Permit 1085 Atlantic Boulevard~- ~ ~ ~--a ~~ ~ 7~~~ ~. F C i d ~,. `,. 3 h -.~ ~~~'1 :0 'r ~'~~, -~ ~ Cr"~ +#' ~~. '7';a. ,,, ry,v __ ~ ~'y ~` `~~ ti~ ~_ c'~, CITY Cf~ ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOR OFFICE U3~ ONLY Permit #.. ~.`?`:.d.~.....Fee $-.t::3:~.`...Q..a - ~j'p ~/ 4~ Valuation $--.l...l.-L.-~---.=' .~~,~~.7./ ~ , f House #.,[.~~~.~'..~`-'1-G~~LZ~~""L` ,. Application ds hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Buildini; Permit is automatically responsible to a~acertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. Date....._..---•-----r~-~~-----------------------•----- -------- Owner-----•~-(~E~i~C.. ~.:..~,~=i p. , ~1~-FO~.r~s..ii' R ~-~ - ~. - ---- - - - - ----- -----------•- •------ •- --------- ---Address----~'L.. ~~~ i..~ '---Telephone No ",F ~S~ ~'~/ Architect---f___~-v-1-1.5---~`••--~,.5--~3.~.!N..._...~f~~r~~,.Address_2.~?~-~?~eu~__.1~`.~1~----~---------._.Telephone No...~~?'i.-7-~~'G Contractor Builde~ - --~'-'~-•'!~.~: az....~ ~ ~-1?.--- - • ~= '----- ddress._J~~ ~. ~.l~7Cc?k<t~--.~t1C9-~--~.~1.-'=-----Telephone No---------------------..._._ Lot No.----~,~;.~...~,~~~~- f/ - -------------Sub Division-- --------------------•-----------•--------------------------------- ------...Zone.--•------------- .StrBeetk.---o. -- --- - ---- Side Between-- -----•- --------- ------------------------------ -------•• -- -- -•--•---••-Sty. - ----------•--•-•---••--•-•--•-•---------`~ ------ /~D Valuation $~.QQ~-.-.--------For what purpose will building be uaed.__,~~'------~---------- ype of construction_._.--~ . Dimensions of Building--------------------- --- -------------Dimensions of Lot- -------------------------------------------------Size of Footings ----------...------------•- •-------- Size of Piers---.-.-----------------------------Size of Sills--.---------------------.-•_--Greatest Sill Span in ft..-.-------.---------------Type Roof..-.---...-.------•--•-•-- How will Building be Heated?_____....._ .............__.___.___....___.____........_..Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?_______.__._.__..__...._._ Size of Ceiling Joists-------------•-•--------------------------, Distance on Centers_...-------.-----.------•--------...---__..-, Greatest Span-.-------.--....---•---••---.-.----• Size of Floor Joists_...__ ........................................ Distance on Centers....___. .__._._.__.....__...__......_._, Greatest Span..___.__._..__......_.__........_. Size of Rafters------------------ ---------- -- --- - -- ---------- Distance on Centers ......_ ..- -- --- --- ---- ----------., Greatest Span-----...-----------•-••------•--•--- Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building oz buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. W 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. Z 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. ''~ 4. When framing is completed. .7 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. q ?. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. ~ 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. z a FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby :agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, a*hich are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the City o tlantic Be ch. °~~ ~? i~=! -von--~`~~~. ~ s~ 1 ~~~ ~c 7a,e iii' ~~i~i~ ~? Signature of Builder--~-•-f-- - -~/J ._. Address ...............•• --•-----------------------..........................~~i......................... Signature of Owner../..`?.<. <.--`J.`~!? ~.~~.~'G'.%'p."-~`-kt'-;fit.... Address---..J~~.:~..~...~.~-!~ ?, ~- ~- / (~, ~.. '% <~ Tuesday, April 18, 2006 City of Atlantic Beach Landamerica Assessment Corp. 22171 Waterside Dr. Boca Raton, Fl 33428 Attention: Vivian Faerman Subject: 1085 Atlantic Blvd. Dear Ms. Faerman, 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Telephone (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5805 The property addressed as 1085 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, Fl. is in a flood zone "X" per the FIIZM Community Panel number 120075 0001 D dated April 17, 1989. Sincerely, ~~ c ~ Don C. Ford CBO Building Official Cc; File FROM Fi~RMAN IRV VIU PHONE N0. 5614886181 Rpr. 17 2006 09:49AM P1 LANDAMERICA ASSESSMENT CORPORATION ~~ -----~ -3q~ OoOo Re: Fiood Zone ~ ~ ~ 1(~~ ~~~` ~~~~ ~'c~ ~ 1 atn in the process of canipleting a property condition assessment at the above referenced site. ()n behalf of the propcRy owners, 1 would like to know the flood zoac designation, map panel number, community ~oumber, and date for the above referenced site. Please check your records and fax me the infarenatyon at 561 X88-6181. if you have any questions, please Call meat 561-305-7660. S-i~nce\rely, ~J Vivian Faerman ~r 11 ~~00~ ~ON(_' X ~ ~ _ ~D~-„~~~ /lea. C1 oG 7S p00 ( .17 COhrrvv~7~f ~' 22171 Waterside )Jrivc. Boca Raton. FL 3 +~28 Tel. (>61) 44:i-17$7 Fax. (3(>1) X170-0$90 ~~ r~1t~' l~ ,. ~J `WSJ i `~` ~.)i.S~f~ MEMORANDUM DATE: February 10, 2010 To: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director i;;'?'z C)i~ !t'1'€.;iN'i'iC $IA(:fI `)r.P.-1R'!'A'•T:NT OP PUQi.IC' 1i~ORKS 1200 SAI~UI'€PL'R I.~1NE ~1~f1~~0~'itC 3r~.~Cit, ~'T_ORI€x.432233-d315 ~~ a.~PHO\E: (904j 247-5534 FAX: (904) 247-5343 SL'NCOM: 552-5534 www.coah.us FROM: Phil Nodine Streets and Maintenance Division Director SUBJECT: Business Licenses While I was going thru the business license to find restaurants that was on toter service I found 3 restaurants not on the list. Port Of Life restaurant on Mayport Road ? Mayport Diner on Mayport Road o9 - `~-1 S 4 d b a hr ~r~yQo~r ~ ~ r~-F ~ Beach Diner on Atlantic Blvd. Q,c I} ~,}:~ I spot checked several others business and I couldn't find where they had a business license. Rick's Used Car lot on Mayport Road BB&T Bank on Atlantic Blvd Jax Federal Credit Union Naval Federal Credit Union Western Natural Gas on Levy Road Alex & Alex Salon on Mayport Rd ~ Beaches Memorial Gardens has one for the cemetery not one for the funeral home. ~~2t~c~ss i;~ . • . C&C Garage on Dudley Street Advantage Plumbing on Mayport Road Atlantic Arms A artments ~®._ ~,~~~ Sailfish Apartments 2 ~ ~ ~~- ~ ~ ~ ~~ clk ~5 ~ \ ~~ F N -rte ..~._-----~,. '~ ~~ Gorman, Susan From: Nodine, Phil Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:25 PM To: Gorman, Susan Subject: Atlantic Arms Apts Checking the property appraisers office they were built in 1972, the property address is 1085 Atlantic Blvd. It is own by Atlantic Arms East Apts LTD mailing address is 4000 B St Johns Ave #22 Jacksonville Florida 32205- 9345 r PRODUCT APPROVAL INFORMATION SHEET (PATS) FOR THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE (Revised: July 8, 2008) Project Name: Atlantic Arms East Apt Ltd Permit#: Project Address: 1085 Atlantic Blvd, Building ~1 Jacksonville, FL 32233 As required by Florida Statute 553.842 and Florida Administrative Code 9B-72, please provide the information and product approval number(s) for the building components listed below as applicable to the building construction project for the permit number listed above. You should contact your product supplier if you do not know the product approval number for any of the applicable listed products. Information regarding statewide product approva{ may be obtained at: http://www.floridabuilding.org. See Bulletins G-25-04 and G-03-05 for more information. Cate o /Subcate o Manufacturer ro uc escrip ion or Model No. Limits of Use ro uc Approval # Local # A. EXTERIOR DOORS 1. Swin in 2. Slidin 3. Sectional 4, Ro11 u 5. Automatic 6. Other: B. WINDOWS 1. Sin le hun 2. Horizontal slider 3. Casement 4. Double hun 5. Fixed 6. Awnin 7. Pass-throu h 8. Pro'ected 9. Mullion 10. Wind breaker 11. Dual action 12. Other: C. PANEL WALL 1. Sidin 2. Soffits 3. EIFS 4. Storefronts 5. Curtain walls 6. Wall louvers 7. Glass block 8. Membrane 9. Greenhouse 10. S nthetic stucco 11. Other: Printed Date: 7/10/2008 Page 1 of 3 Cate o /Subcate o Manufacturer Product Descri tion Limitation of Use State # Local # D. ROOFING PRODUCTS 1. Asphalt shin les ~'. ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ , 2. Underla ments -(-1 _ L I U~1 3. Roofin fasteners 4. Nonstructural metal roof 5. Built-up roofin 6. Modified bitumen 7. Single pl roofin 8. Roofin tiles 9. Roofin insulation 10. Waterproofin 11. Wood shin les/shakes 12. Roofin slate 13. Liquid a lied roofin 14. Cement-adhesive coats 15. Roof the adhesive 16. Spray applied pol urethane roof 17. Other: E. SHUTTERS 1. Accordion 2. Bahama 3. Storm panels 4. Colonial 5. Roll-u 6. Equipment 7. Other: F. STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS 1. Wood connector/anchor 2. Truss lates 3. En ineered lumber 4. Railin 5. Coolers-freezers 6. Concrete admixtures 7. Material 8. Insulation forms 9. Plastics 10. Deck-roof 11. Wall 12. Sheds 13. Other: Printed Date: 7/10/2008 Page 2 of 3 Cate o /Subcate o Manufacturer Product Descri tion Limitation of Use State # Local # G. SKYLIGHTS 1. Skyli ht 2. Other: H. NEW EXTERIOR ENVELOPE PRODUCTS In addition to completing the above list of manufacturers, product descriptions and State approval numbers for the products used on this project, it is the Contractor's or Authorized Agent's responsibility to have a legible copy of each manufacturer's printed instructions, along with the list above, on the job site available to the inspector. The products listed below did not demonstrate product approval at time of plan review. I understand that before these products can be inspected, they must be submitted for review for code compliance and approved by a Plans Examiner. This form will be revised to include each new product in the categories listed above and will be highlighted to indicate the new products and required information. Contractor/Authorized Agent: Don Towers ~C..~ `. l (Print) (Signature) Company Name: Howard Construction, LLC Mailing Address: 5 8 0 - 3 Wells Road City: Orange Park State: Florida Telephone Number: 9( 04 ) 541-1112 Cell Phone Number: ( 904 ) 226-3664 Zip Code: 3 2 0 7 3 FaxNumber:(904 )541-1103 E-mail Address: Printed Date: 7/10/2008 Page 3 of 3 ~. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 09-000.01085 Date 7/28/09 Property Address 1089 BLDG 4 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description ROOF PERMIT Property Zoning TO BE UPDATED Application valuation 25606 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc REROOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner ------------------------ Contractor ------------------------ HOWARD CONSTRUCTION LLC 580 WELLS RD STE 3 ORANGE PARK FL 32073 (904) 541-1112 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ROOF PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 158.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 25606 Expiration Date 1/24/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 158.00 158.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 158.00 158.00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. ` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH .'~ `~: 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 ~~ OFFICE: (904)247-5826 ~ FAX NO.:(904)247-5845 ~~ ~ ~ BUILDING-DEPT@COAB.US u,,~- ~`"`~=~ ~ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 3~~~~ 09-(._~._~ _I f I DUVALCOUNTY 7: JOB-ADDRESS: - - ' '- ~ ~ - ~ - -: - ~ ~ ' ~- -:. 2: VALUATIOry OF wORK' ~ ' 3, SQ: FT, UNDER ROOF r -- ~ ~ ~, k. A . ~ , ~ - 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: -`' ~ ~ :'. 5. CLASS OF WORK. - ~ - rJ.USE OF STRUCTURE' 1,_ ^ NEW BUILDING ~ DEMOLITION ^ RESIDENTIAL LOT _ BLOCK SUB DIVISION ~ 1 ~L ^ ADDITION ^ CONVERTING USE ~ COMMERCIAL r. DESCRIPTION OF WORK ~ - ~~ ~ -- ~ ^ ALTERATION ^ ACCESSORY BLDG. e. FIRE SPRINKLER: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ REPAIR ^POOL/SPA O'~FS ^'I'~. ,~. ~ ~.: ^ MOVE ~ OTHER O GO PROPERTY QWNL'R:- < GflNFRACTOR: ARCHITECT t ENGINEER: 9. NAME: :-- 15. COMPANY NAME ~ 23:COMPANY NAME: L' V ~~ ^ ~~~ m^ J ~ 16. NAME: 24. LICENSEE NAME 10. ADDRESS: 17. STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO.: 25: STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSE NO:: ~-1C0~ ~ Sfi. ~x~~~, A ~, ~ ~ ~~ 22- C- 18. ADDRESS:~~f3,/` .~~ vv.~> ~~ ~. ~~l ~~ 26. ADDRESS:' ~x~,~ ~,r~~\c Fig. ~322~ a~'C~~ ~.. r'~ ~=1. '%v~~ ?~ 1 L OFFICE PHONE: 12. FAX NO.: 19. OFFICE P ONE: 20. FAX NO.: 27.OFFICE PHONE: 28. FAX NO.: 13. CELL PRONE: 21. CELL PHONE: 29. CELL PHONE: 14: EMAIL ADDRESS: ' 22. EMAIL ADDRESS: 30. EMAIL ADDRESS: F PLE Tl LD - (IF OTHER?~WDJ OWNER) - ,"-' ';130NDINi3 COMPANYi MORTGAGE LENDER: 31: NAME: 33. NAME: 35. NAME 32. ADDRESS: 34. ADDRESS: 36. ADDRESS: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that ali work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced within six (6) months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months at any time after work is commenced. I understand that separate permits must be secured for Electrical Work, Plumbing, SI ns, Wells, Pools, Furnaces, Boilers, Heaters, Tanks, Air Conditioners, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT- I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. I will not occupy or use the referenced building or any part therof, until all inspections are finaled and prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy or completion issued by the building official, as required by law. *** WARNING TO OWNER: *** YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. :OWNER orAGENT~,- : ~ ~ CONTRACTOR _ ~ ' (•f Ag9nt, powet'ot~ANamey or A ncy Letter ReQ~tlredy (Qi}ahfler ONy) t ~ Date: ~ °27 ~ C 9 Signe~~-~~~-'~~ j~ Signed: y'' Data: `j ~- ~ y _ /~J~Y , 2009 in the coun Before me this ~_ da of c ty of y ty Before me this da o , 2009 in tfie coun of Duval, State of Florida, has personally appeared Duval, State of Florida, has personally app red herin by himself /herself and affirms that all statements and deGarations are herin by himself /herself and ' ms that all statements and deGarations are true and accurate. true and accurate. ~i/~ Notary Public at Large, State of ~. County of ~ U P Notary-Public at Large, State of 1 " , C my of p ersonally Known Lr1 ersonally Known ^ Produced Identification - (] Produced Identificat - Notary Signature: Notary Signature: . ~- .w ,N1tiEl MEOENtOi 4. Nobr1- VuWc - Stab M FloriN 1 IA~~INt1iNWA8pfI~tA~d$ 2011 CotMlnhflon N 00 0l51ff0 ,~-•• 6olndidlh-cupANlllilfaMlNtllrfrAMS. V ~E~r ~- ,.s~.._ Y Not1n °~/hli~ State of Florida Jenri?r, Ktyski ' ~` ~Y J~'clTrrri~swrl DD486124 ~+~°~ Exparrs ttU27l2t3pg Augt 4. 2409 11:22AM No. UZ6/ r. ~ lit0'!'IG~ OF COMffiE1~ICEMEI~'1' + twtx~>~t Perns't No. Tau Fogo tio. Stale of I CouM!- d To wrhan R may eone~rn: TiN undvrsignad hwoby frlfOfraa yew graE Improvanentf ww ba mlyda 10 oartlNa rat properly, amt in i11Ca wtth soetlOn 71 i of Ura Florida 91Nda, tlra falbwtfry tafomwrtiaNr ii elated In ilrta N01iC@ OF OONII~k11CEM~tIT. ~ doseriptiaorr of ptopony tl~np improved: _ 3 8 -2S-29B + ~ ~ --- S DE CASTRO X FSRRSit GRAN'P ~. Addiesadpropertpbeinghapored: 1085 ATl_~N'!'IC HdOL?~!AA~. H~JII,UINGS 2.3.4.E O ATL~-H'r'TC B1iAC1;i FL 3 3't ~ General descr7gion d improverrisnb: _ ROOFING O Oo Owner SSA. ~ AWlreS6 _4000 B 4T JOHNS AV81erJ8 SL~JTTB 22 TA~~O.**~lTi?.R F'I. 32205 `'~ a- Owners interest in s8a dtha impmverrlerlt AWNHtt ~ Fee simple Titlanomer Cd other uran owner) _ Name r ~ aedre~a ~ TAUCTION, l[.LC Conbador __ HOWARD CONS _ ' ~ ~ Ad~~ 580-3 WSI.LS 3tORD, OtZANf3t s PARK, FL 32073 ~ ~ PtxmeNo. 904-591-1112 Fax No. 904-541-1103 Sureh+ (n arryj `, ~ Address AmnurM p1 bond i ~ tso Phone No. Fex No. ~ ~ r ~ Name and dodress of any pwsq- mak)ng a ban for the canstnrctlon d the improranenta. ~ Nsma (~ O Address Phone No. Fix No. Name o! person wihin the Stele d Florida. other than nNV;eN, designated i-Y owner upon whom natNees ar other dOCUrrianis may he served: Name Addr ess Phone fdo_ Fax No. in addNlon t0 tiNrself, owrrer desigriatea 9re f9 person to reoeflle a Copy of Itq Lpnor's Nottoe ats provided in Section 713.48 (Z) (b), Fiorlda Statutes. (FAI ~ st Owners opiionj. Name Address Phon• ~• Fax No. Expiration dale of Notice of Comnlencernent (8-a aucpl-alion d>tleis ane (1j year from the d~ d reoorditrg urdess a differerK data is specdiadj: ?009163070.OR 8K 1 e958 Page 2132, 1 d 0810314009 d 03:03 PM. ' .ER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL OtAp~11 a.rarinw rna ~ F a in M igd0r rd ii hu sgwd MnreNlunw rre Mpnw p~rf CAI clprnnptr «q di~i~s nw ~ air wr ana sewraor NG 110.00 rt a ~~ id w ~ Cate o /Subcate o Manufacturer Product Descri tion Limitation of Use State # Local # G. SKYLIGHTS 1. Sk li ht 2. Other: H. NEW EXTERIOR ENVELOPE PRODUCTS 1 In addition to completing the above list of manufacturers, product descriptions and State approval numbers for the products used on this project, it is the Contractor's or Authorized Agent's responsibility to have a legible copy of each manufacturer's printed instructions, along with the list above, on the job site available to the inspector. The products listed below did not demonstrate product approval at time of plan review. I understand that before these products can be inspected, they must be submitted for review for code compliance and approved by a Plans Examiner. This form will be revised to include each new product in the categories listed above and will be highlighted to indicate the new products and required information. Contractor/Authorized Agent: Don Towery (Print) ignature) Company Name: Howard Construction, LLC Mailing Address: 5 8 0- 3 We 11 s Road City: Orange Park State: Florida Telephone Number: (904 ) 541-1112 Zip Code: 32073 Fax Number: (904 )541-1103 Cell Phone Number: ( 9 04 ) 2 2 6- 3 6 6 4 E-mail Address: Printed Date: 7/10/2008 Page 3 of 3 Cate ory/Subcate o Manufacturer Product Descri tion Limitation of Use State # Local # G. SKYLIGHTS 1. Skyli ht 2. Other: H. NEW EXTERIOR ENVELOPE PRODUCTS In addition to completing the above list of manufacturers, product descriptions and State approval numbers for the products used on this project, it is the Contractor's or Authorized Agent's responsibility to have a legible copy of each manufacturer's printed instructions, along with the list above, on the job site available to the inspector. The products listed below did not demonstrate product approval at time of plan review. I understand that before these products can be inspected, they must be submitted for review for code compliance and approved by a Plans Examiner. This form will be revised to include each new product in the categories listed above and will be highlighted to indicate the new products and required information. Contractor/Authorized Agent: Don TowerY (Print) (Sig ture) Company Name: Howard Construction, LLC Mailing Address: 5 8 0- 3 We 11 s Road City: Orange Park State: Florida Telephone Number: (904 ) 541-1112 Cell Phone Number: ( 904 ) 226-3664 Zip Code: 32073 Fax Number: (904 )541-1103 E-mail Address: Printed Date: 7/10/2008 Page 3 of 3 Aug. _. 4. 2409 11: 22AM No. U16! r. ~ ~' litOTIC~ 4F COMffiEl~(CE~EI~'~` iPREPARE tM DURICIITE) a• Permit No. Tax FOgo N0. Stsle of Coui>ty of __._~_- Towhom i< ~ cone~rn: Ths undvratprwd iroroyr MrfarRrs you that tmproYwnwKs win bs trtada to oaepte ree+ pr~aperlr, and to s~cadruros vdlh tioeilon 710 of Ua Florida Stststin, the tdlowirrq ifttontratlo~l k stated In this NCFTICE t!F OONINIENGENIENT. to~lao:ai~onotP-oDorty-bein0imprared: 3~,,A-'?S-29S _„ _~ ~ ~ B DE CA3TR0 ~ FS>~Rl2R GRA>>'iT ~ c5 t?T RECD O~ IR B),S ~,~7;}'(iQ8 ~, Address d property beRlg 1085 ATLANTIC BdQLBVARD t3IlILDINGS p ATLANTIC BEACH FL 3_?233 ~ Gareral description d irrprovanleMs: ROOFING 1L G7 ~ Owner ATLANTIC ARMS 8A3T APTS LTD C/t? Ati~ ATTARA ~ c• ~ T F'i 3aao~ ~ - r n7 L7ftQ Ct _ _ _ . Aadresc aooo B sT aoxi~~ A~ ,~,~T$ as 3ACKSONVILLe. '~'' ~ Owners irrleresl in site dthe enprvvernent A]fN R ~ 4 Fee Slmpte TiiMhoider [d otlrer than owner? Name ~ Address hacror HO-fA1tD CONSTRUCTION, LLC C ~ on q~~s 580-3 tfSLLS 1tOAD ORAN(3t3 PARK, FI, 3x073 _ ~ ~ cr PhareNo. 909-541-1112 Fax NO. 904-541-1103 (>- O Surety (K arty) ,,~ ~ ,~~ a twntt s oo Phone No. Fax No. ~ ? venrerrls i t f th t di or- o e mp . v nr Name and aWYesa d arty parson rr+skN~g a ban for tre cons _ ~- Name t`.~ O Address p~ Np, Fax N0. Name of person within fhe SIffie d Fbrida, aitwr than hYrl9eM, dssignaesd by owrra' upon rYtwm nodose a other dpgpr~sMa map he served: Name Address p~ Np. FaX No. In addlpon to t>wnseit, o+mrer designsies the toAovdrtg peroorr to reoeAre a copy d the Lisnor's Not)oe ass provided in SeNiort 713.06 {~ {b), Florida 8taNtes. (Fil in at Owners opnOn~. Name Address p~ pb, Fex No. Fxpralion dale of Notice d CommenCenrent (the e~iration daEs:~s one (t) year from fhc date of teootdbrg unless e drksent dale is specified): Doc a 2009183070.OR 8K i 1968 Page 2132. Number Pages: ~ Recorded 06e0914009 at 03:03 PM. ' JIM FULLER CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING 510.00 OWNER s.J orate ~' ~ a1 t .s~. a d d Its svrsa~sA ' W IW1MlMIw~Mr o10 ~i7rM tAU M X110 A~ antar y+aaa~e st lads. er 1 _ _ err Proruwe IdsdfiAYM SPECIFI CATIONS FOR AT L A T ~~ A E A ~T ~. . A T TS otl ntic c I o r i d o f ral housing rninistr®tion pry j C n C?. 063- 35061- ~.®.C' U~. ®~ r IL O U I S AC D O N ELL F' R iVK ~. GA RC t A SPONSOR LOMAR - BUILDERS INC. & h FRANK B. GARCIA ... _ 3441 VICTORIA PARK RD. JACKSONVILLE FLA. 3221E D ARCHITECT LEWI S C. M E D L I N by~~ ,_ ,~. OWNER LOUO S B. MACDONELL by FRANK B. GARCIA by,_.__ CONTRACTOR LOMAR BUILDERS INC. by FRANK B. GAROIA 3441 VICTORIA PARK RD. JACKSONVILLE FLA. 32216 MORTG~EE wM. MASON CO. by APPROVED ~. CITY pt ATLANTIC BEACH BllILDINC OFFICE R .~ ,~,,~ 7 . ®~®~~ ~/ ARCHITECT • DAT E STN°~" I N D E X CONTRACT FCRMS ................................. A-1 thru A-5 GENE}zAL CONU I TI ONS AND/OIZ SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS ,,,,,,,,, g-1 DIVISION 1, GENERAL RE9111 REMENTS , , , , , , , , , , , , ,lA-1 thru 10-1 Section 1-A, Codes and Standards ....,.. ,lA-1 Section 1-B, Protections ............... .1B-1 Section 1-C, Labor ..................... .1C-1 Section 1-D, Cutting and Patching ,.,,,. ,1D-1 section 1-E, Grades, levels, Lines and Surve ys ......................... .1E-1 Section 1-F, Cooperation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1F-1 Section 1-G, Scaffolding ............... .1G-1 Section 1-H, Manufacturers' Directions,, ,1H-1 Section 1-I, Temporary Facilities .,,,,, ,11-1 Section 1-J, Cleaning ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1J-1 Section 1-K, Signs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1K-1 Section 1-L, Deference to Location ..,.. .1L-1 Section 1-M, Specification Divisions ,., .1M-1 Section 1-N, Clarification and Emphasis .1N-1 Section 1-0, Contractor's Shop Drawings ,10-1 Section 1-P, Testing ................... .1P-1 DIVISION 2, SITE WORK ....................... .2A-1 thru 2F-2 Section 2-A, Clearing of Site ,,......,, .2A-1 thru 2A-2 Section 2-B, Earthwork ................. .2B-1 thru 2B-3 Section 2-C, Paving, Drainage and Water Distribution System ,...,,.,,..,2C-1 thru 2C-6 Section 2-D, Lawns and Planting .......,,2D-l thr~ 2D-9 Section 2-E, Playground F~ Yard Equipment.2E-1 Section 2-F, Sewage Collection System ..,2F-1 thru ?F-2 DIVISION 3, CONCRETE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3A-1 thru 3F-1 Section 3-A, Cast-In-Place Concrete .,.,, 3A-1 thru 3~1-3 Section 3-B, Concrete Formwork ,.,,,,,,,, 3B-1 thru 3B-2 Section 3-C, Concrete Reinforcement .,,,, 3C-1 Section 3-D, Finishes ................... 3D-1 thru 3D-2 Section 3-E, Prestressed Concrete Deck .. 3E-1 thru 3E-7 Section 3-F, Pre-Cast Concrete Balc ony an d Stairs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3F-1 N D E X (continued) DIVISION 4, MASONRY „ ,.,,,,....~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,4A-1 thru Section 4-A, Unit Masonry ................ .4A-1 thru Section 4-B, Mortar ...................... .4B-1 DIVISION $, METALS ....,....,:o .................. .$A-1 thru Section $-A, Structural and Miscellaneous„ $A-1 thru ,, DIVISION 6, CARPENTRY ........................... .6A-1 thru Section 6-A, Rough Carpentry ............. .6A-1 thru Section 6-B, Finish Carpentry i~ Millwork,, ,6B-1 thru DIVISION 7, MO ISTURE PROTECTION ..................7A-1 thru Section 7-A, Building ,Insulation ,,.„ ,....7A-1 Section 7-B, Caulking and Sealants ....,...7B-1 Sect i.:on 7-C, . Roofing ~' Sheet .Meta I , , ......7C-1 DIVISION 8, DO ORS, WINDOWS ANb GLASS ............. 8A-1 thru Section 8-A, 1~lood Doors ................... 8A-1 Section 8-B, Aluminum Windows ............. 8B-1, Section 8-C, Glass and. Glazing ,..,......,. 8C-1 Section $-D, Aluminum Window Screens ,,..., 8D-1 Section 8-E, Finish Hardware .............. 8E-1 • DIVISION 9, FINISHES ............................. 9A-1 thru Section 9-~, Dry Wall ..................... 9A-1 Section 9-B, Tile Work .................... 98-1 thru Section 9-C, Resilient Flaor Coverings ..,. 9C-1 thru Section 9-D, Painting ..................... 9D-1 thru Section 9-E, Sprayed Textured Plaster .... . 9E-1 y DIVISION 10, SPECIALTIES ........................10A-1 Section 10-A, Toilet i:~ Bath Accessories ...10A-1 Section 10-B, (viisce(laneous Specialties .,.lOB-1 DIVISION 11,~EQUIPMENT .................. .......11A-1 Section 11.-A, Residential Equipment ....,..11A-1 DIVISION 12, FURNISHINGS..(NOT IN CONTRACT) DIVISION 13, SPECIAL CONSTRUCTI ON (NOT I N CONTRACT) DIVISION 14, CONVEYING SYSTEM..(NOT IN CONTRACT) ~. 3, ~; i€ 4B-1 4A -4 $A-4 5A -4 bB -$ 5A -2 CB -$ 7C-1 8E-1 9E-1 9B -2 9C-2 9D-3 thru 10B-1 f N D E X (cont i rued) DIVISION 15, MECHANICAL ........................ 15A-1 thru 15B-2 Section 15-A, Plumbing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15A-1 thru 15A-17 Section 15-B, Heating ~ Air Conditioning,. 