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Permit 1095 Atlantic Boulevard -~~ i .. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. PERMIT TO BUILD THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOB Date 7/26 19~~ Valuation $ 2 ~ 500 Fee $ 7.50 This permit not valid until above fee has been paid to City Treasurer, and is subject to revocation for violation of applicable provisions of law. This is to certify that QUALITY SIGN Cfl. P.fl. BOX 2376, 3AX 322x3 has permission to build sign Classification COMMERCIAL ~ Zone CI Owned by AEH PROPERTIES Lot Bloc1- S/D House No. According to approved plans which are part of this permit SIDE} ~~ ~-D i I, ~_ ___--- NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEPORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIX MONTHS „ AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rubbish and debris Zi from this work must not be placed in public space, and must be cleared up and hauled away by either con- Building Official. USE ON YE I NUMBER ' DATE I L/ CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL SEWER WATER St•c. '10-3. SIGN I'I:ic:•71•fS - kiQt~1}:LD Tt shall Uo unl:;wful for .,ny Person to install , .,a•ning or other advertising structure permitted permit from the City Mann&er and r:iakini; p.,yi:,cnt illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subjec .-end any permit fees required-thereunder_ (Ord. TYPE UF_SIGN I•'LAT HORIZO:~'TAL PROJECTING l'ER•I'ICAL PROJECTING ROOF POLE ,~_ PGA ~ w~ I•iARQUEE-OR-At,~ ZNG--___ t'ALUATZON IS THE APPLICANT THE O1;TNER OR THE ?.EASSEE ? ;sl to or relocr3te any sii;n, r~r~rquee, c~:~vpy, under section 20-2 without first obtr,inino a to the City Clerk of the required fc•e. All t to the provisions of the city Electrical Code No. 60-66-1, 4.) ----------------------------------------------- *:AI•iE,_ ADDRESS. & TELEPHONE hL?MBER OF AI'PLIC.ANT PLEASE PRINT: _`____ ___ ___ _______ I_Ai•SE, _ADDRESS & TELIPH02~'E NU~;BER OF Ok'I~ER ~ S l~6 (~,la yv ~ YL211/r ~- s Ta ~~~~ ---~ IF THE LATTER, SHOk' AUTHORITY FROM THE _ ATTACH THE FOLLOtti'II~'G TO THIS A~PLICATZON: a) The location of the building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected. b) A Plot plan showing the position of the sign or other advertising structure in relation to nearby buildings or structures. c) A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications and nethod of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. d) T'ne name of the person/contractor erecting the structure. e) Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign. f) Registered engineer's drawings must be submitted with applications for roof signs over fifty (50) square feet in area, and for any sign the top of which is more than seven- teen (17) feet above the ground or weihting more than one thousand pounds (1000), or an solid sign of area Wore than thirty square feet, showing that such sign will be erected to withstand a wind pressure of at least thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot and that the weight of such sign will be amply supported by the roof of the building or the ground support on which it is to be erected. g) Such other information as the City '.•:ar,aSer shall reouire to show full co_~pliance with Chapter 20 and all other lags and ordinances of the cit . S I G'iATURE OF APPLI CANT DATE ` ~ ~ ~~ SIG`:A"iL'kE OF C`.;tiER D,;"iE ~~~.nd ~~~-~~~Q9E 1089 Atlantic Boulevard--Atlantic Beach, Florida 34433-(904) 441-4000 June 14, 1983 Mr. A. William Moss, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Mr. Moss: In regards to the letter dated June 9, 1983 from Mr. Douglas Miller, England & Thims, Inc., we will comply with all items listed. Sincere y, / / _ _~i Mike Ash cdr ~ N~GLAND ~- TNIMS, INGII E CONSULTING AND DESIGN ENGINEERS 61 36 ATLANTIC BLVD. JACKSONVILLE, FL 322'1 1 C904) 724-9436 June 9, 1983 Mr. A. William Moss, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Reference: Ashland Mini Warehouse E83-04-02 Dear Mr. Moss: I have reviewed the paving and drainage plan on the referenced project Revised 6-7-83 and have approved it as noted. 