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Permit 1119 Atlantic Boulevard
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH I } DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING j 800 SEMINOLE ROAD -ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 -TEL: 247-5826 -FAX: 247-5877 _ - __ _ -._ -- -1 ;PERMIT #NFC)RMATICN __~__ _._ _ _._ _~___ LQCATIt)N INFORMATION _ _ ___ y _ Permit Number: 17794 Address: 1119 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Permit Type: RE-ROOF ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Class of Work: NEW Township: Range: Book: ~ Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL ! Lot(s): Block: Section: Square Feet: Subdivision: Est. Value: Parcel Number: _ _ __~_ --- - ------- "Improv. Cost: 1,800.00 __ _ __ OWNER;#NFORMATION Date Issued: 2/12/1999 Name: BARNES 8 SILVER PROTERTIES Total Fees: 25.00 Address: 1119 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Amount Paid; 25.00 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Date Paid: 2/12/1999 Phone: (000)000-0000 ork Desc: REROOF - - ___ _ CgNTRACTOR($} GILMORE ROOFING, INC I _ _Inspectivns RecLuired__ NOTICE -INSPECTIONS MUST BE REQUESTED AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. i AT . NTIC B ACH UILDIN T. _~ CITY QF ~X7t~i~tTIC EE~CH R04FdiVG PEFc1Yi! T APFi_1CATION J08 LOCATION: / / / 9 ~tLaRt is Blvd ~t.Cant ~c Beach FL OWNER OF PROPERTY: Ba~ne.~. ~ Silvea P~toPeRtie.e. CONTRACTOR: Sohn ~ii.~nioRe Roo~in¢ fnc CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS: ///~S7 San ~o.tt:e Blvd Suite /~/ ~ackaonviLLe FL Z~P~ 2223 STATc L1Cci'1SE N~JMBER:~~679 TEL`=PHCNE:~04-880-8044 DESCRIBE WORf4 TO 6E PERFORMED: Rownr~~ Ruw i noww VALUATION CF FRCFOScC CONETrcUCTfON /~ 800.00 MATG.=~IALS~ t'O @E UScD:~I Q,~(i~~i d Bait '!nnn Ron,~~.n,~q,=s,~iwto~n ~~~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR: 6a~ci v -~ S'~/ORN TO AND SUESCn18ED BE=ORE ME TnIS IZ DAY OF r`Gc~a"t/ . 7 9 9 'i~YA~, lei. M~~'iN~~.~,~ n~~~~. ~~ ~ C©MMIS510N # CC 672 ~ 8 EXPIRES AUG 17, 2001 ~Of i~l~ATIANTIC DOND~G CO., INC. NOTARY FUF?L C Lialriiity Insurance Supplied Wcr<ers Ccmpensaticn Insurnc: Suppliea Ccntractor Ucense Information Supplied Occupational License Information Supplied PAfD FEB 1 2 1999 CRy d AdenBc Bch. PSR•38dd t 11724 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING GTY OF ATLANTIC BEACH _ ____ PERMIT INF`ORMATIOPt ---- Permit ~tumber; 11724 __ Permit Type:PLUMBINfl C1 ass ~f Work;ALTERATI4N Constr. TyPe:MASflNRYJBRSCK PraPosed Use;COMMERCTAL Dwel3ings: p Est. Value: Q.fJQ ImArav . C41~ t ; c~ . n 0 Tatal ~~s~s~ ` ~~~ --n~:ti~t~ ~ ;~~ 2 5 , fl fl n v s 3 _ ~ ,996 Work Dg-~ E~ SERV I rLr Addr~~$: LpZA~~OATLANTI~C BOULEVARD^--~ ATLANTIC BEACH. FI,QRIDA 3223 "`__-"- LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: 83ock: -_--______ Plat Book: Section: Suk~division: Paae:O - -Name : B>wNNYECARHART pETA~L I NG _ _ .. _ _ Addres5;1119 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Phone: (OC+4)OflC~-4t30Q B ~ G F -` L ~'=~---- APPLICATION FEES ____ ~~ ~ ,~ FERMIT ~Y ~~ :lti t. K ,_~ ~ 25 t~0 - ,'~k ~ r - c. y4~ ~~ F _ y ~ •_a, ~ ~ 4~ ~ .. f .car ~ ~ ,v.~ h ? " ~yR ~,. 'fi ' ...y...yyy,,,~~~'~~ yyy ~jf . ~ ~ r ~.~ jt y, ~'.~ a~~ U . .P c Y ':.. . av ~ , ~ [ zT ~ f`g. NOTES ^T ~:y `~ . InsPectians Required InsFections Re aired FINAL PLUMBING ~ Inspections Required NOTICE--ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THI5 WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED 1N PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY. WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN LAW CAN RESUL THE PROpER`ry OWNER PAYINCTWICE FORTHE BUILDING TIN IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS. WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVO~- VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PFtOVISlONS OF LAW. ~-Y~OR Date: 4/49!56 41 Rcpt: 444757A TLANTt¢ BEACH BU{~D#NG DEPARTMENT ~13`~'1~4 By: t~~r~-~~'' (rem 1~~.,._ 1..