF~'~I;~l~ _____.___ LEGAL L3E5CRIP'TTt~~t -._._.._._____ Cn;~~ t; ~ . 'i'~r~?~° : ~+i~?'JI} FRAME 'E l cock : Lot : TWp : 0 Pi oP~aw~ci rJs~ : S~r~:aoz~ : iJ Bubd : ~ Rn~ a ~ bw~llinq~: ~`~ Seibd*t,~i~inn'A~'LAIYTSC REACH Est . V~lu~' ~' ~ ~'~ ~ Tft~ ~ ~' t7 : t` ~ S ~ !1 ~ f~ '1'c~~~l F~e~ ; ~ 5 . ~~~ .I~nica~xnt~ Pais? , ? 5 , n~ Da~~~ Faici ~ ~ ~~ ? 1 1 ~"~~ r~ zlt D~~ : ~'3N C r ~" v ~ R ~~~.___y nWr~Ek IPi'F~J1~T.dC?P7 _.,_____~.~~ _._..~...,.__. ?1PPLICATI~JIK IFE~S ___._______. ~»~ : ATN'P I ~~` MINI - S`~OA~`3E ERA[ I T 2 5 . a Q z~~a: ; ~.`1?'~ A`£'LAlY`''I~ ~'~L` ~~EVARD ATLA~I'I`IC i~EA<_~I ~`<LOR3'~DFb 32? ; ?~ ~ar~ ~ : ~;~t~ 4 ;~ ~ ~4 ~ _,..1. L~.~ n amp ° B & G I''LI?~I9TNG .._., ~~ ~~,CF~SON4'I~,~,E.- ~'~, ~~?2~ ~~°~' NOTES: NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE R~GIUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSRECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SRACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN tAW .CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SU~.IECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. 925.1 14 Date; 12/17/4 eceip ~ 32731 CHECKS ATLANTI EACH BUI DIN EPA TMENT 8818~3221t~ By. December 9, 1998 Atlantic Self Storage 1073 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Attention: Managers Richard and Dortheh Bovee 800 SEYIINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC QEACH. FLORIDA 3?~33-5-115 TELEPHONE t90-1) X17-5800 F.4X 19011 ?17-1805 SUNCONI 85_-5800 The office and storage building at 1073 Atlantic Blvd. have been cited by the Atlantic Beach building Official under Section 101.6 of the Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code. The building is considered unsafe and cannot be occupied until the sewage disposal system is corrected. This notice will serve as your only notice to vacate the premises until the coded violations are corrected. Don C. Ford, CBO cc: File City Manager Public Works Director PSR-3844 r . ~ 1'441 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH m_~_ PERMTT IN)a`ORMATTON -.____.., __.-_~ LOCATION ?'I~lFORMATION -- erms~ Number: 1?491 A dress: ~.p73 ATIaANTZC _____..~ Pe;.-~nit Type:E~ECfiRICAL BOULEVARD ~~~~ ~~ &~ork;ALTERATI+~Id P.TLANTIC BEAOH, FLORIDA 3223 ~'~~str. Type: _w.__._.___ ~,EOAL L~}?SCRTI'TI~JiV --________ S14ck: Lai: Px~pc~sed Lfse; Section; '3 Subd:O TwP: f~ Dwe~llin~s: n Sul~clz~ris~.+~n: Rng: n f/st~ Value: p.p0 Impr: env . Csas t ,~,,, p , pD Tnta.l Fees: 25.DQ Rrr~ount Raid: ~5..4D Date Pa~.t3a:I.3~''13/~99t3 orl. Desc°~i31,STALL 20AMF SIGN CII2CE)IT AND H(JOK ~1P larr-~: ATLAN3'IC BEA~'H MTNT S~'OR13GE, _- _~_ ARPLfCATION FEES .__~_______ ~ddr : E.~~ 25 . ~0 ..~~'~ ~4TL~A#~'TC`~ ~CY't72EVARI? ~TLAI~TIC 8~p~ P'LOF.II~A 32233 ~hoiz~; ~ ~~J~~35$~~~53. _._.,_m COtdTRR~`T~~R INFiJRMtATIdN _._.ti_.__ ~ , ar€te: BIVTNS ELI~TRI~`"~,,'Q. ddr ; 1C1C~4 SOUTH' SECOPI~} STREET ~AC'iCS~NV'ILI~E _FL~ 322~~ I:~ ~ t ~fl491~~ Epp : / r ~ ~-~' :, ._ ~ ~ ,. re ~..~.. . NOTICE -INSPECTIONS III~$T BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST N01'°`'f~~I;,pCJ;Q~}N PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY SY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER s°~~~~~ _,., "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN .LAW CA '~,., THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMEN ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCA VIOLATfON OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ... 8J Pi ?-~ 9~Tt~~'3 ~:~; ATLANTI BEACH BUILDING EPARTMENT I ~ ~1~~~ By: ,~ z CITY Q~ ATLANTIC 13~-CH, FLUR4DA .~ ..,. . •~ ~a~w`-iw APULIGTION BAR L~TRLCAL I~IERIbtIT To TMR ~ltt• l1.EC'1'RIG-L IM16-ECT1yAs .W1Yts ~ ~ ~ ,,........~~~;.~ IN CONStpERAT10N OI RERMIT GIVEM FOR OOINQ THE WORK ~S ~t:SCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING WE HEREBY AGREE TO pER~ORAiI SAID WORK IN ACCORAANCIE WITH THE ~A't I'ACHEQ AWNS ANp SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ANE A PART HEREOi. ANQ~ tN ACCORWWCE ~YITN THE ELEt;`fRlCAL REGIJ1/1TWN1~, CODE6 ANO CtTY OIM ATLANT~~~~e~iO~DIgANCES. .~ tOt}~4 Scwt-, Sticprxi ~ ~ ~ /~~ L. • , .J~Onvt Bch F~:tc250 ,~l , . _.~~... ~/ar4 . »~,~' tlLDO• i1tK .. RtTINBtBMt~,,.,,;, /~~ ~rwr~ 1111+6. t 1 A!'T. t 4 GORAA~. t~ rw-i.lc 1 1 ~NO~a. d Mtw t 1 o~p der dl At1A04TioN d ! TNA14tU! 1 ! T6:1I. d 1 tilOtMi ~ ~. arw.~r. Lr.~ I - .un.r..r ~ . ..___._ . 0~1,~ ~Tc~ Bc,~r v G1TY OF ATLAYd'PYC UBACEi 716 oOSArr soo~vARD AT~.ANTZC BEACH, F'LORanA ADDENDUM TO BUILDYNG P3.AN Building location: 2. The attached plan for the above building is approved subject to mmeting the follawing applicable construction requirements: a. Footings mall be continuous monolithic concrete nniier e9cterios walls, reinforced ePith tvo 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for one-story buildings and thmee 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for two story buildings. Reinforcing rods shall be placed i~a the lower one-third of the footings, properly pieced and fastea®d on metal sa~t8].es with wire. Footings shall ire sir inches eider on each aide than the wnli above, shall be at least eight inc~aes thick and shall rest an firm soil at least twelve inches below undisturbed soil. b. In hollo~r masons°y unit construction, each unit cell shall be •reinforced u:3th at least one No. 4 bar at all corners, poured and tamped with concrete; such reinforcing shall be properly tied into the footing and spandrel beam. c. All wood truss rafters (roof construction), shall be.secu~rely fastene8 to the exterior walls with approved hurricane anchors or olips. ~~ d. Construction of nearby one-family dwellings, which are duplicates or intensely. similar, shall be avoided. Such similarity considers the external carsfiguration and appearance (i.e., roof, outer wall materials, window size and design, and other like characteristics) of structures. In accord with the foregoing, similar or duplicate homes shall not be constructed Within close proximity of each other, and shall be at least 500 feet apart if any one similar dwelling is visible from any other similar Swelling. e. The final connecction between the house connection tat ,the property line) mnst~ covered. ~9~ the sewer service The v~dersigned hereby certifies that he has read the above and understands that this . addendum takes precedence over any cs~trary details to the plans and specifications and rgrees to comply with the inte~-t of this addendum. Qantractor/Owner r~ Date " "'~' ~ `s- ~r- ~"" 4~ Z r,,, W v ~$ Zaz gao QZW .- a ~O,N 1,..J W o w M~MQ WW ~~W O~ O M ~ ~ ~ W p W '~ ~ d ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ t ..1 "~ ,, y ~ H 'q' ~ ~ ; » °~ g O 3` Y ~ r- ~ ' p p+ ~ ~ t- ~ + ~'~ _ M~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ a ~, :~ N a a ~ w ~ W z d z ~ E ~ r~ ~ ~ N ~ tV Ci ~» - a W U iS1 Q~ Na ~ ' M ~ ~ W 0 0 `~ ~ ~ a .~ ., o ,~ a' a~ ~+ ~ o~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ x ~ g o ul u °' a ~ ~Uf a w ~ = a. N z `~ ~ z W W tiY a ~ m "- O to `. ' E~ ~ Z Z ur p rti cn ~ . z~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ Z N ~ ~"' to a N ~y p {~ A ~ w to x w ua ~ w- w u „~ H ~ ~~ ~ a a ~ mW a a ~ ~ x Y~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ „ a a» a W :,.._ O ,,~ o ~~ E^' w u N '~i a w z ..~ d a Z N ur a N o Z ~ W tU O a W ~- O O a a U Z a U W ~ a a N O Z ~ Z -, 'AM' m ~ ~ T Q Q~ i O `' ~"" w~~vw NoLLdw+~oaN' 3 ~ s~~~a3s iN .. ~ ~"'- "~'° w ~x~ ~ O H x ~ O d Q ~ ~ G~ i 3 ~ ~ t .q+ w O ~ zo Ca " a 3 w ~ # N ' ` .~ O N ~ N O ~ (A w ~ ~ "' W J fY a v o. a cn 4Z o WWI a (~~W Zaz g~° M IL D fA C1 Off? o ~m V ~ N ^~- 1 m ~" cn u~ w 0 w W N ~ U W 0. 4 3 M M ~ ~ w ~ i O ~ rs nom. ~ O a r~ w F M "~. a z 0 N w a ~ ~,_~ .~. i212~ DEPARTMENT 4F BUlL- DING CITY°OF ATLANTIC BEACH _.~..,:~ PERMIT INFORMATION ------ ------- LOCATION INFORMATION -_------_ Per~t-~.t Plumber: 12122 Address: ifl73 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type:RE-ROOF ATLANTIC SEAGH, FLORIDA 32233 C18-ss of Work:AL'TLRATION ~-------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---_______ CQnst~'. Type:WOOD FRAME Block: Lit: Twp: a Proposed Use. section: 0 Subd:a Rn~t: a Dwelling: 4 Subdivision:ATLANTIC BEACH Est, 'value: a.aa I~~~~v. cod:t: z~,oao.aa Total v ,.; ~ r ~` _~~ ~,~ 25 . as Amount, 25.QO Da er ~ e ,.. ~ ~ 4p K'. ' r a ~ yak:;: _._~ ~ ~ , , IO>`t ---~-~-~,- -S ~.~'-~--____ APPLICATION FEES - _ _ -- ~ Plam TOAmE PERMIT aa 25 . Addr BOULEVARD ~' ~ ' A `~` "" ~~,~ .~.. ~'~~~~` ~'~~"`~ FLORIDA ~ 2 3~ ~ ~ ~ : x - - - - - ~' R ~ FORMAT I~~, - -~ ,~ :~ ~~ ~,.ue.u•Y'A^'"" rws,-m~m.b.«ar'i3H sd~Z+'" rn. {S. ~~:va st-4w .~.z ~ ~v, .r .m.. • m.,..raa.. . st¢. ro,~z *cxAw .. .+~~nn..u,~aaw.-wmc.u: ^.'sasy'~ve~ Addy, ~~ n •a, q y. R'F.M. '~. ' ~ ^~ 1 • yy L EAp• ! ~ Y e .cW. ~Pa ~ s ~ it NOTES. NOTICE - AL.L CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE PQURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDIN© MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC $RACE, AND MUST BE CLEANED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAIl.~JRE Tfl COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN LAW GAN RESULT` #N THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYINGTWICE FORTHE BUILDING IMPROVEMEi~I"T'S" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT ~t,l'~;~~QR VIO ATI L ON OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~ ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING EF~i0.RT NT C-tq of Atlantic Bch; w-,,,,,. -- By_ _ .r , 7~, "~ f':~~ _. ~,~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~_ xa~ ~a ~~:W ~f}y~ ;~ ~ CITY OF ALApTIC BEACH ROOFIIiG PERMIT APPLICATIOI~i ,~1~~.gtal~ ~11~ LOi1lit~ Owner (s) : / vl ~ ~~~ ~S f~ Address : ZZ~ ~-f -Z-~/ ~'//~- G/~G~% r~ ~ ~ P~X~ ~~ Phone: 2Y / -~Oc~~ Lot # BlockSor Unit # Subdivision: Contractor: ~S /~ T~~~G~-~ ~~s, .~ ~,/C Address: ZZ~~ -Z~ /'~~'~f c~GL~i ~o~~ City, State and Zip~C~oxlv~GC,~ ~L• ~ ZZ~~ Phone Z`~'~ ~D~ State License # ~~ vin 3`7 8~ Describe work to be performed: ~/G~J fylr T',¢Z Q-yr~~ C'l~c"2- ~/s~i~' Valuation of Proposed Construction: ~' Z~-oob ~ Materials to be used: S T Scrt•~ C~-61 ~ .~-- ~%/~/f~, Signature of Owner; Signature of Contractor: r~s A~c'~~~p~.~v'J~''~' _ 14~ff i'leo7c/G---''~S1~WL. Liability Insurance Supplie~'~' Workers Compensation Insurance SuppliedY License Information w ©/~ ~ l ~ ~ i~ ~ o iv ~,, I~- % / t~ 7 3 t~' 1T ~-l~~Ti c~ S ~ ~ ~~: 1996 ~i~~~~~,~ ~~~ ~~i~i~ ...~ u~. .cw. ~eyrcxn.auvea anu ,augoa m uwrvwuan, anu the anccesaon sna asu;N of cor~OnUOn3~ ~ ry }*n.~ ~itnesseth: T{~at the grantor, ~or and in consideration of file sum o! $ 10.00 and other Qh . ~ valuable conside~ariuns, rrceipt whereof is hereby aclznou:ledged, herehy grants, bargains, sells, aliens, re- ~Q ~~ O misea, releases, and hartsfers unto the grantee, all that certain Innd situate in Duval ~ Cotinly, Florida, viz: q A part of the Castro Y. Ferrer Grant, Section 38, Township 2 ~'- rrr South, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida, and being more (1 particularly described as follows: For a point of beginning, ~ commence at the Southeasterly corner of lands described in 0 ~~ Deed Book 1224, page 257, of the Public Records of said Duval w '„-----{-~ County, Florida. From the point of beginning thus described, ~. N. •~'~;'~t run North 6° 19' West along the Easterly line of said Deed Q ~;; ~.r, Book 1224, page 257, a distance of 580,58' to a point lying ~-- ~. c.; South 6° 19' East and 400.0' from the Southeasterly line of (~ a a 50' road recorded in 0. R. 350, page 386; thence South 68° Z 6 `~.._r!'_ 45' East parallel to the said Southeasterly line of a 50' road, ,r~~`~~ a distance of 112.02' to a point in the Westerly line of lands +a s-'~ described in Deed Book 1082, page 222; thence South 6° 19' East ~_ '`~s~ ~'= along the said Westerly line of lands described in Deed Book 1082, ~ ~• page 222,a distance of 540.0' to a point in the Northerly right LL ;~ of way line of Atlantic Boulevard, as now established; thence ~'._.. North 89° 51' West along the said Northerly right of way line of ~•~.