15B-1 thru 1~R-2 DIVISION 16, ELECTRICAL ........................ 16A-1 thru 16B-10 Section 16-A, General Service ..,..,,,.... 16A-1 thru 16A-6 Section 16-B, Work by Others ............. 16B-1 thru 16B-10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ATLANTIC ARMS EAST APARTMENTS ~" ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA .i ~, _. ~r ,, y v v y y .r v v ~ 1r ~ y ~ ~ . ]LY _ ~ ~~ ~~ i. ~ .! ]r .i .[,~ _ . v r ; ~~ ., „ .r c ;c i~ i~ '.C',c :~ ;'r',E'.'c ,. ,c# :c r~# ~c ;c .c .c ,c ;c ;c"c ,c ,c ,c :c ;c .E .c ,£' ,c .E ,ti ;E ,, c ;C ,E-'c ;c ;c ;~ f ~£-d(- c ;c ;: ;c ;~ t• ;~ ~ ;~ :c ;: ~~ ; }c :c ;i- ;: LEW I S ,C . MEDLf N, ARCHITECT JACKSONV-IEEE, FLORIDA .~ . ., .~ i~i: "Y " . ~ .~ r ~~ ~ ., a ~C ~C . .C ~ ~ ~ . ~ .i .i ~t ~ . .C ~L ~G] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ i~ ~ ~t n ~~ i~ ; ~ n ri ~~ ' ;r i ~# :;- :1- ;c ;~ „ .c ;E ,'c;. 3c ;~ ,E;c ,~ :c ~ c .f c ;'c ;'c ;~ ;c E7c ;.:'c-;'c :c ,c ;E c .'c ,. , r E 'c is i'c ;c ;'c~. ~c , 'E ;: ~b ;: ;• ,~ ,• CONTRACT FORMS: F~7RM OF CONTRACT: a. All general construction work and related items including heating, plumbing and electrical work required to complete new construction in accordance with drawings and specifi- cations shall be included in a single or general contract. The General Contractor is recognized as a part.' to this ` contract. h'here the term "Contractor" is used in these specifications, the General Contractor is ret=erred to. Where the terms "Plumbing Contractor," "Masonry Cor~tr~-act- or, c;tc . are referred to, i t has been 1'ar ~~onven i ~~nce. only and in no way affects the overall responsibility oi~ the General Contractor. ~` ~: I:~ . I t i s understood that, except as otlrerw i se spec i i~ i ca I I ~ stated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall ~. provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, temporary ~ construction of every nature, all other services, facili- ties, and cost of every nature whatsoever necess~~ry to `~. execute end complete -thework being done under the F~I~~ns and specifications and deliver complete in ever~~ resp~:ct. hFRh1 i TS: , ___._ a. Ail permits required by the City or State shall be furnished ,- } by the General Contractar, except where the specifications ~Y call for these to be furnished by the specific subcontract- or sections. 1: TAXES: .a ,,~ ~ a. The Contractor shall pay for all taxes, including State Sa (es Tax, ..and Soc i a I Security and llnemp I ayment ,~s rc~e~u i red by t4~e Mate . ~' Pa e A-I fade 11-I 9 y- >'. :~ CONTRACT FORMS CONTRACTOR'S i NSl1RANCE: a. Work shall not be commenced under any contracts until- the Contractor has obtained all insurance required under this heading, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work under any subcontract until all 5imii.~r insurance required of the Subcontractor has been obtair~ed. .~ b. l^;orkmen's Com ensation Insurance: .The Contractor shall ~.~ take out and maintain during the life of this contract ,,1 Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of his employees ~ employed at the site of the project, in accordance with ~_ ~ the laws of the state.' Evidence of the coverage of ali persons employed directly or indirectly by the Contractor `'"~ or any Subcontractor at the site of the project shall be ,~:,,~ submitted to the Owners. ~~ c. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Con- -```~ tractor shall, at his own expense, take out and maintain `'~ during the life of this contract ouch insurance as will _"'{ , protect himself and the Owners fram claims fot^ damage for :`~' personal injui^y including accidental death, as well as °'`} i=rom c I a i ms for ;property d~~mages wh i c:Nr may arise From . ;;.° operations under thiscontract, whether such operation be ~~~ performed by the Contractor or by Subcontractors or by '~°,$ anyone employed by either of them directly or indirectly. >w~ Such coverage shall be $100,000/300,000 limits for per- ~°~} sonal injury and $50,000/100,000 for property damage. Any work connected with construction which is excluded from the Contractor's or Subcontractor's Public Liability `~ v~i Insurance and Property- Damage Insurance sha i I be: G~vc~red ,; by rider or riders to such policies•,.and such coverage , shall be made prior to doing any work under special hazard s ;:I in the same .amounts as called for above. `'x` ,~::;.~ ~ d. Rroof of Insurance: The Contractor shall, before construe- ~ tion commences, furnish the Owners with satisfactory '-~' ~ evidence of coverage on all insurance as noted above, and ;4# - any insurance company to be acceptable mr.rst have an agent , domiciled in the city in which the work is being done. . ~~,I. K£ OWNER'S I NSIJRANCE: a. The Owner will carry Builder's Risk Completed Value Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance in an amount sufficient to protect all parties to the. contract. Page A- Page A-2 ~w ,i ~:#: ~' '~ ;~ ~ ~ ~:` ,rtf _¢~, -- - e CONTRACT FORMS PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR: a. Partial payments monthly will be made as the work pro- gresses an estimates submitted by the Contractor, certi- fled by the Ar~~hitect~ and approved by the Owner. Es- t imates of eacl~~ month l y procgpess w i I ! be subm i t tod f c, r• approval on or'before_the 10th day of each month. b. In making such' partial payrents for the work, there shall be retained 10% of the estimated amount-until final com- pletion and acceptance of all work covered by the contract. c. All material and work covered by partial payments made shall thereupon become solely the property of the Owner, but this provision shall not be~construed as relieving the Contractor from the sole responsiblity for the care and protection`of materials and work upon which payments have been made or the restoration of any damaged work, or as a waiver',of the: right of the Owner to require the fulfillment.of.ali terms of the contract. r CHANGES: a. In the event changes in the plans and specifications be- come necessary, the Contractor may give notice to the Architect of such changes. -The Architect will make the necessary changes and apply to the F.H.A. for their ap- proval. (f such changes or extra work cause an increase or decrease in the amount due under this contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made and approved by the F.H.A. TRADE NA~1ES: a. The name of a certain brand, make, manufacturer or det=i- nite specification shall be used throughout the plans and specifications wherever possible. Any changes theret~rom shall be approved in writing by the Owner and F.H.A. ~>rior to substitution. ,,, FIELD I NSPECTION: a. The supervision of construction work and inspection of materials and workmanship, with complete authority in' connection with same, will be done by the Architect, his Representative, and the F.H.A. Inspector. St1PERi NTENDENCE BY CONTRACTOR: a. The Contractor, shall give personal. superintendence to ' .. - ^. Page -3 z- z pa • CONTRACT FORMS ~_ the work"or+have 'a competent foreman or superintendent, ,~. satisfactory to the Owner,, on the work at all times during progress, wii:h`authority to act for him. MATERIAL AND bJORKMANSHI P: a. Unless otherwiBe specifically provided for in the :~peci- fications, workmanship, equipment, materials and articles incorporated in the work covered by this contract are to be of the best grade of their respective kinds for the purpose_ahd equal to the kind specified.. b. Any material ar workmanship which is not strictly in accordance with the contract requirements will be re- jected and shall be: removed from the premises by the Contractor or Subcohtractor responsible. ' COMPLETION, FINAL ~l NSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE: a. Contractor shall notify Architect ten (10) days prior to the date on arhich final inspection of the building is to be made, and shall give .notification only if all work is completed. , GUARANTY: a. All work under this contract whall be guaranteed for one (I) year from the date of final acceptance by the F.H.A, • except when a different period is specifically prescribed. b. All guarantees embraced in or required by this contract are subject to the terms of this paragraph unless other- wise expressly agreed in writing by the parties to this contract. Whenever guaranteed work is found faulty, t~he Subcontractor, whenever notified by the Architect, must immediately: (I) place;in satisfactory cor~ditior~ in every particular any of the guaranteed work, and (,?1 make good all damage to the work, grounds, or the equipment, or contents thereof if such unsatisfactory condition or damage develops within the period stipul~rted by the guaranty, and is due to the use of materials or workman- . ship which is inferior, defective, or not in accord with the contract, and must make good any work or materials or the equipment and contents of said ground which is disturbed in fulfillment of the requirements of this contract or any guaranty embraced in or required hereby. If this Contractor disturbs any work under another con- . tract, he must restore such disturbed work to a condition Page A-4 ('age A-4 ¢. T. - .' ._ CONTRACT"~ FORMS --- -- t , satisfactory to~the Architect and guarantee such restored work. Upon th'e Contractor's failure to so proceed prompt- ly to, comply with the terms of any guaranty under this cantrart or still running upon wvrk executed by other contractors, the contracting officer will have such work performed as he deems necessary to fulfill such guarantees, and the Contractor shall promptly pay the Owner such sums as were expended so as to fulfill such guaranty. c. A11 guarantees under this contract, unless otherwise specifically stated, shall run from thr date of final acceptance by F.H.A. Unless otherwise specifically pre- scribed in the particular guaranty, usual wear and tear and the result of accident not chargeable to the Contract- or or his agent are excepted from the requirements of this paragraph. Everything done in "the fulfil'Iment of any guaranty shall be without additional expense to the Owner. " The opinion of the Contracting Officer as to the li~-~bilit.y of the Contractor under any such guaranty or as to the satisfactory fulfillment or compensation for~the non-ful- fillment thereof shall be final. Paps A-S ~;~ Page A-S ,t.: ~, __. _ __ ' ~ ~ . ,Y. ~' i, a GENERAL CONDI TIONS 1 . ,~ _ ~; r~. _ , } GENERAL CONDITIONS:` a a. The "Genera! Conditions of the Contract for Construction," A.I.A. Document A 201, Tenth Edition, Articles I through 14, are hereby made a part of this specification, except as the same may be inconsistent herewith, to the same extent as if herein written out in full. SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS: ~ j a. F.H.A. SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIO NS: (F.H.A. Multi- Ijth No. •1277, revised April, .1967, on F.H.A. Form No. 2554. This form is inserted into and becomes a part of these specifications. These supplementary condi- tions shall not be altered or modified by other specifi- cation text contained herein. b. MINIMUM PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING: F.H.A. No. 2600 shall apply to the general construction features of .this project (current issue) for construction requirements. These requirements are essentially minimum and it is the intent of these plans and specifications to exceed these minimrams consistent with recognirc~d standards of construction as hereinafter set forth in these specifications. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ATLANTIC ARMS EAST APARTMENTS ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA t; :E ;c „ ,~'~;E;~ ;c ;:-;~ ;r'c;c:~;c;c;c~c"c3i-3~'.c36"c~c'c3E#'E~c3E?'c?£~~b',S-#'.E#?E'f-~f-#;'c','c3E~'c"c'.E'i-?!-~~'£-:c'~;c-ic',t-;c;~;E?E;: ;c~,i-?:-d;-#;i-;c LEWIS C. MEDLIN, ARCHITECT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA ~' i~ ri i. :~ i~ r. i~ i~ n if iC if ~ if -~ '-~~',c;E;'r;E-3c3E~£~~£-;`c~E'E#~c3£~~i-3~;i-'~3f'',c~c#?~~E~'c',c?r•-;b:~~i•~E'.c~:-;c;~'~3i•',:'..'-'c': ;; ~~','-;~?~;',C-Yf',~ DIVISION I .. GENERAL REOIaI REMENTS -A. CODES AND STANDAI~DS I -,4. ODES AND STANDARDS: ' I. The Contractor shall secure and pay for the building permits and all other lawful fees necessary for the construction anal completion of the building. fhc Contractor sh~a I I p~3y for a I I d~~mayes to 5 i dewcr I ks ~~nd t:o streets or other pub I i c property or to ~~n~' pub I i c• uti I hies. 5 D1yISI0N GENERAL REC~II l REMENTS I -B . PROTECTIONS -B , PfZO rECTIONS: i. Protect all trees, shrubs, lawns and all landscape work from damage, provide guards and covering. Any damaged work shall ~e replaced at the Contractor`s expense. ?. The Contractor shall comply with the safety requirements of all local and state laws.. 3. Provide all shoring, bracir~rg and sheeting. as required for safety and for the proper execution of the work and remove whE:n the work is completed. ¢. Provide and maintain guard lights at all barricades, railings, obstructions in the streets, roads, or side- walks, and all trenches or pits adjacent to public walks or roads. j. At all times provide pro ection against weather, rain, wind, storms, frost, or heat so as to maintain all work, mate+r i ~a I ~;, apparatus and f i xturis free: from i n,jury~ or damage. 6. At the end of j;he day's work, cover all worklikely~ to be damaged. Any work damaged by failure to provide pro- tection shall be removed and replaced with, new work at the Contractor's expense. ~ . Provide reasonable protection for any equ i prnent ~,r otf,~~r mater i a I which i s p I aced on the, job by the Owner dur i r~~y the final phases of construction. 4, ;; P~~<~c~ IR- I Page Ifs- I ;; a :` e DIVISION GENERAL REC~III REMENTS -C. LABOR I-C. LABOR: I. All Contractors and Subcontractors shall be required i:~~ conform to the labor laws of the state arid the various acts amendatory and supplementary thereto; and to a(I other laws, ordinances and legal requirements applicable. a ~. All labor shall. be performed in the .best and most kork- manlike manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades.' The standards of the work required throughout sha I I bc~ of= such grade as w i I I briny. resu I t;s of t:he: i~ i rst class, only. 3 . Mechanics whose work i s unsatisfactory to tfie ~~~~ ner or Architect, or are considered by the Architect to be unskilled, or otherwise objectionable, shall be instant- ly dismissed from the work upon notice. from the Architect. 4, fhc~rc~ sha f I he no d i scrim i n~~t i on ~~ya i nst t-hc c•mt~ I oymr~nt-. of organized or openshop labor and rro interferE~nce, or - hindrance by labor or work or mat;e~rial of anot}rer trade. Any such discrimination, interference: or hindrance, either or ail, shall be sufficient grounds f'or termination of the contract i n the same manner provided i n said ~3~7r~>.~m~~nt for terminating contracts in case .of any gther breach thereof. ~. Atficntion is c.~irE~c.tr~d to F.H,A. Sr~ap~~Ic,mentary ~;~~,~c~r~al Conditions, Form 2.554., I~or preva i I i rry wayr_ i nf~c~,~,n~,t i ~~ , . Page IC-~ {'ac~c IC-I 3`. ;~, f DIVISION GENERAL REQU I ICEMEN TS I-D. CUTTING AND PATCHING I -~ . 0111 T I NG ANI) PATCH I NG. 1. Each division of work shall include all cutting, patching, and digging for that trade division, unless therein spec i f i c:a I I y stated to the contrary as• requ i rc~d for nc~~ proper accomodat i ons of a I I work of~ other tr,3ctc~s . 2. This, however,. does notrelieve the General Contractor from rc>spons i b i l i ty as .stated i n Article '4. I ~ ot` thc~ "vener~31 Conditions." Page ID-I P~~yE~ I I` - DIVISION GENERAL: REQUIREMENTS I -E . GRADES1 LINES, LEVELS AND SURVEYS _, I -E . GR ADES, LINES, LEVELS AND SURVEYS: I. The Owner will establish the lot lines, restrictions and a bench mark. '? . A l l other grades, I i nE;s, I evc I s sand her7ch marks ~;ha I I be. established and maintained by the General Contract;,r who shall be responsible for same. 3. The .Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, love r and dimensions as shown on the drawings and he shall report. any errors or inconsistencies in thE: abo~~e to .the Architect before commencing work. 4. ('rov i dc~ end ma i nf:a i n we I I bu i I t I~~rtter~ board•~; ~~t ~~ I I corners; establish bench marks at each floor, yi~ing exact levels of the various floors. ~. As the work progresses, the Contractor shall Ia` out on the rough flooring thf: exact .location of all parti- tions as a guide to aII trades. h. ~ SOI l FOUNDATIONS I NVESTI CATION as prepared by J~~<~{.sorr~ i I I c. Engineering and Testing Company, 2361 Edwards Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida is hereby referenced as being a part of these specifications. 7. FOUNDATION ANALYSIS,- by the referenced testing company, is inserted into and becomes a part of these specifi- cations. - ~ . Cop i cs a (' this SOIL FOUNDA FI O N INVESTIGATION rna> be obtained from Jacksonville Engineering and Testing Company, 2361 Edwards Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida. ~' w t.. ~'. i y; ,} ~f €t. 4 - --5 DIVISION 1 GENERAL RF0111 RCMENTS 1-F. COOPERATION l -f= . ~.OOPEhATI ON: I. Thf, veneral Contractor, al! other contractors, and X311 subcontractors shall coordinate their work with all adjacent work and shall coordinate with all other rrades to as to facil hate the general progress of thc~- work. Ea~~h trade sha I I a('ford a I I other trades every rea:-,or~~3E, I e u~~portun i ty for thc,~ i nsta I I at i on of~ their work and fc~r the storage of their material. 2. FRf~OiZS AND OMISSIONS: <l I f Ctny CrrOrs or Om l SS I OI1S appear I n the drah~ 111c~~, spec i f ic~at i ons, or r>thcir documc nts, THC-_ ~:~ NTRA~ T~:`i~; SHALL NO TI F~Y THE_ARCHI TECT I N ~^111 TI N~, ~~F ~H: H .`'~~'il_~- S I ONS OR ERhORS PfZI OR TO PROCEEDI NG ~~~~`! TH ANY '~~'~ ~~~: ti°!HI CH APPEARS I N Ca(1FST10_N. I n the e~~~ent ~~i~ rht~ t'ontr<~ctor's fa i I i n<1 1-o q i ve such n~,r i r~~ , I~c~ ~h~~ I I be held responsible for the results of an~~ Such c>rrors or omissionsand the costof rect.iE~~~ing the same. ~l) Contractor shall have all items or dc~tail~ clarified with Architect pr^iorto siyniny the contract; otherwise•F.H.A. and ArchirE•cr.'s interpretation will be final. Page 1F-1 1'ay~~ 1 f - l j#~ r DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQIJ I REMENTS 1-G. SCAFFOLDI NG 1-G. SCAFFOLDING: 1. Provide exterior and/or interior scafFolding for the construction of~ exterior masonry walls. ~' . A I f ow other contractors and subcontractors ~accF~ss r,o the General Contractor's scai`t~oldiny whin in place Ior his work. The subcontractors shall furnish their owr: scaffo I d i ng when the genera I scaffo I d i nc~ i s nut i r~ E} I ~rc~, i~.e., the Genera! Contractor is not required to Burnish all scaffolding for the subcontractors. >. The General Contractors shall be responsible for the po l i c i ny of~ a ! l scaffo I ds so that, they arcs h~u i I t , ~re~c:ted, ~~nd maintained accord i ny to t-hc; r<>qu i rements o f` a ! I st~:~te and I oca I I aws and regu I cat i ons . ;,. ('age 1G-1 PayE: 1G-7 ''~ DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQl1I REMENTS 1-N. MANl1FACTlJRER'S [)I RECTIONS 1-N. MANl1FACTURER'S DIRECTIONS: 1 . All manu Fact;urc,d articles, material and eytr i pmcnt sha I I be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer, unlESs herein specified to the con~:rary. L Page 1N-l f aye 1N-l I~, 2 DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQl11 REMENTS 1-1 . TEMPORARY FAC I LI TI ES 1 - f . TEMPORARY FAC I LI TI ES: Provide and maintain on the job site for the entire dura- tion of the construction period the following.temporary facilities: 1. Field Office Building; weatherproof. ~'. Telephone service in the field office. (Contr~act_crr is requested to notify F.H.A. and the Architect upon installation of telephone and furnish number of same.j 3. Toilet facilities for all workmen. Plumbing fixtures installed in the building are not to be used during construction. 4. Temporary heat within the building as required or directed by the Architect. . 5. Electrical power ,and water supply. 6. Any and all other temporary facilities as required to facilitate and expedite the progress of the work. 7. Attention is directed to Paragraph ~ of the F,H.A. Supplementary General Conditions. ' a r 3 ~~ ~(( i I (aye 1 I -1 Page 1 I -1. DIVISION 1 GENERAL IzE(~li I REMENTS 1-J. CLEANING 1-J. CLEANING: 1 . At no t i me sha I I any rubbish be thrown i'rorn any ~> i~ th~~ windows of the building. Z. Special Cleaning: Besides the general broom cleaning do the following cleaning at completion of work (for all trades): a: Remove putty stains and paint from all glass and wash and polish same. Care .shall. be taken not t~ scratch glass. b. Remove all marks,. stains, fingerprints and other soil and/or^ dirt from all painted, decorated and stained work. c. Remove all temporary protections and clean and polish all floors at completion. d. Clean and polish all hardware fixtures for all trades, including removal of all stains, dust, paint,_etc., upon completion. I'ayu 1.1- l DIVISION 1 ~* 1-K. SIGNS 1-K. SIGNS: 1. The General Contractor shall erect one painted sign to show the following: a. Project name, b. F.H.A. Project Number. c'. Architect's name. d. Associate Architect's name. e. Consulting Engineers' names. F. Genera) Contractor's name. g. Name of mortgagee. 2. The General Contractor may add the names of major• sub- contractors. ` i ', ~. { pr1 Page 1K-1 Page 1K-1 DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQIII REMENTS ~, 1-M. SPECIFICATION DIVISIONS 1-M. SPECIFICATION DIVISIONS: 1. The Divisions of these speciFications are for ease of~ reference only. 2. They do not constitute divisions of the contracts be- tween contractor and his subcontractors. f i i E !` s R i '. ~ x ,; s._ ~., DIVISION 1 GENERAL RE9UIREMENTS 1-N. GLARIFICATION AND EMPHASIS 1-N. CLARIFICATION-AND EMPHASIS: 1. Changes in the contract prices are valid only if• they' are based on F.H.A. approved change orders, approved by all principals involved, and signed by the OwnE~r, before the work is executed. 2. ANY CLAIM FOR "EXTRAS" OR "Cf~EDI TS" WI LL NOT BE VALI [~ OTHE2W1 SE, REGARDLESS OF BY WHOM I SSLIED. Page 1N-1 . E :~ • Paye 1N-1. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1-0. CONTRACTOR'S SHOP DRAWINGS 1-0, CONTRACTOR'S SHOP DRAWINGS: 1, Furnish the Architect with five ($) copies of all shop drawings and schedules for approval. After shop draw- ings have been approved, furnish F.H.A. ,Job Inspector with a signed. copy. 2. Submit drawings and schedules indicating, by a signa- Lure that they have been checked, the work shown on them i~ in accordance with the contract requirements, and has been checked for dimensions and relationship with wort. of al! other trades involved, ,3. Under no condition are shop drawings to be submitted to the Architect by other than the Contractor. 4. All drawings submitted for approva_I, unsigned, will hc: returned to the Contractor for checking_before they are. checked by the Architect. j. (he approval of such drawings or schedules by thy: Ar- chitect does not relieve the Contractor from responsi- bility For deviating from drawings or specifications or from responsibility for errors of any kind in shop drawings or schedules. b. Call such deviations to the attention of the Architect, stating in your letter whether or not such changes or deviations involve any price changes in the amount of his contract. Page 1.0- Page 1-0-1. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQI11 REMENTS 1-P, TESTING 1-P. TESTING: A. Concrete Testing: 1. Tests shall be run by a reputable local company that is recognized in the field as being capable of making the required tests. ~. 2. Water: Quantity of mixing water' Thal) riot exceed that required to obta i n the' requ~(~red s lump, but- not rnorc°than 7l gal. per bag of cement, 3. Slume: Slump for normal weight concrete shall not exceed: IWAXIMUM MINIMUM Streets and mass construction 3" 1" .Plain footings, walls, walks, drives 4" I" Reinforced footings ~ foundation walls 5" `_'" Slabs, columns, beams, walls (above grade), etc. 6" 3'" Where mechanical vibrators are used, reduce slump approximately one-third (1/3}. Slump for lightweight concrete shall not exceed 3". Standard test A~TkI C-143 sha ( I be used to rneasurc~ slump. ~, Adrnixtures: No air-entraining concrete wiI( be per- mitted. The testing company will break the first cylinder at the required '7-day interval and if the compressive strength is at or above that prescribed, no further breaking of cylinders will be necessary. R. Soil Testing° 1. Compaction tests on footings and the soil under the building areas, as well as roadways and sidewalks when conditions are such that the Architect or Engineer believe such tests would be necessary, shall be run. NOTE: The Contractor shall bear the cost of all such inspections, , ^' tests, and approvals u~iler3s otherwise provided. !'awe ?P-1 . Page. 1P-1 DIVISION 2 S I TEWOR K ,~,, _______ _ 2-A, CLEARING OF SITE 2-A. CLEARING OF SITE: 1 . GENERAL INFORMATION: a. All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supplementary General Conditions" form a part of this section. b. Complete work as indicated on the drawings, as specified, or both. c. All work performed under `this section shall b~ done prior to filling and grading as specified under Section 2-B, EARTHWORK. d. Secure and pay for the necessary permits for a(I work. 2. EXAMINATION OF S I TE: The Contractor shall visit the site of the work and examine the premises so as to fully understand aii of the existing conditions relative to the work. No increase in cost or extension of performance time .will be con- sidered for failure to know its condition. 