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Permits 1079 Atlantic Blvd
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approwd by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: ov 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF 'PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE,WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTRICAL FIRA&FIRMASTER EtEbTRkIAN NAME—AV/64iADDRESS: �� �`7 f'17� /G�Lt�� �, BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.1 ) APT.( 1 COMM, PUBLIC( ) INDUS.1 1 NEW OLD( ) REW. ( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( ) EMP.1 ► SIGNS ( ) SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW( INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE -4� AMPS 100 COPPER I ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER 00 AMPS PH VOLT fl RACEWAY E :SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.50 AMPS. 91.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES I i I BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS ICEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. I VOLTAGE PHS NO. I H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS � o 0 � �. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APP.owd by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTRICAL FIRM: MMIIR EECTRICIAN NAME� �--�"�f � ADDRESS: I w - Qr Rox BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: JA I RES.( ) APT.( ! COMM.(U/ PUBLIC( 1 INDUS. ( ! NEW("----,-OLD( ! REW.( ! ADDITION ( ! TRAILER ( 1 TEMP.( ! SIGNS ( ► SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW INCREASE ( ► REPAIR ( ! FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER I ALUM. it SWITCH OR BREAKER A& AMPS PH W OLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE I NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMP$. 31-100 AMPS, SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS, ove1: APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIA H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS ICEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. I N.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUSAAA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA !!! Appro"d by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS,CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. f E�&C441 ELECTRICAL FIRM: MWEd ELE T ICIAN SIGNATURE NAME,� '�,L�r( ADDRESS: I� A�11LGtF/r - �`/�RFD �1� BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: ` RES.( 1 APT.( 1 COMM.�UBLIC 1 ) INDUS. ( ) NEW( OLD( 1 REW.( 1 ADDITION( ) TRAILER ( I TEMP.( ) SIGNS ( 1 SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW INCREASE l 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE I J AMPS Q 0 COPPER I I ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH �_W_X&OLT , RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLTI RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0-30 AMPS. 81.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OYER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPSCEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. I H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS n CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ,- App-Wd bV APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. r SiLL"L's Ear,4)G ELECTRICAL FIRM: MAST R E CTRICIIAN SIGNATURE / NAME ADDRESS: C9L �i[ klltp BLDG.SIZEBETWEEN: lam` RES.C 1 APT.( 1 COMM.( PUBLIC( ) INDUS.( i NEWOLD( 1 REW.l 1 ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( 1 TEMP.( 1 SIGNS ( 1 SO. FT. - SERVICE: NEW( INCREASE( i REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE 1 ,4 AMPS COPPER ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER 8 AMPS PH W rVOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.90 AMPB. 51.100 AMPS, SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 10.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS ICEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0-1 pVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.R VOLTAGE PHS IS ELLANEOUS CITY OF OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA S"4t Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: / 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. U AA AA l ELECTRICAL FIRM:: MASTER E ECTRICIAN SIGNATUREJOURNEYMAN NAME 1 l!is ADDRESS: l0l1 aL&4F1c 9LVd1 LyAI: aF BOX BLDG.SIZE ` BETWEEN:a,�t4- RES.1 ) APT.( 1 COMM. PUBLIC( I INDUS.( 1 NEW( OLD( ) REW. ( ) ADDITION O TRAILER ( 1 TE •1 ) SIGNS ( ) SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW INCREASE 1 1 REPAIR 1 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE d AMPS COPPER I ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER D O AMPS PH W VOLT l l RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL O.30 AMPS. 31-100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. overt APPUANCEs BELL TRANSF- AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS. .. AMPS ICEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. I VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS S CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA S Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND INACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASIER ELECTRICIAN jIGNATURE JOURNEYMAN NAME1 UT {�� ADDRESS: 1(119 A-�!_._LL/41 C SU FD BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.1 1 APT.( ! COMM. ) PUBLIC( 1 INDUS. ( ) NEW( COLO REW.( ) ADDITION t ) TRAILER ( ! TEMP.`I 1 SIGNS ( ) SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW NCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ( ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER 100 AMPS PH W OVOLT 0Q11 RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMPS. 31.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT Al M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS ICEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 4VR MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE; PHS NO. 1 N.P. VOLTAGE PHS f 75 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: Few !4 WAPMTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. .AAA PA44 - NAME--. _ADDREIii: PAX .SIZE BETWEEN: NMI # Alff-I ! COWL ,�LIC 11 INDUS.I I NEW 1 OLD 11 REW.11 AQPffM 1 1 TRAILER 1 1 TEMP.I 1 SIGNS { wavim NEW t��USE I 1 REPAIR( ! ALUM. mmy rxwr.jimy,pZE' AMPS PH w VOLT R EWAY !FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO, SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL " CONCEALED OPEN `. ... , TOTAL ., . .. .r 0.70 AMM. 71.100 AM , $WITCHif PI�(iD 0.100 AMPS. I OYtR ..,,......- ;_.w., ,;...,,,,. APPL1AFiCti r ' ., .. , , .` ,BELL TRJINSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS' EIL HEAT: KW-HEAT ;" "•.. . " '„m. x. MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. . I M.P. VOLTAGE PHS EL , ....y TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER 600 V. BPI* CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR OWTOCAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR: DATE: 19 p `7 7 1IMP RTASIT MOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC SEACH ORDINANCE&. LAAA 45, Yff 4i.go ADDRESS: F sums= LiETWEEN: 1 Rq.11 APT.( COMM. PUBLIC( ► INDUR.1 1 NEW l OLD 11 RETE.11 1"ir�AWTWN( I TRAILER I ► TEMP.! 1 SIGNS I ► SO.FT. `. SEELVICE: NEW EASE( ► REPAIR( ► FEE i ALUMJ QAMPS PH EWAY Y ''AM PH W Yml. EWAY PEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL a; a.•,„.,s :..acs,u::;.-:.,.. rf« CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL a-so AN 31.100 AM SWITCH" __ ., . ... ,. . n 11101JOR fIXW ' •100 AMPS. I OVL1l wPP�twayuu '.• BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONTION11Wi COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS DIAMPS' CEIL HEAT: " KW-HEAT 77 '04, OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. i N.P. VOLTAGIr PHS L &ion ; . • ..,_ AA 14.7' jA4dL4:t TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V.` OVER 300 V. k , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA A�«.d dr A!►LIGATION FOR NXTRICAL PIRMIT x r TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INStECTOR: DATE: 1' VAWTANT NOTICE: 1 v t IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT.GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS$ WHIC14 ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS,CODES AND CM OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. FIRM: PAAW &IRICAL ADDRESS: I el 07..,._..ALa fit'!CU.. BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: APT.! 1 COMLILLIC( 1 INDUS.! 1 NEW t OLD( 1 NEW.! 1 AWTION 1 1 TRAILER ( ! TEMP.f 1 SIGNS f 1 SO.FT. URVICE: NEW( �XCREASE( 1 REPAIR ell ...• --•-• 3 WRWTOR SizE AL U M. .SERV.SIZE AMPS PH T SWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE , LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 7 RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL , 0.30 AMrf. 31A00 AM SWITCHES NIICANDESCENT „MUORESCENT 6M.V. FIXED0.100 AMM. ovale r APPLIANCE! BELL TRANSFr AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT `" ' "` a1 yf��IK. n.r>o-�I.rI< OVER 77 MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1ILP. VOLTAGE PHS MIFC 13 ado AM 1:45c-- _ roseuQsne:useae:• ueunsQ ann v nvFa etm v . _ .� w CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 1 � Ate«by APPLICATION FOR KLKTRICA,t FIRMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. DATE: 19� ,OOMTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICI+ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. JA 1S ' cpvaleAl clou. jFfrnk IAN SIGNATURE NAME l9ADDRESS: rr • - ' tiLDliw SIZE BETWEEN: 1liz M( i APT.( 1 COW.U� PYBLIC 1 1 INDUS.1 1 NEWOLD 1 REW.O ARIDITION t ) TRAILER( ) TEMP.t 1 SIGNS ( 1 SO.FT. SERVICE: NEW �INCREASE t 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE A- Ell AMPS COPPER f I ALUM. RACEWAY MTCH OR IS R_ lit V,mg , 6m PH W YOLTI RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0-60 AMM, 21.100 AMM. fWITCH<f w... FLUORESCENT&M.V. l�IXiD 0.100 AMM. 1 OV SR APPUAMCEf BELL TRANSF, AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 94 OVER M2TORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. VOLTAGE PHS 11MILL"ANEW1 . rns�cnoucQle. 1 uuncfz rw►v nvFw am v 00 .304 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 1 3, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ` rc-1 t,A It)fi;. [t!F'U{2tf .1011- .aj, " 10791 AT.L.AIITIC: BOULEVARD mit flumb�ra ATLAfI'TIC ' LiEACII, FLORIf1A 3223ex mit `Types 81.11LDIf1Gri`' LEGAL: DEaGRIPTIONClass of 'Wall, s IIEW 4 r Ccjrrra Lx,* Typv-i s �3 1'f:FII. L•cyt t`'. 21� ' Hlack l ' Prapuaed Ucae RETAIL, STORE Plot, Hook i ( P:ages U y h :•. Xt, pwelllnyr t 0 C cacle t D . , i Ssabd�vlr�iats t CA:3TRC] Y F'E1tRER Dwell ►1.ed Vaiu�*s $315580 00. --` "�' OWNER ' 114FORHAT1014 Improv. C rst.: w �'.".40.'00 Name!:.E. 'r tiOT'RfO`. Total F nRs' .sa`3246. 55 , , r ,, Address 1 ;;301 SOUTIt. filt3f;'I' STREET =3AC1{50t1VILLE BCNr ' FL x32250 Amount,` Pai,de 'S1.' 2�&. 5� piianet ' (g04)249733G yid t Dat®� f? u ,t3/25/H9 i r,.. t• F.S, li 11'1 Sia _ - C)RIE; -.> )rI.LYB P9111`1T. V', !375'7. 7'3 i�AtT101 li~•tiPACT FEW $900. (-)CI SEWER ItIpACT. FEE: 11:340. 00 . WATER /11yF.'�f+EFt}„�y X145. U1Q..r' njG��r,r;�tt ��' ” "��•011 CA:.7 �y ?► 1 � a +� ;p.:. i ��FJ• J � ��',�} !I J'{ tlf FH' 1 I Ota RADCIN GAG i. r { � � [ WATER •rAt' so. 06649 1A l/'r' r� $0. 00 , Ir t SEWER TA +_ HYDRAUI.10``HARE *o. 00 .. '- REw,It1SPECT FEE �; to. 00 I fi ;+ ENgIfIEERING" i t + so.'oa . ' 1 M I 'i � F¢�. j a . fi P•.itt ;+ ,n.!'«Ax.a pix°•ri',M,.r»rw•+..... ,.w.r%.+,, aw. j iot OTHER NOTES: a a. i t "ti I �•r NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE•+ BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORKMUSTNOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER � t' 't.i,4 7+ "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE' MECHANICS''LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN 93 THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING:TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS. ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUPJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. PARTMENT ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEt ' 0,01433 f; C�EP{4RTMENT OF BU1L,DWQ CITY OF ATLANTIC E�EACH R R# IT 3NF'I RttA'I SON # ATION 1NIFORRATION 04r mit. Nu*ber x 1433 " Addro*vit" 'x.0"9 ATLANTIC BLVD. P s i ' T p PII.UI�ILtIIP f " aI►TL.AI�T1 B�ACHr iF LC31 IDA 32233 Class pf "+ rk td W ALR DESCRIPTION .m cooatr'.7 TYpe f N A Lx L i lock i 'Pr p . ,d U e r R TAIL STORE: P ca P 0 Da1Ga O Coo ; .O E t t 'VAS x *0.00 "OW)MR INFORIIATWN twoiQ a. Cost t T a *73,00 � Atl�t� z 107ATLANTIC BLVD. AIR $7 .00 A'�' AN'T�C . EtIwACITR "F`L.CJI�IDA ": 3 W r k t? � �, �� IEw.lLINES, AND Fl,XTURlE " a� �' Y.,vE.w il" +w. PLICA IOn riims 0 it I�1#'1C1R II"#I �lC`T F L? 00 Yfl t01 tN 3 a - _Lt C 'ARE C , 00*tYVRAO .. �+ t CF E"RR $0. 00 los Timaa NOTES: I , SEP 1 NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PEPMiT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST"NOT SE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE "CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY 6Y"51TH"tR CONTRACTOR'OR OWNER. �`FAtLURE TO CQMPLY WITH 714E MECHAI� CS' LIEN t.AW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWN, R PAYING TWICE FO SUILDIN+G IRApROVEMENTS." UED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PARTOF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO, REVOCATION FOR ,. T141 OF aPf'LICABLE PRCdVISIONS OF LAW. � 4 A' �i ICH BUI6.DIN ��PIR"��tINT . CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION p qq 7-Ag h / I P PLUMBING CONTRACTOR S SIO U ��04 b LICENSE NUMBERS ID-130 OWNER y'?��-r O BUILDING CONTRACTOR t- V ' G t r S TYPE OF BUILDING �e e r !Co ef SINKS SHOWERS LAVATORY WATER HEATERS BATH TUBS DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS _CLOSETS WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS OTHER Z-t—TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT D INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION ' OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE . o0 o � iID t A �- n c : rrtt 'b N a � n kj .7;4 r% n � C. t PS04"4 t1 3N DEPARTMENT OF 8U1LOING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH'` e k , i. � ,.. . PEPA-IT I>' POMA' IpI ` , ...... LOCAT- I OSINFO Permt i + r RMAT I OP" AddroaATLANTIC SOULRVPerType:COMMEJRCIAL AR3 ATLANTIC BLACHClass ca C,1 �OtEI FLORIDA� �A 2 23 x! LRC AL DL�B RI ' "IO? -- � o str. T pe;m4ONR' /BRICX Block Lot: jrpar s COltERCIAI, Sect a pan C4 Sdx Twp:, t . Value» Subdivision., 0 .60 ti I Improv. Cost : 7 ,50 ?x 0 4 Total Feesa. 75.0 yy Azo 4.p,, i,°.atWork ° � , .< , DZL, PER PLANS F ION -�,»� °�,�: �- ABLICATI Name ON 'BEBD IT 0 ' its » Adder . � ROULZVARD 75.00 } Phoh a€ ,«,grd :a.'"�rt C 'am TR ' B ' N . Cr ERC I L ' ��aT. IRC. x JACKSON� BEACH, rL 32250 Lit. , B ,R3 + ,� f Rip: r Ty �� 'a§r�`�,� ..a�..4,? .. a ,e .,a.�a�, y .NOTES. i { NOTICE-INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUEST6 AT LEAST 24"flURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION P BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND'DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT B£PIACEfl 1N PUBLiC SPACE:,AND"MUST BE CLEANED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY jI HeR CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FI LURE ro? 1Mi L y WITH THE MECHANIC' LEEN LAW � RE�LT IN THE PR+OPEATY WN l PAYING TW10E' FO Bl� L©f It31 `�►1 311`F'.lill tr5i.'' #St # ACCOFDdN( TOAPPROWED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMit AND.SUBJECT R r ViC?LATlQN OF APPLICABLE PROvtSiC�N OF LAW. 1 AT, BE H BUILDING D P TNtENT Irl�j'Y�1 1'k f'. By: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT CALCULATION SHEET Address d 7 a��c �JL v 67 "r2�oa2 F—s`c O f'L Date Heated Sauare Footage >l��p @ $ a- U -per sq ft = $ 1 ®Q Garage/Shed @ $ _ per sq ft S Carport/Porch @ S per sq ft = $ Deck (« $ per sq ft = $ Patio @ $ per sq ft = S TOTAL VALUATION: SQ Q a� 2yo6 �-- � 4 /S © e Total Valyation 1st $ / 00 $ -3 Remaining Value $J.-. thousand or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ Qo + 1/2 Filing Fee ( ) Fireplaces @ $15 . 00 $ p BUILDING PERMIT FEE WATER IMPACT FEE $ SEWER IMPACT FEE $ WATER METER/TAP $ -- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ SEWER TAP $ RADON (HRS ) . 0050 S SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ HYDRAULIC SHARES $ CROSS CONNECTION $ ( ) SURCHARGE . 0050 S OTHER $ GRAND TOTAL DUE $ Q ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES : Mechanical ; Plumbing Electric/New Electric/Temp ; SwimmingPool Septic Tank ;Well ; Sign Finish Floor Elevation Survey Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES : CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS, OR A.LTy ATIONS MOVING,DEMOLITIONS Owners) : Russe-LL LL. 4` X• ; `.odeS Address: /0 Phone: -A117..,5. 760 Lot w Block or Unit 0 Subdivision: Contractor: e State License I Ctg C04344( Address: 479 N-WOEJ• C. Phone No: cRy7-5704 City Jk% aCk• State ICI-• Zip Code 32 Z SC1 Describe work to be done: .L�v h- 0 A .t dAJ /bJ Op A je N b Q ��TiT/e A/JS 0 Q D Act t�P U.S P AJ d id .D �tJ r l eft,&At d' SPyeZ A-� D/4 Uf'S �9jL— i r f-uts Present use of building: oiel I c Valuation of Proposed Construction: Ar.-? r 2� , D00 0W` Proposed use: s$' Atr /FS 4P.XISf1•Alo drgfc3e Is this an additicn? If yes, what are the dimensions)MCVED space: N/eft. X ft. Will the added area be heated aSP 2 2 199 cooled?_ _,tlfA__ New electrical (or increase) ?� City of Atlantic each New plumbing fixtures?L1/O New fireplace?A)tO New Heat/AC? A)RUilding and Zoning SUBMIT THREE (COIERCIAL) TWO (RESIDENTIAL) CMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, ENERGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR A.E71DAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: Date: 9—AA-97 Signature CONTRACTOR: Date: 9 �,2� 9 7 Sworn to and subscribed before me this p? ��/ ) d day of ' "k DANA WALTER 0 4.01:44, MY COMMISSION M CC 439s92 EXPIMS'"' �wmm NOTARY PUBLIC 4� , ,�'OF FLORIDA AT GE Bonded U NOWY _ .a. p��G AFF -,.R�,•• PP Q P���N�,c CL 3 CITY OF 1*4u e Fed - 9&v_ 4 300 SEMINOLE ROAD - — --�— -- --- _ --— -- -- ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FA.`i(904)247-5805 SUNCOM 4.52-5800 CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES, PART I "CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING" REQUIRES OWNER/BUILDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE LAW: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR SECTION 489. 1 03(7), FLORIDA STATUTES: STATE LAW REQUIRES CONSTRUCTION TO BE DONE BY LICENSED CONTRACTORS. YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR A PERMIT UNDER AN EXEMPTION TO THAT LAW. THE EXEMPTION ALLOWS YOU, AS THE OWNER OF YOUR PROPERTY, TO ACT AS YOUR OWN CONTRACTOR EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT HAVE A LICENSE. YOU MUST SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION YOURSELF. YOU MAY BUILD OR IMPROVE A ONE - OR TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE OR A FARM OUTBUILDING. YOU MAY ALSO BUILD OR IMPROVE A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT A COST OF $25,000.00 OR LESS. THE BUILDING MUST BE FOR YOUR US AND OCCUPANCY. IT MAY NOT BE BUILT FOR SALE OR LEASE. IF YOU SELL OR LEASE A BUILDING YOU HAVE BUILT YOURSELF WITHIN ONE YEAR AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, THE LAW WILL PRESUME THAT YOU BUILT IT FOR SALE OR LEASE, WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF THIS EXEMPTION. YOU MAY NOT HIRE AN UNLICENSED PERSON AS YOUR CONTRACTOR. YOUR CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE BUILDING CODES AND ZONING REGULATIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE EMPLOYED BY YOU HAVE LICENSES REQUIRED BY STATE LAW AND BY COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL LICENSING ORDINANCES. ORDINANCES ALSO ALLOW AN OWNER TO IMPROVE THEIR OWN PROPERTY WHEN IT IS FOR PERSONAL OR FAMILY USE, AND LIKEWISE REQUIRE ALL WORK (EXCEPT MAINTENANCE UNDER $2,000) BE UNDER A BUILDING PERMIT AND PASS ALL NORMAL INSPECTIONS. THE ORDINANCE STATES OWNERS MAY PHYSICALLY DO WORK THEMSELVES; OR MAY HIRE UNLICENSED WORKERS PROVIDED SUCH WORKERS BE UNDER "DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE OWNER, WHO MUST Be ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES WHILE WORK IS IN PROGRESS BY UNLICENSED TRADES PEOPLE.„ THIS DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS. SINCE OWNERS MAY BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES TO WORKERS THEY HIRE, THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE BE PURCHASED UNDER THE HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE POLICY CLEARLY PROTECTS THE OWNER. OWNERS HIRING WORKERS BECOME EMPLOYERS AND SHOULD ALSO OBSERVE IRS WITHHOLDING TAX AND/OR FORM 1 099 REQUIREMENTS ON THE WORKERS THEY EMPLOY ON THEIR IMPROVEMENT TRADES. UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS CANNOT BE EMPLOYED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. OWNERS BEING SUBJECT TO $5,000 PENALTY UNDER FLORIDA STATUTE No. 455-228(1). AN "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" IS NOT ADEQUATE. THE OWNER SHOULD PHYSICALLY SEE THE COUNTY "CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY" OR THE FLORIDA "CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATE" TO ASCERTAIN IF A PERSON IS A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. TELEPHONE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (247- 5826) IF IN DOUBT. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT 1 HAVE READ THE ABOVE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND THAT I COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN OWNER-BUILDER PERMIT. Z.,.A-4 APY . A!�� — MIPROPERTY OWNER/BUI ER ADD NTS TELEPHONE 007 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME TiiIS _DAY OF 0 47 LY)m1,1- i g NOTAR UBLIC NOTE: PHRASES UNDERLINED ABOVE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ARE EMPHASIZED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 'ff ti DANA WALTER 14 MY COMMI83ION N CC 439M EXPIRES:May8 low !I;,,,•° Bonded Thn1 NotRy Pubk UndeftiI t l' CITY OF 800 SEMINOLE ROAD —""" --- –--- ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 January 19, 1996 SUNCOM 852-5800 Occupants & Owner of Business 1079 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Sir: Our records indicate that you are the owner of the following property in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida: Re: 1079 Atlantic Boulevard Investigation of this property discloses that I have found and determined that you are in violation of City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance Chapter 20, Section 20-54, i .e. , (Failure to obtain an occupational license) F.S. 205 .03 - Occupational license required. You are hereby notified that unless the condition above described is remedied within forty-eight (48) hours from the date of your receipt hereof , this case will be turned over to the Code Enforcement Board. Under Florida Statute 162 .09, the Code Enforcement Board may impose fines of up to $250 .00 per day for a first violation and $500 .00 per day for a repeat violation. Sincerely, X01" •-s..-�--� Karl W. Grunewald Code Enforcement Officer KWG/pah cc: City Manager Chief David Thompson VIA HAND DELIVERY i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I , Karl W. Grunewald hereby certify that I delivered a notice to 7 �,,,_. __- 5, at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FLorida 32233 , this 19th day of January , X$AS& 1996 at - O'clock P• M. This notification is in reference to CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT Owner & Occupants 'at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard SIGNATURE OF SERVER: c- SIGNATURE OF RECEIVER: DATED:— January 19, 1996 CrTY OF LICENSE NUMBER OCCUPATIONAL LICE/NSE YPE LICENSE: MISC. SERVICE ESTABLI SMENT ; NCa'I' i, I •;'WPNSE YEAR :19"",! poi USINESS LOCATION 1079 #04 ATLANT-IC ki.VI) CLASS NO. S32" Sad DATE ISSUED ,i:"' p 80 DATE EXPIRES /: `'. " v m fn m RM NAME: GARAGE DOOR S:EiRV:I CES z�0 '... LICENSE FEE c'i . I z m m NNER/MGR: JONES, SCOTT INVESTIGATIVE FEE m<o TRANSFER FEE ° 1079 �m )DRESS: #04 ATLANTIC BLVD DEL.PENALTY oX ATLANTIC BE_ACH 233 TOTAL z3 No��IDATED BE".50 13 {m wilt"T GARAGE DOOR SERVICE DaC,�SFI• 6129195 01 Rc t cmr cLe < w 1�y,,, P 406408 S LICENSE MUST BE CONSPICUOUSLY POSTED IN PLACE OOFBUP SS TAXATION § 20-54 publication or by the distribution of any advertising material or in any other way indicating engagement in such business,profession or occupation,regardless of wheth- er any business has actually been transacted or not. (Ord. No. 45-81-5, § 1, 12-28-81; Ord. No. 45-84-6, § 1, 9-24-84; Ord. No. 45-90-8, § 1, 6-25-90) State law reference—Similar provisions, F.S. § 205.042. Sec. 20-52.1. Inspections. Prior to the issuance of an occupational license, the structure or site designated as the location of the business to be licensed shall receive the inspection and approval of the city fire inspector and building official to verify compliance with city building and fire codes.The fee for such inspection shall be included in the licensing fee hereunder specified. (Ord. No. 45-90-8, § 1, 6-25-90) State law reference--Similar provisions, F.S. § 205.042. Sec. 20-53. Half-year licenses. The city clerk, upon proper showing that the issuance of a license for a full year would work a hardship in any instance during the period from April first to October first, may issue a half-year's license. Persons applying for a license after October first may be issued a half- year's license. (Code 1970, § 10-1; Ord. No. 45-84-6, § 1, 9-24-84) State law reference—Authority for a partial license, F.S. § 205.053(1). Sec. 20-54. Due dates and delinquencies; penalties. (a) All licenses shall be sold by the city clerk beginning September first of each year and shall be due and payable on or before October first of each year and shall expire on September thirtieth of the succeeding year. If October first falls on a weekend or holiday, the tax shall be due and payable on or before the first working day following October first. Those licenses not renewed when due and payable shall be considered delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty often(10)percent for the month of October,plus an additional five(5)percent penalty for each month of delinquency thereafter until paid. However, the total delinquency penalty shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the occupational license fee for the delinquent establishment. If license is not paid by January thirty-first,the city clerk shall have city water service disconnected until license fee plus delinquent charges are paid in full. (b) Any person engaging in or managing any business, occupation or professionwithout first obtaining a local occupational license, if required in this article, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent of the license determined to be due, in addition to the penalty provided by section 1-11. (Code 1970, § 10-1.1; Ord. No. 45-84-6, § 1, 9-24-84; Ord. No. 45-90-8, § 1, 6-25-90) State law reference—Similar provisions, F.S. § 205.053. Supp. No. 15 1163 §20-51 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE Person shall mean any individual, firm, partnership,joint adventure, syndicate or other group or combination acting as a unit, association, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, trustee,executor,administrator,receiver or other fiduciary,and shall include the plural as well as the singular. Physical facility shall mean all areas used by a firm to conduct its business, and shall include both buildings and outside areas used in conjunction with the business, but shall not include those areas used exclusively for patron parking. Professional establishment shall mean any business or profession which is regulated by the state department of professional regulation, or other state board or commission thereof. Religious institutions shall mean churches and ecclesiastical or denominational organi- zations or established physical places for worship in this state at which nonprofit religious services and activities are regularly conducted and carried on, and also means church ceme- teries. Retail establishment shall mean any business engaged in the sale of goods or commodities in any quantities. Service establishment shall mean any business or individual engaged in any trade, or who provides labor,repair,maintenance or incidental services.Hotels,motels and restaurants shall also be considered service establishments. 7hxpayer shall mean any person liable for taxes imposed under the provisions of this article; any agent required to file and pay any taxes imposed under the provisions of this article; and the heirs, successors, assignees and transfereies of any such person or agent. (Ord.No.45-84-6,§ 1,9-24-84;Ord.No. 70-93-11,§ 1,7-26-93;Ord.No. 45-94-11, § 1,6-27-94) Cross reference—Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2. State law reference—Similar definitions, F.S. § 205.022. Sec. 20.52. Levy. An occupational license tax shall be levied on: (1) Any person who maintains a permanent business location or branch office within the city,for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business within its jurisdiction; (2) Any person who maintains a permanent business location or branch office within the city, for the privilege of engaging in or managing any profession or occupation within its jurisdiction; (3) Any person who does not qualify under the provisions of subsection (1) or(2) of this section,and who transacts any business or engages in any occupation or profession in interstate commerce,if such license tax is not prohibited by Section 8 ofArticle I of the United States Constitution; (4) Any person who reports himself to be engaged in any profession, occupation or in- dustry for the transaction of which a license is required under this chapter either by exhibiting a sign or advertisement or by advertising in any newspaper or any other Supp.No. 15 1162 GENERAL PROVISIONS § 1-11 Sec. 1.10. Supplementation of Code. (a) By contract or by city personnel, supplements to this Code shall be prepared and printed whenever authorized or directed by the city commission. A supplement to the Code shall include all substantive permanent and general parts of ordinances passed by the city commission or adopted by initiative and referendum during the period covered by the supple- ment and all changes made thereby in the Code,and shall also include all amendments to the Charter during that period. The pages of a supplement shall be so numbered that they will fit properly into the Code and will, where necessary, replace pages which have become obsolete or partially obsolete, and the new pages shall be so prepared that, when they have been inserted, the Code will be current through the date of the adoption of the latest ordinance included in the supplement. (b) In preparing a supplement to this Code, all portions of the Code which have been repealed shall be excluded from the Code by the omission thereof from reprinted pages. (c) When preparing a supplement to this Code, the codifier (meaning the person, agency or organization authorized to prepare the supplement) may make formal, nonsubstantive changes in ordinances and parts of ordinances included in the supplement, insofar as it is necessary to do so to embody them into a unified code. For example, the codifier may: (1) Organize the ordinance material into appropriate subdivisions; (2) Provide appropriate catchlines,headings and titles for sections and other subdivisions of the Code printed in the supplement,and make changes in such catchlines,headings and titles; (3) Assign appropriate numbers to sections and other subdivisions to be inserted in the Code and, where necessary to accommodate new material, change existing section or other subdivision numbers; (4) Change the words "this ordinance"or words of the same meaning to "this chapter," "this article," "this division," etc., as the case may be, or to "sections to (inserting section numbers to indicate the sections of the Code which em- body the substantive sections of the ordinance incorporated into the Code); and (5) Make other nonsubstantive changes necessary to preserve the original meaning of ordinance sections inserted into the Code; but in no case shall the codifier make any change in the meaning or effect of ordinance material included in the supplement or already embodied in the Code. Sec. 1.11. General penalty; continuing violations. (a) Whenever in this Code or in any ordinance or resolution of the city or in any rule, regulation or order promulgated by any officer or agency of the city under authority duly vested in him or if any act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor,where no specific penalty is provided therefor,-the t Supp. No. 13 107 § 1-11 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE violation of any such provision of this Code or any other ordinance or resolution of the city or such rule, regulation or order shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), or imprisonment for a term not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both fine and imprisonment. (b) Except where otherwise provided, every day any violation of the Code or any other ordinance or resolution of the city or such rule, regulation or order shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. (Code 1970, § 1-6) Supp.No. 13 108 (The next page is 1551 GC ryE-.