~,,,~.-~`~ t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JOB LOCATION:. 1119 RTL~,~r-c, BLVv OWNER OF PROPERTY : __ ~Cn- N y CR.R~(f,q~ ~ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 8 d' G PC ~I rh Q w G G o CONTRACTOR' S ADDRESS : __~ 399 ~ B ~/ac M 4Cvo STATE L I CENSE NUMBER : C FG o 2 2S 9 3 TELEPHONE : 12 3 - 3S 8S HOW MANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES INSTALLED SINKS LAVATORY BATH TUBS URINALS CLOSETS FLOOR DRAINS SHOWERS WATER HEATERS DISHWASHERS DISPOSALS WASHING MACHINE SHOWER PANS OTHER WRT~R SERy-CrP TOTAL FIXTURES: ~ x $3.50 + $15.00 MINIMUM PERMIT FEE - $25.00 SIGNATURE OF OWNER: SIGNATURE OF CONTRA ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - (904) 247-5826 SEWER CONNECTIONS MUST BE CALLED INTO PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING UP - (904) 247-5834 e _ P3R-39~1a~ ~ ~:. ~x r#-.r ~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH "'° _ PER:1~! I T I Ai FC-RMAT I OP1 - - - _ _ _ Permit Number: 117pt? Permit Type: UTILITIES C1 ass of Work: NEW Constr. Type: WOOD FRAME Propessed Use: UTILITY Dcael l ing~ : D Code : O Estimated Value; :~Q,tifl Imprav. Cost: $D.00 ~'otal _.:Fe~es, 552~.fl0 Amory.#.. ~al~d~~" 5525.04 ls~o~ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ L©CAT I QN INFORMATION - _ _ _ .. _ .. Address: Y11~ ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 _ -______ LEt~AL DRSCRTPTION _______-- Let: Block: Section: Township: RNA; p Subdivision: ATLANTIC BEACH - ~~,~~. Work .i~-+It,~~, Y: ~~'~,k~p "~;J 4" WATER METER~TAF ~~.w~ w ~a. ~`a . ~~~ Addeess _ ~:~~~e ~~~~ Pb~~n ~ ; ~ ~'~ ~~.~ NOTES: EST ~ "~ . IC ~OVLEVARD ~H, FLORIDA.` 32 2~:~-5'8 ~`` ~---- APPLICATION FEES --___ PERMIT $0.~0 WATF~ IMPACT FEE Sty . 00 3 3 ; SEt~C~ :. I ~~ F,EE ~ `~ ~~ ~ ~WA~~s~ ~TAP ~~; `'_~ ~ RADON aAS~-H . R . 5 . $0 , 0~ `- RAD©N CAB ~$ s0,00 CAPITAL IMPRQVE. 50.00 CR{7SS CONNECTION 50.00 SEC H IMPACT FEE _-;-~~ . 00 CONST , StJRCHARC~E ~~=~ O p , NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE S BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN LAW CAN RESULT tN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FORTHE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCR~j V40LAT10N OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. Aare: #lt~4/`~i t~! ii~p; ~t1~iS;?~'3 ~~LANTI~~EACH BU! ING p \ f .nom- ~ e' By. %±c.... mr' .•:, s APPLICANT NAME MAILING ADDRESS ~i2~cF c~a-~-E APPLICATION FOR WATER AND/OR SEWER TAP PHONE NUMBER __,~ 7 / ' ~ ~ ~~ DATE SERVICE SERVICE LOCATION ~ ~ l 7 ~~i~_~.~L C ,/~'G''l~-z.Y -~ DATE SENT TO PUBLIC WORKS ~~ ~ l ~~~ DATE RETURNED TO BUILDING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRICE QUOTE RESPONSE WATER: SEWER• OTHER PRICE QUOTE PREPARED BY: Signature -Title DATE OWNER NOTIFIED CITY HALL ATL BCH TEL No .2475805 Apr 1,96 906 No .002 P.O1 ~R.i~~ c~-.~o-r-e 1~1PPLICIiITION FOR i1)lTER IUtD/OR $IiFiER T71p I-FPLIGANT Nl1tlE MAI L I Na 11DDRE89 PxoNS lIt1M8BR _ ~ `~/ --- ~'J ~~' p~-s~g ,~~_-_ SERVICE R84OltelED ~/y f ~ ~G~- _ SLRV I C8 LOCYI?ION ~~i~ DATB 88N? S'O Pt18LIC NOR1C8 ~ ' ~` ~+'l ~ ~~ D111'R RBTURNBD TO B[3ILDINa DEP2l1tTlI1tiNT PDBLIC NOR1C$ DBPl1R'Z![BXT PRICE QUOT$ R8$PONSS ~~ ~~ ~-~~ C~~ 5 ' _ -- _ _~___-- HATER: ,, )) ~- ` ~ ~' ~ ~ f r~ c r SEflER: /\J ~ I~ ~ c ~ 5 _ oTxsR _ _ ~ _ _ PRICE SjUOTE PREP~IRED $Y BfgDature ~ Title DRIB UNN~t NOTIFIED ,~ ~e CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOB OFFICE ~~~~!"fffLY f Date.._~~...-----..~~.t-...19 ~? Aj r-f! Permit #~.'~.-~l~Fee $-••~~--- ==„r"' /` .._, ~ ~ Valuation $---.,l--J._~~~_.:--.-.... House #~ ......................... _.. ..----• - Application ds hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for. the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the. City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing'intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. p Date.....-•-----• ...........................................•----•-•---••---, 19..--•--...._ Owner..