Permit 1075 Atlantic BoulevardOctober 28, 2008 Karen Stang 1864 Nightfall Drive Neptune Beach, Florida 32266 Re: Approval of Use -by -Exception Dear Mrs. Stang: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND PLANNING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5826 FAX: (904) 247-5845 www wab.us This letter serves to confirm that the City Commission, at their October 27, 2008 meeting approved your request for a Use -by -Exception (File No. UBE-2008-04) to allow a "dog day care" and boarding facility at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard within the Commercial General Zoning District. At such time when you apply to the City for your Business Tax Receipt, please submit a copy of this letter along with your application. (I have enclosed an extra copy for this purpose.) Feel free to call me at 247-5826 with any questions. Sincerely, Sonya B. Doerr, AICP Community Development Director cc: Donna Bussey, CMC, City Clerk AGENDA ITEM # 8A OCTOBER 27, 2008 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Request for a Use -by -Exception to permit a dog day care and boarding facility in the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at a developed and unused property at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP ,.:::W Community Development Director DATE: May 29, 2008 BACKGROUND: See attached Community Development Board staff Report. The Community Development Board considered this request at their September 14th meeting and unanimously recommended approval. RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission may consider a motion to approve this Use - by -Exception (UBE-2008-04) to permit a dog day care and boarding facility in the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at a developed and unused property at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, provided: (Add other findings or conditions as may be appropriate.) Approval of this Use -by -Exception complies with the requirements of Section 24-63 of the Land Development Regulations. 2. The requested use is consistent and compatible with other surrounding development along this portion of Atlantic Boulevard. ATTACHMENTS: Community Development Board Staff Report, application materials and draft minutes of the October 14th Community Development Board meeting. BUDGET: No budget issues. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: October 27, 2008 regular meeting AGENDA ITEM # 8A OCTOBER 27, 2008 I j' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT October 14, 2008 Public Hearing UBE-2008-04, Karen Stang To: Community Development Board From: Planning, Zoning and Community Development Department Date: September 26, 2008 Subject: UBE-2008-04 Applicant: Karen Stang 1864 Nightfall Drive Neptune Beach, Florida 32266 Request: Request for a Use -by -Exception to permit a dog day care and boarding facility in the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at a developed and unused property at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. STAFF COMMENTS The applicant wishes to use this property for a dog day care and boarding service, which requires approval of a Use -by -Exception in the CG District. This site is the former Kahoe auto repair and storage property, and has been occupied by a succession of used care sales and auto related uses for many years. The property has sat vacant more than it has been occupied over recent years. The property consists of the 2200 square foot concrete block building that faces Atlantic Boulevard and a large fenced in area at rear of the lot where vehicles were kept for many years. The lot is about 600 foot deep, and the rear 400+ feet of the lot is heavily wooded. Other surrounding commercial uses including Ashland Self Storage and a small strip center are adjacent to this site. The only residential use in the vicinity of the property is the Atlantic Arms Apartments. A corner of that property can barely be seen from this site through the trees. The Applicant has stated that only dogs will be kept on the site, and that no overnight boarding will be provided initially, but that when they do expand services to include overnight boarding, all dogs will be kept indoors at night. As you recall from the earlier Use -by -Exception for a Veterinary Clinic, this is required by State law in any case, so this would not seem to be a necessary condition. AGENDA ITEM # 8A OCTOBER 27, 2008 Possible uses for this site are somewhat limited because of parking, access and the condition of the building, which would not meet current building code for typical retail or similar commercial uses. The Building Official has provided that those more stringent requirements would not apply to the requested use. Given the limitations of this site, and the uses that surround the site, the requested dog day care and boarding would seem to be an appropriate use for the property. The Applicant has stated their intention to make substantial aesthetic improvements to the property including installation of landscaping, removal of the chain link fences on the front of the site, and removal of the crushed roof shingle surface in the parking area. Staff is supportive of this request in that this site has continued to be an eyesore in a prominent location on Atlantic Boulevard for a good number of years, and the Applicant's plans will provide a substantive improvement to the appearance of this site. Staff also finds that this use is consistent with the objective to promote uses that are neighborhood serving along the City's commercial corridors, and recommends approval of this Use -by -Exception. SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of this Use -by -Exception to permit a dog day care and boarding facility in the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at a developed site located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, provided: (Add other findings or conditions as may be appropriate.) 1. Approval of this Use -by -Exception complies with the requirements of Section 24-63 of the Land Development Regulations. 2. The requested use is consistent and compatible with other surrounding development along this portion of Atlantic Boulevard. 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8A OCTOBER 27, 2008 Minutes of the October 14, 2008 regular meeting of the Community Development Board MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD Tuesday, October 14, 2008 A regular meeting of the Community Development Board was convened at 6:04 pm on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 in the City Hall Commission Chambers, located at 800 Seminole Road in Atlantic Beach. In attendance were Community Development Director Sonya Doerr, Principal Planner Erika Hall and Community Development Board members Blaine Adams, Ellen Glasser, Kirk Hansen, Joshua Putterman, and Chairman Chris Lambertson. Board members David Boyer and Lynn Drysdale were absent. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Chris Lambertson called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MINIMS. Chairman Lambertson called for a motion to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2008 and September 16, 2008 regular meetings. Ellen Glasser moved that the minutes of July 15, 2008 and September 16, 2008 be approved as written. Kirk Hansen seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS. Chairman Lambertson noted no visitors in the audience 4. OLD BUSINESS. There was no unfinished business for consideration. 5. NEW BUSINESS. a. UBE-2008-04, Stang. Request for a Use -by -Exception to permit a pet day care and boarding facility in the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at a developed and unused property at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Chairman Lambertson introduced the item and Ms. Doerr explained the existing conditions of the property which made it suitable for the applicants' request. In particular, she noted that the property is long and narrow, and the rear portion is heavily vegetated, creating a good buffer. She also explained that she had conferred with Building Official Michael Griffin, who agreed that the existing structure was much better suited to this use than a retail use, which would require compliance with stricter building codes. Applicant Karen Stang and her husband Greg, 1864 Nightfall Drive, Neptune Beach, were given the opportunity to address the Board. Ms. Stang summarized that the use would be a dog day care, though consideration might be given to extending overnight boarding at a future date. Ms. Glasser inquired as to cosmetic improvements of the property, to which Mr. Stang responded that the existing property is functional for their Page 1 of 5 AGENDA ITEM # 8A OCTOBER 27, 2008 Minutes of the October 14, 2008 regular meeting of the Community Development Board needs, but they do have intentions to greatly improve the aesthetics by painting the exterior, replacing the existing chain link fence with a white pvc fence and landscaping the front. Mr. Putterman asked if there would be any additional structures placed on the rear of the lot, to which Mr. Stang replied no. Ms. Glasser asked and Ms. Doerr confirmed that animal boarding is a permitted Use -by - Exception within CG. Mr. Lambertson asked whether or not recommendation and approval of this Use -by -Exception would cover only the day care operations, or if it would also extend to cover over -night boarding, if the applicant should choose to pursue that sector also. Ms. Doerr said this application would cover both day and night boarding, thus not requiring the applicant to come before the Board again. Mr. Hansen inquired as to the demand for such a service, to which Ms. Stang replied that she had done thorough research and found that it is a growing market, typically consisting of single professionals and working couples that want the companionship of a pet but do not want to leave it home alone during the day. With no other questions for the applicant from the Board, Mr. Lambertson opened the hearing to public comment. No one from the