��-was �-- D(i G C/��I T/®�� /G ' f�.S' T ,� 6G�'.'f S' �/��l,p'� rSS'•�iF'Ti1/ �--� T/I'�` .��r/�/� �f-U /!�•�/�' ��` r/!�� �G`s/yam°'J�•s' i �E-'PSp �' -57---S",::� -%-,/7 y�ia-i AXP/moi • S e-t-. r -&-VA rYe- Qin' /Y/c? S' D� C Gjp•`! -v TS' TU G�-�S�_ �jv�-/�� T i� � lj.�T/t ,7-W-e- 'EA V l 1I v�4 rEo �/� Tom`� � ��c.--/rte--E>� C�✓'vG>.t � ,�9'� c'-"�,.rs E--U Richard E. Robinson 13782 Picarsa Drive Jacksonville, FL, 32225 - 18 .January 1996 Subject: Report of gross overcharge 16r garage door repair services Pert'nmed by: Garage Door Services 1079 Atlantic Blvd. Unit 4 Atlantic Beach, FL, 32233 Phone: 241-0200 (also listed in yellow pages as Beachside Garage Doors) 13ac1�gl-ound: On the morning of 16 January 1996, preparing to leave for an appointment, I found myself unable to raise my garage door. Upon further examination I found one of the two Tension Springs had broken. After calling several garage door servicing companies who were unable to respond quickly to my problem, I called the company above and they indicated a service technician would be available shortly. lhey also said a service call charge of$45.00 would be expected and that required repair parts would be extra. facts about the service performed: 1. Two service men (Mike and Tim) arrived around lunch time. Mike appeared to be the lead technician (a not very communicative person) and after examining the door raising mechanism said it would be necessary to replace both springs (i.e. a matched spring set was essential). I approved of this recommendation, feeling I didn't have much choice if I was going to get the door fixed soon. No written or verbal estimate of the costs involved were offered, but at this point in time I had n.ent.ally prepared myself for a parts charge to install (2) tension springs - nothing more. Il.e,re was fru talk of other components of the torsion S}yStenl 1"1.1%ing to 11C' rcplaced' of- rcpallCd - slnll)I}' iiiaTl<_' out t1sC t:vo torsion springs. �. Vi'1111C wolk 1111' techilrcran cQ]Ld 1 Int brought to my attention that the Sears li3raf,C Door C pend- 'vorni dive had sullCrcci soinc damage from the added Stress incurred 1rvins; to raise the doer with a broken torsion spring. ]cased on his statemLnt that it-no! Cl arrged I probably would bye calling then, back in a week or so when it failed - I agreed to 111M rcly,lir. 3. AS the work neared completion I was advised that all my door rollers should be replaced. I asked (for the first time)how much this would add to my bill and was shocked to learn it would add anther $116.00. When I expressed surprise Mike said each roller-cost more than $11.00. At this point I examined my rollers (all metal with ball bearings) and decided that they all looked serviceable and opted against his recommendation. 4. I3}- now I was apprehensive as to what my f mal bill would be - and when presented found my worse fears had been realized - $625.00. Although a copy of the bill is enclosed, I am listing it below for the information of those who may read this statement. a. (1) Service Charge - $ 45.00 h. (2) 1 ifetirnc Gold Platinum Torsion Springs (u), $128.00 each - $256.00 C. (2) Cast Aluminum Drums ;1 $33.50 each - $ 67.00 d. (1) Torsion Shaft Lifetime - $ 89.00 e. (1) Sears Gear & Bushing overhaul - $108.00 Center Beam Plate - $ 32.00 g. (1) Center Bearing Nylon (Retainers?) - not legible - $ 28.00 Total Bill ___$625.00 ( Total time on premises - less than 2 hours ) 5. Although my wife and I expressed our shock and displeasure with this gross overcharge for the originally requested replacement of two torsion springs - no adjustment was forthcoming. We Maid by check and decided to pursue this matter through appropriate litigation channels i.e. Better Business Bureau and Consumer Affairs. If that faiis we will ,, idcr �,-��3lait�; throuoh the Small C.lairus Court, or even rcfernng the matter to "f��`12 tier �:(11;si�lc3-ation 1_,y k:en Oinera - 7'I 1? ewi Ow—sicle. SisrrT'i's type of business practice should he Dior 1-ously condemned, prosecuted, <<1l 1 1111C lx;rsorls cvmpanics -esponsible for such «coons made to pay proper restitution to those thvti, have violated. Businesses who practice fair and responsii�le services also suffer becaus.c of the implied reasoning that all similar scr\icc pro\iders are out to fleece the unsuspecting public. Richard E. Robinson 221-3465 GARAGE DOOR SERVICES 1079 Atlantic Blvd., Unit 4, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Ponte Vedra 273-5700 Mandarin 260-9600 I/A. CASH COD C'If'n6f, ON A(:(-,I f-AL'ii HE 1 1) 0AU 001 Y. f I-1 1 1 N PRICE Ar,10UNT 7. 1) 14 0 e10 ,220 TAX T Vl! C"I 0 33 '7hankou j Richard L. Robinson 13682 Picarsa Drive. Jacksonville, FL 32225 (904) 221-3465 23 January 1996 Subject: Report of'gross overcharge for garage door repair services ( A continuing chronology) In late afternoon of Thursday - 18 JAN 96 - in order to comply with instructions provided by the Better Business Bureau, I contacted Mr. Scott James (owner of Garage Door Services) to discuss my complaint with the bill we had received on Tuesday 16 JAN 95 and asked for an adjustment. The charges below reflect what was on the bill and paid in full before the service technicians left. I explained that his service people performed work beyond what I had requested (i.e. replace a broken torsion spring and replace a worm drive gear set in my Sears Garage Door Opener). Based on this Mr. James agreed to delete the following line items ( c - d - f- and g ), for a total of$216.00. He also said that I would receive a check for that amount in the next few days. As of today (23rd) no check has been received.. I intend visiting his place of work today to find out why the delay.... a. (1) Service Charge - $ 45.00 b. (2) Lifetime Gold Platinum Torsion Springs (a) $128.00 each - $256.00 C. (2) Cast Aluminum Drums i, $33.50 each - S 67.00 (*) d. (1) "Torsion Shaft Lifetinne - S 89.00 ( ) e. (1) Sears Gear & Bushing. overhaul - S108.00 f. (1) Center Beam Plate - S 32.00 (") g. (1) Center Bearing Nylon (Retainers?) - not legible - S 28.00 (*) Total Bill $625.00 (*) Amount overcharged - $216.00 Richard E. Robinson 221-3465 UTILITY SERVICE AGREEMENT (Water and Sewer) THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of , 198_2, between the City of Atlantic Beach a Municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City' d --� a orporatio - its successors and assigns, hereinafter called "Developer". W I T N E S S E T 11 WHEREAS, Developer owns land in Duval , County, Florida, more particularly described as Al p� -, 1ac't :�2? refer to acreage, plat engineering drawings, or legal description a� Exhibit A and WHEREAS, Developer plans to develop said land by constructing ' buildings,. 9 residences and/or other improvements thereon consisting ofL and WHEREAS, City is the owner of water and sewage treatment plants and water distribution and sewage collection systems in the vicinity of the property described above; and WHEREAS, Developer desires that City provide water and sewage collection service to said property and City desires to furnish same; and to them and to their occupants water and sewer service subject to all terms and conditions of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, in order to provide water and sewer services to Developer it has been or will be necessary- for City to enlarge and expand its offsite water and sewer plants and facilities and it is the desire and intent of Developer to contribute financially to the costs of building such additional offsite water and sewer plants and facilities and to reserve capacity in City's water and sewage treatment plants ,so that City can provide service to .the Development without imposing a burden on its existing customers; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and , valuable considerations and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, subject to any necessary approval by other governmental agencies having jurisdiction, it is .agreed by the parties hereto as follows: 1. Developer agrees that City shall have the exclusive right to furnish water and sewer service to the real property described above and hereby grants to City . this exclusive right..to provide water and sewer service for all uses within all structures now or hereafter constructed on the real property described above. 2. City agrees that after Developer has connected to the systems of City, City will provide at its own cost and expense, water and sewer service to Developer's property in a manner conforming to the reasonable requirements of public or governmental agencies or parties having jurisdiction over City's water and sewer operations; provided, however, that such service shall be in accordance with other provisions of this Agreement, including City's rules and regulations and rate schedules. 3. In the event that Developer or assigns fails to complete construction of all improvements required to be built by Developer and Agreement under this provision, City reserves the right to negotiate with Developer a new agreement for any additional sums to be paid by Developer to City as plant capacity and service availability charges, fees or other charges based upon increases in the cost of living and/or such other factors as relate to the cost of supplying water and sewer service. 4. All taxes or charges imposed upon the property described above by any governmental entity or agency shall be paid by Developer except such part thereof that has been deeded to the City in accordance with tho terms of this agreement. S. The rates charged by City for water and sewer service shall be in accurdance with its rate schedule which shall be subject to change • from time to time. City shall have the right to determine reasonable meter size and location. G. Developer will grant to the City, at Developer's expense, adequate easements for water and sewer lines, for access to lift stations and water stations and related appurtenances. Said easements shall be transferable. Developer will also furnish title evidence satisfactory to the City that said easements are superior to mortgages or other interest in the land, and Developer shall cause any such mortgages to be released or subordinated to said easements. Easements will also be furnished to provide for onsite water distribution lines, including meters and sewage collection lines. Sites for lift stations and water stations and related appurtenances shall be conveyed by warranty deed in fee simple by Developer . to City. Developer will furnish City a warranty deed, title evidence satisfactory to City and any releases from lien holders for any sewage pumping station and water to said state road right-of-way. Developer shall further grant to the City, its successors and assigns, the exclusive, perpetual right, privilege and easement to construct, reconstruct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, improve, alter, remove, relocate and inspect water transmissions and distribution mains, sewer collection mains, sewer lift stations, pipe lines, lateral lines, valves, connections and appurtenant equipment over, across and under the Developer's property, including the right to ingress and egress to each of the building sites on Developer's property Which are served' by City. All such easements shall have a .width which is acceptable to the City. 7. City does not guarantee an uninterrupted supply of water, or water at any particular pressure, and reserves the right to shut off the water in its main at any time for the purpose of making repairs or extensions of for providing temporary or emergency water supply. City Will not be responsible for any damage caused by low pressure or interruption of service. Neither Developer nor any of its successors or purchasers shall discharge into the sanitary sewer system water from "non-domestic" drains including without limitation swimming pools, air conditioning condensation lines, cooling lines or other discharge from any type of equipment. City shall. not be obligated to furnish any water or sewer service to any building which is built on Developer's property to which tl►e City does not have access. The Developer hereby agrees and warrants that the City will not be held responsible for flooding problems which may result from tl►e failure of sewer line back flow preventor valves on Developer's property. The Developer hereby agrees to hold harmless and indemnify City for all costs and damages resulting from flooding due to .back flow preventor valve failure. $. 7'lle construction and design of all facilities to be i { 'a D. A meter installation fee to cover meter cost and meter installation (but not including curb stop or meter box) according to the City's service availability policy at the time of installation which currently is $85.00 per 3/4" x 5/8" meter E. If available, construction .water will be charged to building based on metered usage in accordance with current rates. F. hydraulic share of main extensions - payment or refund. 1. Developer recognizes that water or sewer utility service to the Developer's property., is provided by the use of a mein extension and other improvements constructed by a prior developer and that Developer is obligated to refund a said prior developer'Developer's share of the cost of said main extension or other improvements. Accordingly, Developer shall pay its pro rata share of the cost of said` main extension or other improvements to City. Said pro, rata share shall be based on Developer's percentage of the hydraulic capacity of said extension or other improvements. For the purpose of this Agreement, the cost of Developer's said hydraulic share shall be $ payable upon execution' of this Agreement. 2. With respect to utility facilities installed by Developer to which future developers connect directly, and .in consideration for monies expended by Developer toward said facilities, City shall refund to Developer, or Developer's successors or assigns, solely from monies collected from said future developers, said future developer's pro rata share of the cost of said facilities. Said refunds shall be calculated on the basis of the hydraulic capacity and demand of said future developer whenever feasible. The refund obligation of City hereunder and the benefits to Developer related thereto shall expire at a cost of $ 12. All charges to Developer shall be paid by Developer to the City in accordance with the following formula and procedures: A. The advance deposit for engincering, (Idw.i.n.i.sLraLive 1111d legal fees and the inspection and plan review fee upon the execution of this Agreement, a total of and B. Water plant capacity charge upon the execution of this Agreement, a total of 0 . QC) and C. Sewer plant capacity charge upon the execution of this Agreement, a total of and D. Meter installation fee according to the City's service availability policy at time of installation which currently is upon application for hook-up of individual lots, apartments, multi-family lots or units; and - E. Construction water based on meter readings in accordaiice with City's rate schedule; and F. Hydraulic share payment, in accordance with paragraph 11F-1 of this Agreement upon execution of this Agreement, in a total amount of'$ and G. Service availability charges and other additional aids in construction in accordance with paragraph 11G of this Agreement in a total amount of $ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. City agrees to connect individual buildings and structures on the developed property upon application by the builders, plumbers or individual owners subject to the operating rules and regulations of the City and payment of, all fees and charges . in effect on date of application and compliance by Developer with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. The charges, costs and fees for any separate emergency fire protection water systems. for subject project will be subject to negotiations between City and Developer. if buildings of more than two stories are a part of Ithe project, Developer shall furnish at its expense water pumps and other appurtenances as necessary for pumping water above. 15. All plant capacity and service availability charges, fees and other charges as outlined above are based on normal domestic sewage defined herein as containing not more than three hundred (300) parts per million biochemical oxygen demand or three hundred (300) parts per million suspended solids. Whenever water which contains more than these amounts is to be admitted to the sewers, both the City and the pollution control agencies must - specifically agree to the connection. An additional charge will be calculated indirect proportion to strength at seventy-five cents ($0.75) for each part per million of eit}ier biochemical oxygen demand or suspended solids over three hundred (300) parts per million. All such connections shall provide for a suitable point for the waste to be sampled by the City or the regulatory agencies. An additional charge equal to the pro rata share of any additional sewage treatment plant costs above ninety percent (90%) treatment, and of the cost.of any additional required outfall pipes to may be required by City. subordinated to the terms of the Agreement and easements required Herein prior to any acceptance of the facilities by tine City. 17. Upon application by owners, builders or their authorized representatives, the City agrees to connect the requested dwellings or structures on the said property at no additional connection fee (i.e. , in addition to those provided for above in this Agreement) , but subject to tine continuing operating rules and regulations of the City including, Without limitation, the periodic payment of the water usage and sewer usage charges in effect on the date of such application or thereafter reflected in the City's rate schedule. 18. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Developer, City and their successors and assigns. However, in the event the Developer has not paid and delivered to the City the plant capacity and service availability charges, fees and other charges provided to be paid to tli© City by Developer under the terms of , this Agreement, and all easement and conveyances required by this Agreement, then this Agreement shall not inure to the benefit of the successors or assigns of the Developer. 19. It shall be .�the responsibility of, Developer to locate for builders any water and sewer taps or lines necessary in conjunction with residential or commercial construction. 20. Unless the damage to any onsite improvements are the result of t1►e negligence or willful act of the City, its officers, or employees or authorized agents, the owner or Developer .of such property upon which the damage occurs shall be responsible for the :payment to the City of such damage to City's property including all necessary and reasonable repairs wl►ich must be made by tine City or independent contractors enured by them r; t„ t- -rr--.& prior hereto, for the payment of such necessary and reasonable costs and expenses for effecting such repairs and restoration to such onsite facilities located upon the owner's or Developer's property. Notice of such lien or claim on lien describing the real property and the amount owed may be filed withill ninety (90) days of the date from the last date Upon which any such repairs or restoration were made by the City or its authorized representatives. Thereafter, the' City sl►all be entitled to bring an action for the foreclosed under the laws of Florida. 21. Prior to final acceptance of the .utility and other public facilities improvements by the City the following requirements must be met at Developer's expense: A. if the property is platted, one copy of the recorded plat shall be furnished to the City.' Il• "As built" drawings of utility improvement shall be furnished one week prior to final i►►spec,tion, "As built" drawings sl►all be certified by a registered engineer with the cost being borne by the Developer. Two mylar and three printed copies of said drawing sl►all be furnished to City. C. All lot corners shall be properly marked so that utility company or its engineer can, upon receipt of "as built" drawings, verify the marked water and/or sewer services as to' location and depth. In addition, for purposes of locating and ,protecting installed service lines and valves Developer or his contractor shall mark each service line and all valves with an eight (8) foot pressure treated wooden post III the manner as shown. on the design drawings and specifications. Developer's contractor is 'requiredto instal curb step, meter box and valve box on each water service and valve as shown on design drawings, D. All water .mid colder __ absolute and exclusive owner of the facilities of said water and sewer systems whether located on, under, above or outside of the property described and regardless of who may have installed or constructed same to the extent described below: A. All water plains, pipes, valves and fittings and appurtenances up to and including all meters shall be dedicated to and will be owned, operated and maintained by City, All water pipes on the customer's side of the meter shall be owned, operated and maintained by the customer or its assigns. , B. All sewer mains, manholes, pumping stations, force mains and appurtenances, including service pipes in public right of ways and dedicated easements, shall be owned, operated and maintained by the City. Except as provided in paragraph 9C, all sewer lines on the customer's side of the property line shall be owned, operated and maintained by the customer or its assigns. C. With reference to any blanket easements for multi-family projects such as apartments, mobile Home developments, condominiums and PUD's or for commercial developments, all water mains to and including the water meter, all sewer mains, force mains and manholes in such blanket easements over private' property allowing utility operations shall be dedicated to and shall be owned, operated and maintained by the My except that the full length of sewer services from the sewer main or manhole shall be owned and maintained by the customer. All such City lines shall terminate with a manhole. U. By these presents, Developer hereby transfers to the City, the title to the water distribution and sewer collection systems to be installed pursuant to this Agreement, such conveyance to take effect without further action upon the completion and acceptance by City i 22, All notices that may or must be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be valid if mailed by United States registered or certified mail, postage and charges prepaid from addressed as follows: To Developer.: To City of Atlantic Beach City Manager 716 Ocean Boulevard Post Office Box-25 !Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Utility /Agreement the day and year first written above. Signed, seed and delivered in the p,r`es nce of Developer Witness y of.�11t1�— itic Beach Witness .;r. 1 DATE PRE-SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 322012 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTIONS) HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORYs ---- lv�� ------ ------------------------------------------------- ---___ 1-------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. SINCERELY, BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc:FILE 1 BUILDING, PLANNING AND ZONING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WORK SHEET Date Requested : Building Contractor: A Building Permit Number: Address: I Legal Description : otQ Improvements to the above described property have been completed in accordance with the terms of the permit and is certified to be ready for occupancy as -�� p - - - mss Lowest Floor Elevation: ---------- ---------- required as built - n/a- - Sales Tax Certificate: (/ ----------------------- date submitted BEFORE ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETE DEPARTMENT DATE NO IIIFIIED: DATE APPROVED:" BY : Fire Chief _ ! C/ _ � -0 /-- -------- ----- ---i-�- Z Public Works _oL/ If) ------ - -1 - ---- -- Planning Director i/ Ll U- Building Inspector 4 at BUILDING, PLANNING AND ZONING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WORK SHEET Date Requested: Building Contractor: Building Permit Number: �� �-I- �/L//1-5 Address: Legal Description : p�� �� �d, Improvements to the above described property have been completed in accordance with the terms of the permit and is certified to be ready for occupancy as `^ n I LT Lowest Floor Elevation: L1� ---------- ---------- ---------- required as built n/a Sales Tax Certificate: / date submitted BEFORE ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY,.THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETE DEPARTMENT DATE OTIFIED: DATE APPROVED:" BY : Fire Chief l �/ Public Works d Planning Director Building Inspector - �---- ✓ rn N 1 b c", -o c f C c Riga ou 4 i It► ��` 1rti 6673 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT INFORMATION ItMATII P6 ,. - LOCA:TTON INFORMATION - Petrmit Number= 6673 Address ' 1079 ATLRNTxC BO�3LI��tAE�i� ' 'Permit Type, SIGN A.TL N'TIC BEACH', FLORIDA 322,13 CIazvs o f too ° NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION - ConVtr. Type : ALUMINUM Lot. : Block; S ct cin � 1 t',, Total Id P,e s , r /2,3/93 4 E ..` NE RBB "i' NEON SIGN OER PUNS IWATION APPLICATION FEES P Y' ERZ X a B'01ULEVARXWATER IMPACT FRE SOC CSI, 'FLORIDA ' RMPA T FES � o � E N aP, +rs ` ����++kms° e� .. _ N �1 "I~ N -�. RADON CAS � 5 Ct N SR T"cE 'E T A O Ars 77t�E!I :, A24, .. SAW, 0 .40 . , � HYDRAULIC SCARE . INSPECT, FEE 00 � �d1� KkMi Jk4KR:W.+'R^ +.Aro .adWaw,rc,Nwwn#muJ'dCme0.Snww.a+ww+a XM G¢&9u rxia»aHn K^x-'OM1 . p, i ! NOTICE l ALLCON'VI(EfE 16RIO*kND FOOTINGS MUST"HAE IM$PEC`fED BEFQRI~,PQUA NG , PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATER1AL,RUBBISH ANE DE RIS FROM TI IS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY, BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER' %#A1LURE- 0 COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS! L'IIEN LAW CAN RESULTiM l THE PR6RERTYt�'WIHE-R PAYING TWICE Ft�R`�Ut ?ING IMPROVEMENTS. C UED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH"ARE PART E�F.XHIS PE:RMIT;AND SUBJ TO REV f7 ' Vldl:AT'ION OF APPLICABLE:PAOVISION�S.OF, LAW. � ALAN.T}G BE CH EUILDING;DErPJTMBNT " ,fs f i I t � r I I i t i j t Q I i C i CL y i I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION I-'OR SIGN PERMIT NAME: 7_114F)5 T/ 5� �, 5 i'U, r C� ADDRESS: le 7�l�/ C'n%` PHONE: S 4� j TYPE OF SIGN: SSG �c' `� ' SIZE: ICY 2� 16„ PROPOSED LOCATION: {L) 7�/ .ttl 61Vl WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL✓✓PERMIT? Y � ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Pod,zV Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position. of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: y /'I�r �?s ---Date: �f 3 GIS OWNER SIGNATURE: Date; APR 2 3 1993 Building and Zoning lit .......... QQ cl P-4 VQ .Ole I------lk OIQ r,l I I j L3 _a CL7 C) t� i I i � j 1 I i i I ...•tom � co E Q r� O h____r-.�____� - -ti �__ ._ _ ---- --- _.___W _ _ -____�. - - � �,� �, �� � �I n.� I I 1 ,� ��� ��� R, ? c fi�: j f I� i ,; f . . i � ; � � � � : __ _ � �': � ,� .. ----- __ 4 _ __.� 4 6590 GEPl frrM9NT Of OVILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _....: Pmt I T INFOAXATIO1 OCATI FORMATION ------ P Number. ►590 Addrease. 1079 ATLANTIC BOTJLEVARD #5 I Perrni t Type ELECTRICALATLANTIC BEACH,' FLORIDA 3223 ` :CIasof Work. -ADDITION - _---- t►XGAL� OEB RIPTICrN -�_-------- Constr.. N1 ONRY j BREI CI Lot::, 8 I ock':,. . Proposed #fI.ei RETAIL, STORE Town hip RNGtic�n� IJ Dwel I i ngrs,. . O Code: 0 Subdivision' : ` Estimated Value: $0,00 Improv. Cost . $0,.00 Tot*l yes: $25.00 Amau�n t= . AL-77-93 , rPH3W ' 0V �' R7� INSTALL, RECRPTiSAND 6: NEON" $ION g. TION, � . ; - AFaLIGI#TIOi P`EEw► PERM' $25-06 TIC BOULEVARD 5 NAS NSA T FEE � � � $t�.4�t1- jy. I OR I D� ��� � � spy ��� �FEE � D,910� F il� f #y�� s !}yy,. �.'`k'rti,«w, F�}�{ GT +. gn, RADOY CAS-H#R#S# $Y t00 FORTI� 1N RATION OAS $O . (3 _„ __ Name,- �Dt ��:ET. TRICAL ���1TRACTO S 'NATER "TAP : � 00 S� # S EE,.TAP � S0.00 ORAN, RK, ISL r 245-69013 HYDRAULIC SHARE $0.00 loe xe,,t . fT A, Type. 2 PE-InAPECT $10 .00 0 51C.II IAPAC"T FEE RC1 t 0 � n 4 MOTES: r � r, NOTICE--ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST 8E INSPECTEQ GEFt>tRE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE' BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FRE�M THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER r ,`FAILURE T, COMPLYWITH THE MECHARMS►' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN :THE PROPERTY bW 1ER S'AYI'NG TWICE FOR 9U1 .01140 1MPAOVEMENTS.twum M. " TIMES 10:'11 All ISSUED�ACCOADINI0 TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OFJ14 PERMIT ANIS SUET-TO # EYIOCI 6DFt}R t VIOLATION OFA'00 A13LE PROVISIONS"OF LAW. t�EtF►'I` Wit."064565 ATI,ANT BEACH BUILDINGDEPART LENT, . 59 a CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:.lql0nt 7 , 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY Of ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. az�z ELECTRI L FIRM: ASTER CU NAME_LX_'1 (e- �C1� �. ADDRESS: �Cf G�/l ��, t�! RFD BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN:L' [4 c ;ti II RES.