~__e_:z!'.TNT-~I~STAT~s~_®~t4s-=--,fyt~,_~~~'~~.1~,3Address--T'~.°-~.~'!-~i.-.-~-.~.°~•~~-~-~(----Telephone No._~~'_i~.~~.~(z Architect-.~A.fZ~!'!~~.--~.'---~.~'_~F ........................................Address__~.AGi~S.Q.tt.l/,[~,.~.~'t_p~~:Telephone No...----...-.-----------•-.-.- Contractor Builder_.~~~'~~Q.~?.!~`'t.~._~~ ............................Address._.~-~__~_,~..~.~.~ ~!"~_t..4_'.~1~~_.Telephone No.._~~t.'-'}~-~~!~ ~ ~~ ~ JA h.F LA, Lot No..~.-j~e-----~LKs:..!9l~lock No.~_t_.,~~..----..Sub Division--------------------------~_-T_4'----- ~-c-~-'--- --•------Zone-----•----------- °~•~"-L•--•--~-L-/ Q-?---••--°---Street---~~.R.Tlf Side Between...-._ ~~.t~_T ~-~-----._..:._and ......................••---••----....----•------------Sts. Valuation $.__L~;_O ~?.LJ___..___For what purpose will building be used__s"~..!~ R. ~._..~~__T 1~:_Type of construction._~,?~c~~f?~Sl_~.~ ~ 1 ea i~ Dimensions of Building.__'~.~.~..'.L-~_.__..__..Dimensiona of Lot....._~~.Q_..~..~.~u.t? ..................:Size of Footin s--.._~ 9 X_ ~~ ~/"~ ~ g ---- ••- - --• ---------- Size of Piers....--[~Ffis.~.!.~'..__._.•__Size of Silla_.__,A~.~£,d.1._~°_-.___.Greatest Sill Span in ft..__.~_._..D~.___..._.Type Roof.._.~v'_E~:7.-.U'. How will Building be Heated?__!~!~_~~_°..~~./~.1--~1~.~.._-Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?.___-.~Q.~-_~~,~_. - ----- Size of Ceiling Joista.__~-,~.-.~..~_ .................. Distance on Centers-..._......_~.rst.t~...___.. ~ ~ " _...._..__ Greatest Span.-----•--- -•~.----••--------------•--•- Size of Floor Joists....G"~__~.!U~r__.~L~.~.__., Distance on Centers__-_:~ _..~___________________________ Greatest Span._.___}~...Q~..._... " Size of Rafters..-----:~--x ~.--•--------•-•---------•----, Distance on Centers ............. ~1~ ~....--•-----.--..__, Greatest Span---.-•-----~~~--...---.-----_.-____-. „ This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plane and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing fs completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed, and ready to cover up. 6. When .septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. ?. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection, re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. .~ W u. OF LOT W z a A In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said. work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications,%~ are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building. regulations aP the City Atlantic Beach. +~ Signature of Builder~.~.~ ..fl...v~F. ~ `:'~:'..^'~..," l -. Address ....................`..~.~----v-:1~'i4.:~~F_.._i~_G..._~~~-y Signature of Owner..-- --- :. .... .... ... ......... .......:_ Address.l.'.`.~ ~..~.Q..pc. ~ ...~.1. ~. L.,...~. L ~. PAGE FIVE MINUTES FEBRUARX 10,1986 8. Action by the City Commission on requests for exceptions A Public Hearing on a request for exception by Seymour Silver for on- premises consumption of liquor, beer and wine at 1109 Atlantic Blvd. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request by Mr. Silver for exception for on-premises consumption of liquor, beer and wine at 1109 Atlantic Blvd. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the request by Mr. Seymour Silver for a Use by Exception for on-premises consumption of liquor, beer, and wine at 1109 Atlantic Blvd. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. B._Public Hearing on a request for exception by Seymour Silver for the sale of used cars at 1119 Atlantic Blvd. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request for exception by Mr. Silver. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the request by Mr. Seymour Silver for a Use by Exception. for the sale of used cars at 1119 Atlantic Blvd. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. C. Public Hearing on a request for exae~tion by Charles and Ruth Bratche for an automotive. service garage at 750 Mayport Rd. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request for exception by Mr. & Mrs. Bratcher. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the request by Charles and Ruth Bratcher for a Use by Exception for an automotive service garage at 750 May- port Road. During discussion, Commissioner Cook asked if Mr. Bratcher planned to enlarge the business. Mayor Howell said yes and explained they had to get the Use by Exception before they would be granted the building permit. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. D. Public Hearing on a request for exception by Robert Leslie for used car sales and car rentals at 1400 Mayport Road. l.,e Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request for exception by Mr. Leslie. As no one spoke for or against, Mayor Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N ook x Edwards x x ulliford x x orris x owell x ok x wards x x lliford x x rris x owell x ook x I wards x x , lliford x x rris x well x }'lease Print or Type '~` PAGE 1 of 1 'USE BY EXCEPTION' APPLICATION DATE FILED: /k ~ 3~ ~ ~ ~ NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER OR TENANT IN POSSESSION OF PREMISES: /p ~ -p .S~ YMO ~ R S~ ~v~ ~ I~~ s . _ ~~ ~~~.~ ~°-o sT c~ l~~e 13~ ~..~~ PHONE woRx : ~ ~ ~ ~l / O k}oME : Z y j- ,~ ~ 9~ STREET ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES AS TO W!}1CH USE BY EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED: l / / ~ ~T'LANTiC ~~-r~- 7~L -- - _ --- ~1 ~~~ Z ti z ~ 3 A DESCRIPTION OF T`k}E USE BY EXCEPTION DESIRED Wk}IC}} S}TALL SPECIFICALLY AND PARTICL-LARLY DESCRIBE T}}E TYPE ~ C}}ARACTER AND EXTENT OF T}}E PROPOSED USE BY EXCEPTIONc .~~~_~ ~F ~~ ~r7 ~ ~ ~ ~ v b SPECIFIC REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT FEELS THE REQUEST S}}OULD BE GRANTED; PRESENT ZONING: C 5i cur t P.pptic~t ~ or Appt~cant ~ s A thoriz Agent or Attorney, If Agent or Attorney, Include Letter of Owner or Tenmlt to that Effect. gnature o er o e roper (Necessary to Process Application ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD'S REPORT AND RECOriMENDATI0N5s PAGE FIVE MINUTES FEBRUARY 10,1986 8 Action by the City Commission on requests for exceptions A Public Hearing on a request for exception by Seymour Silver for on- premises consumption of liquor, beer and wine at 1109 Atlantic Blvd. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request by Mr. Silver for exception for on-premises consumption of liquor, beer and wine at 1109 Atlantic Blvd. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the request by Mr. Seymour Silver for a Use by Exception for on-premises consumption of liquor, beer, and wine at 1109 Atlantic Blvd. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. B Public Hearing on a request for exception by Seymour Silver for the sale of used cars at 1119 Atlantic Blvd. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request for exception by Mr. Silver. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the request by Mr. Seymour Silver for a Use by Exception. for the sale of used cars at 1119 Atlantic Blvd. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. C Public Hearing on a request for exception by Charles and Ruth Bratche for an automotive service garage at 750 Mayport Rd. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request for exception by Mr. & Mrs. Bratcher. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the request by Charles and Ruth Bratcher for a Use by Exception for an automotive service garage at 750 May- port Road. During discussion, Commissioner Cook asked if Mr. Bratcher planned to enlarge the business. Mayor Howell said yes and explained they had to get the Use by Exception before they would be granted the building permit. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. ~C T n' '.~. y ~. ~: ~t n' ~. ~ ~f n .. n is ~. ~ n ~: S~: ~ 'n ~. .'~. 7: ~C .'~. '.~. n X T~' n D Public Hearing on a request for exception by Robert Leslie for used car sales and car rentals at 1400 Mayport Road. ~.