audience came forward so that portion of the hearing was closed and the discussion was returned to the Board. MOTION: Joshua Putterman, moved that the Board, finding the requested use is consistent and compatible with the surrounding development along this portion of Atlantic Boulevard, and finding that approval of this Use -by -Exception complies with the requirements of Section 24-63 of the Land Development Regulations, recommend approval to the City Commission of this Use -by -Exception to permit a dog day care and boarding facility in the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District at a developed site located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Kirk Hansen seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. b. ZVAR-2008-07, Salaun. Request for a Variance to permit a six-foot high fence along the side property line of a corner lot where only a four -foot high fence is permitted. Property is within the RS -2 Zoning District and located at 1070 Ocean Boulevard. Chairman Lambertson introduced the item and Ms. Doerr explained that the applicant had recently constructed a pool in compliance with pool placement regulations on the 11 d' Street side of her property. Additionally, the applicant has constructed a permitted four - foot high wood picket fence, which is in compliance with fence regulations; however, she now wishes to construct a six-foot high fence along the 11d` Street property line, citing a need for privacy. Section 24-157 of the Land Development Regulations requires a 10 - foot setback of fences greater than four feet in height on corner lots primarily to prevent interference with clear sight distance at intersections, and secondarily, to prevent intersections in residential neighborhoods from appearing as walled crossways. Ms. Doerr noted Public Safety had inspected the site and expressed concern about visibility at this intersection with the existing conditions. Applicant June Salaun, 1070 Ocean Boulevard, addressed the Board, explaining that the four -foot fence afforded her no privacy. She said that her pool contractor had called the Page 2 of 5 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 INSPECTION EMAIL REQUEST: Building-dept2coaKus Application Number . . . . . 07-00000404 Date 4/02/07 Property Address . . . . . . 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL, GENERAL Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc REWIRE 200 AMPS 220 VOLT METER 26 909 034 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner ------------------------ Contractor ------------------------ MOORE ELECTRICAL CONT., INC. 10526 CRAIG INDUSTRIAL DR JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 (904) 645-6807 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 95.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 9/29/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary ----------------- Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total -------------------- 95.00 ---------- 95.00 ---------- .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 95.00 95.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION EJc3 1' Date: �7 �02 - d Property Address: 1©7,5 / fes•-. 13W Owner: q t©e- Telephone #: ac97 377 Contractor: ( ooy e (<'-c,4 r ; rco 'i Telephone #: 10,0.6,e>% 3505-?ci Contractor Address: 5ra x F7 , 3 a � 3S- cr5 71 Fax #: (�, q 5 15 7 In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Building: ❑ New ❑ Old Re -wire Building Type: ❑ Trailer ❑ Residence ❑ Temp. Commercial C3Si s � ❑ Addition Sq. Ft. Servicer ❑ New ❑ Increase ❑ Repair If other construction is being done on this building or site, the building Permit number: Conductor Size: AMPS: COPPER ALS Switch or Breaker AMPS PH W VOLT RACE WAY Existing Service Size AMPS Q�(f D PH W 3 VOLT,-) aO RACE WAY Y Feeders: NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE Lighting Outlets CONCEALED OPEN Receptacles CONCEALED OPEN Switches 0 10 AMPS 31 100 AMPS Incandescent Fluorescent & M.V. Fixed Appliances 0.200 AMPS OVER BELL TRANSFER. Air Conditioning H.P.RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEILING HEAT KW -HEAT Motors 0-1 H.P. VOLTAGE PH NO. OVER 1 H.P. PHS UNDER600V OVER600V Transformers NO. KVA NO. KVA No.Neon_Transf. Ea._Sign Miscellaneouse- o� e_K 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5800 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 • http://www.ei.adantic-beach.fl.us CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r� 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 4 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 INSPECTION EMAIL REQUEST: Building-dept2coab. us Application Number . . . . . 07-00000712 Date 5/31/07 Property Address . . . . . . 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL, GENERAL Application valuation . . . . 1200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 2 NEW SIGNS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner ------------------------ KAHOE'S GARAGE 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD. ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Contractor ------------------------ OWNER ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 35.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 11/27/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged ---------- Paid Credited Due -------------------- ----------------- Permit Fee Total ---------- 35.00 35.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 35.00 35.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. To request information, please complete the information below under "Contact Information" and "Subject Property Information". Either click "Submit Form" to send via email, or click "Print Form to print and return the form to the Department of Planning & Zoning. CONTACT INFORMATION NAME ADDRESS I O"i5CLdMfi Z� B�vc+ 32ZS3 PHONE �f}c�, os�a o -7o ( CELL �G�y`� 63!P 80 ((o E-MAIL .S►QL i�'t4C-f(c2 �' •AU� � Lfld1/� City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (P) 904.247.5826 (F) 904.2475845 www.coab.us SUBJECT PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS INFORMATION REQUESTED wis iglt Aytl s t , Ewa -51 9 (07 INTERNAL USE ONLY ILE COPI STAFF ADDRESS CONFIRMED? [— EXISTING STRUCTURE? RE # FUTURE LAND USE ZONING LOT FRONTAGE LOTAREA ['i BEACH-fRONT? J OLD ATLANTIC BEACH? LOT DEPTH RESPONSE L s/6r Js a'iw{fie w, iins fonsM deniunstrata complia .n l v?R61 std airf� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 (904) 247-5800 (904) 247-5845 Fax www.coab.us APPLICATION TRACKING FORM Property Address: I 75' ld-nTl Applicant: ^ f fi) J-'0&-770( Ll Project: N6 10 9- Q A/ L PERMIT APPLICATION # APPLICATION STATUS RE ED DEPT: DA N PLANNING z Z LY N BUILDING N PUBLIC WORKS Ok Y I N PUBLIC UTILITIES Y IN I FIRE DEPT. S.J.R.W.M. Y 3RD REV PUBLIC SAFETY APPLICATION STATUS DEPT: SITE APPROVAL RECEIVED DA UJ REQUIRED AGENCY: BY: INITIAL: DATE: w Ow Y Ok D.E.P HUFSTETLER O a Y N S.J.R.W.M. CARPER 3RD REV ❑ _ Y N ARMY CORPS of ENG CARPER F-oo-(l 1 ST REV O Y' N HOTELS & HUFSTETLER 2ND REV ❑ ❑ RESAURANTS ❑ ❑ APPLICATION STATUS DEPT: SITE BUILDING DA AP REVIEWED BY: INITIAL: DATE: PLANNING ZONING & ❑ ❑ 1 ST REV ❑ ❑ /HALL 2ND REV El 11DOERR 3RD REV ❑ ❑ BUILDING DEPT. ❑ F-oo-(l 1 ST REV ❑ HUFSTETLER Z� b 2ND REV ❑ ❑ 3RD REV ❑ ❑ PUBLIC WORKS ❑ ❑ 1 ST REV ❑ ❑ CARPER 2ND REV ❑ ❑ 3RD REV ❑ ❑ PUBLIC UTILITIES ❑ ❑ 1 ST REV ❑ ❑ KALUZNIAK 2ND REV ❑ ❑ 3RD REV ❑ ❑ FIRE DEPT. ❑ ® 1 ST REV ❑ ❑ IRE DEPT. COMMENTS FENTERED INTO AS4 0 2ND REV ❑ ® 3RD REV ❑ ❑ Return this form to the Building Department once you have entered your comments into the AS400. bYUUbUU1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Edit Narrative Application number, type 07 00000712 SIGN PERMIT Property address . . . . . . 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD Type i 5/28/07 11:19:48 F3=Exit F5 --Copy F6=Insert F7=Delete F8=Time stamp F12Uancel F21 User defaults <0 ou 1&0 F ( �-e v f W / ST,, le P/.4y-G L- ZR'-, AGe 1-? h'J yLlot�iv r �wJc oUli�wS n ou 1&0 F ( �-e v f W / ST,, le P/.4y-G L- ZR'-, AGe 1-? h'J yLlot�iv r �wJc oUli�wS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH vY 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Office: (904)247-5826 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 Job Address: -156 (//;,, Jtv od /0 7,5`" /'TLe9ry -1(C- Mud ,Z &.4 k fe permit Number: Legal Description Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) S �C� DG . 0 ■ Class of Work ((Circle one): ew Addition Altera ' air Move ■ Use of existing/proposed structur s Circle one): ommercial Residential ■ If an existing structure, is a fire sprier system installed. ire a one): Yes No ■ Is approval of homeowner's association or other private entity required? (Circle one): es Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: A4- 0 5 � f £-,i Property Owner Information Name: if,24 t KAhDe Address: /x%3.5-•-(3 S-coTr Rb. City State FL ZipZr�, 2�,9 Phone Contractor Information: Name of Company: Qualifying Agent: Address: City Office Phone Job Site/Contact Number State Certification/Registration # Architect Name & Phone # Engineer's Name & Phone # Office Fax # State Zip Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance qfa permit and that all work will be peto meet the standards of all laws regulating construction inthisjurisdiction. 1T'h' permit becomes null and void work is not commenced within six (6' months, ort construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at any time ter work is commencedf I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work, Plumbing, Signs, Wells, Pools, Furnaces, Boilers, Heaters, Tanks and Air Conditioners, etc. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. t hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting o ffa permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal, state, or local Iaaw regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signa r� of Property Q10fore thiso to ands scri ed Day of D Notary Public: �M r" MEMORIE NOIAN MY COMMISSION # DD 540618 � , EXPIRES: July 6, 2010 REVISED 03.05.07 �,;Y` BondedThruNotary Public Underwrfters Signature of Contractor: Sworn to and subscribed before me this Day of Notary Public: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 J'! J131 >r INSPECTION EMAIL REQUEST: Bufldj 6-dc--"I6PAn'k.us Application Number . . . . . 