( ) APT.It ) COMM.6A PUBLIC ( ) INDUS.( 1 NE ! OLD�L REW. ( ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP.( ) SIGNS ( SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW( ) INCREASE ( ) REPAIR ( ) FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ALUM. S 7J SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE G AMPS PH W 2 U VOLT iWIRACIEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. I NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL --C� 0.30 AMPS. 31.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMP$. OVER -- APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR N.P.RATING H.P.RATING -' CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-NEAT 0-1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 N.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS 1 TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER Ann v - - - i r 6746 DEPARTMENT OF OULLDINt CITY OF AtIANTIO BEACH F77 , . � . PENT IIP'ORMATIQt � -_ .. `.� .... 'LC3CATI0N I) FCIRIATIOET 'Pe�rl`�ai t Number: 67 Address: 11079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: ELECTLtICAL, ATLANTIC` EE,ACH.P FLORIDA 32233 ( ., Class of Work ALTERATION .,_.�_...,� »�_ L.Et3A� �EI3CRIPTION -� j j Constr. Type. NI C3I3 `BSE Lot: Blau,: Section: L'roposec:; to e: 'Ct MMERCIAL/C3THE# Township:` RNO: 0 'IDwe1 1 ings 0 . Codo 0 3ubdivisiow- k "R,g Amsted Value.. $0 .00 Improv. Cost : f 'Intl ;. $25 .00 -$25 .00 �miJ 46��kW c`M e*it' lights aY „ 'IO> -' m � � ?kP#LICATION PIES RIE; PERMIT 2500 A ss' LA [TIC BOULE:A' IMPAC' �r°FRR 5 a 00 : mt � RADON, GA8�1i Rar�rie z � ` PORHATI� ------ RAO OAS - 5 $0.00 EL ICAL COR S -J R�►�E�..�'AP Addie, r1.11 . . T i;l 10A].?. ..,._ SEWER TAP $0.00 AC LLE,, FL 220 ET9R1tL►IC SHARE $9100 I+PPe (3 AR, INSPECT FEE SCI 40 .. BLS RPT `EE 0Atl,0 ; NOTES. NOTICE ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF I83A98 t i CJILpING.MATER1 AL,-RU8$IwH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,PIVD MUST.BE 'CLEARED UP AND,HAULtb A1lIlAY 8Y'E17HER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER a -AILURE.TO COM 1��Tt� TSE MECHANICS' i�tEN LAW CAN RESULT IN PROPL;RTY 'SNE 'PAYINa TWI E JFOA ,8L ING IM"OVEMENTS." ACCORQtfdG TO APPROVED PIANS WHICH AAE PART O THIS,PERMIT arlQ StJ6 T r0'.RE+ CA 4Fi IQt+i t1F A00LICANI.E�'RL1`�ISt�li�t8 OF'LAW. � � 40 OtCE'( PT Y ' ABEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT , ¢" 6745 "i DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH .._ . PERMIT T I NPORKAT I ON -- _ _- ...»-_ 1~►OCl?kT ON I NFORMAT I CSN --------- -r- Permit lber; 5745 Address 2079 -° ATLANTIC Bt?ULEVARI? Permit Type-, MECHANICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233° :CAass of Work: ADDITION � ..__��..� �_�..� LZOAL DEBCRIIITION .. -- Cot Type: MASONR';YjBRICK Litt : Bl ock:: Se�tiorl : Proposed Use: COMMER IAL/OTHER Ir6wnship RNG: 0 Dwel l ings: 0 Cade: Ct subdivision: , »'s.timated Value: EO.L10 Improv. Cost : 0.00 Total s: $2$.40 AM046 $25.00 w r ION, 7r_ ����� �.�., AFF'LCJ 'IOt FEES, IE' PERMIT $2 .00 G Address LARTIC Bt DLE A?~t ? N IMPACT' FEE 00Y $0.00 ,, I FLORIIi14► � �� ,n, g �' i 2 h jait'� , { p " , RADON GAB-,R.R.S. Eta 00 R Ft?RMAT I RADON OAH 5 S $0 .00 Rime• EL ICAL CONT .... .S. IAX 'WATT TAI' t1,00 OAD , SEWER TAP $0.00 'ACK LLE, 'FL 32.205HYDRAUIIC, $HARZ $0.00 Lace se:° 'Type. 0 RE-- NSPIICT.FEE "$4.00 SECIf,n 14PACt FEE S 0 OTHER NO°I'ES"' I NOTICE ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MU&T BE INSPE'CTEO'SEFOIRE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BU#LDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AIVD DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT1 E FLACK[?IN PUBLIC SPACE"AND MUST 8E .CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY'BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER: ` 1=�11LURE 1`D COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAV* CAN RESULT IN 'T PRC?I ERT"Y OWNERNER PAYING TWICE FOR 6011,.�?ING IMPROVEMENTS.'-:. DATE: 45It ,t33 IE S Abcdiivj# Ga TO APPROVED PLAN$ WHICH ARE PART OF TN#S PERMIT;ANI7 R To /QGt #MN FOR I+DN C3F APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. TOTALS.C* f =CEJ 00 3 AT C"BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEipT R: 087387 e CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORID A = APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 193 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CrfY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. C 1 �TYstc NT29c10h S ELECTRICALFIRM: M T;"IU NAME1��� tn7 �IQI ADDRESS:1.D�lCj �5 / An/7/ G ljlJi� RFD—Box �OZ �v,� _ . FD Box 327? BLDG.SIZE Z0 619 BETWEEN: e01RN+F L � L R�� 17 +�.a�i� � r✓� RES. ( ) APT.( ) COMM. V'4- � PUBLIC( ► INDUS.( ► NEW( ! OLD{ ) REW. ( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP.( ► SIGNS ( ► SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW( ) INCREASE( ) REPAIR ( ) FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH _ W VO T RACEWAY _ EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PN W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS / CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES �y CONCEALED S JOPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMP!!. 31.100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT _ FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. Ov[R APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING �- - CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT:—KW-HEAT 0-1 MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. OVER-T VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS l)LAL111oc.%Tlor�s'1� Xi i Ali r TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER 600 V. BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ` �7 ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 J , / , APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL- PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT --- Applicant to complete all items in sections I, II. III. and IV. LOCATION Street Address: 10 _ 5 g OF Intersecting Streets: Between t L� V� +r And 4-_F De t v'rz BUILDING Subdivision N. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the abcve statement we hereby agree to re•fc• said wo•i i- a:.:•as-:e with the attached plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the Ci►y of Jacksonvil'e ordinarces a-a s16-:e•cs of good practice listed therein. Nana of Mechanical /� np lPf_ Contractors Contractor (Print) I't— C,Icc ,z'cn- C.lr^s �j Matter / Name of -01 l p Froperty Owner �iRYA 45 �t A)r,qtr 1 4e-r) Sigm•ture of Owner Signature of w Av*oritoJ Agent Architect or Engineer NI. G NEM INFORMATION A. Type of hooting fool: e• IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING DONE ON (+ Electric THIS BUILDING OR SITE? Q G"—(3 LP ❑ Natural ❑ Central Wily IF YES. GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION Q Oi PERMIT Q 0" — specify IV. MICHANICJIL EQUOMtiiT TO EE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK I►fo rme complete So of components on beck of this fors) C.1 Residential or O Commercial Q Heat Q Spee Q Recessed O Control O floor ❑ New Building Q Air Conditioning: Q Room Q Central ❑ Existing Building Q " Systeme Material Tbfekaetu ❑ Replacement of existing system Ma•inwm capacity ❑ New Installation(No system previously installed) Q Refrigeetiom ❑ Extension or add-on to existin system Q wwol Capacity 9-PAL Otherspecify 11-1- aur l ,vul e, T-o )ctsT� �uc7- .S �1V Q Am sprinklers: Number of be* Q Bwmk r Q htaelift Q Escalate (twmba►) THIS SPACE POR OFFICE USE ONLY Q 6a901ise pumps (twmber) (Reooire�) O Teaks (awmbw) Ramal. Q LPG e.rrt.� (eumbw) o u.Pi W pwnwe Meet - Q Mites ( Fe nnil Approved by Dots — 0 O^W — Specify N c' ►� i T-i Av .D` (c Permit Fee en tx, USr ALL EQU MENT All CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION F.QUWMENT YsIL' Description model Number Manufacbmir jy A�yrO1'y C t k i 8748 I 0EPARTIMENT OF BUIL-DINQ CITYOF ATLANTIC'8EACH PERS I T I KPOR �tAT ON _., _ LOCATION I NFORMAT IOPI Permit 748 Address. 1079 - 5 ATLANTIC BC+EILEVAFtD permit,Type: BUILDING11ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 "lass of Work.- ADDITION IRGAL DESCRIPTION cons tr.. ''Type: MASONRY/SPICK Lot: #3ltsck: Section: -- Pro asad Uae� COMMERCIAL/gTliZR Township: RNC3: Dwellings: 0 Codec 0 11 Subdivision: "Ei t ima tad Value: $10000.10ro Improv. Cost . 1 0.00 Totail 'ea� : 9p 60 Amour t i ' a $90.00 /93 . : Da, E err Oen FALLS ETC FOR MODELING- PEP PLAIiS TION . -- R �' PERM IT" 90 00 add ry ' LAN"TIC BOULEVARD WATEI~t., IMPACT FEE S#3 .0t? I CSX FLO1~;IAAce �,' IM1�AC FEL o � $ � Ph � 40 $ � AD N GASH.'R.S. ` a �,....., t3 FORMATION -.._. ., RAI}4t AAs Name. CONT RS JAX WATER TAPQ4t? Addre s F ice . STAIN IL BA R' TAI,; ." :... .$o 00 JACK LLE, FL 32205 , HYbRAUI.IC .SHARS0 OC► 1, CeTlSe �� Typoll O RE 82c. 1�V INySPECC'I`/y}FEE' na c wear ..+ len„axm' eamax ✓ FEE o e x NOTES: i s NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE I'NSPE+CTSO'BEFQRE POURING i PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER L'3ATE OF ISSUE OVILD4NG MATERIAL;RUBBISH AND'DEBRIS FROM THIS WORD MUST`NOT,SE PLACGED 1N PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER f "FAILURE, Tt"� CO [PLY il1t�TH THE.MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY aW'hIER PIAYING TWICE, OR BUIC�INV{a tM141tEMENTS '' ACCORDINGI3Si1Ep' TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SU''$ CCT TO REIWIW- 1p ()R "Y#CII A�'t�?N"QF-ApPLICpBLa PROVISIONS OF LAW. M.tIG" ; a, AT!}A LEACH BUILDING DEPARTMI`'Nt RECEIPT tWR' %73$$#' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLIICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS DEMOLITIONS Owner(s) Address : 10701 05 0414,, a, hone : 7th! P h e : Se�l- "w/- Lot # Block* or Unit// Contractor : C ��;c c c.�( 6-14"x4 Address : 51!? �eu.�r►q..✓_ K+�...___G,T 1 Phone No . Describe work to be, done:_ /V1 /�S ;z �;yin«.4/ e/r Present use of buildin �' _ C►21E Moo€I-w Slid Valuation of Proposed Construction: 10,&00 c�-D Proposed use: d��2 'Iw l' Is this an addition? If yes , what are the dimensions of the added space: N4- ft . X AJ4- ft , Will the added area be heated and cooled? New electrical (or increase)?-.,UF5 New plumbing fixtures? NO New fireplace?ND New Heat/AC?4 /� SUBMIT THREE COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY , ENERGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: A Y/G11Yt Date: -3 A 73 Signature CONTRACTOR: Date :__ MAY - 5 1993 Nilui lg and,Zoning CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING PERMIT CALCULATION SHEET Address 9- TG 6C T/IC 13 4-V A . Date S- ` `1 Heated Square Footage @ $ per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed @ $ per sq ft = $ l Carport/Porch @ $ per sq ft = $ Deck ��� l� @ $ per sq ft = $ i Patio j @ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL .VALUATION: $ A5 �• v r 104Cr6 $ /f t Total Valuation 1st $ l roo Re aining Value $>: per thousand or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ + 1/2 Filing Fee $ 3 ( ) Fireplaces @ $15.00 $ - o BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ BUILDING PERMIT $ WATER CONNECTION $ SEWER CONNECTION $ WATER METER/TAP $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ ( ) RADON (HRS) .0095 $ ( ) RADON (CAB) .0005 $ SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ HYDRAULIC SHARES _ $ OTHER $ GRAND TOTAL DUE $ }© • c'z) ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES: Mechanical Plumbing Electric/New Electric/Temp ;SwimmingPool Septic Tank Well ; Sign Finish Floor Elevation Survey Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES: FLA 1967 LAW* nAMCO POnN 449 FS 717.17 Aoflrjr of 4P11[►A116 M CU►LICAT41 to Whom it cWtrt m The undersigned hereby informs all concerned that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT`. C Description of property.......................................I..»��1�e hY;.1�..,...... �.��..Tr.................................................................................. ..................................................................»......».»......».......................................................................................................{.................................. ....................................................................................»..............................»....................4............ .................»..........,.1.................................. I »......«.........».....................................................................................................................»......»....»....... .................................. General description of improvements...........'.............t' ........� l'.5,.... L:K:........:1/111.' ::'.t> � V"leek' . . ... ........i^:. ,�, I zt,�, Fv� t+�f It jcfT................ Owner Owner........S.!1-41 ............... 7 ►�t G !'�....... Address....1.Q..` .`i........#..... ..`.?............. ?' ti.c.........lj l��J�........... /�� �......... .... 1r,.�......... »................».f........................................... Owner's interest in site of the improvement............. ....... Fee Simple Title kidder (if other than owner) Name..... ...................L t Addreu... ........... ......... .....` ..............l�'S.!........S.11?+ rE. .......1. ..�.. .T...,..,......... rC,� ti%%��� / ��... TJX'• Contractor......»4:�..�... 'ectr:°rc, �� � .z � .................:......�.......«........... � .....................L................... ..��... ...,.... ..�.. ....1..............,;;,i✓t/r ................. Surety (if any).........�.o�E....................................»................................................................................... ..........»..................C yT3». /l Address........»».......N°.�....... �? ?.� . ...............I►mourtt of bard a....Ne .,.... Name of person within the State of Floridanat be served ed by owner upon whom notices or other doownents may Name........ �� .......»g . ,............»..............:..............:.......: ....................... ....... Address•[22.S.....�.... .........1...A» �'by 1 .....» L........... .........».«»/.......».................................. In addition to himself, owner designates the following / as provided in Section 713.13 (1)�(F), Florida Statutes. (Fill in at Owner's pt, of the Lienor's Notice TN14 erACR Fol1 _..�... _..n... ./�r ..... �j RiCO110trR'e Ue[ ONLY I ^' r r VOL Eiw ►� i0 EXHIBIT "A" A part of the Castro X. Ferrar Grant, Section 38, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Atlantic Beach, Florida, more particularly described as : For a point of reference commence at the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of Mayport Road with the Northerly right-of-way line of Atlantic Boulevard; thence run North 89019135" East along said Northerly right-of-way line of Atlantic Boulevard a distance of 880 feet to an iron pipe for the Point of Beginning;' thence run North 704125" West 200 feet to an iron pipe; thence run North 89019135" East 200 feet to an iron pipe; thence run South 7.4125" East 200 feet; thence run South 89.19135 ' West 200 feet to the Point of Beginning. DATE: PRE-SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTIONS) HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORY: 07 9 ------ ------------------------------------------------- ------ .------------------------------------------------- ------ ----------------------------------- ------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. A SINCERELY, BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc:FILE 1 1 PSi1.8E�# REPARTMENT QF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC,3EACH L LCAT I ON I NFOR:MAT I ON ,. Permit i x�aer." Weeks« 10?�3. ATLANTIC BOULEVARD #5 hermit: ' yP I LUi 2I O ATLANT I C BEACH, �`Ir,OR 1r I3A 32233 la ..'Coned. r' Type: iold! Propos+ + U : C10TU� � Itt�eangs: : B Skl ,xlr� sATLANTIC BEACHLie i i:00 Iz pr'ov° C s .I10 Tgtal ee s, Amcr�iat •bd.. .00 A 'PLICATION PIES R �� � ' PGNI' S,2x.00 lid ", IC SOUL YARt3 I AT19R 1104CT FEIN C . `LORIR 3 S, F FRH S P � NA 2. "box GAS ;H.R. 3 Q.00 -_--«.-- ',ftA N' CABS 5� � SI?. 0 14 woe &ST FL INC ILR CAPITAL INPROVZ� A,ddres*; „ , '� , �� „ � a , • ', ,. QAC II,LE NRI CR x; 'FL 322 CI 05i C NNAICTI4I t :00 Li�e # » CIS G , ' '�`P .. i SSC, H I.Id�'ACT FBH "CONST.SURC ARGE SBS 00 NOTES:, NOTICE-=ALL,CONCRETE FORMS AND ft'?COGS MUtI T,96.1 ORE POURING PERIiT1�pIQ SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND WE&RIS FROM THIS WORK MUST`NOT RE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED Up'AND HAULEDAWAY BY ±CC)NTRACTQR tJR OWNER "`Fl�►ILURE T ► t P '' l ",H THE I C�iA ' LLEI , �.4V f l#N .RESULT-IN 'HE 'R ER 'Y �' .# ;�1'�IN TWIC FORTH � �,C��1 l�lt�' t MENTS" r ; I UE©ACG©RDiNG TO,APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART C��THIS",PERM{T ANi3 SUBJECT TO REVt>CATi,QN"FOR I04,ATIt3N O APPLICABLE PRir}VISIC3NS OF LAW. I ATLANTI BEACH BUILDING,DEPART EN �`t>t�E1I1�t10 ' fs?�.ti0 14 611bf9 01 korO 449 CITYO F ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA-� -- Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL, PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:-- 19-�s IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. � G G ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTER E RICIAN SIGNATURE JOURNEYMAN Cdie�4L�� 6�yl&RESS: 107 y� 4"za� IFD BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.( ) APT. ( 1 COMM. PUBLIC ( 1 INDUS. 1 1 NEW ( ! OLD (X REW. ( i ADDITION ( ) TRAILER ( 1 TEMP.1 ! SIGNS 1 ) SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW( 1 INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( ) FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ( I ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE 167b AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES _ CONCEALED v OPEN TOTAL 0.80 AMPS. r_1-100) AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. _ FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P. RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0-1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION:_/0-)q, 'Rte ',t ?)Iy� # 5- OWNER OF PROPERTY:.. &AytQ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR //�� AlCONTRACTOR' S ADDRESS: h1i'oACCJCS� �Ur-w�'j 2 q*�p � fix\ 'B16, Fiia. Da s-p �—` STATE LICENSE NUMBER: CF _o 320"0 0 TELEPHONE: 2 ' � S`"_ HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS SHOWERS LAVATORY WATER HEATERS BATH TUBS DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS CLOSETS WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER PANS OTHER TOTAL FIXTURES•_____ x $3 . 50 + $15 . 00 MINIMUM PERMIT FEE - $25 . 00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR: ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - ( 904) 247-5826 SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED INTO PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING UP - ( 904) 247-5834 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORID Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: /'�7 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. Aw i Gocc Glb . ELECTRICAL FIRM: MA f R ELECTRICIAN SI TURE p NAME 1 ' /Sl�/'� paae S / ADDRESS:�Q�� TC G'l� G��lil � RFD BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.( 1 APT. ( ) COMM. (It-' PUBLIC ( ) INDUS. ( 1 NEW ( ! OLD (- ' REW. ( ) ADDITION ( ) TRAILER 1 ► TEMP. ( 1 SIGNS ( 1 SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW( 1 INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( ) FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ( 1 ALUM. ( ) SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE 0 d AMPS 1 PH A W VOLT OC LG RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.80 AMPS, 31•100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS, OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P. RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0-1 OVER MOTORS H.P. I VOLTAGE PHS NO, 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS G AK 7 r p1 1�"�iFEwrcx�Sul N'nC.0 �f Pj 10W * t 4i4ix�s Ad ' * � 1t � nmitw Iw . Q MIC fit' 'S rr�..w . Q: L: A ► �R,C PT ISN- --------- f- __- ' Tt1GPoeU : dar tr l ingot C d s Sub 3t►�a ca a t. ►t' d bt u a` *fir 0 'fcat X32.tiQ six AU1 Y ' A p' f,'A T1,04 )FEES " i- !IQqEJPT X3,2,0 ootiLs FES ' WASAE .00 r M /y1y(,y��j y` too 00 0.00 Type 777-7777 vr w N+�roc re I c #Ap»r-oonmas M � ,spr cT l®gl is POU Wa PEI �a1lTifdiD,SIX MONTHS AFTER# ATEG3F ISSN BU',IL"31NG MATERIAL,RU881,S1i AN©D.-PR1S.)=i OM THIS WORk M>i T 14ir~dT`s PIA�4t�` N PU19 Id SPA6f.' �MUST BE G AWPEV FANO HA,UlEC3 AWA^Y BY.E THER GC3NTRACTQFi OR� R � ►l .RE ' + LY 'N'' ` MECh# ► 5�'1.lEN tW>CAM RIrLT �1 E �.' .1E� lNlE �; - 11`Qr�.a, 1S$UEtJ At3R/yEy��lhlpy�l7y{Q { ®/4y?lj�1tAfil (VNH�tjCN ARE DART Cf1=. # PI�RMIT AN ECT.T Fi i£? !,FCS M/' LATJoab#,,A . 4Tk/l�,%YL:r T�Fl ' fes. y}( /�{�s gip. s <, ,.i :J .' <� . ♦. ATIANTf BEACH $ L01NG'� PARThA NT' u <a 3 # �'k.n`j.�,�ruP%r;u,u ,.'ba_�as,t'.xit...r _, i ... ..� .i.✓NS.LL .&d�"i����G4f`. t - .u�..x.uf 3aL,u"z.. v..zct�rY... rF�..k.� � � �_. J:a,...,1..,._ _ -,. _.:v-,i.3.4dei`,st� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION 1 Q 7 rt o-,"rn c w - PLUMBING CONTRACTOR G • 'L u.M,�, .�G _ LICENSE NUMBERS G r=c (32�2 SU 3 OWNER if, lv)O-rCo BUILDING CONTRACTOR TYPE OF BUILDING_M m ac ja L :Z SINKS =HOWE" • LAVATORY I WATER HEATERS BATH TUBS DISHWASHERS URINALS _DISPOSALS _CLOSETS w /WASHING MACHINE / L�vN a s r,J FLOOR DRAINS � OTHER_ S TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT 3a. INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMING CODE. i 4640 pERARtHIEWT OF BU Lt�11 C� CITYQF'ATLANTIC,"BEACH >�.00A 'TON' N 'CtR 4ATION- -�_ - ...., Add, , t17' �t' L�ATTC ULEVAD�Oale ATLA TIC SEACHr FLORIDA 32233 ► . tN�r : . .... ..»�� �Ad� aI 3 PTIOR n mtr. Typo s Njjt)o" FASB . La � R�caek: ��t�ti�►n t was l ATL'STORE ��`�`�+�►����p � : l�N�;3 Arrl1 inR> Q * Subd w se� ar�s ` � dMi Park -1l2 ,fit tr!'ood aivt*, tR, n A ON . .� .. ATIO I Tt : 11IOULEVARD, 08 ATX o Add " Y " d, 141 s N' Phi $$.Ott it mwffAtl 0.00 N s t3 # R' WATER TA . 1f1y1y `t`AP V j.}�.y� 0.OA' JtYD yp fl i' 11L .SEC. N T HIRACT FEE"lo , m NOTES: Nnt1GE-- AkLC�R�+ICET i* MSrANt?Fi3QTlNGS IYfN$RCFt?,:BR P !#lf�iNG PEFtMIT VOID 8tX MONTHS AFTERrbAT OF ISSLME, f BUILDING MATEft1AL,RU lBtSt#Aht ?C� BR S ROM THIS WOR4 MUST,NOS'BE�PLACEC��N.PU$LtC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED l)P ANfl-HAULED AWAY BY EITHER`CONTRACTOR OR 6W#�#`R., b s 'H THE ME H 1 N I�►N E; ULT IN oA'y1 Nra" 1 +G OU G. l !` t? 'E N Ts t SUEC3 ACCORDINGTO AFPi�{?UED3 PL,AN ARE PART Oft,TkIs PERMIT A0,b SECT"TtO RE1l t7 EbN FQR 4 1 AFIi V,C F:AP INCA 3LE PR titt Vit) ISOt=LAW, ATLANTIC BSACH'I3UILfljtVG DEPARTMENT fi Py �, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME• J� 5 ADDRESS: k� yd' PHONE: TYPE OF SIGN: (,.g � t:6 ,Aft , SIZE: PROPOSED LOCATION: P(Jr1-<� J�''I- `C I t C, 04 U a WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Z::�/ Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinance City of Alan c Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE•, OWNER SIGNATURE: LDate: D p;p AR�S1C BEACH D� ` DEC - 31991 bi Building and Zoning CITY OF 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.O.BOX 26 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 liii�illoll TELEPHONE(904)246.2396 DATE:_ Of�---- PRE-SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC: AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTIONS) HAVE BEEN ,MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORY: 1 ' 14�lzlz - ------ ____------- Id 7 SINCERELY, 4BDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc:FILE 5322 DEPARTMENT OF BUiLt!#NG CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT INFORMATION - --_ LOCATION INFORMATION ----- PERMIT _ # _ .»� 'Permit Mtasbear s ► Addrese s 3.079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD 2 Permit Types t BILIN ATLANTIC .BEACH, FLOIRII A '3223 � �._ Class of We rk: NEW --------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION Constr.` Type a WOOD FRAME Lot: Block: Section c Proposed U60: RETAIL STORE Township. RN#I r Dwellings t Q Coder Ct Subrdivision a Estimated Valu *0-.00 Improv, Co *0. 00 To $113.00 Asian 01a.00 R � � APPLICATION FEES � NATION THUMBPERMIT *18.00 NA IMPAC FEE BCI.©0 Addi-ems TIC B£IUL VARI P F E CHr FLORI RADON'OAS-H. R.;S. $0.00 . . T0 I!�FORMATION - RhDON GAS 5% x. 00 + ATER . `AP.: Name z Rt P Y OWNER �� ��7.OC SEWER TAP HYDRAULIC SHARE $0. 00 .i '�' Type: , RE-INSPECT FEE W„�� �S00 SEC. H'IMPACT FE S0. NOTES: f NOTICE--ALL CONCRETE'FORIYISr AND FOOTINGS IL UST SE'INSPECTEO BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE,0F ISSUE ` BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE;AND MUST 8E CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY I Y EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIENh 4W CAN RESULT 1N THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOA OUILDINd IMPROVEMENTS.” TIME. %.*35 Pit LL IED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUSJREVOCAT'! � ATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. I 77771 T'ICER« 05M ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING,DEPARTMENT a By: J � CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH i APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: F-1v r Gr ce -(I, ADDRESS: I , ti-- , , Cwt l� +, L;I d PHONE: -1 f r P! 4 9' i TYPE OF SIGN: Sa,_ <<r�.e-J SIZE: _S ? -�t' PROPOSED LOCATION: WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT?_ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Signs over fifty Y (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings • from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (3 ) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressue of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. 'Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be suppdrted by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: �j 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the' sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plansd specif- icatiohs, and the construction and/or attachm�t to the building or in the ground. 3. Other 'nformation as may be required under Sec . 17-2(b) , Code o Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT IGNATURE: .��_ ( Date: f r OWNER SIGN TUBE: Date: l i APPRQVED CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Ila , PLANNING & ZONING OFFICE r 1 t' 1992 MAY - 11992 uiiding and Zoning CJREENeTHUN/ffl,INC. emjbk4n tcrnd training Florida Program P.O. Box 51428 •Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240-1428 (904)241-8188 • FAX: (904) 241-8523 s Sign is 58" wide x 36" deep. Will be placed on frame type holder at outer edge of parking lot, well in from sidewalk. Sign extends upward/ visible to west bound traffic on Atlantic Blvd. Stri mall is located at 1079 Atlantic Blvd. , south ide of boulevard. Sign is constructed to hold a sign for each occupant of mall. National Office: 2000 North 14th Street•Suite 800•Arlington,VA 22201 •(703)522-7272•FAX:(703)522-0141 Sponsored by the National Farmers Union Since 1965 001627 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC EEACH PEI - LOCA ' fi N NFC 'NA'` tN F? ►ar�ti t Ilaarbb r s +, +�ddr*00t, 10*79 ATLA4NTIC BQt1t.EVARl�3� . __Por l t "' MECIfAN1 AL. �ATLANTI+C BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 CL' a�a + Wrarlt NSW LEGAL. DESCRIPTION 16n, tv. TyPea N/A oto , Block i Section: Part ccaa I;' E1sgp y FtETATL STIMIRV Plot Booki PAg0 Uw 2 3" raR s fl CoI O ubdiv.iaiori s cwAt ca y terror o f Ie ti ated Valuva *0.04 OWNER TNFORNAt1GN --__-.�,, --- rwprpv. Coat0 .Qt3 Homo i Mi 'RG Total Fest $92.014 Addarommi 10179 ATt;ARTLC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32SWO phonef � r 140 1 W16 � r , as araaa IIs SA z' 4 Iill} NAII FIIAI� *92 F*FI. CAT1CtN FEES >. . .�. I #, . � , . 00 Iwi ,TIS - 1WPA►CT FEE SEWER 1 'AC' " Fes: !„ g �� sm y 9r A"I` or ART r o r PP RADON CAB S% #£I. C)U WATER_ TAF sb�O,OO EWER TAP 00.00 �. . aEH"�QRA$ IC...SNAG' O.4C � � RE,w.TNSPECT pet *C4a 0 " ENGINVER11IG $0. 00 OTHER fid) 0k 4, NOTES, NOTICE--ALL CONCRETE FoAms AND FOOTINGS MUST BE"INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER-DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED WP AND'HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. " "'FAIL 'LURE "f' CIQM'PLY+f,,W1TH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN 'RESULT IN T149 PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FORBUILDING IMPROVEMENTS:" iSBU£O ACCORDING TO APPROVED, PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE-<PRQVISIONS 4F LAW, ATLANTi BEAC,. t ING DEPARTMENT , 1 71t � , s a P BUILDING AND .ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 92293 APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER IMPORTANT— Applicant to complete II items in sections I, II, III, and IV. LOCATION Street Address: OF Intersecting Streets: Between And BUILDING Sub-division II. IDENTIFICATION To be completed by all applicants In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the cbcve statement we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached"plans and specifications which are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good..practice listed therein. Name of Mechanical Contractors f Contractor (Print) Mester -94 ILL Name of :Property Owner d L! Z. L -355 Signotun of Owns Signature of or AulllorInd Agan Architect or Engineer fit. GENERAL INFORMATION A, Type of ting foal: B. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING 00 E ON Eksetlic THIS BUILDING OR SITE? Q ❑ liras—Q LP ❑ Natural ❑ Control Utility IF YES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION O OE PERMIT O Other - Specify IV. MICHANC&EQUIPMiNT TO SE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK 5 (Provide complete list of compommts on back of this form) ❑ Resldenxial or commercial lb/Meat ❑ Space O Recused C�-6nhnl O Floor LL—New Building CL,Iktr Conditioning ❑ -Room (D—Cintra) ' ❑ Existing Building , ! 0'6uct System: Material Thick ❑ Replacement of existing system ,t Masimum capacity J[:I W installation(No system previously Installed) ❑ Refrigeration ❑ Extension or add-on to existing system ❑ Other — Specify Q Cooling lower: Capacity Q fins sprinklers: Number of heads Q Ellwaikw ❑ Monlift .❑- Escalator (number) THIS SPACE MOR OFFICE USE ONLY ❑,;Gasoline pumps (number) (Raeaiwdl Q.: To. (number) Remarks la 4P6 confoinera_ (number) CI Uefirod prawns ve" Q Permit Approved by Daft Q Other Specify Permit G.. LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT cavaelty /►Aim Nuatbar Vnits Description Model Number Manufacturer (TO=)) I-1 %-4— A, .we ery� ` a FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTION S BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH •'"..' FORM 500-8 6 AMMWMAW By TM 04PMWMW OF COI AFwuAs STATISTICS:RESIDENTIAL AND NO PCT NAME: BUILDINGS E s.Stt1.1 ROJE •, ZONE: AODRESSr BlTl4 DIN ai.CLASSIFICA S: - CITY ZIP CODE:BWLAER PERIYliT NO.: OMR: _ PERMCfTM, 0FFWEr JUR lCTION No.: BU NG #NFOR ATION COMPONENT U-VALUE NET AREA 00100 (S`qoars Fset Concrete Block Structure(CBS) U=--* 7 C Wood fr U= —�- Other Intek I1tf�� } `br �ui l-t U. Other l a U- under Attic Cavity U= Single Assembly U, U Other U= Total Conditioned Floor Area !o k !)