3. PROTECTION OF STRIICTt1RES AND PROPERTY: a, Execute all work in such e manner as to insure adjacent property, shrubs, trees, and lawns ~~gainst damage which might ..occur from falling debris or other causes. b, Repeir damage done to property of any person or persons, on or off the premises,. by reason of required work. 4. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS: a. All surplus materials to be removed shall. become Page 2A-1 Page 2A-1 DIVISION 2 SI TEWORK - DI VI SI~~~ti~ '' the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the premises. 5. DEt31Zl S: ' a. Remove, as it accumulates, debris resulting from operations. Do not store or permit debris to ac- cumulate on the site. b. Wood and other debris resulting from operations rna>• nat be burned on the site, 6. CLEANING: a. Upon completion of the work, remove all barricades, tools, materials, apparatus and other debris. bY. Leave the premises clean, neat and orderly. • ~;,. • r -y ~ t r.: y. ? ~ ..~~ ~; •1 ~. .. P... .. ~~ page 2A-2 ~ ~ Page A-2 DIVISION 2 51 TEWORK 2-B . EARTHWORK 2-B . EARTHWORK: ~ . wolaK I Ncl_un~D: a. Furnish all labor snd materials to complete al! excavation and preparation of the site as shown on the drawings or herein specified. •Reference is made to F.H,A. data sheet SG-102, Neighborhood Standards, Northern Florida. a b. Clear and remove all trees, grass, brush, shrubs, and loose stones on area to be stripped of topsoil. • and elsewhere as indicated on the plat plan. Re- move all obstructions encountered during excavation, c. All trees on the property which are to be removed shall be disposed of by the General Contractor at ~ his discretion. 1 d. General excavation in or adjacent to building to grades, lines, and levels as indicated for: g i (1) Foundations, footings, trenches, fuel tank, and sanitary system. e. Miscellaneous and trench excavation in or adjacent to building as shown on architectural and mechanical trades' drawings as follows for: (1) Drains, sewers, subsoil drains, area drains, wastes, heating lines, gas line, telephone " lines, electric lines, etc., which are not covered by the other divisions of the speci- fications, f. Miscellaneous and trench excavation outside the t building as shown on the drawings as follows f'or: (1) Storm water and s~~n i Lary sewer drains, ~,~~rv i r<> water mains, fuel lines, electric lines, etc. Page 26-1 Page 2B-1 ' DIVISION Z SITEWORK DIVISION 2 ~,;~ to be thoroughly puddled and tamped. Earth required for fil! which is•nat available as a result of the ~~.~ building operations shall be brought to the job and .` ~,- shall conform with the above. ~,n. Prior to placing of the concrete slab the earth fill shall be compacted to 95~ of modified proctor. Tests shall be run by the testing company in the approved , manner to assure that the above compaction has been obtained, and reports filed with the Architect. ~ 6. SOIL POISONING: a. All soil within the foundation walls under the main floor slab to be toxic treated and conform to F.H.A. requirements, MINIMUM PROPERTY STANDARDS FOR MULTI- . ' ` FAMILY HOLISI NG - SECTION M715-3.6, SO I ~L TREATMENT. ~. GRADING: a. Slush and tamp all earth to receive slabs. Slabs shall not be poured until all settlement has occurred and earth has been leveled and accurately graded. b. Reform all exterior grades in accordanct~ with the draw- ings to easy contours and with allowance for the paving depths. Paved areas are to be shaped to conform to the grade and typical cross sections shown on plans and cleaned of all foreign matter. R. Sl1RPLLIS MATERIALS: a. Surplus subsoil may be used for filling lawn ar~~a~ at the discretion of the General Contractor. b. Remove from the site all excess materials, debris, etc., early enough as to not hinder or' delay the progress of the work. q. t~'ATER: '~~ ,r. Rc~mrwc~ al I surfarc and unc~lerc3round wat.cr• eir~•~~rinr~•r~•~I r during the term of the contract and keep excavation dry by pumping or other methods. 10. CLARIFICATION: a. Each trade shall perform any and all trenching required for the proper installation of his equipment and/or ma- terials, and its backfilling. .The General Contractor shall be directly responsible for proper backfilling b~ any and aII trades. Page 28-3 Page 2B-3 DIVISION 2 SITEWORK DIVISION ~~ utilities before any mschine excavation begins and shall be responsible for any damages incurred by his operations. All work under this section shall conform to current Florida State Road Department Standards and Specifications unless otherwise shown -~'~" on the plans or specified. The Contractor shall provide any necessary stabilization, temporary dikes, and temporary ditches necessary to prevent erosion and provide temporary drainage to expedite construc- tion. 5. CONTROLS: a. The mains. and services lines and appurten~rnces shall bE~ laid out by the Contractor according to the plains frorn the base lines and bench marks shown on the • plans. f~lains and service lines shall be installed at ' such elevations as to have a minimum~oF two feet (.?') of cover measured from the finished grade elevations shown on the complete plans, profiles, and typical sections. plains and service lines shall be graded and aligned to clear all pipes and structures shown on the complete plans. 6. LINES AND GRADES: a. Control points, base lines, and bench marks .ill be furnished by the Owner. The Contractor shall set and maintain all necessary line and grade stakes to properly control the work, 7. EXCAVATION; a. Excavation may be accomplished by any means ar_ the Contractor's option but the .width of the trench shall be kept at a minimum. Where unstable earth is encountered, the Engineer shall be notified before the pipe is laid. If, in the opinion of the Engin- eer, the unstable .earth must be replaced with st~~rble material, the Contractor shall excavate and remove the unstable material and replace it with sound ma- terial at a negotiated unit- price. Trenches shat( be dewatered when the water in the trench rises above the center line of the pipe being laid. Trenches shall remain dewatered until sufficient backfill has been placed to keep the pipe from floating when the upper end is plugged..... 4 Page 2C-2 Page 2C-2 ' -T .` ' DIVISION 2 S I TEWORiC DIVISION 2 ''~ the system shall be flushed with clean water until the residual chlorine is less than 1.0 ppm. All valves shall be opened and closed several times during the contact period. Samples shall be sub- mitted to the Florida State Board of Health by the Contractor. 13. TESTS: a. The leakage in the completed water distribution system shall be measured through a suitable meter or calibrated system while the system•is subjected to a pressure of at least 100 PSi for a period of one (1) hour. If the leakage exceeds one gallon per mile of pipe per inch nominal diameter per hour, the leaks shall be located and repaired by the Con- tractor. After a satisfactory test has been ob- tainsd, the Engineer shalt be notified and the test shall be repeated in his presence. 14. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT: a. Where shown on the plans, existing pavement shall be removed to rte at, straight lines and replaced with equal base and wes~ring surface on subgrade mechani- cally tamped in six inch (f") layers. Existing sidewalks shall be removed and replaced where neces- sary. 15. INLETS AND MANHOLES: a. Inlets and manholes shall be constructed with rein- forced concrete bottoms, brick walls, and cast iron frames and grates. Ali structures shawl) be construc- ted at the exact location and invert grade shown on the plans. Frames and grates shall be set and/or reset to conform to finished grades. The Contractor shall be responsible for settlement of any structures unless the Engineer has been notified in writing that unstable bearing material exists. Brick walls shall be laid with both radial and stretcher course in a heavy bed of cement mortar and the walls shall be neatly plastered with a heavy layer of cement mortar. No visible leakage will be tolerated and structures found to be more than one tenth (1/10) off in line or grade will not be accepted for payment. 16. FINE GRADING:. a. The entire site shall be fine graded to the lines Page 2C-4 Page 2C-4 .~ ~~ • DlvlsloN 2 SI TEWORK DIVISION 2 and grades shown on the plans, profiles, and typical sections shown on the complete plans. The Contractor shall perform any necessary .earthwork to properly prepare attd compact pavement subgrades and sf~a(I spread any surplus materials as directed by the ~~wner, 17. CURBS AND SPI LLWAYS: a. The Contractor shall construct concrete header curbs and spillways on all new paved areas as shown on the plans according to the applicable details. Concrete for curbs and spillways shall be 3,000 PSI at_"~ days. 18. SIDEWALKS: a. The Contractor shall construct sidewalks at all lo- '~ = cations shown on the complete plans to the point of connection with building entrances and/or stairs. All .sidewalks shat{ be concrete with a minimum nomi- nal thickness of four inches (4"). Expansion joints ` shall be provided at entrance platform,•steps, in- tersections with driveways or street sidewalks and at changes .of sidewalk width. Dummy joints shall be provided at uniform intervals approximating the ti sidewalk width. A~sealed construction joint shall be provided between adjacent curbs and sidewalks. ' Concrete for sidewalks shall be 3 000 PSI at 28 days. ~,. , No sidewalks shall°be constructed until after paving ,_ and heavy construction on buildings has been completed. -,,~ . ~.~:. .. 19. SL1BS0 I L DRAINS: , ~`""~ ~ ~~ a. In the event that subsoil drains are required to ,;f ., , lower the water table in the subgrade, the Engineer shall be notified immediately and an equitable ad- ''~`' . justment will be made in the contract price by change order. F ~. . _~ 20. PAVEMENT: ° ~ y~ _ a. .The bases and. pavements shall be constructed as 3 -{:`"'' fo I I ows: (1) 12°' asphaltic concrete surface course (Florida ~' State Road Department Type 2) on 6" compacted lime- ~" rock base on compacted subgrade. ~-~~` '., 21. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT: 1 `: 3~ :,; a. Where shown an the plans, existing pavement shall Y1 . Page 2C-5 Page 2C-5 ~' ., ~... DIVISION 2 SITEWORK DIVlSlON 2 be removed to neat, straight lines and replaced with equal base and wearing surface an subgrade, rnechani~ cally tamped in six inch (6"} layers, 22. 9LlAL I TY OF CONSTRI~CTI ON: a. The quality of construction for all work under this section shall conform to the applicable provisions of the current issues of Florida State Road Department. Specifications unless otherwise specified, Work in public rights-of-way under this section will be subject to inspection and acceptance by the City of Port l`ixie, Florida Department of Public Works, and other Stiork under this section will be subject to inspection b~.~ the Engineer and his authorized representative. 23. Sf~f.C I AL PAVEMENT SllBGRADE PREPARATION: a. The area of subgrade shall have all roots and other deleterious material removed prior to grading and compaction. b. The top twelve inches (12"} of the subgrade shat{ be thoroughly compacted to a minimum of 95~ of maximum, at or near optimum moisture content, as measured b~~ the Standard Proctor, AS TM Specification D-698. Compaction shall be accomplished by the use of heavy- duty, drum-type, vibratory equipment with a capability of a vibrational impact of 30,000 Ibs, at 2,320 vibra- tions per minute with a compaction energy of 5~~~ toms. ~~.. PARK! NG STRIPES: a. Paint 3" wide parking stripes for automobile parking spaces where indicated on plans; color T-?, Yellow; conforming to Section 514, Paragraph 514.9 0l' thE~ Florida State Road Department Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Page 2C-6 Page ZC-6 D1'VISLON 2 SI TEWORK 2-D. LAWN5 AND PLANTING 2-D. LAWNS AND PLANTING: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the -''General Conditions" and "Sup- plementary General Coriditions" form a part of this section. 2 . WORK INCLUDED: '' a. This division includes furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for preparation of final grades in lawn and planting area s•; tree wells and root protection; finished grading; sail treatment; lawn construction; planting of trees and shruh:~; maintenance; guarantee and replacement of lawns and plants; and related items required to complete the work indicated on the drawings and specified details. b. Soil test shall be made prior to planting and sub- m sited for approval before commencing work. Soif additives will be ,included according to soil test and so i I prepared before p (ant i ng operation corr~rn~,•n- ces. 3, MATERIALS: a. Commercial fertilizer shall be 6-6-6, 15~ organic nitrogen and shall conform to the applicable state .fertilizer laws. It shall be uniforn in composi- t i on, dry, and free f' I ow i ny, and. sh~r ( I be de I i ver•ed to the site in the original., unbroken containers, each bearing the rnanufactur•er's guaranteed analysis. Any fertilizer which becomes caked or otherwise. damaged, making it unsuitable for use, will not be accepted. h. Water used in this work will be furnished by the Qwnc~r, ,and w i I I be su i tah I F~ I'or i rr i qat i rtin anal f r•~~c~ from i nyrc~d i ents harmfu I to p I ant. I i i e. Hust• and other watering equipment required for tHre work shall be furnished by the Landscape Contractor. c. Existing topsoil shall be natural, fertile, friable Page 2D-1 have '_'f~-1 ' DIVISION 2 SI TEWORK CI VI SION 2 soil, possessing characteristics of representative • productive soils i.n the vicinity.. It shall be ob- tained from natural.,ly well drained areas. It shall ,,, not contain tox~•c substances which may. be harmful to plant growth. The PH factor of the soil shall not exceed 6.5 or fall below 5.5. Topsoil shall be without admixture of subsoil and shall be clean and reasonably free from clay lumps, stones, stumps, roots or similar substances two inches (2") or more in diameter, debris, or other objects which might be a hindrance to planting operations. T{re sarn~ characteristics shall apply to any additional top- soil furnished from other areas if needed.• d. Peat shall be Horticultural Peat,. domestic or im- ported, brown in color, and shall be free of all ' litter or woody materials. e. Materials for staking, guying and wrapping: (1) Stakes for supporting trees sha11 be 22" square or round, by 8' sound wood, creosoted one-half (2) their length. (a) Stakes for palms shall be 2 x 4, ~ feet ('s') long, as detailed on plans. • (2) Wire for fastening trees to stakes shall be No. 12 gauge pliable galvanized iron. (3) Hose to encase wires used for fastening trees to stakes shall be new or used•2-ply ri5inforced rubber garden hose. f. Trees and Shrubs: (1) A list of plants is Nomenclature conforms to 1942 Edition of American cultural Nomenclature. shall conform with names trade. shown on the planting plan. "Standardized Plant i1'ames," Joint Committee on Horti- Vames not included therein accepted in the nurser (2) 9uant i t i es necessary to comp I ete tiro p I ~~nt i ny as shown on the drawings and located on thE~ drawings shall be furnished. Page ZD- 2 Page 2D-2 A• ~ - DIVISION 2 SI TEWORK DIVISION 2 (3) 9uality and Size: Plants shall be Florida Grade No. 1 or better,.and shall have a habit of '' growth that is normal for the species; shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, and free from insect, pests,-plant diseases and injuries. Requirements for the measurement, branching, grading, quality, balling and burlappiny of plants in the Plarrt List shall follow the standards currently recommended by the State Plant Board of Florida. (4) Substitutions will be permitted only upon sub- mission of proof that any plant is not obtainable and authorization by the Architect of a Change Crder providing for the use of the nearest equivalent.ob- tainable size or variety of plant having the samE~ essential adjustment of contract price. (5) Protection of Roots:. The ba I I s of "R F- E's" plants which cannot be planted .immediately on de~li- very shall be covered with moist soil or mulch, or other protection from drying winds and sun. All plants shall be watered as necessary until plantt~d. 4. SAMPLES, TESTS AND INSPECTIONS: a. Notice of Sources: Within ten (l0) days following acceptance of bid, the Architect shall he nutifi~~~~ of the sources of the materials required or desired to be inspected or tested. b. Plants: The Contractor shall he resppnsibie for all certificates of inspection of plant materials that may be required by Federal, State or other authori- - ties to accompany shipment of plants. Inspection of plants to be balled and burlapped may be made at the place of growth. All plants must be inspected and approved before they are planted. Inspection and approval by the Architect at the place of growth or upon delivery shall be for quality, size and ~~ar- iety only, and shall not in any way impair the right of rejection for failure to meet other requirements ' during progress of the work. 5. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: a. Time of Planting: The Landscaping Contractor shall be notified by•the General Contractor when other divi- sions of the work have progressed. sufficiently to ;:, Page 2D _3 ~~ Page 2D-3 ~_ .` ~. ,., i DIVISION 2 SITEWORK QIVISION commence work of lawns and planting, including placing of topsoil to finished grade (which is to be done by others). At the option and on the full responsi- bility of the Landscape Contractor, planting opera- tions may be conducted under unseasonable conditions without additional compensation. b. Pruning and Repair: Upon completion of the work under this contract ali trees and shrubs shall have been pruned and any injuries repaired. The amount of pruning shall be limited to the minimum necessar,~ to remove dead or injured twigs and branches to compensate for the loss of roots as a result of transplanting operations.. Pruning shad! be done in such a manner as not to change the natural habit or shape of the plant.. 6. ~RSTRUCTIONS: a. The Contractor may be directed to relocate plant material in order to miss obstructions below ground. b . Overhead Obstructions: I f ex i st i rig trees or' nr~ti planting is in the way of roof overhangs or electric wires, the existing trees shall be trimmed or rE~rr»~ed and new planting relocated as directed b~~ the Archi- tect. 7. NEW Pt_ANTI NG: a. Layout: New planting shall be located where sh~x,n on the plans, except where obstructions belo~, ground or wires overhead are encountered or where changE+s have been made in the construction. b. All pits shall be circular in outline with vertical sides. Tree pits shall be two feet (2') greater in width, plant pits shall be one foot (1') greater in width. The depth shall accomodate ball of shrubs or trees and allow for six inches (6") of prepared soil beneath ball of plants. or trees. c. Soil Preparation: .Soil used in planting shat! be topsoil as hereinbefore specified, thoroughly mixed with one part peat and two parts topsoil. Verb poor soils, gravel, hardpan, or other soils injurious to plants shall not be used. Soil used in planting shall be thoroughly mixed with 10 Ibs, of 50i~ organic: ~`" ,,~ P99e 2D~4 a J >. ~, _q r Page 2D ,~=3;< DIVISION 2 SITEWORK DIVISION 2 Palmer Nurseries "Soil Conditioner" per. cubic yard or equal, d. Mulching: After all plants in a group ar in a plant bed have been set and approved, the areas between shall be cultivated and raked to an even grade to conform to the .required premulching finish grades, All plant beds and plant saucers shall then be uni- formly covered with two inch (2") Payer of c~~press or pine bark or two inch (2") layer of pine straw. Trees which are not located in plant beds shat( be mulched the -full width of the tree pit. Hedges shall be matched the full width of the hedge bed. hround cover plants (spacing of more than 12 inches (12")) .shall be set in the plant beds before mulching is applied to these areas. S. PIN(SH GRADES OF LAWNS: a. The finish level of alt sod areas after settlement shall be one inch (1") below the top of abutting curbs, walks, paving and wood borders to allow f't~r the building of turf. 9. PREPARATION OF SLIB-GRADE SOIL: a. Rough grading to be accomplished by others. . b. The sub-grade soil shall be loosened by roto-tillt_~r or other approved method to a minimum depth o}~ six inches (6") and graded to remove all ridges and de- pressions that it wil! be after settlement everywhere parallel to and at the proper level tq provide finished grades specified hereinbefore. All stones over two inches (2") in dimension, sticks, debris and other extraneous matter. shall be removed during this operation. 10. Cl1LTl VAT! ON AND INITIAL FERTI LI Z I NG OF LAWN AREA: ~ i a. Soil Tests: Before any soil addenda are added to the soil, a soil test shall be taken to determine the type and amount of PH controlling materials needed to bring the`soil to a PH rating of 6.0. ~ Results of foil tests shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect or his representative prior to ~ '! application of soil. addenda. , b, Correcting PH:.• Apply the necessary materials to ` correct PH. Page 2D-$ Page 2D-S. ~~ . f - ~.~. r`. - DIVISION 2 ___ :r SITE WORK DI V1510N2 c. After preparation of subsoil, commercial fertilizer 6-6-6 50~ organic shall be applied on all grass areas at the uniform rate of 600 lbs. per acre. d. Spread uniformly a minimum of one inch (1") of peat over all areas to be sodded, spot-sodded or seeded. e. All sod. areas shall then be thoroughly cultivated with a rote-tiller or by any other approved method so as to thoroughly mix and incorporate the fertilizer, peat and other soil addenda along with the existing soil to a depth of six inches (6"). - f. Spot sodding: Sprigging consists of furnishing and planting Centipede or Bermuda sprigs, and/or spot ' sodding with Centipede or Bermuda ?"'x 2" plugs. Sprigs shall be healthy rhizomes or stolens, with or without adhering soil,. obtained from approved sources. The grass at the approved source of sprigs shall be mowed to a height of not more than two inches (~") and shall have all clippings removed prior to harvest. The presence of weeds or other material which might be detrimental to the proposed planting will be cause for rejection of sprigs. 11. METHOD OF OPERATIONS: a. General: The following procedures shall be followed unless alterations"are approved by the Landscape Architect or his representative: (1) Grading - Areas to be treated where grading has been accomplished shall be maintained in a true and even condition. Maintenance shall include necessary repairs to previously graded areas and surfaces shall be left at the prescribed grades in' an even and properly compacted condition as to prevent the formation of depressions where water will stand. (2) Tillage - After the areas required to bt~ treated have been brought,to the grades shown, the areas shall be thoroughly tilled to a depth of at least six inches (6") by plowing, discing, harrowing or other approved methods until the condition of the soil is acceptable. Undulations or irregularities Page 2D-6 Page 2D-6 ,, ~~ ,,~ r ., DIVISION 2 _ _ SI TEWORK DIVISION 2 in the surface resulting from tillage, fertilizing or other operations shall be leveled before grassing operations are begun., (3) Clean-up - After completion of ground prepara- tion, fertilizing and/or other operations related to the grassing operations, the surface shall be cleared of stones, stumps, roots, brush, wire, grade stakes or other objects that might be a hundrance to maintenance operations. Excessive topsoil or other dirt that is brought upon paved surfaces over which hauling operations were conducted steal! be removed. - b. Seeded, sprigged and/or spot sodded and solid areas shall be treated as follows: (1) Summer Treatment - (April. 1 - Sept. 1). Set Centipede or Bermuda sprigs at 18" o.c. (Centipede sprigs to be ouerseeded with 50# seed per acre). If contractor elects 'to spot sod in lieu of sprigging, use: (a) 2" x 2" plugs Centipede planted 18" o.c. and• overseeded with 50# of seed per acre. (b) 2" x,~ 2". plugs: Bermuda planted 18" o.c. (2) Winter Treatm+~nt - (Sept. l - April 1). Cover - the. area with an`application.of seed at the rate of 100 lbs. per ,acre wi+h 800:Ibs. of organic fertilizer. •~ NOTE: From April 1 to September'1, rototill the area where seed was seeded•(during the preceding Minter months) to a depth of six inches (6"). Remove dead roots and IeveJ area before sprigging or spot sodding commences. Solid sodded areas as noted on landscape plan shall be .done regardless of the time of year the project is completed. The sod shall be taken up and handled in 12" x 24" sections. After the sod has been harvested, it shall be delivered to the site and laid in place as soon as possible, and not to exceed 48 hours. Any sod that has turned yellow or shows definite indications of dying sha(I be .rejected. The sod shall be approved by the Landscape Architect before planting. The sod shall Eie laid smoothly, edge to edge and with staggered joints... The sod shall immediately be pressed firmly into contact with the sod bed by Page 2D-7. Page 2D-~ ' DIVISION 2 SI TEWORK____ DI VI Si ON tamping and/or rolling with approved equipment to eliminate all air pockets, provide a true and even surface and assure knitting without displacement of the sod or deformation of the surfaces of sodded areas. 'Any excess soil accumulated from handling of the sod shall be used to fill voids or cracks between the sections of grass. 