07-00000678 Date 5/18/07 Property Address . . . . . . 1089 ATLANTIC BLVD UNIT 14 Application type description ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc SAFETY INSPECTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner ------------------------ Contractor ------------------------ KNIGHT ELECTRIC LLC 13997 BEACH BLVD JACKSONVILLE FL 32224 (904) 247-9884 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 70.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 11/14/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due --------------------------------------------------------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 70.00 70.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 70.00 70.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. 0 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD j ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 INSPECTION EMAIL REQUEST: Building_dept(a�caab.us Application Number . . . . . 07-00000366 Date 3/27/07 Property Address . . . . . . 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description ROOF Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL, GENERAL Application valuation . . 3055 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc remove/replace existing roof - 25yr 3 tab shingles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner KAHOE'S GARAGE 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD. ATLANTIC BEACH Contractor --- ------------------------ RIGGINS ROOFING AKA:GREEN COVE SPRINGS ROOFING FL 32233 INC. GREEN COVE SPRINGS FL 32043 (904) 529-7262 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ROOF PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 45.28 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 3055 Expiration Date . . 9/23/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary ----------------- Charged -------------------- Paid Credited Due -------------------- Permit Fee Total 45.28 45.28 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 45.28 45.28 .00 .00 PERMIT IS' APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. r5�,`frl BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Office: (904)247-5826 • Fax: (904) 247-5845 Job Address: 101'7A+L%)HL QW, Permit Number: Legal Description Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) 3.n5S,Ir • Class of Work (Circle one): New Addition Al air Move • Use of existinglproposed structure(s) (Circle one): Residential • If an existing structure, is a fire sprinkler system tnstalle ��Circ a one): Yes No N /A ■ Is approval of homeowner's association or other private enrequired? (Circle one): Yes No Describe in detail the We of work to be performed: FL 19 3 K1 ReaV%Ove tWF 10&4t N40 04V ?1r A0 SCJ Property Owner Information Name: A_*� je5� / v if Address- Jco o� d City 174—)A/VS Statg4 Zip,3 2 --Phone t, " — ?F,7 — Contractor Information: etyv3 -- 7 7 � Z 404A404A.>� � Name of Company:GruaCovt�t� S ySly(• Qualifying Agent: V1Lkit !.. radQ/1�l11 Address:14)-s-*�% Or, t Ow City Gr&W n s State F 1 Zip 12.v4s Office Phon 2q •'t'?- a. Job Site/Contact Number b! z - 2ef 111 State Certification/Registration # Cr -1 `C D S i is 8 et Office Fax #O k ' t 't Architect Name & Phone # Engineer's Name & Phone # Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance o{{a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction. in thisjurisdiction. Thispermit becomes null and void ifwork is not commencedwithin six (6) months, or i{construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at any time after work is commenced.. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work, Plumbing, Signs, Wells, Pools, Furnaces, Boilers, Heaters, Tanks and fair Conditioners, etc. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COUNIENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. thereby certrP that have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal, state, or local taw regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature sworgo this Notary Pt . CLYDE V. HAII.MAN, JR. REVISED 03.05.07 MY COMMISSION DD 623201 a€ EXPIRES: December 18, 2010 BgiOd Thru Notary Pic Undem t m l'd 9689-LbZ-b06 1 - Signature of Contracto >'c O L '* us3� s�aVi _s lsa Sworn o and subscribed be e this LT Day of M�t��" Notary Public: 1' t CLYDE V. HALLJVIAN, A MY COMMISSION # DD 623201 • €€ EXPIRES: December18,2010 Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenrtkara swelsAS uollewaolul eLVM LO £l aen APPLICATIM FOR WELL PEEaiIT CITY OF AT AUnC WAQ1 ••••a•4 • . ��• trams : FIE $10.n0 Day Phone i�D f - j1�x Address c f (� �r �1 - Zip APPLICAM, IF MER THAN OWNER Name: Day Phone Address: JOB Address or Location: Legal Description: Is well to be used for drinking purposes? Zip Any person, individual, corporation or other entity receiving a pe=dt as provided in Section 22-40 of the Atlantic Beach Code, and who plans to use water from the per fitted well for drinking es, no first obtain a bacteriological test report from.the State of Florida Health Department, furnishing a certified copy thereof to the building dot of tine City of Atlantic Beach. A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until said report is on file with the building depax'tment • Department Notes: I agXee to comply with regulations stated herein: _ C .-- j Date ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPT. ;x.88 14 9/18/9191 Receipt: 8969654 CI7 OF ATLANTIC BEACH A DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD - ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 - TEL: 2475826 - FAX: 247-5877 PERMIT IFQRli jUN ' Permit Number: 22625 --__ `----� ' t-tAt}N #NF7RfA'tON -- -- -� Permit Type: SIGN Address: 1075 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD__ _ Class of Work: Proposed Use: NEW COMMERCIAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Township: Range: Book: Square Feet: Est. Value: Lot(s): Block: Section: Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH Improv. Cost: Parcel Number: Date Issued: 9/06/2001 _ Total Fees: 30.00 Name. CAMPBELL, VELMA Amount Paid: 30.00 Address: 1075 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD I Date Paid: 9/06/2001 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPT. ;x.88 14 9/18/9191 Receipt: 8969654 El e. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION POR SIGN PERMIT NAME: jeG j:h 1gG0q 4' 61C1` 1.1 r r— D mP'4'E , C E ir," V L ADDRESS: y2- Wes -r 10-4" Str'<,ef PRONE: iZg4 _ j1 D(O t7EIC each TYPE OF SIGN: Cabin>✓+ 51(.00 SIZE: 3 WIQ�4114 9006 PROPOSED LOCATION: �07'S- l4� �Ct�'1�'1 �. Q1VG�• '4TL4A)TI G S L 32Z3 WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? yE5 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: EnGKGLA E1.e_a+ •IGtcJ bn+rwcitr5 Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b), Code of Ordinan��cce/ess-�, City offq",Q Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: -�,�.,c , Date: OWNER SIGNATURE: \Ij Date: APPROVED , CITY Of ATLANTIC BEACH PI ANS" 1?1R v, 7;iWtMr, �if: ;,�E SEP 0 5 2001 By COMPANY LETTERHEAD DATE TO: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS AUTHORIZES BEACH NEON AND SIGN COMPANY AS OUR LICENSED SIGN 'CONTRACTOR (OR THEIR AGENTS OR SUBCONTRACTORS) TO SECURE PERMITS, VARIANCES, AND PERFORM SIGN INSTALLATION§4M��$ lOR MAINTENANCE AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT f0 %5 1y'- //yyd BY :�` &6� TITLE STATE OF .L p�"6L� ` COUNTY OF TH OING INSTRUMENT WAS CK D BEFORE ME THIS DAY 0 2001, BY ��� AS WMM OF A CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF SAID CORPORATION, WHO DID NOT TAKE AN OATH AND WHO: _. IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME. .X PRODUCED CURRENT FLORIDA DRIVER' L CEN E AS IDENTIFICATION. 19 NAME OF NQT"Y PRINTED MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: COMMISSION NUMBER: }K LAWRENCE MY COMMISSION # DD 039503 � � ` Bon d ThhruflNota JPublic Uniddeerwriters I I Y UL LISIIM 13ALt AGA 2AtEWAM wIQ.Iv14 -Np(r_AL fLtJI.�II t' L Jin CA&On 511 ,\ UL LJ5 TIM Mt,t1kM, t U NIA-ibL)QLS AS I?raZ lc�UaiZu� D Nt, t pwy)PS CUJ IZ' % G.EM itYLS am/lOfF SwiTM SAe-i"s5 O Z -4 m r - m IC -1 Z CA n a m MAA s O I i I I _ _ i r� 1 On& m o� = O V,. CD m m ,MALS rwijajut.. W 12JO1" cayai, . • UL- td(uV rilna� N! ��S►tarJ l.Pd`t ` -A� , 4jcjj7t:A'3 JaF WITH Sa1.a�� O z m rm m C a 0 z COP) 0 a rm m tt 0 wh --- ------ - C O On o4�b zo "♦ o m Work Desc: WIRE FOR SIGN : CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH I < —' APPIICATLOt FEES TT DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 Seminole Road - Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 - Tel: 247-5826 - Fax: 247-5877 ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT INFORMATION LOCATION; INFORMATION Permit Number: 22626 u-� Address: 1075 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: ELECTRICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Class of Work: ALTERATION Township: Range: Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL , Lot(s): Block: Section: Square Feet: tt 4 .fix ei5`"4.0 Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH Est. Value: Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: _ i ER INFORMATION Date Issued: 9/06/2001 Name: CAMPBELL, VELMA Total Fees: 25.00 Address: 1075 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 25.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Date Paid: 9/06/2001 Phone: (000)000-0000 i Work Desc: WIRE FOR SIGN : GONTIiACTOI(S) < —' APPIICATLOt FEES TT BEACH NEON SIGN CO. PER25.00 u-� , tt 4 .fix ei5`"4.0 S ti.:- j , ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPT. 88188883221888 M.88 14 1 9118/8191 Receipt: ON9652 too 3221M WE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION ICOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:-- _ 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH HE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEE TRICAL RE ULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. A `2rGDbb 13 a -b ELECTRICAL FIRM: j' MASTER ELECTRICIAN S, IIGNATURE JOURNEYMAN NAME +!