[ Concrete Over Unconditioned Space U= Wood Over Unconditioned Space U= Slab on Grade L4 qt p Clear Single Glaze Clear Double Glaze U= Tint Single Glaze Us Tint Double Glaze U= Skylights U= Other U= Wood U= Metal U 2�pa �cr Insulated U= Other U= Total Lighting Wattage �� b C Total Conditioned Floor = Area(sq.ft.) ... 10 c6y 0 WWWsq.ft. Lighting Budget Maximum , Sr- Wa! sq.ft. SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONER EFFICIENCY (EER )or(SEER ^)or(COP ) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE STRIP❑ HEAT PUMf (K GAS❑ OIL[ SOLAR[] HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COPA or EFFICIENCY= 90 (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTEM TYPE ELECTRIC HEAT RECOVERY Q GAS© OIL❑ SOLAR❑ L+o wall AllowableUQ yyan Actual , If complying under the provisions of S. 502.1, enter the combined U'. Uo roof/ceiling Allowable ' } Uo!Qd ceiling Actual: •C��l� values for the entire envelope in this section. ° Ua floor Allowable N} Uo fk5or,Actual__V_4.13Uo envelope Ailotiv"—NSA_U.envelope Actualy_ OTTV wall Allowable OTTV wall ActualO OT,);io►roof/ceTr►gitowat OTTV Mof/osifing actual In aocorderm with $011on_553.8[7 fr S., + hereby csrtlty.that the ars and Review of r4 I and specificatione a by this Calculationirxticate specifis oo�rered corn- b cetirulaitbn ►in wf#r ftE Pilance with the Florida Er►ergy Code, Before pprNebtioe is corn~, this hWldfe"be Inspected for o�n in with Boom 553.go8 Ea. OWNERIAGEN7 *" BUILDING OFFICIAL 4ATE: ' DALE: r. PERMIT NO. — CHECKED by e s SECTION 5 WORKSHEET FOR ENERGY CALCULATIONS BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM 500-86 State of Florida Energy Code 1. GROSS WALL AREAS sq.ft. A) WALL TYPE: j�'}� TN��^c.IG 1'� tt,n L1 sq.ft. B) WALL TYPE: '' _ _ sq.ft. C)WALL TYPE: sq.ft. D) WALL TYPE: TOTAL GROSS WALL AREA sq.ft. 2. GLASS AREAS(Includes areas of windows,sliding glass doors,glass entrance doors) GLASS TYPE AND AREA BY ORIENTATION SINGLE DOUBLE OR CLEAR TINT SHADING CLEAR TINT SHADING (sq.ft.) (sq.ft.) COEFFICIENT (sq.ft.) (sq.ft.) COEFFICIENT N NE E SE S— SW W NW TOTAL .ft. TOTAL GLASS 3. DOORS(EXCLUDING GLASS DOORS) Door area in exterior building envelope ............... ...................................................= C)(A sq.ft. Interior door area separating A/C from non A/C spaces ......................................................= 10 sq.ft. TOTAL OPAQUE DOOR AREA= Sq.ft. 4. NET OPAQUE WALL AREAS WALL TYPE GROSS WALL GLASS AREA DOOR AREA NET OPAQUE (sq.ft.) – (sq.ft.) – (sq.ft.) = WALL AREA (sq.ft.) A. U B 11 AlZn C. D. 5. ROOF/CEILING AREA ROOF/CEILING TYPE AREA TOTAL GROSS ROOF/CEILING AREA DO SKYLIGHT(SHADING COEFFICENT TOTAL NET ROOF/CEILING AREA 1,0 q701 sq.ft. 6. AIR FILMS(LIST AIR FILMS IF USED TO DETERMINE Uo VALUES) COMPONENT R-Value Outside Air Film Inside Air Flim Wall Ceiling Floor FLORIDAENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (9FOSECTION 5+BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH RM500-8 6 ADMWI FRED er TSE DBMYMFW of COMMUWrY MFAtRs PROJECT.NAME STATISTICS:11 R EIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (SEES.W.1 ADDRESS: BUtLQiNG C FICATIO S; CITY ZIP CODE: Bt11LDDKi PERMIT NO BUILDER: OWNER: PERMITTING OFFICE: J2P_J.0ICMN NO. BtJItDiNG INFORMATION COMPONENT U-VALUE NET AREA ��) ( e twt) Concrete Black Structure(CBS) U= ` , '} I uar r Wood frame 3 Other U__ Other U=---+ 1 1 a 90 U= Under Attic cavity Single Assembly U__ U=— , !v 8ocy Other U= Total Conditioned Floor Area Concrete Over Unconditioned Space, U= Wood Over Unconditioned Space U= Slab on Grade - 4 S'(� Clear Single Glaze U= 1 . ( _ g Clear Double Glaze U Tint Single Glaze U= Tint Double Glaze U= Skylights U= Other U= Wood Metal U / Insulated U -----�� LO Other U- U= Total Lighting Wattage ... e31 Total Conditioned Floor _ Area(sq.ft.) .. .. .. Watts/sq.ft. Lighting Budget Maximum Watts/sq.ft: SYSTEMS INFORM TION AIR CONDITIONER EFFICIENCY (EER )or(SEER or(COP ) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE STRIP p HEAT PUMP(-,I GAS Q OIL Q SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COP or EFFICIENCY % (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTEM TYPE ELECTRIC U1 HEAT RECOVERY Q GAS p OIL Q SOLAR p Uo well Allowable `) Uo wall Actual `, If complying Lir ft Uo roof/ceiling Allowable • � "'-U.roof/ceiling Actu I . E1 S Provisions of S. 502.1, enter the combined Uo values for the entire.envelope in this:section. Uo floor Allowable Uo floor Actual Un envelope Allowable—U enve o Tope ActuBt_Q[ _ OTTV wall Allowable '7 -$ OTTV wail Actual I rooflG�lirrg ANpyvaWe OTTV roaflceiling,Actual—0,O. r2 to ecoordanos with Seu#Ion'553:907 S„ I hereby cergfy that ft pians and Review of ft pians atxt s�CWMW by this calculation a com epedNcations arvered by EIYs calculation are in with the E ptiance with the FloridaE Code. nergy Code. Before construction is compieted, this f bWkl tV will be kopectsd fir oo lance i with S20M 553!908 E.S. OWNER/AGENT: E.B. BUILDING OFFIOC AL: DATE: DATE: •' r F PERMIT NO. — CHECKED by SECTION 5 WORKSHEET FOR ENERGY CALCULATIONS BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM SM86 State of Florida Energy Code 1. GROSS WALL AREAS '�p sq.ft. A) WALL TYPE: D �1 SAY... _--i Aral O sq.ft. B) WALL TYPE: sq. C) WALL TYPE: _ sq.ft. D) WALL TYPE: TOTAL GROSS WALL AREA= S� (0-b1---sq.ft. 2. GLASS AREAS(Includes areas of windows,sliding glass doors,glass entrance doors) GLASS TYPE AND AREA BY ORIENTATION SINGLE DOUBLE OR CLEAR TINT SHADING CLEAR TINT SHADING COEFFICIENT (sq.ft.) (sq.ft.) COEFFICIENT N NE E SE S SW W NW ft. TOTAL TOTAL GLASS. 3. DOORS(EXCLUDING GLASS DOORS) Door area in exterior building envelope .......................................................... _ —sq.ft. interior door area separating A/C from non AIC spaces ...................................................... _ ft TOTAL OPAOUE DOOR AREA- X796 sq.ft 4. NET OPAQUE WALL AREAS WALL TYPE GROSS WALL GLASS AREA DOOR AREA NET OPAQUE (sq.ft.) – (sq.ft.) – (sq.ft.) = WALL AREA (sq.ft.) B. C. D. S. ROOF/CEILING AREA ROOF/CEILING TYPE AREA TOTAL GROSS ROOF/CEILING AREA • SKYLIGHT(SHADING COEFFICENT= ) sq ft. TOTAL NET ROOF/CEILING AREA= ) O C D ft 6. AIR FILMS(LIST AIR FILMS IF USED TO DETERMINE Uo VALUES) COMPONENT R-Value Outside Air Film Inside Air Film Wail , Ceiling Floor AGENDA ITEM#8A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECEMBER 14,2009 800 SEMINOLE ROAD,ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 LOCAL BUSINESS TAX APPLICATION Section 1 APPLICATION FOR ❑New Business []Transfer Ownershi Transfer New Location:Previous location At BUSINESS NAME 1 16'1 I Gi C atAt/a,'t I_A 7%cRo X r C LOCATIONADDRESS �"7Q SS?Z7 ="_ Af, {>,ECN MAILING ADDRESS `L7 lq fi i W\rr,+I- P-12Y' ��T�`t7�NC� ��� (-JCx7t BUSINESS PHONE g "7- 660Y e� �`�°` 13 2llt� CELLCEjo ) S-a-q- 62kel NATURE OF THE BUSINESS (Please Be Specific) AVT- (_� C�Y�'y1� T,gS11_rti1, _k,e0 P_ 9E_TATL+ 1 -- 1 T110 Sne] 3 - ` 0—C_ING , Sc31�a1� 6�$- sJ�`G t''' ��ti -'��1L9��r-3� SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUSINESS PREMISES , j 1703 =Ct ®� tN'G' (Include both buildings and outside areas used in conjunction with the business,but not patron parking areas) NUMBER&TYPE OF VENDING MACHINES(if any) 4&0'PA IMA Ea Z IAF. �*�*��*��:kik*k�k****kk*k*�**�*�**#�*k*:k*:k***k***#**�*#**:k*�:k�k****�*�***:kik*k**#*�*X%*k**k#*=kk=kk*=k+:r•=k�:+1: Section 2 APPLICANT/LOCAL MANAGER/PRINCIPAL OFFICER oi` Noui gl oky HOME ADDRESS 2�7 �'i njVC.`3CC'-V7 Lel L�At�I' h1C�- ' f� Cw�_57_ 1-411 (1 )al) HOME PHONE_91011 2 11 13� SS#or Fed Employer ID# ' DATE OF BIRTH ?.,- - DRIVER'S LICENSE# N2,(O-�J SS I- b3- q S`T_ o (Attach copy) STATE LICENSE/CERTIFICATION/REGISTRATyION#(if applicable,attach copy) `.�.j Age r.,. A NG.-_70 NlCLj Section 3 I,the undersigned,swear that the above statements are true and correct and I agree to notify the City Clerk if there is any change in the above information. I further understand that issuance of a Local Business Tax Receipt by the City Clerk in no way relieves me of the responsibility of compliance wits/all provisions of the Code of Ordinances pertaining to conducting a business in the City of Atlantic Beach. 0 Signature Title PRINT NAME Date No person;firm or corporation shall engage in or manage any trade,business,profession,or occupation in Atlantic Beach without first obtaining a Local Business Tax Receipt.Application and/or payment does not constitute approval or issuance of a receipt. Section 4(For Office Use Only) $25.00-Zoning Fee Paid on /0-Q x-05 $75.00-Building Fee Paid on Business Tax Receipt# ❑FULL YR ❑HALF YR Business Tax Amount $ Code#&Classification ❑Fictitious Name Reg. ❑Corporation Reg. ❑State Reg/Cert/Lic# ❑Health Cert# OTHER Requires Commission Approval ❑Yes ❑No Approved/denied by Commission on ZONING APPROVED BY—fid �0 /O�a',/p� DATE BUILDING DEPT APPROVED BY DATE FIRE DEPT APPROVED BY DATE -_ITY CLERK APPROVED BY DATE �ast Business Use: `�ET(� 1 L Last Business Name: AGENDA ITEM#8A DECEMBER 14,2009 S 7 se 0 e y I 1079 Atlantic Boulevard atCGwa•t�c Hwa' <r Feet 0 125 250 500 N 1079 Atlantic Blvd wIV t Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Is City of Atlantic Beach Geographical Information System Community Development ( GIS 800 Sembwk Road P:904.247.5800 o r AttanticBeach,FL 32233 F:904.247.SMS www.coab.us <•a;tt� 1079Atlantic. Created by ABGIS,29 Oct 2009. Sources.ABGIS(2009),-COJPAO(2008) AGENDA ITEM#8B NOVEMBER 23,2009 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Request from Winston Newgard to provide tattoo and body piercing services at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 4 SUBMITTED BY: Donna L. Bartle, CMC oaf City Clerk DATE: November 2,2009 BACKGROUND: This request seeks approval to open a tattoo & piercing business in conjunction with a retail store for selling modern art. The space was formerly occupied by a garage door service business. The Zoning Department has interpreted that tattoo parlors, where the only business activity is tattoo or body piercing services, is not a Permitted Use within the Commercial General District, but that such services in conjunction with or ancillary to a Permitted Use, such as within a retail establishment or a salon is consistent with permitted CG uses, subject to proper licensing and approval by the City Commission per Section 20-59 of the City Code, which establishes a licensing fee of $231.52 for body piercing/tattoo artist and requires City Commission approval. �«ss Southern Glass Originals- BUDGET: No budget issues. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a motion to approve a request from Winston Newgard to provide tattoo and piercing services in conjunction with a retail art shop at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 4, subject to proper state licensing for such services and approvals from the building inspector, fire inspector and city clerk. ATTACHMENTS: Local Business Tax Application Map of Location REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: November 23,2009 regular meeting AGENDA ITEM#8B �� �"-'•"` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH NOVEMBER 23,2009 800 SEMINOLE ROAD,ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 LOCAL BUSINESS TAX APPLICATION Section 1 APPLICATION FOR nNew Business ❑Transfer Ownership�iTransferNew Location:Previous location— Uy `• BUSINESS NAME N f�i'i�t5 CC v.��,j �c� _ J A-K t=C LOCATION ADDRESS -] SST-�:- - MAILING ADDRESS ''Z$Ci 1 � -�� --=P;e SAN PTNRA Gi � t BUSINESS PHONE t~ 7_ 6 rb CELL qc NATURE OF THE BUSINESS(Please Be Specific) — - f T A LC—RY' P �21�1��I T 4- .4+1J IyL,.9 K�c lr�� F TAF L i P-JRr:C.:C" G .sem - Edd P I��t.�t �� 3� � SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUSINESS PREMISES _�X (Include both buildings and outside areas used in conjunction with the business,but not patron parking areas) nial7��x.NG NUMBER&TYPE OF VENDING MACHINES(if any) SD p Section 2 *„ APPLICANT/LOCAL MANAGER/PRINCIPAL OFFICER HOME ADDRESS�� �� V F Li)s[P 0 HOME PHONEqbt/ SS#or Fed Employer ID# DATE OF BIRTH -- - — i DRIVER'S LICENSE# STATE LICENSE/CERTIFICATIUN/REGISTRATION#(if applicable,attach copy) (Attach copy} *#* ** (O111C Section 3 I,the undersigned,swear that the above statements are true and correct and I agree to notify the City Clerk if there is any change in the above information. I further understand that issuance of a Local Business Tax Receipt by the City Clerk in no way relieves me of the responsibility of c/omp�lianee wit all provisions of the Code of Ordinances pertaining to conducting a business in the City of Atlantic Beach. t/�' A L.s -J otjNL 12 Signature _ R Title Date No person,firm or corporation shall engage in or manage any trade,business,profession,or occupation in Atlantic Beach without first obtaining a Local Business Tax Receipt Application and/or payment does not constitute approval or issuance of a receipt. Section 4(For Office Use Onlvl $25.00-Zoning Fee Paid on /0-o?71-05 $75.00-Building Fee Paid on Business'Fax Receipt# ❑FULL YR ❑HALF YR Business Tax Amount $ Code#&Classification F1 Fictitious Name Reg. ❑Corporation Reg. EJ State Keg/Cert/Lic# El Health Cert# OTHER Requires Commission Approval ❑Yes (JNo Approved/denied by Commission on ZONING APPROVED BXSpZnt f'o BUILDING DEPT APPROVED BY DATE I —------- !- - VIRE DEPT APPROVED BY —__._DATE �ITY CLERK APPROVED BY DATE -- - DATE -ast Business Use: &M14 __ Last Business Name: AGENDA ITEM#8B NOVEMBER 23,2009 i S L7 n f� 1 LLL Ger � n .S�N✓ � Q� Sy 1079 Atlantic Boulevard at�av�tac �iVi� `� Feet 0 125 250 500 N 1079 Atlantic Blvd wt Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 S City of Atlantic Beach Geographical Information System Community Development I GIS 800 Seminole Road P:904.247.5800 Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 F:904.247.5845 www.coeb.us n;- 1079Atlantic. Created by ABGIS,29 Oct 2009. Sourms.•ABGIS(2009),•COJPAO(2008) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD j ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 will Application Number . . . . . 09-00000969 Date 7/09/09 Property Address . . . . . . 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD Application type description RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc CATV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ MOTRO, E. COMCAST COMMUNICATIONS 1301 S . 1ST STREET 5934 RICHARD ST APT. 204 JACKSONVILLE FL 32216 JAX FL 3225 (904) 380-6423 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . DRIVEWAY PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . 7/09/09 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 1/06/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments Full restoration of right-of-way, including sod, is required. FDOT permit is required for work in Atlantic Blvd. right-of-way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due --------------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. HP OfficeJet 7410 Log for Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Information SystemsCITY O 904-247-5845 Jul 09 2009 1:59PM Last Transaction Date Time Type Identification Duration Panes Result Jul 9 1:59PM Fax Sent 95517054 0:40 2 OK CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CONSTRUCTION PERMIT WITHIN CITY RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASEMENTS i� 800 Seminole Road 904-247-5800 w Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Fax 904-247-5845 Date 07/01/2009 Permit# ,ivu muuless 4w*A1I 4,;nAvd issues MY M%1 r1C l,1 I r Perm itee: COM CAST Telephone #904-280-6420 _ Permittee Address: 5934 Richard St, Jacksonville, FL 32216--------------------------- Requesting Permission to Construct: 222' Underground CATV facilities ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: (Reference to Cross-Street) 1079 Atlantic Blvd near Atlantic Ct ------------ I Applicant declares that prior to filing this application he has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerial and underground and the accurate locations are shown on the sketches. A Letter of Notification was mailed to the following Utilities/Municipalities: Jacksonville Electric Authority Yes(X No ( ) Date: 7/1 /AQ Bell South Telephone Company Yes(X No ( ) Date: 7/1/09 Ferrell Gas Yes( No ( ) Date: ----------------- Com cast Yes( No ( ) Date: ----------------- 2. Whenever necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe and efficient operation, alteration or relocation of all, or any portion of said street or easement as determined by the Director of Public Works,any or all of said poles, wires, pipes, cables or other facilities and appurtenances authorized hereunder, shall be immediately removed from said street or easement or reset or relocated hereon as required by the Director of Public Works, and at the expense of the Permittee unless reimbursement is authorized. 3. All work shall meet City of Atlantic Beach or Florida Department of Transportation Standards and be performed under the supervision of Gary Voisin(Contractor's Project Superintendent) located at 5934 Richard St,Jax, FL 32216 Telephone#:904-380-6420 4. All materials and equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Works or his designee. 5. All city property shall be restored to its original condition as far as practical, in keeping with city specifications and the manner satisfactory to the city. 6. A sketch of plans covering details of this installation, as well as, a copy of a recent survey shall be made a part of this permit. Calculations showing any increase in impervious area on owner's lot or in the city Right of Way are to be included with this application. 7. This permittee shall commence actual construction in good faith with 30 days. If the beginning date is more than 60 days from date of permit approval, then permittee must review the permit with the Director of Public Works to make sure no changes have occurred in the area that would affect the permitted construction. 8. It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the City's right, title and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the holder, and the Holder will, at all times, assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from and against any and all loss, damage, and cost of expenses arising in any manner of the exercise or attempted exercises by the holder of the aforesaid rights and privileges. 9. The Director of Public Works shall be notified twenty-four(24) hours prior to starting work and again immediately upon completion. OWNER signed: Date: Before me this day of _ in the County of Duval, State Of Florida,has personally appeared _ Notary Public at Large,State of Florida,County of Duval. My commission expires: Personally Known: or Produced Identification: City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department 600x' 9 0 IN", (To be assigned b the Building Department.) S 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 v Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)247-5845 / 9 'O;; >r E-mail: building-dept@coab.us L Date routed: G l City web-site: http://vmw.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Property Address: Le 79 ARAn-A'e, -Blvol Department review required Yes No Building Applicant: �Qm C�� Planning &Zoning _ inistrator - d Y r Public Works Project: Rf u is Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Florida Dept. of Transportation St. Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: [Approved. ❑Denied. I� (Circle one.) Comments- 1 �5 w rS� '/ ����, ()-'C.l" >I- & o t� vim✓. BUILDING 'J "".'e L✓v� PLANNING &ZONING Reviewed by: Date: 13 TREE ADMIN. Second Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/14/09 July 1, 2009 City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Rd Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to inform you that Comcast Communications is proposing to install 222' underground CATV as shown on the attached plans. Please review the attached drawings and information to provide an approved permit. If any additional information is needed,please advise. I may be contacted as shown below. Thank you. J— Billie Lentes Authorized Agent of Comcast Cable Lentes Design, Inc. Special Projects Manager 4206 Baymeadows Rd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904)-730-0068-W (904)-551-7054-F (904)-651-7642-C lentesdesign@comcast.net ■ ■ ■ r_..�1,,y, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ■ � 41 800 Seminole Road ■ Atlantic Beach, FI. 32233-5445 ■ Building Department ■ Telephone: 904-247-5826 ■ Fax: 904-247-5845 ■ Email: sgraham -coab.us FAX To: jh k LF1 1 Fax # �P "5.61" 7o From: /r'�a � C� Date: 7L9 0 Pages: 2. Re: 60V - IM ATG Slyd ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Reply l LL 1,41"L yo Lk �'—A I. (J�- ��1r1 Q. 1 �9 CITY OF ��G �CC�CGL /tA'LGt 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.O.BOX 25 -- ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE(904)249-2396 October 9, 1989 - Mr. Motro C/o Mr. Roy Deese 681 South 3rd Street -- Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Mr. Motro, It was a pleasure to meet you last week. I have researched the water well at 1079 Atlantic Blvd. The County Health Department allows use of private wells when it is not feasible to bring City water to a property. In your case, we have determined you may remain using the existing well. + The six inch sewer line lateral will have to be installed to allow a large enough service for your strip center. Please call me at 246-2766, if you have any questions concerning these items. Sincerely, C. J 0-- Don C. Ford, Director r Public Services cc: City Manager ' File v � r f 23uiuoZ pue 2uping peaq ollueliv 10 40 L661 e 1 AON t t` CRA13D38 T :area :ZUUVNJIS 112NMO :aquat-rnl j,�p - :sunLvNoiS INvol lddv •youag oTAl saouuuTpao 3o aPoO •oaS japun P9Sum se uoTjuwa03uT sagI0 '£ •punos8 aql uT JO BuTPTTnq aqq oa quamgoslau Jo/pus uoTIonslsuoo aqj puu 'suoTluoT 3Toads pue sueTd agj BuTMogs BuTmesp MuT ao IuTadanTq v 'Z •sainjonsls so seuTpTTnq oa uoTluTas uT OTs 841 30 uoTITsod aql BuTmNs •pusT aqj 3o uBTd joTd d •T :SuTMoTTo3 aql glTM VuOTU paIlTmgns aq Isnm uoTleoTTddu sTgZ •paloaaa aq TTTM IT goT4m uo lioddns punos8 J0 3oo.z aql Aq palaoddns aq TTTM OTs 30 IgSTam Ie41 Mogs osTe gsnw sBuTMuja Tool ajunbs .gad spunod (S£) anti-SIJTg4 IseaT Is 3o ainssaad puTM 8 puulsg,TM 01 pajoaaa aq Isnm iaa3 asunbs (0£) AIJTgl usgl salua,ag Baas PTTos a glTM SOTS •JaauTB•spunod (000T) Pussno ua pasaISTBas E mos3 sSuTmusp gjTM pallTmgns aq jsnm Guo uugl asom BuTgBTam OTs g� Auu so 'punoiS aql anoqu ia83 UT) uaaJuanas uugl ajow sT goTgm OTs Aug Jo/pug 'saJu uT laa3 (05) AI3T3 rano SOTS :HOZOdu1.NOO 1VOI91O313 0(y LZIWusd '1V3Iujoms NV suInbgU NOIS SHZ 11IM :NOI.LVOol QSSOdoud :NJIS do SdAs ZZ£Z-6bZ :SNOHd 6# •PnTg OT-4ueT4V 6LOT :SSSHQQV •ou2 saazn.zag -.Teag sx.zed :3WVN ZIWusd NJIS HOd NOIZVOIldfi1 HOVSU 3I.LNV'1.LV 30 JLLIO Q4 ,. E- N o � N nn� ate" .D n T F��cfs IA-1 kJ 1390 IR' �S' Z-00,no' z✓on ,-e,z 0.3 U . P � n f . o 7. 0 G fi a N r ! - STolzy F3c.oc V 1 Ir /�Jo • (y-7GJ I vl_ o.-7 I 00 l I d p r,7 f o I oti SGDo ' 'O S t4 35 �1 -Zoo. D ( v-2. X• R �- THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON APPEARS TO LIE WTHIN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE -- AS SCALED FROM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 000 FOR THE CITY OF ATS-• OC-1r.� FLORIDA, DATED ¢-1- -OR• AND IS SHOWN AS A COURTESY ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CERTIFICATION OF SAME. TRI—STATE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 8411 BAYMEADOWS WAY SUITE #2, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 (904) 731-7235 LEGEND BEARINGS BASED ON 2 I-J LINE AS SHOWN. ■ Cavc. Mom THIS SURVEY DOES NOT REFLECT OR DETERMINE OWNERSHIP. • IRON car. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL (SET{NTN CAP j LS 4144) OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. X FENCE O IRON COR.(FOUND) ®CROSS CUT B.R.L BUILDING RESTRIC77ON UI/E LARRY G. EDDY, F.L.S. No. 4144 ESM'T EASEMENT R/W R/alT-OF-WAY SCALE: COV. CON]rED AREA �� f CENTER"NE RC GIS CR 'SURVEY R - ND MAPPER, A/C A/R CONDlRaJ/NG PAD _ ,ST,4T FL ORIDA�B,, 4921) (R) RADIAL DISTANCE DA TE.' �- 1� �� -' ^ [' CONCRETE ORDER NO. F.B. PG. - a� S - _ZNEms*` E {+ N', �4 r Q I V � a A N 3t O � a R DEPARTMENT OF SUILDIN4 CItY OF ATLANTIC BEACH { P� i PERMIT INFORMATION - -_- LOCATION I N FOR14AT i ON Permit I!tuT+pra 15609 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC E3€ ULEVARL-#2- Permit TTp »5 1 ATLANTIC- BEACH, FLORIDA 32,233 Clan fWork:NBW LEOAL DESCRIPTION r Constr. Type.-WOOD FRAME Block* M Lot : �T,�p . �� Propo sed use: Section. 0 5ubd.O SUbd v s i on: Est . Value: D,,90 Improv.: Cost : 0 »CIS Talal 0.00 Amount P30.00 Eif n _ "" .. ION ------ L I APP 'C'AT I'ON FzEs 1+1 3 IHUMB _ PERMIT .._ Addr+ Q'.0 OL�Abji },, ,u, F.LO IDA ,r, r` Pho Ly r+ ,a+ a un g G 1s p « g ��d u i �, 'fid ;. iy i ` Name pl P�"1 Fp�N EA ddb', OILq Li f Exp. vi FAm- `f .hta w� 3 3' NOTES: NOTICE-INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION i BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND:MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER i "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER P ►YIIVG TWICE FOIA BUILDING IMPRO EIVIENITS.'' ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR OF-APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. "M.M 14 ATLANTIC B N BUILDING DEPAR MENT i By: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: /j L,/ ADDRESS:1O 77 .464,4 '*-iZ PHONE: TYPE OF SIGN: -P1ASh G 4-Ates SIZE: 15 PROPOSED LOCATION: 5W )f d eco g,9-1;v r WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? i(f0 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: 4J/A Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ate: // D OWNER SIGNATURE: Date: IX ECEIVED NOV 2 5 1997 City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning CTReeAj 12'o" y �� u UNIT 4 -Z MAP SHOWING BOUNDARY SURVEY Or A PART OF THE CASTRO Y. FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD WITII THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; THENCE RUN NORTH 89° 19' 35" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 880 FELT TO AN IRON PIPE FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NORTH 070 04' 25" WEST, 200 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RUN NORTH 890 19' 35" EAST, 200 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 071 04' 25" EAST, 200 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89° 19' 35" WEST, 200 FELT TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CERTIFIED TO: TRIPLE "R" COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING,INC.; SOUTHTRUST BANK OF FLORIDA,N.A,; COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; ROGERS,TOWERS,BAILEY,JONES & GAY,P.A. g4° (q' S E Fo c c_s IA2 Cj o. t r -7, o G f 0 7' «- o o-7 a I i 1 I d � P o I So. oo' 4 \ 0 THF PRnPFRTY SHnw" HFRFnm ApprARS' Tn i,r- LoTuini c-1111)n Lie Tenn CITY OF b'&Sd - 9&V4(4 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 '�- TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 November 25, 1997 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Rhodes 1707 Evans Drive South Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Re: Use-by-Exception 1079 Atlantic Boulevard Unit 6, Atlantic Beach Dear Mr. &Mrs. Rhodes: This is to advise the Atlantic Beach City Commission, in regular session assembled on Monday, November 24, 1997, granted your request for a use by exception to operate a contracting business at the above referenced location subject to the following conditions: ► The Use-by-Exception was granted to you personally and is for the above location only ► There will be no overnight parking of commercial vehicles ► There will be no outside storage Please do not hesitate to contact our city planner, George Worley at 247-5817 if you have additional questions regarding this Use-by-Exception. Also, please contact the undersigned regarding the occupational license for your business. Sincerely, Maureen King ! Certified Municipal Clerk xc: George Worley CITY OF 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 jhc 1! ..6�wr. SUNCOM 852-5800 October 13, 1997 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Re: 1079 Arc BouleNwd Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Dear Sir: This letter confirms that the above properly is zoned CG(Commercial General). Sincerely, DGn C. lord Buildingial l.0ah cc: City Manager CITE' OF ATLANTIC BEACH C FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION TO FOLLOW TO: � FAX# YYIY! IYI - Ylu M Y 1■ I • Y YI FRONS: PACES TO FOLLOW: .......� DATE: /0 / 3 47 7 MESSAGE: 8W SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC EeACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904:)247-SM FAX(904)247 NOS FLA. I947 LAWS RANCO FORM AOe ►s 713.13 ar �c�e of ire V.PlammrU rement rei►APIs IN ou►uCATu � �.ct fllEitJllt 1# ritit�l tII21:C�Y1L' The undersigned hereby informs all concerned that improvements will be made to certain real o, property, and in accordance with section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following information CL is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NDescription of property........I..Q1...7........�t��!1.1,L.�!..0 ...�.�N.�...........tt�.�!4.11.1.��..�?.5,�(1:..4...�.,.�,�ae�„�� U..11l.(..A......... .. .............. ........... . .._.... ..». ............................................................................................................................................ 1 0 00 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. General description of improvements.......... ."i...../..Al..tee.1'0-4-jAA..4.hf„/..1?.A AJIS........... Q.+ .....i6s.Ae V.d.x.4,4.1........... .c.1 .j..�-4-.A.1. l..1.. 1..1�L..,t... W.�xS.... �'..w...... ....����.f�.��.1¢...�...Q..�..fl..�..?`.�s......,c�.��/...�s�.r�.�.re.,�.�.:l..t.c...�.�.1......1.�..�.�.t..-...�.x.^.���s... Owner...... .tJ.SS.'.. .......•..........t !�1:. .F'.... y. .l..!°1..... .......R1S-0.1e.S...................................................................... Address.1.711.1.... .... .IQ.1...'�1..............�19, +S,A.1�11�t11.� P....» ?d. ....EL .......3... ............. Owner's interest in site of the improvement•.•.....RCAA.1'LA.....I.C4.Q.It+jk...Si..(010——eias-»(,.l, j,4 P••....•. 1 Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) �/ Name......Sbv'f' '1l.u..S...::�.......73.y,* ....K........................................................................................................................................ Address...0—A.1......x1vatit14C..:°.... . . .si'.:.........� .t..f'z'...3Q�1..... K,SP!vlll ��P... �-:.....3. .�.�7... Cj— Contractor.........7-4. P..�P.....t .rfA.fR1. .1 �. !-. ...L4.nt. At..hE ..fol. !. ,L..�4��.................... Address......(z...7....9........,. .. " .. ........ �',�Q.v.V.t..i'� .....��.�.•.... ........... d» ............ Surety (if any)........... 1... ..............................................................................................................................»................................................. Address......................................................................................................................................................Mncow of bond $................................ Name of person within the State of Flork6 designated by owner upon whom notices or aper docur"rrs may be served: l Name..... L.t. Stw.� -......