~~'~ Atlantic Boulevard, a distance of 100.0' to the point of begimic$, THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE HOMESTEAD a A W , W W Q' u. c illl 0. a allllllt 6b£ alHnoa canna ~ ~ OF THE GRANTOR. PSR-3844 tr.~. " :.~ DEPARTMENT OF BU1LDfNG CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH "'~'~_ PERMIT INFORMATION -_____ I'e~~i~ N~zrnber: 9551 ~'e>~mit Ty_~e: SIr,N '_`~~Z~S of Work: AI,TERATIGN ""t~ra~ t a- . Type : W04B FRAME Rx'opc~wed IJsp: C4MMER+~IAL~4THER Dwm~7~nap: n Code: 0 $~}imated Value: Sn.pr.- 'I~prov. Cost: 50.00 Total l+~es: 523.17 Amount k~~~. d : $ 2 { . 1 ~ Da~~,Partid: ~.! 1l95 Word: ,~,sc'. ~ 6~F40fi x '12-FnnT EXIQTINC~ _,.~.__ ~N~ .Ipg~.~M_ATI~JN -- - N i~~ti«~ ? . A ~` ~~~d~~~ss ~ 107 ~;~NTIC $4t3LEVARD 322 P~e~na: f; 904?246-1~~0 -°'---- C+~iTRAe!~'TOR; :;INFORMATION ----- Name : ~ENERAi. S IC3N SERVICE Address: 1940.5pEARING STREET 7Arg%pM.lILLE, FhC~RIDA h~ ~^e~se,• Type , i ~, NOTES ~V~~ ___..__-C~.~'L4CATTON INFOT~MATIOAt -_.._____ Address: 1 LEVARD A LANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 __________ LEdAL DESCRIPTION --____.._ Lot' Hloc}s: Section: -- Town~h~. p : }ENO ; ,Q .Subdivision: ATLANTIC REACH I,E SIGN APPLICATION FEES PERMIT 523.10 WAT~F IMPACT FEE ~ S©.0{3 SEER I,I~P,F,C'I' FEL $0 . Qty WAT~fi ME~'E~i ~ TAP "~4 , 0{3 RADON ~3AS-H.R.S. 50,00 RADON CAR 5~ 50.00 CAPITAL IMFRt?VE, $Q,~O SEWER TAP SO.OC1 CROSS CC3NNECTI4N $O.QO SEC H IMPACT FEE 50.00 rf~@(cT, SURCHAR©E SO . f?0 EC)~ARC3EfATL.BC'H. ~ ,• ~~?.f~f~ NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND F4CIT1'NGS MUST BE INSPECTED 9EFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDPNG MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS.'' ISSUEb ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION fflR- ~ ' VIOlAT10N OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPAF~MENT By .~SOO~~000OppI i0pl~gppo pa , f?.3. l8 f4 Rc~, 00e4t1~9 1©i4 rr CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SYGN PERMIT NAME: ATLA/yT/G i~'/~/Y%` ~~GSE ADDRESS : ~~ ~ ' /~/~./,,,,~NT~C !!PHONE: G~ ~~P - ~OG~ TYPE OF SIGN: ~pLc.' S/G-/1/ SIZE: ~, ~ '~c l Z. PROPOSED LOCATION; ~X/ST/~(~ WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? ~~t STiivG.- C /CPC U / J ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR : ~f /~~,~{~~U//1C=/1 Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds. must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid. area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) Pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required and r Sec. 17-2(b), Code of Ordinar~€js.~'~ity of tic B~h. APPLICANT OWNER SIGNATURE: Date : /.a / ~~~ '~ ra1 fa r,, ~' ~~ ,~" QC4 ~ °~~~~~ clQ~PaN~`'G f 9 .~~ r ,~r~ ~a.,Jr~c ,~AC.,~, ,~'c Gc,/~24 c. .Si ~ ~/S Z~ =~-- ~~„~ ~~~ ~D/`~ .~ ~,~STr'JL~ ~~ ~ _J ~' ~o' ~"~ ~„ /-,~-9~ ~ ~ ~~ /~'"14x,-<o~"~ i N 30/l~ ~ L v~ 5 0.~ ,~ ~'4'lt p~7,A1e G •1# •, to?c ~2 s 7Z 5, ,G. X Z~ NSF ~tgno ~ drJs/SX i3 ~ ~ 23.4 r_rc ,Lj/fo~1.c~~e -t s s q ~ (~~~~°~-s 32 ~. ~~z~ moo: 2 3 d ~ 2~ 3 3 g.7$,n~ -~: ----- s 3 3 . /, Of' 1~p~ 3, ?s ~a adEiC ,4GGo~R$G~ 3 22 G` ~~4~~ ~ ti ~ E` ~,,~F~ -~ A7E OF ~"' ~ r~~° ~~s~ fi4 0 Rt ~~ -~ ~ ~: -r ~` ~ ,~-% d ~, N O ~ ") t~~. ~ ~ d ''" ~ ~.' ~y ~ ~ ~e a. ~ ~ c ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ______.. a_ ---- . -~ N R3 ~ , d ~ ~ ~ ,. ~r~ ~~u a ~o ~' .'~ ~ .~ ~ , ~~ g ~~~ .~ Q `~ t~ a Q r4 ~ ; v ~ ~ •..~ ' ;~ '~" b ~ ~ ti Ca A N 0~ ~r ~. 4 a 4 'lT' ~~~ ,,, ~' 4 Q ~~ b m 4 CITY OF f4~~C~ic l~f~ccli - ~~ivCic~a Office of Building Official 1 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date C _ Time A.M. Received P. ~b ~3 Job Address Permit No. /~~ ~/ ptstrict No. __ Locality Owner's Name Contractor BUILDING CONCRET LECTRICAL PLUMBING Framing ^ Footing Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ^ Temp Pole ^ 7op Out ^ Lintel ^ READY FOR INSPECTIO N Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday _ A, M. Inspection Made - , P.M. Ins ctor ~ Final Inspection ^ ~ Certificate of Occupancy Date MECHANICAL Air. Cond. & ^ Heating Fire Place ^ Pre Fab A: M: >,r~ ,;~":. ~1~~, ;, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _,.___ PERMIT THFQRPIATZQH -____._ .. ~~.______ LCICATY©N INF©RI!tATIDH ___._.. Permit Humber: 37©7 Addr~t~~s 173 ATLANTIC ~t3ULEYARD Pe~x'en3t Type: FENCE ATLANTIC BEACH, FLQRIUA ~2 C1,~»+s caf Wrark: MEW ________; LEGAL UESCRIPTIAH _..,.___ Cvn~tr. Type: Lat: Bleack: Sectfr~zt: Prnpo~ed U>~ez RETAIL STORE TQr~r,ship: RHGs Q Dr~lling~: 4 Code: O Subdivi»i.t~t--: ~>~tia:ated Value: ~Q.00 Imprrsv. Cn~t t ~Q. 00 Total Fee>~: ~1C7.00 Anaaunt Ps-3s~i: ~iQ. C10 ~t3tette Pa~.d: 429/91 Wtrrk sd, : erect- ~~nce and gate :~4 -°---~_~--- f~W~1ER IIVI~'ORMATICI~I: ~-.. --w- - APPLICATTCIN FEES .___._~ Rame: A'TLIlH'T~C BEACH .MINI.. STf.1R d~~~~~t~~~Y I GE PERMIT X10. (30 Q~3 RTLANTIC J30ULEVARD ' Io'ATER Zli}~ACT~ FED ~0 b£1 A'L LAN?ZG BEACH, FLC1RZ~A FhQnp: ~4 5U4) 3~6>" -$6~l , ~:~33 E~ktE~t Il'i~"ACT ~Efi " ` ~CI.,.GTO - ~A'f1~,R i~iR'I'E#~ Via: C30 _ - - _ CQb~.TRAC:'I"~iR TNFE~RMATIOH - - RADON GAS-~H. R. S. Sc{]. C)0 - - ~- RADCIN GAS - ~X ~ Al~tt>: Hq~tELL'~ EHG `~C}. Op WATER TAP Addre~es: 28Q0 ALMEDA ST ffi0` ©C? SEWER TAP J~tCKSDN~+If,.LE, FL ~2~09\ License : gp, t?C) HYi3RAULIC SHARE ~fl.O4 Types 0 FiE- I NSPE~T FEE fit?. UO _ ` SEC. II TTtPAC'I' ~" - ~~, Qp Tr ., .- ~._. _ ~ ~ ,.. t~THER ~ ;.. gy~ ~i~J`: tirr,,r"' NOTES: NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEfORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST $E CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN. LAW CAN RESULT 1N THE PROPERTY QWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILQING IMPROVEMENTS.'' ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJf~EV~'f~~~'i VIOLA'1•ION OF APPLICA$LE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~~~ ~~~~~ ~. Q64 ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECfI1:'T Id1.~'~~~ ~'~'~ wk ~„ "` tp Q z O # N r ~ o ~ m w ~ = a N (~ f. z WWa a moo '~`' ~- .. ,.l W a0 Q V M W eM N -3 ~ d W"~7t ti0 ._ Y a 3 ~ N LL twJ7 ~ ~ a ~ a O w --~ a. a U a w w aw W fora W X L? o a~ ¢ a a a ~ ~ w ~ a o a a ~ N U • M M ~ ~ v y, _ ~ ~ ~ J W ~ N ~ U ~ ~ '~ a ~ ~ ~ t~ ~, W ~ m x a °i~ a •~ W v r-l z ~ o ~ 'w a it ~ w rv'- Z O W F- Z ~ O ~ O U 7i ? lS9C'96£ ltr~ Alt~y'~R t- a~ c~ '~ w , 1 QWG ~ ~ ZW M ~ a IL D to ~J? ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~r w ~ ~ i-'m ~ U L~ M U ~ a W ~~ w ~, v . ~ ~' ~» ~' a ~ a ~ 4 ~ E"' <C 0 ~ w ~ ~ O a 4 w U z ~ U w a r Z C7 ~ O Q ~ tJ Q J a~ ~ _. ~~1 '~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING . - ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r .«. ~~~.~~~ ~:~~ w~~~Ir : AI~3b~T~(lN G`r:.~~8~~~•. Tyki~ra 1~I,~A fsx° ~~+~~s~d t.1~~ . 4~t1R~Hfltla~ L> ~ ~ ~.1 i. n c~ r= : O l; cxd ~ : t? T~:~ t;~ ~ iF"~~~: ~ ~ t3Q. 00 _ _ _ ._. .. ~ ._ ~ _ ~..J~CiAL E'iE~CftI I''I`Tt~lLt _, u _ ~ _~ ., ._ _ -- L.~xt~ : kiln:»f~ : t`~~.~r: t inn z 1479 ATLA~ITZC BLVD.- ~,dd~e~~; SQ'?°.+ ,A'i`l,A3V4`~G Bl.~3C~,~ r~~'L.AH'~IG' fi~;t4CFi, FL012T.[~A :3~~?~ Idr~mk~i ~AI?t.5 FLI~OTIR~C ~'04`tf'AI~1Y I1Rtt". Ai:icix ~~~ : ~:'9 ~X.XT1i~t /I VE. 'NC'~I~?TH L.a ~t~~-ra~ a Fi"i't3tl+I;'f~,~t~ T~rP~ a i~ NOTES: I*£ktMZT ~2t]. t~ IaFATE'I~ TliFAC"7' aF~iE ~f1, Q4 sl~wlvr~ zttP~CT i~>i~>~ ~O, c~~ N~4'I'ER t9ETFR X0.00 ~~~'• ` X13 ( Ft,~~J?Pt [~~~ .~- ~~ ~~. C3 '~ ~/~"~ ?r t'f,A~TF}7 TAF CT. C3 ~- ~~= e~~'-~("~ a ~° ~~i'€3FdAt.ll.,,~G ~Hlh~~; ~~%. C)C7 (`~~`~ ,I f~tE ~ I?st PI`:E"T FE:1E °;~t.-, Liar ivNG ~ )P~i E f:l~ Ir PdG ~ C1. 4C3 t~Tf1•ER ~©. Ctn NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED$EFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE; ANp MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE. PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND. SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEf`'AR~TMENT ~ ~ , By, f r , : ,~ is .t° / -:'?'~ ~' -. r ~.~, '' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Aop'~ by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:_ ~ ' ~ g lq IMPORTANT NOTICE: G~C~~ IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE,FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH-THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. .~ ~ d G ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTER El RICIAN S1 A NAME,~~6~ ,~ S~it°i ADDRE _ ; ~D ~..~ ~ ~ ///~ RFD gpX BLD~i. SIZE BETWEEN: RES.1 1 APT. ( - COMM. (~ PUBLIC ( ) INDUS. ( ) NEW ( ! OLD ( 1 REW. ( ) ADDITION ( 1 TRAILER ( ) .TEMP. 't - SIGNS l J SO. FT. SERVICE:. NEW ( 1 .INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( - FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ( ALUM. TCH OR_BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY HXIST. SERV. SIZE AMPS PH W OLT RACEWAY FEEDERS ' NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN. TOTAL .RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.90 AMPS. 81.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. -FIXED o•too LAMP S. oven APpLtANCES BELL TRANS F. AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CELL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS H Ql .P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. OVER. 1 H.P, VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 1 O ~ Z CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHrFLORIDA PERMIT, NO. PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date September 26,19 88 Valuation $ 205, 000.00 ~ $ 551.62 This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that has permission to build addition to mini storage facility. Exce tion ranted b Cit Commission 6 13 88 Classification Commercial Zone Owned by Rahmat Ashurian Lot Block S/D .House No. 1073 Atlantic Boulevard According to approved plans which are f this .permit NOTICE LL O RETE FORMS O I GS MUST BE IN- CTED BE POURING. P IT SIX MONTHS A TER DATE OF ISSUE ~----- ~ Build aterial, rubbish and debris from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hauled away by either con- or owner.. I u" ding Official. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER ATE CONTRALTO PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER N =~ q ~ ~ ~ sw -< ~ r .a -n _ ~ ~ ~~.~ ~, ~ 4 ~ , '~ ~y ~ N N ~ ~ d .t o ~ ' ~ y s,j. ~v rr ~ ~ " ) ~ -~ +~-' n ~ ~ O `~ rte' ~ ~, _ ~ ~•~ ~ ~ ~ t cn ~` ~ +°~ '"~- ro ~ N ry +~ a Q ~ ~' N .. .~ d-r n- P~ ~ p O N cW W ~ ~ ~ ~ d Z .P ~ ~ O ' ~ O ~ ~ io a. +-' -i s, R n o m ~ m (p N ~ O il.~~ {p ~ ~ n. ~. = C'f t ID ~ 1 ~J~ ~ dr' ~ ~ F-` tCJ ~ cp ~ Go ~ ~ ~ a~ _ ~ ya, ~ ~ G 90 m 0 v x h N O m ~ ~ ~.~t } • Q01100 _ ..Y''' -- DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING e CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _....._ ._ _ I~E~iiRIT INF'CIRMATICIkd ..._ . , _ . _. ,. __ _ . - L,t?t".A'1'IClkl ItrFf.~RMATI'Oti' -'° -• ....::.. _ _ P'~rxe~k.t 1F~lili~37~a': 1~.QQ Adctx't_~~s: ><C3~G ATLANTIC BL,.dIT.). B~rr~~t 'I`'yga: B+UILhINO ATLARTIG BEa'iCli, FLLIE?IFiA. B~'~:.~~ C,l~t~s~ cif Wark : ACsOI'1'I(]!A _ _... _. ._ ...._ _ _ ... LEGAL GESCRI.PTItJt! _ ._ _ ._ ~ _ ._....._ . C'~~r:~st.~ . Types C€:1Nti.`~dETE Lit a L31r~c#t : a~*c:t iat~ 17t•e~pom~d Uec~ s WAREHCJLISF P:l apt, 13cr~sk y P~~~ L?w~1.~i~ti~~es Q Ccrd~: Q :~'~t-eji~sl~~,+_ir+; I~+..icnat~d 5~~1u~ : ill. ~1f_3 ._ ._ _ .... _ _... ~fl6VtdE'Ft INF°flF~~tATTCEN -- _- - -.._. __ M _ .~ ... i:»pr ~av. Cast : X33'3-`~`~Ei~t3. I;1C) lic~sa~ 1 A ~H PR~L31~'Ei~TIF~ 'I"r~ta.l IF'~r~~t ~'~~X',C 917.2 14ridx~~t~~: 1C~7G ATL.AiWTIC BL.~D. Aotiou~t [~a,~rl i, ,- ~Q. #'?O ATLANTIC BEACH, FLt]RIDA ~2.`'..'~3 ~ ~ ~ ,... ¢ ~~ N '~' N -- W `` E ~ -. ~ r - `,~ ~~! a _. 6~,. I d ! /~ I i v , _.. .. _..-- ~ c_".t]}~Tf,A{;TCIR(3'l~ _..._..__._~ _.. _. Af'`PL.•ICATIt3N F'~GEa~' --~._._... ~~!7~~ ~. ANN ftt3P£I~tTZE:fa f'EE1'9iTT $`3~.? ": I n ,~.