~e Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing on the request for exception by Mr. Leslie. As no one spoke for or against, Mayor Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N ook x Edwards x x lliford x x orris x owell x ok x wards x x lliford x x rris x :owell x ook x wards x x lliford x x rris x well x ~~//~ ~~' /C~ITY_ O/F /r ~ ~ ~ '~ T~~~QIKI~C /.9 P~CiI - ~4Wi~QtZ ~ ,Office of Ruildtng Qfticfa! r REQUEST FOR INSPECTION // {7~/ Dete_...__~._____ ___~ ~'" _'"._! ..~_ _.. Permit No. ___.__~_ '" ~~~ .. Time ~~ • ,rf ~,,> A.M. Received ~._ r"~ , P,M. ,/ .. Job ss i ~ ~oc ii Owner's Name Contractor 8UILDlNG CONCRETE ELECTRlCAI PWMBfNG MECHANICAL Framing (~ Footing Ci Rough Wiring C! oug Cl Air Cond. & C7 Re Roofing ^ Slab [~1 Temp Pole C? Top Out Cl Heating Insulation C! Lintel C. Final ~"' Sewer ^ Fire Place D Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION 1 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. ' Friday P.M. } ~~/J ^~~ A.M. ~_..~ Ins tion Made _--~~~~./~-•t--~~_-~~ ~ // ins cior s Finallnspection ~~~~ Certificate of Occupancy G ((( ~ ) Date ;Z`~ ciTV OF ~ ~f f~~~s/stiC ~ettt,~i -'-t,l4~ti~a j C?ffice of Building Ofticiat Jr` ~ REQUEST FOR INSPECTION ` .~~ ;~ Oate. _._ _ ~ ~ __._ Permit No. ~~~~ ___~ Time A.M ,__ ~_____--- Received _______ _- ____._..._~._..____ P.M // q Job Address Locality Owner's ~~ ~`~''~ ~ _ ~ Q..ti-~"" Name ntractor v ~j~~ ~°_ -L._! r ' BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing t.1 Footing ^ ou ' ' i Rough Re Roofing C Slab C ('1 lop Out ^ Air Cond. S ~' s ; Heating Insulation r, Lintel ~; Final ~ Sewer _ F+re Place ~ READY FOR INSPECTION Pre Fab Mon• Tues. Wed. Thurs, tiida~ Inspection Made ~_ d' ~ pM Insp ~ Final tnspeMion r ~.~ ~~~~ Certificate .T~3"n~/".r~ of Occupancy C Daie . P __ __.. - PSR>3844 938 DEPAR7MENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT TNgp):tMATION ___,..,_ P e rrzz~ ~~ N um~~te r ' ~ ~ 81 Fer:n~ ~ TyPq: ELEC'"FRICAT~ ~~a~s of Work; REPA?R ;`~~nstr. TyTae' ~JTNYL 1;'CC.t~3Q$P'd ~Ta~': ~'~JMMER~'IAI, ~OTREF~ I~. ~ ~ l ~ r~ 3 u . ~o t~ o d, e `> ~ T~'~t~t"~zt C'!nct . ~(~ nt1 Total Qe+m~ : X25 . ~0 A~ao~xr~t Paid ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ - LOCAT I ©N I N FC3RMAT I ON - - - - - - "' ~' d:~re~~: p,TI,ANTTCABEACHBOFLQRIDA 3223 _______-- LEGAL DES+CRIPTION ---___-___ ,t: B1aek: Secti~an: T~awnshi p : RNG ° ~ ubda.viszc~r~: 4i4NER IN)x`4F~ATLCN ~~~~ : T F, A! GARS OI''' ~A~ ~,ddr~~s ~ 1~L1Q ATLAH~'I~' Bt~ULEVARI? A'I'I,A~IT?~ RER~~. o ~'L~?RTI}A X2233 -.. - Ct3~i"~RACTaR i~;'C3RMATIOI~ ----___ N2-me . P~~^IER ELECTRIC CF JAS . A~~di:~~s : 653 I'OWE'RB AV~ENL~E SfIITE ~9 JACKSONVILLE, FL 3221? r ~.~~en~~; 1v>Ft~?55a TYPE' ~ 2 NOTES: - APPLICATIaN FEES - ----- PERMIT $25.~~ WATER IMPACT FEE ~~.~0 .SEWER ~i~P~GT FEE ~G' . 40 CATER ME'T'ER/~'AF ~t~ .~#? RADON GAS-H.R>S> $p,~tn RADON CAB °~~ ~~ . ~~' CAPITAL IMPR~JVE. 50.E+~ SEWER TAP ~~ . 0~ CROSS CONFECTION 5.40 SEC H IMPACT P'EE ~~>Qd CONST . SUR+~I~.ARGE ~~` . t7~ SCHARGE'14~"L B M"'fi . >~a . C~~ NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST 9E CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER ,~ °FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1 R~gts OQi37~lt~ 8735 a CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ~y 2~iI `Z waPtdwdby APPLtCATMON ~~iR ELECTRICAL. P~IRMIT YO THE CHIEF ELECTRiCA4 fNSPLC'~UR: OA~'E: l~ - ~~ ~' ~~~ lMPQy'FAN1' NOTICE: IN CCiNSIpERAT10N OP PERMIT QIVEN FOR DOINQ THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FALLOWING, WE HEREBY A~3REE TQ PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS ANp SPECIi:ICATIONS, WHICH ARIE A PART HI;RE4F, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ~7 LECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY 4F ATLANTIC (TEACH aRDiNANCES. •LD13. SlZI6 BETWEEN: RES>:. ( ~ APY. ( 1 COMM.~"1 PUgI{C i ) INDUS. ! I NEW { ? dl.a~l REW. ( 1 AdDlTION { ! TRAlltli t 1 TEMP, t 1 SIGNS ( 1 84. FT. SERVICE: NEW ! 