�.n..... /6R .e .s....................................................................................».......». .................................. Address..... 7.a.7...... Y,�N s.....,i? .......,r........Q. xF ......... .?r. ............................................. In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (F), Florida Statutes. (Fill In at Owner's option). Name .................................................................................................................................................................................._......»................................... I Address................................................................................................................_..._................, ............. .......................»......................... THIa SPACE FOR RLCONDNN.■ uEt n...v I // PSR-38" . f DEPARTMENTOF BUILDING " CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH E t � PERMIT INFORMATION _ ------- LOCATION INFORMATION --- Permit Number: 15311, Address . 107,9-16 ,ATLANTIC BOULEVARD_ Permit Typ'e:ELECTRICAL ATLANTIC BEACH., FLORIDA 32233 �; c 1 cal~k:ALTE gA"FICtN w-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION -__,..w----- , Constr. Type:CONCRETE BLocx �Block: Lot : Proit sed US`e;COMMERCIAL Twr Q S� tion; �3 DwrelIingS: Q Subdivision- Subd: Rzag: 0 ES- t . Value: 0 .00 Impro, v a Cost : 0.00 CTotal FeI 25,.00 Amount 25.00 X 97 M � � �, � .�r Mfr ,{, _ _" � " TON r' -- APPLICATION FEES Name,,� T,� P IT _25'�{? Addy• "BOULEVARD 'p F " Y FLORIDA Pho 't j' '+10 ------ Name. SIS NS kddr- JACKSON 01, Tly �. 'S a �a'a�fi�49'uenua r q NOTES; NOTICE-INSPECTIONS MUST BE,REOUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR Tp INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WO RK MUST NOT BE PLAC:EQ IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COWL Y WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW, CAN i�BULT IN THE PRt}PERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILD Ih1C IMPROVEMENTS. ISSUED ACCORDING TO.APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND,SUBJECT TO REVO'T I��FOR VIOLATION OF APPLI�CAB.LE PROVISIONS OF LAW. LBL cgs NTIC CH BUILDING D' PA :HENT 3E CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA A�,_by APPLICATION ICOR ELICTRICAL PIRMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: PAPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLAN T J#As lRCD(j;oANCES. 1004 South Second St \ JacksonvlBch FL32250 colvaloAl FIRM! I MAI CIAN SIGNATURE JOURNEYMAN NAMElS ADDRESS: 10 �� C x----�-- BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: .�•.�... RES.1 1 APT.l 1 COMM• PUBLIC( 1 INDUS.1 1 NEW 1 ! OLD REW.l 1 ADDITION l ) TRAILER( TEMP.1 1 SIGNS ( 1 SO.FT. SERVICE: NEW( 1 INCREASE( 1 REPAIR l 1 FEE _ CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPERf ALUM. SWTCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W ---VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMP PH W OLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE I NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES Q CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.80 AMrs. X1.100 AMPS. It' :WITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. ovse APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS. CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT � 1 p.� OVER MOTORS H.P. I VOLTAGE PHS NO. I H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. • OVER 600 V. 0�/11/�000 03:14 3531985 SIGNSHARKS PAGE 03 FEu TL YN 7--,, LP. E M.A0 S A►Tui'=' t�ATn►r av s,rrbsra*v ncT is nIlTK YVVI� Til 4J V1►ILII ell' A MAT TL TI 4AOTCp T. ►OI�tIA OUANT, i4cTICa it, IOFYt4ttt° 2 *QM. RAMC! 2i kOMRlrCZ 2IC 0sACN, VwRzen. 11o111A vAarsNu. c: n r•°fa °�, + wO:NT or ODrItsNCa A3 TH0 Qj EH—--'g' 1 wlrfDRY NopD r3aH 111E In iMiBAsscrsON o% tNa XABTXALY "aAkt-D►-NST L1M OY I YkiiiC4 RUN tRRttt tr• 19r 1 RTNpRLY RIS-OY-NAY Ian CM ATWtttt te&Jur hn• ATAMMC OM s• LAST At' � NORlIURLY RiCM't-Ot-�rAY i.R Or ' �!. 4 Dr77ANCt 09 440 /ROT TO AM lam VIK VOR MR "INF OF Ri�irA7iaG; , aLwSs' ffAVr, ;14 °t' 7!• WDST. 704 ►BT ft AN IRON VXVi: 1NRNCR >R#MQRT7{ RV• yd' 79. 6Aal. YOp ST TO" — VIVit TWVHCi RLN 40078 07. 04 1 `• Y' Z3G iRii. '"macs m"' 40'WA W ID' 33" mut. 700 ns? To 2MR porn 1 OV bus"2101M. CBRTrVTRD To: mrmc •R• COM"ACIAL CONIRAMINC.IN^.; &OMT41VST UAW nV Vrnp,I�°_ v CLY3t'_`r!-'�•••••• L,i'r'S iI r-• =,;UAi.:iJ•'i r CDNMMT; #=RIS, i rAV,l.A. I � 1 I � i 7—",c v F3 e_n,_ %Jo. V, JA � \� co•rc. e. i 1 lkf A4O°ERTY XWW IrEW APPV M t!T W776W FLOOD NAYARV IpVE�.�A3 7RWl OROM 1NSIMANLI RA E NAI+_Ir f11R n`c7>7 Or Ar'..SGu ARCIR43A. DAIM ='' ASD I 15 SWWV AS A COURMSY OW?.f AAO OWS N01 CONs1I?VW fA CVMVAACN Or UW TRI-STA TE LAND -SURVEYORS INC. � 8411 OAYAIEADOWS WAY SYJITE 1'2, JAC)($OVVKI.E I1OAVDA 3.756 ("4) 7J1-77J3 � ucO.c et aAien cr_._ALA&d—CM As VVW.. J� I •we uar rG5 $irR+E. L`tlE`c,:Nor A elcr--R 4tT0%VK 07;D IV#+F_ •1O 9°r T NOr VsleTNQVr nrr ykI.M4n t�A U TN£006INAL RAISED SFAL I len rw u•s u.w►i A ILdVW L/rf Ok SLXt£YDR ANO MAPPER e Aa.can er°.rep ' i O.Otr ter I .�� crit LARRY torr Vadevr I G [OD>; ALS. Na ye .rse� AW M r°a ear.w DATE• r_ i^�_97 STA fZC7TN)t ® 117 Ooorrs• -- .•.. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD-ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-TEL: 247-5826-FAX: 247-5877 PE ! �ilO :: , Q�CA'EIQfN E 'M4TtQNx. Permit Number: 19593 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD #7 Permit Type: SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Class of Work: NEW Township: Range: Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: Square Feet: Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH Est. Value: Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: lal ppm ' i"J .Fs # Date Issued: 2/14/2000 Name: PRIMESTAR Total Fees: 30.00 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD#7 Amount Paid: 30.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Date Paid: 2/14/2000 Phone: 000)000-0000 Work Desc: ERECT SIGN PER PLANS .S. SIGNSHARKS PERMIT 30.00 FINAL ELECTRIC NOTICE- INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. cr-- ATLANTIC BEACA BUILDI DEPT. ------------------- I • ' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH — ---__-- --___ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD-ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-TEL: 247-5826-FAX: 247-5877 I' PERMIT INFORMATION LOCATION INFORMATION Permlt Number: 17816 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: ALTERATION Township: Range: Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: Square Feet: Subdivision: Est. Value: Parcel Number: "Improv. Cost: OWNER INFORMATION 71 Date Issued: 2/18/1999 Name: JULIES DOGGIE STYLES Total Fees: 30.00 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 30.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Date Paid: 2/18/1999 Phone: Work D (000)000-0000 esc: ERECT SIGN IN FRONT OF BUIL --- DING CONTRACToR S APPLICATION FEES PROPERTY OWNER PERMIT 30.00 I j I- FINAL ELECTRIC Ins ctions Required I I I I I NOTICE - INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE "PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. I I I i i $30.0014 ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPT. CHECKS 2/18/99 81 Receipt: 8835434 1333 88188883221888 RECEIVED CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FFB 17 1999 APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT City of Atlantic Beach --� I Building and Zoning NAME E f v 6 e S' 1��9 9 i e- 'Sty ADDRESS: Jy?Q Al"L. 'Nv-t PHONE: 9d i/- --3-V 0 TYPE OF SIGN: SIZE: V1 PROPOSED LOCATION: S;c+ c.,a ,k 0� = L Vi ar / N k61,Aa �/ Gays 04h 8I /VS WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT?_N Q ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: 0 _ Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: . ate: 7` y� OWNER SIGNATURE: d` Date: T 'Ss 0. P ti !.y ALDRsw /a 79 BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER 15-3 v gr /530 INSPECTIONS : FOOTING UNDER SLAB PLUMBING SLAB FRAMING /n 7 COVER-UP IPIS'JLATI0T,T FINAL BUILDING K30gf CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN'-' ELECTRICAL PERMIT # /.S- 3 // SK_ /-/3 INSPECTIONS ROUGH 2- -9Z__ FINAL 2- -9n FINAL MECHANICAL PERMIT # C' PLUMBING PERMIT # / 'Z26L NOTES : r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT INFORMATIONLOCATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 17702 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: PLUMBING ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: REMODEL Township: Range: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: Contractor: PLUMB-MASTERS Book: Page: Square Feet: Subdivision: Est. Value: Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: OWNER INFORMATION` Date Issued: 1/28/1999 Name: JULIES DOGGIE STYLE Total Fees: 25.00 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 25.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Date Paid: 1/28/1999 Phone: (000)000-0000 Work Desc: INSTALL BATHTUBS APPLICATION FEES PERMIT 25.00 I i Ins ctians Re aired FINAL NOTICE- INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. C\ f25.0r3 14 Date: 1/29/59 01 REceipt: 09:931% AT NTIC BEA H B ILDING T. CHECKS 1919 09198b03221060 CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH APPLICATION FOR PLU14BING PERMIT JOB LOCATION: 107? OWNER OF PROPERTY: �G./� z�pss,-,,C- S,-v TELEPHONE NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR' S ADDRESS :- �O}C �131// ✓��. � 32 STATE LICENSE NUMBER: TELEPHONE: Z�7-Z7,a7 HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS SHOWERS LAVATORY WATER HEATERS BATH TUBS DISHWASHERS URINALS DISPOSALS CLOSETS WASHING MACHINE FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER PANS SEWER WATER REPIPE OTHER TOTAL FIXTURES : $3 . 50 + $15 . 00 MINIMUM PERMIT - $25 . SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR: --------------------------- INSTALLATION OF PLUMB NG AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826 SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED INTO PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING UP - (904) 247-5834 CITY OF �t1�GtKx`Gc f�'eucCi - �eauda 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 �� FAX (904)247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 January 14, 1999 William E. Lieder 1650-C Main Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: Use by Exception 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 7 Dear Mr. Lieder: This is to advise, the Atlantic Beach City Commission, in regular session on Monday, January 11, 1999, granted your request for a use by exception to operate a pet grooming business at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 7. Please be advised the exception was granted to you personally for the referenced location only, and is not transferable to any other individual or location. We have enclosed an application for an occupational license which we suggest you complete and submit to this office approximately two weeks before you plan to open your business. In the meantime if you have any questions regarding this use-by-exception or the operation of your business, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 247-5809 or City Planner George Worley at 247-5817. Sincerely, ��.cc 1z�-ems_ Maureen King Certified Municipal Clerk Encl. xc: George Worley 6D - q9 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Application for Use-by-Exception to operate a Pet Grooming shop at 1079, Unit 7, Atlantic Boulevard. i SUBMITTED BY: George Worley II, Community Development Director DATE: January 5, 1999 i BACKGROUND: The applicant, Mr. Leider, desires to operate a Pet Grooming business at 1079, unit 7, Atlantic Boulevard. This location is zoned CG, Commercial General. The proposed use is not specifically listed in Chapter 24, however, Staff interpreted the intent of the kennel and veterinary listings under Uses-by-Exception (24-111, c) as inclusive of pet or animal related businesses. The building has more than sufficient parking based on its floor area. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board reviewed this request and recommended approval of this Use-by-Exception with the condition that it be granted to the applicant only and for this location only. ATTACHMENTS: 1)Application for Use-by-Exception 2) Draft Minutes of the Community Development Board Meeting REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM NO. MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA December 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson Robert Frohwein Pat Pillmore Sharette Simpkins Dezmond Waters AND Alan Jensen, Esquire George Worley, Director Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT Mary Walker Buzzy Grunthal Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes of the special meeting on November 17, 1998. On motion made and seconded the minutes were approved. OLD BUSINESS I. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by Robert T. Wildharber to operate a used car dealership with engine overhaul, air-conditioning service and other minor repair at property located at 1985-1 Mayport Road. Mr. Wildharber introduced himself to the board and stated that he desired to lease space from an existing business to operate an automotive repair shop as well as used vehicles. Pursuant to the board's request the applicant presented a new site plan designating the number of required parking spaces. After discussion, Mr.Frohwein moved to recommend approval of the use-by- exception to the City Commission subject to the following conditions: 1. That ingress and egress be limited to Church Road; 2. That seven onsite parking spaces be clearly designated; 3. That the applicant be permitted not to have more than five used vehicles for sale at any one time; 4. That the vehicle repair business not operate between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. 5. The use by exception be granted to the applicant only at this location only. Mr. Waters seconded the motion and after further discussion, the board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the use by exception to the City Commission. NEW BUSINESS I. Application for Variance filed by Paul B. Parsons to construct an addition to an existing nonconforming residence located at 1970 Mipaula Court. Mr. Parsons introduced himself and his wife Tracy and explained that they desired to construct an addition to the front of his residence and enclose an existing porch at the rear of the residence. He presented to the board a copy of his plans for the proposed construction. After discussion, Mrs. Pillmore moved to approve the variance and Ms. Simpkins seconded the motion. The Chairman read the questions listed in the code of ordinances pertaining to the granting of variances and asked the applicant to review them before action of the board. He explained to the applicant the definition of the term hardship. Upon request by the board, Mr. Worley retrieved the building file which revealed that a building permit was issued in 1986 to construct the screened porch. He stated no variance was granted for the construction. The drawing originally submitted indicated a 20-foot rear yard setback. After further discussion and on a roll call vote, the board granted the variance by a vote of 5 - 1 with Mr. Frohwein dissenting. II. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by William E. Lieder to operate a pet grooming business at property located at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit 7. Mr. Worley stated that the zoning classification for this application is 24-111. Mr. Lieder introduced himself and Julie tome to the board and explained that he desired to operate a pet grooming business. After discussion, Mr. Waters moved to recommend approval of the use-by-exception to the applicant only to the applicant and for this location only. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The board requested staff to schedule a discussion item on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting the matter of review of general code of ordinances. Regarding the upcoming special meeting regarding lot coverage, the board requested staff furnish copies of the proposed definitions of impervious surface as well as examples of lot coverages using setbacks only and a map showing areas with retention ponds or drainage designs. The board also requested that staff invite the members of the Stormwater Review Committee to attend the special meeting and again request that a member of the St. Johns River Water Management attend. The Chairman informed the board that Mr. Frohwein had been appointed for another term on the board. Staff was directed to place on the agenda for the next meeting election of officers for the next term There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: ATTEST: Please Type or Print in Ink RECEIVE Application Fee 100.00 j n 1999 APPLICATION FOR "USE BY EXCEPTICity of Atlantic Beach lldlria Ana Zoning Date Filed: Name, and Address of Owner or Tenant in Possession of Premises: Phone _--------- Work s CLJ_Z%_ `L.L_`L_ _ LQLl aiia--1�CcLr t=---41N- 312a.`3_ Home: - address and legal description of the premises as to which the "Use by Exception" is requested: alt= ----- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- A description of the "Use by Exception" desired, which shall specifically and particularly describe the type, character and extent of the proposed *Use by Exception)) : ------------ -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Sp(e�cific reasons� why the applicant feels the request should be granted: �----------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------`-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Zoning Classification: 4=-�t-u--r. f app- _ki ;�t/;Pp-i- — -ppcant a Si nature of owner of the property. authorized agent or attorney. If Application cannot be processed agent or attorney, include letter without owners signature. from applicant to that effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applicant: Do not 'fill-in beyond this point. However, be prepared to respond to the following items: i FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Ingres■ and egress to property and proposed) YES NO structures i■ adequate. Particular reference is wade to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of catmatrophe) 2. Off-street parking and loading is adequate. Particular attention i■ paid to the items in 1. above and the economic, noise, glare and odor effects of the special exception on adjoining properties and properties generally in the district; 1 3. Location■ of refuse and service area■ are compatible with surrounding popertie■ and are easily accessible. 4. Locations, availability and compatibility of utilities are adequate. j 3. Type, dimensions and character of screening and buffering are adequate. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare and traffic safety, are in harmony and are compatible with other properties in the dimtrict. 7. Required yard■ and other open space■ are adequate. S. The use is generally compatible with adjacent properties and other property in the district. I I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HOARD REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONSt I I ACTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSIONt MAP SHOHNG BOUNDARY SURVEY OF A PART OF TIIE CASTRO Y. FERRER GRANT, SECTION 10, TOWNSIIIP 2 SOUT11, RANGE 29 EAST, ATLANTIC BCAC11, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT TIIE INTERSECTION OF TIIC EASTERLY RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD WITH TIIE NORTHERLY RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; l'liENCE RUN NORTH 09• 19' 35" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGIIT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLAIITIC BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 800 PEST TO AN IRON PIPE FOR TIIE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIIENCE RUN 0ORT11 07. 04' 25" WEST, 200 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RUN NORT11 09. 19' 35" EAST, 200 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RUN SOUT11 07' 04' 25" EAST, 200 FEET; TIIENCE RUN SOUT11 09' 19' 35" WEST, 200 FEET TO TIIC POINT OF BEGINNING. CERTIFIED TO: TRIPLE "R" COMMERCIAL COIITRACTING,INC.; SOUTIITRUST BA11K OF FLORIDA,N.A,; COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; ROGERS,TOWERS,BAILEY,JONES 4 GAY,P.A. -- 09' 14' 3S" E Zoo.00' _ FooTF2 A U 1-7-7.0 'T— -c' ' 7-o 1/ 15 c- 0c- IL N I P �l f /-Jo. 1y-79 ) o NI �4 S 8Ra La' 351, LTJ Zdo.opl i \ COAJG• Fb�E ATC,atiJ T(G (v-iz.. ,rc.(,..t T HE PROPERTY SHOW HEREON APPEARS TO LIE WITHIN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE X AS SCALED fROAI FLOOD NSURANCE RATE AIAP ocol FOR THE CITY OF&-I-L-•or-it., FLORIDA, DATED ¢-1-7 Q9• AND 5 SHOlWJ AS A COURTESY ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CERTIFICATION OF SAAIE. TRI-STATE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 8411 BAYRNEAOOWS WAY SUITE /y2, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 (904) 731-7235 L;:o VLARINGS BASED ON ZLJ LINE AS SHOWN. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT REFLECT OR DETERMINE ORNERSHIP. NOT VALID 1,4THOUT RIE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL AP/LS 4144) OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. .1 RR1- aMarc RCSR"cnw UVC LARRY G. EDDY, P.L.S. No. 4144 isu,r rASLLLNr , R/M Marr-cr-mr SCALE.• .- �I COY. CMUM ARCA �= t aNrL*"C /REGIS)�R�SURV>=Y0R ND AIAPPER, Alt AN calanawAc rro Cj� S7A7K-0 FLOR/OA/(LB 91/J (R) RADW DIS1ANCE DATE.• /- 1-7- _ cavwrlc ORDER NO.-L F.B. PG. /- PSR 3844 -- 163 DEPARTMENT Of BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH .. - LOCATION INFO AT ION -.- PERMIT INFORMATION - . �� 1 79 A`�'LANTI� BO's"LEVARD #5� Permit N,�mber: 16343 Address Permit Type:SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH. � FLORIDA. 32233 . 1 Type: IG -. --- LEGAL DZ$CRIPTiWN ----_ of O`cr s r . Type:`CONORETE BOCCE �Bloc)c:--EW Lot', s LSURn bd- >l'rcaed Use:C(31MERCIA,L Subdi Dwelling$ . 00 Est . value= c . Improv Cast V)tal 'ee .� 3�3 .CI k` Amount k � 30.00 l , 1 a" «0- APPLICATION FEESLANS - O' � 1� BION - _ ,� . PIT 313W44 Name v 0 � � , '{ V . C BOULEVARD ' � 9 y3 ' hFLO _3 E •(' I✓ �'6} P,11) X2• ��' ` �d �,u' .`«4 7t.n Phon I C3RMAI'166 Name: PR0`�RT� tE 9 Ad4r" Exp'` / a. Ktr�r y NOTES;. r 1 1 NOTICE-INSRECTIONS MUS' BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS pR10R TO INSPECTION ' MATERIAL,RUBBISHAND DEERSFROM M THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE BUILDING : , CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ,,,FAILURE, TO,COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAY IMG TWICE FOR BUILDING PROYEMEIVTS, �* ISSUED,ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISION'S OF LAW. 8/96 91MCKS 3954 �eeipt; 37 ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING,DEPARTMENT, By: RECEIVED CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APR 2 1 1998 APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT City of Atlantic Beach Il Building and Zoning NAME: 64e I � mac.vp ADDRESS:/49 2!!� - J J'�/�/v/, PHONE TYPE OF SIZE: PROPOSED LOCATION:_149,;7 J- WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? /4.-10 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: �4t4.'C Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances ity of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE• Date:%f` ;7-/- OWNER SIGNATURE: Date: MAP SHOWING BOUNDARY SURVEY OF A PART OF THE CASTRO Y. FERRER GRANT, SECTION 38, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, MORE: PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAYPORT ROAD WITII THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD; 'IAENCE RUN NORTH 890 19' 35" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ATLANTIC BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 880 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NORTH 07° 04' 25" WEST, 200 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RUN NORTH 890 19' 35" BAST, 200 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RU14 SOUTH 071 04' 25" EAST, 200 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 890 19' 35" WEST, 200 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CERTIFIED TO: TRIPLE "R" COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING,INC. ; SOUTHTRUST BANK OF FLORIDA,N.A. ; COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; ROGERS,TOWERS,BAILEY,JONES & GAY,P.A. 09i P 0 a 1-7'-7. 0 4 0 'S-7—o v Fa c.o G /Lkp P �I 1 I r /�Jo • (v—7 0 p. .lq l. :• .'i -Zoo-cep RECEIVE® �'�� � 9c? � APR 2 1 1998 CitY of Atlantic Reach R HEREON APPLi1RS TO LIE W171IIN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE X AS SCALED FROM FLOOD BuilkNnL/ AOUT 000( FOR 71/E CITY OF r ill. FLORIDA, DATED Q- r fI. ATS- — AND IS SHOWN ASA COURTESY ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CER77FICA770M OF SAME. TRI—STATE [AND SURVEYORS,15s INC.9731-7235 8411 BA YMEADOWS WAY SUITE #2, o I Bt ARINGS RASED ON V Z t-J LINE AS SHOWN. 0/11/2000 03:14 3531985 SIGNSHARKS PAGE 02 'M TnI:1Z_1 -P X:9C4 247 3404 FAGS 1 CITY OF AnANzC DrIAM) APPLSCATIOm FOR SIGH PCMIT ,f 1'/M ao. G_t WI== "'aE SIGN P1 ":RS ti,V BLECf'ir�:;AL PEFN'If? �' S AN ren 1 ►i V•.ilL•,.tL. v1r':\ir'.1L`\.:1:IJV T rFep S�;►� a���: c: :y ;5'�; eer: u+•are&, is eery tra;, seventeen (i,) ege a above the grovav-, :1� we.S sirs Coate► scan one "'OUS nd (1.C00) POUMS. must •`•2 S'+�r.1Gtr. iri:% «r3wings fees s rec4stered fPKg v*r. szva j.aaLo, Z7ar Ct.:TLY ; 0 b�IC nl:S. bC pf.�r_:'pj SO %+1'�1JLiTeS a ui-r of 1825 C'.r; jj) Dai +59�:2^t fcoe •Crn.:r-gfe Viso sra. true: te:gYt cr' s:gn vil, bo St4apOrted by -= I oo V[' (` YS�Iy a ,�cs.�re on ve is'i wall be erec:ad. .his a:plscati,ou tua: 5. ssbm:Ccl" •:ani war.h tt.e :0.sr.S1 A Pict plan o` Che :azd, shcwL g Sr es Fosltaon to bu..: jrlp Or 6tr4c:w4s. �. A oluepr:ac or 1&k drawl Ag show:pg the 92el.s =d spe•a°- =fitioxs. and "t :.nSt:tictiGal acid/or •teacveenc to t!e or %ne ground. 3. -h!" 7 rfoe_at_art aF mar oR :®Qui red :adpt Sac. :ode of Omzraenees. ,:i_L of ae:an tic Bsaer. I'M 7r - l' aee: 0�iNM 1c,r.ar RE A►P P R PNj DCN v O f AS&lONiN�pFf10E C p�,AN1NNG / ;I � L 1r CITY OF ATLANTIC BLEACH I D�PARTIVIENT OF BUILDING 800 SEMlNOLE ROACH-ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-TEL: 247-5826-tEvc [ai aesi i � IT IN, FORM MO !(pit Number- 21()75 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD#7 ,: Permit Type: SIGN A WN-i iv r�DtAiL , occas r'lags of!Mork- NEW � Township: Range: Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL j Lot(s): biock: aecuv��: t 5 :nra Est- I Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH Est Value: j Parcel Number:Wit Np Date Issued:. 11/30/2000 Nape: ELVIS UPHOLSTERY & UIRAPEkiES. ''-+-! -• ?n 00 Address: 1079-7 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD , Amount Paid: 30.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 j na*A- i,m3nnnf%n j Phone: 19Qd1242-137713 I Yfi1W • ..l�M. :rte.—._—� .-. Work Dem ERECT SION PER LA .., _ - - - ONTftA` . . - I � .. , .., ,_..., mor.■! 39.90 I I I I j I I ( j I I i i • Ispectio»s RyW41et t I mt1T1r;=-INSpGr.TIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Rte _IILDINr MATERIAL. RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTKAG I UK Uk VWNEK !! _ "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY j zza:':rte n e_ees ala Tami!!-!e trt Rn �'�'!m nwf rP1f fEEV 't�!!Vb s Vzi slvsir.aps res -= A nc n_ AOT^-C T1_.._t!c_ OPPW @AIn SI IRE T Tt_l RF:!/C)(ATInN IJJVL.LJ!'1Vt,,Vi wiiw Ivry i iw��w 6i FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. _ I A j �~ (38.8814 ATUkNTIC BEACH iLDING D Date: CHECK512/81!88 81 Receipt; 88154 29 I501HOON3221000 120 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: ,F--'1/ / S ADDRESS:—/C>7..1 47,-IA)UI /C 25(v�j�PHONE: „2ll2 ff 7 7y TYPE OF SIGN: SIZE: c76"" Z 3" PROPOSED LOCATION: WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: 1Date: P, OWNER SIGNATURE: / „T �'�-� r � —Date: Jr """j §VM.D' NO"J 2 G 2000 4to\C g�G City of Atlantic Beach O�PtbaN � RUilrling anis Zoning a� d 02/12/2000 03:07 9042471292 ADVANTAGE SIGNS PAGE 01 VJ r � Ll h � J C dA boa co C\go o� 2. (D rri 6`! NOV-29-2000 WED 12:25PM ID:247-5845 PAGE:1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING } } 800 SEMINOLE ROAD-ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-TEL-. 247-5826-FAX-- 247-5877 PERMIT INFORMATION LOCATION INFORMATION -0ii-m-it-Number: 20738 1079-8 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Class of Work: NEW Township: Range: Book: Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL Lot(s): Block: Section: Square Feet- Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH Est.Value- 4 Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: OWNER INFORMATION Date Issued: 10/05/2000 ---Name:— MILLAN INSURANCE SERVICE Total Fees: 30.00 Address: 1079-8 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 30.00 1 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Date Paid: 10105,120010 Phone: 00)000-0000 WorkDesc: CONTRACTOR(S) APPLICATION FEES SIGIN-A-RAINIA PERMIT 30.00 f #i j I �I} 'I I }I IV T1 ns Reqqirq_l_._ II ! � � }� NOTICE- INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION II BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. f30.b8 14 Date: 18/06/60 81 Receipt: IN1418 ATSN —1C 6t—ACCH' IL-NIN6-DEPT. CHLCKS 4159 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: nr�.£Z ADDRESS: PHONE:_�7-'0( TYPE OF SIGN: -SIZE: PROPOSED LOCATION: A-f1CiV\4k'C WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances, C>* y of Atlantic_/,�each. .1 APPLICANT SIGNATURE: AKVI�ate: �00 OWNER SIGNATURE: Date: S d f x-000 0 V.0Nr puurV�.A1�r ��uX���Y�t, u�' • ••; • . ,.�, 1 • . ,.: ,..•,fit..:• �.� .. •;., . A. PART Or'THE CASTRO 'Y.• TtRRtR ORIIIRWCUl"Ll l 011 1S•. &ONNSHit 2 SOM,�RANOE 29 IO + , LAST, ATLANTIC 9NACt, FLORA, PM � DRICRIBED AS FOR A POINT Or . REFERENCE CONNtNCE AT UN INTERSON:0/ !Nt Si'tRLY RlClfi'-Or,MAY 6INt Or ';;.MAYPpRT Now NITg ltt�:',NORTMtRLt t OW-01PASARY LINE•Or ATLANTIC ' DOULtVARDj 9•NSHCt RUN NORTN S! 1! . 33 NUT *ALd10lAIb NORTHERLY RICHT-Or-MAY LINE Or ATLANTIC D)ULBVARD, A DISTANCt.O/ SSO Ftt'IT '20 AN IRON PIPE MR THE POINT Op. BEOINNINOI THENCE RUN NORTH 074 041 3$6 NEM' 200 PENT TO AN IRON PIPE, THENCE RUN NORTH 0!• 190 254 EAST, 200 TEXT 20 All 2 PIPES THENCE RUN SOUTH 07. 04' or BEOINNIIq. �NAST, 200 NWS THEMTHEMRUN SOlRM S!• 1!� 2!• NEST 200 TXET 70 TNX POINT ' , CBR TI/IED 9O: TRIPLE "R• CbWERCIAL CONTRACTINO,INC.I SOUTHTRUST BANK Or FLORIDA,N.A,I COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE CONPANYI JOURS i QAY,P.A, • .....',.. .., . . - 09" l4' 35" E Zoo.oo' Feepo;-ea 0 N •• 0.3' . ll L . • , , 4 .. 0.-7 17'7.o o.-r• b J fa • V`t • �! : r '� • S 8►q Zoo,c�p THE PROPERTY SHOWN•moron APPEARS ro UE www n000 HAZARD zomr &_,. 1 S C SD fRdNl now AWSURANa RArr mAP Acyl rw 1NE dTY cr e►ruI dwi *.n 1?lVA;DATE—:+"LCL �•ilAlb . IS SIIONN AS A CDURrESY my AND vas NOT c01NS1r m A,cr7rIF1CAIIOW or SAW. ' TR'I-+STATE•,•:LAND'"SURVEYORSNC, � 8411, BA HWEADOWS'WAY SUl lr /2, JACKS�OINNLL&�FLORIDA'J2156'(804) 7Jt- 7235 ' eewAv ."