%^'��t �S� �/u'��� ADDRESS:1� 7 Ci �t'FD 80X BLDG. SIZE BETWEEN: RES. ( ) APT,( ) comm.( ) PUBLIC ( ) INDUS. ( ) NEW ( ) OLD ( ) REW. ( ) ADDITION( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP. ( ) SIGNS ( ) SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW( ) INCREASE( ) REPAIR ( ) FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS rnppFR f I et Iim I 1 SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST. SERV, SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO, SITE N0. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN I TOTAL CITY OF '?*�- September 19, 1991 Atlantic Brake & Alignment 1075 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: Sign Ordinance Gentlemen: 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 Please be advised that an investigation of property located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard has disclosed that there appear -E; a sign which is not in compliance with the sign ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, to -wit "We Check & Fix" lc)r-atv(J on r-i(4ht- of-vay. This is your first notice and you are hereby notified that unless the condition above described is remedied within seven (7) days from the date hereof, this case will. be tuined over to the Code Enforcement Board. Under Florida Statute 102. 09, the Code ErifoicemL-rit Board may impose fines of up to $250.00 per day for- a fixf.;L violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. Sincerely, Dori C. Ford Code Enforcement Officer DCF/pah cc: City City Manager lj-jj I , �_ CITY OF ,765,5Q Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION - � -(3 `� � " Date Permit No. Time t �1 ' �� A.M. Received Job ress Owner' s Name �' C � � � Contractor Loc �tY , �v r t r t,.2 -L BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ❑ Footing ❑ Rough Wiring Ci Rough ❑ Air Cond. & ❑ Re Roofing ❑ Slab ❑ Temp Pole Insulation ❑ Lintel ❑ Final , ❑ Top Out ❑ Heating .•J, sews+""""'""- ❑ Fire Place ❑ Pre Fab READY F�R INSPECtibN n' A.M. Mon. Tues. Wed Thurs. Friday M. - Inspection Made PM. r Inspector spection % �l t1 8 / � G �// 7 .. ertiflcate of Occupancy ❑ Date f % w C-ITY OF : - 4&44dw Bim- I&I d-4 Office of Building Official $� REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date O �- 7 �T-� Permit No. - Time - t H'm Received 1 `P1� Cdress Lolily Owner's r1 j{ T /may S 1 Name � V Contractor D i--^ BUILDING CONCRETE ECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ❑ Footing ❑ Rough Wiring Ci Rough ❑ Air Cond. & ❑ Re Roofing 15 Slab ❑ Temp Pole ❑ Top Out ❑ Heating Insulation ❑ Lintel ❑ Final ❑ Sewer ❑ Fire Place ❑ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday P.M. / rF� A.M. Inspection Made RM. Inspector_ Final Inspection O %/ �% 1 / Certificate of Occupancy ❑ 5(p 9 - / �f�'n/ - (�.1 �G� il✓ Date 1� 1( V 01cmMs OF ti • � • DATE JOB ADDRESS THIS JOB HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED The following additions or corrections shall be made before the job will be accepted r r d. $15.00 REINSPECT FEE it is unlawful for any Carpenter, Cofitractor, Builder or other persons, to cover or cause to be covered, any part of the work with flooring, lath, earth or other material, until the proper inspector has had ample time to approve the installation. After additions or corrections have been PLUMBING made, call 247-5826, Buildinq Denart- mPnf- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR ROOFING PERMIT BUILDING OWNER _f ; A <C i¢ ©�` PRONE JOB ADDRESS 67S''�4�Y%�. LOT# BLOCK OR UNIT ## SUBDIVISION CONTRACTOR1 l/U/� S Roa�9 �O ,_PHONE ADDRESS 16 f4 %'/"�iA SCJ�y,(Ile lel, SCtJt� r`Zer�r� 3 z � LICENSE NUMBER -e -et- G/ q EXPIRATION O- e -F JOB VALUATION MATERIALS: 40 Z SIGNATURE OWNER DATE SIGNATURE CONTRACTOR �� DATE CITY OF 710 - 1 75- fYK6a&c /3eQ(A'l - 0;&w -J4 Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION S OO Date a2 Permit No. 7 �/ Time Received 7 Job Address Locality Owner's sr Name -Q rt1 Ilontractor UILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PCUMBIN MECHANIC Framing ❑ Footing ❑ Roug Wiring Rough ❑ Air Cond. & ❑ Re Roofing ❑ Slab ❑ Temp Pole ❑ Top Out ❑ Heating Insulation ❑ Lintel ❑ Final ❑ Sewer ❑ Fire Place ❑ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. A.M. Friday Y, 7 A.M. Inspection ade P.M. Inspector V4 Final Inspection ❑ o Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Date -L� �i�,,_ .• CITY OF 'S Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION -9s Date--- Permit No. Time Received Job Address Locality Owner's Name BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL 'PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing Footing Rough Wiring -Rough 1_i Air Cond. & Re Roofing Slab Temp Pole Top Out I❑I Heating Insulation 7 Lintel Final Sewer f7 Fire Place Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A.M. Mon. C Tues Wed. Thurs. Friday RM A.M. nspecticr Made P.M.ec Final Inspection Certificate of Occupancy DATE:;1-7-93 f ------------- PRE -SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTION(S) HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORY: Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. SI ELY, r L LDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc: FILE tit l Li t,H l l u1Y 1 0.6 1 A.�" 11 1 Sec. 20-3. Sign Permits - Required - It shall be unlawful for any person to install, alter or relocate any sign, marquee, canopy, awning or other advertising structure permitted under section 20-2 without first obtaining a permit from the City Manager and making payment to the City Clerk of the required fee. All illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subject to the provisions of the City Electrical Code and any permit fees required there- under___Ordinance_No__60_66^It4_J......................................... TYPE OF SIGN Name, Address & Phone No. Applicant Flat J. James Marasco Horizontal Projecting 1501 Neptune Grove Drive West Vertical Projecting Neptune Beach F1 32233 Roof (904) 246-9362 Pole XXxx Name. Address & Phone No. Owner Marquee or Awning Farrin R. Kahoe VALUATION $ 1024 E. Parkridge Circle Address of the Sign Jacksonville, F1 32211 (904) 721-1961 1075 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, F1 32233 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS APPLICATION: a. The location fo the building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected. b. A Plot plan showing the position of the sign or other advertising stru( ture in relation to nearby buildings or structures. c. A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. d, The name of the person/contractor erecting the structure. e, Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign. f. Registered engineer's drawings must be submitted with applciations for roof signs over fifty square feet in area, and for any sign the top of whi( is more than seventeen feet above the ground or weighing more than one thousand pounds, or solid sign of area more than thirty square feet, shown that such sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five pounds per square foot and that the weight of such sign will bE amply supported by the roof of the building or the ground support on which it is to be erected. g, Such other information as the City Manager shall require to show full compliance with Chapter 20 and all other laws and ordinances of the City. SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN DATE S ',. . 1 k;:Z" DATE JAM Building and Zoning t 4 J _4_1 4_1­ ol 4_4 T ILDING 0 FIEE7­ LAT . ...... 4 14 L - T— -4-4- A FOUR SEASONS Landcape Maintenance fnccorporated A sign announcing the location identity of my business was produced by me and intention is to erect same. J. James Marasco (President) 1075 Atlantic Boulevard 11 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 0 (904) 246-0345 PLANS REVIEW CHECK LIST Address�[Q--Owner ��-9�-.- 71� ------ Legal DescriptionContractorvll'��_�, - �,, �_� -------- --------------------------------- _License Number ---- ------------------------ License on File YES NO Section 24_101 * Zoning Regulations Zoning District ___-_-_ Proposed Use ------------------- Required Lot Size _--___--_-__ Setbacks Required Provided front r -------- -------- rear -------- -------- side _---___ 1_Q__ side -2 -------- -- _- /D ii _, Max. Height Allowed_____ Section 24_82 * Minimum Lot Coverage a.,fx8oY Required �d Area ____4 Section 24_161 * Ofistreet Par ing Number Spaces Required- _�__ Actual Lot Size Section 24-17 CORNER LOT INTERIOR LOT Flood -Zone ________________ Required Elevation ------- D" Proposed Height__y� 7--/ Proposed Area --- A ______- Spaces Provided ____--_-_-_ Section 24_82 * Duglicatg Buildings Is there a similar building within 500' of proposed building?YES NO Utilities Water and sewer service is to be provided by: Buccaneer Utilities ----- City of Atlantic Beach Utilities Private Source SEPTIC TANK WELL Plans Reviewed by: Date Building Permit #---------- ISSUED DENIED tictct ess-- /0 7s' �r» Heated Square Footage @ $ _per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed @ $ per sq ft = $ Carport/Porch @ $ per sq ft = $ Deck @ $ per sq ft = $ Patio @ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: $ $ Total Valuation 1st $ $ Renai.nder Valuation . per thousand or portion thereof --------------------------------------------� Total Building Fee $ ADDITIONAL PERMITS and/or FEES REQUIRED � + k Filing Fee $ Mechanical ; Fireplaces @ 15.00 $ Plumbing i BUILDING I PERMIT FEE $ Electric/New i Electric/Temp ------------------------------------------------- 5 Septic Tank BUILDING PERMIT $ Well WATER METER CHARM $ Swi_mning Pool SEWER IMPACT FEE $ Sign WATER DTACT FEE $ Water Connection MISCELLANEOUS $ Sewer Connection $ Water Meter $ Elevation Certificate GRAND TOTAL DUE $. CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 08-00001690 Date 12/09/08 Property Address . . . . . . 