1 INCRl:ASf I l REPAIR rE t' ~ J. AMPS P W`"~-~ VOLT R, NO. ~ SIZE N0. 81Zf N4. SIrE OPEN FL~RE~CENT !4 M. V. ..I<~~~ ~ Q.144 AMP OVrR A~p~IAN~sfe ti~,~-----_. ~~ Ai~t .. - N.P. RJ-' CQNb~TIC~NING 00~''" r`` .~ r.....,..-,-----~-~ -~ d TOTAL i" -~-~} ~ G,4,~ < U ~ x ~ AaoRE88: 1/ ~~ /~_ ~ c~sat"s~. ~~~ f{PD PSA-38•t4 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r w - LOCATION INFORMATION ------`-_ ____ PERMIT INFORMATION ----~` - ddress~ 1119 ATLANTIC BLVD 3223~ 9356 PArmit N~dmber: ATLANTIS` BEACH, FLOR - IDA permit 'I'~pe`. pLL~MBiNC _________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION --------_ r~'I ~s~ of Work' REPP,IR . B1 Gei:: Sect ot ion x~c~r~~tr . TvpR : F?OOL~ FRAA~IE . Township = RN4: ~ pr~?pc~wed ta~a: OFFICE Bt~~LDI~i3 sic~n- ubdivi ~tTi+QI 1, k'ta'~S ' 1 Code : ~h ~r1 , Estimated Values ~-:~ ~n ~~? . imT~ro~r . Co=t : S1 ~ . 5~? sly ~~ - T~anount ~a~d: ti 1 - ___ APPLICATION FEES - - ____ ___-- Q4i>'~ER INFORMATION __-- - ~` - -_ _ PERMIT $ 18.`_~Q ~i~rr~~ s '>5S~4WN BL'•!P ` ` WATEFc IMPACT FEF~ 5n . OE? TIC FLAN Address' 111'9 A Fi:S?RIDA N"'I~~' BEArH ' ~ SEWER IMPACT ~'EE 322:x_ ' SC? •~t~ ~'O SO . A~ LA IrR,'TAP WATER MEZ` . E'hrFZ~ ! } RAD~?N 'aAS-H . R . S . $!~ - ~n ______ CG~I~TRACT4R INFORMATION - _--_ RADON CAB ~$ ~~ - CAPITAL IMPROVE. •OC ~~•~~ dame' A.S;A.P. 4'LUbiBjN`~ t~S1, SEWEF. TAP fitr_C~ Add~:'es~ : ~, G, HOX 1531 3225 -• t~R~JSa CONNE~.TION a~ .'~~? ~rAC~~S~ONVIt.Ll~~ >~L SEr, H IMPACT FEE ~ c ~O . C -~ L.~ M:px~se ; t"FC~1. ~+1 ~~`~ T~'I'e ` rS?NST . SLiRCHAR~E ~C . 00 E,c_'HARGEIRTL . BCH . ~C7 . D~ NOTES: `; NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURLNG PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC,SPACE, AND MUST 8E CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER I "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CA V MENTS'N 4 THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPRO i ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATION FOR f VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. < ~:,F.~1 xr'..a , F ~~lii i i ATLANTIC.BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT +,~ ^ r..--..___._._. ,` By: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT 9 JOB LOCATIOH:__~LL~ _../~~c<<2'r'!Z~.1~~__~~ l!_'~ _~AR ~(oT OWHEk OF PROPERTY : _________________ ~ h~uif/ _________________ BUILDING CONTRACTOR:____________________________________________ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ________~ _~_L2~_______________________ AHD ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER s _________.~.~5_~1_~_~ ~___ STATE LICENSE H0: _--_____~,C ~ _.P_.~~_~ ~~ ---------------- TYPE OF BUILDING: _~ ~1=C ~~ ________ SINKS _____________SHOWERS _____LAYATORY _WATER HEATERS ____________BATH TUBS _______URINALS ____________CLOSETS ____________FLOOR DRAINS _____________DISHWASHERS _____________DISPOSALS _____________WASHING MACHINE _____________SHOWER PANS OTHER_______________ TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT: _____~____ x 53. 50 + 815.00 = 9_ /~,~ ~__ INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING AND FIXTURES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE HOST RECENT EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. CALL A DAY AHEAD TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS - t904? 247-5826 PSfi~3844 t. t a I I E i I I r t E I i r F I I I. 1~.3~ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING '~ 2, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH w.~--~- PERMIT INFORMATION --__-- ------- LOCATION INFORMATIQN --------- P+~rmi.t Number: 7132 ddiress: 11.9 ATLANTIC BOt3LEVARD Perm%t Tyge. SIGN ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 3?2.33 ;C1,as~ of Word:: NEW _________ LEe3AL DESCRIPTION --------__ ;Con~tr: Type: Wr~OD at: Black: Sect~an: Px~go-red Use: ~'OMMERCIALJ~7THER Tawz~shjp: RNG: O I~well:zngs: 0 Coder 4 u~division: ~~tim~ted Value: 50.t?4 Improv . CoHt : 50 . f?p Total Fees: $.10.0 Amount P`~cl: ~19..5C~ ..