~~ -,,- W~hTlwft .I MP'~tC'T F'EE 6~0. ~Q I ~`-; ~I E+EWI:.P I tipA>T T FEE ~Q. QD i~,M,T`E~t ~tETEi~ ~4. E}Q RAUQN GA~r~ l~. R.^~. ~?~X~~ RRUUN GA:~ - ~~ WATER TAY ~(?. QC) 51v4dER TAP #C). QQ li`~i~I~AUI...CG fllHARE ~O.Ot? RE_ INGF'ECT F'EE ~O. UCi >wNi^a:ILHEEI~'IC4~G ~C)~ f~~l - t~'3'.H E R ~~i, NOTES: %" ;~ ~~ ` NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORM$ AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING 1 PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND .DEBRIS FROM THfS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. 4G~AILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED .PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC$CWBUILDING DEPARTMENT '.. ~ • ~ ~ . Address /(/QN 1[eated Square rootage .....~.~ Garage/Shed Carport/Porch Deck Patio l J / D~ l `T.~. _~f ~5 ~--- t° ~? //Ur Per sq =c - ~~ ~ C~`~~. @$ ~ persgft=$ @ $ per sq ft = $ ' @$ persgft-$ @$ persgft=$ ' TOTAL VALUATION : $ ~~ ~ ~/(~, r- ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ lotT a~uat~- 1st $ ~ Ranainder Valuation , ' ~''.~per ousan or , ., portion thereof ~ ----------------------~----~--- -----------I Total Building Fee $ ' -' ' ADDITIONAL, PERMLTS and or FIBS REQUIRED ~ ~ 7~- ~ + ~ Filing Fee $ `%~(~~, -~-' i , Mechanical. ; '.Fireplaces @ 15.00 $ °~ Plumbing ~ ; BUILDING i'PERMLT ~ ~ $ ~/ 702 S (Electric/Ne:a ~ i ' t- ~------------------r---------------------- ----- Electric/Temp ' Se tic Tank ~ BUILDING PERMIT $ r We11 WATER METER CHARGE $ -^ . StaLimt.rig fool ~ SEWER Il~IPACT FTE $ --' ' Sign WATER IMPACT FEE $ -- Water Connectian~ MISCELLANEOUS $ -- Sewer Connection ~ ~j~~-~' ~~s $ ~~~ 8~-- Water Meter ~~ $ ~r P:1ev~llion CcrtiLicnl:c GRAND TOTAL DUE $~~~~~^ i C1ILCUL.Ai'IONS attd/or NU'1'ES , . ~ ' J s PLANS REVIEW CHECK LIST Addrees~Q~_,.,~ --- --1~~s~l~s==----Owner-,G~~- - ---------------- / Legal Description---------------------Contractor~~~~ . Sr~~O_~ ~~1.~ ---------------License Numbe~~~=.~,~~~~~1~_ ,Q(~~ ot13~8~' - /9~7- F/~ License on File YES NO . - -/990 - Section 24_101 * Zoning Regulations ~" ~~ Zoning District__~~ ____-- Proposed Use~~/~,Li~c _~i~` Required Lot Size____________ Actual Lot Size Setbacks Required Provid d~ /U0~- ~~ S+Ection _4_17 front _~____ __ _~ _~ CORNER LOT INTERIOR LOT ~ ~~ i rear --fir`=--- -~ ~-- ~ i ~, Flood Zone____ ----------- ~. side-1 __ ~___ ° -----~ -- b~ Required Elevation - ------ side-2 / f~ --l ----- -~F~=---- ,i, ~~ Max. Height Allowed___~ ____ Proposed Height___________ Section 24_82 * Minimum Lot Co erage Required Heated Area __ _ Section 24_161 * Offstreet Par ng Humber Spaces Required__ ____ Section 24=82 * Duplicate Buildings / ~ ~ Y Proposed Area ! ~f ~ ___ Spaces Provided Is there a similar building within 500' of proposed building?YES HO Utilities Water and sewer service is to be provided byz ____ uccaneer Utilities _____ City of Atlantic Beach Utilities Private Source SEPTIC TANK WELL Plans Reviewed by:______________________________Date----------____-- Building Permit #__________ ISSUED DENIED PAGE EIGHT Y V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 13, 1988 COMM~~ M S Y N 9. Action on Ordinances - No. 90-88-130 continued Board had voted four to two vote for denial. Mr.Stephen Mabry and City Councilman Joe Ganson offered a video tape recording of their pro- posed project. They proposed to construct four commercial buildings, one single building on each of the boundaries, and two in the middle, all sharing a common parking area. Outside storage would also be provided. They hoped to interest someone in providing a small con- venience type food store/laundromat combination to serve just the neighborhood in that area. Mr. Mark Kredell, 1851 Beach Avenue, owner of property across the street from the proposed project, opposed to the rezoning. He recently purchased the property for residential and planned to build there. He also spoke for one of his neighbors not present that has over a $250,0 0 investment approximately 500' away from the proposed project who objec ed. Mr. Kredell felt the Commission would be spot zoning if the Ordinance was passed. As no one else spoke for or against the Ordinance, the May r declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Passage of Ordinance 90-88-130 on second and final Cook x reading. Gulliford JFollowing discussion before the vote, the question was called and Cook the motion failed with a vote of four to one. Commissioner Cook Edwards voted the only aye. Commissioners Edwards, Gulliford, Jensen, and Gulliford Mayor Howell voted no. Jensen ~ * ~ * * * * * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * * * * * * * ~ * ~ * * * * * ~ ~ * Howell 10. Action on Exceptions A. Public Hearing on an application for exception from Atlantic Beach Mini-storage at 1073 Atlantic Boulevard for the use of property for additional mini-storage warehouse facilities Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comment from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the Ordinance. the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Grant the exception to Atlantic Beach Mini-storage, Inc. Cook at 1073 Atlantic Blvd.for the use of property for addition- Edwards al mini-storage warehouse facilities. Gulliford x Jensen No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell B. Public Hearing on an application for exception from Fred Lewis to allow auto service repairs on property on Mayport Road adiacent to Donner Road. x x x x x x x x x x x x Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited conunent~ from the audience. No one spoke for or against the exception. The Mayo announced the Public Hearing would be carried over until the next meeting. Date ....................................1>i .._.. ~ , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERM~* Permit #...----•---------------Fes =..._._..........._.. valuation =..---- House # Application 3s hereby made !or the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City o! Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances o! the City of AtLntic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sab- contractora engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, F1orlda. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it L suggested that a 1Lt of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licemss can be verified. Dste_.---------Jul y._. ~ ~.s.:._l 9 8 9 .................... 18..........-- Ash Properties, Inc. Address--..-2.292-8---Mayport••-RdTelephone No241-5A.0.0.... Owner .......... ..........•-••---•---•-• •---•-•---.....-----• •--------- Architect......Robert---Conner•-•------------• ................................Address.----.~.4.~,9...Bi.11~----Rd---......---,Telephone No...3.~.8•~~b-6.4 Contractor Builder..Ash..-Pr.C~.perties------------•------------------Address.....~.~}a--.$--•-~aypp~:~---R.E}Telephoae No.---2-4.1...,~fl.o-Q See Attached L --------------•---.._..Zone.......-•-------- Lot No.---•----• .......................................~~>~ No..-•-----......-_.--.......--•--Sub Division--------...----•-•-••--•--•--......-•---•---•-•---•--•-•- 10 7 3-.. Atl antic... B lvd-.Street.---•--------------------side Between........-.--•-.-.-..... ..........-•----••-----...---.and ......................•--.........._....--•--•----....~• valuation =..42.,.-5D~-~-~r1~2-© at 1 ~~~~ions of Lot~.3~..~xlOQl._'-storac~~i e ~ctYicn~r~J.Xl~loc~C Dimensions of Bnildi ~ - (}). - -- . ~ ,-~3 ting~s b.7.. as per pin Size of Piers--~1A..---..•--.•---•----.-..-.:Size of Si11~-+~~P~-lr~^.P~s~.test Sill Span in ft ...........................'Ty~pe~ool---..metal................. How will Building be ea -NA ------------ ----------•.--.....--------..-..-------Will Buil ' be on Solid or Filled Groundl----sold...~.........._... a~ ~~' Tans -"- as per~lans as per plans P Size of Ceiling Joists.---- -------•-------•----•-----------•-•-, Distance on Centers ... ......... ......................•-•-••, Greatest Span.------.......-•---.....---•--------•-----•- w size of Floor Joisk~as Per....plans ._ -., Distance on Cesater~.s. ,per,-,p~ans._....., Greatest 8paa.3.s.-.pe~....p~:~~s... " Size of Rafters?-5...-ger..--R11Il.S------------------- Distance on Centen.a.s..pex.---p~.a-n~---., Greatest Span--~-S----pew---•p~-ai`is•--• » This rectaa le is to represent the lot. Locate the bu~dinR or buildings in the rI ht pwition. Give distance is feet from all lot•lines sad ezistinn buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies'oi plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is is place and ready to pour footing. 2. When steel is is place sad ready to pour columns and/or lintel. 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing b completed. 5. When rough plumbing le completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is Lid but before it is covered. 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final inspection. Note: In cane of any rejection, rs-inspection ldtJ8T be tailed for after corrections are made. In consideration of permit work in accordance with th regulations of the City of A~ 5ignatnre o! Signature of Owner.-... a W r7 as FRONT OF LOT doing the in the above statement, ws hereby a,rres to perform add pLns ~aa~~ sCiti o ~*hich are a part hereof, and in accordance, with the bnildiay Address ...........................................•----................................... ............ Address .................................................................................................... -.. .~ ~ ~~ W ~g W Ys ~ ' ~ ~ ~ Q ~ \- Z, a (' ~ ~ ^ O a W ~ -n C~ ~~ ~ .~ ~ ~ $ n ~ ~ ~ ~,m m m g, apo ~.~ - ~1 NI o $ p m$r ~ ~ ~ c 3mm p a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z a n ~ "d O N y Q ~ .. d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q l i 'O o o Z -~ •o?> °o ~ C T ~~ ~~~ 3 ~, Z K m ~ A ~ p0 -~ ~ ~ m mm _ryb~, T ~ a P 9 6 ~° '~D7- 0 ^ r ~~ i i ~I i i 0 c ... v y N o. c y a ,a ~ d • y N X ... C O N ~ ~ L ~ N O. C O. a+ a a u c v y d a L y A ~ ~ u O C ~ QS 7 O m d N Zd; ~ ~ '~ v `° "' ~` w > s. 1 a~ o O I 3 ~ Gc+ r+ E •.+ A CE .~ Y ~ ~ •.U.i cUp ~: .. +~ C! :+f U ~ ~ Gt7 i ~ L „V,~ of d c :~i .~ r, ~ ~' u ~ ,..~ :a,{ ~~d L d ~, t E N O y L d N ~- `~' .C q ~ N V y y L N C ~ • 0i O y E L y N d N ~ y 4 L O M = L A N C ~+ ~ A G d A K O E ~r O . N d c L + v a .+ .~ O. A CJ C ~O y u o. +- E O~ 4 O b v C ~ .r •~ x O ~. C y 7 O L O N C .r7 O. y d ~o d y y Ol A Q A 7 C 7 V W 01 ' ~ O O L V ~+ d O J 1~ q O. N '^ L d ~ ~ % ~ ~ a ~ W W ~ . N ~ W F- ! d C J ~ 7 2 .+ u O O O Z L Y.+ 0 a a~ .~ cn N ^7 O Z .o 0 ti F d . , .- 3 ~~ ~ ~ Y +e 0.t. @w M a ~., F` a' i~44~ ~ Sx i ~ d~ - ^ ' k r.", dtiY ~+n. ~~:t ~ f,~1!~: ~ H ~ _ ~, c Henry Dean, Executive Director ~ WAT E R ` ~/ Mildred G. Horton, Assistant Executive Director ' ~' ' ° ~' ` John R. Wehle Assistant Executive Director MANAGEMENT JANU; ~"' '" G~STA~CT POST OFFICE BOX 1429 ~ PALATKA, FLORIDA 32078-t429 904/328-8321 r~ I ~' ~ A J H ^ 2133 N. Wickham Rd. O 7775 Baymeadows Way ^ 818 E. South St. Melbourne, FL 32935-8109 Suite 201 Orlando, FL 32801 iLi.:~i=:-7 MAYF'1_IFT FI_IAD (407)264-1781 ',~ Jacksorrville,FL32258,;: !407)894-5423 J ACI':S-_-IVV I LLE , FL :,".`-.: ' -' ... l :; s r ~ h( }! 11, (goal 73o-az7o FE: F'errn i t # ~+~=-c_t:li-11~,~1i'~I Ertc I used i s y~rur- star-rnwater- Frerrn i t as autl-tar.i zed ~ try the staff of the St . Jr~hrts Fiver- Water Idarta~ernent D i str i Gt an, JANUARY. 2~7', Tit i s per-rn i t i s a l e3a l ~~~:~curnent arld srlc~u I d be weF~t w i tl-t your- cri:i~ter- i rn~.