12. MAI NTENANCE: a. Maintenance shall begin immediately after each section of lawn and each plant is planted and shall continue in accordance with the following requirements: (1) Lawns shall be protected and maintained by watering, mowing and replanting as necessary for at " least 90 days after the last lawn operations and as rnuch"longer as necessary to establish a uniform stand of the specif.i~d grasses and until acceptance. Scattered,bare spots, none of which is larger than one square foot, will be allowed up to a maximum of 3/ of any lawn area. . (2) New planting shall be protected and maintained until the end of the lawn maintenance period or if installed after'"the ,Lawn maintenance period until installation of planting is complete. Maintenance shall include watering, weeding, cultivating, mulching, tightening and repairing guys, removal of dead ma- aerials, resetting plants to proper grades or upright position .and restoration of the planting saucer and .other necessary operations. If plant~,ng is done after lawn preparation, proper .protection to lawn ' areas shall be provided and any damage resulting from planting operations repaired promptly. 13• FINAL I NSPECTION: a. At the conclusion of the planting a final inspection of the work will be made to determine the condition of plant materials. All plants not in a healthy, growing condition as determined by the Landscape Architect or his representative shall be removed from the site and promptly replaced with plants o~ the like, kind and size in the same manner as speci- fied for the original planting, at no additional cost to the Owner. Lawns will also be inspected and de- termination made whether the requirements or planting of lawns have been properly fulfilled. Page 2D-$ Page 2D-~i a. s • DIVISION 2 SITEWORK DIVISION ? b. At the conclus'r~on of this final inspection, if the 's~= Landscape Architect or Ownerhas reason to believe ,~ that the plants are'not;of the specified grade, he '} will request a regrading inspection by the Division ro .~'~ of P i ant I ndustr•y, and such evidence w i i I be the bas i s "`' for requesting replacement of plants, and for legal :. or other act i on taken by the D i v i s i on of P I ant t n- -rk-. dustry aceordircg tv law, should this become necessary, " 14. Nl1RRl CANE DAMAGE OR AC"S OF GOD: a. The Contractor shall not be held responsible for '' replacement or repairs of plants or planting areas . ~,_ , killed or damaged ,by hurricanes or Acts of God pro- .. vided he-::shall have taken all reasonable precautions ~:. °° to minimize their damage. ~ . . ~ 15. Gl1ARANTY: a. All p~l~ants`and ground cover materials shall be guaran- ~'+ teed for a period .of ninety (90) `days and trees shall ~~ be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year after ,final .inspection and acceptance by the Owner. The Land scape Contractor will not. be held responsible for '~ upholding the guaranty in the event, and immediately 'I following evidence of the event, that the Owners neglect to maintain all planting and lawn areas included in this contract according to the best hor- " ticultural practices. The Owner's maintenance respon- sibilities shall include watering, weeding, fertili- ' zing, spraying, dusting, cultivating, mulching, pruning and edging as necessary during the guaranty ` period. E " t a f age Zfl-9 ---~ r .DIVISION 2 SITE WORK 2-F. SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM 2-F, SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM: • 1 . GENERAL I NFO~MATI ON: All provisions of the "General. Conditions" and "Supplemen- tart' General Conditions" form a part of this section. '?, WORK I NCLt1DED: This section covers the sewage disposal system complete as shown on the plans from points of connection with the build- ing services five feet (,5°) outside the buildings, including the sewage collection system. 3, t~"ATERIALS: tvlaterials~shall conform to the minimum requirements of the Florida State Board of Health unless otherwise specified. Sewer pipe shall be vitrified clay with molded plastic joints. Sewer p i pc:' s i x i nches (f~") c~nd i ~rrycr sha 1 1 bd'~ <~x tra ~tr~enyth conforming to ASTNi C-200, Manhole rings and covers shall be cast iron with two foot (2') clear circular openings and shall weigh not less than '75 lbs. The letter "S" or the word "SEWER`° shall be cast in tht~ cover. ~. .CONTROLS: Thc, sewage disposal system shall be laid out by the Contr~-~c- tor according to the plans from the base lines and brnc-h marks established in the field by the Engineer. ~. EXCAVATION:. Excavation may be accomplished by .any means at the Conrrac- tor's option but the width of the excavation shall be 1.e.pt at a minimum. Where unstable earth is encountered the En- gineer shall be notified before the pipe is laid. IF, in tree opinion of the Engineer, the unstab 1 ~~~ earth must Inc rf•~~ I ~rt~f ._1 with stable earth, the Contractor shall excavate end r~•move the unstable material, and replace it with sound m,,~teric,l at a negotiated unit price. Trenches shall be. dewat~red ~~hen the water in the trench rises above the center line of thE. pipe being laid. Trenches shall remain dewatered until suf- ficient backfill has been placed to keep the pipe From floating when the upper end is plugged, Excavation for wet well shall remain dewatered until backfill is tamped ire place and grouted hopper is in place. Page 2F-1 Page 2F-1 d ~~ ?`,, DIVISION 2 SITE WO R K DIVISION 2 b. PIPE LAYING: Pipe shall be laid true to the lines and grades shown on the, plans with the full length of the pipe barrel lying on undis- turbed earth witf~ bell holes to receive the bells. .loints shall be made in strict accordance with the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer. A full circle of light shall be visible from manhole to manhole on sewer pipe. Force main pipe shall be graded upward from the pumping station to connection with exist- ing manhole in accordance with elevations shown on the pans. 7, SERVICE CONNECTIONS: Service connections shall be installed at the exact location to connect to the building services five feet (5') outside the buildings. Service connections shall be sloped and graded to meet the building services without additional fittings, 8, MANHOLES AND CLEANOIJTS: ~'~anholes and cleanouts shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown on the plans. Manholes may be constructed of brick or precast concrete. Precast concrete manholes shall be as manufactured by Standard Precast Inc. of Jacksonville, Fla. 9. BACKFILL: Sufficient backfill shall be placed and tamped by hand up to at least six inches (b").above the top of the pipe to st~curc Each joint in place before the remainder of the backfill is placed. Backfill shall be puddled or tamped with excess materiel mounded along the center line of the trench, The Contractor shall he responsible for any structural failure for a period of one year. Upon completion of the backfill any excess material sfrall be levelled and shaped to conform to the surrounding ground. Back- fill under pavement and adjacent to the wet well shall be mechan- ically tamped in six inch (b") payers, 10. FLUSHING: The completed sewage disposal system shall be thoroughly f=lushed with clear water until all foreign matter is removed. 11. INFILTRATION: -nfiltration shall not exceed a rate of 10,000 gallons per mile per day for any section of sewer tested. The Contractor shall conduct any necessary infiltration tests ordered by the Engineer. If the leakage exceeds the specified amount, the leaks shall bc: 1 orated and reps i rcd by .the Contractor, and thc, tc,sts sha I I be repeated until the lE:akage is within the required limits at no additional expense to the Owner. Page 2F-2 Page 2F-2 r k" ~`~~ DIVISION 3 -A, CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE ,3-A. CAST-I N-PLACE CONCRETE: 1 . GENERAL INFORMATI ON: All. provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mentary Genera! Conditions" form a part oi` t,his se~~tian. ~'. l~ORK I NCLIJDED: a. Furnish and install all materials, labor and equip- ment necessary to properly perform all concrete work required as specified herein and/or as shown on the drawings, :3. h1ATEl~IALS: a. Portland cement - A.S.T.M. Specification ~-1~0, Type 1, or Federal Specification SS-C-ly2. b. Aggregates - A.S.T.M. Specifications C-33. (1) Fine. aggregate shall be natural light colored and graded from No. 2 to No, IOC. (l) Coarse aggregate slra I I be grave I ors crushed stone graded from 12" to No. q. for footing " and slabs on grade and 3/4" to No. 4 for all other work. c. Water shall be fresh, clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, gr organic matter. d. .AII concrete shall be "ready mixed" and coni~arm to A . S , 1 .tii . spec i (= i cat i on C94-55T, or Federa I` E>ec. i - fication SS-C-192. e. AII concrete shall be 3,000 p.s.i minimum compres- sive strength at 28 days unless otherwise specified. 4. .PLACING: a . A I I concrete sha I ( be de I i vc~red tc~ .forms ~~~; rc3 - pidly as possible after mixing. AII concrete shall be tamped and spaded info place as soon as put into the forms, and shall then be left undisturbed. Afl slabs shall be poured in one continuous operation Page .3A-1 Page ,~A-1 D1 VI SI ON CONCRETE DIVISION if possible, but when it is not possible, thE; point at which a stop is to be made shall be designated by the Architect or F.H.A. Inspector. In resuming work, where new concrete is to abut against old, if old concrete is 36 hours old, surface shall be thoroughly wet and painted with wash of neat cement grout just before laying the new concrete. Should old concrete be less than 36 hours old, grout may be omitted, but surface shall be thoroughly wet. ~. CLIRI NG: a. All concrete surfaces shall be kept wet for a period of seven (7) days, unless otherwise speci- fically prescribed by the Architect, by covering, or by spraying: All water used For wring shall be as specified hereinbefore. 6. JOINTS: a. For interior concrete slabs install. 2" Celotex Flexcell premolded expansion joints full thickness of slabs. Locate expansion joints as indicated on the drawings or as follows: b. Maximum area for floor slab in one pour shall be • 900 square feet with maximum dimension at side of area limited to forty (40) feet. ~. LEVELNESS OF FLOOR SLAB: a. Particular care should be taken to pour and finish a level floor for purpose of obtaining a proper installation of other finishes. b. Objectional high spots shall.be ground down. c. The Architect and F.H.A. Inspector shall made deci- sion of the levelness of the floor slab. If thev decide the floor slab is not as required for tl~e operation, the slab shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. STOPPI NG THE WORK: a. The Architect may stop the concrete work when he feels the ambient temperature: or prevailing condi- Page 3A-2 Page 3A-2 t ~, DIVISION CONCRETE DI VI St ON tions will be harmful to the work if it continues. g. OL1TS1 DE CONCRETE WORK: a. As not specified hereinbefore shall be as specified on the site plan or drawings. 10. CONCRETE SILLS OR BEAMS: a. Shall be precast or cast in place to the shape as detailed on the drawings, Sil)s and beams shall be completely smooth with all voids filled. See drawings for locations. . 11. CONCRE"fE EXPANSION J01 NTS: a. Where interior floor covering the premolded concrete slabs be filled with 12. WOOD SCREEDS: .expansion joints occur in area where is to be applied, the~top 3/4" of expansion joint shall be cut out after are finished. This joint shall then crack filler S-190, Armstrong. a, All wood screeds, markers, etc., shall be removed. from the concrete after placing. 13. WATERPROOFING: a, Linder concrete floor slabs where indicated on the drawings. b, Two Payers 15~ felt laid in hat aspha'It with joints sealed and rnopped on top with hot asphalt. c. Install according to manufacturer's printed instruc- tions with minimum end and side laps of b". Extend up all break walls 12" - i.e., where wall breaks concrete slab. Johns Manville materials shall be used. 14. COLUMN ANCHORS: a. Bolts for the bases of steel columns shall be in- stalled by this contractor. Bolts shall be of size, and embedded in the concrete piers, as shoes'n on the drawings, Bolts and templates for setting bolts shall be furnished by the structural steel fabricator. P,~ge 3A -3 Page 3A -3 a ~: ~. ;~# `~ ;~ ,Y .DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE _ 3-B. CONCRETE FORMWORK _ 3-B. FORMWORK: 1 . GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions oi= the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mc:~ntary General Conditions" form a part of this sectic)n. 2. WORK I NCLl1DED: a. Furnish and install. all materials, labor,~and equip- ment necessary to properly perform all concrete ~ formwork required as specified herein and/or as shown on the drawings. •V 3. MATERIALS: a. Forms for. concrete exposed to view shall be built of 5f 8" or 3/4" thick oil impregnated exterior type plywood. Forms for concrete not exposed to view may be built of the above or of No. 1 Southern . Pine boards 1" x 6" T F~ G . q.. FORMS: a. If local conditions are favorable, use earth trench forms for footings provided the earth is clean cut and true with bottoms level and sound. The trenches must be inspected and approved by the Architect and F,H.A. Inspector. , b. Forms, centering, cores, molds, efc.: Construct so that the finish concrete will conform to r_hc~ ~h~3pes, lines, grades and dimensions indicated on the dra+,ings. c. Substant i a l and suff i c i ent I y tight to prey onr I ~~akc~ye of mortar and not deflect under the weight- c~ t~ t.c't corcrete or of r.onstruction loads. d. Forms or shores far concrete sha I I not, be rc,rno~ ~~d un1; i I (:hcs concretF~ i s dE~t;errn i rtec.l, by thc~rnu~~h r~.~ ~,rrr i r~- ation, to have developed ample strength t,o sup~~orr_ any loads to be superimposed. e. Apply form oil to all forms to prevent cur~cr~~rr. from sticking. Page 3B-1 f'ay~ ;R-1 s„ •~ ~. °, ~. ~, r. ;1 ~~ x. E :, DIVISION 3 CONCRETE DIVISION 3 5. EMBEDDED ITEMS: a. Before placing concrete, care shall be taken to determine that any embedded metal or wood parts are firmly and securely fastened in place as indi- sated.. They shall be thoroughly clean and free from coating, rustscale, oil or any foreign matter. b. PLACING: a. Ali concrete shall be delivered to forms as rapidly as possible after mixing, All concrete shall E,e tamped and spaded into place soon as put into the forms, and shall then be left undisturbed. Where new concrete is to abut against old, if o(d concrete is 36 hours old, surface shall be thoroughly z wet and painted with wash of neat cement grout just before laying the new concrete. Should old concrete be less than 36 hours old, grout may be omitted, but surface shall be thoroughly wet. j. WOOD SCREEDS: a. All wood screeds, markers, etc., shall be removed from the concrete after placing. k. SHOP DRAWINGS: a. .Submit shop drawings in accordance with Article :~ of the General.Conditions showing dimensions, b~jr schedules, bending details, stirrup bracing, and all other details, ! 'Page 3B-2 Page. ~F -2 ~,- i .C DlV1SION 3 CONCRETE 3-C, CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT ,3-C. CONCRETE REI NFORCEMENT: 1 . GENERAL INFORMATION: A I ! provisions of the "Genera I Conditions" and "~upF~ I E~- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2. WORK 1 NCLLIDED: a. Furnish and install all materials, labor and equip- ment necessary to properly perform aII concrete reinforcement required as specified herein and/or as shown on the drawings. 3. <v1ATERl ALS: - a . Reinforcing stee ( - deformed bars A .5 . T.h1 . dc~; i ~~- nation A-15. Wire mesh A.S.T.C`1. designation .A-1~~. 4. REINFORCING: a. Lap for bars shall be not less than 24 hat diameters with minimum 12" lap at all corners. h. End and side laps for mesh not. less than 6". c. Minimum protective concrete coverage for reini~urcing shall be: 3" for footings, l2" for beams, and 3~4'~ for s I abs, un I ess otherwise indicated on tl~~c~ drawings. d. Accurately position and secure against displacement by using suitable clips, metal chairs, spacers, or by mE;ta I hangers . e.' Unpainted and uncoated, .free from rust or tic~~Ie. Page 3C -1 ,;~ i~- Page .~~ -1 f 3; .. ,~ DI VLSI ON ~ n~ur~.n r-rr 3-I. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK 3-E. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DECK:„ 1. uENERAL INFORMATION: A I ! provisions of the "Geni:ra I Cond i t i orzs" and "Su~,E, I e- rnentr~ry Genera i Conditions" form a part of this 5c~c~t i ~~n 2. I~OR K I NCL.t1UED: a. Those specifications cover the design, materials, fabrication, transportation, erection, and related operations involved in providing all pretensione~ prestres~:ed concrete products shown on the plan~• rand referred to herein. CODES ANU CRITERIA: a. All prestressed concrete products shall be designed and manufactured in strict conformance with the. following publications of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, 205 Wacker Drive, Chicago n, Illinois:- . P.C:I. STANDARDS FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PLA~'1~:; s ro-103-S8T P.C.I. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BUILDING CODE ;~E- C~UIREMENTS STD-1:10-63 (Note: P.C,I. STD-110-63 .incorporates joint AC 1 -ASCE Committee 3~3 recomrnendat i ons of l~'~^~ . l 4. DEFINITIONS: a . -flrc te:rrn Protons i onc>d Prestressed Concrete rc~ F c•rr•~~d to herein as Prestressed .Concrete,. refers to cor,ci~ete in which the prestressing strands or wires are te«-- s i oned prior to p I ac i ng the concrete, and re ! e~~se•~.~ after. the concrete has gained sufficient s*rengtfi to retain the prestressed force by bond. h. The definitions of all other .terms pertaininct t~~ ~,restressed concrete shall be defined in P.Q.I. ('f~[~STI~E:SSCU CONCiiCTE 8111 LDI NG CODE RE~)l11 REMI_:ti'"( sTD-110_.3. 5. PROD(1CT CHARACTERISTICS: a. The physical characteristics of prestressed concrete products covered by these specifications and shc~t~n on the drawl nys ~~re as data i led i n the I at<~sf- c~~~rta•- og of-- f;lre.i Pr~str*cas.;eri' Gorir.rehe~ Institute, Ch i c:a<~o, .Page ~E.-1 _ q, ~: ,h ...i -•:~ p.. • DIVISION 3 CONCRETE DIVISION 3 .f - --- ~~: ~;~: I I I•'rr~o i s.:; Prestressed concrete products of qua I i t~~, ~ . ..strength, aQpedrance, design, shape, dimensions and otherwise meetGng these specifications in all re- • spects, mey b~ used, subject to the approval of r.N.A. and the Arch i trec.t . 6, MATERIALS: A a. See referenced publications as listed in Paragraph r .~1'a, thls dlVlslOn. a. All prestressed concrete products shall be d~siUr7ed in accordance with Chapter 2 of PRESTRESSED COi`~~i~ETE 6lJ I LD I NG GOUE RE911 i REMENTS pub I i cat i on STD-110-63 in the Prestressed Concrete Institute. b. A l l connect i or,, bearing, and fitting deter i I s sho~,~n on the plans generally indicate the Architect's i ntent,. but the prestressed concrete rrrGnufac:.turc~r will be permitted. to modify these details if :such modifications will be equally or more efficient, more consistent with latest recommended prac~ticr° of the. Prestressed Concrete Institute, and no more cost6y, Such modifications require the appr~~~al of the Architect prior to fabrication. c. A l l prestressed concrete products sha I I be dc>s i cai~,~~7 too support the Factual Superimposed dead and Ii~~• cads indicated on the p I erns for .the i nd i cats d ~{-~~rrr conditions, Design shall bo by•the elastic tl~evr. as prescribed i n Chapter 2 of PRESTRESSED ~ ~~ti~ f\E 1 i.- RIJILDI NG CODE REQIII REP4ENTS, PllF3Li CATION S rl`-I1~` -~~ ~f the Prestressed Concrete Institute. d. Camber: . ll) All prestressed concrete members shallbe designed with at I east sufficient cambe~r• t~~ properly offset deflection under sUperimpo-~~d I~ads. (2) Design camber i n i ncFies under full dead l cad. shall not exceed L~360. 8. SHOP DRAWINGS: a. ~. DESIGN CRITERIA: Pege ~~-2 The prestressed concrete manufacturer shall prepare and submit to the Architect, via the General Con- tractor, six (b) sets of shop draedings for apprc,val, • Page JE^ ~, ' DIVISION 3 CONG12E1-E DIVISION 3 fi ._--- -- A and shall not. proceed with manufacture prior to '~~` receiving approval of said shop drawings. b. Shop dr"awings shah show erection plan, fabrication details, connectiotl and anchorage details not indi-- cated on the Architect's plans, and member idenri- f icat i on marks, g~ i d marks to appear or- manu f~~acr -,red . units to facilitattry correct field placement. y. h1ANLlFACTLIRER: a. All prestressed concrete products shalt be manu- factured by a reputable established firm which has satisfactorily manufactured prestressed con:.re~-.~> products, of the tyF.~c~s spec i f~i ed herein a+id on tht. 4 plans, for a minimurn period of three (3) years. The Architect retains sole authority to'determine tl~e qualifications of prospective prestressed concrete. manufacturers, and he may, at his discretion, require presentation of satisfactory evidence o~ experience and qualifications, b. A I I prestressed concr^ete products sha I I be fabr ~ c~~-tc~d i n a p (ant and by methods which are. i n acrordan~.~c~ with Chapters 1 through 6 of P,C.I ,:TANDARt~'~ ~-~'(: PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PLANTS, Pub I icat i on ~TLi-1~~.;--i~~T~ of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. c . The manufactirr i ny p I ant and operat: i ons c,f r f-c= F~r'<~- stressed concrete rnanufacturer may be i nspc~cteci prior to, and durjng, the manufacture of~ the: pr~~~- stressed concrete products by•'the Arch i feet. an<I r~rr his representative at his discretion. d. Camber: .Residual camber under foil design de~r~i I oads sha I I not exceed 1 /8", and I myth d i n+c~ns i urra I tolerance. not to exceed t 4", lt). FINISH OuALI TY CONTROL: a. All standard shaped prestressed concrete product., fiha i l bc~ catit i n st-oc> I , f i bory I toss, c>r conc-rr• r~~ molds. Special shaped products may be cast in accurately constructed forms with smooth interior surfaces of wood, masonite, or similar materi~.-I~. ' b. Formed surfaces of prestressed concrete products Page 3E-3 Page 3E-~ }tir n r 1 . r ~ 'z ,FY 3. tt# ~' '`~"DIVISION 3 .~ CONCRETE- DIVISION 3 a `; i~,N ;~ ~, '+ 4", ~-' shall .be` CLASS,,A~ or CLASS AA,` as -indicated on the ~;~: - " p ! ans, an~.. def ~ ned as- fc, (I ows: ~ r` 4 (1) CLASS 'A FI'N1SH: Norma(` plant run finish, with ~ , ', ` - ' ' some- small surface ho (es caused by entrained ~: ',, 'air bubbles, ;normal. form joint marks, rninor ' ~; chips and'spal~ls, but no major or unsightly ,f; ~"' imperfections, honeycomb, or structural defects. ~A1! slabs with suspended ceilings'. See plans. '`~ (2) GLASS AA F,1 NI SH: A I I exposed surfaces rubbLd t:: to remove aII air bubble holes, form marks, , chips, spans, and other imperfections. (Under side roof overhang and. exposed ceilings.) ~`-I YF1;~., .See drawings. 11. HANDLING: a. Prestressed concrete members shall be Lifted and • supported during manufacturing operations, stock piling, transporting, and erection, .only at the lifting and~or>support points shown on {rlae shop 1 drawings,-'and with"the Iif~ting devices embedded iii the members by .thee manufacturer, unless specifically :authorized otherwise by the manufacturer. ~; 12. ERECTION: a. All.prestressed concrete members shall be erected into final position in the structure by the pre-- stressed. concrete manufacturer, or by competent - erection personnel other than those of the manufac- turer, provided that the following requirements are complied with: ' ` ~ { i) Erect i an sha l I be done with equ i pment, rnethi~ds, and personnel acceptable to the Architect and 6 the manufacturer. ~~ (2) Erection shall`be done under the direct on--site technical guidance of~the manufacturer." b. Ereet i on shall be `defined a.s including: -~~S (1) Placing and leveling the members in final po- .~. ''` sition in the structure on bearing surfaces r;' ,, _ ~ ., . ~rop~red true' to I i ne and grade under other items of the genera I contract . pry' ". (2) Field welding ofprestressed members to each "~~ other, or tU supporting structural members, as ~` n 'shaw~n ,; on the "plans . ~; " ~ (.3) ~Rernava I `of `I i ft i ng hooks . .Y~ 9 .>, _ .~ ~ ,;,, .. ,. ,, . r r'.j I' P~ge .3~+-4 Page 3E_4 ~. ~ i.` ,. ~. ~ r,. ,; „~ ~. ~: ,~ ,. ~ , ~S'r W ~ , Y ,. lr DIVISION 3 ,, CONCRETE ~ f~9tilSl~~~! 3 c ,` A 1 I `pipes, " stacks canclu i ts, :and other4~ such i te~.~7s .must ' be s`t'ubbed ofi~ at ~ a~ I eve I l o-aer tl~ari tFrc i7e~:r, ; ng p I ans of the pr~;stressed"~ concrete pr*aducts ur3i~ i I eftcr' the " I after sre set . - - ~~ ' ~ 13. GROLITI ~NG', F~O1 NT1 PdG`,A~ID CALILK,I NG: , ry ; ,,. - . a. AIlgrouting,.:painting'~nci caulking shalt be caon:~ in a workmanlike manner by appropriate skilled tradesrnen.,of the Genera l~ Contractor, s~iec i f= ica i I y as fo I 1 ow`s: ' (1)' Grout shafl'be a mixture of not Iess than one part Rortland Cement. to four (4) parts fine sand, and the consistency shall be such that joints can `be campietely filled but without ,; seepage to other surfaces. Any grout that seeps from faint; shad( be thoroughly removed before it, hardens. "' (2) Grout for-the .joints between roof and floor ~:r slabs..shadl be placed from the top of the x ~ slabs, and'~finished on the underside before hardening by the following procedure, as appli- s cable: (a) In areas where slabs will be .used exposed }, or painted as the finished ceiling, rake joints 2" deep and tool smooth. ' (b) In areas. to rer.eive suspended ceilings, _ the underside of joint needs to he rough - broomed only. ' {3) Top of grout>joints on roofs shall be trowc,{Ied ' adequately smooth to prevent any unevenness that might interfere: with the placing of, or~ cause-damage to, insulation and roofing. Tran- sitons due to differential levels shall be firi't'shed not steeper than 1:12, and be com- " pletely acceptable to the Architect and Roofer before placing insulation. ~`~. "` -~` DIVISION 3 CONCRETE DIVISIc`N ~ .