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description PLUMBING ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL, GENERAL Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 1 fixture ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor KAHOE'S GARAGE ATLANTIC COAST PLUMBING CORP. 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD. DBA:ATLANTIC COAST PLUMB.&TILE ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Q/A: PARRISH, NICHOLAS JACKSONVILLE FL 32224 (904) 249-5381 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 42.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 6/07/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due --------------------------------------------------------- Permit Fee Total 42.00 42.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 42.00 42.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. Dec 09 08 01:25p W Susan Parrish 904-246-3673 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION p.2 Date: Property Address: tri %� sJ' '''' �' . Dwaer: c'4. Telephone M: Contractor: %►I (' Cio,�%� T' 1 �'�nJ1 J 1 elephone #: Contractor Address: Fax 9: IS !a— In oonsicWwion of permlt iviven for doing the work as describou in theabove sstuter»crtt, we hereby agree to pertorm said work i> accordance with the attached p1wo and spej:ifications which am a cart hereof' and in acuordancc with the Cite ai' Atlund%; Beach ; ordinance and standuds of good practice listed therein. i lnstallat,un of plumbing and Unires must be in accordance with the most recent edition of'the :southern Standard Plumbing code. Plumbing Type: If other construction is being cone on this building or site. O New list the building permit number: O Re -Pipe Number of Fixtures: Bath Tubs Closets Dishwashers Disposals Floor Drains Lavatory Sewer Fees Showers Shower Pans Sinks Urinals Washing Machine Water zWater Heaters Ckher Permit Issuing Fee: $35.00 Total Fixtures: �� X 57.00 + S35.00 3 I C 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233.5445 Phone: (904) 2475800 • Fax: (904) 347-5845 . http://www.ci.atlantic-boach.fl.us 11 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PLUMBINC PERMIT APPLICATION Property Address: Owner: Telephone #: _ 6� l'' �10 Contractor: Telephoue #: Contractor Address:34a � �f�Q` g� 3a.�.Zq FAXA:: s i !n oonsideretion of'permit given for doing the work as described in the above stntem�-n[, ..e hereby agree to perform stud work in uccordanrx with the attached plans and specifications which ure a pun hereol'and in tv;cordance with the Cit. oi'Atluntiu Beach ordinance and standards of good practice listed therein. Installation of plumbing and fixtures must be in accordance with the must recent edition of the Southern Standard Plumbing Plumbing Type: Number of Fixtures: 0 New O I Re -Pipe Bath Tubs Closets Dishwashers Disposals Floor Drains Lavatory Sewer Fees Permit Issuing Fee: 535.00 It other construction is being done on this building or site. list the building permit number: Showers Shower Pans ' Sinks - Urinals Washing Machine Water Water Heaters Al Other Total Fixtured: �_ X 57.00 + S35.00 3 " O O 800 Seminole Road - Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233.5445 Phone: (904) 2475800 - Fax: (904) 247-5845 . http:llwww.ei.atlantic-beach.fl.us CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 08-00001694 Date 12/10/08 Property Address . . . . . . 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL, GENERAL Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc NEW SIGN 90 X 59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor KAHOE'S GARAGE RIVER CITY ADVERTISING, INC. 1075 ATLANTIC BLVD. 3514 MORTON STREET ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 JACKSONVILLE FL 32217 (904) 731-3452 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 65.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 6/08/09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments * Please call for post footer inspection before pouring concrete. * Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ------------------------------------------------------ Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 65.00 65.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 65.00 65.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. Dail K A• WS 10. ADDRESS: Stu /07i- 1*1�4a/& � 4-1920kc 6 pae4,i FG 3d�33 OFFICE PHONE: 12. FAX NO.: �1. 0�-�7- 3� 13, CELL PHONE: / 14. EMAIL ADDRESS: i FEf3 SIMP9LE.Trn Ho yN IIF;QIHERl4iAt6UNRii`i<. 31. NAME: _ ./, 17. STATE 25. NAME: Il yoval ► O t, a v 18. ADDRESS: r 26. ADDRESS: 1,31 Z elm.., • ; 3 2 &C3 19. OFFICE PHONE:20. AX NO.: 27, OFFICE PHONE: 28. FAX NO.: ? -7 /-3yS' X07 !K' s I VOO. 7— 21. CELL PH 96 V *7 15' 1 29. CELL PHONE: 0o Fnnau nnnaF.ce' _ 130. EMAIL ADDRESS: NAME: 32, ADDRESS: 34. ADDRESS: ��S 36. ADDRESS: S Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six (6) months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at any time after work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work, Plumbing, Signs, Wells, Pools, Furnaces, Boilers, Heaters, Tanks, Air Conditioners, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT- I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. I will not occupy or use the referenced building or any part therof, until all inspections are finaled and prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy or completion issued by the building official, as required by law. i WARNING TO OWNER:** YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING --CONSULT WITH YOUR - - r LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Signed: Date: Before me this day of , 2007 in the county of Duval, State of Florida, has personally appeared herin by himself ! herself and affirms that all statements and declarations are true and accurate. Notary Public at Large, State of , County of ❑ Personally Known ❑ Produced Identification - REVIEMD FOR CODE COMPLIANCE CITY OF ATLANTIC .BEACH SEE PERMITS FOR ADDITIONAL R W V&W)WEMDITIONS. : I/ l LC l Date: /6- - Z me this 4�7— Np day 200% in the county of State of Florida, has personally appeared herin by himself ! herself and affirms that all statements and declarations are true and accurate. Notary Public at Large, State of I^ t County of FN a2 t ❑ Personally Known )/ / l�,�t Produced Identification- lii l(„L 3 Notary Signature: �i > Q �L J REVIEWED BY: ! DATE: ©K FILE CO Riolan► pow .sacs of n" mV CwwMW EON -M A X1 Coauai " # 00 von LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION River City Advertising, Inc. 3514 Morton Street Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904)731-3452 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter Authorized RIVER CITY ADVERTISING, INC. to act as Agent of Owner to secure permits or variances required by the local government body, and to perform sign installation, removals, or maintenance of the property located at: Tennant Address Name: z�l2 County: ✓ �� j Zoning: Signature of Owner / Landlord: Printed Name: r c� llcIry P Name as shown on Warranty Deed: �DQ/2i,c) /�7c)t Ac1!i``a e Property Purchased (Month and Year): Phone Number: (P%-) % 7 L/ Owner's Address: Signature of Notary State of Florida: County: 'S� .:s '�+ S Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 = day of Personally Known ✓� or Produced ID. Type of ID Commission expires (Stamp of Seal ": _• BRIDGET LEIRVIK MY COMMISSION # DD 600965 EXPIRES: October 2, 2010 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Fo rn c 0 rn Eo o �Lo Sot QC y E M —C1=s O gja E! O 2 x a) 4) cm 00?E L- c0 �m �-"cov Cz er7 Karn c z`a'°—��Q.N 2o3>0toc/5a. TUt-Oa2 m Fire coat Nov 21 08 08:38a Karen Klee Stang (904) 241-1886 P.1 ATLANTIC BLVD - —_ wEST 8�tlNz; i A►�S �� SITE PLAN for: POOCHES PLAYHOUSE SCALE, V = 301 A DOG DAYCARE CENTER DATE, SEPTEMBER 20, 2008M :075 Atlantic Btvd. Roy S. Jones 297 34th Avenue, South Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Re: Use by Exception #2003-05 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlantic Beach Dear Mr. Jones: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5810 SUNCOM: 852-5810 FAX: (904) 247-5846 http://ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us This is to confirm the Atlantic Beach City Commission, in regular session on Monday, November 10, 2003, granted your request for a use -by -exception to allow the sale of new and used automobiles and boats, and also automobile leasing, from property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Please be advised that the use -by -exception was granted subject to the following conditions: • There shall be no more than three (3) for -sale vehicles displayed outside of the enclosed building at any time, and such vehicles shall be displayed outside of the enclosed building only between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Vehicles for sale shall be maintained within the enclosed building at all other times; • there shall be no automotive repair on the property; • there shall be no boats, or vehicles other than automobiles, displayed or maintained on the property; • any automobile leasing shall be long-term leasing only and not short-term car rentals; and • this Use -by -Exception is non -transferable and granted to this applicant only. We have enclosed an application for an occupational license for your business which we request you complete and submit to this office. If you have any questions regarding this use -by - exception, please do not hesitate to call our Planning Director, Sonya Doerr, at 247-5826, and for information regarding the occupational license, please contact the undersigned at 247-5809. Sincerely, Maureen King Certified Municipal Cler AGENDA //*It COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road 1. Call to order and pledge of allegiance. 2. Approval of Minutes of the meeting of September 16, 2003. 3. Recognition of Visitors. 4. Old Business. 