• �VIARWGS BASED AN --Ow AS sww. , . e Millam gnsurancer JY[iliam 9nsurance services . } Michael J. Millam, LUTCF and Associates Services P AQ 0 Mulam g'nsurance Michael J.Mica,,LUTCF Services and Asaxisba 1� � 6 i OJ G4�P.cE r�CJ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH s) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ►} .:: mry ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 04-00028736 Date 8/02/04 Property Address . . . . . . 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD UNIT 08 Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . 10 SQ FT SIGN Application description . . . SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ -------- ---------------- SUAD VELIC SUNRISE SIGNS 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD ## 8 1089-1 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 (904) 887-6161 (904) 241-4443 ------------------------------------------------ Permit . . . . . . SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 65 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 65 . 00 65 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. • Q��G 0 ICIAL '7 LLr t l Ly CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH cc: , BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT 800 Seminole Road S. oerr jy Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (904)247-5800 "!r (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # Oq .2-8- Property Address: r} �7 C 48/V&- Applicant: &—Applicant: Project: / F�- This permit application has been: Approved Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your application when these items have been completed. Reviewed By: Date: ` • o�� J �N CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 1 '3 �a SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION UL 2 6 2004 SY Job Address: l cnq ATt.Ac�4i i 0,'�° w... Owner's Name: S U A i � Q,,, Address: Phone: ust� Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: q r 13 i(' r1 S State License Number: Q(A Address: 1 Q�SC� _ � ��C'� } 1 (�C'•� Phone: 6 y y 4 H 2� City: t J(nC)tJC Bee C'h State: f L Zip:3�3Fax: ,Q y q y Electric Permit Required? ❑ Yes* PNo *Electrical Contractor: Dimensions and total square footage of sign: j X i I5204 _ - Please provide two (2) copies of application and the following required information: 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distance from property lines or right-of-ways. For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs, mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office, business or storefront, or entire building, as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct. Signature of Owner: " - "' Date: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with,whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal, state or local rules,regulations,ordinances, or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be prow' ed s required. Signature of Contractor. Date: '3 6 `0� 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Page 1 Phone: (904)247-5800 • Fax: (904)247-5845 - http://www.ei.atiantic-beach.fl.us . Revised 1/30/03 1 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). Name: Mailing Address: 14 c)iz Phone: 'LS1 ( Fax: AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this Y day of -TV L-! z ,20 State of Florida,County of EUBW -7 Notary's Signature: Qla&tA.- - 4�,.r ry ,, Personally known ��f••'•••'�.� J0 ANN MILLS ❑ Produced identification ''=_s: °: My CommMlon li DD 19M Type of identification produced °+"r Expirex Jun 5,2W? AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this t�j�y'�h day of ��n C 20 . State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: ____ i .n(o Q n �``�c_�_ personally known ❑ Produced identification Type of identification produced «...........«««.LINDA I ...+ .«. W0175195 ' Bonded Um" (. .... t) Florida Notary Assn.,Inc. $ Florida 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Page 2 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ei.atiantic-beach.fl.us Revised 1/30/03 '7 L Cc: t�Ltri, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH � BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENTA. Doerr ` 800 Seminole Road _ _.� J ;r Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (904)247-5800 r j3, (904)247-5845 Fax PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Permit Application # 2-,373Cr Property Address: .) 0 '702 i f/(xn.4 t (� ?,1 ✓ d Applicant: le Project: %C) SG r4 This per it application has been: Approved ❑ Reviewed and the following items need attention: Please re-submit your plication when these items have been completed. Reviewed By: Date: U-7 —3 0-U c CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Job Address: cnci Owner's Name: S ►� Address: Phone: Legal Description: Block Number: Lot Number: Zoning District: Contractor: 2)CA � n s State License Number: Address: loco –I A+ 10 a 10— &(-A Phone: City: 0 t l C h State:-_Zip: Fax: a t{ ( y Electric Permit Required? ❑ Yes* KNo *Electrical Contractor: Dimensions and total square footage of sign: X j r 50, '#- Please provide two(2) copies of application and the following required information: 1. For all Freestanding Signs, include survey or site plan showing location of proposed sign(s), and all dimensions including height and distance from property lines or right-of-ways. For Wall, Fascia and other types of Signs, include elevation drawing showing location in relation to adjacent signs, mounting detail and type of illumination, if any. 2. Provide linear frontage of office, business or storefront, or entire building, as appropriate. 3. Provide completed owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I hereby certify that all information provided with this application is correct. Signature of Owner: ,� P ` " Date: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with,whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any federal,state or local rules,regulations,ordinances, or laws in any manner,including the governing of construction or the performance of construction of the property. I understand that the issuance of this permit is contingent upon the above information being true and correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be Aprov' edequired. Signature of Contractor. Date: 63 U "0� 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 • Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 1 Revised 1/30/03 Address and contact information of person to receive all correspondence regarding this application (please print). Name: Mailing Address: 1.}c� ,� i�AQ Phone: U l Lq l Fax: E-Mail,--k i 1.3T 8�-AQ V�� VkUl WVM L. AS TO OWNER: Sworn to and subscribed before me this �l day of -'V L-!;7 ,201. State of Florida,County of II Notary's Signature: _ (a 04t4t p4`���iy Personally known ,+�t JO ANN MILIA ❑ Produced identification= Type of identification produced B#=Jtea5.2MY NI°tll. AS TO CONTRACTOR: Sworn to and subscribed before me this h day of���_n e, , 20Lq . State of Florida,County of Duval Notary's Signature: i � '� personally known ❑ Produced identification Type of identification produced �NNtN.MNNNN.Nry..0^�N +� ` • u.�Cwl1y�*N��1� 'gyp M 1� i Bonded Om." .a00.432r=64) Florida Notary Assn.,Inc. ..................................................... 800 Seminole Road •Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5800 Fax: (904)247-5845 • http://www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Page 2 Revised 1/30/03 10 0 A>�� A Z O Wmra !�//�� a >>-' V J o=nZ N Ar—OD(4 Y� p �No� z I - '� m p n �C71> � o �- I Cn cn Dow..do ve CIO � �.. X17 CD C-) ~� C) y � �;g Z �� co 03 = O 0 WM ILO �-O 6CML C5all!$ I -- —� D C� r e► 0 X) OD� A-Z ZO ma -+,me >y a=0 G)^ N p Omg w Nv- Z AJim. Q Z _ -- i ocl �� I n a- w -" s cn c„ r...• cn m 71 �.. cn O � kaft y O u CP (� -1 z in Cl> CF _-n Q ' i t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH f, h� BUILDING AND PLANNING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD SS� ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 ') TELEPHONE:(904)247-5800 }' FAX:(904)247-5845 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us 22 June , 2004 copy Julio DeAlmeida 272 Main Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Application for Occupational License for welding and metal fabrication business Dear Mr. DeAlmeida: Your application for an Occupational License to operate a metal repair and fabrication, welding and storage business at 1179-2 Atlantic Boulevard cannot be approved by the City of Atlantic Beach. This property is located within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District, and the uses you have proposed are industrial uses permitted only within the Light Industrial and Warehousing (ILW) Zoning District and with approval of a Use-by- Exception. Per our phone conversation, you have advised that it is your intent to revise the application, and that you will have only your business office at this location. You are permitted to have only your business office at this location, which would be limited to typical office equipment and administrative functions related to your business. No repair, fabrication, manufacturing, or stora a of metal welding gases or su lies or an such roducts or materials or the use of any equipment other than office e ui ment is ermitted at this location. Violation of these restrictions would result in the immediate revocation of your Occupational License followed by Code Enforcement action. You may contact me at 247- 5826 with any questions. Sincerely, � Sonya oerr, AICP Community Development Director cc: Don Ford, CBO, Building Official Alex Sherrer, Code Enforcement Officer Maureen King, City Clerk CERTIFIED MAIL r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD,ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Section APPLICATION FOR-Please circle one: NEW LICENSE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP TRANSFER TO NEW LOCATION (If transferring to new location,what was your previous business location?____� BUSINESS NAME M `C L L\ tP v' 1 C' t C) 10 _• ' LOCATION ADDRESS � -` '7 ;�! `s�T1 •14G,- MAR.NG..ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE FAX CELL/MOBILE E-MAIL ADDRESS EXPLAIN FULLY THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS '_ 4�A- 1 fZ c Fv) I-, fvATA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUSINESS PREMISES (Include both buildings and outside areas used in conjunction with the business,but not patron parking areas) NUMBER AND TYPE OF VENDING MACHINES (if any) Section 2. ; APPLICANT/LOCAL MANAGER/PRINCIPAL OFFICER ` L( n C)c P'�L HOME ADDRESS-,- �2- P-7L A N-31 p �_'',-� 4 ;� •7 r : ,� DATE OF BIRTH t9 �Z- —CD DRIVER'S LICENSE# D ;t. s� (I > tLt'?�<gAttach copy) HOME PHONE 2 4 6- C( 45Z �_S.S.#_.OR FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID 1 le �-( S 0— STATE LICENSE/CERTIRCATION/REGISTRATION# (if applicable, attach copy) Section 1,the undersigned swear that the above statements are true and correct and I agree to notify the City Clerk if there is any change in the above information. I further up9erstand that issuance of an occupational license by the City Clerk in no way relieves me of the responsibility of compliance with a&pip�isions-o ftthe Code of Ordinances pertaining to conducting a business in the City of Atlantic Beach. Signature Title Print Name Date NO PERSON,FIRM OR CORPORATION SHALL ENGAGE IN OR MANAGE ANY TRADE,BUSINESS,PROFESSION,OR OCCUPATION IN ATLANTIC BEACH WITHOUT FIRST OBTAIl aNG A LICENSE AND PAYING AN ANNUAL FEE. APPLICATION AND/OR PAYMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE. Section 4.-(For office use only) CODE# LICENSE# FEE PAID S FULLHALF YEAR STATE REGJCERT. HEALTH CERT. OTHER FICTITIOUS NAME REG. CORPORATION REG. REQUIRES COMM.APPROVAL:YES/NO DATE A.PPROVED/DENMD BY COMM. BUILDING DEPT.APPROVAL BY DATE FIRE DEPT.APPROVAL BY DATE ZONING APPROVED BY DATE CITY CLERK APPROVAL BY DATE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ^� DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING 800 SEMINOLE ROAD-ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-TEL: 247-5826-FAX: 247-5877 PERMIT INFORMATION LOCATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 22770 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Class of Work: NEW Township: Range: Book: Proposed Use: SINGLE FAMILY Lot(s): Block: Section: Square Feet: Subdivision: Est. Value: Parcel Number: Improv. Cost: OWNER INFORMATION Date Issued: 10/04/2001 e:" DIC, ELVIS Total Fees: 30 0 ` I�Kcldt? ssa?`" TLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: TLA BEACH, FL 32233 Date Paid: 10/0e ; 9 Work Desc: ERECT ST F ."i N EXISTING, Yk PROPERTY OWNER "' 'ERMIT ,' "= 30.00 k h 5"N`st' .. u7 ni 3s i r i " ; w t�T'iyf� NOTICE- INSPECTOONS',IVIU �E, QL1ESTt I AT(«EA IOITRS PRIOR°TO INSPECTION � BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AN#bEBj*ISFROM Hk S U T NOT E 1ACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND L MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAIA l Y -ILR EI O ISI fRf�CTO t t R OPV N I. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CdNS*�tLI.C'�';IQI�-�iN Ir'AW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPT. Date: 18/19/61 B1 Receipts IM3OLN 45 DECKS 1161 ".� .m. i s APPROVED CITY OF ATLANI i.. ' ,,,H PIANtNING R ZON, j OC 3 2001 By Rk••.i:.• r,, City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road- Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)24713800 FAX (904)247-5805• http://www/ei•atlantie-beach-0-us APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT DATE_ _ APPLICANT -Y 1� Lf�''�DL�S'�Q- ��`l��`' w�—• ( `! SUITE NUMSER_`7 A/�/?`I STREET ADDRESS � gI,OCR# LOT# PROPERTY APPRAISER'S REAL ESTATE NUMBER ZONING DISTRICT ELECTRICAL PERMIT REQt11.RFD: ❑YES* �NO *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR U;t�3-6-D T}� OF SIGN ANiI METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION ,4 k JZ 7J :v G ,��'k��;~5 �G�J 75Grk�EiN a �X iS'1�•c>G P DIMENSIONS AND TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ,�__ � � �( ' r ' Signs over square feet in area and/or seventeen (1e n bei ht,or any size wcigbing uoore th e fifty (50) thousand(1000)pounds shall be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with an area g a er than thirty(30)square feet shall be constructed to withstand minimum wind loads of thirty-five(35)pounds per square foot. Drawings shall also demonstrate that the support structure of the sign is adequate to support the weight of the sign. PLEASE PROVIDE.Two(2)COPIES OF APPLICATION AND THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION. 1. Site pian showing location of proposed sign(s),and all dimensions including height and setbacks from property line or right-of-way for freestanding signs. 2. Linear frontage of office business or storefront,or entire building,as appropriate. 3. Owner's authorization form if applicant is other than property owner. 4. Other information as may be required by Chapter 17 of the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT. Signature of owner or author' ager S1GNATVR �r 'rL� PRINT NAME ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APrLICATION (PlXASF PRINT) � NAME ay_Y/� -;J 6� MAILING ADDRESS /070 A PHONE '''% s��i'� � 1 7� FAX ,L�� �7�q� E-MAIL Td Wb22:60 1002 20 '100 066S917Z 'ON Xtid S31d3dUda QNti Ad31S1OHdn SIA13 : WOdJ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH aL i It)TiPERM•IT!NFOWRAP ATLANTIC, BOULEVARD Address: �pr n�ji 4 u r—n -e—r 20809 L-wrir, rP:Ar--H Fi rlpina 31)"33 S-Irl-Thl I LTERATION Township: 0 Range: 0 Book* Class of Work: A -2 11... Subdivision:Square"FtelSu Feet: NuFA�Ef' 13 OWNER INFORMATION vv , Improv. Cost" L ID I-'A Name: Date issued: 79 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD11 Tntal 9:9--aS- 25 n0 Address: 10 tjkN! !G REACK FLORIDA Amount Paid: 20AR) A 011'712orlo Phone: (904)247-5700 noto pAid- vvit-E FOR flvfk(, .Aj---%rir7 Anna IfIA11"I"M D.K-e-C. CONTRACTOR(S) M.417T INC. ins ections Required I r-ILIAI r irtr%L INSPECTIONS MUST BF REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL. RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND ...... r-Anl=n 110 AkIF-1 WJAl ILEDAWAY Lly t1l mr-m Ulm I %Jvvi—I -Tuo( aa A i-iw IL 2 0%-r rb I I^"r I r%LI I IGLU I AW Jr A IU W INI"M If F%%Jr V-F%I I "FAILURE 10 t;k)MeL"1 rl I"r_ Q-k T'--,-�I p nlNr-. IMPROVEMENTS" mn xir-n P! ANWHICH PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION -Ao !, FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIUM Ul�- LAW. ff j BUILDING DEPT-- ATLANTIC BEACH [�U CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ! �� � n r.�1P� A 1 rP1R A!T r MEC /KN PIAL CfCtvff t �.-- nr•l1 w,� Qnnn AT1 GI '32233_TFL 747-5.826_-FAX, ?d7-5f177 - P RM T t�''�FL'R �lTlf)I!! LOCATION! �!�FORMA�iON �- — -� Address. 1079 ATLAPv T iC BOULEVARD Permit Number: 20804 ATLANTIC BEACH: FLORIDA 32233 Parmh Type: ,",,MECHANICAL I Class of Work: ALTERATION Township: 0 Range: 0 Book: Proposed Use- CONIVIERC)AI ! BlockJ.: Section_0 i I_o�(s): Sauare Feet: Subdivision: Est.�ialue: Parc%%14umtMT: ---- — Improv. Cost: OWNER INFORMATION_ —_ mate issued: turf 612Wv Tota Fees: 41.00 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid: 41.10-0 ®ate_Paid: 10S18/2000 I Phone_( 0 )247-5700 Work Desc REPLACE COWDORSER AND AC HANDL- — --- -- — — CONTRACTOR S APPLICATION FEES _ -- COASTAL HEING AND COOLING 41.00 AT 1 � � t -i Inspections FINXL r I � 1 NOTICE-INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION_ BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE 70 COMPLY W1TN TI~IE CONS_ TRUCTION LIEN LXNN CAN RESULT IN TiiE PROPERTY � I OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. -- --- $41.88 14 _ u' - — 8 4625 — -= � �� pate. 18/17/68 81 Receipt. 8 A ANTIC BEAC{-wt3UILDING PT. CHECKS 9113 nniannn�� ®"'"�---73U ZIIVVVJLG • BUILDING AND ZONING INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ATLAWIC BEACH. FLonIDA 32233 APPLICATION ICOR MECHANICAL PERMIT CALL-IN NUMBER-- IMPORTANT — /applicant to complete all items in sections I, II, III, and IV. 1. LOCATION Street Address:- And Lr/ • _/ _�_% OF Inferseeling Streets: Pet—en - -- BUILDING Sub-division ------- ----------- ---' -'-- '-- ---'--'---- — ---- II. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants In consideralion of permit q;—n for doing Ike wort as described in the abrve slaterr,nnt we hereby agree to perform said work it, accordance with the atfaclLed plans and specilicalions which are a part hereof and in accordance will, Ike Cily of Jacksonville ordinances and standards of good practice l4led ll.erein. Name of Meeh+n- Contractors -rAeO sus Contractor Meller Name of Property 0-ner Signature of Owner Signature of or Authorized Agent Architect or Engineer 111. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Type of hoofing fuel: B. IS OTHER CONSTRUCTION BEING GONE ON Q Bectric THIS BUILDING OR SITE 1 ❑ Gas—❑ Us ❑ Natural ❑ Control Ulilify IF VES, GIVE NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ Oil PERMIT ❑ Other — Specify IV. MECHANICAL EQUIPM94T TO SE INSTALLED NATURE OF WORK (provide complete list of components on back of this form) ). ) Residential or k Commercial ❑ Heal ❑ Spots, ❑ Recessed D Central O Flow New Bullding Q� Air Conditioning: ❑ Room [9"Conlral Existing Building ❑ Duct System: Material 1lsickneu l_) Replacement of existing system Masimum capacity e.f.m. [_) New Inslallallon(No syslern prevlously Installed) ❑ Refrigeration K Extension or add-on to exlsting system L.) Other — Specify ❑ Cooling fewer: Capacify 9-p.m. ❑ Rrr sprinkle": Number of head► - ---- --- - ❑ Elevator ❑ Monliff ❑ Escalator (number) THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ Gasoline pumpa (number) IR•eeNved) ❑ Tants (number) Remarks ❑ IPG confainors (number) ❑ Unfirstd pressure vessel 13 toilersPermit Approved by Doll- 0 tither — Specify Permit Fe. LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Number Unita Description Model Number Manufacturer Ca aclty A ping (Toru) Atet+GT Ce,✓�C-✓_1S�L 51C/CZ X.O-4 44{/a.r✓ -7— G1 4 - CITY OF Vead - 9&,rZ& 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 �— TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 �o.�,. .v. SUNCOM 852-5800 November 25, 1997 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Rhodes 1707 Evans Drive South Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Re: Use-by-Exception 1079 Atlantic Boulevard Unit 6, Atlantic Beach Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rhodes: This is to advise the Atlantic Beach City Commission, in regular session assembled on Monday, November 24, 1997, granted your request for a use by exception to operate a contracting business at the above referenced location subject to the following conditions: ► The Use-by-Exception was granted to you personally and is for the above location only ► There will be no overnight parking of commercial vehicles ► There will be no outside storage Please do not hesitate to contact our city planner, George Worley at 247-5817 if you have additional questions regarding this Use-by-Exception. Also, please contact the undersigned regarding the occupational license for your business. Sincpfely, Madreen King Certified Municipal Clerk xc: George Worley -7A i Z 4 -- q'7 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Use-by-Exception for Contractors office at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard Worley 11 Community Development Director C JJ 55'SUBMITTED BY: George y �y (� DATE: November 19, 1997 BACKGROUND: The applicant owns the building and desires to operate a contractors office in unit number 6. No outside storage is proposed and no parking of commercial vehicles is anticipated. The property is zoned CG, Commercial General which permits by exception contractors without outside storage. Outside storage of commercial vehicles has been an issue of concern with the Community Development Board for some time. Because of their concerns, most recommendations for the granting of this type of Exception will contain the provision that outside commercial vehicle parking be very limited or even prohibited, depending upon the character of the surrounding neighborhood. An additional issue of concern for the Board is the limiting of Exceptions to specific people and locations to prevent exceptions from being "inherited" by subsequent tenants or businesses whose methods or conditions of operation may be substantially different from the business originally granted the exception. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board recommends approval of this request subject to the Exception being granted to the applicant only, for this location only, and provided that no overnight parking of commercial vehicles be allowed. ATTACHMENTS: 1)Application for Use-by-Exception 2) Minutes of the Community Development Board 3) Staff Report to the Community Develop pard REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM NO. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: October 21, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: #4. a. Application for Variance to enlarge existing nonconforming residence at 326 Ocean Blvd. The applicant owns an existing nonconforming house at 326 Ocean Boulevard and desires to construct an addition onto the north side of the building. The existing building is at 15.3 feet from the front property line. The building was constructed prior to the current zoning setback requirements. The proposed addition will not encroach into any required setback. Based upon past practice by this Board and upon the fact that the addition will not encroach any setbacks Staff recommends approval of the requested Variance. AGENDA ITEM: #4. b. Application for Use-by-Exception to operate a contractors office at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard. The applicant owns the building and desires to operate a contractors office in unit number 6. No outside storage is proposed and no parking of commercial vehicles is anticipated. The property is zoned CG, Commercial General which permits by exception contractors without outside storage. Staff recommends approval of this reguest,subiect to the Exception being rant to the applicant only,for this location onlyand that no verni ht arkin of cp rcial vehicles be ermitted. AGENDA ITEM: #4. c. Application for Variance to construct an addition onto an existing nonconforming house at 1030 Beach Avenue. The applicants desire to construct an addition onto the front of the existing nonconforming house. The existing building is nonconforming due to an encroachment into the south side yard setback. The building is three feet from that property line where five feet is required by code. The proposed addition onto the front of the building will not encroach the required front yard setback of 20 feet. Staff recommends approval of the requested Variance. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notice is hereby given the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday,November 24, 1997, at 7:15 PM at City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, for the purpose of hearing and considering the views of the public concerning the following request for a Use by Exception: AN APPLICATION FOR A USE BY EXCEPTION FILED BY RUSSELL & LYDIA RHODES, TO OPERATE A CONTRACTING BUSINESS WITH NO OUTSIDE STORAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD, ZONED CG, COMMERCIAL GENERAL All persons interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. If a person decides to appeal any decision at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Maureen King, City Clerk, at 247-5809, or at City Hall, 800 Seminole Road. MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA October 21, 1997 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Robert Frohwein Mary Walker Pat Pillmore Mark McGowan AND Alan Jensen, Esquire Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT Don Wolfson Buzzy Grunthal Sharette Simpkins George Worley, Director Vice Chairman Robert Frohwein called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the special meeting of September 23, 1997 meeting. Mr. Frohwein requested that the minutes be corrected to replace the word "completed" with "commenced" in the fourth paragraph of the minutes. I. Application for Variance filed by Paul and Lori Lucey to construct an addition to an existing nonconforming residence at property located at 326 Ocean Boulevard. Mr. Lucey introduced himself and explained that he and his wife desired to build an addition on the north side of the residence. He stated that the house was constructed prior to the current zoning setback requirements and the proposed construction will not encroach into any required setback. Paul Stenson introduced himself as contractor for the applicants told the board that a large section of concrete slab would be removed during the proposed construction. After discussion, Mr. McGowan moved to grant the variance. Ms. Pillmore seconded the motion and the variance was unanimously granted. Il. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by Russell and Lydia Rhodes to operate a contractor's office with no outside storage at property located at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Rhodes introduced himself and explained that he recently purchased the building and desired to operate his contractors office in unit number 6. After discussion, Mr. McGowan moved to recommend approval of the use-by- exception be granted solely to the applicant and that there be no overnight parking or storage of commercial vehicles. Ms. Pillmore seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ill. Application for Variance filed by Robert Hunter to construct an addition to an existing nonconforming residence at property located at 1030 Beach Avenue. Mr. Hunter introduced himself to the board and explained that the house was constructed in 1932 and encroaches the south side yard setback. He stated that he desired to construct a garage addition on the front of the house which would not encroach the required,front yard setback of 20 feet. Mrs. Walker expressed her concern with construction on existing nonconforming structures and the board's authority in approving variances for additional construction. After discussion, Mr. McGowan moved to grant the variance provided the construction be commenced within six months. Mrs. Pillmore seconded the motion and the variance was unanimously granted. IV. Application for Variance filed by Nicole F. Howard to construct a patio addition which will encroach the rear setback at property located at 559 East Coast Drive. Mrs. Howard introduced herself and presented pictures of her rear yard and the location of two large camphor trees and existing deck. She explained that she desired to construct an addition onto the rear of the home over an existing slab. She stated that the construction would encroach four feet into the required twenty foot rear yard setback She stated that reviewing minutes from prior meetings of the board, a similar variance was granted July 20, 1993 to accommodate additional family members and she felt that additional family members may be interpreted to include her unborn child. The chairman explained to the applicant the definition of"hardship" as it applies to the zoning code and the explained to her specific guidelines the board has to follow in hearing variance requests. After discussion, the applicant offered to amend her application by reducing the setback by two feet. Mr. Frohwein brought to the attention of the applicant that an additions overhang or eave could extend up to 40% into a required setback. After further discussion regarding alternatives to the proposed construction, the applicant requested that her application be deferred until the next regularly scheduled meeting. DISCUSSION ITEM: The board briefly discussed the Core City Infrastructure Improvements. Mrs. Walker requested that a discussion item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting regarding variance requests for improvements to existing nonconforming buildings. There being no further business to come before the board on motion made the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED ATTEST Please Type or Print in Ink Application Fee $100.00 APPLICATION FOR "USE BY EXCEPTION, RECEIVE® SEP 2 2 1997 Date Filed: 9 -7 City of Atlantic Beach _ Building and Zoning --------------------- Name and Address of Owner or Tenant it' Possession of Premises: Phone --/?QQZE�B11Gia�Sf�JzI��------------ Work: -LGsS �J 11Lto— CeE��at�c�_.�+��3 ' Q_ Home:_QOy_eZ�/1_///Y--------- Street address and legal description of the premises as to which the "Use by Exception" is requested: -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- A description of the "Use by Exception" desired, which shall specifically end particularly describe the type, character and extent of the proposed w "Use by Exception's ;?srJA4w—,rf........ �--°��i��_u��_.r�et�.y�-=-��--�m.Kekl ►�/_ _y -�fXLev f - o_Z ------=------------------------------------------------ SpeciLfic reasons why the/ applicant feels /the �request should be granted: -Ali a_�o j-;j _-iQ_l2�SIk I'LS&L6--L-ta_-7sP------------------------ _y��-- �1s�irAC�[_11s���_ —tLNlf —Jed— s` �cL�J ------------------------------------------------------ Zoning Classification: �1P��L���CGtPs�El---- i ------------------------------ Signature of applicant/applicant's Signature ofowner of the property. authorized agent or attorney. If Application cannot be processed agent or attorney, include letter without owners signature. from applicant to that effect. Applicants Do not fill-in beyond this point. however, be prepared to respond to the following items: FINDINGS OF FACT I 1. Ingres■ and •press to property and proposed) YES NO structure■ is adequate. Particular reference is wade to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of catastrophe 2. Off-street parking and loading i■ adequate. Particular attention is paid to the items in 1. above and the economic, noise, glare and odor effects of the special exception on adjoining properties and properties, generally in the district; 3. Locations of refuse and service areas are compatible with surrounding poperties and are easily accessible. 