~;: 14 .` DECK OPENI NG5 ,~ a. The prestressed concrete manufacturers will precast .deck openings 8" wide and larger, as required for skylights, vents, fans, etc., where same are sped- '~" fically indicated and located on the plans and shop drawings. b. Deck. openings fAor plumbing and heating pipes, elt~ctric conduits, outlet boxes, and similar ite~is, Ic~ss than 8" x.8" shall be cut in the field by each subcontrac- ` for as required for`this installation, All hand chiseled hoes shall be cut from the undersidE• to -prevent spalling of adjacent concrete surfaces. " Power cored holes may be cut from the top. After ~4 placi:ng-the pipe, conduit,.or whatever, the holes shad 1, be patched, pointed, and finished as directed by the General: Contractor, to the satisfaction of ~ .the Architect,, consistent with the .type of Finish required:. ;:.. ~ sections of s c. Na prestressed steel strands, or , ___ prestressed concrete members,,shal( be cut without specific prior-approval of the prestressed concrete ~' manufacturer or the Architech. 1 .5.,. I NSERTS AND CONNE __CTO RS : ~ .. . __ ~ _ a. Field Placed: Nand dril'{ed, power drilled, .and power driven inserts and studs,~''may b'e p Faced i n prestressed concrete .. members where required if not contacting or cutting . the prestressing steel. The prestressed concrete manufacturer's shop drawings wiI! show location of • '" a I.I. pr,estr~ess i.ng stee I . , Power driven inserts and ~ ', "= . ~f ;~ ,~. studs sha1l'be located~an adequate distance from concrete..~dges end'corners to prevent spallsng, and `~,'r~ ', if spalling does. occur-its repair and refinishing " ',t shal'I be the respansibility,of the tradecausing same. ~ ;- . ,~ ~ T ~ ~ ~"' I n : 4 ,~~ . " : b > .Gast . ~- ~ ~ , ,Err+b d d~"=tire I.d "plates,. screw:.. i nserts, bo I ts, and other ~ ,*" _ ~":,,~ " ; ~ -' .iconnectors.:"shat ! be cast into .the prestressed concrete + " `` ~ ~ ~. ~' ' prr~ducts kas "descr'ibed and located on the drawings, z ' but by the prestressed concrete manufacturer. " , x d; , k, . .:~ ,- ,. ~. ., Page ~E-(. ~ ~., Page ;3E-6 ,. ~, ~~~~'{._ ~_ ._ . ~ - F-~ ~5,- ... t a. S •S, .. t ~ n ~ ''M Y .~ +y. .. ;C. D I .V_I 5.10 N 4 _ MASONRY 4-A. UNIT MASONRY _ ~.-A. HNl f MASONRY: s 1 . GE:NBRAL I NF-ORMATI ONc Ali provisions of the "General Conditions".and "Supple- ; rnentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. ?. 1ti'ORK I NCLIJDEU: a. Delivery: _ (1) I)c~ I i v~;r, store;' and hand I c; ~~ 1 I rnt~tc~r i ~~ I s ~~s t-o prevent-.the inclusion of Boreiyn rnatc;rialssby water or breakage. (2) Package. materials: Deli~~er and store in ori- ginal packages unt"il:ready for use. (,"~) I'ackagc;s or mater i ~~ I s showing e;v i Bence of w~3ter or of:her darn~3ge w i I I he' re;;jc~cted. (4) Masonry un i ts:_ De I i vc-;r, store and protect frarn breakage.: b. Utility brick and closures: (1) BrICk shall conform to A.S.T.hi. specification C~~2-57 for Building Brick, grade S .t^~ . I n I n I n 1 rr 1 rr I it (2) Size .~~ x ;~~ x 1.1 ,3z x 7z x 11-, ar~d i„ ~„ iir 32 x 3z x 3~ , c. Exteriorface brick and bond brick: (1) Size 3z" x 72" x 112". Color to match sample in Architect's office, as manufactured b~~'~icrry Brothers Brick and Tile Co., conforming to A.S.T.h1, specification C62-,57 for Building. Firic:k, yrcade S.hl. d. Concrete masonry units: (I )- Hollow load bearing units. A.ti.T.Ni, ~, -~y~~, or 1- . 5 . ;~S.:C -6`21 , TYPe 1 (2) A I I concrete masonry units sha I I eornF~ I ~~ t1 i tlr "IJrrdcrwriters'Laboratory". rating specifications for/ 2-hour rated concrete masonry units, 7-5/~" ('age 4A-1 k'age 4A-1 ~; J{ ... t' T ` .. DIVISION 4 MASONRIG DIVISION .~ g. Space aII`vertical;joints'in'running bond work so as to I'rne up. ~: h . P~~tterns sha I I be accurate I y worked out to }=~~ I (~~w ,~"` the. drawings . i. Bond as required or indicated on the drawings. $. JOINTS: a. A!I joints approximately 3~~" thick. b. Point all joints as wall is built. c. Joints in exterior concrete block work, exposed ro ` view and noted painted on the plans,'shall be a horizontal "weathered" joint with vertical joinr~ smooth and flush.. d. Jo i nt.,s i n i ntc~r i or concrete b I ock work, '-exposed rc, v i e,w and .noted pa i ntc:d on the p I ans ur i n f~ i n i sh schedules, shall be tooled slightly and cut flush for concealed joints. e. Joints on face brick work, both interior and enter- ion, shall be tooled or as otherwise indicated can drawings. {~. I n tl~~use areas where exposed masonry i ti c~~ I I ed f~~~r~ i n p f ans, the. Contrac,~'tor sha I i make e~-erg e f~f~c~r~ r r ~, ay up a neat job, expec i a l I v .any are~~s exposc~:J r„ the public. h. BI11 LT-I N WORK: <,. Build Ina(( anchors, ties,~~fiashing, etc., asshown on the drew i ngs, that i s necessary or as sF~ec i I~ i e~~l in this or other sections of .these speci{~ication~. j. BRACING: '" a. A l l free standing .masonry wa I t s sha I I be tl~c>rc~uyh I ~~ braced as erected,_, by this Contractor, to E~rt~~~enr overturning. Such bracing to remain in plac~e~ until a I I ruo F Pram i nq members are secured i n E> I ace . ~. STOI'I'I NG THE WORK:.. a. The Architect may stop the masonry work when he. feels ~. Wage, 4A-3 I'a,~e .~A-~ 5 DIVISION 4 hiASC~NRY L~IVI~lJN the ambient temperature or prevailing weather cor~- d i t i ons w i (( be harmfiu I to the work i f i r, roar, i noes . 9. PROTECTION: e3 . At the errd of each working day new rnasor~r~~ ~ha I ! he protected on the top with 7 S I h . fie I t or adequa tr~ cover . Page ~/\-~ I'~-~ge ~~-~ t ~~ DIVISION 4 MASONRY _ 4-$. MORTAR -~ _ ~-B . ~1~~RTAR: 1 . GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Sup~~Ir~- mentary Genera I Conditions" firm a part cif this sc•~~t i can . Z, W~)hK I NCLIII)Ll): a. 11'ater: Clean and free from deleterious matt~rial~. b. Mortar:. Magnol is Mason's hl ix as manufactured h~ Southern Cement Company. <- . ~,rnd: C I e~~~n, durah I e~, t.ancc~crtc~d carer i n, ~h~3rt,, t-rr•c I~~rum I o~rm or other de I cater i ous m~rtt:e~r•, yr~~l(~~~ f rnrn coarse to fine'. ;3. MoI~TAR: ' a. h1ortar shall be prepared and of the manufacture hereinbefore specified. ..The mixing of the rnortarr shall be in strict accordance with the rnanufarturr's i n~;trur,t i or7s , Only fresh m i xcs.d mort~rr m~a~ h(~ u~~~cl, no retempered mortar w i l l be a I lowed i n t:hc~ c~~~rl.. Mortar shall be mixed in a tight box or rnixer, end shall be of a uniform consistency and color. nri- freeze compound and admixtures will not be permi±-tcd in mortar, 4, CLEANING:` ~~ . f n gencr~~ l , c; l fan a l I i'XpOSE?d masonry wur•k ~r t~r(•r~ erection and before installation of and adjacent materials that may be injured by, or a hindranc(, ro, the; cleaning process. b. Remove large particles of mortar with chisel. c.. Ilse "Sure Klean" -lime solvent No. 600 and watt>r as me~nul•'errturc:~d by th~~ ('ror.ess `solvent ComF>eirry d, Ilse I ime so l vE±nt i n strict .accordance with manui~er~~ - turer's printed instructions. DIVISION 5 ~ 9W E TA LS 5-A. STRUCTURAL AND MI SCELLANEOIJS S-A. STf~IJCTIIRAL ANU MI SCELLANE0l1S: :, 1 . GENERAL I NFORMATI ON: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "SupplE- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. ?. .WORK I NCLIlD'ED: a. Furnish and install aII meteri~~I, labor, e-c~uipment, incidental accessories, etc., for performing all opar- ations in connection with fabrication and instaila- o tion of structural steely INCLUDING STEEL LINTELS OVER WINDOWS AND DOO,RS.,; This includes aluminum items, soffits, .: and fascias . . 3. MATERIALS: ~a. Fasteners and S`upparts: l) Steel anchor Mates for. attachment vF structural prestress concrete deck (installed by prime contractor). (2) Anchor bolts for steel columns, loose anglE~s, bracers, clips, brackets, etc., to structural members as required. ,, , (3) This Contractor shall furnish aII temporar>~ brac,i ng reyu i red by; this section for erect-.ion . b . Meta ( Fr~am i ng: . . (1) Structural; steel conforming to A,S,T.h1. A-~, latest edition,`and A,I,S,C. standard specifications, current edition. (2) Steed columns"including hollow structural tubing complete with base-.and tap plates as shown on the drawings, ready for=erecti.on. 4. DESIGN: c ~~"" Y a. The design of members end connections for any portions of the structure-not indicated on the design drawings shall be completed by the fabricator, Such design -` shall conform to the requirements of the currant .~~~ issue of the Specifications f'or the Design, Fabrica- ~~` tion and'Erection'of structural Steel far Building q, of the American Institute of Steel Construction. ...,Page.; ~A-1 Page 5A-Z F ~: 4 t. . DIVISION 5 METALS UIVIS(ON~ Drawings showing such design sha(( be comparable in extent of information and detail to those issued by k ;, ,, the Architect. The design drawings shall be sub- i:; mitted to the Architect for approval before ~n~- ma- ~, ""' terials are fabricated. .,Subsequent, to approval b~• ;. the. Architect, no changes or modiFications shall be made without his consent.. 4. WORKMANSH I I': a. All workmanship: Equal to .the best practice in modern structural shop, and in strict conformance with A.I.S,C, Specifications. b. Insofar `as possible,'fit aII work. and shop assemble, ready for erection. • c. Execute all work in trio accordance with drawings, details, and approved shop-drawings. ~ _ d. Welding: (1) Conforming to the American Welding Society's Code for "Welding in Building Construction," latest edition (subject to statF: and local or,- dinances and laws), adequate strength and dura- bility, with jointing made tight, flush, in true planes with base metals, clean, and.smooth. (2) Fabricator arid.welders shall be licensed operators. e. Ail work: Make and erect square, plumb, straight, and true, accurately fit-at joints.and intersections. f. Adequately reinforce and anchor all work in place. 5, Page 5A-`L g. Finish all exposed work smooth with even, c!~>se joints and neat connections, unless otherwise in- dicated. h. Plane or finish all sheared plates or shapes where exposed. cunn P a. A I NTl NG. Before: leaving-the shop, .:all steel work shall be thoroughly cleaned, by effective means, of all loose mill scale, rust.,. and foreign matter. .Page SA-2, !; a - ;. ' DIVISION ~ h1ETALS DIVLSION 5 , b. On all steel work: Apply one coat of approved metal protection, thoroughly and evenly, and work into the joints and other open spaces thoroughly. c. Apply paint to dry surfaces only.. d. Inaccessible Parts: Parts inaccessible after assembly shall be given two coats of shop paint, preferably of different colors. e. Contact Surfaces: Clean all contact surfaces, by ef- fective means before assembly, but do not paint. t~. Finished Surfaces:. -Protect all machine finished surfaces against corrosion by a suitable coating. 6. FIELD PALNTI NG: a. Spot paint all serious abrasions to the shop coat with materials used for the shop coat or an equivalent. b. Remove: all mud and other firmly attached and objec- tionable foreign materials. (1) Responsibil~,ity .for this touch-up and cleaning, as well as general field painting, shall be allo- cated to the erector, • (2) Surfaces shall be clean and dry when paint is applied, (3) Apply no paint,in freezing weather. c. Finish Painting: Refer to Division 9 for painting: of exposed steel. 7 . Cl1TTl NG AND F I TTI NG: ~~. IJnless detailed, do no cutting of sections, flanges, or webs without the "Architec_t's approval. b. Masons shall perform all grouting. c. Check and maintain level of aII struc.tura( members throughout entire construction. Page 5A-3 Page jA-3 4- t r: t ,.~f ~. ~. , ~ DIVISION ~ MrETALS DIVISION 5 8. SHOP DRAWINGS: , ,: ~~, -- '~ a. Shop drawings shayll be'prepared immediately by .~ supplier on award of thiscontract. b.-Checked and initialed by General Contractor before being submitted to Architect for approval. i~,'ote: No fabricating shall be done before General Contr~~c- tar's and Architect's approval. c. No steel shall be ordered until erection diagrams ~ have been approved. i; z } 9. SOFFITS: 4a ;. Soffits shall be aluminum :with 12" IUng perfurated sect i ores at 48" o.c . k. Page 5A-4 Pc~gc~ 5r1-4 4 - r: r ~. DIVISION 6 CARPENTRY 6-B, FINISH'CARPENTRY'AND MILLWORK 6-B. FINISH 'CARPENTRY AND MI LLWORK: 1 . GENERAL l NFORMATI ON: `All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- -.. mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2, WORK INCLUDED; a. Finish carpentry as scheduled and indicated, inclu- ding aII'wood door fames. b. _Soffets,`'door frames and trim, window trirn, bases .arid mo I d i ng . :~ c. All case grid cabinet work including shelving. d. l n5t<~ I (dt i o'n of 1' i n i sh hardw~rre. 3. _ MATERI ALS: a, Exterior trim,~fascias, soffets, and moldings shall be "B" and better,.V.G,D,F. b, Exterior door frames shall be white pine haying integral stops and;:weatherstripping, c. Interior door frames .to be southern yellow pine. with - finger jointed white pine ..trim suitable for painting. d. Shelving in closets shall be 1" x 1~" ~.~hito pine with edges sanded and suitable for painting... e. Wcsod framing of all interior cabinet work including b I ock i ny and br;ac i ng sha I I bE~ No, 1 se I ect Southt~r~n Prne, f. All millwork whether pre-assembled or job built Shall be constructed of best grades of wood and plywo~~d conforming to recognized standards. °' '. g. Formica finish shall be used for counter tops, back- '~ splash 'and-exposed faces of aI) cabinet work in - Kitchens. ~~ ~: t ~. ~~ Page bF-1 .,~ '= t ~. L`IVISION 6 CARPENTRY DIVISI~~N b ware including nails, screws, bolts, lag screws and similar fittings and all other hardware either men- tioned in the specifications or required for the proper completion of the work. He shall take proper care of all hardware at the job. %. CABINETS AND COUNTER WORK: .r . M i I I work and T_r i rn Exterior and interior miPiwork and trim shall conform to design and details shown on drawings. Where prac- ticable, work shall be finished and assembled at mill. All millwork and trim shall be finished smooth and free from machine or tool marks that will sho-,~ through the finish. All nail heads shall be set to receive putty. Exterior millwork and trim shall be preserva- five treated and interior millwork and trim treated i n ~~ccurdance with paragraph "Termite and Presc~r~ a- tive Treatment" which is includE~d in this section of specifications. b. All joints shall be tight and farmed to concc>al shrinkage'. Shop miters 4" or more from heel to point shall be glued and locked. Make dowels and tenons to a drive fit. Make outside joints mitered to exclude water and set, i n with white I cad paste or• watc~rF~roc~f glue. Make shop joints of interior work with water- proof glue or hot glue under pressure. c. All exposed surfaces of plywood used in cabinets or other millwork shall be free of dutchman, patches or seams.. All exposed. edges of plywood 'shall. have hard- wood edges applied, except lipped cabinet doors and/or where stainless steel or other trim is shown. d, All cabinet joinery to be housed, mortised ~3nd tr>nun, rebated and glued up with waterproof glue urdE~r pres- sure. All joints shall be tight and formed to c~~nf~al shrinkage.. Rebates and housings shall be f'lutih ,rnd concealed. All interior cabinet work shall be fr~r- nished assembled including all hardware as noted on pl,~ns. Furnish complete shop drawings for ~~II rahi- n~.~t work showingall constructionrnc~thods and joinery, e. Wood shelves where indicated as wider than 11-1/'?" and not of plywood shall be T F~ G and glued up to required width of 1" material. P~aterial shall be "B" or better Southern Yellow Pine, Wage 6B-3 Page 6R-3 ,i y ~. <i- ~~: ;; .f '; ,.~.' ,r' i ~~ ~1~ DIVISION 6 CARPENTRY DIVISION b :# f, AII`drawers.shall~have ends and sides of 1" drawer ;~ stock, (unless otherwise noted on drawings to be heavier), with ~" plywood bottoms, aI1 mortised and ` glued construction. Drawers shall be equipped with hardware as specified. ' 8.` PREFI TTI NG OF hil LLWORI<: a, The following items shall be shop assembled, insofar as practical:'' Doors, casew©r~k, and cabinets with loose doors including adjustable shelf supports and ' all plastic covered counters, .Sinks and clamp rings '; will be furnished by the plumber. ;~ 'Q 9, C0l1NTER TOPS: a. Where plastic counter tops are shown, the fabrication. ~` of tops shall;incLUde the fallowing items and pro- cedures: 3~Q." plywood; Casonito adhesive; varnish ' ___ 1_ J .......! ...,.., :.J ., . .~ ., .. ~. ~. o rl 1 n m~ Y, ~ ~- i n n c• i'h i n i m i i m c~~ ~ i n a DIVISION 6 CARPENTRY DIVISION 6 moved from the premises and the .entire-structure and involved portions of the site shall be left in a nest, clean,. acceptable condition, Page EB-5 ;:` . _DiViSION 7 .,F~ • .'-, `•' MOISTl1RE PROTr~CTION . a,-~ ~ - -A. BUILDING I NSIILATION 7-A. BUILDING I NSULA?ION: - . 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: ' All provisions of the;°'General Conditions" and "~u~- elementary General'Conditionl`;" farm a part of this section. 2. .WORK I NCLU,DED: u. .Blown fiberglass insulation in a(I attic sE~c;ces, ~, b. Fiberglass blanket insulation 2" thick het~.~eerr crud. 4' . 3. .MATERIALS; - ` a. Fiberglass to'be "Owens-Corning," full f~" thick, ~~ b. Fiberglass blanket insulation to be 2" thick. . 4. `APPLICATION: - a: ,Wood and stud staggered between apartments - install ,a fiberglass. blanket insulation 2" thick, wc:uve h~~- .~' tween stud. . ' ~ b. Blow .insulation by approved mechanical blowers *r, ~n overall depth of b" according'to manufacturer's ir,- struct i ons. Care sha I I be take.r~ to avoid o~~c~r f~ 1 ~~,, . _ into soffit and prevent proper ventilation of arti~: ~~ area. Apply insulation after .the placement of~ cc';1- ins, 5, CLEANING; a, At comF~IStion of .III work on this E~hasc c~I~ rh~.~ ..>~~,-- struct i on this contractor sha I I remove a I I cl.>bi~ i from the building and site. a. DIVISION 7' MOI STtJRE PROTECTION ~~C, ROOFING AND SHEET METAL 7-C. ROOFING AND SHEET METAL: 1, GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mentary General Conditions".form a part of this section. 2. WORK I NCLIJDED: , ~3, Composition shingles for roofs, b, Membrane base course of 15~ felt-under all roof. areas, and built-up roofing. This includes 1" Fesco Board ' by~Johns-Manville, c. Wall flashing, gable and rake flashing, gutters and downspouts where indicated on drawings,, also termite shields. 3, AIATERI ALS: a. Composition shingles to be 23$# asphalt by Johns- hlanville, color as selected.. b. Wall flashing, gutters, downspouts, rake flashing and termite shields to be 26 gauge galvanized sheer, metal. q.. WORKMANSHIP: a. Check surfaces to which flashings and other sheet metal is to be applied, to ascertain that such surfaces are properly prepared and have adequate provisions for fastening metal into position. Sheets .,f different materials, subject to electrolysis, shall b~~ thoroughly insulated in an approved manner, Page 7C-1 Page 7C-1 ~ ; ~: `' ' . DIVISION $ ~' DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS 8-A, WOOD DOORS 8-A. WOOD DOORS: r 1, GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mentary Genera) Conditions" form a part of this section. 2. WORK INCLUDED: a. Wood doors. 3. MATERIALS: ~a, Interior doors "Weldwood" or "Thompson." Doors shall be solid or hollow core as noted on drawings, b. Interior doors shall be flush design, solid or hollow core wood as called for in schedule, manufactured by a re~:~utab I e company . Veneers sha I I be E~re~m i urn grade meeting m i n i mum requ i rc:rnents described i n ~ .:, . 171-5 for paint finish. c. Exterior doors shall be commercial standard flush wood doors, toxic and water repellent treated with a suit- able solution of penta, solid core. 4. WORKMANSHIP: a. Doors shall be accurately cut.and trimmed and f~irted to frames and hardware with allowance for paintc>rs' finish and possible swelling or shrinkage. Thc~ screws for hardware shall not be driven, merely started by driving, and screwed home, Page 8A-1 fi ,;~:~ >i Page 3A-1 '' ~~"~, '.~A ,., ~, DIVISION 8 i DOORS, WINDOWS, AND GLASS 8-B. ALUMINUM WINDOWS 8-B. ALUMINUM WINDOWS: ~* 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2. WORK I NCLUDED: . a. Stock single hung aluminum windows in all apartment units, anod i zc~d, by Lenahan A I um i Horn W i ncfo~, l' c~rE~ , , Jacksonville, Florida. ~. MATERIALS: a. Aluminum windows shall be stock single hung, complete with locking hardware and frames. b. Window sash and frames shall be anodized aluminum delivered glazediz~ the job site. 4. WORKMANSHIP: a, Install as per manufacturer's instructions. .5. FINAL ADJUSTMENT: F a. After the work of glazing and painting has been completed, all movable parts of the window instal- lation shall be adjusted to insure proper fitting and operation. ~_ . ~"'". '~ ~ ,Page 8B-1 r C, -' f Page ~F-1 t~ 4" - ~>•k. ' DIVISION 8 DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS. 8-D. ALUMINUM WINDOW SCREENS - 8-D. ALl1Ml NUM WINDOW SCREENS: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "`up~lE>- rnentary Gc ner~~ I Conditions" form ~~ p,irt of t.h i s sty~~t i ~~n. 2, WORK I NCLIJDEU: a. Furnish and install new aluminum screens complc~t~ with necessary hardware for all windows. 3. MATERIALS: ti a. W i ndow screens shc~r I I hey st~~nd~~rd g~~uye s<~rr>ri,,,~{ with a 16 x 16 mesh fiberglass cloth. b. Hardware furnished w i th sc.rE:en w i ndows ,sha I I bE~ a type suitable for easy removal of screens f~~r ~~indow cleaning purposes. 4. 4~ORKMANSH I P: a. Screens shall be installed in al( openings where operating windows occur. 6. Screens shall be neatly and accurately fitted ~.ir_h close tolerance (1/16 inch on all sides. c. Do not hang screens until fina'I finish paint coats have been completed. S. CLEAN-UP: a. After installation of screens, remove all trash and accumulated debris from the site. DIVISION 8 DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS 8-E, FINISH HARDWARE 8-E, FINISH_HARDWARE: 1, GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mentary General Conditions°' form a part of this section. 2. HARDWARE I NCLLIDED I N THI S SECTION: a. Finish hardware for hinged wood doors including butts. b. Locksets and latchsets. c. Hardware for draperies for all windows except those in kitchens and baths. 3. P~IATERI ALS: a. Locks and latchsets shall be Schlage standard line, "A" series, with brushed aluminum finish. b. Butts shall be standard 32 butts with 11S28D finish, by Hager. c. Drapery hardware shall be Graber #3000, super duty, or Kirsch heavy duty L023R or 3123R series. 4, I NSTALLATION: a. Installation of Finish hardware shall be performed under Division f~, CARPENTRY, of these specifica- tions. Note: Securely fasten drapery hardware to masonry or wood backing or blocking using screws or molly bolts. Do not use nails. Wage 8E-1 Page 8E-1 DIVISION 9 FINISHES 9~A. D(~Y WALL 9~A. DRY WALL: 1, GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the '°General Conditions" and "Supple-- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2. WORK INCLUDED: a. Dry wall application in all apartments for walls, b, Dry welt application for dropped ceilings in halls of all apartments, c. Firecode "C" application for fire walls and ceilings where indicated on plans. 3, MATERIALS: ~~ a. Dry wall - Gold Bond Fireshield, l/2" and 5/'~" thick as indicated on plans. b, "Multiflex" tape bead and ceiling trim channel for drywall construction as manufactured by Gold Ron~~. 4, WORKMANSHIP: a, Dry wall construction to be as outlined For unf~ layer application secured to wood stud using 1r," annular ring nails, by Gold Bond. b, All work shall be true to line, plumb, level and square. c: Joints of drywall shall be taped and pasted smooth, sanded and made ready for painting, 5. CLEANING: a. Remove all rubbish and debris from the buildings and premises, I eav i ng f I oors broom c. I can and r~o~~mti ready for decorating. Page 9A-1 Page 9A-1 ., ;; Di VISION 9 FINISHES g -g . T I L E WORK _!__________ 9-B . TI LE WORK: 1. GENERAL INFORMATI ON: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "~upple- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2, WORK I NCLl1DED: a, Glazed and unglazed ceramic: ti le in baths. 3, MATERIALS: '~a. Ceramic the r Glazed and unglazed es manufactured by Mosaic Tile Co,, including all necessary bull- noses, caps, cove bases (4" high), etc,, for complete installation. b. Glazed tiles for toilet wainscots and over tubs ~i.e 1i x 41" in "Harmonitone" 1100 color range with `'" 44 4 - caps, colors selected by Owner. c. Unglazed tiles for toilet floors to be 1" x 1" size, pattern #3o15VBCA "Mosaic Medley ,'° d. Setting materials to consist of a waterproof rnixturc~ of Portland cement, hydrated lime and sand rnixe,~ with potable water to the proper consist~:ncy. 4. WORKMANSHIP: a. All materials and workmanship shall be in strict accordance with the current accepted standard practice of the the industry published by tfie Tile Council of America Inc., work shall be carat=u{I~ laid out in an endeavor to center the ti le to a~~oid small cuts. All cuts shall be rubbed smooth and even. Comp I y with regu I at i ons, F ,S . SS -T-30?~ ~rnd SPR R-61-44. b. Joints 1/8" or less, after being saturated with water, shall be grouted with prepared waterproof Page 98-1 .~ I'~,gt~ yB-i DIVISION 9 FINISHES DIVISION 9 ,grout or waterproofed Portland cement mixed to a creamy consistency and thoroughly forced into ~3!! joints, so that the joint is filled to its entire depth. The grout shat! be raked back to the depth of the cushion of cushion edge tile, 5. CLEANING: a. Floors and wails shall be thoroughly cleaner at~ter ` grouting and protected with a suitable covering of paper, Acid shall not be used for cleaning any glazed tile.. a a Page 9B -2 I'aye r)R-`? DIVISION 9 FINISHES 9-C. RESI LI ENT FLOOR COVERINGS 9-C. RESI LI ENT FLOOR COVERINGS: l~' 1. GENERAL I NFORMATlON: Ali provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple-- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section, 'L. WOf~K I NCLl1UCD: a, Vinyl ti le finish floor in all spaces shown on plans. b. Metal edge strips. 