0,67Pr a. ZVAR-2003-13, Kelly Mannel and Ron Mackoul. Request for a Variance from Section 24-105 (e) (2) to reduce the required twenty (20) foot rear yard to ten (10) feet to allow for the construction of a detached one -car garage for property within the RS -2 Zoning District and located at 312 East Coast Drive. Continued pending proposed revisions to Chapter 24, which may impact the applicant's request. b. ZVAR-2003-16, Edward and Paige Beach. Request for a Variance from Section 24- 105 (e) (2) to reduce the required twenty (20) foot rear yard to eight (8) feet to allow for the construction of a glass enclosure, for property within the RS -2 Zoning District and located at 407 Seaspray Avenue. 5. New Business. eqwaftftftmuest for a Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and use au omo i es ana boats and also automobile leasing for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. b. ZVAR-2003-17, Steve Abrass. Request for a Variance from Section 24-104 (e) (3) to reduce the required seven and one-half (7.5) foot side yard to five -feet, six and one-half inches to allow for a garage bay and second -story addition to the front of the existing residence, for property within the RS -1 Zoning District and located at 2317 Barefoot Trace. 6. Other Business a. Discussion and recommendation regarding proposed revisions to Chapter 24. 7. Adjournment. All information related to these applications and full legal descriptions for the subject properties are available for review at the City of Atlantic Beach Planning and Zoning Department located at 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Community Development Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Notice to persons needing special accommodations and to all hearing impaired persons: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5800, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 not later than 5 days prior to the date of this meeting. 2 To: From: Date: Subject: AGENDA ITEM 5.a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT October 21, 2003 Public Hearing UBE-2003-05, Roy S. Jones Community Development Board Planning, Zoning and Community Development Department City of Atlantic Beach October 09, 2003 UBE-2003-05 Applicant: Roy S. Jones 297 34th Avenue, South Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Request: Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also automobile leasing for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Location: 1075 Atlantic Boulevard Existing Zoning: CG (Commercial General) Future Land Use: CG (Commercial General) Surrounding Land Use: Various commercial uses. STAFF COMMENTS This Use -by -Exception is requested to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also an automobile leasing business. A Use -by -Exception was approved to the current owners of this property (not this Applicant) for an automotive service garage in May of 1986. That Use -by -Exception is not valid for the proposed use since it was not granted to this applicant, but rather to Edith and Farrin Kahoe, and the requested use is a different use. This location has been occupied by several automotive related uses over the years; however, the last valid such Occupational License was for a "dent repair" business located on this site until 2000. The most recent occupant of the building was Carnival Vending, Inc., which sold discount food and beverage items. There are several automotive related uses along the COAB side of the Atlantic Boulevard corridor, including Jiffy Lube, Texaco, a retail auto parts store, a car wash, and some authorized uses within the Atlantic Self Storage facility and the Ashland property that are operated within the enclosed buildings. There are, however, no used or new car or boat sales businesses along Atlantic Boulevard. Staff cannot find that the requested use is consistent with the development pattern along Atlantic Boulevard, which is dominated by general retail, service and office uses. Further, the proposed location does not seem to contain adequate on-site traffic circulation, or sufficient lot area for both customer parking and the display of boats and vehicles. SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND DENIAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend denial to the City Commission of a requested Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also automobile leasing for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, provided: (Provide findings of fact similar to the following.) 1. Approval of this Use -by -Exception is not in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 2. The requested use is not consistent and compatible with other surrounding uses along the City of Atlantic Beach side of Atlantic Boulevard. 3. The proposed use is not consistent with Section 24-171 (a) of the Land Development Regulations, which establishes the intent of the Commercial Corridor Standards. 2 SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of a requested Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also automobile leasing for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, provided: (Provide findings offact similar to the following, and attach other conditions as may be appropriate.) 1. Approval of this Use -by -Exception complies with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 2. The requested use is consistent and compatible with other surrounding uses along the City of Atlantic Beach side of Atlantic Boulevard. 3. The proposed use is supportive of Section 24-171 (a) of the Land Development Regulations, which establishes the intent of the Commercial Corridor Standards. HAPLANNINMUSE-BY-EXCEPTION FILES\UBE-2003-05 (Jones)\CDB Staff Report.Doe AGENDA ITEM #8A NOVEMBER 10, 2003 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Request from Roy S. Jones for a Use -by -Exception to allow the sale of new and used automobiles for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP ld o Community Development Director DATE: October 29, 2003 BACKGROUND: This Use -by -Exception is requested to permit the sale of new and used automobiles at an exiting building located as 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. The Community Development Board considered the request at their September meeting and recommended approval, subject the following conditions: • There shall be no more than three (3) cars displayed outside of the enclosed building at any time; • there shall be no automotive repair on the property; • there shall be no boats, or vehicles other than automobiles, displayed or maintained on the property; • any automobile leasing shall be long-term leasing only and not short-term car rentals; and • this Use -by -Exception is non -transferable and granted to this applicant only. BUDGET: No budget issues involved in this request. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve UBE-2003-05, subject to above stated conditions. ATTACHMENTS: Draft minutes of October 21, 2003 Community Development Board meeting and application package. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: `�7 November 10, 2003 regular meeting AGENDA ITEM #8A NOVEMBER 10, 2003 Draft Minutes of October 21, 2003 Regular Meeting of Community Development Board 5. New Business a. UBE-2003-05, Roy S. Jones. Request for a Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also automobile leasing for vroverty within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Roy Jones introduced himself. Mr. Jones explained that he purchases luxury cars such as Porsches, Mercedes and BMWs, has them serviced and detailed and then sells them to the public. He advised that approximately 90 percent of the cars were sold prior to reaching the lot, and he anticipated selling approximately 10 to 15 cars per month. Mr. Jones stated that he would like to park three or four cars out front to display for the public the types of cars that he would sell. He informed the board that he would use the area in the rear to store additional cars. Mr. Jones assured the board that he would not hang balloons, etc., like a typical car lot but planned to improve the image of the property. He stated that he would paint the building nice "beachy" colors, and would place palm trees in planters in the front. Mrs. Walker asked Mr. Jones why the application included a request for automobile leasing. Mr. Jones explained that this would be for long term leasing and that he would be the agent for the leasing company. Ms. Drysdale asked Mr. Jones about his reference to detail and repair work. Mr. Jones responded that he would send the automobiles to other locations for detailing and mechanical work. He stated that this location would be for storage only. Mr. Jacobson asked Mr. Jones why his application referred to boats. Mr. Jones stated that this was the wording in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Burkhart clarified, and Mr. Jones concurred, that he would not mind if the board removed the reference to boats in the final motion. In response to a question from Mr. Burkhart, the applicant advised that the landlord would remove the junk located in the back of the property. Mr. Frohwein asked the applicant about signage. Mr. Jones replied that he would like to use the sign that was currently at this location. Mr. Frohwein referenced Ms. Doerr's comment in her staff report: "Staff cannot find that the requested use is consistent with the development pattern along Atlantic Boulevard..." Mr. Frohwein asked Ms. Doerr if after hearing the applicant, she still agreed with this comment. Ms. Doerr advised that there were no new or used car dealers along Atlantic Boulevard, it was a long, narrow site, and there was no public access from the rear of the site. She stated that her primary concern was setting a precedent for a use that has not previously existed in this area. AGENDA ITEM #8A NOVEMBER 10, 2003 Draft Minutes of October 21, 2003 Regular Meeting of Community Development Board A motion was made by Mr. Burkhart, and seconded by Mr. Jenkins, to recommend approval to the City Commission of the Use -by -Exception. A motion to amend was made by Mr. Jacobson, and seconded by Mr. Jenkins, to recommend approval to the City Commission of the Use -by -Exception with the following conditions: • no more than three (3) cars displayed outside of the enclosed