Permit 1107 Atlantic BoulevardDEPARTNZENT QF BUILDING TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ~ ~ r +'""` Application for Permit for Miscellaneous Alterations, and Repairs Da~ Y, 1 Permit Nay, ~~ ~__ Fee ~_~ Valuation ~__~~~ ~=~ _..______ House No. ____ ~ - __ ~ r. To the Supervisor of Building: 4~ . The undersigned hereby applies for permit ~~F-~~ __-~ !~.r~_ _ `, (State 1f to rep~fr, alter, add to or move building; erect awning, sign, etc.; tn,~ta11 bailer, elevator, ete.J Building on_______ ____.Lot No._.__ __ ___-__Block No._~____ ____________Sub. Div.___-__- (State fracttonal Part) ~ ~-~--_-' Ate--_Side No._ ,~_T!~~.I~i.T.l.~°-'B~,_-!~_-St. Between--_-__----Y_..._._...,and~_._.:,.,•---_---_-~ Sts. Valuation 5--~.~ _~ ~ O U __--____ ~_~.~.1_Lk~_g 5_~ (~u~t.Li.~~----_._._------------_._..._._.__.Y.~~- ----- (State coat of improvemenq BUII.DINGS AND OCCUPANCY What is present use o! building-..Residential or Business?-___--____-____-------______-._~- Ii residential, what type-Dwelling, Garage Apartment, Apartments or Rooming House?_.-,~ How many families accommodated now?-____ ___.How many when altered?.._.. I! business, what type?~___.._-_.._________..___.-...... __~_Will food be prepared #or gale o11 premises?.-__ What plumbing work to be done ? ........................ ........ .........._~._~ _._____~__ ,~_._. Size o! present building __._________5ize of extension.-_~____~____--_ Sire o! iot Number of stories now ................................................alter altered...._-_^___.- _-Material of roo# _____ Material o! present buildfng_--_ ____-__..__-______Material o! extension~_ __- _ NECESSARY PLANS IN DUPLICATE TO BE SUBMITTED HEREWITH OTL BURNER OR GASOLINE EQUIPMENT Name of 011 Burner or Gasoline Pump .............. ._.,..... _-_•--._._-- _Type or ModeL.~.___ Name and Address o! Manufacturer_________..:_....~_ ._._____.~. _ In connection herewith, application is also made to ixlatall:.._.-----_----•-__-_._..~ .:gallon capacity tank (a) fHOw many) made by__________ oi. .-~ wage metaL_.-.._ _.grouxtd (Name of Maaalaaturer) ( ndtr or above) ._______of building. F'or,_~._ (Inrlde or outside)(Name-of Purchaser)-~^ FIIR,NISH DRAWINOr gHOWTNG ENTIRE LAYOIIT ON REVERSE SIDE OF TSI$ BLANS SIGNS ~ ,. / Sizes~~_~_~ .._ Classification.--___~_.u.cz_~ _..---------___.----_~_~_.-__--_- _-- (Btat whether ~roylnd, root, Wall, projecting, banner, special, stc.j Weight~~. '~ __.Material o! construction_1~.L1`.~r,L_.[~_.~_1~~...~__ ~_r2_.~_G__z,E,~r-_,,e~1~1 ~-_.__ Illuminated?_..~ Type illumination_________.11~~?~z- _..~ .Z: ~_.__--________-_-_.....-____- -~- (State whether Lamps or Neon) Will sign be over public gropgrty?-_~~--- -----_.-----_---_°---_._.___--____-~ SUBMIT DRAWING IN DUPLICATE SHOWING CONSTKUCTION OF SIGN. AND METHOD OF HANGING WRITE ADDITIONAL INFORMA'PION BELOW (For canvas awnings provide dim. ensioned drawing on reverse. side) ~,PORTANT NpTICE: In consideration of permit given for doing the work ~ described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said tivork in accordance with the attached .plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with Ella building regulations of the To n oArtlanti.--~o+6C-.~T Signature o! Builde[~ .t~~~~`' AddressAZ2.~~ ~ _-~ Phone No,F~_'=?X~..l .Signature o! Owner__ __- _ -_ Address~__-__-_ ____. Fhone No.