3 . MATERIALS 4 a. Ti la shall be 3/32" thick vinyl asbestos as manut~ac- tured by Armstrong Cork Co, or Kentile size 9" ~ 9" in colors selected by Owner. b. Adhesives as recommended by the manufacturer. c.Leveling compound and crack filler as recommerrde.c{ by ti le manufacturer and For direct applic:at:ion to prestressed concrete floor slabs, d, Metal edging to be chromedge type 114-A as manufac- tured by B ~ T Metals Co. or similar. 4. INSTALLATION: a. Tile material shall be installed with joints tight, floor true, level and even. Cut ta, and around, all permanent. fixtures. Roll covering} with 15~) Ih, roller and remove all irregularities, Remove all surplus adhesive ready for waxing, b. Laying of the shall be done symmetrically about the centers of the rooms. Cutting of tiles shall bt:. done by methods which produce square and true edges. c. Meta I strips and edy i nys sha I I he i nst~3 I I ed i r~ nr i n i -- mum lengths of 12'-U" except when total length ~_~f~ -edge to be covered is less than YZ'-0". Page 9C-l. !'~~yc, ~)~ - DiVI SIGN 9 FINISHES t~l VI SI~~~ ~ 5. PROTECTION: a. I t i 5 the contractor's respons i b i l i t.y to {>rotc~e~ r a I( res i I i ent work as spec i f' i ed unt i I f i na I a~~~~E~p- tance of the buildings by the Owner. 6. CLEAN-UP: a. At completion of the work,. remove all tools, e.quiF~- ment, surplus materials, and debris resuftir~g From floor file installation. Leave floors in ~3 canc~i- tion ready for waxing. . 4:. Page 9C-2 Page UC-.`. DIVISION 9 FINISHES -D . PA I NTI. NG 9-D, PAINTING: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: AII provisions of the "General Conditions" and "~uF~ple- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this sE,cri~3n. 2. WORK INCLUDED:. a. AII exterior surfaces of masonry, concrete, woad and metals, unless specifically excluded.. b, AII interior surfaces as scheduled for constru~rran. ~c. Clear waterproofing of exterior masonry construcr_ion, d. Puttying of all nail holes and cracks. ` ~. MATERIALS: a, AII materials shall be pure, unadulterated, delivered to the building in the original unbroken packages bearing the maker's name, brand number and the batch number, thereby completely identifying the contents. Materials'shali be as manufactured by "Bruning," "Ben- jam i n Nioore," or "G I i dden," A I I co I ors to I}e se I ec- ted by Owner. b. This contractor shall be responsible for the erection, maintenance and policing of ladders and scaffolding required by this section of the specifications both interior and exterior. 4. STORAGE: a. Space shall be designated far the storage of paint materials and tools, Whenever it may be necessar`~ to change the location of this storage space, prompt- ly move to the newly designated place, Protect the. storage space floor from damage, keep paints covered at all times and .take all safeguards to prevenr_ fires. 5. WORKMANSHIP: a. AII wprk by skilled mechanics in a workmanlike manner, evenly applied to be free from sags, runs, crawls, or other defects.. Page 9D-1 Page yD-1 DIVISION 9 FINISHES DIVISION ~ c. Wood doors, windows, trims,, soffits and fascias on apartments will receive two (2) coats exterior lead and oil paint. 8. INTERIOR FINISHES: a, All drywall surfaces shall receive one (1) coat of= quick drying primer-sealer and two (2) coats ~ir~~l except kitchens and baths to have two (%;) coats semi-gloss enamel. b, Wood doors, trim, base and other wood work iri ~~part- ments shall be primed, nail holes and cracks filled or puttied and receive one (l.~ coat enamel under- water and one (, 1) finish coat e.ncrmel. 9,WOODWORK: a. All woodwork shall be thoroughly sandpapered and dusted. All nail holes, cracks, or defects in all work shall be puttied after the first coat. The putty shall match the color of the stain or paint. The woodwork on the interior shall be sandpapered smooth after each coat of mater i a I except I ~rst r.n~rt; and all surfaces of both interior and exterior ~,ork shall be free from dust, dirt, or other imperfections. 10, TOUCHING-LIP, ETC.. a. This contractor shall touch-up ali work as required upon completion and shall leave the work in perfect condition. This touching-up shall be dome after all mechanics are through and after all adjustments have been made, 11. CLEANING: a. All cloths and cotton waste which might constitute a fire hazard shall be placed in metal containers or destroyed at the end of each work day. Upon comp I et i on of the work, ~~ I I st~~g i nc3, sc~3ffo I d i ny, and corrte~ i Hera sha I I be r~.:moved from the. s i tE~ . Paint spots, oil or stains-upon adjacent surfaces shall be, removed. Unstick all doors and sash and entire job left clean and acceptable to the Architect. ,. ~; Page 9D-3 Page 9D-3 r . DIVISION 9 FINISHES 9.-E. SPRAYED TEXTURED PLASTER 9-E. SPRAYED TEXTI~RED PLASTER: 1. GENERAL INFORMATI ON: At) provisions of the "Genera! Conditions" and "~upple- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section.. 2. WORK I NCLIJDED: a. Furnish all tabor, materials, equipment, etc., to cornpiete this phase of the contract. b. Furnish all scaffolding necessary for applic~~tion in ail areas indicated on plans. 4 3. MATERIALS; a. All materials under this section shall be F>roducts of Ia,S.G. Gold Rond. 4. AI'PL I CATI ON: a, Clean the surface to be sprayed of all loose debris, protrusions and dust and prepare: surf~~ce fir th i application. b. On underside oi' a I I prestressed cor~crc~te unit-; throughout building apply 1~~" to 1~4" simulated acoustical sprayed textured finish in aceordc3nce with manufacturer's literature. .Coverage. must be uniform in appearance. c. .Apply to all ceiling areas listed in room t~inish schedule. 5. C,LEANI NG: a. At completion of all work on this phase of the construction this contractor shall remove all debris from the building and site. Page 9E-1 Page 9E-1 _ __ 1. .~._ _ ,_. _ ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~.._.~-,...~..._,. ,...~. .w .~ ~.. _~... ~:~ DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES 10-A. TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10-A. TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES: 1. GENERAL I NFORl~1ATl ON: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- .. mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2. WORK I NCI_I1DED: a. Medicine cabinets (surface mounted). b, Toilet tissue holder (surface mounted). c. Soap dish at (avatory (surface mounted). 4, d, Towel pin at lavatory and towel bar at tub. e. Shower rod at tub, soap dish with grab bar recessed at tub. ' 3. MATERIALS: a . Medicine cabinets sha I I be M i am i --Carey Ni ode I No . 6U3 . h. Toi let tissue holder, Mi~imi-C~~rey No. 601.1.(Cl, surface mounted, chrome. _ c. Soap dish at lavatory Miami-Carey No, b009(C,I, surface mounted, chrome, d. Towel pin sha! I be Nliami-Carey No. b02?lC), surf~~ce mounted, chrome. E~ . 'fowe ! rod sha I I be Ni i am i -Cart>y No . 6014(~~) , :;ur ~~~r~~ mounted, chrome, 24" long, Shower rod Miami -~ t~re~ No. b014(C), five feet (5') long. 4. INSTALLATI ON: a. Furnish and install bath and toilet accessories where i ndir.~~ted on the drawings for a I I b~at;lrrr>oms. Note: Alterna te for bathroom accessories shall bE~ chine arc~~ssories in lieu of chrome accessories mentioned abo~•c. Page 10A-1 ~ ~~age lvA-1 ~kr DIVISION 1.0 SPEC I P,LTI ES 10-B. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES 10-B. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES: 1 . GENERAL I NFORh1ATl ON: All. provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2. WORK I NCLUDED: a. Fire extinguishers, b. Mail boxes. c. Door chimes. d. Apartment unit numbers. 3. h1ATERl ALS: a. Fire extinguishers as per location indicated on plans complete with .housings. Extinguishers sh~li be 5.~~~1FC, as manufactured by Fyr-Fyter Co., Dayton,~Ohio. b. Apartment mail boxes shall be standard size, alloy metal, to meat U.S. Postal Department Specifications, re,ce~sed type with keyed lock as manufactured by AU TH. c. Door chimes shall be NuTone Model MC-310N "Deluxe Pre-Vue" with nameplate and place for inserting apartment number. d. Apartment un i t numbers sha i I be 4" x 2" st~~nd~-rr~i s i ~e engraved plastic,. 4, I NSTALLATI ON: a, Fire extinguishers shall be mounted on hooks with bottom of extinguishers $'-0" above finish floor. hro~ide ex- tinguishers as per locations indicated on plans, complete -with housings. b. Mount, mail boxes at locations shown on plans. Provide cover protection for mail boxes ample to protect fr~~,n elements and to clear the type of box doors installed. c. Mount door chimes as indicated on plans inserting ~3part- j ment numbers. ~ d. Apartment unit numbers shall be attached to main - ` entrance door to each apartment , with chrome sex screws after final painting. k page 10B-1 . Page lOB-1 . ~ DIVISION 11 EQl1 I PMENT 11-A, RESIDENTIAL EQLI I PMENT ____ ]1-A. RESIDENTIAL EQUIPMENT: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- mentary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2. WORK I NCLIJDED: a, Range (one per apartment unit). b. Refrigerator (one per apartment unit). c. Range hood. with fan. light and self--contained venting. d. Rough in for washing machines and dryers in Recreation Building only. 3. MATERIALS: a. Range shall be a slide-in gas unit as manufactured by Magic Chef, Model f/31~-]0, suitable for operation with LP propane gas and equipped with orifices for same. b. Refrigerator, one and two bedroom units, shall be free standing electric as manufactured by General Electric, Model No. TA 12. Refrigerator, three and four bedroom units, shall be free standing electric as manufactured by General Electric, Model No. TAC 15. c. Range hood shall be Nutone Model No. V34-CC30 with Model No. 859 bracket and filter, color to match range. 4. I NSTALLATI ON: a. After all work has been completed, kitchen cabinets installed and painting finished, install kitchen ~~p- pliances as listed for all apartment units. Page 11A-1 Page 11A-1 DIVISION 12 FIJRN I SH I NGS NOT I N CONTRACT Page 12A-1 Page 12A-~ DIVISION 13 SPECIAL CONSTRIJCTI ON NOT I N CONTRACT Page 13A-~- Page 13A-1 piv~s~aN ~.4 CONY EIS-- S'° NO~ONTR_,_. A~ Page IAA-1 Page 14~-1 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL 15-A. PL(1MBING 15-A . PLIJMR I NG: 1 . G[ NERAL I NFORMA~TI ON: a. The work to be done under the Plumbing, ~~iechanical and Electrical Divisions includes the Furnishing of all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and all other necessary. items for the complete construction of the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems as indicated on the drawings and as speci-Pied f~erein. Everything necessary for a comp (ete and srrt i s Fair. t-or~ project as speciFied and as shown on the drawings shall be furnished and installed including all mis- cellaneous materials, labor, and other items which are required to complete and place the project in satisfactory operation and required for a First class job which is complete in every respect. The f~llow- ing supplementary articles are hereby made ~~ pant 01~ the' P I umb i ng, N~echan i ca I and E I ectr i ca I 1' i ~~ i i i ons to the same extent as iF written out in full in each .division. b. Coordination and Cooperation: The work under each division shall be coordinated with the-work of other divisions of this project as well as the local utili- ty companies. The work under each division shall be arranged and scheduled so that there will br• no delay in the installation and/or completion of any part or parts of the project and all work shall be installed in proper sequence with the'other dig-i- sions and trades so as to avoid .any unnecessary .delays. The Contractor under each division shall confer with all other trades engaged in the construc- tion of this project whose work may affect the work under his division, Wherever interferences might occur,.. the Contractor or Contractors shall consult with the ather Contractors before installing any of the work in question, and shall affect an agreement with them regarding the location or level of his equipment, materials or apparatus. Should ~3 condi- tion exist, due to actual field conditions, which departs from the drawings, approval shall be ob- tained from the Owner or his authorized representa- tive before installing any of the work in question. Page 1$A-1 Page 15A-1 ~. 3 t j (, '.` f '-. ~.; ;, ~:~ DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL _ DIVISION 15 The Engineer shall have the right to correct any clerical, mathematical, or minor errors or omis- sions in the specifications when such corrections are necessary for the proper fulfillment of their intention. c. Drawirrys and S ecifications: The Engineer's dr~-~wings covering installation of the systems and facilities under the Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Divi- sions, supplemented by the specifications, describe the work intended, and reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the drawings and speci- fications to prevent interference between these divisions and work of tither trades including general construction, Insofar as practical with small gale drawings, the Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical ' layouts indicate the position of the equipment ~rnd apparatus making up the individual ar~d related systems. However, the Contractor under each division shall be solely responsible for taking his own measurements and coordinating his insta•Ilation with the installation of the other divisions and trades and w i th the arch i teetura I features of the prc~,jc~ct:s . Omission i'rorn the drawings or spec i f i cart: i orrs, ~>r the misdescription of details of-work which are e~•i- dently necessary to carry out the intent of the drawings or specifications, or which are customarily performed, shall not relieve the contractor from performing such omissions and details of work, but they shall be performed as if fully and correctl. set forth and described in the drawings and specifi- cat ions . The Contractor sha (, I, not ava i I h i msc~ I f~ of an obvious omission frorr- the plans and specif`i- cations with the expectation of receiving an e.Ytra after being awarded the contract. Prior to the be- ginning of any work the Contractor under each divi- sion shat! carefully examine all drawings and rc>port to the Architect any discrepancies or interferences ' which may be discovered, If, during the course of canstruction, any such discrepancies or interferen- ces are noted, they shall be promptly reported tc~ J the Architect in writing. In case of conflict be- tween drawings and specifications, the Architect c>r ~ Engineer shat{ be the sole judge as to intent. The work under each division shall be performed in c~ finished and workmanlike manner by skilled craft- men under the direction of an experienced superin- . `t~.: tendent, Any'work considered by the Owner or his Page _1,5A-2, .:.. ~; ;~ ;';~ Page 1 ~A-2 ~'"~ ~,~ ~. DIVISION Page 15A-3 MECHANICAL authorized representative to quality or appearance or not intent of the drawings and s~ corrected by the Contractor, directed by the Owner or his five. DIVISION 1 be of unsatisfactory conforming with the. ~ecifications shall be at his expense, as authorized representa- d, Codesy Laws, Ordinances and Permits: The work under the Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Livi- sions shall be installed to comply with all appli- cable codes, laws, ordinances or regulations of the local utility companies and shall also comply with the applicable building code which governs the area and shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the authorities having jurisdiction over the. work, All of the applicable codes, laws, ordinances, or~regulations whether national or Focal, shall be considered as minimum requirements, and an~thiny shown on the plans or specifications hereinafter in excess of these requirements shall be installed as shown or specified. All contract quotations shall .include all charges, fees, permits, royalties, taxes, insurance, and all other similar costs relating to the work under each division. e. Protection of the Work: TN7e Contractor-under each division shall adequately protect his construc:tic;n materials and installed work at all times, durinc3 the progress of the construction, so as to prevent damage to such materials and installed work. [re- placement and/or repairs to damaged materials and installed. work shall be made by the Gontractor at his expense. The Contractor under each division sha I I use reasonab I e precaution to prevent d~3m~r~<~ to adjacent and/or re I ated construction pro~~ i dt~~~ by others, and he shall be responsible for damay<~ to such other construction as a result of his negli- Bence, f, Visit to Site: Before submitting the proposal for his work, the Contractor under each division shall v i s i t the s i to . He sh~~ I I s~~t i sf~y h i msc I F ,-r~ to th~~ nature and location of the: work and thc~ general and local conditions that exist. He shall have full knowledge as to transportation, disposal, and all other facilities in the area which will have a bearing on the performance of the work under each division and the contract for which he submits his Page 15A-,3 ~r ,, .. , ~~ ~w. DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 _ propusa(. Failure ~Lo acquaint:himself with aII of the available infarmation'shall'`not relieve him from arty responsibi9ity for performing his work properly.' No'.additional compensation shall be allowed for con- `- _ ditjons which increase a contractor's cost which '{ . . -were `not. known ~Lo or appre,ciated'by him when submit- t~i ng," h i ~'propos~~ I i f the condition was obvious and cou I d. have been. d i scovere,d by'' h im ' i f he had visited ~` the `site and h~,d thoroughly i nform`ed h i mse I f of a existing conditions. which would-affect his work. g . Excavat i on and f3ackf is I 1 : - A I I 'necessary excavat i ng i, rig° required. `i ri the.-Plumbing, Mechan i c.a ', and .EI ectr r ca I d i v i"..~ ron~ _sha I( be " ~' performed i n the ~~ following manner: " ~ A~ ~ (1) Cut bottoms of trenches to proper lines and - , ' yracles to ,provide fu I I I engtfi .bear i ng of pipes ~ ,. ~ ~. and conduits on 'ground with ample bell holes , '~ as :required ta-make-up joints, and to provide ` , ~ 30" minimum depth from .finished grade to tops _ i :of all pipes and conduits outside of project -~ (2) Excavation below footing shall not be made with "•' slop"es;steeper.than 1~to:1 from the bottorn of ' he .foot i"ng to the ,bottom of excavation at the ., ,.; ' nearest posnt, except where pipelines must pass under continuous ,footings.' - (3~ Exc~~vations shall be. sheeted and braced .wherever necessary avid ~~s` d i rested` ao-protect personae I ~ %~ `an`d adjacent. s1:rr:rctu res. (Q.) After pipes of conduits I'i nes.: have been t a i d, :, tested and approved 6ackfill, shall be carefully hand tamped'int;o bell-holes and around bodies _ ' ' ,; o f' pipes and _condu,i t u.nt i~ I a cover depth of b" - pis hand tamped 'in place,: The remaining backfill over a I I p i'pe and conduit' I i nrvs sha I I bo I-rand ar power .tamped ip 6"~Nlayers to the density of " .. the and i sturbed site .so i "i . 1~1'ass backf i I I i ng i s ,, proh i b i'ted anc~ any backf i 1 1 •i nsta l I ed as such ` _, will be required to be removed and. refilled. ' ~ $) I` f, i n th'e` opinion of the 0 wrier or his author i red representative;<.;the'.6ottoms of excavations at _ . ;~ r. { Gage 15A ~4 page 1$.A -4 j i . ~. ,, .,, _. __ ~ .: rt.. .. • DIVISION 15 "MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 required grades are unsuitable ,for proper. supports of piping or conduit'ar where;cinders,rubbish ' or other deleterious materials are encountered ' the excavat %ori `sha I I be carried down to firm earth, or~not less than 6" below the deleterious ,~ `'' materials~.~.Required`grades shall be obtained by backfilling`with apprrwed clean earth or sand thoroughly hand tamped in,p(.ace, as direeted by . the .Owner, or his authorised representative. . (f~) The Contractor under each`diwisi~on shat l be respons,,i b l e°-for haui i ng away from :the s i te~ a I excavated materials. that are not replaced as backfill in-;`hi.s work, and'sha(I furnish all necessary ,nand or'ot,her extra backfill mater- e - ials required, ~ , , h . Cutt i ng and 'Patch i ng ` :Thy Contractor: under each division shall- so,organize end''execute;hiswork.so as'to avoid`un,necessary cutting ,and patching of ; bu i I d i ng surfaces; his prepares or•y work,' i nc Lud i ng the accurate installation 'of sleeves, wall and floor ' openings and construct-ion'of equipment foundations and supports; sha-II'be faithfully coordinated with the general Construction of the project,` Cutting, ~~ ~. patching and repairs to damaged buildingsurfaces and the work of any other";contractors resulting, from either the Plumbing,,'Mechanica! or Electrical instal- Iations shall be `provided or caused to be,prowided by the responsible 'contractor at his expense without _ additional cost to the Owner.` All work of a genera( } construction .nature that -is related to, the work under the P Dumb i ng, M echan i ca I and E I ectr~ i ca I d i v i- sions shall be provided by the General Contractor and will inelude~preparation of building surfaces at points of piping and duct penetration, masonry ; and concrete work.., etc. The Contractor under :..each' division shall be completely responsible for the correct dimensions arad general-scope of all general construction related'to their work. All corrections to'such related work determined to be improperly f executed due to'the negligence of the contractor "" under either division shall be .made at h,is expense. *~ i. Maintenance and Operating Instructions: "The Con- f ;. tractor under each division shall provide the services of an instructor .approved by the'Engineer to instruct the Owner, his .agent or•.representative in the correct ` . operating procedure for the P' I umb i ng`,; Nl echan i ca l and Electrical system's. The Contractor under each di~~i- sion shall furnish to'the Genera) Contractor for the Page 15A-5 - Page.: 1$A-$ . 4 ~'' . < W ' Y. t- i, toy d Ka ' DIVISION 15 ter„ MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 Owner's use,"three (3) complete sets of the following data for each piece of equipment, except where there are duplications. of equipment: . (],) Manufacturer's Service Parts List (2} Manufacturer's Operating Manua I (3) Equipment Service Requirements (¢) Temperature Controls (5) Operating Instructions (6) t<Jiring°Diagrams ' The above manuals shall be submitted to the, Engineer far approval. enclosed within minimum size 82" x 11" - red compress binder,, and fastened with brads or 'suitable fasteners. '4 The Contractor under".each division shall {'urnish and ` install in a`-neat glass covered frame in the hlechani- cal Equipment Room ('when.applicab(e) a complete - typed set of.,instructions covering<the following: (1) Startup and shut down instructions for the f system . ~ ° (2)` Seasonal c!~'ange-over .instructions. (~} Complete wi''r,ing diagrams showing field and factory;installed wiring intex'Iocks, controls and safety ,'devices , „(¢} Instruction's for proper operation,-.care and ,- maintenance-of `the systems and equipment. Submit;a copy of.-thee proposed items listed above to the Owner fob approval'before installation, ~ !, j, Cleaning and Final Clean-Llp' 'The Contractor under each',divisi~on-in addition to keeping the project premises free at a!I times"of a((•waste or surplus materiels,~r'ubbish and debris caused by his employees or resulting-from hi;s work shall: (1) Remove ali stickers, rust stains, labels, tempo- racy covers; etc., after aII equipment, fixturk,s and other units of the building systems have been . i nsta l i ed, (Z) Flush or blow out all foreign matter from all i- r piping, ducts, tanks, fans, motors, devices, ' switches, fixtures, panels, boilers, and aII other°,such egui,pment and materials, w N n 5 F. .. i Page 15A-6 hac3c 1511-fi , , < ..- ,. ., .. . ~ ..., ~, #. ? DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL DIVISION :15 '~~ (3) „ aemove all excess paint and polish from al) ~, equipment nameplates and identification plates. n ~ ,.. """ (4) Leave the`fini-shed systems-`and installations in ~' a safe, clean 'coed i t i can° ready for ;operation, i n case of`_ d j spute, the` Owner may .'remove the ;` rubbish, excess material or do all cleaning and charge tha coot of.,such"necessary clean-up to the Contractor: ~` k. Guarantee: Exceptwhene longer warranty periods are t~ specified aII materials-;and workmanship shalt be`~ guaranteed free. from defects for the period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work .under each division. The Contractor, when notified in writing by the Owner-and his authorized represen- tative, shall promptly remedy. without cost to the. Owner any defects whicFi develop within the guarantee period. 