~c+r-tarlt ~~r_~curnertts. TI-le attached Carnp I et i art Repcrr-t shau I rJ tie f i I I ed i n arld returned tc+ the F'al atka aff i ce within thirty days after- ti~te wcrr-Fr i s carnFr I ate+~. ;-' L.y, sa dcr i rtg, you will ertatr l e us tc+ r>che~~u I e a F~r-c~rnpt insF~ect I curl af,~ tF~e per-rn i tted ' activity. Irl add i t i r,n to the c~:~rn~r I et i an re~rar-t, your ~~rerrni t aI sa cartta i r•ts cand i t i runs which reran i re sutrrn i tta I of add i t i r~na I i nfcrrrnat i c•rt. A 11__._ i_rt~Fcrr~rnat i_r~rt_5ut~ln i tted_as_cam~ I i ance ta_~er-rn i t_ cane i t i arls_musi:__tre_sutrm i tter~_tc+_ttle_F'a I ate: a_rrff i ce a~ir~r-ess. F'er-rn i t i ssua.nce does ncrt r-e I i eve yrru frarn the reSF+rrns i b i I i ty of abta i n i n;~ ~~er-rr1 i is f ram arty f edera I , stag, and/ar I aca agencies assert i n'a cr:rnr.ur-r-ent ,jur- i sd i ct i crn far- this warFc. In the event yr:ru seI I your- prcrFrer-ty, the'"~Frerrnltrwi I I. ~tre transferred t~~ tl~~te new ~:rwner-, i f we ar-e nat i f i ed '~y'°y~ru wi thl i n '' ninety days crf the sa I e . F' I ease assist us i n this rnatter- sa as to rna i nta i n a va I i d per-rn i t far- thte rtew ~rraper-ty ,.c,wner,.:, , .,;,. , .. ~,~, ~; ft a r•t E: y a u far- y cr u r . c c+ a p e r- a t i cr n a, rl d i f t. l-~ „i s~ u f f t ce.L c_ a rl. tr a cr f .; ,. ; any further assistance to yau, p I ease Ada nat has i tate~`ta carttact' Sincerely, . _ }~ ,Y ~~ ~ ~~ Dartrl i se 7. ktiernFr, D i r-ec tar- C.(7 Division r+f Fecar-ds ~t Enc I asur-es: F'er-rn i t with Cr:rrnp I et i r.+n Feprr-t cc: District F'er-rnit File F'AUL S . L I DE~i I Gfrl r:: C:CINSULT I IVG ENG I NEEF JOHN L. MINTON KELLY R. SMITH, JR. SAUNDRA H. GRAY '' RALPH E. SIMMONS Chairman -Vero Beach Vice Chairman -Palatka Secretary • DeBery ~~ Treasure -Fernandina Beach ~.,, ,, f JIM T. SWANN THOMAS L. DURRANCE JOE E. HILL SAM L. SWETT ~ AUCE J. WEINBERG Cocoa Folly Hill Leeabury Jadwarrvllle ' : , , ._. Lartpwood i. S ~~ .~ _ yy~ , ~~ ~ r . R ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT , Post Office Box 1429 ' Palatka, Florida 32078-1429 'I f. , ., PERMIT NO. '1 ` ~- ~ ~ ` 1 ~ I' 14':'I'd DATE ISSUED '~' r ~~ ~ A PERMIT AUTHORIZING: A r.1f::lfl t) l: f34 I-~ii1F~'Saf.~ F= A(i I._ I TY C:~:~Na I5T T ray ~~~r- E):~ f:l_TC;f~T z ~;.~N TF(ENC;H ArJD t'F:1?~1T~:~L1`ci F'~tUEhrI:=:NT T'I:~ Ei'i~fyVF. ADIaIT:[pN T~~~ ATL_ANTTC~ I~k.AC:I-i i~ll';1r ;T'(:+L'<r'~iiC=:, A ~~..`::f.t~ ,~;f;F: F~`r'titi~~..1~C:3" T~~ T:~>~ 'C:~~+hd~+Tr~UC:~-E'Ii A5 F.t-I_; r''L.f,~ 1'~i f:.l_i_l~`.T.'JE:D L-;'~' '1 HE; UTS'CF~IC:"f' Clhl JANUAFtY 4, 1':~~_`~. LOCATION: , , _ ~ ;a ~irc t i ~~rr :3~3~ 7~-W111nh i p ,~'~Z;~~Qt4,'<;M ~. ~~,h~11i ~~;~.E,~><~ ~ ~. . ISSUED TO: (owner) J A~ r::f3~;ih:!''J :f L.l..l=' r F L_ _ ~.... _ ~. Permittee agrees to hold and save the St. Johns River Water Management District and its successors harmless from any and all damages, claims, of liabilities which may arise from permit issuance. Said application, including all plans and specifications attached thereto, is by reference made a part hereof. This permit does not convey to permittee any property rights nor any rights or privileges other than those specified herein, nor relieve the permittee from complying with any law, regulation or requirement affecting the rights of other bodies or agencies. All structures and works installed by permittee hereunder,shall remain the property of the permittee= This Permit may be revoked, modified or transferred at any time pursuant to the appropriate provisions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes: PERMIT IS CONDITIONED UPON: ~„ , *~ 1 ,~~ See C::,.,i~~~j i t i ,_,n~, tin f1 t.i:ac hed "~ h i t, i t: A" ,, dated, ,.JANUA~;Y ~7, 1 :-'~_'? ~~ € r. ixi.. I _ ~, z y~ p'a a f ;~ AUTHORIZED i3Y: St. Johns River Water Management District ~ , ;' ~: ` . _ 1:;~ ;>i. _. Department of Resource Management Governing Board ~~, ~ r f, ,R I~ ~`•,~,~ ~~ ~~ ~~ES:I'TIDIT A•• C:+:~Nt:)ITI+~+rd FC+F: I9SIJANC:I= CaF= PERMI7 MIKE A5H DATED JANUARY ~7f 1.. AI._L. ~;1 I7I= 5Lt'+F'E5 ANn D I5"rURL-tED AF~EAS M{1L.C:HFr) +°jf"; 5+::!I)i.)F~:T) WITHIN ::~U DAYS OF _ .~~, NUMDER ~4~ -n:3 f -11 ESN ,. ,, . ~, »~ ~~ .! •. ~ _ 1959 ; • ~ ; i MU5T C~E SEEDED AND C:CtNSTRUC7I ON . ~:. 'T'~FT+?SE~ C:+_+tJI? I T' .T, t,iNS A5 AC;f;EEI) UPON I N SECT I CtN I I 0~' THE A~'PL I C:AT I ON . :3. T{TT.~ 1"'[:F+M t T' F=+~+f~~ (:'a:1fJ a'TF:UC:'~i'ION WILL.. E::PIRI~ F'IVr YEAF~tS FROM THE DATE f.'+F~ 15r11l1rJC:F.'.:. /4 . F'f::Ftrl [ T TE:r= hi1J~3 T +:~+Ti T' A I N A CiE,NERAL CIR ~ I ND I V I DUAL F'EF;h1 I'T FRC+M TI iE r1 I S'T R I C:T' F''R I (:+F'~ T+w+ 1=~EC; I NN I NG Gt~+NSTRUC'T I ON OF SUC<5E+~,+UFNT F'HASFS C+R AhtY +::i THFF~ I~Ti ~r~;k; ASS+~+C: I ATED WITH T'H I S FROJ ECT NOT SFsEC:I F i GALL_Y ACfTNi_+f:I~EU I=,Y T>^TIS F'E:F(MIT. r~. F'E~:Ftr~I!~t:if=tJ'T VI::.CF;TAT'IVE. COVER MU5T DE: ESTABLI5HED Ota ALL E;.F'-:JSED ~nNF~ f',F1F'tFAC:ES F~II'TI--IIN t_iNE YEAF~ F`Rt=iM TF-IE DATE t:tF THE CON~aTRUC:TII:tN I5 F~.. f tit.. F". "r f:; T +:.+ r-:,;f" 11. T F? h T I+~~N SYSTEt+ia MUST CAE -~I NSPEC:T'ED AND C.:LF_ANE_D r F t)t=i:'f~T:~:"i /~l',if)"iF::)7It*1r_'r~TT f~+(~1 A f.~UAI";`fE'i,LY I~ASI,~3 IN F=EI:~ftUARY, MAY, AUGUST, . ttrdC) r~T+:!V'F:.1+iC:.t~l=~ i~+F= r"~AC~FT YEAR. IF~ THE SYSTEM L-+EGC+h1ES C:Li::iC;GED, hl!! I t~! TFt~AI'JC;F~ 1+IIA~~l1f tF::ci h1Uc T I:~I TAI'.E.tJ TO F'NSURE TFIE SYSTEM ICI I t_L f"-.1rJ(~:~TT+::+Pl Ri~; L)E:I("itJF;D. IF= I+fAIN'tEhJANC.:E MEASURES F'Ri~+VE INaUFFICIENT, TF-IE: f"'F::F"~h1I1'T"F._h."_ h1l.ICIT AF:'F'LY FCtR Ar~ID [7L~TAIN DISTRICT AF~'F'RC+VAL C+F AtJ nl._.'T r:.f-;r~ln'T F• DES I C~rJ 7F-IAT WILL PE RFr'+RM THE aAME ~'UNCT I GN . 7. TtIC- F`f-::f'~h1IT1°E~t" MI..IS'(' SUIw+t4IT AtJ AF'F''LICATIGN FOR F='E(~MIT MC+DIF=IC:ATIr,N F"'C+f~ ArJY t~'F::;F:VJ+:~±UC~ F''Aj1FMENT' F<El`;L.IRFAC:ED Wt7H AN IMF~'EF';MFAI;~L.E C:+~tATING. r't='r;t~i1"TTf=E° t1t.1~iT CiE_t+I+W+tdS"f'ftATE THAT THE MODIFIED 5YS'Tk:.M MEETS T1-IF ftf°f;+1..1(FiE:I''IEt'•1T'S ~+F •1c,1C°•~'t"".. F.A.C. S , T t iE= 14:3:311f~N1_ I.. +.~+F~ .~ H I a PERM T'T I~C.iES, NO'T', FiEL I EVE THE AF'F'LI CArJT t+r TFiE r~F_SF't:)I'di I I' I I_ I TY T+~ OI T A I N ANY AND ALL t~THER ~ REr,IU I RED LOCAL , STATE AfJD FF DF:RAL FE:RM I TS . ' ~. 1tIE' F'E:r;h1I11`E~F~ r+ItJF:~"f FtE:C,+UIFi'E TFIE C:r:+NTRACTUR TC+ FtEVaEW AND T[:+ MA I t 1T'A I rJ I t~J C,C'+C+L) C:GND I T I C+N AT THE CONSTRUCT I C:trJ 5I TE A COfiY CtF TH 1 S F'FF;MI T c~:riMr''L,F'TE WITH ALL. C:ONDITIC.tNS, ATTACHMENTS, E;~HIBITS, AND F'EF:hi I'T M+~11) I F I C:AT I GNS I SSUE:D FOR TH I5 PERMIT . THE COMPLETE BERM I T C:C+F'Y MtJ T I'?C~ AV A I LAC'LE FC+F't REVIEW UPON REr,JUEST LAY D 15TR I CT F'tEF'FtESEN'TAT I VE5 , 1 Ct . Tt.iF<[_.I IJ I TY 1~ARF~ I E:F;1:; MUST IsE INSTALLED AT ALL LOGAT I ON5 WHERE TFJC 1='Ct`7S I t'a I L. I T'Y t~+F' TRANSFERF`t I NG SUSPENDED St~tL.I D5 INTO THE, ' F"tFC.EIVINt; WAIF=F"tL,riDY E);ISTS DUE TO THE PROPCISED WORK. TUF"(I' I ll I 'f Y I'~AR.F: I E:Rf~ MUST • REMA I N I N PLACE AT ALL LGGAT 1 GNS 1_IiJ~T' I~. Cry+t~{C3"TF'tUC:'t i r+N I5 C:Ot4fiLETED AND Sri ILS AF;E STAN I L I ZED . AhJD Vf~C~C::T'ATIf..:tN HA5 r+EEN ESTABLI5FIED. T'HEREAFT'ER .TF.IE F•:'Frh1T T'rF~~: WII._I... I.E RESF='r ~NSIDLE Ft:rF`~ .THE .REMOVAL. OF THE Li. ~TF~IE r_tF~i"f;A'TI4:tN F"')~IASE' C+~' THE PERMIT SWALL NOT I3ECCtME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FI_i iF; I I:)A F:CC; I :iT EF`tED F~'ROFEaS I rJNAL ENGINEER C:Ei-tT I F I ED3 THAT ALL F~'AC:I L I T I ES HAVE DEEN CGN5TRUCTED I N ACC:CtFtDANCE tai t T{ I ~Tt 1C I){"~ T C,t~l AF~'F'RC)VED : i3Y ~'TME, D I STR I>~;T . ~ ~ 4J2 THI N ~~ ~.•I}AV.C...~,..., :.. ,. .;,, .,-. . f;f 1 r" ft (_ t ~hif''l...F. T 1 +.~+hl ut= C:t.:iNSTRUC:T I C+N +~+F THE SURF"ACE t~IATEf7 MANAt;Eh1E:.tJT' SYS'TE'M, TFdE F'ERMITTEE SHALL.'~aUtiMIT THFw • ~I'T'C1Shl THTfti''r' t',.i>> ~T)A`l~i AF'T~Ef; aAI.~~C)f~t`C-:~NVEYANC:E: r'-f` TtiE ' F'E~t'tt'1LT'~fE=t) (,l)T"c F`"AC:E~ WA'fEF't h'IANAGEMEtJT SYSTEM GR 7HE LAND ijC~d l~1TiiC'Vi 'TtiF !-iY"'i"TE~t+I I ~ Lr`~GATED, TF•iE IJWNER IN WHUSE NAME I~HE F'E:CtM1 "I' C'.1/1f.+ (7f;AT~TT'ET:.1 4iC-IALL NC+'T'IFY THE DISTFtIGT GF a!_1C:H C:F-{ANGE OF C"rh.iPiF~ F~~C i :C f'` . T T='A`a'"~F~~ ER i.,-C~' THIS f'EF2M I T SHALL L•~E I N AC:GGRDANC:E WT"ft1 "T!-~I1 T~~;-~i~lIfJ.t:-C-~Ic~ -~-F= C:}-IAf'T'FT~ :~T3, F'LCiRIDA STATUTtJES, AND GFi/~F'T'f=C"~~i 11!~-('~.-•1, ~Ir:-C:--•1-<:-, AhdD ~taC-•~1, ~'LGRIDA ADMINISTF2ATIVE C'r:'!llE:. AI_..L. 'T F ftt~l^ Ahi't7 Cr'rND I T I GhdS GF' TH 1 S F'E:RM 17 SHALL L-~E I3 I NI) I hTCi UF'C~hT 'T l•i~ T fi1~,N`•=i~EI;CF . CITY OF fQ~~s~iC Qecus~t - ~! Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date,r_s~~~ Permit No. /6 C/ f/ Time A.M. Received P.M. ,,, r ~ Qlstrlct No. G _ gob Address ~ Locality Owner's Name Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Afr. Cond. 8 ^ Re Roofing ^ S ^ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating ~,~~- tB)/~ ^ Flre Place ^ ,~! ( Pre Fab C"/ ® READY FOR INSPECTION ~ c /y o ~"'"~ Tu Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. A. M. Inspection Made - P.M. Inapector Flnallnapeclfon ^ Certificate of Oxupancy Date &.., DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC $1~,g~}.{ _~ ~ F ERl~f I T i NFC~Rl4A'T I ON -- ~=r~1t Zsurn~et: 17474 ~' -- --~-_-.- L~?GATTON IN~`QRMA°I+ION -- P~rrn~t TyP~:~iON A dre~~: 1.07.3 A~'LANTT~' _~_W_-_ i ass ~f Work ; I~Ei~I P.TLP,Pt'I'IC BEAD' BC~~.tI,EVARB ~~n~t~ . T --_-.__-.w H~ P`LORIDA 37.233 r~-~'~~~~d ~~~o ~- LEaArr DESCRIP`~iJN _. ~t a^l~ E~f~l]fn~s~ L~ ~er~~.~an: ~Lat~ubd,Q _-~~-_`___ ~Ta1u~: ,~.Ofl E~I~~ivisaor,: n~: Tr~..:'3Y ~''~@~ ArrtihttTkt I"~i ~ . +15 ~ 04 D~a~te F'~fct: ~.~.~'231~ ~QR'~0 ~'~~ }~~~e, ~+11'.J~.u7` SIGN ?<`Q1~,;, ATLAIY~'IC SELF SZ'C4R AGE st~~: A~r~A~~k~ 8~3~I i~~~#~~ STORAC#E ~T w - APPLIC"APTOId F'k:ES - ~~k ; ''~~''~ '~~`:I~AIX~'I~ BC>FILEVARD EI?A~?"~"~ __._._-___W ~ AT)~;l~t+i'1'~~_ BEACii, ~'~~1RIDA 32233; 4.~. DC ~~.°: r:e: t~~~~~~w~>~~:. ~'ONTnJ~ IP+T~~R.Ivip4'TI~'~r~t .~ ~+~~ : K~~~'O ~~°~~ I CIS ~ AN~i SIG _ ._ ~ _. '~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~3AR~E~3 AV~~iLl.~ , H~~LLY HI'I.L, ~''L~JRTL'A 32I~.7 L x ~ C1 t~.4? Q ~ =i ~, E~~p ~ ~~~ , ~` / NOTES: _ NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED Ck~ARED' UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE ciFA1~~ ~ CoM, r.~ W~ THE MECHANICS' LI ~ s''~--~ O ~R~.P "YI EN; LAW CAN RESULT IN «~.> ~ ~ FaR BUILDING IMPR+~,~VEMEIIITS." .~~.~; . RICH ARE pARf pF Tf~{!5 PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR ~` ` ~ TO R~R~., P .LAW. ~`~ t~CKS ~~ p ~;AiN 6~18Ag1f9"~d ~~ ~~~~ ., 4, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME : ice- /^2 Gc~ -~. ~ .v ~- iOc~.~, ~ .~-g _- - ADDRESS: .'C 39 ~ic,p,,s~ ~L p PHONE: /"~GV-c("LG• 3'2~/ TYPE OF SIGN : ~L~ ~O~ SIZE : 7f~Or/r,L Gc.~ ;~ Z a ~,~ PROPOSED LOCATION: /O 7~3 /,fT ~~~~C ,~~ l~~y;c ~(t ~~ WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? tild -- ~~?~.S',3 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR : ~ ~ f ,~ ~ ~l~' Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b), Code of Ordinances , ty of A'tl/an ' c ach . (~ APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ~l~G <~ ~~ ~~ ~c~ OWNER SIGNATUR Date: /d ~ a~-~-/~ ~~ ~~, ~~R ~~~~~, , ~```~G~ CitY of ~~ v ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ` at~atii'tC BG'c'~Cfi ~~~,v ~ ," w ~ J~~ ~uiiding and Zoning ~~_ ~„ : ~~~-. „r-~ ~ _ . 3 ._ _ ... .--r ~_...~ - .~,;~,, - ,~ , ~ . .. .war!". '+(^". ... . + .' .....+~ ~. - A~Y ~~ .. ... ~ . _~C~ l ~~ ~ r..~o~~~R'~ -_5-~~-~~~A ,.. ~ . .. ~ a O, i r q ~ ~,PL ~ ~ . j i ~S~~aL~ z2r~ _ -, ('r G ~ . ~ V 4x/ ~t r~~~ ~` ~ ~ ~ ~S l .. ~tt~~z~ ty ~ ~ ~~, , ~~~ ~ "r[ :~ ... ~ _ . ' .. . ,~. - tT Ql . t, j ~ ,, ~ ~ Nix ~ i ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ y-T ~ 1[ ,...:~ M~ ' t ~; '.a` - , ~ti y .~ a . ~~aa t .. .. ~ ~ i : ,,: ~~~ a ,. . . ... .~ ..,~ ~ , t s~^ i _ ~ ~s~;p ~r'rc • :' ~ ~r ~. ~' t - y.. . ~...~ -- ... ..: .. + .. _.. ~ ~ - ~~ } .r- ? . _ ~ ~, ~' _ 1 S To f~Y '~ t '.330,0 z9~' F~7 ae, ~,~ Z~.~~ ~ Zy.~ Zy,4~ }gip.: ~ 2~ ~:$ 28. S"8 .E-~--- Z 8, 7 / 2 e, a5 -~--~----~ 29. ° 29 j 'r,, `~~. Q~ ` ~ Y ~ 2~3Z 2 f, ~~ 2~• ~ 2f S2 2? 