1. Retention basin pond elev. shall be 6.5. 2. 4" French drain piping shall terminate with 10 feet of 4" solid PVC into the retention basin with an invert of 6.5. If I can be of further service, please call. Sincerely, ENGLAND THIMS, INC. G~ Dougl C. Miller, P.E. Vice President DCM/cwb cc: Mike Ash CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA INSPECTIONS BUILDING PERMIT N0. ~{~C~_SS _~ ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT N0. ~1 1 PLL',iBING PERMIT N0.~/ MECHANICAL PERMIT 4E n !; JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR Ot,T ER ~'_ ~. CALLED IN FOU?vDATI ON FOOTING ~__ INSPECTED APPROVED REJECTED REINSPECTED JEA SLAB C13 _ c~ o~-- b ~ ~? - ~~c~ ` ~i ~ - TOP-OUT SEt,'ER TEi•iP-POLE ELECTRICAL (R) ELECTRICAL (F) FR_~*1ING PLL'~i$ING (F) LINTEL/BEAM COLU~SN STEEL SHOOT GF.ADES LOT CLEARING OTHER _ _ FI":AL INSPECTIONS l./ ~V~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN FLORIDA INSPECTIONS INSPECTED REINSPECTED JEA BUILDING PERMIT NO.~ ~^~°;``•~ ELECTRIGAL PERMIT NO.~ i PLUMBING PERMIT NO.~J MECHANICAL PERMIT 4l 3 JOB ADDRESS ~,,~,,~`~~ _ ~ *,'r"1 ~ ~ > , CONTRACTOR ~~ ~'~' ,~- CALLED IN FOU?~DATION FOOTING SLAB PLL"•iBING (R) TOP-OUT S E1.' ER TE2•H'-POLE ELECTRICAL (R) ELECTRICAL (F) FR_A.*~iING PLLTMiBING (F) LINTEL/BEAM COLLfiiN STEEL SHOOT GRADES LOT CLE.~RING OTHER _ _ FI*:AL INSPECTIONS APPROVED REJECTED .. - a~ ~: CITY OF ~t~slr~`ic /3eac~i - ~~ia~lclra~ x.. Office of Building Ofticial RE©UEST FOR INSPECTION ~ ~ ~ ~ Date 1 (' Permit No. Time J ; "?a~ A.M. ' Received /~ T~ District No. (Ocj ~ ~ ~"~ G rn `~ r C'. `~ f n uCX Job Address Locality owners ,,1 ~ ~ ~ Name rC ~-~l T Contractor Q.S BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Afr. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab f6' Temp Pole CI Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION A M q ; Q Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Frida . . a ~ A.M. Inspection Made ' P.M. Inspector Finalinspectiort ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date ~'~, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA INSPECTIONS BUILDING PERMIT NO.~{ ___, ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO.~{ ~ PLL^iBING PERMIT N0. ~1 MECHANICAL PERMIT ~i JOB ADDRESS /V~~" ~ ~~-~Q ~ ~ c, ~~-~(1(s; '`± -- - COP:TRACTOR ~ •`. ~ OZ~7N ER ____ __ ~- CALLED IN INSPECTED REINSPECTED JEA FOL" ~ DAT I ON FOOTING SL.~B _~l~ ---- 2-_L TOP-OUT SE::ER TE:•`F'-POLE ELECTRICAL (R) ___.~_____ _-~_- - ELECTRICAL (F) - - ____ __ - FR!~~1ING PLL~`iBING (F) i__ _ __ _ - LINTEL/BEAM COLL~SN STEEL SHOOT GF,?.DES LOT CLE."~FtING OTHER _. FI":AL INSPECTIONS CITY OF y411a~ic /3eacli - '' >G'cYtic~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION ,_ ,~ _ t ~ Permit No.. Time ~~ CCf/ Received ~S~i~~1~?~ ~ ,J~ ~rict No. lt`)9~-0 ~ r ~(~jl d1~ Job Address Locality Owner's Name Contractor BUIIDiNG CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Framing ^ Footing ^ Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab ~ Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating Lintel ^ Fire Piave ^ Pre Fab .~.. READY FOR INSPECTION r A.M. Mon. Tues. ,,..