2. WORK INCLUDED: ~~ Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, supervi''sion, and other items end services required for the completion of the plumbing systems for the various areas of the building(s) as called for on " the drawings and/or in accordance with these specifica- tions. In general, the work shall consist of the follow- i ng: ;` a. A complete sanitary draining system for the buildings as indicated on`the drawings, connected to the house sewer .. `; b. Sewer connections for the buildings stubbed out five feet (5') from buildings. , c. Coldwater service connections as indicated and/or as directed. d. A complete and satisfactory system of the domestic hot end cold water"as indicated and/or as specified, e. Gas piping as indicated or as specified connected ,to LP propane system " f. .Installation, rough-``in, connections, etc. as indicated or as required for equipment furnished by others. .which requires plumbingservices. Page 1$A-7 Page 15A-7 F k9 ., ~~5 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 g. Temporary toilet facilities for construction purposes. h. llncrate and connect gas stove and hot water heater. i.. Connect gas to furnace, and to hot water heater, and furnish proper orifices for LP propane gas, j. Condensate line and N.W.H. pop-off waste line. k. Hot water heater as indicated on plans, 3. WORK BY OTHERS: ' The following work related to the plumbing construction shall be provided under other divisions: a. s. t ' Page {-15A-$ The General Contractor will provide chases in walls for concealed pipes, pits, pads, and other miscella- neous concrete work as .indicated, finish painting of exposed plumbing pipes, etc., toilet partitions and accessories, furring, and other such work of a gener- al construction nature. The General Contractor will also provide all janitor services required to main- tain temporary, construction toilet areas in clean anal sanitary condition. Any temporary extension of water services, or sewer services required for con- struction, with the exception of any extension re- quired for the,p-lambing construction, shall be in- stalled by this contractor by separate agreement with the General Contractor, The Mechanical Contractor will provide all work directly related to heating, ventilating and air conditioning construction and work normally considered within the scope of this trade. The. Electrical Contractor will provide all power and control wiring and connections to ail motor driven and electrically operated controlling devices, and where pipi,.ng or. mechanical connections are not in- vol.ved, the installation of such detached electrical devices; furnish and install necessary disconnect switches where not integral with motor controller; and will perform .ali other such work of an electrical nature. Ur-der the Electrical Division, a certain amount of temporary. electrical work for construction purposes has bee n, specified. Any additional extension of. such facilities'as may be required for the plumbing construction shall be provided by the Plumbing Con- tractor at his own ,expense. Page 15A -8 ~; i .. DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL DIVISION.15 d. Sewer Contractor "wi'Il provide. the .connection to . public sewer main and extension of the sewer to within five Feet (5'~ of the rear building line. The " Plumbing Contractorwill stub out five feet ,(5') to tie with this service. - e. Water Main Contractor will provide the necessary water extensian from main to within .five feet ($') from building and set meters. ~4. AS BUILT DRAWINGS: a. Upon completion of the project, the Plumbing Contrac- tor shall prepare and deliver to the Owner or his authorized representative, "reproducable" as built drawings to"the same-scale as the contract drawings, showing the actual installed locations, depths and sizes of all under`fJoor plumbing pipework inside of the building, and-all underground plumbing pipework outside of the building, including the locations of all cleanouts and underground valves. Make a1( neces- sary field measurements during the installation of the underground and underfloor pipework. Show all' locations by dimensions from permanent readily ide~n- tifiable reference points such as building wails, columns, curbs, drives, etc. Show all depths by dimensions below finished floors and finished grades. $. ACCURACY OF DATA, DRAWINGS ANO INTERFERENCES: a. The Plumbing drawings are generally diagrammatic, and except where specifically dimensioned or detailed, indicate the approximate locations and general ar- rangement of the plumbing work. The Plumbing Con- tractor shall examine all other contract drawings, and shall install his work to conform as nearly as> possible to the locations and arrangements indicated, with only such minor adjustments as necessary to coordinate the plumbing work with the Architectural and all other work and to avoid all interferences therewith. b. All work installed under this division which inter- feres with the Architectural or any other work, or which. deviates from the drawings and specifications, without prior approval of the Owner or his authorized representative shall°be altered by .the Plumbing Con- Page 15A-9 Page 15A-9 Q DIVISION 15 _ _ __ MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 tractor at his 'own expense, to clear such interfer- ences, or to comply with the drawings and specifics- tions as directed by the Owner or his authorized representative . All plumbing interferences or dis- crepancies which may be discovered or anticipated shall be reported to the Owner or his authorized representative for decision before proceeding with the work. c. ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS SHALL BE TAKEN FROM THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 6.. SUPER I NTENDENCE - St1PERVI SI 0N: a. The plumbing subcontractor's job superintendent (or' ~° foreman} sha(I be experienced in the 'supervision of construction work of the magnitude and general character of this project and prior to his employ- ment on this project, his identity, experience record, and other qualifying data shall be submitted to the 0 caner or his authorized representative for approval. 7. TESTS, INSPECTIONS, ADJUSTMENTS AND CLEAN-UP: a. Make a standard water test of all sanitary and indi- rect waste and vent piping as required. Test all water piping with 100 Ib. hydrostatic pressure. The drop shall not exceed 2 p.s.i.g. for an 8~-hr, period. b. Ail piping shall be'free from leaks, and test gauges shall show no loss of pressure .f or thirty (30) minutes after. source of test pressure has been cut off. Pipes may be tested in sections as the work progre ses. 'Repair and retest all divisions failing to pass tests as required until the tests are ap- proved. Caulking, welding or-brazing will not be permitted on threaded pipe or fittings to stop leaks. Replace with new material all cracked or otherwise defective pipe or fittings of all types as directed by the Owner or his .authorized representative. Furnish all necessary testing equipment meeting the Owner's or``his authorized representative's approval, and give the Owner or his authorized representative and all applicable authorities twenty-four (24) hrs. notice of all proposed tests and readiness of work for inspections 'and conduct each test in the presence ~a y„ DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 of the Owner or his authorized representative and ol) applicable authorities in an approved manner. Do not conceal or insulate piping or other plumbing ~,,,, work until al! inspections have been made and all required tests have been approved by the Owner or his authorized representative and all applicable authorities. c. Put entire plumbing system in operation, test all fixtures and equipment, remedy all leaks and defects, and make el! necessary adjustments to obtain opera- . Lion as specified and satisfactory to the Owner or his authorized representative. Adjust all plumbing items, and leave all in a satisfactory operating condition. Demonstrate to the Owner or his authorized .representative that the entire plumbing system functions properly and as specified, and produces the results that are specified and indicated on the drawings. d, After plumbing system has been tested and before any painting, is done, clean up all plumbing work thoraugh- ly. Remove all foreign matter which has accumulated in any fixture, equipment, or enclosure, Remove all stickers, stains, and tarnish from fixtures and trim, and clean and polish all valves, plates and other surfaces that are not to be painted so that they present a new and acceptable appearance. 8. MATERIALS AND E911 I PMENT: a. Furnish all materials and equipment new, free from defects, of first quality,. of recognized manufacture and entirely suitable for the intended services. b. Dimensions and form of equipment with connections thereto shall be such as to meet limitations of in- stallation space with due consideration given to service access and repairs to equipment, piping, etc., as welt as to adjacent general construction, elec-- tricaP and mechanical facilities, c. All materials and equipment shall be of type, mini- mum quality and. of the minimum rating described herein or indicated on the plans. Where materials, equip- ment, apparatus, or other products are specified by the manufacturer, brand name, type or catalog number, Page 15A-11 I'agc~.15A--11 r DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 such designation is to establish standards of the desired quality and style, and shall be the basis of the bid, d. Within thirty (30) days after award of the contract, five (5) copies of the complete material list of ALL proposed materials shall be submitted to the Owner or authorized representative for checking, correcting,. approving, or rejecting. The Contractor shall submit one 1,~ equipment submittal far approval. Those equipment items not approved on the first submittal shall be furnished.as specified, Include with the submittal fist stafficient catalogs or. other data describing al( proposed materials which differ in any respect from the materials which are specified by definite make, model, or catalog numbers and des- cribing all. proposed materials which are specified without any definite make, model, or catalog number. Proposed materials which are identical makes, models and catalog numbers as specified shall b'e simply fisted as specified, e. The Contractor shall forward. all equipment submittals complete at one time and arranged in a neat orderly fashion with catalogs, cut sheets, diagrams, figures, etc,, clearly marked to indicate applicable items. f. Atl substitutions approved are approved subject to all of the conditions and requirements set forth in the specifications and on the drawings. Where sub- stitutions alter the design or .space r.,equirements indicated on the drawings, the Plumbing Contractor shall pay all items of cost for the revised design and construction of all allied trades involved, 9. P1 PEWORI<: a. Generally, all pipework in all finished areas, within pipe chases, above furred ceilings, or within other building construction, shall be concealed unless otherwise indicated, b. Unless otherwise indicated, install all pipework parallel or at right angles with beams, walls, ceil- ings, or other building lines, straight, true, and plumb to line. Install all exposed pipework as Page 15A-12 Page 15A-12 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL DI VIS'!ON 15 close as practical to walls, columns, ceilings, or overhead construction to provide maximum headroom and minimum interferences with usable building space, Install ail pipework in a neat,. pleasing and workman- like manner, atl to the Owner's or his authorized. representative's satisfaction. c. Piping materials, ratings, etc, far the service ap- plicable shall be as follows: Install iron body raised head brass plug cleanouts in outside sewer and drains where indicated and ti;here required flush with finished grade, with a~service weight cast iron soil pipe, risers and fittings. (1) Sanitary Waste, Vent and Soil Piping, inside of 9 • building and at all locations outside of the building where marked "C,I." shall be cast iron sail pipe, and fittings, with lead and oakum joints, except as follows: (a) Vent piping above floors on ground and not in contact with. the ground may be standard weight galvanized steel pipe with 125 Ib. black cast iron.. or 150 Ib, malleable iron screwed fittings. (b) All waste firms shall be 12" galvanized pipe with black cast iron recessed screwed drainage fittings. All indirect waste below floors on ground or otherwise in contact with the ground inside of the building to five feet (5°) outside of the building - and at all locations outside of the build.i:ng where marked "G,l." shall be cast iron soil pipe and fittings with lead and oakum ,joints. All cast iron soil pipe shall be centrifugal east type, and ten foot (10') lengths may be used. Install a{) piping with 1/8" per foot minimum fall. Prior to roughing in this contractor shall establish grades on drainage lines and at the point of connec- tion to the outside sewer main. No extra payments will be made for work resulting from inaccurate measure- ments or placing pipe ,and/or fixtures. Interior, soil, waste and vent piping shall be Bel( 1/~ Page 15A-13 Page 15A-13 g DIVISION 15 CvIECHANICAL DIVtSLON 15 Hangers for all suspended horizontal pipes shall be split malleable iron hangers similar to Auto-grip,. Fee and Niason Figure 199 or 205, or clevis hangers similar to Fee and Mason Figure 239 with proper sized Y ~ steel hangar rods.. Hangers or supports for all pipes : on walls and other similar locations shall be split ring extension hangers similar to Fee and Mason Figure 302. Perforated strap or band iron hangers will not be permitted. Maximum hanger or support spacings shalt be 5' for cast iron pipe; 8' for other 1" and smaller pipe; and 10' for other 14" and larger pipe, with hangers or supports in all cases placed at or sufficiently near elbows, tees, risers, valves and other items to provide adequate support of the pipe- work, Support all underground pipe by laying with full length bearing of the pipe barrel on firm trench bottoms, Where stacks or individual wastes enter the ground, support file base of the riser on (`irm earth bearing or on concrete masonry supports when earth bearing is unsuitable. Install plastic sleeves or wrap felt around all pipes passing through concrete construction. e. Valves (Std.): Valves shall be of the following makes, and the types, ratings and .features shall be as spe- cified below: (1) Underground Water Cut-Off.Vaives: 3/4" on each building service shall be Crane°No. 462 hub end 125 Ib, iron body brass disc gate valve and 4" Orangeburg pipe for box. extending 1"above sod. f, tlnions (Std.): Install a union at the outlet af:each screwed valve (including those in copper piping) and in each piping connection and each piece of equipment, and at other locations as indicated or as required. Each valve, each fixture and each piece of equipment shall be removable from the pipework by disconnecting adjacent unions. Place all unions in convenient lo- cations so that the fixtures and equipment can be re- moved by disconnecting only the unions, without dis- turbing the-cut-off valves and other piping beyond the unions. Page 15A-15 _ Page 15A-15 DIVISION I$ MECHANICAL T DIVISION Z5 ~ 5, faucets shall be removable and renewable without removing faucet bodies or disturbing building construction. Each individual plumbing fixture shall have individual cut-off stops and shall serve as cut-off valves for individual fixtures. i. Cleanouts Std.): Install accessible cleanouts out- side of building as shown on drawings. Set each cleanout plug with "key°' or approved graphite paste on the threads. j. Gas Piping: Shall be standard weight (A.S.A. Schedule 40) black steel. Piping in the building shall be 3/4" and shall be installed using standard weight black steel fittings, jointed with black malleable threaded fittings. Piping shall be carefully tested and proved tight with the recommended methods of local gas autho- rities. k. Condensate and WH Pop-Off Drain Pipe: shall be standard weight A.S.A.-40 galvanized steel sizes as shown on drawings and jointed with galvanized " iron threaded fittings or at contractor's option, Type '°L" copper with soldered type fittings; install plugged tees to provide for adequate cleanout access. . I. LP Propane Operation: All gas operated appliances, furnaces, water heaters, etc,, shall be furnished with suitable orifices for the burning of LP propane gasses. This Contractor shall inspect all of the above items prior_to making andconnections-to such equipment. Page 1$A-Y7 Page 1$A-17 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL -B . HEATI NG AND A I R CONDITIONING ~ 15 -B . HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supplemen- tary General Conditions" form a part of this section. 2 , dt(ORK I NC Ll1DED a. Forced air heating units indicated on plans. b. Evaporator cooling coil (recreation building only . c. Air cooled condensing unit (recreation building only). d. Plenums, ductwork, dampers, diffusers, registers and gri I I•es. e, Insulation for ductwork. f. Unit temperature control, low voltage wiring .and acces- sories. g. Condensate drain line (recreation building only . 3 , EOL1 I PMENT: a. Forced air heating units shall be gas fired units as manufactured by the Johnson Furnace Company, Bellevue,0. Evaporator cooling coils in recreation building only shall be electric as manufactured by the Johnson Furnace Company, Bellevue, Ohio. Recreation Building: Two (2) Johnson gas fired LP propane unit heaters, Model No. KN1S 65. One and two bedroom units: Johnson LP,propane gas fired furnace Model # HAS58D2L-2. Three bedroom units: Johnson LP propane gas fired furnace Model No. HAS58D2L-2. Four bedroom units: Johnson LP propane gas fired furnace Model No. HAS80D2F-2. b. Air cooled condensing unit shall be pad mounted in re- creation building only, completely connected to the eva- porator coil section, and shall be as manufactured by the Johnson Corporation, Bellevue, Ohio. Recreation Building: Johnson electric unit h1odel No. CW18PR1 condenser, with Johnson VB2PT evaporator section including 4 KW, 30 amp. heat strips. c. Plenums where shown on plans shall be lined with one-inch (1"~ thick Fiberglass, taped joints, Owens Corning. Page 158-1 Page 158-1 I~IVI~ION 15 MECHANICAL DIVISION 15 d, Unit temperature controls shall be wired in conduit and connected by electrician. e, Registers and grilles shall be standard, two-way throw, '"" aluminum, wall mounted and sized to deliver the volume of air to each habitable space as required, Balance the system to provide for the "intent" as listed below, 4, I LATENT: a. It is the intent of the drawings and specifications to provide for the installation of a heating system which is safe, quiet, and economical in operation artd complete in all respects and which will provide a uniform tem- perature of ~0° in ail living spaces and temperatures in other spaces as may be noted on the drawings, when the outside temperature is at the outside design temper- ture established by F.H.A, for the specific locality. All materials and equipment necessary to accomplish the intent shall be furnished and installed by the Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor. Page 158-2 Page 158-2 1 d DIVISION lb ELECTRICAL 16-A. GENERAL SERVICE 16-A. GENERAL SERVICE: 1 . GENEf~AL INFORMATION: All provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supplementary General Conditions'" form a part of this section. Refer to GENERAL INFORMATION in DIVISION 15-A• 2. WORK I NCLCIDED: a. Furnish and install pad mounted primary ' transformers in location shown on plans. b. Furnish ar~d install one (1) pole and one (1) pole mounted sectionalizes. c. Furnish and install three (3) 20 KV lightning arrestors on existing pole. d. Complete electrical distribution of underground (direct burial) cable to all panels and connection of same. e. Furnish and install individual apartment circuit breaker panels, wiring, conduit, fixtures, lamp bulbs and all other electrical items necessary for a complete facility. f. Work inr.luded in this section shall be performed in compliance with the Jacksonville Electric Arathority, Florida Electrical Engineering Specifications and project shall be fully connected from primary source of power, g, Primary main service shall be extended from source at pole mounted sectionalizes, in conduit, dawn the pole and. underground, to pad mounted trans Former where shown on plan and completely connected to transformer, Page 1.EA-1 Page 16A-1 r~ DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL DIVISION 16 _ .~ 'h 3. MATERIALS: a. TRANSFORMERS: Pad mounted self contained, for ~~ converting pr~nmary power (14.4/24.9 KV) to ~ 120/208 volt 3 phase current. :, ~° b. SECTIONALIZER: One (1) pole mounted 3 phase "Line Material" type KRVEA_5 mounted on KA146W1 rack with KA458MEQ. battery charger. Provide three (3) 20KV lightning arrestors on pole as per City of Jacksonville, Florida Electrical Engineering Specifications. c, PRIMARY CABLE: 2~KV three phase single conductor, "SIMPLEX," l1RD or "ROME," installed in 4" PVC ~condu~t, underground, encased in concrete as per City ol~ Jacksonville, Florida Electrical Engineering Specifications. d. D I RECT BURIAL CABLE: Type "l1SE" a I um i num for service entrance conductors installed as required by Article 230 of the National Electric Code. Cable shall be insf~alled in PVC conduit from main switchgear and service entrance panels, underground, to a point five (.5) feet outside of the buildings with the underground opening sealed with approved mastic as required by the City of Jacksonville, Florida Electrical Engineering Specifications. Page 16A-`' Page 1E~A-? DIRECT BURIAL CONSTRUCTION c. All trenches shall follow straight lines between staked points insofar as possible. Secondary and service trenches shall extend in a straight line, from takeoff points wherever possible. The .trench shall be dug so that the bottom has a smooth grade. Large objects in excess of one inch shall be removed from the bottom of thc: trench. Where this cannot be done, a two-inch layer of sand shall be placed in the bottom of the trench. d._ Construction shall be arranged so that trenches will be left open for the shortest practicable time to avoid creating a hazard to the public and to minimize the likelihood oi~ trench collapse due to other construction, activity, rain, accumulation of water in the trench, etc. ~ . P I ~~c i ng cab I e i'n Trenches a, fhc~ cak> I e sha I I he p I acted i n the trench as soon a f'te~r J the trenching operation as feasible. The contractor shall ohserve the minimum temperatures specified by the cable manufacturer at which cable-laying operation will be permitted. b. Wherever possible, cables shall be payed out from the reel mounted on a moving vehicle or trailer. The reel 5ha(I he supported so that it can turn easily without-. ur~duc strain on the cable. The cable shall be carek~ully placed in the trench by hand. All cable placement shall be done under constant supervision to be certain that no damage to the cable occurs. c. Cable shall be carefully inspected by the contractor as it is removed from the reel in laying operations to be certain that it is free from visible defects. The architect shall. decide upon corrective action when defects are discovered. d. sufficient slack and in no case less than twelve inches shall be left in all risers, transformers pads, pedestals and term:i.nal points so that movements~of cable after back filling will not cause damaging strain on the cables or terminals. Page 16A-4 Page 1tiA-4 DIRECT RIaRI AL CONSTRl1CTI0N 10. Transformers a. Padmount transformer, single phase, oil insulated, self-cooled, h5 degree rise, tamper proof all welded cones struction, `1.4,940 grounded W,ye~1.4,400 volt primary, secondary voltage 120~20~3, 2-2:1J tops above and below normal, primary to be fused with RTE bayonet, externally replaceable. .Tap changer shall be external and mounted on the panel. High voltage section shall have a separate door which shall be securely fastened and shall contain a laop thru arrangernent to receive incoming and outgoing cables suitable for stress cone terminations. Dead front switching, similar to Westinghouse LE~OR switches sh~:~ I I be provided i'or sect i ona I i z ing primary I oop feed ~c~~b I e . f~rovision shall be made for mounting one Z1KV valve type arrestor in the high voltage compartment. (High voltage lugs shall be bo I t °type,~ . Low vo I tape busses sha I I have 4 ho I e !~'E~~4A type H lugs. Primary and secondary neutral shall be tied together and grounded to the case and provided with a grounding terminal.. 11. Prlmc~rY Cable Termination and Stress Cone a. Prefabricated stress cones or terminations shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction at all primary cable terminations. They shall be suitable for the size and type of cable that they are used with and for the environment in which they operate. ]?. Croundi~ a. All neutral conductors, ground electrodes and grour~dable parts equipment shall be interconnected as shown on the construction drawings. Alt transformer pads shat{ have driven rod or rods sufficient to obtain a reading of ~' j ohms or I ess . l ~ . Cab I e Markers ~~. Location of markinc) tape shall be as shown on the construction standard drawings and shall be installed over all direct burial cable. 1.