-___ _- NB~Z` ~NFt~f~MATION ----~-_=-_ .,__ APPLICATION FEES ----- N~z~t4~':~`~Et~R~iAU.TGI- PERMIT <519. ~0 'Address ; _ ~~~~ SEJNI3~A~i ,ROAD WATER' aMPACT ~'EE ~. tS0 .00 ~'y` 3A~R~~NVILLE;`, 1?'L04IDA S~WEF~ ~`~1~'~~~,'FEE ~f3.f}~J ., ,, P~ ; ~ ~ ~~}~ ~ ~~~ 8 _~7 51 ~ i~ATER METER $tJ . (~0 te.. RADON GAS-H.R.S. SO.00 r , ,.__~.~__ CC1~RA~~'OR ~t'#FOR2rlATION ------- RADON GAB - 5~k 50.00 OWNER. " tame; PR~PE~TY, WATER-TAP 50.00 . Address: SEWER TAP SO.00 ` HYDRAULIC SHARE $0.00 ~L~c~e' `, " Type: 1 CAPITAL It~lFROVE SO.Ot~ v: _ ~&~C , H ~~4.PACT..: FEE . °. _~ ~0 04~ . ,.uk.;: , . OTHER. a~'0 .0b` NOTES: NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDFNG MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWAY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW GAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS." ~ ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT ANlJBJECT ~~i~I'ION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. ~~p it9.50 RECEIPT IR: 099091 ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT } By: ~. D ~~II~ ,~ t~ !_ 2 81993 C i 'I"Y Ole A7'I.ANT7:C BL'ACII APPLICATION POI3 SIC~T PERMIT FjU{,Iding and Zoning ADDRESS:__. ~~_y~h Q~•r-t 2s~C PHONE: ~'~ ~ ' ` ~1_~__ - TYPE OF SIGN: nf~:~~t.,~- SIZE: q ~lz . "~" • _ _ ~~~ G) I'ROPOSSD LOCATI'ON~:`'") I ~ S ~~' I~;- (E, /~` r ~' . a•~c, c_~~~,,~. ~ F,r~. WZLL THE SIG?d REQUIRE AN I:LECTRIGAL PERMIT?`_~~__ ~,~ _ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Signs aver fifty (50) feet in area, and/or any sign which is more than seventeen (1']) feet above the ground, or any sign weighing mare than one thousand (1,000) pounds, m~.rst be submitted with drawings from a registered engineer. Signs-with a solid area greater than thirty {30) sctuarc; feet must be ex•ected to withstand a wind px•essure of at least thirty-five {3~} pounds per square foot. Dz•a;~~infs must also Shaw that weight of sign wi.11 be stzpport:ecl I>y the roof or ground support on which it will be erc;ct:ed. This applicatior7 must be submitted slang with.the followanl: 1. A plot plan of the land. showing the position of the sign in relation to buildings or structures. 2. A blueprint or ink drawing showing the plans and specif- ications, and the construction and/or attachment to the {; building or in the ground. ' 3. Other information as may be required under Sc'C. 17--2(b), Code of Ordinances, City of Atlantic Beach. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: _ ~_`I)ate:____~ - ~_,_~~ _ .; OWNER SIGNATUF2E:~ ~ Date: __ P R O v ~~ C~ ~~ A DF P-~~ PN~~C~ ~FF~ce P`P~,.: ~~~N~ g3 ,. ;,., ~~ ,~ ~. ~, BY ~~- ~,~ ~,. ~~~ , v ~.~,,~~3.- ._ .. , /'~iWR'd~T ffiL~ ~h ,~~ ~, :, ~Q r ap a.. t~. ,s, 4 Ma `~ D APPR~j~ oFA~E C~j~ pF ~P~~ Poh~N PLPN~. O N ~9g3 ~~,~:, =.~~ rl ev 5407 EPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~-~-°~-- PERf!iIT TH~'ORMATI©N -- ~---- Per:rsit Nvrr~fi~er: X407 Permit Types FENCE Class ai Wrrk : TIEw Ca7natr. Types N/A Parapcs~ed 1Jse: OFFICE BUILDING Drell i ng~ : O Codes fstimr~ted Value: ~2~00.00 I~tprc~v. Cts>~t ; xFO. 00 Total Fees: X10.00 Amount: Peid s X10. 00 Dates ~?~1~~d x.=~ 5l~~2192 ~_ _ PER PLANS lll:~:. l'R M ~~r ~.UT~. +. Addre:?gr~ : 1;1::19' i4'f`LANTIC B01lLEVARD JkT#,JlH7i~ PI~CN, FLaRIDA ~~~ Phs~e;~ ,I9~:1A)221-274'8 _._.__.___ ~~NTPtiCTt7f~ .~HFORMATTOH ----- N~sae : pROPt~RTY (]NNER Address; ~:~ ~ , NOTES; ________ LOCATICIN I!NFORPIATTCiH --°--~-___ Address 1119 ATLANTIC B©lSLEYARD ATLANTIC BEACkI, FLr3RIDA 32~3;~ __________ LEGAL DESCRIPTTOH --___°.._.._ Lot : Black : Sectiaxs : Tc~vrnsltiip : RNG : O Statadivisic~n APPLICATION FEES PERMIT X10.00 WATER IPfPACT FEE X0.00 3 SEWEf~ I MFAI~~` FEE `30.00 WATER ; ~l~~, _ ~' ©. QtJ RAIJON GAS-H. R. S. ~0. d0 - RADl~7M GAS S?C X0.00 MATER TAP X0.00 SEWER TAP X0.00 IiYDRAU LIC SNARE X0.00 RE-INS PECT FEE ,0.00 SEC. H IIiPAGT FEE `30. 