building at any time; • no automotive repair on the property; • no boats, or vehicles other than automobiles, displayed or maintained on the property; • any automobile leasing shall be long-term leasing only and not short-term car rentals; and • this Use -by -Exception is non -transferable and granted to this applicant only. Ms. Doerr advised that the applicant would need to provide the required number of parking spaces at the front of the site. Mrs. Walker asked the applicant about customer parking. Mr. Jones replied that there were at least fifty parking spots located in the rear of the lot. Mrs. Walker stated that she would prefer to see customer parking located someplace other than the front of the lot. Mr. Frohwein asked Ms. Doerr if it would be reasonable to require that the applicant provide three additional parking spaces in front since stored vehicles would occupy three parking spaces. Ms. Doerr advised that she would confirm that this issue was not overlooked. The vote was called and the motion passed by unanimous approval. AGENDA ITEM #8A NOVEMBER 10, 2003 AGENDA ITEM 5.a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT October 21, 2003 Public Hearing UBE-2003-05, Roy S. Jones To: Community Development Board From: Planning, Zoning and Community Development Department City of Atlantic Beach Date: October 09, 2003 Subject: UBE-2003-05 Applicant: Roy S. Jones 297 34th Avenue, South Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Request: Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Location: 1075 Atlantic Boulevard Existing Zoning: CG (Commercial General) Future Land Use: CG (Commercial General) Surrounding Land Use: Various commercial uses. AGENDA ITEM HA NOVEMBER 10, 2003 STAFF COMMENTS This Use -by -Exception is requested to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also an automobile leasing business. A Use -by -Exception was approved to the current owners of this property (not this Applicant) for an automotive service garage in May of 1986. That Use -by -Exception is not valid for the proposed use since it was not granted to this applicant, but rather to Edith and Farrin Kahoe, and the requested use is a different use. This location has been occupied by several automotive related uses over the years; however, the last valid such Occupational License was for a "dent repair" business located on this site until 2000. The most recent occupant of the building was Carnival Vending, Inc., which sold discount food and beverage items. There are several automotive related uses along the COAB side of the Atlantic Boulevard corridor, including Jiffy Lube, Texaco, a retail auto parts store, a car wash, and some authorized uses within the Atlantic Self Storage facility and the Ashland property that are operated within the enclosed buildings. There are, however, no used or new car or boat sales businesses along Atlantic Boulevard. Staff cannot find that the requested use is consistent with the development pattern along Atlantic Boulevard, which is dominated by general retail, service and office uses. Further, the proposed location does not seem to contain adequate on-site traffic circulation, or sufficient lot area for both customer parking and the display of boats and vehicles. SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND DENIAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend denial to the City Commission of a requested Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also automobile leasing for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, provided: (Provide findings of fact similar to the following.) 1. Approval of this Use -by -Exception is not in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 2. The requested use is not consistent and compatible with other surrounding uses along the City of Atlantic Beach side of Atlantic Boulevard. The proposed use is not consistent with Section 24-171 (a) of the Land Development Regulations, which establishes the intent of the Commercial Corridor Standards. 2 AGENDA ITEM #SA NOVEMBER 10, 2003 SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of a requested Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also automobile leasing for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, provided: (Provide findings offact similar to the following, and attach other conditions as may be appropriate.) 1. Approval of this Use -by -Exception complies with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 2. The requested use is consistent and compatible with other surrounding uses along the City of Atlantic Beach side of Atlantic Boulevard. 3. The proposed use is supportive of Section 24-171 (a) of the Land Development Regulations, which establishes the intent of the Commercial Corridor Standards. HAPLANNINMUSE-BY-EXCEPTION FILES\UBE-2003-05 (Jones)\CDB Staff Report.Doc 3 1wilp output AGENDA ITEM 48A NOVEMBER 10, 2003 JAXGIS Property Information E # ame ddress Total Value cis at Book map egal Descriptions Flood andUse on/ng shSlte T ne/ one 1075 177508 000 FARtARRIN R HOE ATLANTIC BV 19325 1.39 0000 556 2S -29E 1.38 DE CASTRO Y FERRER GRAN Not in Flood 2233 PT RECD O/R 9810-1853 Zone http://maps.coj.net/WEBSITE/DuvalMAps/toolbar.asp 10/1/2003 f o lo: V �; fl w1r) Date 1. 2. Applicant's Address 3. Property Location AGENDA ITEM 48A NOVEMBER 10, 2003 ATION FOR A USE-BY-EXCEPTI Beach 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233_541 7-5800 • FAX (904) 247-5805 • http://www/ci.atlantic-beach.fl.u1 /� u e File No. V60001� (! Receipt Yt7 y J Zci-7 _Z,4t T S 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number M 50S 0600 Block No. K & Lot No. 5. Current Zoning Classification C 6. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation 7. Requested Use -by -Exception -jt- (Z -SALE a F N E w A t4z U 5 E A v-6 - l Z: d a s N gran rr cri e 6-A 6 j 1q" F"sT 8. Size of Parcel ,+ 00 Jf (`` 9 U 0 9. Utility Provider :TE A 'j- dE.r'j` C At 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for requested Use -by -Exception, which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as Exhibit A. (The attached -guide may be used if desire. Please address each item, as appropriate to this request.) 11. Provide all of the following information: a. Site Plan showing the location of all strucjures, temporary and permanent, including setbacks, building height, number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways. Identify any existing structures and uses. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner, a letter of authorization from the owner(s) for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies: Four (4), except where original plans, photographs or documents larger than 11x17 inches are submitted. Please provide eight (8) copies of any such original documents. e. Application Fee ($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s) or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached: Printed or typed name(s): ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLLIICATION Name: _ Q l Gl hi F Mailing Address: Z. C4 :1 3 4 S ) Ar-/, _-Z__ FL 3 47, S Phone: - t �' 2?76 FAX• 176q -Zq2 i + (�j /� E-mail: 1 L) t S,SS �fy AC. C, c,,,n LV AGENDA ITEM #8A NOVEMBER 10, 2003 EXHIBIT A The review of an application for a Use -by -Exception shall consider the following items. Please address each of the following as applicable to your specific application. 1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed Structures thereon with particular reference to vehicular and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of fire or catastrophe. V, A P4,1 1 2. Parking and Loading Spaces, where required, with particular attention to the items in (1) above. J�-Ariki+4G 1 1..r ?EA F4 -LS d !4N q 1�EL%AR. Qt= -IS 0aL],Nr'C3 3. The potential for any adverse impacts to adjoining properties and properties generally in the area resulting from excessive noise, glare and lighting, odor, traffic and similar characteristics of the Use -by -Exception being requested. TE !fiT'Ft E iZ T i s'T 6 PL L Er'q op -1 ref Y"(► �T 4. Refuse, trash collection and service areas, with particular reference to items (1) and (2) abofve- 'l.. "T IZ rA 14 \A'J . 1 tj is f C �" L E� r`% t._k+ 4 6 L^nd E ter -P— 0— -� 1 e7 ILle- V 0 000 5. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability and compatibility; M L -C t; ' I -r-r I rr & 6. If adjacent uses are different types of uses, describe type of screening and buffering that will be provided between your use and the adjacent use.i^ ,C �_ s i ,-1-6 Fe "-ce i 7. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and compatibility and harmony with properties in the District; (See Signs and Advertising, Chapter 17.) 8. Required Yards and other Open Space. Show building setbacks and areas of open space on site plan. 9. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the surrounding Zoning District as well as consistency with applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. s" 1) r -a C'LT- + s VFJ t�� '_- To P 1-0 S- S ''L fit- L v.'+ -d ri-va 'i ,► f� F—;- w7--rA c-: I _s Other information you may wish to provide: ' 1 IrE ► ht !