4. Locations, availability and compatibility of utilities are adequate. 3. Type, dimensions and character of ■crooning and buffering are adequate. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare and traffic safety, ere in harmony and are compatible with other properties in the district. 7. Required yards and other open spaces are adequate. S. The use is generally compatible with adjacent properties and other property in the district. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONSo ACTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSIONi Please Type or Print in Ink Application Fee $100.00 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR "USE BY EXCEP'T'ION" SEP 2 2 1997 9'0?07 ' 9 Date Filed: .7 City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning Name and Address of Owner or Tenant in Possession of Premises: Phone 1-7-01 , o v t�------------ Work:-_gayv;27_ 7dO ------ 0—A' M-LI s CA,g 1Homes_QO�=eZSI� _/l �y--------- Street address and legal description of the premises as to which the "Use by Exception" is requested: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A description of the "Use by Exception" desired, which shall specifically and particularly describe the type, character and extent of the proposed "Use by Exception" : -------- . _f4_0�_4�0_ �J_ _ �° _ O�drits- - -�°- ��-KS------------------------------------------------------------ Specific reasons why the applicant feels the request should be granted: _k2�L/__ --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Zoning Classification:_ I ---------------------- Si ------------ -- -- -- - _- ---------- nature of a 9 pplicant/applicant s Signature of owner of the property. authorized agent or attorney. If Application eannnt ►,a .,rr,r.eese a i i FINDINGS OF FACT i. Ingres■ and •press to property and proposed structures is adequate. Particular reference is YES NO made to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access In case of catastrophe= 2. Off-street parking and loading is adequate. Particular attention is paid to the items in 1. above and the economic, noise, glare and odor effects of the special exception on adjoining properties and proportion generally in the district; 3. Locations of refuse and service areas are compatible with surrounding poperties and are easily accessible. 4. Locations, availability and compatibility of utilities are adequate. 3. Type, dimensions and character of screening and buffering are adequate. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare and traffic safety, are in harmony and are compatible with other properties in the district. 7. Required yards and other open spaces are adequate. S. The use is generally compatible with adjacent properties and other property in the district. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS: REQUEST FO Date DECEMBER ECEMBERR 2_ 9 _ -" Payable To Address 1301 SOUTH FIRST STREET City JACKSONVILLE, BEACH State FLORIDA Amount $ 1045.00 ZiP Code 350 Charge To Account No. 40-3433300 Or Charge To UTILITIES For REFUND FOR WATER METER AND IMPACT FEES RE 0 BY AP V D BY TOPS FORM 1218 LITHO IN U.S.A. CITY F 1*&ar& VEr d- 'h* q 6PYG-i4 s 16(X N B6VLZVA1tD w TFLF:�'�f+C��W1�41 *93A+> r a r October 9, 1.989 ` Mr. Motro c/o Mr. Roy Deese 681 South 3rd Street . F .lacksonville Beach, . Plorida 32250 . d r� 4 Mr. Motro, It was a pleasure to meet you last week. I have researched the water well. at 1079 AtlantI 43-Vd: f County Health Department allows use of private wells whyuh , feasible to bring City water to a property. In ycnir e � a ha4e determined you .mar remain using the existing; well . The six mach sewer line lateral will have to be it taped tq 't allow a large enough 'service for your strip center, + Please call .tae, at 246-2766, if you have any quest*,,,.-, these items. Sincerely Don C. Ford, DirO,,ctor. Public Service cc: City Manager 1 x File pw t Y. � 4 Y T - 001394 TWT TI,011Eft tt Af " Cc31ttL1wAR® k" C, OvAcff N FLORIDA 322.73 Sections ��f3 ` 1 0 x' 4* 00, FORMATION a " WA 0001"E 8C 'FL 32250 7;m u 0759. 75 k *90,0. 00 so. 06649 { A f 00. 00 0 ►'0. 00 Ito Iwo. 00 ✓ xx 1 x . p1x l�L J A 2 h Y . S n � S,AND FOQ'CFNGIS;INUST BE,.IWSPECTED BEFORE POURING i 'EtN11�:V01D 31X MOIVl F!S AFTER DAT!~OF ISSUE BUILDII+It3"MAT R A1:" RUBBtSIiANIS: ? tS FROM THIS WORK MUST'NOTBE PLACED IN FUBl.IC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARt3 11P AND HAtJLED4AWAYE:IIl�FER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. `.`FA111„1RE TO CAVI . 'KITH.TWE IVIECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAM RESULT IN TWE.RROP. ERT` WM ►1f INrG TWICE I UILQI"NG IIWPRt)VE VII NTS,'' ISSUp RGC DING TO A PROV90 PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOGATlC�P� R OPAP €3F I.AW ATI,"ANTxIAA UtuG � T # •8 P APPLICATION FOR WATER METER DATE: CONTRACTOR: Q, BILLING ADDRESS: S-_ � k� --- -------------- SERVICE ADDRESS: LOT:_ 6� -_BLOCK:__a�_UNIT: SUBDIVISION: --------- --------------- ACCOUNT NUMBER:__ METER SIZE• I HEREBY REQUEST THAT A WATER METER BE SET AT THE ABOVE SERVICE ADDRESS. I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL BE BILLED FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION WATER UPON SETTING OF THE METER. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES TO THE METER, BOXES, VALVES, LINES, AND ANY PARTS THEREOF, UNTIL PERMANEN� WATER SERVICE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BY. THE CUSTOMER. -77 ----- -- ---= -- -- ------------- CONTRACTOR - Lie ---- - -------------------- CITTLA I BEACH PLANS REVIEW CHECK LIST w Address ___Owner - -- --------- Legal Description Contractor_ -DCZ License Number-S6V 6 o License on File YES NO Section 24_101 ± Zoning Regulations Zoning District_-(2 0 -_---- Proposed Use -069�x�- - Required Lot Size------------ Actual Lot Size ----------- Setbacks Required Provided Section 24_17 front INTERIOR 0 rear CORNER LOT---�Q - --��-- f r (� Flood Zone Aside-1 ----LD ---------- j Required Elevation si -2 _ ,, -------- L>� 1 Max. HeightAllowed / • --__-___-_ Proposed Height-_✓_i� Section 24_82 * Minimum Lot Coverage Required Heated Area _� n)'� Proposed Area__Ao-/ Section 24_161 * Offstreet Parking Number Spaces Required__ ,::,_ Spaces Provided �- Section 24_82 * Duplicate Buildings Is there a similar building within 500' of -proposed building?YES NO Utilities Water and sewer service is to be provided by: _-___ /Buccaneer Utilities City of Atlantic Beach Utilities Private Source SEPTIC TANK WELL Plans Reviewed b 4 Building Permit # __________ ISSUED DENIED Address Heated Square Footage Garage/Shed -- ------ @ $—s2°�e'er sq ft = _@ $_ _ _:. :_,per sq ft = $ _ Carport/Porch @ $ _______der sq ft = $ Deck Patio @ $ per sq ft = $ @ $ per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION: $-- `��' B 0. °° 50 Total Valuation Remainder Valuation �1 $ 1 .aper`thousand or Portion thereof ----------------------- L-670 Ce 5p Total Building Fee $ ADDITIONAL PERMITS and/or FEES REQUIRED_--_- + z Filing Fee $ `''4echanical Fireplaces @ 15.00 ✓t'lumbing ; BUILDING'PERMIT FEE $ I'flectric/New ------------------------------------- lectric/Term --- --_______ Septic Tank BUILDING PERMIT $ 1 15'cl Well WATER METER CHARGE $_ l L.-&� (io- Mmning Pool SEWER IMPACT FEE $ I I _3qb GU Sign WATER DvACT FEE $ G� C)O bo "Water Connection MISCELLANEOUS $ ►"ewer Connection1�4�-�'r� �� $ 9 5•.'71 meter Meter `"tlevation gertificate GRAND TOTAL DUE $ `-��p -✓ -------------------------- -------------- CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Owner--E .- //f O Ta-a _Address (3 t S. IST Sic T zip Z.t,S bphone 2Y ?-7336 -------------------- ------- Architect.QagE2LEQo±-D5L0 Address 6??_I_ t-Li V lou RD zip 27 1 --------- -----poneh ? ,277 e Contractor �,�6 8y ---E---�-----Address,) lt)-/-�=I--1'1'• ---zip321D_phoneh/� Y:�J� Contractor's License numberCaG,� - __expiration_6_ __ _--- Lot_- S __Block or Section 9F Subdivision 'r�A!uTic E!!�crf Zoning - I Street'A-TLA,n c Rw0_between_f a 77 -4 iC Ad ___an -----------------side ----------- Type Construction &5va-Y No. Units ------------- ....I----NO. Fireplaces Purpose of Building- a-!u ►ncRc L L._ S 02. c -------------Est. valuation Utility Method - Water � I-j __ - _ _-_- Sewer C I Dimensions - Building_ a�C_t �G Zoe �CZoa Size Footings_ (v0 xzb` Sz. Piers ____ Sz. Sills ---- ----- Sz. CeilingJoists _ ---------'----Greatest Span Sills_______________ _ _ C_ Distance on Centers _Greatest Span_______ Sz. Floor Joists _ -------- Distance on Centers Greatest Span_______ Sz. Rafters --------- _________Distance on Centers Greatest Span --------- ------- Method of Heating-�-04Ei -P()(49-Solid or Filled Ground �eLi IP Roof Flood Zone_�Ub ___If located within a FLOOD HAZARD ZONE complete page 3 In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of Atlantic Beach. The contractor agrees at its expense to provide the necessary access to the properties being developed over dedicated City rights-of-way and to clear, clean, grade, and drain said right-of-way to City specifications. Signature Owner____-- Date Signature Contractor��C�f� Date page 2 r' = 00050 amu, rc-lao DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT INFORMA`I�ION - ,.� � LOCATION' INFORKATION t Number1 503 ddres�: ;1 7 ATI,ANTXC BL:t►D. s►Ik ,T�rg a BLLIL.I IHCATLANTIC BEACH, " FLORIDA 32233of Works REMOVE � t.EN�AL« I�S"SCRTPTION -tar. Type N.�A art: Bl�rcki ��roposed Umv s SINGLE FAMILY P1 t Book. Pages 4 I1velling s 0 od 1 O` Subdivisions �t�• O TL E tI ted Values �tI<4)O ---- -- OWNER I�II�"ERMAT"If3�i�«------5a* r� 1'�.= Costs .OO N �a� ' E. NOTRO 96 IA F/#4S ' TI; 1 FrO. t() Arldar+ awrx lO"/ ATLANTIC BLV cri .6I.I Aaa�►cxu 4 >!~ Q« C1O ATL..AN'L'TC: 13EACN, FL. DA 2W i 4 9 D�►.t ° ,. a•`BS Phones `(9' 04)249-7336 �� I Nk a , . Work ' "', -'single atailir duelling -#'5 LICATI "EES' �p� -�-ry�y 'if k7tA+ w.4 IMPACT FEE - 0,«�d,,74 '.+J�0 WATER l'f I- C7 i'iG �W 0*00 A F �� SEWER IMP b FEI~ 2INDu '! d H � P't ai L 8 ,! � ,4 �� SET O , t ��s .a'p` ry m R:l�b /11 + �r w,u"i.' <<"6s . RADON GAS.. S% WA t ER TA fit . P SEWER TAP- HYDRAULIC�3x HYDRAULIC SNARE 61O. Od} R>s INSPECT FEE $0. 00 . F � ENGINEERING $0 OO c � 3 E OTHER NOTES: r NOTICE—ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AMID DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK'MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. `FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTYbWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS.11 ISSUED'ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR i(IOLAT ON OF APPLICABLE'PROVISIOWS OF LAW. ATLAN f .... UILpINGPAMENT " t FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTION 5--BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH DESIGN CALCULATIONS DATE FEBRUARY 1, 1989 PROJECT NAME: 9 UNITS, MOTRO STRIP CENTER ADDRESS: ATLANTIC BLVD. AND MAYPORT RD. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL. OWNER: CONTRACTOR: AIR CONDITIONER EFF. SEER 8.2 HEATING COP 2 . 7 WTR HEATR ELECT. U WALL ALLOWABLE . 37 U WAL ACT 0. 36 U ROOF/CEILING ALLOWABLE . 1 ROOF ACT 0. 078 U FLOOR ALLOWABLE N/A FLOOR ACT N/A OTTV WALL ALLOWABLE 30.8 OTTV WALL 30. 64 OTTV / U ROOF/CLNG ALLOW . 1 U OTTV/U RF 0. 078 U ENVELOPE ALLOWABLE N/A ENVEL ACT N/A U VALUE CALCULATIONS FOR BUILDING COMPONENTS EXTERIOR WALL CALCULATIONS ------------------------------- 1. EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: STUCCO, 8" BLOCK, ALFOIL, DRY WALL COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0. 17 STUCCO 0. 10 BLOCK 1.78 ALFOIL 5. 00 1/2" DRY WALL 0. 45 INSIDE AIR FILM 0. 68 TOTAL R VALUE= 8 . 18 U VALUE= 0. 122 PAGE TWO 2. EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: STUCCO, 18" BLOCK COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0. 17 STUCCO 0. 10 BLOCK 1.72 INSIDE AIR FILM 0. 68 TOTAL R VALUE= 2 . 67 U VALUE= 0. 375 3. EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 PAGE THREE 4 . EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 TOTAL OPAQUE WALL U VALUE CALCULATIONS ------------------------------------------- U VALUE WALL # 1= 0. 122 AREA OF WALL # 1= 2580 U VALUE WALL # 2= 0. 375 AREA OF WALL # 2= 1920 U VALUE WALL # 3= 0. 000 AREA OF WALL # 3= U VALUE WALL # 4= 0. 000 AREA OF WALL # 4= U VALUE TOTAL OPAQUE WALL= 0.230 i PAGE FOUR ROOF CEILING CALCULATIONS ------------------------- 1. ROOF / CEILING TYPE: BUR, R-10, SUSPENDED CEILING COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0. 17 BUR 0. 33 R-10 ROOF INSULATION 10. 00 AIR FILM 0. 61 AIR FILM 0. 61 SUSPENDED CEILING 0.45 INSIDE AIR FILM 0. 61 TOTAL R VALUE= 12 .78 U VALUE= 0.078 2 . ROOF / CEILING TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 PAGE FIVE 3 . ROOF / CEILING TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 4 . ROOF / CEILING TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 TOTAL ROOF / CEILING U VALUE CALCULATIONS ------------------------------------------ U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 1= 0. 078 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 1= 10800 U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 2= 0. 000 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 2= U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 3= 0. 000 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 3= U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 4= 0. 000 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 4= U VALUE TOTAL ROOF/ CEILING= 0. 078 PAGE SIX H E A T I N G C A L C U L A T I O N S WALLS U VALUE OF OPAQUE WALL= 0. 230 AREA OF OPAQUE WALL= 4500 U VALUE OF GLASS= 1. 04 TOTAL AREA OF GLASS= 864 U VALUE OF EXT. DOORS= 0.40 AREA OF EXTERIOR DOORS= 396 U VALUE OF TOTAL WALL= 0. 363 U VALUE TOTAL ROOF / CEILING ASSEMBLY WITH SKYLIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------- U VALUE ROOF / CEILINGS= 0. 078 AREA ROOF / CEILINGS= 10800 U VALUE OF SKYLIGHTS= 1. 04 AREA OF SKYLIGHTS= U VALUE TOTAL ROOF= 0.000 C O O L I N G C A L C U L A T I O N S U VALUES FOR OPAQUE WALLS AND DOORS ------------------------------------- U VALUE TOTAL WALL= 0.230 AREA TOTAL WALL= 4500 U VALUE EXTERIOR DOORS= 0.40 AREA EXTERIOR DOORS= 396 U VALUE WALLS AND EXTERIOR DOORS= 0. 244 w� a m PAGE SEVEN OTTV CALCULATIONS FOR TOTAL WALLS INCLUDING WINDOWS ---------------------------------------------------- U VALUE WALLS AND DOORS= 0.24 AREA WALLS AND DOORS= 4896 TDeq= 25 U VALUE TOTAL GLASS= 1. 04 AREA TOTAL GLASS= 864 DELTA t = 19 GLASS SHADING COEFICIENT= 1.00 AREA NORTH GLASS= AREA NORTHEAST GLASS= AREA EAST GLASS= AREA SOUTHEAST GLASS= AREA SOUTH GLASS= 864 AREA SOUTHWEST GLASS= AREA WEST GLASS= AREA NORTHWEST GLASS= OTTV COOLING TOTAL WALL= 30. 64 OTTV CALCULATIONS FOR CEILINGS WITH SKYLIGHTS ---------------------------------------------- U VALUE OPAQUE ROOF= 0. 078 AREA OPAQUE ROOF= 10800 TDegr= TOTAL AREA OF SKYLIGHTS= 0 SKLT SHADING COEFFICIENT= 1. 00 U VALUE OF SKYLIGHT= 1. 04 DELTA is = CEILING / SKYLIGHT OTTV= 0. 00 ENERGY DESIGN SYSTEMS 1065 OAKVALE RD. JACKSONVILLE, FL. 32259 287-5339 City of Atlantic Beach Fixture Unit Worksheet for Water Impact Fee FIXTURE UNITS ARE ESTABLISHED AS THE MEASUREMENT OF WATER DEMAND FOR EACH WATER FIXTURE UNIT INSTALLED AND CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. THE WATER SUPPLY CHARGE IS HEREBY FIXED AT TWENTY DOLLARS PER FIXTURE UNIT CONNECTED TO THE CITY WATER SYSTEM. _____BATHROOM GROUP CONSISTING OF _____SERVICE SINK TRAP STAND WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY & BATH (8) TUB OR SHOWER STALL (6) WATER CLOSET VALVE _11__WATER CLOSET, TANK OPERATED (4) �p VALVE OPERATED (8) _____BATHTUB/SHOWER (2) URINAL WALL LIP (4) _____SHOWER GROUP PER HEAD (3) FLOOR DRAIN ( 1 ) __C_�_SHOWER STALL DOMESTIC (2) LAUNDRY TRAY (2) LAVATORY ( 1 ) COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY (3) _____WASHING MACHINE (3) _____POT, SCULLERY SINK (4) _____DISHWASHER (2) WASH SINK EACH SET OF FAUCETS (2) KITCHEN SINK (2) DENTAL LAVATORY ( 1 ) KITCHEN SINK WITH WASTE GRINDER (3) DENTAL UNIT OR CUSPIDOR ( 1 ) _____BIDGET (3) _____URINAL STALL, WASHOUT (4) _____FLUSHING RIM SINK (8) _____COMBINATION SINK AND TRAY WITH FOOD DISPOS. (4) _____URINAL, PEDESTAL, SYPHON JET BLOWOUT (8) DRINKING FOUNTAIN ( 1/2) _____LAVATORY, BARBER/BEAUTY SHOP (2) _ LAVATORY, SURGEONS (2) _____SURGEONS SINK (3) ICE MAKER (1/2) WET BAR (2) TOTAL FIXTURE UNITSd`_ @ $20. 00 EACH JOB INFORMATION__ /D 717/-/- /)7,/_ CITY OF 1*&atic Ve4i - *&ud4 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.O.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 November 1, 1988 Mr. E. Motrow C/O Roy Deese 681 South Third Street Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 ol Dear Mr. Motrow, It is our understanding you are the owner of property listed as 1077-79 Atlantic Boulevard in Atlantic Beach, Florida. It is further our under- standing you wish to make a 6-inch sewer tap into the City sewer main at this point to service this property. It is possible for you to do this under the following terms and conditions: 1. A detailed plan prepared by a qualified engineer or surveyor should be prepared showing the location of the tap and the manner in which the tap is to be made. 2. The plan should be provided to the Public Service Department of the City of Atlantic Beach for review and approval. 3. Following approval by the Department of Public Services a permit will be issued by the City and the work may be undertaken. 4. All work must be inspected and approved by the Director of Department of Public Services of the City of Atlantic Beach before the work is covered. All expenses to be paid by developer. Trusting this provides you with the information you require, I am Sincerely, Richard C. Fellows City Manager cc: Director Of Public Services Community Development -. ST. JOHNS RIVER Henry Dean,Executive Director Mildred G.Horton,Assistant Executive Director ,'WATER John R.Wehle,Assistant Executive Director MANAGEMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1429 • PALATKA, FLORIDA 32078-1429 DISTRICT 904/328-8321 MAY 23r 19134 ❑2133 N.Wickham Rd. ❑ 7775 Baym Wows Way O 618 E.South M. Melbourne,FL 329358109 Suite 102 Orlando,FL 32801 (407)254-1761 Jacksonville,FL 32256 (407)894.5423 E. M O T R O (904)730-6270 1301 1ST STREET SOUTH APT. 204 JAX BiACH. FL 32250 RE: PERMIT 4 42-1031-010% ENCLOSED IS YOUR. STGRFWATE^ ?!9MT7 AS AUTHORIZED 9Y THE STAFF OF THE ST. JOHNS R IViR WATER MA.NAa MENT DISTRICT ON MAY 23r 19F9. THIS PERMIT IS A LFG: L DOCUMENT AND SHOULC EE KEAT WITH YOUR OTHER IMPORTANT DCCUMENTS . THF ATTACHED COTPLETION REPORT SHOULD iE FILLED IN AND RETURNED TO THE PALATKA OFFICE WITHIN THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE WOPK IS COMPLETED. PY SO DOING, YOU WILL ENABLE US TC SCHEDULE A PROW INSPECTION OF THE PERMITTED ACTIVITY. IN ADDITION TO THE CCMPLETION REPORTP YOUR PERMIT ALSO CONTAINS CONDITIONS WHICH REAUIRE SURSITTAL OF 'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. C�J�I��T�tj�(,�_""IJx�_+��_"�U��?�T� G_T�_7H�_?'�q�_�Z��_�FF,�C _,�.�p'�.�3�• PERMIT ISSUANCE DOES NOT RELIEVE YOU FROM THE RESPGNSI3ILITY OF OBTAINING PERMITS FROM ANY FEDERAL. .~TATE, AND/OR LOCAL AGENCIES .ASS'ERTING CONCURRENT JURISDSCTIO'N FOR THIS WORK. IN THE EVENT YOU SELL YOUR PROPERTY. THE PERMIT WILL ?E TRANSFERRED TO THE NEW O NERP IF WE ARE NITIFIED PY YOU WITHIN NINETY DAYS OF THi SALE.. PLEASE ASSIST US IN THIS MATTER SO .AS TO MAINTAIN A VALID PERMIT FOR THE NEW PROPERTY OWNER. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION AND 1; THIS OFFICE CAN RE OF ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE TO YOUe PL4ASF 0+0 NOT HESITATE TO CQNTAC'- US. S : RELY. SI T. KEEMM, , DIR4C DIVISION OF RECORDS DTK:PE ENCLOSURES : PERMIT WITH COMPLETION IRFPCRT CC DISTRICT PERMIT FILE ;ARCHITECT A . W 2JOADFOOT 6321 ARLINGTON+ ROAD JACKSONVILLE. FL 1201 JOHN L.MINTON KELLEY R.SMITH,JR. SAUNDRA H.GRAY RALPH E.SIMMOtIS Chairman-Vero Beach Vice Chairman-Palatka Secretary-DeBary Treasurer-Fernandina Beach VAL M.STEELE THOMAS L.DURRANCE JOE E.HILL SAM L.SWETT ALICE J.WEINBERG Melbourne Beach Holly Hill Leesburg Jacksonville Longwood "EX4I0 IT A" i CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT NU,1115 r'R 42--031-1216N E. MOTRO DATED MAY 23/ 19el � i 1. THOSE COINVITIONS .AS AGREED UPON IN SECTION II OF THE APPLICATION{. � i 2. TxIS Pt RNIT FOR CONSTRUCTION WILL EXPIRE FIVE YE'A'RS FROM THE DATE I OF ISSUA,N3CE. � i 3. PERiMITTEE PUST 08TASNi A GENERAL OR INDIVIDUAL PERMIT FROM THE DISTRICT PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSEQUENT PH aSES OR � ANY OTHER WORK ASSOCIATE© WITH TRIS PROJECT NOT SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED ;SY THIS PERMIT. 4. ALL SWALE AND RETENTION BASIN SIDE SLOPES !,UST BE 'SODDED OR SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN 30 DAYS FOLLOWING THEIR COMPLETION AND A SJ9STANTIAL VEGETATION COVER MUST TE FSTABLISHED WITHIN 60 DAYS SOF SEEDING. 5. PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL EXPOSED � LAND SURFACES WTTHINf ONE YEAR FROM TH''" DT's:. OF THE CCNSTRkICTION IS j COMPLETE. 6. ALL STORMW+ATER TREATMENT FACILITIES AND ASSOCIATED CONTRC . STRUCTURES ?BUST BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO ANY STRUCTURAL 3U ,"LDING CONSTAUCTICN OR PLACEMENT OF ANY PAVEIENT. ADEQUATE MEASURES MUST j SE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT SILTATION OF THES`" I TREATNIENlT FACILITIES AND CONTROL STRUCTURCS DURING CON:STR'. CTION. ` 7-. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERP`IIT DOES NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICAN`:" OF THE RESPONSIBILITY TO OtITAIN APPY. ANO ALL OTHER REQUIRED LOCAP_a STATE II Aldi? FEDERAL PERMITS. P. lHE FlE.RMITTFE MUST REQUIRE THE CONTRACTOR TO REVICW AND: T,:' � s � MAINTAIN IN' GDOD CON01,7101N AT THE, CQNSTRUC.TION SITE A COP'h" Of THIS PERMIT COMPLETE. WITH ALL CONDITIONS, ATTAC""MtNTSo EXHISITS"r AND PERMIT MODIFICATIONS ISSUED FOR THIS PER?11T. THE C'OFPLETr PERMIT � COPY MUST BE AVAILAOLE FOR REVIEW UPON REQUEST OY DISTRICT R5PRESENT,ATIVES. I 9. TURSIDITY 3ARRIERS 'BUST 3E INSTALLED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHEFFE THE POSSIBILITY OF TRANSFERRING SUSPENDED SOLIDS INTO THE RECEIVING WATERBODY EXISTS DUE TO THE PROPOSED WORK. TURBIDITY BARRIERS MUST REMAIN IN PLACE AT ALL LOCATIONS UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND SOILS ARE STAtiOILTZED AND VEGETATION HAS SEEN ESTAOLISHED. THEREAFTER THE I P'ER:MITTEE WILL BE RESPONST9LE FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE I BAftRIEPS. I 10. IF ANY OTHER REGULATCRY AGENCY SHOULD REQUIRE REVISIONS OF MODIFICATION TO THE PERMITTED PROJECTr THE DISTRICT IS TO IF NOTIFTED OF THE REVISIONS Std WHAT A DE3'I=Rv,,,INDATT'ON CAN BE N-ADE WHETHER A PERMIT MODIFICATION IS REQUIRED. j I 11. WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER SALE OR CONVEYANCE OF THE PERMITTED SURFACE WATER MANA6EMENT SYSTEM" OR TIE LAND ON WHICH THE SYSTEM IS LOCATEDr THE OWNER IN WHOSE NAME THE PERMIT 'WAS GRANTED SfiALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT OF SUCH CHANGE OF OWNFRSHTP. TRANSFER OF THIS PERMIT SHALL. OF IN ACCORbANCE � ` ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32078-1429 PERMIT NO. DATE ISSUED A PERMIT AUTHORIZING: LOCATION: ISSUED TO: (owner) Permittee agrels to hold and save the tit. Johns River Water Management Dist- ict and its successors harmless from any and all damages, claims, of liabilities'which may arise from permit issuance. Said application, including all plans and specifications attached thereto, is by reference made a part hereof. This permit does not convey to permittee any property rights nor any rights or privileges other than those specified herein, nor relieve the permittee from complying with arty law, regulation or requirement affecting the rights of other bodies or agencies. All structures and works installed by permittee hereunder shall remain the property of the permittee. This Permit may be revoked, modified or transferred at any time pursuant to the appropriate provisions of Chanter 373, Florida Statutes: PERMIT IS CONDITIONED UPON: AUTHORIZED BY: St. Johns River Water Management District Department of Resource Management Governing Board N O T I C E O F R I G H T S 1. A party whose substantial interests are determined has the right to request an administrali\c hearing by filing a written petition with the St. Johns River Water Management District (District ) within 14 days of receipt of notice of the District's intent to grant or, deny a permit apmlication as provided in Section 40C-1.511 , Florida Administrative Code, at the office of the District Clerk Located at District headquarters, Highway 100 West, Palatka, Florida. 2. A party whose substantial interests are determined has the right to request an administrative hearing by filing a written petition in the office of the District Clerk within 14 days of receipt of notice of final District action on a permit application, as provided in Section 40C-1 . 511 , Florida Administrative Code, if the Governing Board took action which substantially differs from 11e notice of intent to grant or deny the permit application, or if a substantially interested party did not receive notice of the District's intent to grant or deny the permit application, 3. A substantially interested party I'tas the right to a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120. 57(1 ) , Florida Statutes, where there is a dispute between the District and the party regarding an issue of material fact. A petition for a formal hearing must comply with the requirements set forth in Section 28-5 .201 , Florida Administrative Code, and Section 40C .1 .111, "Florida Administrative Code. 4. A substantially interested party has the right to an informal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, where no material facts are in dispute. A petition for ar informal hearing must comply with the requirements set forth in Section 28-5.201 , F.A.C. , and Section 40C- 1.111, Florida Administrative Code. 5. Filing of a petition for an administrative hearing occurs upon delivery to the District Clerk at the District headquarters in Palatka, Florida. 6. Failure to file a petition for an administrative heat-inq within the requisite lime frame shall constitute a waiver of the right to an administrative hearing. 7. The right to an administrative hearing and the relevant procedures to he 10; lowed are governed by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 40C-1 and 28-5, Florida Acdminislrat i 'e Code. 8. Any substantially affeclecd per�nn who cl.rim•. Ih.il 1iu.rl .0 1 i. n ..I Ihr Ur ,lr icl un .' ilulcs an kill(Ml,l rlul ronol laking of Irroper'ly WIIhOUI iusl conrpenSal ion may ser.k roview of the act ion in circuit court pursuant to Section 373.617, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Rill s of civil Procedures, by filing an aclion within 90 clays of the rendcrirn) of the IInaI Dlslrirl aclion. 9. Pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Sialules, it rorty who iS adver Set al ler led by IlIla I District action may seek review or the aclion in the district court of appeal by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to FIa.R.App.P. 9.110 within 30 days of the rendering of the final District a::liot). 10. A party to the proceeding who claims that a District orcder' is inconsistent .ailh the provisions and purposes of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, may seek review of the order pursuant to Section 373.114, Florida Statutes, by the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (Commission) by filing a request for review with the Commission and serving a copy of the Department of Environmental Regulation and any person named in the order within 20 clays of the rendering of the District order . However, if the order to be reviewed is determined by the Commission within 60 days after receipt of the request for review to be of statewide or regional significance, the Conlin ission may !ccept a request for review within 30 days of the rendering of the order. 11 . A District action or order is considered "rendered" after it is signed by the Chairman of the Governing Board on behalf of the District and is filed by the District Clerk. 12. Failure to observe the relevant. time frames for filing a petition for judicial review as described in paragraphs 118 and 119 or for Commission review as described in paragraph H10 will result in waiver of that right to review. C E R T I F I C A T E O F S E R V I C E I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of fhe foregoing Notice of Rinhtc h— i-_ I..- _., PERMIT NUMBER -- AS BUILT CER'rTFICATION BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (permit Application) the St . Johns River 'nater da 4,...thin 30 days after, completion Lormototiuction of the stormw�aerFlo�i discharge facility, submit this pn BOx 1429 , palm � , Is,anagement District , Division of Records , 32077-1429 . 1 ctormwater Discharge Facility Information : Source Name : Source Location: Street : County:_ City: As Certification: % . been built and specifications , T h�rc�r}• cert.i.fy that z.t�il��s •swol-t�wa1 er' d}„-c,]vrr3c�i l ans111.tnu�a`�,>>-c.v(:11t. r.l��, and that any substantial deviations (doted l:>�.Luw) wi system from functioning in compliance�.w�ithdtoI>cr��tedremThes, of Chapter 40C-42 , F .A.C . when properly main e erminations have been based upon on-site rerreseontativ- under my .o_.t scheduled and conducted by me or by a pre? direct supervision. I have enclosed one set of as-built engineering drawings . Signature of Engineer Name (please type) "r'lorida Reg . Number Company Name Company Address (Affix Seal ) Telephone No . f - Date : — _ r -c ^ hc; a...rv•:e L la,.� �.. . sepciy�cat�crs ( att-ach additional sheets if required) . FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTION 5--BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH DESIGN CALCULATIONS DATE FEBRUARY 1, 1989 PROJECT NAME: 9 UNITS, MOTRO STRIP CENTER ADDRESS: ATLANTIC BLVD. AND MAYPORT RD. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL. OWNER: CONTRACTOR: AIR CONDITIONER EFF. SEER 8.2 HEATING COP 2 .7 WTR HEATR ELECT. U WALL ALLOWABLE . 37 U WAL ACT 0. 36 U ROOF/CEILING ALLOWABLE . 1 ROOF ACT 0. 078 U FLOOR ALLOWABLE N/A FLOOR ACT N/A OTTV WALL ALLOWABLE 30. 8 OTTV WALL 30. 64 OTTV / U ROOF/CLNG ALLOW . 1 U OTTV/U RF 0. 078 U ENVELOPE ALLOWABLE N/A ENVEL ACT N/A U VALUE CALCULATIONS FOR BUILDING COMPONENTS EXTERIOR WALL CALCULATIONS ------------------------------- 1. EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: STUCCO, 8" BLOCK, ALFOIL, DRY WALL COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0. 17 STUCCO 0. 10 BLOCK 1. 78 ALFOIL 5. 00 1/2" DRY WALL 0. 45 INSIDE AIR FILM 0. 68 TOTAL R VALUE= 8 . 18 U VALUE= 0. 