54~ , cot..l c. ~~K r - ~ .. jai -t. ~XI~T, fi~~D~, ~ f~~ ~~~- ,:~., - r I ti~ _*e: :. . ! ~SToR`Y GaW~, Bt~K . Exrs~: gLl?c. . ~> _ .. ..+j ~ ,~_w~ 1.. ~_ ~ l ~~ ~ _ ~ ~• . MVP ~V`~y.~~ ~ ~ ~ M- I ~T~~~~~~~ t.~_t h e ~ ,. A.'„ a rte.,? . Y ~ ~,I~,e: :h . i ~ ~ -' l .. ~ .yu~rj~ I ~ ' ^l`/ 4 ice/ ~ , +'~'~_ r . ^: - . ~ ~. i ~ ' :yr .~G -. ~- n . ~ ~.~ ~. . {. , . ~ z a :. ..~ A i ~, _ ~~ .Cd A.l~ . $ L.~ . X ~~T ~ ~ S L- P~ .. .. ;_ WF^` 3 5 c, ° ~ ~ y ,, y' . V ~' 1 , ~.. PLANS REVIEW CHECK LIST Address__„~ _Q _ _ __ _ t/~_____Owner _____ ~~/ _ __ - - - ---- -- --- -------~'L-' Legal Description_____________________Contractor___~!~_'_''!' L.------ -- ------- ______________________License Number____________------______ ________________ License on File YES NO Sgctign 24^101 « Zoning Regulations _ ~ ~~ Zoning District ~ _________ Proposed Use__~1Y~.~ . Required Lot Size____________ Actual Lot Size__~~f__j 7/ ~ Setbacks Required Provided front _~C,~ _- ~ ~ -_- rear ~~ ____ __ _ ~~__ side-1 ____/C~ _ __~~ __ side-2 ___ ~~___ __ ~~ __ Max. Height Allowed_ r` __~~____ Section 24-17 _. CORNER LOS' INTERIOR. LOT -'' Flood Zone Required Elevation.. ~_?Sly Proposed Height___________ Section 24_82 * Minimum Lot Coverage Required Heated Area _y, :%~;~_ ~' ~~ ~ Proposed Area___ ~ ~ ~~ ~____ Section 24,161 +- Oifstreet Parking Number Spaces Required_______ Spaces Provided___________ Section 24_82 * Duplicate Buildings Is there a similar building within 500' of proposed building?YES NO UtilitieB Water and sewer service is to be provided by: _____ Buccaneer Utilities _____ City of Atlantic Beach Utilities Private Source SEPTIC TANK WELL ----- c. _ Plans Reviewed b ~ '~- Date ~ 3 Building Permit #_ L~~.~~___ ISSUED DENIED -. _~ -~ , , .~ ,. December 5, 1978 'x City Hall of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Gentlemen: 3026 3rd Street South - Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Your permission is solicited for the construction of a 7-unit office building, with mini-warehouses in back and the manager's residence on site. According to the attached site plan, there will be 100' on Atlantic Boulevard, with a depth of 350' which is commercial. Sincerely, ~~ ,~ Mike Ash cdr P. S. See attached plot plan for location of proposed construction. T~- ~ tv T ~ c. ~ ~. c f S ro ~~ ~ F,~ ~ D ~ 3 ~' T z o4 ~ T ~ ~ ~ G U p, ~3 t1Q3~. ~ i R6~.at' ~~y J .~ r ,~~ n A y P~ ~T 1~A7No~ ~ ~ ~ 7~ ~. aZ~q.p ~~~~~ o e. E ~ -~ _.. a h~iiTt1'iit ~iiRliils3?' Permit `I~ype: f`iKSS ^~ ~^rn: Proposed Use: Square feat: Est. Value: iiF1hipi7i~: isiag~&~ Date ISSUed: s ~isl! t^er'S: Amount Paid: Date Paid: -~a~v~.s~ ~T~:i i~av ~~~C ~EPART~I~~#~" f~F ~I~IL~[~(~ 80Q SEMINi1LE RQAd - ATLANTlG BcAGH, FL 32233 -TEL: 247-5828 -FAX: 2A7-5877 tAi~' IdV~O1711l~-1`Ifi1N _.___. ___ ~®CATION_INEORMATIC}N ~i`i~ii~ 1 ~ A.i.3~....... 3Ii'%'4 A'gi h AiTifi Fit'tii ii >=i In nr~ RViii iG3S. lilt v7 !°i i i..T9iti i iii ®i,J~i®,im, y/"iE'~i,j UTILITIES ! ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 iii iYii.9iii~,i, ~ l~~El~i~c ~i ~~'EJ ids j Lot{s): Block: Section:0 ~ul~di~ision: ~ Parcel Number: _ _ _ ___ _ ... t'tiAliiC~-lIRE~!'`~i~-E.4$:i`~S°S~-i _ 9/11/2fJ00 I Name: ATLANTiCB EA CH MiN1 BTt~ R ACE :,vivv.~iV ~~ rr ~~ ~ y p~i As~~iress: ~~~~ A~LAd~I~P~1 Bz3+~LI:VARD 1,055.00 ~ ATLANTIC BEACH, FL4~RIDA 32233 ~/11/2sG0 ~ ~~crne: ~4}350-;~5fi1 A~i~ ~/~` -1'~ATER ~ERVEC~/ALRI~DY Ott SI=WEIR l-____-__ __ ~R T 11411=NT ~ iitl'ATcEc t~lE T ERTTAP 525.00 `1:~ATER IMPACT FEE . T0.00 CAPITAL IMF~ROVE. 325.~i0 CROSS CONK€CTIv^N 35,uG F _ _ ~~~ic~ns I~~qulr,~f_ _~_. ~_ __ ~ - i i i I ! --._-- _ ._~___ __ _._________ __~___ _ ___ f _-.. ___.___ ~ __ ~~ivTiC~ -1~~3Ss-i=C i ifisNs ~t~ST Bc I~~Cts.1~S3'Ee.~ ATi ~~ A~ : 2~ ri~Ll~S Yd~iCZ T~ dNSI~~L,~i~N BUILDING E,AATERlAL; d3~8BIS~1 AND DEBRIS i€iOM THIS W'GRK MUST NCT BE u LACED IPA r~i:BLIC SI;ACE, AI`3:J MUST BE CZEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY 8Y EdTHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FA1LUFtE T~ CQAilPLY 1~ITH THE C9l~l~TRI~CTlQ~ LIEN LAV1! CAN IRE~!!LT !N THE PI?~2PERTY OWNER PAYING T'il4a9irE FC3R BEJ6L~31tdf~ t~iPRt3VEMENT'~" ISSUED ACiiaRDING - O APPR(;VED PLANS WHICH ARE FART s;1F THlS P1=RiVtf T ARIC a~t1BJECT TO REVOCA i It3N FOR VlOLATlON OF APFLlGABLE PROVISIONS OF LA'!V. r...`_ ~~ A NTIC BE.A~CH LDII'V+G Operator: JLAMIER Date: 9/11!08 82 Receipt: 88868b3 Total Pay~ent X1055.88 ,. CITY OF r~rtic ~eacl - ~~vrid~t 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 _ Atlantic Self Storage (Perry) 1073 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Date September 7, 2000 RE: 1073 Atlantic Boulevard Dear Property Owner: 3/4" Water service (Already tied in to sewer) The costs to connect your building to the City sewer and/or water system are as follows: Sewer Tap -Labor and Materials to tap into sewer main $ Water Tap -Labor and Materials to tap into water main $ 525.00 Water Meter - Cost of Meter $ Cross Connection Inspection -Inspection by Public Works to ensure backflow prevention $ 35.00 Sewer Impact Fees -Funds future expansion of the sewer plant $ Water Impact Fee -Funds future expansion of the water plant $ 170.00 Capital Improvement -Funds for improvements, expansion or replacement to water system $ 325.00 TOTAL COSTS ~ 1, 055 . o0 If you have any questions concerning these charges please call the building department at 247-5826. ~. Jcerely, ~_ Don~ord, .B~ Building Official -.r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Fixture: Unit Worksheet for. GJater Impact Fee I~ IXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS `THE MEASURI:MEN'I' OF WATI',R DEMAND FOR F.ACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY ItizATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HE REBY FIXED AT TWENTY DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. l _ BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY & BATH (8) TUB OR SHOWER STALL (6) .WATER CLOSET WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED (4) VALVE OPERATED (8) BATHTUB/SHOWER (2) URINAL WALL'LIP (4) SHOWER GROUP PER HEAD (3) FLOOR DRAIN (T) sxaWEx STALL DOMESTIC (2) LAUNDRY `TRAY (2) LAVATORY (1) COMBINATTION SINK AND TRAF (3) WASHING MACHINE (3) POT, SCUL.LEI~Y SINK (4) DISHWASHER (2) Wi1SH SINK ItiCH SET OF' FAUCETS (2) KITCHEN SINK {2) ~~ / , DENTAL LAVATORY (T) KITCHEN SINK WITH WASTE GRINDER (3) BIDET (3) FLUSHING RIM SINK (8) LAVATORY, SUKGI:ONS (2) JACUZZI (2) URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS ~, ~ @ $20.00 EACH $ ~ 1 ~r_ ~____ - r. / JOB INFORMATION^_ __..__ ~~~~~--_._~~L~~~e~~``'~~----- -1--_____..-- %~ URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON JET BLOWOUT (2) LAVATORY, BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (2) SURGEONS SINK (3) DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR (1) URINAL STALL, W~ISHOUT (4) COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY WITH FOOD DISPOS. (4) DRINKING FOUN'T'AIN ( I /'' ) t~ ICE MAKER (1/2) ~ ~~,; - ~ , ~~N-uS-vo o7.4oA Harry McNally SEP-1'-006 I~~ 05P FR.I]t~t: 247-545 .~ { __^ 904-247-5$72 P.Ol ~ 78: 5870 P: ~ r,l 1 ~~' ~ / 9 2 l ~' 4 tit' 1 a>aQ~.tc~-~~o~ ~~-~ wAY~~ aiuarQa sR TaiP '~ - ~- _ . A>~PL~CA~N~~` NAld1E ...~=~ l~~ MA1LtN~ ADDRESS ,0+~ ~-~ ~- ~ . PhlDNE NUMBER .~'~-~' ~~~ '~'"~~ DA7E ~"'~ ~ ' _ Y ~ SER`~iCE REQUESTED "~ ~. ~o~"~ ~ l SERVICE LOGATii~ T*f PATE SE1" 1"Q PU6~.cC W4RK5 ~~l ~ »....~r.... PATE RETURNED TQ BUalwt~iMG QEPAR'TMENT f~t1,8LtC 1NORKS OEpA,I~T~tENT PR1CL~ QUt77'L~' R~ESPQN'S~ wA~r'~R: SEWER: QTHEa; PRiC~ Q(.1QTE PREPAREp BY; Signature - TEtie tiA7E NUTEFiEO C3WNER 3EP-5-2800 TUE 0$:OBAM ID:247-5845 PAGE:1 4 clrY aF rf~ttac~rtda ~aae+4 - ~ls~t~az. ei;U SSMINOLE Ar)A 1' n.Tr.AN'rTG BP.AC11, FT,OK1uA i.,"aJ•~aa. TPL.Ht•HO;~TP. ('l(JaT 24~-5?UI) aAX (9(la1 t4~yy~5 SUNC(1M A12•l800 Date Sap~omber 1~ 2000 elantiG s~if. Secraae rPcc.ry) 1073 Atlantis 9ou]evard Atlantis A~ach, FL 32233 RE; 1A73 Atlantic Boulevard Dear Property Owner ~/4" water s~z ut.ce (Already rise! ir, Cu sewzr) The eoarts to connect your building to the City sewer andlor water system arE~ as follows; S®N-or Tap -Labor and Materials to tap mto sewer main S Water Tap -Labor and Materials to tep Into water main $ 525.00 Watsr Meter - Cost of M~ster $ Cross Connection Inspecgon -inspection by Public: Works to ensure backflow prevention $ 35 . oa Bawer lmpaot FeQa - Fund$ future expansion of the Sewer plant $ WAt>er Impact Fee -Funds future expansion of the wat+®r plant $ 1 ~o. Oo Capital In-provement -Funds for improv®m®nts, expansion or replecoment to water system $ ~2s.oa TOTaL COSTS Z ~ .055.55.00 -"' If you have any queatlon~ concemin® these charges please call the bull-iir~g department at 247-520. cerely,C' on~ord, .B.O. ~--. Building Official T 0 ' d T Z6 T b T Lb06 213Nf12lg A212i3d Wd 80: S0 00-80-d3S • CITY ~)F .n'1'1.ANTZ~; IiGACN Fixture Unit WorkRt~aac for tauter lmPact re~a FIKIURE UN>:T3 ARL• 1:STABLT9Hl;D AS 1'lil: MCASUREMEIJT <)F WAI'I:k 1)t?hL1til1 ~oR Laces wArl:tt r~.rxruRir uNtT LN3TaLLEA AND CONNECT7-:I) 1'c) 1'UG (,'IT: Wn:cR tivSTEK. THE WATER RUI'P1,Y ChIARGE IS HERESY F'lXw,~ AT Tw[t~TY DuLtARS YER FIXTURE UNLT CONNECT>rD Ttl THF. CIrY WATER SYSTEM, BA1'HkOUM CkUUd CUNSISTINC OF SERVICt3 SINK T]'tAF STAND ~~WATER c'.LA4PT, LAVATORY & BATH (8) TUI3 OR 5NgWER STALL (b) ~wATLR CLOSET, TANK OP'rRATI"D (4) 11ATHTTIHISHOWLR (2) S~IOWER GRpUI' Pt:R HCAD (3; &HOWEIi 5TA'..L DOMESTIC (2} ...._ _.....LAYATURY (1) WASHING MACfi~NE (3) DISHWASHER (2) KITCHEN SIiJK (2) KITr'HEN STNK WITH WAS'P$ ~~GRINDBR (3) ~slDl~r (3) FLUSHING RTM SINK (dj URINAL, !'El)ESTAL. 5YPHAN JRT BLOWOUT (2) ~„l.AVAT4RY, BARBER/BEAUTY sNVP (z) SURGEONS &I~K (3) WATtiR CLOSET VALV1» OPERATED (8) -URINAi, WALL'' LIP (4} FL 0012 ~ RA T N (] ) r~ _LAUWDRY TRAY (2; C04HINA'!'1.()N STt`K AND Y''tr-Y (3) ,.„_,_,~,k'JT, SCULI,LECY S IhK (4 ) _~~,WA911 SINK CftiGti SE'f OF FAUCETS (2) UEN1'AL LAVATORY (l) D1iFtAL UKIT aR CUSPIp~R (I) URINAL STAL,1,. WASNUUT (4) COMBINATION SINK AND TRnY ~~.TFI ___._......_FOOD S)ISFGS. (4) DRiNI(IN~ t't~11NTATN (l(_"") ~,J ,ICI: MAI~CR (1/2) LAVATORY, 5URl:F:1'~:~5 (z) JACUZZI (l) ,,,_„_,,,W„URINAL STALL, ~~-ASHOUT i~+) ~( `' ~e~ TOTAL FIXTURE UNIT5 V,~ "' @ $10.00 EACH $~_" • ! / .IUB INBUAMATIUN ~Q7..7..... •_-. _. fSe~~...4........ ~fy~lGC~iSeK..~W ...... ........_. ~_ !w ~ Z@ ' d T Z6 i b T Lb06 213Nf121S l,?Ja~d Wd 60: S0 00-80-d3S 7. ~nvd •`LZ# •`ONI Sd T1fi3.-10N.a ucti~- `-w~c~ -.- •••-••~• •,-. -------_. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 4 4 7 4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERM17 NO. PERMiT TO BUILD THlS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date ~3./ 11 19.$SL_ Valuation ~ 33.66x• Qa Fee ~ 95.65 Thin permit sot valid until abpve fee has bees paid to City Tressunq aad is ^abject to revocation for vioLtion of applicable provisiow of Lw. This is to certify that Bob COruier has permission to build ~ addition tU the exisitin3~ Piin# [e'a.XE'.hAUSeB . according to plans submitted and approved by the City on Classification n-~---~- ~,i$~?f+ae Owned by Make Ash Lot Block_ fi/D House No lfl7'3 Atlantic Blvd. According to approved plans which are part of this permi t NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIR MONTHS ~ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE aD ~-.-~• ~ - 0 Building material, rubbish and debris ~ from this work mnst not be plated in pnbiic space, and must be cleared np aad hauled away by dthes Contractor or owner. Bill M. Dli>t~f3 "°~ '~ ~~° , , ~ . suit fa{" ~ ~::~,~~ ~ ~ ~1~! t 133 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE V COH1L7'I~A ~ FOR ~ ~~ i..~aJf.~ PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER # 4i u., .. ' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 4 5 Z 0 .CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. -- PERMIT T4 BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOS Date Or*ohEr ?