< `�y _ o ►C Pri- ._T" i; D �it r- r2 e 1 iy n r T-4 � Ca r' �1`` � �'•t r+ -•i,, fit;..tZ a Pn c t 1-J0 V tz . L 1 - it 11ri e AGENDA ITEM #SA NOVEMBER 10, 2003 OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION FOR AGENT y51 G N S is hereby authorized to act on behalf of 1 fc4 4; the owner(s), of those lands described within the attached application, and as described in the attached deed or other such proof of ownership as may be required, in applying to the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, for an application related to a Development Permit or other action pursuant to a: ❑ Zoning Variance ❑ Appeal Use -by -Exception ❑ . Fence or Pool Permit ❑ Rezoning ❑ Sign Permit ❑ Plat or Replat ❑ Other t�M M,AN,-_ Signature of Owner', A- P -91 :K/ dC Print Name Z _c r i 1 ,/ ` I i %.1e Print Name 27-3 7 -7 Telephone Number A6 State of Florida County of Duval Signed and sworn pre me thi M day o,,—.. By Identification verified: Oath sworn: Yes No J� a Notary;*, re My Commission XPtV—K*"t p;DR� ukt Tn Notary pabtic, state of My comm. expires rill( Bonded thru Ashton Aaenry i�� ann00' eNR S Y1 'xY 333e3Vf� - 4 CL Ilk, February 09, 2004 Roy S. Jones 297 34th Avenue, South Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Re: 1075 Atlantic Boulevard Dear Mr. Jones: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING AND PLANNING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5800 FAX: (904) 247-5845 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Over the last two weeks, the City has received several complaints related to the appearance of your business. The City's Code Enforcement Officer did not observe any clear violations of the Use -by -Exception approved for your business, but please be mindful of the conditions that must be maintained on the site as well as the representations made to the Community Development Board and the City Commission during the public hearing process. Your business location is one that is highly visible, and one that is frequently scrutinized by residents and elected officials. I have enclosed a copy of the minutes and the approval related to your Use -by -Exception. Please feel free to contact me at 247-5826 with any questions. Sincerely, Sonya B oerr, AICP Community Development Director Enclosures cc: Jim Hanson, City Manager Alex Sherrer, Code Enforcement Officer Roy S. Jones 297 34th Avenue, South Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Re: Use by Exception 42003-05 1075 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlantic Beach Dear Mr. Jones: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-545 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5810 SUNCOM: 852-5810 FAX: (904) 247-5846 http://ci.atiantic-beach.fl.us This is to confirm the Atlantic Beach City Commission, in regular session on Monday, November 10, 2003, granted your request for a use -by -exception to allow the sale of new and used automobiles and boats, and also automobile leasing, from property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Please be advised that the use -by -exception was granted subject to the following conditions: • There shall be no more than three (3) for -sale vehicles displayed outside of the enclosed building at any time, and such vehicles shall be displayed outside of the enclosed building only between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Vehicles for sale shall be maintained within the enclosed building at all other times; • there shall be no automotive repair on the property; • there shall be no boats, or vehicles other than automobiles, displayed or maintained on the property; • any automobile leasing shall be long-term leasing only and not short-term car rentals; and • this Use -by -Exception is non -transferable and granted to this applicant only. We have enclosed an application for an occupational license for your business which we request you complete and submit to this office. If you have any questions regarding this use -by - exception, please do not hesitate to call our Planning Director, Sonya Doerr, at 247-5826, and for information regarding the occupational license, please contact the undersigned at 247-5809. Sincerely, 1 Maureen King Certified Municipal Cler Minutes of October 21, 2003 Regular Meeting of Community Development Board 5. New Business a. UBE-2003-05, Roy S. Jones. Request for a Use -by -Exception to allow for the sale of new and used automobiles and boats and also automobile leasing for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 1075 Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Roy Jones introduced himself. Mr. Jones explained that he purchases luxury cars such as Porsches, Mercedes and BMWs, has them serviced and detailed and then sells them to the public. He advised that approximately 90 percent of the cars were sold prior to reaching the lot, and he anticipated selling approximately 10 to 15 cars per month. Mr. Jones stated that he would like to park three or four cars out front to display for the public the types of cars that he would sell. He informed the board that he would use the area in the rear to store additional cars. Mr. Jones assured the board that he would not hang balloons, etc., like a typical car lot but planned to improve the image of the property. He stated that he would paint the building nice "beachy" colors, and would place palm trees in planters in the front. Mrs. Walker asked Mr. Jones why the application included a request for automobile leasing. Mr. Jones explained that this would be for long term leasing and that he would be the agent for the leasing company. Ms. Drysdale asked Mr. Jones about his reference to detail and repair work. Mr. Jones responded that he would send the automobiles to other locations for detailing and mechanical work. He stated that this location would be for storage only. Mr. Jacobson asked Mr. Jones why his application referred to boats. Mr. Jones stated that this was the wording in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Burkhart clarified, and Mr. Jones concurred, that he would not mind if the board removed the reference to boats in the final motion. In response to a question from Mr. Burkhart, the applicant advised that the landlord would remove the junk located in the back of the property. Mr. Frohwein asked the applicant about signage. Mr. Jones replied that he would like to use the sign that was currently at this location. Mr. Frohwein referenced Ms. Doerr's comment in her staff report: "Staff cannot find that the requested use is consistent with the development pattern along Atlantic Boulevard..." Mr. Frohwein asked Ms. Doerr if after hearing the applicant, she still agreed with this comment. Ms. Doerr advised that there were no new or used car dealers along Atlantic Boulevard, it was a long, narrow site, and there was no public access from the rear of the site. She stated that her primary concern was setting a precedent for a use that has not previously existed in this area. Minutes of October 21, 2003 Regular Meeting of Community Development Board A motion was made by Mr. Burkhart, and seconded by Mr. Jenkins, to recommend approval to the City Commission of the Use -by -Exception. A motion to amend was made by Mr. Jacobson, and seconded by Mr. Jenkins, to recommend approval to the City Commission of the Use -by -Exception with the following conditions: • no more than three (3) cars displayed outside of the enclosed building at any time; • no automotive repair on the property; • no boats, or vehicles other than automobiles, displayed or maintained on the property; • any automobile leasing shall be long-term leasing only and not short-term car rentals; and • this Use -by -Exception is non -transferable and granted to this applicant only. Ms. Doerr advised that the applicant would need to provide the required number of parking spaces at the front of the site. Mrs. Walker asked the applicant about customer parking. Mr. Jones replied that there were at least fifty parking spots located in the rear of the lot. Mrs. Walker stated that she would prefer to see customer parking located someplace other than the front of the lot. Mr. Frohwein asked Ms. Doerr if it would be reasonable to require that the applicant provide three additional parking spaces in front since stored vehicles would occupy three parking spaces. Ms. Doerr advised that she would confirm that this issue was not overlooked. The vote was called and the motion passed by unanimous approval. CITY OF 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLOREDA32233 TELEPHONE (904) 249-2396 April 17, 1986 MEMORANDUM T0: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Advisory Planning Board SUBJECT: Board Actions of April 15, 1986 with recommendations Your Advisory Planning Board considered the following requests at its regularly scheduled meeting of April 15, 1986, 1. The Advisory Planning Board recommends approval of the request for Use By Exception by Fred W. Mills for 16ts 1,2 & 3, Block 4, Section )-i; Currently zoned Commercial General. (Grandfathered). The Board recommends that all use by exceptions be granted except for item 4 which would not allow the on premise consumption of liquor, beer and wine. 2. The Advisory Planning Board recommends approval of the request for Use By Exception by Charles W. Crum for 160 Mayport Road, Lot 1 & 2, Block 25, Section H Currently zoned Commercial General (Grandfathered), 3. The Advisory Planning Board recommends approval of the request for Use By Exception by Farrin and Edith Kahoe for 1075 Atlantic Blvd,, Atlantic Beach, Currently zoned Commercial General. (Grandfathered), 4. The Advisory Planning Board recommends that an ordinance be drawn up creating a single special use district for Blocks 111, 117, 118, 119, 139, 140, 141, 142 and 143, Section H, Atlantic Beach for use as a junk yard. The Board also recommends that the property be enclosed with opaque fencing and that if any portion of the property is changed the whole exemption would be lost. 5, The Advisory Planning Board recommends that the plat for Ocean Walk Subdivision be approved as submitted. Sincerely, I-&r-egA 06 s, lie, Chairman Advisory Planning Board 3 PAGE 1 of 1 A. Please Print or Type 'USE BY EXCEPTION' APPLICATION DATE FILED: & ADDRESS OWNER OR TE L IN POSSESSION OF PREMISES: PHONE WORK: HOME: STREET ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES AS TO WHICH THE USE BY EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED A DESCRIPTION OF THE USE BY EXCEPTION DESIRED, WHICH SHALL SPECIFICALLY AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE THE TYPE, CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED 11SF. BY F.XCF.PTTnN 0 SPECIFIC REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT FEELS THE REQUEST SHOULD BE GRANTED: . � a` 1 ri /), . .l (I 1 D i �, � _ n , n 0 j.--+ �1 '�.�u.✓ �.11A..r PRESENT ZONING: f� S°At 4 7 e 4i&ggnature of bDeplicarkor Applicant! s Authorized Agent or Attorney, If. Agent or Attorney, Include Letter of Owner or Tenant to that Effect . (Necessary to Process 01