122 PAGE TWO 2. EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: STUCCO, 18" BLOCK COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0. 17 STUCCO 0. 10 BLOCK 1.72 INSIDE AIR FILM 0. 68 TOTAL R VALUE= 2 . 67 U VALUE= 0. 375 3 . EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 PAGE THREE 4. EXTERIOR WALL TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 TOTAL OPAQUE WALL U VALUE CALCULATIONS ------------------------------------------- U VALUE WALL # 1= 0. 122 AREA OF WALL # 1= 2580 U VALUE WALL # 2= 0. 375 AREA OF WALL # 2= 1920 U VALUE WALL # 3= 0. 000 AREA OF WALL # 3= U VALUE WALL # 4= 0. 000 AREA OF WALL # 4= U VALUE TOTAL OPAQUE WALL= 0.230 Y PAGE FOUR ROOF CEILING CALCULATIONS ------------------------- 1. ROOF / CEILING TYPE: BUR, R-10, SUSPENDED CEILING COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM 0. 17 BUR 0. 33 R-10 ROOF INSULATION 10. 00 AIR FILM 0. 61 AIR FILM 0. 61 SUSPENDED CEILING 0.45 INSIDE AIR FILM 0. 61 TOTAL R VALUE= 12 . 78 U VALUE= 0. 078 2 . ROOF / CEILING TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 PAGE FIVE 3 . ROOF / CEILING TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 4. ROOF / CEILING TYPE: COMPONENT R VALUE -------------------------------- OUTSIDE AIR FILM INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL R VALUE= 0. 00 U VALUE= 0. 000 TOTAL ROOF / CEILING U VALUE CALCULATIONS ------------------------------------------ U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 1= 0. 078 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 1= 10800 U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 2= 0. 000 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 2= U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 3= 0. 000 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 3= U VALUE ROOF/CEILING # 4= 0. 000 AREA ROOF/CEILING # 4= U VALUE TOTAL ROOF/ CEILING= 0. 078 u PAGE SIX H E A T I N G C A L C U L A T I O N S WALLS U VALUE OF OPAQUE WALL= 0.230 AREA OF OPAQUE WALL= 4500 U VALUE OF GLASS= 1. 04 TOTAL AREA OF GLASS= 864 U VALUE OF EXT. DOORS= 0.40 AREA OF EXTERIOR DOORS= 396 U VALUE OF TOTAL WALL= 0. 363 U VALUE TOTAL ROOF / CEILING ASSEMBLY WITH SKYLIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------- U VALUE ROOF / CEILINGS= 0. 078 AREA ROOF / CEILINGS= 10800 U VALUE OF SKYLIGHTS= 1. 04 AREA OF SKYLIGHTS= U VALUE TOTAL ROOF= 0. 000 C O O L I N G C A L C U L A T I O N S U VALUES FOR OPAQUE WALLS AND DOORS ------------------------------------- U VALUE TOTAL WALL= 0. 230 AREA TOTAL WALL= 4500 U VALUE EXTERIOR DOORS= 0.40 AREA EXTERIOR DOORS= 396 U VALUE WALLS AND EXTERIOR DOORS= 0.244 . y PAGE SEVEN OTTV CALCULATIONS FOR TOTAL WALLS INCLUDING WINDOWS ---------------------------------------------------- U VALUE WALLS AND DOORS= 0.24 AREA WALLS AND DOORS= 4896 TDeq= 25 U VALUE TOTAL GLASS= 1. 04 AREA TOTAL GLASS= 864 DELTA t = 19 GLASS SHADING COEFICIENT= 1. 00 AREA NORTH GLASS= AREA NORTHEAST GLASS= AREA EAST GLASS= AREA SOUTHEAST GLASS= AREA SOUTH GLASS= 864 AREA SOUTHWEST GLASS= AREA WEST GLASS= AREA NORTHWEST GLASS= OTTV COOLING TOTAL WALL= 30. 64 OTTV CALCULATIONS FOR CEILINGS WITH SKYLIGHTS ---------------------------------------------- U VALUE OPAQUE ROOF= 0. 078 AREA OPAQUE ROOF= 10800 TDegr= TOTAL AREA OF SKYLIGHTS= 0 SKLT SHADING COEFFICIENT= 1. 00 U VALUE OF SKYLIGHT= 1. 04 DELTA is = CEILING / SKYLIGHT OTTV= 0. 00 ENERGY DESIGN SYSTEMS 1065 OAKVALE RD. JACKSONVILLE, FL. 32259 287-5339 001410 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ----- PERMIT INFORMATION ------ -------- LOCATION INFORMATION --------- Permit Number: 1410 Addresss 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD. Permit Type% ELECTRICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Work: TEMPORARY POLE ---------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---------- Constr. Type: N/A Lots Block: Section: Proposed Uses RETAIL STORE Plat Hook: Page: 0 Dwellings: 0 Codes 0 Subdivisions Estimated Value: 00. 00 ---------- OWNER INFORMATION ---------- Improv. Cost: 00. 00 Homes E. MOTRO Total f een:,,, 020. 00 Addresss 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD. Amou tt $20. 00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Dates 8/ 0f89 Phones 49043249-4308 Work Demo. : : 0- *S W NPS ALUM SB 1PH 3W 230V 1 1/40 -- AP LICATION FEES ----- -------E0SN C -------- ESE C �. OER*,rlr $20. 00 WATER IMPACT FEE 40.00 SEWER IMP OT FEE *0. 00 Vit# 10E *0. 00 RADON GAS-H.R. S. $0. 00 RADON GAS - sx *0.00 WATER TAP 00. OO SEWER TAP $0. 00 HYDRAULIC SHARE $0. a� RE-INSPECT FEE $0. 00 ENGINEERING $0. 00 OTHER 40. 00. NOTES: NOTICE —ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTI CH BUIL IN EPA MENT B JOB COPY 001410 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r PERMIT INFORMATION _w._ _ ._._ __- LOCATION INFORMATION - _ _ .-.... ........ Permit Number: 1410 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD. Permit Type: ELECTRICAL ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class of Werk: TEMPORARY POLE -~_ -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION - -- -- - - Constr. Type: N/A Lot: Black: Section: Proposed Use: RETAIL STORE Plant Book: Page: 0 Dwellings: 0 Code: O Subdivision: Estimated Value: $0. 00 ___._---___._ OWNER INFORMATION -___ _ ._, .. _. .. .... Improv. Coati 90. 00 Name: E. MOTRO Total Fees: ,., $20. 00 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD. p�souxtt°. Pa;id m" $20. 00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Dat ` s 1 8,030/89 Phone*. ("304)249 4308 z ' Work Deac. ; #6 SO AMPS ALUM SB 1PH 3W 230V i 1/4" CONTRACTOR($) - _ ...__ � APPLICATION FEES BIVIN ELECTRIC CO. PERMIT' �2U. O0 WATER IMPACT FEE $0. 00 . - SEWER IMPACT ,FEE. $O. 40 ttA'Ttn METER $0. 00 -N. R. S. $0. 00 RADON GAS C ,Chti:C; RADON GAS - 5% $0. WATER TAP $0. 00 ., . SEWER TAP 'O. HYDRAULIC SHARE $0. 00 !0% .6 RE-INSPECT FEE $0. 00 ENGINEERING $0. 00 O'C'HER $0.00 �4 NOTES: c NOTICE —ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. i ATLANTIqA315ACH BUILDINGEPARTMENT By CONTRACTOR COPY CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: 1 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTRICAL FIRM: ER EL RI IAN i z 112111 NAME. A2&Z DDRESS: LZf._G.LIr� ��� RFD.. BMX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.( 1 APT.1 1 COMM.1a' PUBLIC( 1 INDUS.1 ) NEW( 1 OLD( 1 REW.l 1 ADDITION ( ! TRAILER ( 1 TEMP.( 1 SIGNS 1 1 SO.FT. SERVICE: NEW 04' INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER I ALUM. ITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W VOLT RAGEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.30 AMPS. 31.100 AMPS. _. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER _. MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 N.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS D G Y f CITY OF � 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.0.BOX 26 ATLANTIC REACH,rWRIVA 3223:1 TELEPHONE'(904)249.2396 November 1, 1988 l Mr. E. Motrow C/O Roy Deese 681 South Third Strece Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Dear Mr. 'Motrow, It is our understanding you are the owner of property listed as 1077-79 Atlantic Boulevard in Atlantic Beach, Florida. It is further our under standing you wish make a 6-inch sewer tap into the City sewer main at this point to service this propef't�""rt Is possible for you to do this under the following terms and conditions: 1. A detailed plan prepared by a qualified engineer or surveyor should be prepared showing the location of the tap and the manner in which the tap is to be made. 2. The plan should be provided to the Public Service Department of the City of Atlantic Beach for review and approval. a- 3. Following approval by the Department of Public Services a permit will be issued by the City and the work may be undertaken. 4. All work must be inspected and approved by the Director of Department of Public Services of the City of Atlantic Beach before the work is covered. All expenses to be paid by developer. Trusting this provides you with the information you require, I am Sincerely, Richard C. Fellows City Manager cc: Director Of Public Services Community Development z 4, CITY OF �4ctic �'e��i - �wtida 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD P.O.BOX 26 --- ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 DATE PRE-SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTION(S) HAVE BEEN ,MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORY: Z5 _t v _ ��__��?c` z = -._'-k-fe=--- ------------- --- -------------- 2e-c -------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- SINCERELY,_ OILDING INSPECTION D VISION cc:FILE 'Y APPLICATION FOR WATER AND/OR SEWER TAP C APPLICANT NAME g----------- ------------------ ---------------- MAILING ADDRESS_/`` PHONE HUMBER C V_- /73-36 ....._ DATE_ - SERVICE REQUESTED__ _1rY_�----- --------------- ----------------------------------------------- SERVICE ------------------------------------------------ DATE SENT TO DATE RETURNED PUBLIC WORKS ____ TO BUILD. DPT. ________________ DATE OWNER NOTIFIED--------------------- . 4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA App.owd by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; DATE: i IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF,AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. L441,'4 j6/Lk44,% Nvl� &4Ayelc ELECTRICAL FIRM: MAS R E ECTRICIAN SIGNATURE JOURNEYMAN NAME Vq _K -a ADDRESS:_ n�JCI h4L444#C_ "D LFD BOX BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.( ) APT.( 1 COMM.Vl- PUBLIC( ) INDUS.1 1 NEW(�LD ( 1 REW.( ) ADDITION( ) TRAILER ( ) TEMP.(01'_ SIGNS ( ) SQ. FT. SERVICE: NEW kj,-'lNCREASE ( ) REPAIR jfEE Gd� CONDUCTOR SIZE # AMPS IAC COPPER ( ALUM. o SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS PH W LSV0LT 1 /RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0-30 AMPS. 1 31•100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P.RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CELL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0•I OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. I H.P. VOLTAGE PHS WRILMNEOUS. CITY OF 800 SEMINOLE ROAD -- -- ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 Date 4 /O,g �- � - T Dear Property Owner : The costs to connect your building to the City sewer and/or water system are as follows : Sewer Tap - Labor and Materials to tap into sewer main $ -- Water Tap - Labor and Materials to tap into water main $ Water Meter .- Cost of Meter $ Cross Connection Inspection - Inspection by Public Works to ensure backflow prevention $ 3 ,57 00 Sewer Impact Fees - Funds future expansion of the sewer plant $ O Water Impact Fee - Funds future expansion of the water plant $ ! Ca -0 . () (9 Capital Improvement - Funds for improvements , r expansion or replacement to water system � '� ft67-F_, $ TOTAL COSTS $ Z J .O O 0 b v If you have any questions concerning these charges please call the building department at 247-5826 . Sincerely, ,,g C- Don C. Ford Building Official DCF/pah 143,44 C3Fh3844 x x f DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH w PERMIT __...--- LO'nT'ION =INFORMATION _- I Permit a Number . > ss o 079 ATLANTIC' Permit 'T s `.T?LE 'I I AI, ATLANT I C BEACH, ,F f� T� 3223'' "Fess of Work.ALTER.ATION LEGAL DESCR,I�P" »+ asst 'I" T ^=CCN RFT TaLC�C FC ''Lot : ' Twp , f r s IJs :C P F CIES 13U I LD I NG Subd Rng* t w l n u)> vision: sI 4T0,00 lost : 0100 Tot 25 00, Amount s,0 d, r Ew fi01?� r _ dl' T.IC,A"I`T1 FEES .L1 -4am TING Add 1 ... C �OIUL BARD � p dol E FLQ � fxmy� Phon r a6 i Name NCC I R, 32240, L 8F'P s MOTES: 1� NOTICE--ALL CONCRETE,FORM$AND FOOTINGS MUST Be I,NOPE,CTER 1fEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER OATS OF ISSUE �3C I,LDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND.DE,BRIS FROM THIS WORK Ml1$T NOTBE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE GITI AREf .tJ:P AND HAULED AWAY BY OTHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER � L TD COM PLY WITH THE MEC HAN ICS' L1 N LAIN GAN.RES�lL7 I N A' Q "NES PAYING TWICP..FC�A SU���NG 11�Ii�l�t)'�'��EHT$." UED R llt�iG TO�APPRQVED ,PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF,THIS PERMIT,AND SUBJECT TOS REVOCATION FOR T7A4`?PLI81 CAEPROVISFONSfLAW. p i � CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approvwd by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL. PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE:-- _ Z 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTRICAL FIRM: MASTER ELECTRIQAkiIGNATURE aJOURNEYMAN NAME `CSA S �rL i `4 ADDRESS: , l�' ,! �`�� RFD-BOX- BLDG. FDBOXBLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.1 1 APT.( 1 COMMPUBLIC ( ) INDUS. ( 1 NEW( ! OLD ( K REW.( ) ADDITION ( 1 TRAILER ( 1 / TEMP.( 1 SIGNS ( 1 SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW( 1 INCREASE ( 1 REPAIR ( 1 FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE AMPS COPPER ALUM. SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS t PH W VOLT RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE 00 AMPS L PH 3 W 2ADVOLT 2 (( RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE I NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.90 AMPS. 3i-100 AMPS. SWITCHES INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P. RATING H.P.RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT 0.1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 N.P. VOLTAGE PNS MISCELLANEOUS 0� < CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT CALCUL TION SHEET Address T L A AJ TtC Date `Q- (o Heated Sauare Footage @ $ per sa ft = $ Garage/Shed �! @ $-p e r sq ft = S Carport/Porch ��V < <d $ per sq ft = S Deck $ per sG ft = a Pat10 - �3 S per sq ft - S v TOTAL VALUATION :15 t3 OO -- l S-,o0 TotaA Valuat,,;on 1st $ /0(2D - � Rema ping Value $ .bOper thousand portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE $ + 1/2 Filing Fee S `ZRS6o ( ) Fireplaces @ $15 . 00 $ BUILDING PERMIT FEE WATER IMPACT FEE $! SEWER IMPACT FEE $_ WATER METER/TAP $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $ SEWER TAP S !.: 1 RADON (HRS) . 0050 N SECTION H PAVING ( ) $ HYDRAULIC SHARES S CROSS CONNECTION S ( ) SURCHARGE . 0050 $ OTHER $ GRAND TOTAL DUE $ ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES : Mechanical Plumbing Electric/New Electric/Temp ; SwimmingPool Septic Tank ;Well ; Sign Finish Floor Elevation Survey Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES : CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS, OR ALTERATIONS MOVING,DEMOLITIONS Owner(s) : 225se L L 4 !1D LYcP/',4 f� 12 An J'- S Address: /0 79 ,4 ht,y f7 c .OlV®. Phone: .2117- s 70 O Lot # Block or Unit # Subdivision: Contractor: __3U SSP L L L • n des TQ i C State License Address: 7 9 3 �5�, S , Phone No: City 7'14X. 3_,aL. . State F L . Zip Code -2 Describe work to be done: 4,*AeyPtexts �-iwo V �uv ( ems► IY1010s&P„6 ►4 .v M�►C ��.! �- A) uJ S fA,U ,. jM A 0 y`.F/ XL)Jf i 11 e se At P3��sf/w o C��.QeQ,'7`'S .trj✓�ee u1.fsLe ASA) de "6, Present use of building: 9—/�Q� S. F AoP.yl�f l 00'115 'dAMLOC;A l Valuation of Proposed Construction: :9Z&d.6d Proposed use: AQ c l A,ug e Aeo A 6&ejP t V-5r" Is this an addition?�_ If yes, what are the dimensions of the added space:�u ft. X ���} ft. Will the added area be heated and cooled? gJT New electrical (or increase) ? Alco New plumbing fixtures? AJO New fireplace?AJO New Heat/AC? 4 ?) SUBMIT TU= ( )CM1ERCIAL) TWO (RESIDENTIAL) CMwLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, IIMZGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF CCA4lEN@ANT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: Date: -9,2`9 7 Signature CONTRACTOR: o Date: N� n Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of o c ,•�,J'j pANAWALTER kE� BLIC STATE OF, FLORIDA AT LARGE '+ t MY EXPIR COMMISSION/CC 439892 Q PNS ac REf'4r'VED EXP�FiES:Maya,7999A�FP� io���' " ti(r4, Bmided ituu Notary Putdc Undemdhn SEP 2 9 1997 City Of Atlantic Beach �� Building and Zoning CITY OF j*&oZic gear( - 57&uid4 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 322.3.3-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX t904)247-51805 SUNCONI 852-5800 CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES, PART I "CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING" REQUIRES OWNER/BUILDER TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE LAW: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR SECTION 489. 1 03(7), FLORIDA STATUTES: STATE LAW REQUIRES CONSTRUCTION TO BE DONE BY LICENSED CONTRACTORS. YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR A PERMIT UNDER AN EXEMPTION TO THAT LAW. THE EXEMPTION ALLOWS YOU, AS THE OWNER OF YOUR PROPERTY, TO ACT AS YOUR OWN CONTRACTOR EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT HAVE A LICENSE. YOU MUST SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION YOURSELF. YOU MAY BUILD OR IMPROVE A ONE - OR TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE OR A FARM OUTBUILDING. YOU MAY ALSO BUILD OR IMPROVE A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT A COST OF $25,000.00 OR LESS, THE BUILDING MUST BE FOR YOUR USE AND OCCUPANCY. IT MAY NOT BE BUILT FOR SALE OR LEASE. IF YOU SELL OR LEASE A BUILDING YOU HAVE BUILT YOURSELF WITHIN ONE YEAR AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, THE LAW WILL PRESUME THAT YOU BUILT IT FOR SALE OR LEASE, WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF THIS EXEMPTION. YOU MAY NOT HIRE AN UNLICENSED PERSON AS YOUR CONTRACTOR. YOUR CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE BUILDING CODES AND ZONING REGULATIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE EMPLOYED BY YOU HAVE LICENSES REQUIRED BY STATE LAW AND BY COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL LICENSING ORDINANCES, ORDINANCES ALSO ALLOW AN OWNER TO IMPROVE THEIR OWN PROPERTY WHEN IT IS FOR PERSONAL OR FAMILY USE, AND LIKEWISE REQUIRE ALL WORK (EXCEPT MAINTENANCE UNDER $2,000) BE UNDER A BUILDING PERMIT AND PASS ALL NORMAL INSPECTIONS. T}iE ORDINANCE STATES OWNERS MAY PHYSICALLY DO WORK THEMSELVES; OR MAY MIRE UNLICENSED WORKERS PROVIDED SUCH WORKERS BE UNDER "DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE OWNER, WHO MUST BE ON THE JOB AT ALL TIMES WHILE WORK IS IN PROGRESS BY UNLICENSED TRADES PEOPLE. THIS DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS. SINCE OWNERS MAY BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES TO WORKERS THEY HIRE, THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE BE PURCHASED UNDER THE HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE POLICY CLEARLY PROTECTS THE OWNER. OWNERS HIRING WORKERS BECOME EMPLOYERS AND SHOULD ALSO OBSERVE IRS WITHHOLDING TAX AND/OR FORM 1 099 REQUIREMENTS ON THE WORKERS THEY EMPLOY ON THEIR IMPROVEMENT TRADES. UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS CANNOT BE EMPLOYED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. OWNERS BEING SUBJECT TO $5,000 PENALTY UNDER FLORIDA STATUTE NO. 455-228(1). AN "OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE" IS NOT ADEQUATE. THE OWNER SHOULD PHYSICALLY SEE THE COUNTY "CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY" OR THE FLORIDA "CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATE" TO ASCERTAIN IF A PERSON IS A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. TELEPHONE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (247- 5826) IF IN DOUBT. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND THAT I COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN OWNER-BUILDER PERMIT. P OPERTY OWNER/BUILDEI /7674,A.vs o S, J2x �clR.FL. �y7—S70p ADDRESS TELEPHONE I] SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF Ll VIA K� NOTARY PUBLIC NOTE: PHRASES UNDERLINED ABOVE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ARE EMPHASIZED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. "�,�,n,,, SAMA WALTER W COMMISSION f CC 43M DIPIFES:May 8,19% %f, BmW Thlu Notary Ptd*WKbI sera FLA. Lwwa rs 1I3.1s.l8 RAMCO FORM Aee of dantmrarement 1►aa►aaa w ouruca�a� Qtu fut(om it nur� wuccer><L The undersigned hereby Informs all concerned that improvements will be made to certain real ka property, and in accordance with section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Cn pp Description of property......,0...7..7....»AUA—.V..f!.G... �.Il.�(..........I'�. CU :.............."........................................»»...................«...»....._..............................................»................................................_........................................ co ..............................................................................«..............«.«.....................................................................................................»...................................... 0 0 ..........................................»......"...............................................................................................................................................»..........�.................._...... General description of improvements....._. sRt,l�.Il.i°._....iPi�.1.. .. 1» .i..f�.......l�J..AJ..X» ..»Q.. .................«...».« 1...�..«................... Au ....., . . �+.1....4Qa.., ..7-. .............._........«.................... .. �. Owner.... .V..Si. .X. ..L.....I..e....... ��.A.��.s....���y�A../�......�:....�Lac��'�................................:............... Address....I..70.7....eva.u-s.... L71�»�...5.,........�/9`C:k.,4G.N..II..I.�(.p..�.4..�:...F�r .«..�22..tS�.�............_............. Ln Owners interest in site of the Improvement...........et°. ---- 't+.. .......».....«....«..«............................. (� fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) Name......... v.. .h „y„ ... ..... ,4.u .....................................................................................................».............................. Address....1, a.l...:,tQt.+.t~.R�Q�rf:s;.a°... ��. .:.. ..r..ft'...3DCJ.......�,. h�.KS4!►l.V..!��.w..«..F ,:....3 .2b...7... Conlredor.... .Tel .W p.... �a +. �e e~sr.�..N...1....�.�t..�`',�!. ,�..ft..�v.�.... .............»............»..».............._ Address......6.13............ .... e...at. .,.. :....» '► �-K Q .v... 1.1. ...R .�.:_. L,,......... .»z-2157,0 .««..»«........ Surety (if any).. .. l nAddress...........«....».......«...............«...................«................................................... ............................Aman Of bond =.....«..........»._.......... Name of person within the State Of Florida designated by owner upon whom nmiom or olhw doarmants nor be served / Name..... t1. .f,�. .L....... ....... .k�.ct.r. .s.....................................................«....»..............«_«.... ..«.«....«.»...................». x..... F4...... . ........................................................................... In addition to himself, owner designates the following person to receive a copy of the Lienors Notice as provided In Section 713.13 (1) (F), Florida Statutes. (Fill In at Owner's option). Name......................................................................«.................................... .................................................................._..... . .. .................... Address................................................................................ fNl• •FAC ................................_........... ........ ..........�.......................«..»...«.................««..«..... FOR Rteonnffa-m u.. w..... /1 a PSR-r384415 a DEPARTMENT OF OUIL,DING' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT INFORMATION ------- - LOCATION INFORMATION -------- Permit Mum-her: 15532 Address: 10-79 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD I Permit, Type.SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH, F`LORIDA 32233 Cl ass ...` f `Work:NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTI�JN constr. Types':WO D FRAME Block: Lot Twp: 0 Proposed Use COMMERCIAL Stttioa: Subd Rnq: Q` Dwellings: 0 Subdivision`: � Est. value: 0 .00 Improv. ;g0st 0400 Total feo 30 .00 r Amount' 30 .00 at crk r W �� C LETTERED Sivjv FRONT OF' MANSARD T . TION ,. .� � a rt, �, � � ,. APPLICATION FEES , _ s ame. A RIIOES I T30 .00 Adds h0 BOULEVARD B �� ,t FLORIDA '3 � t YlLrii �' � N1? �i tlg k+ '�`R'�P 7 ''^.1' 9'�yN'Nd . �, zOPR fi e4'YtNr, S ,7i �/yyyyy�wwy��^'�gf yyq --- r w w.v Name: PRO TYp', Ft . Lic: 9i „ YPYPF' rt p? r�grp' a'',t+Zq .t.k ^"4u"cd. =aaes r. r rSw rwvm.. ,e, e r � NOTES: G NOTICE INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE,AND MUST BE CLEARED UPAND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMITIND Sl�B.j�ECT TO REVC9C AOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF,LAW. ++� '='AN It R4 CHECKS J" ATLANTIC EACH BUILDING QEPARTMENT By: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: �iQi�O�� � � �.NrllcoiQL/A lafiFpc f�Nq LNC_. ADDRESS: /D 7f /4�14,u-i 61VA Sv i'fe �e PHONE: a?Y 7^S" 7,60 TYPE OF SIGN: A,45�*IG L.e fi"-e,,f S SIZE: /,93( x JI.47 /S.SZ S� 70(. PROPOSED LOCATION: o�u� e r ��SUS+!�q8 ON Stere l �4—U e 'aw0 Uld e� WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? X)40 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: A)1,4 Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: OWNER SIGNATURE: O &,&Date: 7 O � P Ft 0" cP ti PP GF o- �� VED 3 NOV 4 1991 City Of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning l� U � 3 'moo m W Vol, Qc of all v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT NAME: A��P ie �. �o r�Nt r.Q['i i4 �e.t f�-.� e� r ly . ADDRESS: /0 79 dMilm Hs_ 61 uc� to PHONE: -;y 7-S 7 00 TYPE OF SIGN: 4(j/�trdow VIN'I SIZE: PROPOSED LOCATION: FAojvIL IV, NWOYJ$ WILL THE SIGN REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT? / ) O ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: /J 14 Signs over fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (17) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, must be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs with a solid area greater than thirty (30) square feet must be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot. Drawings must also show that weight of sign will be supported by the roof or ground support on which it will be erected. This application must be submitted along with the following: 1. A plot plan of the land, showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the building or in the ground. 3. Other information as may be required under Sec. 17-2(b) , Code of Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: OWNER SIGNATURE: Date: 17 CPe4P P�'�,c ' VED NOV 41997 City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning PSA-3844 x DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH �- PERMIT INFORMATION - ------ LOCATION INFORMATION, ._ Permit lber: 15133 Address: 1079 ATLANTIC BOULEVARDrt� Permit Type.SIC3N6 ATL"TIC BEACH, FLORIDA 3223.3 Class of Work:N ---------- LEOAL >DESCRIPTION ---------- C n s:. T'YPe:WOOD FRAME Block: Lot : Tw 0 Propos4d Use:COMMERCIAL Section: 0 Subd: Rng, 0 Dwellings 0 subdivision: Est . ` tal u ,: 0 . Improv., Cost: 0.00 Total Fels *, 30 .0 Amount j 0 .00 Date 7 AJ 94,0 P m '4 9{Sr R�}{ � l, yy�'�`/rye"{t ' .w.....r e.M `' �¢x .+Pr ION rY.wr.vr .4IS :Cit' � APPLICATION � ---------- 30.00 ——� — 3 � 0fNare0DEE T Adrir ilp BOULEVARD B FLORIDA 322" 3 Phh " � p o w g a 3i mR, �' � w w �" o C � R ii' ORI! AT I OP Name: PR Nik Lic � Exp: � ' � a 1 NOTES: X04 NOTICE INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL,RUBBISH A 4l) DEBRIS FRAM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLICS PACE;AND MUST BE a CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOA BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." r, ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATI�I , VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. r s t -o""4 u VOW ATLANTIC H BUIL ING QEPARTMENTi� � By: '+ i N3wltlb�d3Q°JNi©"il:n8.HOV38 011NV'I1b To I ` T 3O 8NOISIAOH43leb+O1'ldd.Y�O NOIlV101A 71 3U,01103C8nS oNV ll"Ha ,O ",SIHl°d0 ltiVd 3 ,HOIHM SNb`1d G3AOtiddb Ol.ON!©a©00d a3ns 1 �SOINVH03HI HIM AlclWtJ�'C�1.,�1��'1"1���sy ,r4 : 83NMO wo uOIDVOINOO W3H,113 hS:AVMV(131ny ONV do 4.38V3'10 �i +(INV`30vds 01:18N NI 03OVId 39 ION lSnw 48OM'S1W,L NO8:J SIUS30 aNV Hsiesnu' vitium.'J'kial1n9 M04OWSI u 01 H0#1 d stmoH tiz ism3 1v aaisanoava.e lsnw sN01133dsfd golf oN Y F t r :S31ON I dg tR r _ oVila axnsx �rl 1 y^gP11 QUATMO 00`06 3aNo I' I' ddI ' � C . Nnh', Iga- t. ti �. 00°4ta lttriowil 00* 06 00, 0 Qnj»A ` 4921 uo {} bull •; ti " S` .Ca C>� 5 ° 54�" 1� it t .is �7Sf's'odoaa ZKV C3IaLdI "s.(i` .WWI ---------- CEZZE TTI? O'Xs HOus 1,Lt+1�at"lZv '��fTI3�ZW�1�30:� 4,L 4xutxed UVA21008 '01 F y� ' HOVBB OI.LNv I-Lv 1111 ' 1N10'#It18:FE1ma�11(1.IsIMd�it>7 r X :AS [N3WJN1C1�1f18 H /3 011Na11a "Mus lie iMyo gof Otltm SNOiSI/10»d 3'i9a31`tdda O N011flIOA O1tdOQA3r«! Oil 115 0NV 11WH3d 91H1'd0 IkJV 366 H�IHM SNtl7d t]3/10liddV'Ol.ONICWOaol aa i, ��'S1N3 3AQ I�Ii 'Jt�f'1C1'11f113 HOJ 3O1IV IIJl1�d 03NM hJ. . I t'llnS3H WV6 111 "1 .431`1 ADINYH03 1 .H H11M Aid woo, t l ln'1 I a3NMO 80 UOiO! HINOa adH113 AS AaMa Cl3'invH(INa do a3lfa3'1O 1 3a 1Sf1W C1Na'3 ads briand NI C13Ob'id 3#10N 1SAY WOM SIW1 WOd:1 51ti830 (7Na HSI88fla"Ia1ti31VW E)Ntallflg i f i NouoadSN# 01 voted sunoH t z isym iV O3ismo3d 38 ISM SNO1103dSN1 3OIlON I G i :S310N. tip . kx� r Tdxg � t+ OTII 51, pp 1 ..- 33a �NO " 0 ` cd ��� �4_ NO]Ci P Afir ll,' 00.19e , ` � ttCt t C3t�' le 4 oL i 00" 0 .4sao - Aoa ftI 0: : aJ ea } a 6UH i pgn5 0 :Utt Iz�a5t � 0 ONla'�lIlg' Ra�IJd�C3:a5C('} pastg'+�tf.aG£j I • S 1�J. 9'iH � ' SIO tf, Fttr i i Cf I l3'1 08. OI N�*I�L 6400 l smsoapp ' : zaqutnN ITutiad i Nolli oaml 1 ,44va3 - H HOtl38 OI1NVlV 0 Alli i f� ' ` E'INIG"11ft#i�sl�1N3i>��►d3G ,�. I ! tax r AGENDA ITEM#8A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECEMBER 14,2009 CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Request from Winston Newgard to provide tattoo and body piercing services at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 4 SUBMITTED BY: Donna L. Bartle, CMC °vim City Clerk DATE: November 2,2009 BACKGROUND: This request seeks approval to open a tattoo & piercing business in conjunction with a retail store for selling modem art. The space was formerly occupied by a garage door service business. The Zoning Department has interpreted that tattoo parlors, where the only business activity is tattoo or body piercing services, is not a Permitted Use within the Commercial General District, but that such services in conjunction with or ancillary to a Permitted Use, such as within a retail establishment or a salon is consistent with permitted CG uses, subject to proper licensing and approval by the City Commission per Section 20-59 of the City Code, which establishes a licensing fee of $231.52 for body piercing/tattoo artist and requires City Commission approval. �c a5$SOuthern Glass Originals cu i wwwr7z yam'. , BUDGET: No budget issues. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a motion to approve a request from Winston Newgard to provide tattoo and piercing services in conjunction with a retail art shop at 1079 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 4, subject to proper state licensing for such services and approvals from the building inspector,fire inspector and city clerk. ATTACHMENTS: Local Business Tax Application Map of Location REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: December 14,2009 regular meeting