~ 19_$~ Valuation $ Sign ~ ~' 000) Fee $ b-. Utl This permit not valid nntil above feu has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable p:ovisions of laa. This is to certify tha+ E]~'~ T"'~ has permission to build_c1. S~g71._.~ec4rdiEt$; to ~Is3 38 sublxL7.ttLd. Classification Co~aercial 7.nne - Owaed bq ~Lke Ash ~ Block s/D House No According to approved plans which are part of this permi t NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MU5T BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIR MONTHS ~ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE .~ - O ~ Building material, rubbish and debris ~- ~ from this work mnat not be placed in public space, and mnlat be cleared np and hauled away by either contractor or owner. Bill M. D.~.vis ~ • " T~. ...~ y ' + ~' BoilAfd~ ^~ *u~aJi }{l.t't r b„.' 1 ~uI~C1 ~ FOR OFFICE PERMIT DATE ttd~ l. COPITRXCTOR R ~ I USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBINfd ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER ~~~. FOR OFFICE UBE ONLY CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date---...lQ._c~r.~~..----.....19 Permit #--~~a ~ ••--.Fee $-.L/..: ®~..-•-- Valuation $----~~.-QO~~. ~~1.9.t~1~.~......~ House #.l~!~.~ ~!M~~(/.t~, ~~ ..1...1.1.~.n?------------------------------------------------------- Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. Date ...................~ ..._..--•---...--••----••-•-•-•---_........_....., 19............ .~. w Owner.._.....1.~..~e6C-~.t~Cf~--------------------------------•--•-•-•-----...Addreas.._._f~~c.~_.L~~= - - -.:.._.Telephone No~,~f/.~.~~~QQ. Architect-• ...............................••-•-----•-•---•---•------------•-----•-•--------.._-------....Addreas---.........._..---...------_.........---.....-------....._Telep~ne No......--•-•---•--...--•--..._ ~i~i, aa03 Contractor Builder.~.~~1~~.,Q.~-----•,~' ..:..............Address.c~~~-~e~.~9~C ~ ..~'___Telephone No..~r~--~5.a,~1~0 Lot No.__...-•-•---•-------------------------------------Block No.._..-------•---...----•-• -----Sub Division......._.._------•--••--------•---•--•-••--------•-•-••----------•-••-~--------.Zone..------•-•-•---- ...._.....-•--• ...........................•--------•----•---Street-_.....-------- --- --- Side Between.- ----•-•------------......-•------•--••----••--•--.and...---..............---•----•--......_....---.........StR. Valuation $.._f~_Qt~2~__._.......For what purpose will building be used ........................_-._._._._.....Type of construction~.L~x~_•-- Dimensions of Building----------------------------------------Dimensions of Lot.-....._.:..._.:._........--.----..........--•-•--..---:Size of Footings..-•--••---•-•---.......--••---------- Size of Piers---------= ------•--------------•----Size of Siils..._.._.._..-.-.------------._..Greatest Sill Span in ft..--------..._......-•---._Type Roof_......---•.---•--..........._..--__-- How will Buiid'ing be Heated? ................................................................Will Building be on Solid or Filled GroundY______..___..........._.........._....._ Size of Ceiling Joists.._..-----_-------•--__------------------ Distance on Centers------........--.-.•-------................., Greatest Span.----....__...--••-.-•---...--•--.......---- " Size of Floor Joists------••--•--•--•-------------•----•----------, Distance on Centers.......... .--••---••--•------•---•-•---..., Greatest Span.........._.............-----............... " Size of Rafters----------------- -----•------------------ ----------. Distance on Centers ..._...- ..-- --.........---•-----...---._, Greatest SP~-•----•------....._..._....----•-----...---- » This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and exiatinR buildings. BEAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. n Inspections required. ~/ ` V 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. W W 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns an ~~"~ ~ ~~~~ z a ~ a 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing is completed. *~ 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cov~ff~~ ,~ ~ 'xY~C ~~~N 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but i ~ ~ ~ Q A ~T ~ ~ ~ W W ~T IC REACH rn ~ 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jackaorville. e u r~ O F F I C E 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be call ~~ i./!1 I~ ; corrections are made. ~/r" work in accordance wi h P regulations of the City of Atlantic ach. Signature of Builder-~ -- -~~~ .........................._....... Address.-•--•--••---••-•-•--•--- • L ~~ _ Address--------------•-----•--.. Signature of Owner..---•-------------•-----._......__...._............,_....................---•-•- In consideration of permit given for doing the or to 't the attached lens and specifications, which are a part re • `Y~ FRONT OF LOT ~~~~ ~n~t, we hereby agree to p rform said ,and in accordance with the building F Y -~ _ .D/1TF `'". (.. ..•~ _ _ _ SUf3JFCT ~~ ~ ...,_,. / !. y'fi~j is j*'?. ~ 1 /`!~ -' r ~ _ CNKD. fiY---_.. _ _ [?nTE.--- - _ ~~ 1 ~ 1! _... _. _ -'" ""' Y r Cy,~ ~ ~~~ s t- ~ ~', ,.. JC'SE3 u .__.__ .. ..~. , --- -_ ~ ~. ~ ,~ . r _. 7 ,,,.. ~ ,-^. ~ r . ~ d ~ / -. / i k !f ~t ~ . `~~.i ~'7 , , .,i~ l ~ ,~ 4°- f .___ _1.._..~._._._.._.... ~. ~~ "° rI APPROVED CITY O,F A~,LAN; " . hCN Q U I'L G C` _ . 2 9 19 ,~ ~ < < .~ '~ .." ~a ~" . ~ ~' w .rf. ,-~ c.` '4. c..i ~r'~ _ C' ~~ ,. _ __ 5 ~,~ r~ ~~ f ~"'~-~' . a ~.~~~ r .f ~:- 1< = ., _,, //tt t _ f~ ,. _ % ~~- ~ -' (¢ ~4 AFL yj >s ~ ~: ~- __, t ~ .r- r - .- t ..__ ,__. },. ~ F4..._...w._-...•.- / .. . ? F f ~- ~C "A"!"' j " f '7-- _ ,, .r~_f .. .__.. __..__ CMKp. E#Y._. _ . _..GgA7E._.._.....__.. /~`'? ~ ~ .ate _,_ ,. ~...., ~y_~.MC"[a~'!~.. ~l f r A,,f. ~. --~--~ ----------rr--------' ~ ,~ p .. - ~. _ _.,~._. i `;~4 --~, Pl j I 1I~ ~! p °. i ~h 4`I ~;. ~- ,t *i tit -~._., r f ~.. ~~ ~ ~..~ .... i'. ~' 7 . E ~~ . t ~~ ._ ~ :~ . ~/ , `' ~, ~! ,., f, .., ~ .~ v i, ~~,~a -~ d ;. ~ !~T .A, I C O ~,~~~ l' /,~'P / ~ ... '. .__ (~ C,r: i to ,Ire ar=r+ ~~ --, ~~ ,-,; <<; / f~ ~ `~'~ ~.. ,.. . ~ ~ ~~ "~ v ~ ~ ~ 198 . DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .108 Date ~ 6 197 ~ Valuation ~ $~ ~~~'~~ Fee ~ ~ # ~~ 3994 PERMIT NO. Tbis permit not ralld until above ten has been paid to City Treasuror, and is snbjeat to rowcation for violation of applicable provisions of Lr,. This is to certify that DOri i~iarxis plumbixicj CO. , giC . has pertniasion to boil ~~° install ~ sink, i lavatc~x~,1 bat~Y't tub, 1 water c3.®set,1 wat~x heatex. Cpmmercial _ 7.nng ;" o '4e ~'~, Classification ,~ ~ ,~ ~; . ~t, ~? Owned by Ash Froperties pr ` ~ i .,, r 's-~ l~ ~r //~~ ~ry ~y ~y y t .t,. ~p 1 Block ~ ~B -~ ;. ~a « . s x ;~g~y.r ~V i J R141t~+ ~ 1,.J.C L71~~ • .} t o:-. i i r~ f"' f L, ~! f J~ House No : x: R.I' According. to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIR MONTHS ,n AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rnbbiah and debris Z,{ from this work must not be placed in public apace, and must be cleared np and hadled away by either eoatrattor or owner. s ,-,n. '- 4-~ Bill M. Ddvis Bnildin~ OfBeial. FOR OFFICE ~ PERMIT I DATE I - CONTRACTOR USE ON4Y NUMBER PLUMBING ~L ~~~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 3 9 6 3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMfT NO. PERMIT TO BUfLD 7HlS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date .3anuary 29, 19 79 ~~~'218 ~~~~ 50 Valuation $ Fee $ Tbis permit not valid until above [ea hae been paid to City Treasurer, and i~ subject to revocation for vio4tioa of applicable provisiow of Ls. This is to certify that Ash Dro,~E'!r -, s Y 'rn has permission to built~'~n c~f~ice buil~.i.ncl and xail'li-°s~.or3ce lauildi.nc~s as ap~raved by City Col~lission can 13ecember 10 r 1978 Clasaificatior rnmm~t"'~7.Ai ~.n ne Owned by~i kc~ ~4ah Lot see 1?laiiS Block- G JD House No 1073 Atlantic Boulelicard According to approved plane which are part of this permit ;, r..; ~ ~~ ,~,~~~t NOTICE-ALL CONC R ~~ ( J SPECTEDORE PbRI .~t~r PERMI'>*~~~~ STR ]~'O ~L~1 ~~~~17~ ' ,j ~----/- .~ - O AFT1flIt'IYATE Olr SS Building material, rubbish and ~~ ~ from this work must not be placed in public space, and moat be cleared np and hauled away by either contractor or owner. Ra 1 1 tlf Tlacti Baildin~ Ot$eial. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER ~- . a`~'C Q~ Get Gp 4pG~' St's Q~ 5 .~:-~~ P4~°~ ~,~ ~ P y~~ F a~QP QD~P ~ °o c G G~"r! ,~ao E ,' o~, tig J~ a~~ F `S,4pp • ca~~ O , spa y~pP~`a~ti Q~~ati ~C ~ g n ~ ~ Q G ~ ~~g~a, a,\ati~p a~~Ga 0oa~~rm ga gqa ~ ~ `fig ~~G i,~~a' ~ ~~PA a~ga .~~g g ' ~QQ a`C.~ ~~5 'AP~ .aka `c't a~~ .~.F. -~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date---• ...................••------•-•--19 .2.... Permit #---•---•--•---•--.-.-~~--~-_..Fee $--`~ S- Valuation $. ~ S!,,! _Q? ~~'_........ House # Application da hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications .herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. Date--•---`-1~nu~rY----~.~---------------•--•-----•-------.., 19.2.x..... Owner---•• Mi ke Ash-----------------------------•------------------------.....----.....Address...... 3 0 2 6.-- `-'_rd... S:t ~.... ~o ....Telephone No.--- 2 4.6--10-0 0 Architect.---P?ttersOn---&---ASSOCiateS•_•-.-•.-___--••••-•-Addresa ..............................•--.---........-.---..-......Telephone No....355-4387 Contractor Builder._______.ASkl.._~1<Q~?L:.Xta.C~.S_f__._~X1.C.~.....Address ................... Lot No.....See---attached lecc~~~l ----------- -------------------Bl"oc No.----•---•-----------•-•----•---Sub Division.---•----- .--_-_--Atlantic B1Vd._--__•-Street .........................Side Between..._._....._.._.._.._.__. •--••----Telephone No...------••-----------------• ........................... ...........Zone.--•--•----....._ ..............and..... .....3ts. 95 000 mini stora concrete block Valuation $____._..._~____________________For what purpose will building be used__...-.._._._... .-.._..._...._.__gei'ype of constructaon_._._......__.._._.._._...._._......._ Dimensions of Building.__3.20x3.30-~-----_-_,Dimensions of Lot_.-.14.0•:.x--.350 .......................Size of Footings._._See_.__p141~1~.__.__ Size of Piers----------------------•-_•---_--•---Size of Sills--.•------.-----------.---_-_.--Greatest Sill Span in ft...-----._--....._...----._Type Roof.__._...-----.-_--................-.-. How will Building be Heated?.___._.__riOrie Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?....._ SOl.ld•-- •_ - Size of Ceiling Joists_.._.._~_~e_..p1.ari~_..__ _, Distance on Centers._.see---plans.,------.-- •, Greatest Span___.See ---plans----••.---- » see plans Size of Floor Joiats----_•-•---------------------------•--._-.•. see plans .-, Distance on Centers...._._.....-------.------._......._._._._ see ., Greatest Span_......._..... lans „ _..p.............__.._...... see lans _ Size of Rafters----------------- -- --p_.-----_----- ,Distance on Centers.. See plans ,Greatest Span..._see .-_plans.•--••.---- (,~~~ C~ ~~ ~ ~ r Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. JAS! Inspections required. ~'?~ r ~ t ;-~ .~ 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. CITE 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. F 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing fs completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it i cd 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. By S. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. A FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, avhich apart hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City Atl tic Beach. d /t,~~-~ X Signature of Builder k-- -•------- ......._..... Address....._...---•-----• -j-~--•---------------------~...._._.."~....._....... `~ 3026 South 3rd Street Signature of Owner------1'!~.;iz,~.r-•----~ss .............••-- Address.........................-----.....................