00 . DT~iER ,..,... ,. `, ~0. [34a NOTICE -ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE POURING PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS AFTER DATE OF ISSUE BUILDING MATERIAL, RUBBISH AND DEBRIS FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACE, AND MUST BE CLEARED UP AND HAULED AWRY BY EITHER CONTRACTOR OR OWNER. "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNfR PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING lMPRO~VEMENTS." ISSUED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS WHICH ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT~I~~~~~T~CATION FOR VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF LAW. TI~s ~~~ ~ ATLANTIC BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT ( ~1~,~ - ;'~ ~ ~ ~'~~ ' .-,,-~ ~ RECEIPT 1~1~lERs 0684G~ ~ . APPLICATION FOR F'ENGE PERMIT /-~- ~.. /~ cJ /~ G c-= -T i Owners name ----------------------------Phone 2Z ~"Z~~B _ ------------------ Job address_ ~_f ~~_/~~-~n~T I G ~Li~ L~, A7'~j~/T/C ~C~1 ,~• --------------------- r- __ i-_-~------------- ----------- ~g,~KS ~~_~~~~ block and/or unit #~_______ subdivision S~C• C-~ 1j1~T1~-~~`l-t'IC ~Cl~ -------------------- Contractor if different from owner__;_•~ ~1-~ 1_____________________________ --------------------------------------,-,--~ Valuation of fence S 2 S®d ' ©~? _____ Corner or interior lot i ^~ r~2i°i~ ----------- ------------- Type construction____________________________ Show location and height of fence as well as location of street<s). f r Owne„~r signature 1~3~1_____ -~- - - ------------------------Date~~ _ _ ! ~'~_ Contractor signature____________________________^-----Date__________ i4PPR0'VED CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PLANPUNG & ZONING OFFICE try ~ Y 2 ~ 1992 By G .. .., ~. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ___~ __ 1 t _._ ... `o N~ ~~ to >r~asvK6nr0 ~j'i 3.5 ,~ ~ ~ . ,cU. ~i'~ ~ l' P . Q tih . ' ~. ,e a.5 ~ ~ . • . ~ •0 ~, .V ,. • :,,° .. A •. r ~ ~ t` ~ U U ~ ,, ~ ~ ` .o.a' C~ YG!c~.9 D P.~ `1 ~.~- q ., o, q ~ ' a ~ c o ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ 1 '~ ~ ~ 0 r., . ti p P R ~ V BEACH Q /- ~' 'r'' o~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ~~5 ELECTRICAL. PERMIT ApP-o by APPLICATION FOR TO THE CHIEF ELECTR1CALiNSPECTOR: DATE: / 2 ~ 19~,~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATION5, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ~ ~h~G D~~i BOX h~ I l ~-a~ 7 r fJ . ADDRF~$S: .G L L FtFD 77 • NAME ~,,,.~•R~a~r ZE $ETWEEN: ~ l , 9`' wM~ BLDG. SI - RES. ( 1 APT. t 1 COMM. ( ) PU6LIC i 1 INDUS. ( 1 NEW ( 1 ,OLD (N i REW. 1 1 ADDITION 1 ) TRAILER ( 1 TEMP. i ) ` SIGNS i - S . FT. / P 1R (1/~ FEE SERVICE: NEW ( 1 A INCREASE ( 1 flE -..- nu~oc CAPDFR 1 1 ALUM_ ( 1 yV.7VVV. vr~ .,..... 8WITCH OR BREAKER AMPS - ----- - PH W VOLT .. RACEWAY LXIS1'. SERV. SIZE 00 AMPS PH W y}~ 1 /L OLT ~i~~ RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE NO. SIZE NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL 0.90 AMPB. 31 • 100 AMPS. swlrcHEs INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT & M. V. FIXED 0-100 AMP8. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANS F. AIR CONDITIONING H.P. RATING COMP. MOTOR H.P. RATING OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT: KW-HEAT MOTORS 0 H .1 .P. VOLTAGE PHS - NO. OVER ~ H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS ~ o ~., A! Y IRt ~ N o s t, w rNt 1 s TRANSFORMEiRS: UNDER 600 V. AVER 600 V. d ~+ July 26, 1961 City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, Florida Attn: Mr. J. F. Waggoner Re: Filling Station R. C. Vogel Dear Mr. Waggoner: The 8 x 8 concrete beam over the front entrance on a 9 ~ - 8 3/t4" span, using 2C+~# per square foot live load and 10# per square foot dead Load. and using 3000 concrete is stressed to 900# per square inch which is less than design strength.. However, to take care of uplift we should use 2 #~ bars both top and bottom. Very truly years, a ~;.. ~ 1 P. 7.. Hicks PLH:kh cc: R. C. Vogel 9112 Jasmine Place Jacksonville, Florida D JUG 2? 1961 T~lE G~tY QE ~xlANT1C BEACJ~