~. Lighting Protection a. Lighting arrestors valve type shall be installed at all cable open points. Page 16A-b Page 16A-6 DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL I6-B , 6~ORK BY OTHERS X6-8. WORK BY OTHERS: GENERAL I NFOf:MATI ON: Aii provisions of the "General Conditions" and "Supple- rn<>nt~~ry Gc:nc~r~a l Conditions" Forrn a part of th i s section, 2, WORK BY OTHERS: a. The General Contractor will provide final finish painting of exposed electrical equipment, panel boards, meter cabinet, etc., and all other such work of a general construction nature. The Gen- 'er~al Contractor will also provide plumbing and toilet facilities. b. The Mechanical Contractor and the Plumbing Contrac- tor will provide all work related directly to heating, ventilating, and plumbing construction and work normally considered within the scope, of these trades including the installation of equipment complete with motors, integrally mounted starters, sand other c~ I c~ctr i c~ I contro I s, and th<•rmostat~;. All detached switches shall be furnished and in- • stalled by the Electrical Contractor. c. The Telephone Com~an~ will provide the installa- tion of all wire, cable, instruments and equipment for their telephone system, , .'3. W I R I NG FOR EOII I fMENT RY OTHERS: a, Install all power and control wiring as shown on tF~e drawings and/or as required for the operating of all motor driven heating, and ventilating, fur- nished and installed under other divisions of these specifications. Equipment with integrally mounted motor controllers and other. control devices re- quiring piping or mechanical r.onnr~ctions will be i~urn i shed and i nsta I I ed under other d i v i s i r>rrs o f~ these specifications ready for the electrical con- nections. All detached electrical control de~~ic.es, such as wail thermostats, relays, contro! transfor- mers, remote selector switches, etc., will be Rage 16B-1 I'agc~ lf~R-1 hIVISiON 16 ELECTI~IC'AL DIVISICU 16 furnished under other divisions of these specifications to the Electrical Contractor for installation and con- nection, The: Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install all detached disconnect switches required and as indicated, h. the location of outlets indicated arc' approximate and the exact rougl~ring-in drawings and wiring diagrarns shall be furnished by the appropriate contractor to the Electrical Contractor -For his guidance. c. Before installing and/or connecting any devices requir- ing electrical connections, the Electrical Contractor sh~~ I I check the: rating of each device w i th the. current or Irorsepowcr r~~t. i ng ,end the correspond i nit e I c+c tr i ca I I y operated equipment which is actually installed, re,ctard- . less of who furnishes and/or installs the de~~ices or equipment. The Electrical Contractor shell not install and/or connect any device that is found to be the in- correct size and he shall see to it that the. correct size devices are Furnished by .the applicable sub-cun- tractor or other applicable persons in ail cases. 4. TEMPORAfZY CONSTRUCTION P04JER: a, fhe Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install tem- porary construction power service to provide sufficient power and lighting for all construction needs. Temporary service shall be obtained under the General Contractor's name and it will be the General Contractor's responsibi- lity to pay all utility bills, if any are incurred, The above service shall be obtained from the local utility company. All receptacles shall 6e grouKiding type and shall comply with the receptacles specified hereinbefore. 5. PROTECTION OF THE WORK: a. The Electrical Contractor shall adequately protect his construction materials and installed work at all times during the progress of the construction so as to prevent damage to such materials and installed work. Replace- ment and/or repairs to damaged materials and workmanship shall be made by the Electrical Contractor at his expense. b. The Electrical Contractor shall use reasonable precaution to prevent damage to adjacent and/or related construc- tion provided by others, and he shall be responsible t'or damage to such other construction as a result of his negligence, Rage 168-`? Page 1t~B-2 .~ f`f~';~I~`N ;ci FLFt'1-iti~AL f'I`'i:'I:``~ ! , C I f~!~~I~'1=~;Tliii~ /~i~iD ~~F:~~~i~S~ I~ d el if~C, i~(1P"F' ~, d il::s i iic~;t'-(7~;cii~VC'C'. Ui~ Il ! S w'C'~9~1°: -~.IfC t. i f'C:LY' 1 ~'~f ~ ~.,)Y?._ I f-r°~acS-or :~}+,_~ I I ~-~cl,j~i<>t Cana i:c~ ,: 9; <a I I wt~~~=h i risl-~i I I t-~l f ~.~ ~ i 1~~, ~~~i~;<~ he ~;{l,; I I cl~~ 9 i v~~r Les ~:ilE; Owrl:~Y' ~~r h i ~, ill! rh~~+~ i _~~cl Y^ F)I"`~"~~~Rf1~;~Y1; I `: 4: a l;€'I"'1~ t i I (.:tlf,C (~ i I Il`~E1C<' i !till .Ilt£i ~1, ~~'_~F~l <ill,~ 7'v' ~hf', i (1y: ~k I £' ~ :'.C.~: Y' 1 i:a~ i F P1:~~~?C.l;{ ! [fin alJ"i.lit~i' I i; i ~.S a 1 A ~ r- ~~ rll3" fl i Sh i3 ! nL'.£:.£.~>;~3~.~i'y 1 f ~;f~, E f!U f'.C~'tl 1 ~'+iI1E'Y1t :JitCI c~ I ~'Z' ~i_ 1~- J oyr~c>!^ ~~!" !~~ a ~, a~l~:I~~~i~ i :r.c~cl rc~C~r s>_c'n~~:,~f; o ~~, <ar,:.8 ~~ I I ~i~:E~ I ~ _ „-- €~ I c~ r~Y.t~tl-~c~r° ! Y- ! ~,.> ~~lrl~, i ~a L~c~vc~i~ce Y-~c, F: ! <,~r t~,~ ~~ ! ! t~r~~,,~r-E~. T:E_.;I~.S z1fYCA Y"cc.Y~~l Ili--:sS <3~~ W(~Y'~~ ~£)Y"" C i1~~'/;~~~~ f (1~tS Pfl~.i t~>;it7tlti i _ i i .L _ ~ __ ~~~ac.t> pest Y n ~:he y~r~5e~r~c ~ oi~ t`nf~~ U~~n£:r~ of-- ~~ i ~ ,_.u~ h.~~• i _~:~~: !"' C (~ Y' €_'.. ci E' Ci ~L; a ~ ! °/ £' i3 Y6 ti~ a I S a (J h> I I C a l:~ i £': ~:t li i~ I~1 C) t I ;`, I t_ "~ ! it cl f l , ? f r ~)t'<aVF'.C~ fiii3Yt(1~'P" ~ l~'S I I ~,B~A.S lf'C' :~~Cl~3 )C'~.~ _~ y ..i1t:' ~~l~Y1c'!' :3r, . (?3'f)\'i; i f Yl a~~t i ~ ! (391 f; £' ~I",ar UI` c! E I (l;nc'.;" "s j:;F> I ~ +i[7 i t' titlT-;l-. t;r i I: c cr; a I)n ro~~~: c~tinc£.,~ I ,any ~~ $ ~~t_;1-r° ~ £:r, I t,~ri,~l, !illy i i ,l I u£ c ~~ss~7r~y i r~s~>e c' a-: ~ ors.-~ have>. i~£~E>i~ s~t_~eae ai;t~ ~~ I { 1~;~~a~; i r;~;s . , 4;c~.~>ts I~;~ve k,£~~:Y~ ~~E~~,>r~av~:£~ 4,y t:he ~~vrYl£-!~ t~r~ I~ ! ~; ~IU ~-r.C_~I' ! _...,.~ tom( ICY"°C`ti~'ll~:a4-: B VC'~ ,~fll~ it I I ~i~)~C) I I City) I C aUfi,hUY' I T' ! C"~ , ~~I`,1~Li ~~lil I r~ll3: , ~.. I'!=1~,,, i tsr? a ct~rn~ I t>t~ ~~)~si~cm cyf <~r~t~na i itc3, curl; ! s ~ ! n~~ c~ i cCjii f E>IC1C`Y1~ y9"OLIC12.~ I nC~ C1 C1C~ SyS~;i'it1 yf'C7ut1C~ i n~~ t-hY'~,ll,)h,,ll!_ ri?C a:'li'.C~Y"icai !llSf:i3llatlcli"PA AI I <)P'Gl~in<~~Inc~ '-..Ilcll i IJ;.' !!1 a',~- C'OY'C~a "1C C' wl4:il AY'~ICIE'. uj~~ NL3t:iC)Ilc3i LlES£;~Y'!Cc I ~!~'t'r I<,tcst; c~£~otit~yn~ J `~ti ~;LE'Ip l`,Y'O!ln(~ i fl~~: `;hil I i E)('. dC ~;CiniF~ I ShC';1 ~)~ l~l'.~- ~ ~ _ __ __.__- "v' I C~ I f1~3 i3 £'O~>~~E'.i^ C(?!1i~11C~:nY' 1 n <3 f' ! t~ I C~ l'c•1'cIU I t, ;.f~,~° i :; I_.£' aS i i?C~ I catE:C~, 11'i~t7i ~Pli; C)t"'O~:n~~ { flc~ I Uu I I' C'sl<~ ~1 i IFii't i n S'.J I r.<`h i:t) c)f"(~Un~.~! n<~ ?'O£J. T ii:' ~~1',~UI1~) ! ;lU :'t~il-- d t~fJC~,(?€~ S~+eI I I ~3a.~ cOfln('.C~;E'C~ ~ O t;fif Wei ~ t~I' ~~ ," f ~ ~~ 1v'! r.h ran a~)F)Y'(~V(`t~ t)i'C?s71"1C~ :'C)tlnt~( I_ilY', ~. ~ fi~',;~E, ~~~~ ~_' i I ~~~! f~)i tt~nl. ~7Y`OUn£~ i f~: Sfif1 I I I)E' ~~t';_ t?iIlE1 I ~ 5tit'U I'~' gnat nth s nc~ the £;u i E~mc~nt 4,n tl~~r~ can't i n~~,,~i~ nit r~l I I i r rac'£?>~av svst.£°m wh ! ch sllt! 1 i b~> cuilnc,-t ~~~~ ~ t~ rf~t s~~st,,~m ,_~r~t>und at- t.lle maul ssv!rctl. I I`('~' I i f { Cf'~ i~P~`NS: <r. i ctt'!?t i ('v each cs rcYa i t hrc~aker i r7 c~_~ch i~r~~lnt~fl c i rt u i r F~~lnc I t~n~lr'ci by i v~>c_Wr i t: ! nc~ c I ear° I y ~,il 1 flt~ {~~lr~,.• i I;t,~;;~,+.' ti i t~c~ct::~ry c~~zr~d ~~ descr i pL- i on i> f' t he i~ t ~;t~il•c-,, ~~~. ; ~~~~ c~Y~ ~~yu i o:>rYYent: cont:Y~c~ I Z ed l>}' car.h l>l~e~~!.£~i~ ~° f ~~ I~~IVi:~~i~l~~ Ik1 r~lcrl;l~;n~ _ r~lvi~~ ~~~~, ~~; ~~ ~ f r? e 1~1 f, w ~~= y ~: ~~ c, !~s t~ 1" ~:~ n c h h~,~, s on ~~~3r1e 91~c?us~~~ 4~y w r t!7 ~,h~ ~sc.3,lE' E L~oar~c~ >t~3c~ I l~c~:>,r•~_I ~c~lt~:cfu I s; c l heal I t I rl pan<~ I I_~I~t~rcl ~113c <~ 1 <~tr ~ C~t;~t~3C:h i n4:~ ~~~ tl3e f`r~ont ~~ f~ +.h<, C~OOY' ~S ~~' I d., ~~; i C I~ciii!('~'~ I c1~E' C•(i~.jt'e1'.C'C~ ~C.;£~ I ;~I1~3~: P UI{ Cl,~ C~C".til't' i ~i~'~~i ~~;1 i I1~` I cS c nt i (~;~ C: ~~ c ~~ rl~ E s t e r~ <~ r; u ~ i r r ~_a i t rllasrl~~c~r ~~ i 4:11 ~~ I <1r;~ i c- r~~r,3c';~ 1 „I ~• , ~;. h~tn ~~~ I~ e ~~.~ r~r~a~ Fc~~g l I~~~~_~r~ r: c3 „ f U1"'111 L~I~1 i1 I I 131 a3 ('„3L` 1 C3 T .~ i~4lCJ f:C~i_I P ~~tf1E?Y1~f; f1 P:3,J ~ f~Y'E':'- ~~1't>113 a~f.'c±~~~ .~t I.ir~St; qi~~l 1~.y, ai= hec:.o~rll~ed mar3:~f~acLure ~~II~ enf~ i ~-•,~ ! y <>~3 i ~c~~, I e (=c~r~ t~1e i r~ten~e'~~~ <,c.r~ i ;~:~~; . ~; . ~) tnlen_~ i cans ~~11d f«~rn O1~ edu i ~~mcr74~ 1~ i t.}1 corlnt~~- r: i ;>r3~~ r'~~>>,,~- ~I~U :~11c~ I I I.7 C'. SUC:}l d5 f;0 111 E'.Et 111'tl l ~'C1~ I Oi1S O~ I tl`~i-~j ~ ~ il;~ I ('~i'-~ S~?C1C't.'. GJ I ~:h (~4PE', CUI"1£~ I d~Ei""C)t I C)C1 ~~ I Vt'f{ e-C) SC"~' I l't' jCC'i+>» < 1 r I ~~ r, , ~~ ~ ~ i r~~ ~, 9: I~ ~ ~ c~ ~1 r ~> 111 c n t , { ~ i F'> i I 1 ~~ , t ~ f c~ ., , ~ ~~ ~; ~ ~ I I ~ I ~: , : , 0 i]~~J 4]C'eY1~- <)C:11C;1^e3 I Cl)l151`~:Y'UC~-: 1 C)11~ ~) { Ltfi3h 1 11C~ ~ c7111j Iflt';'!tclt~ I ~'~? C~ C I i t ~' I ('. S w ` c . Ali lll~~i;er s ~ l s Ind eau i ~~m~~r11- sh~1 f l 'rye ~>f t:~.'~F,c c~11~3 I i r~~ ~~nd o (~ tfle rest: i nc3 de5~r i Lech hel~,~~ o n or ; nr~ i ~~ c3~„~~ ~~n r he >' ~1n5 /~ ! I c I cct;r i c:~1 I rn~lter~ i L1 I ~> ~113~1 cc~u e E~rric~l;r ,h<I I I !~c, f nderwh i tF1r ~ L~1~>~~ratory rap(?ri~ved w~~f~r c sup f. <IE~F~~rr>>~: I i ~ t1E>E~> f ic~1t~ M e, anc~' sli~1 I i he Illlc~~,r'wr~ i tc~r' -; 1 ~,1~~>I•~Ir~,l'. f ~~I>;~ i c>d ~her~c> I ~3f;e ! ! i nc~ i s cu::~t~~marv , ~~, L"F~ ! th i C1 'l:~1 P Y'-~:y~ 1 ,~17/ C~c3yS FI~~tP.Y' ~l~Jc11"l~ OIL r{1 C' C~_1f1'~~'cl~ r ~ ~ I ~'z'. ~ ~)~ CO~) I eS Clt~ ~I1f~ COflip I (:?~E'. fn~t C'.f' i ~! i I I ~> :~. ,~ ~L F>r°3~~~c~se•d ln~ltcr i t~ I ~> 511~a 9 I he ~;uF~ln i t~c~cj i-~ tht~ „I,t~" ~~I~ ~1ut f1e>r i : <'e~ re~r•c'sent~~1- i ~,~~~ for cnec~l~ i n<~, r131~r~~~` n~a, 3:, E~rov i rl<~ c.~r r°eJf,ct- i r3c~, l~t.herw i 5<: .-~1C' ~-`~,~r~e~l~ CSI' <I~~~ f r I _~ ~ ,~, ~ ~ o~e~~ir'~~s<;~nta~i- w ~~~c will tlsstamc~ t1 I P E+<~u i,>In~ rlt ,3n~1 rr~<,t c'I~ i ~~ I i ~, ~;(~ i)i' ~~ltt'Y11 S11<'(~ i-S S~)f C 1 ~~ I eC~ ~IC''Y'C I Il Of' C1'~ I !1C1 I <iY ~'~j ~>!1 ~lE'. t1'c11ti'11105a IIIC h(~'ltt'c~C~tOY' :il"ICII 1 SIJI)(ilI r ~~11~,' I j I ~ )~ -" ___. r°IC'11~ subrn I t_~ta i f ors ~~ ~ ~r~~v~~ 9 ~ 8~ho5~:: c~qu 1 ~mC nr I ten3~ n~~r ---~-- ~---- -_---__---~-~----- -- ___ F cii~,6't)VE?C"~ C~C1 ~.~lE`- -~~ I Y'St.._cUk>fll I ~-f:el I :Ild I I E?C' T~U3'I~. I :~il<'u c3~ `: ~ ? C' C I I` I C` C~ c. i~hF' Contre3<,~;e~r~ 511z1I I f-orw~ll~c{ ~~ i d equ i~~Irlc~n'r su~ll'I. r del I ~~ c~«n1E> I c=S-r~ <~t- e~r3e' ti~ ime earcJ ~~r~re~nyf~.c~ r n C1 nc'~3r or~iE-,1_ ! ~~ f~risP1 i ~~n u: s th coat-.:31 oe~s, cl_at Sf1c~e~1:s, ~1 i ~lyr~3ms, f~ i <~~Ir~..;, ct;c , ~, C c~~ar I y ln~lr~kec~ i:o i nd i c~4;f~ t1E>p I i cab I ~~ i t~m5 . ~~, l1'll~f~ti~ iti~IATE:RiAL,~ ANl~~ iNS-fALLATiON (:~I[~.): < I ~ ' I r, ~,~;. 1 ~ -• ~ ~; n i'r,uv i de ~~~ I I I ahoy ~r1c~ m~-~ tc~r~ i a I s rec~i~ i rc,<~ I't~r ~1 r ~~rnE~ I t'r~, C', i1C~ S~f: 1 5 hc~C~:t:)Y`)/ i t1Sf~ I I Cif; I O11 l3f i"eCGh4~V'.°i c7fl~ 1. 11' I Ill) !~or~~ t:hc: cc)nnt~c t i ~~n r~ (' ~3 I C (~ i x~«re~., ~~sr~~~ i c--~~ <3n~i ~~ I ~~~ rr i - f',1~~~~ i r~~F -- ~ /r ~~, hIti'I~II`f`~ 1_~i 1=Lf_(.;1-RICAL I'IVi:;II~N 1(i c~~ 9 ecru i ~~mE:n4; f`ur'"r1 i shcsd uridc.r~x ~~~~ i s c' i v a ~; i on of~ ti)~> s~?c~c s ~' i c~~~4~ i r.)r~s sarrd~or ur,de~r Ocher divisions . ;~ I I ~,; i r i n~i i n concr~"~:~te s 9 r:il~~ and f~rarn s R cih (-~, ~~~~r~cs 1 ~;V~~, ! ! b~.~ i r~ ~~ r i =:3 i d cr,)nc)t_t i ~~; un ~ css otlrer"w i sc s n~~.l i CaF.c^~.l. ~~ , h ~ 8 brariclr c i r~ti s t HJ i rimes ,~~ha 8 ~ be co i or° code~el pis r~~-- qu i r~e.d by tie codes 9:hat i ~~ w~i i ce an~_~ b I ac4", t-~)r ~'-~, i r"~~ c: i rcu i ts; w6~~ i te, ~ I ack r~rid red f'or ;j-~,, i ro_ c ~"c~_i i t:<; ;;rid ~~ir i te, h M ack ~ rcad and b i u~ for" C~~-q~ i t~~ c i r~cu i fi~ , I~I;, s~~rrie cu ! or sera I I ~)e nra i ri~ca i ned thro~rg!~iout r fic~ s~rrir~^ ~,~. i rc i rr c~~3ch l~t~~inch c i r~ct~ i t. A I d ric^ut t"~~ 1 s sh~i I f I~~~ ~,li i t <~ , >r^ oi'..k<<~t-°s,~ i ~>c i ~_I~^nt i ~ i ecj ,:i~; r~~c~u i r~~cj k~v th~^ c~u~~~•~ . 1 I I coat ro I w i r i ric) sEra I ! ~)e co ! or' codr.,d. !fr~i~urid i ,~~i ~~c~n- duct~7r~°~: sh:i 9 ! k)e c i t~rer" E)~ir"~~ «r yrc~er~~ , (i 1 V,' i r~~ aril l:^ab I e, un ! c:ss~ other~~ i se i nd i catr~d, :h~i I ' E)c~ co a or c:odc~d, ~; i nc~ I ~ conduce-ur, i nsir I :ir,^~~ ..~n,' fi0(~ vo f t r"at i ng, P^lo w i r~z~ snia E i c~r ~ h~,ri ~ 1_' ~'~',~,~ Sfla 0 ~ ~~(' i nS~;a ~ ~ ed On ii it Ai ~ (Cj ~l f" I nCr ~,?I' r>~~',, ~'f' `•rSrt'i11 . \4't110tP COiI~Y'O ~ Of' t;eCRF~>E'!^il~-Urt' Ct)ill~t"'(> ~ t~ 1 i" I ny 'I. 3~_ [~e 1~f~- h1~J~~ a 11n i ess o. her-^w i st> i nd i c.if ~^tl r~r' ~~t i~~^r,- k' r Sf', Y'C'C~U 9 rC'.d ~)y ~flE' C(lC~','..S y ~l ~ ~ t~' i !'E. ' ~~~~,~, ..'~.i~ cirC~('1 ~ rC'C)~]r'd ~ eSS U~~ VO ~ t;i1<j('. Or ~)UI'f~U.:~' ~ ~fi~i I f>c> cop~)er~ conductors ~~i tfi t;~~e ~Hb~ or i~Nl~ i ri~rr i,~-~ t { one Ut1 ~ CS5 Oi~~lE'rW 1:i E'. ! r?dI C'a~F'd Or I10'f-~'~~. i~{~C`r'<~ ~~ ~)rart i cu B ~_rr ty~)e of~ w i rc~ i s i nd i c~~rc°ci, , ~~,, i nil i - cated tyF>e, on I y shsi I ! l~E~ used iri their c~i~~~ , '; I u- ^ rr~i i nur~ wire. and a~)~~r"c>x i mate I y~ dE~s i ync~d s i _r^~ ni~;~~ h~.^ ~>u~)st i tut~.c~<1 I~r)r cof)f~~~r , ~ ~',) 1 r"iSt:a_i I_i~i' r ori: No conductors ~;h~l ! i k)f' rlr<i~., r. . n t,il('- r"aGE'W~ij~S UI'lf: i ~ a ~ I bd(3P'~~. l•l~l r C~fl~ (11~_1~' (';ll-: ~~' Ci3k~ ~ ; i i7ari]i3~e I S CO(n~ 0 Cte. .QS ~ tiY' ;,.-~ ~>r~3Cfi I l,.i ~ ~ it (~ce+de:r ca~~ B r~s s6r~.r t I ~)c, c:c~n9-, i r2,.rr~us f~r'~~ri~ ;~~~ i ~r i n ru E)tane~ i team i na4; i on ~ i tho~_rt; rtrnn i n~; sf~ ! i c:•~ an~~ i ~^~- f:c~r~rrr~?;:I s a9;i~ ~u I I boxes r,t, s~~> ! i c i nc; rh<-~m~~:~r~ . ~i.i ~ -- (~ i c i cnt s i <~<~~< s{ia 1 6 !)+~ I ~ i't ~i c ~s-hc+ tF~r;n i rya I ~ r,, mtisk€, nro~)er~^ connect i rfr~i:~ a i]n ! esr; of h~^r~~; i sc~ i,~,r,^~{, C: t3 C;~1 C~C3ndU 1 ~: Y~i.Si.;RWI~y' ^`SIls1 ~ ~ <'Orl~ i:f i n (ail ~'~. ~ ~',C'r c~or~r~uc1:~:>r.~~, r_,c7n~-.t i ~~r_rf~ d riG~ .~ ~, i nc3 w r' ('r^E:~cjt~r ,~ i r~°u i ~: a )~ ~t'rGtlina~,In end ~)'~1!<7lnq: ~~c)~.:~ a~ )UIf1i:.`; c3iic~ __..__ T_.~_ __~` _.__..... ~_._.__-~~K. ~~) ~~r C:~S -1 n ~rc~311L~~"1 C ! rLU I ~" W i r I r1~ ti~ I L h d~>~`r't~~ i~ a SCI ^er ~ E;S~~i tOO ~ ri~)~~ ~ 1 f'C~ :J t'" "f 4.' ~>r-~Jfl 'C>Ili`l'~'Ut`~ ~ i tl f~' ie Var 6 C)US bOXeS~ !)Ll f"; "C Lt Y'~; i~S fl ~j S I(11 I ~ ut~ ~ ~ ~'ii~ f: ! C~nSo ~)u~ not; i n arl y' r,~C: r'Wa'~'`~., ~. i`i7 ~~' S~11 I I ~ ! t~tl f. CrIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL DIVISI~~` 16 slack to permit two or more splices or joints to be remade in case of fault. (Make al! joints and splices i n copper conductors f~10 to 1~3 AWG ~~ i th approved set screw or compression type copper, brass, or aluminum connectors, All conductor ends shalB be stripped of insul~~- t i on ~,~,refu I I y; I~0 N~)T I~ I NC the i nsu I ,rt i r~>ri, but pare or pencil, to avoid nicking thecunductnr. Approved types of oxide inhibiting compounds con- taining abrasive conducting particles shall l.~e applied to the conductor and shall thoroughl~~ penetrate: spaces between strands. Sp I i ces and term i na I s (I ugs) sha I I be~ Furndy~ Type "Y A" or Thomas i~ heti;s SE~r i es 6~~1~~~~ r~r aE>- proved I ugs of a I urn i num i f~~ used. (4) Conductors; Copper conductors shall he soft drawn with insulation and outer covering as spe- cified hereinbefore. The copper wire shall be manufactured by GeneraI Cable, GeneraI Electric, or Rome, or approved. 11 . I~ACL~JAYS ANI~ F I TTI PJGS (ST[7.) a. All raceways except as indicated on the plans shall bE~ installed in a concealed manner such as in conc:rere floor slabs, concrete or masonry walls and furred spaces. Exposed raceways shall be installed parallel with or at right angles to building lines, straight and tru. i nes . R i yht angle turns sha I I consist: of` svrnrnerr i ca I beads, cast. fittings or elbows. Raceways which arF~ crushed or deformed in any way shall nczt be installed. Raceway rrrrrs indicated on the p I ans are d i agrarnmat i c and do riot ne.~cessar i l y indicate actua I i nsta I I at i ors ot~ raceway from outlet to outlet. Actual runs ma>~ be re- arrar~ged in the most economical and direct manner, taking the advr~ntac~c; of corrrb i n i ng rE~r~rs to save raceway's, pro- vided each outlet be~~riny the same circuit number shall be conn~ectc~d to that circuit, regardless oL the arr~~nye- rnc~~nfi; 06~ r~~ac.e:wR~ys and wire ac4;ua i I y i nsta I I c~J. b. ~rlctallic raceway sy~=tem shall be continuous and shall lie installed using hot dip galvanized rigid steel or aluminum conduit. Rigid conduit shall be provided for installation on exterior of buildings, in concrete floor slabs, in hazardous areas, in direct contact with earth, (nor i'ceder> and wl~~ere fixtures or devices are supported or huroc~ can r~ac-away a I one w i t~~or_rt, other~~ support . F I <~x i - Page 16B-b Page 16~-(~ clvlsloN 16 ELLCrRICAL olvlSlOn~ 16 b!e metal conduit fabricated from single. strips Steel and ga I vary i zed inside and out sha I I be used 1=ur a I I transformers, motor and ecru ipment mounted d i sconr~c~ct and~or starter "connections, Length of fiexiblt~ c~nnec- tion not to exceed five f~eei. (5'), ~~ , ALL raceway ends sha I i be r~earned aftc~ cuff i ny. Uo running threads or compression connections will _.~, per- m i tted on rigid conduit , Connectors and coup I i nc~~ f~~r r• i g i d conduit sha I I be R~aco ~~l g00 series . Open tends of raceways sha I I be p I egged during cons t r~uct i on fir i o~, to pu I I i ng wires, Raceways sha I 1 6e run r~~ i t{~ou~- sags and pockets, and i n genera I , si~a I I drain or pitch to~.ar~d boxes . All raceways sha I I be securely f'astc~ned t-c~ a i l sheet mr~ta I out I ets, ,junct i oo~i or ~.~u I I f~oxE>s w i tf~ tti,o galvanized lock nuts and bus6~~ing. d. All wiring from individual panel boxes to reyuirc~d fixtures within the buildinc) shall be I_i.F. cable, e. Junction boxes, wiring gutters and pull bn'~:es as r~~- qu fired sha I I be i nsta I I ed i n read i t y' access fi b{ ~~ I ,scat i ons and sized as required by the "NEC . " Racew~3~~s sh~~ I f bc> sized on t67e basis of type ~W wire , (1) Rigid Steel Conduit shal@ be (republic ~teef or Pittsburg Standard. (2) A I uni i nom Conduit sha I I be lJnder~wr i ter's L ahorr~tc~r~v appr~~oved and sha I I be mQ~nufacture>d by ~a i s~ ~~ , APcoa, or as approved, (3) E I ectr_i ca I_ h'leta I l i c _Tr.rb i r~ sha I I be man~~fac r used by Rc~pub I i c Stec' I C'orporat i.on ° s "'1 i ectr i n i t_~~" or, Pittsburg Standards (4} F i_t_t i rigs, E I bows, Cou~~ I i r~s and N i~p I es sh~~ i I be sortie m:.~ter i a l as condr.r i t for rigid use . E~.1T t i t s tings, malleable iron fittings such as loch: riots, bushings, reducers, incre.a~>ers, connectors, ~~rc. sha I B be of such mater i a I and design as rec~u i ~~ed by i~ nderwr i ter ° s Laboratory for use w i t'-1 r i ~~ i conduit, E(~l f, or f l ex i k~ l e condo i't; u L i tt i nc~s elbows, cot.rp I i o~gs, and rt i rip I c:s sha l I be ~s-; r~,~nu~- fac.tured by Raco car r~pprovc~d, (5) :crew Connectors shall be authorized onl~~ on ex-~ ~~ . posed conduit (f~~ ~o.~es as required t:o makes e I ectr i ca I i rtst,r I I ~3r i c>ns shc~ I I be sized i n accordance with "l'JLC" and i n rro case sha-I I be srn~; i I er• -than necessary- t~. r~dc~quate ly receive the cc~uipmertt for a,th'sch it is intende°~~. I)~ry i <~n o(' a I I btyxt>.~~ ~~ha I I L,c~ F I r.r~slr «r ~;tir i~~t~•<~ i i~~- s~ta I I at i on as indicated or~ spec i f~ i ed, Out. 1 ~~~t-, Page 16B -7 Page 1 bE- -; { ` __ ~. DilrlSON 1b ELE~I~ICAL DIVISION Y6 switch and otF>~:, f I ush mf~unte<~I boxes sha I I be yet with outer edgc; flush with finished surface. Boxes fUr walk receptaclc:sshall be installed 24'° above fihished f'Ioor, and wall switches 4°°6'° except where otherwise indicated, as manu- .. factured by Deco or~ approved. (~) Pul'I Boxes and Junction Boxes not over l~O cubic i r~cl~es sha I I be constructed as specified for ~~ switch anc9 outlet boxes.. Pull boxes over 1~0 `r cubic inches, boxes for flush panel board, etc. shall be constructed of galvanized sheet ste.>I of ~th "rckness of ~~16 uSSG. Pu I l boxes sha I E ba provided with covers secured with screws as manu- factured by Nuer~fe6d Manufacturing Company or approved. (~) Sleeves and Plates shall be provided for all- coradr,i i is and other e l c.ctr i ca 1 items passing through concrete. or masonry construction, AII sleeves .through concrete walls, beams, etc. ,shall be I.P.S> steel pipe or rigid steel conduit, flush with finished concrete surfaces. AII sleeves for all exposed condr,rits passing through the opening shall be galvanized I„P.S, pipe or galvanized rigid stc:e f conduit,.. extending 2°° above f~ i n i shed f~ I nor and flush withslab below. AI! other sleeves may be. sheet metal. (9) Ex ansion Joint Fittings: Where conduit passes t6,rough or across expansion joint of buildings, .especial fittings shall be used. Fittings shall be aqua I to OZ E I ectr i ca I ~~lanufactur i ng Compaany type "DX'° with bonding jurr+~ier connected to conduit. on each end of fitting, ~-:~. HANGERS AND Sl~PP01~TS 57~~ e a, Furnish and i Hate I I a I 1 r7er.essary p I at Forms, framc,s, brackets, hangers ~rnd all similar construction necessary far the proper and s~Fe support of aI l raceways, bo.tcs and equipment furnished by the Electrical Contractor. Supports for boxes, panelboards, exposed raceways, etc. shall be provided in ,Underwriter's Laboratory apprav~ed rYF~~=, (~eiC('.Wc`iY5 sha I I be supported by rrrE=ans of approved handers andsteelreds spac;ednot. greater than thc, Nit i one I E I ectr i ca I t~or7tractor's Association recornrnenda- t lens . Perforated ~ strap handers w i I I not be perm i ~_ t~~d. D age ~-bB -~3 Page 16B -~ DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL DiVI~ION 16 1;3, l1TI LiZAT1ON E(~IIlPMENf (STIR.): a: L f~ht r nca f i xf:urc~~ sha l ( be of type,. c~ua I i ty and rating as schedu I esl onY`.the draw i ngs and sha I I be provided .comp I ate with' hangers,' rnour7t i ng brackets, I amps and a ! I other accessories rec;aired $~or a cdmplete installation. AI I $'ixtur~es shal f be klnderwriter's Laboratory approved. b . incandescent f i`;~~ur~€:.s shy I I be designed for 1`'0 vo I ts, 6i~ cyc: I c~ op~=rat i ~ri.V~W~i r~candescent I amps ..sha I 1 bE~ standard I i rre inside $=rost~d ~a:cept $~r~r spec i a I spot or k~ I ocr Iigkrting applications ds scheduled. WattaJe and style shall be as scheduled with 120 volt rating. 14, '4;rli2INC DEVICES~(STD.:,~_° a." f=urnish and install substantially as indicated on the p f errs,'. ~d i r i ng' devices as indicated. Wiring devices sha i i he one male br~oavn U r-rdet~wr i tea's Laboratory apE>roved tyke, ~s manufactured by Hubbell.: (1) WaI! switches shall in general be installed ~-,-6" above_ the $= I c>car- and on tf-re strike side of the dodrs; Quiet operating A.C, rated, contact type of ~5 ampere,,.. 125 volt.-rating, (2) f~ec.cac l ~,;; e sha l i be po I c~r• i zed grounded type i n- :sta I I ed 1~3`° above the f I oor un (ass ot.herw i sc indicated. (~) t)eviceIates for wiring devices and outlets shall be as i ndi:~catc'd on the dr~~r i ngs. Screws sha I I be meta B with countersunk k~eeads and fi n i shed with the same as the plate. All plates shall be installed p 0 umb tv i th all ,four edges i n continuous cor7tact with tl~e f i rr i sh cur Faces , Device p I etas sh~~ I I be oP'the one piece type''of suitable shape for the deuices to be covered. ..,The plate shall bear the 11 nd~r~wr.i tc~r ° s Laboraatory I abc: l s . 15. SERVICE AND Dl51`RIf3(~1-BON E(~l)IPMENT~STD~): ~~ . A 1 1 d i st;r~ i but i or7 equ i pmenE sha l I b~ the (atE>st products of manufacturers rec~'rrr l ar l y engaged i n the manufactr.rre or fabr i cat ion of these types o~l` ~c~u i pmc~nt . A I I equ i p- rnent shall be designed i`or the purpose and rated for the vb l t,~age applied. ['ache 16F3 -9 ~ I' age 16E~ -~~ DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL DIVISION 16 (Y/' SerV ice er6tranc:e sha I I kae as indicated on the dr~win~s with proper size Iugs for service con- nr:ctons, and load connections as required by, the I oca I ut i I i ty corarp~~ny u (2) 13rarrch circuit panelboards shall be of the dead front safety type equipped wi1:h thermal-magnetic circuit breakers , P~~rr 1 t i --po I e breaker-^s sha I i be corrrmon tr i ~:~. I'anc, I board rating sha I I be as sche- d~led on the drawinc~so (3~ Feeders shall be copper or aluminum conductors having tyEie THE, E~OO volt insulation, and installed in rigid metallic condt~rit. Feeders shall comply .with paragraph "Wiring P~iaterials ~ Installation" of tkaese sF>ec i f i cat i cans . (4) Saf~t.y switches disconnect switches shall be NENiI~ type `°ND" fused as i nd i Gated or required and shall hive NEMA 1 enclosure unless indicated to bc~ r~a i r~ t i ylrtr i n wkr i ch casc>, thc1 e~r~c I osurc~ sha I I be NEP~PA 3Rn Switches shall be "Zinsco" as approved. 16> k)I SCONNECT SWI TCIiES_AND SEPARATE C I RCC11 T BREAKERS (STIR.) The. following requirements apply to ai$ motors and ail ~> i ec1:r i ca I ! y operated c:,qu i pment regard I ess of wl7o furnishes and or i r~sta I I s the motors and equ i pmer~t . a. TheElectrical Sub-Contractorshall furnish alf necessary disconnect switches, for aIP motors .and all electrically operated equ i prrrent, types .and ratings as indicated ar~d as required, Disconnecf.. switches without inte.grall5~ ov~rcurrent protec~i've mear~rs shallbe non-fused enclosed s<~fety switches, except that enclosed toggle. or snap switches of the proper types and ratings may be used for fractional horsepower motors and other small loads, Disconnect switches with integral overcurrent protective ,means sh~r 1 1 `be i nd i v i duo I l y eric I Deed circuit hrc~akc~rs . Uisconnect'switckies exposed to weather shall be rain tights Alk other disconnect switches shall have ~E,~IA 1 enclosures. b , ~;c.,par~~ate circuit bre~al<er^s F'or f=eeders and o~f:her purposes shall be same as. specified in paragraph above for discon- nect switches with integral overload protective means, loge 16B-lO hags 1 tiF -.10