--•---........--•-•----....... This rectangle is to represent the lot. r 7 ~ to the building or buildings in the position. Give distance in feet from ~, ~ ~ 3 -lines and existing buildings. ~~''~ REAR LOT LINE ~97'~ .~ ~ ,. Y r ~. y J .... DEPaRrn4ENT OF BUILDING p 4 0 6 4 CITY F ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. PE~iMIT TO BUILD THIS PER~viIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date 6~.j 1s-72 Valuation ~ 200.40 Fee ; 3 • ~~ TbL petmit not valid until sbpve tee has been paid to City Treuurer, and to aubjact to revocation for viobttion of applicable provisiow of law. This is to certify that--As#~-Fie~Qttisls has permission to buildrt~.}~R331L.1i~.~ as subp' tlttc'.d ix1 plates . Classification f•.,~~Oia1 done Owned by Ash Pro=esties Lot Block SJD HouseNo_ >!n7~ ert~,rt.• 11:3vd_ According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS 'n AFTER DATE OF ISSUE -----~ ~ - O Building material, rubbish and debris i from this work mnat not be placed in public apace, snd must be cleared ap and hauled away by eiUler contractor or owner. 8311 M. Davis .b Hnllaln~ oeE! ;~.~a~Ki FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NUMBER DATE yy 3 ~ ~* 5.51 CONT`~~C~TOR 11 per eM. ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER fl `~'~~P T C~~`~F~Y ~~T~I THE M~.CHANIC'S LAN' ~A~~ C~ ~N ~E~~ULT ~~d ~ PROPERTY O~Y~~R FAY~N~ ~~`I~S~L~~~~ACH ~/ i ~ytJ~la;+~a s i ~~ r FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOR OFFI//CE USE ONLY Date------.....i/.- --~-.......19 79 Permit #--'y~l_-~..---Fee $-~, _QQ....-- Valuation $-----..~...~e.Q ............................... House #---•--- - •-- ---f~ ~ -•-•- '~ Application 2s hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Buildintt Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. ~~++ ? ~~ ~• Date....~..~...~.~----•--.......~. °~~.-•-----• ................. 19.1-. Owner.~~.~L~rC1..~.~~~~~c`~/~C..t~-------------------------------••--•----...Address._.._.1T1..~~1~L~`=--:_.?~~~~-•- ----Telephone No~~~P•-._~~4~ Architect-------••------...--•------• -----------------------•------•--•-•---•-•-•--•-•-••---._...__..Address-----......._..__.:........_....._..._..--••--- ...._ Telephone No..--•--......---•---•--.._... Contractor Builder._.-~.~:??..-~J.~L.:G~Ir~~~-'•_-_•_•--•---_-_---Address.....1G.~~i,~_~C.~2=~C:-~-:~~-_•-Telephone No..._ ......................... Lot No------------------------------------•-••------._...Block No.--•-•------•------------•------Sub Diviaion------.....--------....-----...._......----•-•--•----•-•---•---------•~-----•---Zone---.......----•-- ~~ ~3_~ z°~~~~'Street-------------- •------'Side Between...------•---•-••------......----•--._....-•-------..and---...__..__._...-•----•-•-•--....--•-•-•----..__..._.Sts. Valuation $~O~__..~~_:For what purpose will building be used ........................................Type of construction.__........_____........__..__....__.. Dimensions of Building--.•-•----------------------------•--•--Dimensions of Lot.---.---.:.....:.-----•--....................-.•--.....:Size of Footings--••---............---•--••--••---_--- Size of Piers.-.--_--.; _..------------------------Size of Silks--.--.-.-----_-------------..__.Greatest Sill Span in ft.-.--•--.------_--_-•-----.Type Roof---•---•------------....-.-........... How will Building be Heated? ................................................................Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground? Size of Ceiling Joists____________________________ Size of Floor Joists_______________________________ Size of Rafters---------------•------...------------- ~d~Tr{ ~~ LL- --------------- Distance on Centers------•--- ------•---......._.............., Greatest Span_..........--••--•-•-•--•---•--------......... •-•-•-----•----, Distance on Centers ................•-•---._......----••----.., Greatest Span--••--•------•-------•--..._...._......_....., - ----------, Distance on Centers ........ ..... .........•--------•--•-•--.., Greatest Span-•------•---•------••--•--•--•------•-•---•• „ ~-{~ g o ~ .r F-f 'ADC/ ~ L. (.~, Two copies of plena and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. ~~ ~ ~~~ C11~~-~ ~~ This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. W PPRG'v tv Z 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns an~4~i~e1~TLA.f~TIC BERBH '-' 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. B u; ~ u i G o F F; c ~ a 4. When framing is completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover u . ~ W 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but b o e t is c d. A 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. ~ 8. Final inspection. B ~ Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUS be c led for after corrections are made. r.~ a W p FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. Signature of Builder ...................•---•-------•------.............._.....---................... Address......_..-•--•---...--•------------•------------••--•---._.._......-•-----••-•--•--••---••------•--- Signature of Owner..------- ---••-----....-• ....................................•--•---....---.._._ Address...........----....._................._..._...-•------•--•-••--••--•--•--...--•-•--._.......---••--- ~ DEPARTiV1ENT OF BUiLDiNG 4067 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date 6~ ~, 19~ Valuation $~aj)n.~(}Q Fee $ ~-fin Tbis permit not valid until above [ee bas been paid to City Treuunr, a nd is •;tbfect to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of La. This is to certify that -Sestt;,~~ S-~n has permission to build ~ ~B,g~~~ &-~3~~g1:l1Rt ~----~ E~s~A- g~~~ - -- --- Classification Cd~~tQrr_t~1 7.nne Owned by 6L.t>r Pro=er~.ies Lot Block S jD House No s According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS ,l AFTER DATE OF ISSUE ~...- ~ - O Building material, rnbbiah and debris 1 from this work meat not be placed in public space, and must be cleared np and hauled away by either contractor or owner, f ~t ~ ; ~ii%,.'.X ~v,, ;'~ N L+ V e,s ~ t 53 8311 ~: "3~avia ~ ~° ~l~;~ ~ I7~ „i o~7 Baildin~ ~6+~L.~7 USE ONLYE NUMBER DATE s --t CONTRACTOR t 47V i,~f PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER "FAILURE ~" CU~~PLY V~IT~I~ TIIE I~iEC~IANIC'S LIf LA~~ C~~~~~ RE.~IJLT IN TIE PRUPERTY OWNER PAYI~I~ ~IC~~~1lR~TiTC~~'ACH IMPROVEMENTS. - FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOIL OFFICE USE ONLY (,7 Date-•---..~.'..f ------.....19 ?./ Permit #.-~~~-~---Fee $...~~..~. Valuation $---.-I..-o~.--~~~j.~.----~----.....~..~._ House #._..----~-Q•~~..~,~~!F!~~!~.~A~~:~lX Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plane and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. ~t• Date........---•- ~ ..... :..........................•--•-•-•-----•-•--....._, 19....._f.... Owner-- ~-------•--•-•-••-•-•-- --~~!~.~----~~--'~--f~----•--••--•----....Address---l~G'.~:~...~1.7~.,~~_.7!~..~~~lephone No ............................. Architect ...................••------ ---...._......------------- -•---•----•---•--...---•--•-----.......Address-•----.........--•-•-----•---•-••-•--•---••---------......,Telephone No.------.......-- ----•---.... Contractor Builder,,,{- _ ...... __l~~~t_+_ .~. ._..-_---•-•-• ...............Addresa....._..----•-------........_...---••---•--..........----•--Telephone Nc~~~ 00--di'S~ Lot No----------------•------------•----.._...----__......Block No..-•-•-------•------------------Sub Division----•-•-----....---••---•---------•--•-•--••-----------------•---...-•~•-•------Zone....._...._..-•-- ..__.___-_-_.__-_._ Side Between_.- ...._.....--••---.....Sta. Valuation $_._'.y~~._~ ~___:For what purpose will building be used ........................................Type of construction_._._.__.._...._._.._........_..__.._. Dimensions of Building-------••-------------------•------__---Dimensions of Lot---.----•--.._.:.---...--•-.•--•-•-..--•--------.......:Size of Footinga._..........-.-------•----....----_.-- Size of Piers----.-._-:-.---•---•----------------Size of Si11s..._..____---____-..--._-.--___.Greatest Sill Span in ft.-..-•--.........-.---..._.Type Aoof..._....-----•.---•--._..__.._.._.._.. How will Building be Heated?________________________________________________________________Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?__.._..._._.._._ Size of Ceiling Joists------------------------------------------- Distance on Centers-.--.--.....--.----•-------.-----...---....., Greatest Span.......---...-•--- Size of Floor Joists ............................................... Distance on Centers......_... ._...._....._..._....__........., Greatest Span._......._........ Size of Rafters------------------ ---- -.- - _-__-- _--, Distance on Centers ..-.- -- - -..........-•..--, Greatest Sgan.___....._....•------.............----.-.-.- " ' ~ ~ ~; j"" ~~ i~G~-r- ~~ ~i~--~--~'..-5--~-- -- ~C'_.~~'X--' This rectangle is to represent the lot. ~( ~ (,,1.$-t~.~.~• ~ ~ „t ,ate the building or buildings in the ~ ` / ~.,,., - ~ ght position. Give distance i~ feet from /~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,,, all lot-lines and existing buildings. „ , ,, o REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans and specifications shall ` ~ ' • ~~:,g~ 1, be submitted with application. ~ Yrs , "' ~A~ ~ ,_a 1979 Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. W 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns ~r e~~°~~`',~'~°~~ ~~~',~ x 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. ''a ''~ 4. When framing is completed. A P P R O 'v ~ D F '~TL+INTIC BEACH ITY Q 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover u~i. B u i I i.1 G O F F; c ~ W W 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it covered. q ., q 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. ~~ 1 7~ ~ 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be cal corrections are made. B ~ FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, arhich are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach. Signature of Builder ..... .......... •:•--- •---------.....i ` ...- -----.......----....._...._.. Address.....------......-•---••--------------------------------._...---•-•-••--•---•--------------•--•----- Signature of Owne~y~~~-~'~`~ ... _ ~...f y ' 1 a v f +~ ~- ~ i~ ~~~ ZKz 3 C~-~f- ~ 0 ~? ~ r: ..._. ..._,.~..._.~.._.r.....~..,_._. ,.__.__.._.w...._.....~.~_.~. __r._~ _.._._.._ I ~~ .,.,_ ~e,~ ~,.....~, ~'~d19~5 ~~ ~~ -___..~.~tt~ ~~ ~B Address ~ieated Square Footage Garage/Shed Carport/Porch Deck Patio . TOTAL VALUATION;. $ lota a cation 1st a RQmainder Valuation per ous, portion thereof ADDITIONAL PERMCTS and/or FEES REQUIRED i Mechanical Plumbing ~_ i Electric/N~a ~~~~°x " Electric/T~np Septic Tank Well Stiainming Pool. Sign Water Connection Sewer Cormectian Water Meter Elevation Certificate ~. ~ ~ 3/.~..~' ~~ $ 5~? od r ~ ."7 . 3 ~~ Total Building Fee $ + 2 Filing Fee ${~~ ~ ..._. ~~Fireplaces @ 15.00 $ BUILDING~PERMIT FEE $ ~ . .:-l y.f 1VV VJ~. 1.1. •rr~. ~.r...r~.rrr~.rrrrrrrr rr.. BUILDING PERMIT $ WATER METER CHARGE $ 'ms`s/ . ~ a`` sEwER IMPAGT FEE $ WATER IMPAGT FEE $ MISG~IEOUS °2~'$ ,l ~/ g GRAND TOTAL DUE $ ~~Q. ~~-' CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES ~ ~`" ~ ~ ~' ~- l a ~- ~" l~'~~ `~ 4 - ~., 1 ,~ .._ ~~ l`@ $ ~O .per sq ft = $ ~~I ~~. ~~, ' @$ ~ persg ft= $ @$ persg ft= $ @$ persg ft= $ @$ e prsg ft- $--- -__ APPLICATION FOR FENCE PERMIT ~- ~__. ~ / __ C / _ t' a ,~ .,-. , Owners name__~}Ll~~ ~. ~~.,~f~'. ~~ ..k~~L1:_t'l_ ~_..~~=----phone?~ ~~~ ~~~ 1 f ~ ~"i jj~~ .-,.-~~~ Job address__1 ~~ ~~___Cr ~~f`di5..-_-..~.1~.------------------------------------ Lot_________block and/or unit #_____________eubdivision -------------------- Contractor if different from owner_ ~~t,~<<?f,~'~~-,~~__~~'~_.