-___ DEPART1~xFNT GF BUILDING -' TOWN OF A'~"i.ANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Application for Permit for Miscellaneous Alterations, and Repairs FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date. ____.__..-~, 195_- Permit No:__.__._ __-..-_ 'Fee $ Valuation $_.._~_ ~__~-__~__- xouse No. _________-_______Y ____ --.---_--_-_-_-_____~._-- ~~1 ____~ ia~a-- To the Supervisor of Building: The undersigned hereby applies for permit_~ ~ ~7L~~Z_-__...~ f-C?--.t~---._.----_---------------_-_ _~____ ~ (State fG to repair, alter, add to or meve bufldfne: erect awnlna, rign, eta.; install boiler, elevator, etc.) Building on__.______ _.f_Lot No._-_-__________~__-Block No._-_-_______._______Sub. Div.~___ ____-_ __._. _(Btate fnctlona! part) At _ Side No.~~-.~~---.~~_-L~~ ____~__St. Between__- _..._~_._____ancL----~-----~____. Sta. Valuation $-__~4 ~ O ~ __~_.._ ~k~'RS__.~,_i~s~.sl Q_ - -----_-_-_---_-_--_-------_--- (3tate cost of Imyrovement) ~--- ~_ -_^-~--~ ~- - - --- What is p e I! resident Iiow many If business, What pluml Size of pres Number of ; Material o! BUII.DINGS AN'D ANCY nt use of building-- 'dentfal or Business?.__._..-_ .____-_______~_____.___ what type-Dwelling, arage Apartment, Apartmen or Rooming House?__.. milies accommodated n w?_..~.. _.. __._______.H w many when altered? hat type?.~_~_._.____ _.___..____.-.____.__ __.__Wi food be prepared for e work to be done? ....................................................._--- ----- lding_... _-. ._._ Size of extension__ now ...............................................alter aitered....T-__-_ tt building _-_.._ __________ Material of NECESSARY PLA IN DUPLICATE TO BE OII. T~JRNER OA GASOLINE Name of 011 Burn r or tiaeoline Pump ................._......................._-- --------- Name and Address t Manufacturer _.__._~___.-. In connection here th, application fs also mad to irlrstall:-_____________ (How many) made by of __________._ wage metal (Nwme )danulactutw~) ( nder or above) _ ._.~.o# building. or_-~._~ (Inelde or ldde) __ (Name of capacity tank (a) 02 on premises? Size of iot,_.._ Type or DRAWING SHOWING ENTIRE LAYOUT ON REVERSI~ SIDE OF THIB S InG N 3 Size_~~~ ~ _ Classification-..-_ _ _lc.~.CLLI..LZ~_____-____.-----------..-____---- ~(State whether ground, root, wall, prolectlnr, banner, speclai, etc,) Weighty ~~- __.Material of conatruction_(_-3.1~LPr. ~~U_./1L~._d~Z~~..Z`_J_r1~~.~?/_________-_.~___________. Illuminated? ~-...~f____~___ _ Type illumination__-_-----__----~.~`.GF,/_~_'~ ..-___.------.___-- (State whether Lampe or Neon) `~^~~ Will sign be over Public prop@rtY?------------ --------------_--_--------------------------- - SUBMIT DRAWING. IN DUPLICATE SHOWING CON ST)IUCTION OF SIGN AND METHOD OF HANGING W14ITE ADDTITONAL INFORMATION BELOW (For canvas awnings provide dimensioned drawing on reverse side) IMPORTANT NOTICE: In consideration of permit given far doi said work in accordance with the attached building regulations of tie Town of Atlantic ;iSignature of `S3~nature of irlurner the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform ns afnd~sp_ecifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the ~~~.°Addressc`a~.2.~ 1`A~'~`~__s~~ Phone No.~~ Asl~cess..._.,...,,.__..::. _ _ Phone No. ~~ y :~ __. ~, __..: L o~ n.._ ,