~_________ ~N'' Valuation of fence S__~ J ~~()~'' "-" _____ Corner or interior lot T e construction ~=~'~~ ~'=t'- ~~~(~~'`~___-- __ ------ yp -.f---_______ - --_______ Show location and height of fence as well as location of streetts>. ._. C~ r'a T~ ~ ~'~ --- i I ~~~ c~' } Owner signature__ ~ _ __ Date__~_/_______________ nature }~3~ x~-,~ "_" \~-'~~ ~~~=~~ ------`-Date 7` _ ~~ _~__~7 ~ _---- Contractor sig ~ _~_____ ___-- ________ _ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT --•__.-, Distance on Centers-----..•--. •.--•-"--"---......_..._..., Greatest Span_.....-:°'_..~ ......................... " --_-_--, Distance on Centers ....._.....--•`--. ---• .............. Greatest Span..._'."-.~--•-•--•-•---•-••--•--•--•- " Application zs hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. Date...,~~-~'-"-.•----~~...-~--------•--••---••-•--•---, 19.~.~ Owner---~TL-__A..KT.1-~.,-.-----~~R~_.__M11S1-_'Sao.(~i46~ddress_.I~..~>...A.c'.~~!".T!~~~~'c2.~~i:Gnc~!'elephone No..~~~?'-^~Q°-.v-- Architect---...~..lr?._~....----.•-•---~.~•~-~~-'~----•-•--.._.__....Address...P.dr'~ot~.--L~-~G.Y ...............Telephone No...7zf'_~~J p 2~6 fOac~ Contractor Builder...._~.p.-~._......_..e.-Q 1~~G-.'~---.-.--••Address--~d.~3.~1.~^_~1`~~:2~Q14:!~O!'~i'ele hone No ............................ Lot No----------------•--•-•----.....-----...------•-----Block No.----•------....-------•--------Sub Diviaion------•--•----......._......_........-•---••--•-•--._...---•-----•----~--••-•---Zone-•-----...----•-- - -----••-----••---•-•---------••-- ---------------•--------Street..-------------- --------'Side Between....------------••----._...---------••----•-•-•--•---and.----•-•------...-•--•----......-----._....._........_Sta. Valuation $. 22/_~Jaa.___._..._:For what pu os~e~w~ill building be used .......................................Type of construction..~.~'_.N~~~~fvN~` Dimensions of Buildin ~ D~/O ~~" I3i ~d ...._._._:Size of Footin ~// ~/ d-~~ ~{ ~~ g_l__1.°.7-------~`---- -1--- mensions of Lot---7d.xf ............................ g's---- -f~----?~.~,._/ .._./. Z Size of Piera...___...-.-~.___~,,._---_.___Siz,~e /of Sills-.._......--:.•..----':...__Greatest Sill Span in ft.___':__° _~::_.___....Type Roof...~~~.i.1~.L1~_......._ How will Building be Heated?__-_.1-Vf~~__...___.• ...............................Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?__.~~'~.L~J_.._....._...._....._ --u Size of Ceiling Joists.----------"-`~•-- -----------••---, Distance on Centers---.....---.----...-•--.-•--.---•----._....., Greatest Span--•_-.'.:--° -•~"---.._.......__......... " Size of Floor Joists--..__.._..i. Size of Rafters----------------------'-'--'-------- This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet lrom all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing is completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jackaorville. 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for niter corrections are made. In consideration of permit work in accordance with the regulations of the City of Signature of Signature of Owner........... FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 . Permit #."~'~T _ ..--__-Fee $.~s~.lP. S _... Valuation $. ~w~j_._~f..~P..D,_~Q ................. House #.-ll ~~.~~ z a W ta ~% .~ ~ 1h ~,` C ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ r iy ;a o 1i~ 4 J M hod ,, z a W m FRONT OF LOT for doing the work as described in the above atatemeirt, we hereby agree to perform said ed plans and specifications, arhich are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building Beach. Address._.,1~ 7 3.,lti.~A:,rT ~--!lv~.....,rT-,7.'~..~1 ~N:.~c.~/... - A s PAGE FOUR • MINUTES AUGUST 25, 1980 Names of Commr s . M S V Y V N• New Business - continued - "78 Place" Public Hearing Mayor Howell stated that it would be the responsibility of the City Commission when the next project starts, to make certain that proper access on the next portion of the development is provided. Mr. Bull agreed that there would have to be another street provided and that should protect the easements. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Bull if there would be any problem in acquiring a letter from the owner of the property to the south authorizing any ingress and egress the City may need over the property to get to the easements for maintenance. Mr. Bull felt confident that he could furnish such a letter. As no one else spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the public hearing clos d. Motion: Passage of initial approval of Planned Unit Development Mhoon x x application by Mr. W.A. Bull for "78 Place", subject to Minton x x the final utility drawings being approved, and any othe Van Ness x requirements needed to meet the code of the City of Howell x Atlantic Beach. C. Planned Unit Development application by Mr. Mike Ash for a propose ex ansion of mini-warehouses located on 1073 Atlantic Blvd.-Public He ring Mayor Howell declared the meeting open for a public hearing, which was duly advertised according to charter requirements, on a Planned Unit Development application by Mr. Mike Ash for expansion of mini- warehouses. The Chair recognized Mr. Ash to answer any questions the audience might have. Mr. Ash presented a drawing of his proposal and stated that he only intended to use only seventy feet of the property in order to seal off the back portion of the Atlantic Beach Mini- warehouses to stop the break-ins that have occurred recently. He added that this expansion would still be 700 feet from the residents on Saratoga Circle. Mr. Charles Morris, 75 Saratoga Circle, represent ng the residents of Saratoga Circle, stated that Mr. Ash had agreed to advise the City Commission that if he is granted permission to expand the 70 feet requested, that he will not submit proposals of any furth r expansion of the mini-warehouses or to develop the remaining property for any commercial purposes. Mr. Morris stated that if Mr. Ash would declare his intentions of the above, the neighbors of Saratoga Circle would not object to the 70' proposed expansion. Mayor Howell noted that it was his understanding that the 70' was needed to provide adequate turning for trucks and police security. He reminded Mr. Ash that the City has an Ordinance that mini-warehouses can be used for dead storage only and no other purpose. Mr. Ash stated that he was aware of the Ordinance. As no one else spoke for or against, the Mayo declared the Public Hearing closed. Piotion: Approve Planned Unit Development application by Mr. Mik Ash for a proposed expansion of mini-warehouses located on 1073 Atlantic Blvd., with the understanding that Mr. Ash will never appear before the City Commission with another proposed expansion or to attempt to develop the remaining property for anv commercial purposes. t ~. ,~ MINUTES PAGE FIVE AUGUST 25,1980 New Business - continue - Mr. i e As A short discussion followed before the vote, when Commissioner Mhoon asked all the Saratoga Circle residents present to declare their feelings on the matter. Mr. Goolsby, 71 Saratoga Circle, agreed witr Mr. Morris that the neighbors would not object if Mr. Ash kept his promise, and added they would like to see the remaining property developed as single family residential. Mr. John Andresen added that Mr. Ash had also made the commitment to the Advisory Planning Board. The vote was called resulting in three ayes, and Commissioner Mhoon voting no. Vote: D. Public Hearing re: Federal Revenue Sharing Budget Mayor Howell, announcing that a Public Hearing on appropriations for Federal Revenue Sharing for the year 1980-81 was in session, recognized Mr. Davis to respond to questions from the floor. The City Manager announced that the estimated allocation for the 1980-81 fiscal year was $49,008, along with a carry-over from prior years of $85,992 making a total of $135,000 available. His suggested appropriations were: Public Safety Operations $113,000.00 Public Works-equip.-2 pieces 12,000.00 Sanitation- 2 pieces of equip. 10,000.00 $135,000.00 !ors. Gregg, Sailfish Drive, inquired what was the intended usage of public safety operations, and Mr. Davis replied that the money was proposed for the total public safety department. A general discussion ensued with members of the Commission and others in the audience :ontributing various suggestions. The Mayor then declared the Public fearing closed. Jnfinished Business 1. Recycling and/or Resurfacing Asphalt Paving on certain streets Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. Sr. Parks verbally presented his letter to the Commission. He stated '.hat conversations with the bidders indicate that the "base bids" 'or the recycling work were higher for several reasons including: he cost of moving the equipment into the area, and the delay in spreading new asphalt by the the speed of the recycling machine. [r. Parks added that. if sufficient funds are available, and the City esires to commit such funds this fiscal year, he recommended that contract be awarded to Dickerson, Inc. in the amount of $64,348.69, hick is the lowest and best bid for the "alternate". Mr. Davis dvised that $35,000 would have to be transferred to the appropriate ccount if contract was awarded. 2~layor Nowell asked Mr. Parks if Names of Commr s. M S V y V N Mhoon X Minton x x Van Ness x x Howell x CITY QF ATI~I~f.PyC BEACH ?l6 OGE.AN HOULh'VAI~D ATIANI'IC BEACH, FTARILlA ADDIIVDiIM 'Ili BUILDING PLAN 1. Building lo~.,ation: ' ~ ~ ~'j' 1.. ~ Q~'r \ ~- ~ ~ ~~~ 2. The attached plan for the above building is approved subject to meeting the following applicable construciton requirements; a. Footings shall be continuous monolithic concrete tuzdex exterior walls, reinforced with two 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for one-story buildings and three 5/8" deformed reinforcing rods for two--story buildings. Reinforcing rods shall be p7-aced in the love-r one-third of the footings, properly placed and fastened on metal cables with wire. Footings shall be six inches wider on each side than the wall above, shall be at least eight inches thick and shall rest on firm soil. at least twelve inches below undisturbed soil. b. In hollow masonry unit cortistructi:cal, each twit cell shall be reinforced with at least an No. 4 bar at all corners, poured and t~~ with concrete; such rein- forcing shall be properly tied into the footing and spandral beam. c. All wood truss rafters (roof construciton), shall be securely fastened to the exterior walls with approved hurricane anchors or clips. d. Constriction of nearby one-family dwellings, which are duplicates or intensely similar, sha11 be avoided. Such similarity considers the external configuration and appearance (i.e., roof, outer wall materials, window size and design, and other like characteristics) of structures. Tn acoon3 with the foregoing, similar or dtrpli:cate hcmes shall not be constructed within close proximity of each other, and shall be at least 500 feet apart if any one similar dwelling is visible fran arty. other similar dwelling. e. The final connection between the house p. connection (at the property line) must bE covered. The undersigned hereby certifies that he addendum takes precedence over any contrary and agrees to ccx~ly with the intent of thi .,,.~ Ft p, 1, has read the above and tuiderstands that this details to the plans and specifications s addendum. G~ Contractor/OCwn~er d ,~ ~ T ~- r-- w ~ 0 w `l Z p z p Q~ Q~ J, ~ W.~ ~ Z ~ c7 ~ Z ua r-- ~ U~ C] ~ u- .:~ d ~- d c1 r~~ ~' ~ w~ p~ 1~- p ~ O U d= 0 ~~_°~~' •~~W~ddZN~w2W3o ~p ~ ~~-~ 1 N~~uiO ~~Odd•-r0 ~ ~~- =N9~YN~~~w~WO3~v8 o ~ - Q O r~ a7 ~~ ~ .n -~Q ~ nZt~lus0 ~Yl~'~~N 4 V ` ~ ~ [~ 4 Ca ~ ~ ~ ~_ `~~ t ~-~(1 ~ X15 w d I~- v~ ~('i G~ d~ ~Or--~~W G~t""~d rwrlQs~ wrd~w~o~no~Qcn~ Oa' --~ Ulu-~~ w r W 2 4 u`-'v`~~N ~ ran o ~w~ pr ~W 4r w v G `?~ ~W W ~W pO~- C~Q ~ J~CQ~' ~ ~a~ 1Uwmdo' ~NN~dp-~9 _~ u1 Z W ~ W ~ `~ ~ LL u. m '~ t-- ~ ~ W a' Q r ~ ~-w LL ~Nvroa~~~~o~~vZ~~~~u14m Q O aa.wo~ _= Q ~~p~ Qa N~Q ~c~jOU L Q~ma~r~