~° Wed. Thurs. Friday P. M. A.M. Inspection Made P.M. Inspector ~~" Final Inspection ^ Certificate of Owupancy Date C[TY OF >Q~~Ci~ic Qe~c~i - ~~Wtic~ Office of Building Official REQUEST FOR INSPECTION .. . ----- ._ ~ ~ ~~ `^^'` Permit No. Time A.M. Received ~ p.M. District No. '~. - r , a ~; t' Job Address ,_ , Locality Owner's r ,# Name __ ~-"' °-- ~"~ Contractor BUILDING CONCRETE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MEGHANIGAL Framing ^ Footing Rough Wiring ^ Rough ^ ~ Air. Cond. & ^ Re Roofing ^ Slab , ,, Temp Pole ^ Top Out ^ Heating lintel ' ^ Fire Place ^ Pre Fab READY FOR INSPECTION ~-=-_ Mon. ___ Tues. Wad. Thurs. Friday A.M. P. M. / (. "" ~ ~~ A.M. Inspection Made p.M. Inspector Final inspection ^ Certificate of Occupancy Date ~~~.nd ~~n~- ~~ za9E 1089 Atlantic Boulevard-Atlantic Beach, Florida 34433-(904) 441-4000 April 25, 1983 Mr. L4illiarr Moss, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Reference: Ashland Mini Storac~ Phase III E83-04-02 Dear Mr. Moss; Please be advised that we propose to Hake the following modifi- cations for the reference project per Mr. Miller's su acestions. 1. A four foot hiu~1 fence where the five foot deep retention areas are adjacent to the e}:istin c sidewalks on Mayport Road and Atlantic Blvd. 2. The top of date elevation shown on the catch basin in the retention area will be at elevation 10.16. 3. The retention area side slopes will receive full sod for erosion control. Should you h~3ve any questions, please call. Sincerely, `.i ~ ~ ;~ ~~ ; ~ ~ ~ j / , ,, Mike Ash P.SHLAND MINI STORAGE, INC. ~~ b1A/ch d- 1 4 ~ ~ ~ ~. ~.., ~~~~ CONSULT' 61 36 ATLANT' Mr. William Moss, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Scotch 7664 "Posi•it" Routing•Request Pad ROUTING -REQUEST Please READ ^ HANDLE ^ APPROVE and ^ FORWARD ^ RETURN ^ KEEP OR DISCARD ^ REVIEW WITH ME Date From ~-~~ ~'-•~~ G~"I~Y aF i4TL.,4NT1~ ~c.'~C~I Reference: Ashland Mini Storage Phase III E83-04-02 Dear Mr. Moss: Pursuant to your request we have reviewed the paving and drainage plans (revised 4-18-83) for the referenced project and find it approved subject to the following modifications. 1. A four ft. high fence should be constructed where the 5 feet deep retention areas are adjacent to the existing sidewalks on Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard. 2. The top of grate elevation shown on the catch basin in the retention area should be at elevation 10.16 (9.00 is shown). 3. The retention area side slopes should receive full sod for erosion control. Should you have any questions or require further assistance please call. Sincerely, ENGLAND & TRIMpS, INC. ~/ D ugl C. Miller, P.E. Vice President DCM/cwb Encl. cc: Mike Ash DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING. 3 2 5 7 C[TY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA PERMtT NO. PERMIT T4 BUILD THlS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON J08 j Date Decembez 15 19 76 400.00 3.00 Valuation $ -- -- Fee $ This permit not valid until sbove fee has bees paid [o City Treuazer, and 3s •abJect to revocation for viohiion of applicable pmvisiow of kw. This is to certify that Jack SSTit4s & Van HI.Cks has permission tobuil~l to replace existing walls & add roof tc- existing patio Clasaification_ ~.~ne Owned by Jack Santos & Van Hicks Lot 1012-56 Block ~~D Craig = s Ccsrn House No 1095 Atlantic Blvd. According to approved plans which are part of this permit NOTICE-ALL CONCRETE FORMS AND FOOTINGS MUST BE IN- SPECTED BEFORE POURING. PERMIT VOID SIR MONTHS 91 AFTER DATE OF ISSUE O Building material, rubbish st3d debris from this work mnst not be places in public space, and mast be cleared np and hariled away by either contractor or owner. t .., FOR OFFICE PERMtT USE ONLY NUMBER PLUMBING ELEGTRICAL SEWER DATE R. C. Vogel $nfldittf Of6eiaf. CONTRACTOR BU-k:D-NU FERAAlT q~pl.~~CAT,IQN JURISDICTION. OF ., 4 ~ ~ /" r` r . __. .......~ ~.. ......... rTr nri+~r~~ni n null V CC(`TlflAl D ~~ Ht'YLIl.H1V 1 1 V lrV lvlr LC ~ ~ .~~-v. ./- - JOB ADDRESS ~ ~ C ~ r /D 9~ ~ DESCR ' LOT NO. BLK. T~9"~ ' ~ ~Q I~/, 17 L-- ^SEE ATTACHED SHEET) r ~ /ova -.~ l~L~ ~ ( G-f 2 OWNER ~ MAIL ADDRESS S ~ ~i3v ZIP PHONE ! 22.3 ~ y as/ CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 3 ~rl N R .5'~rrJ ~=' ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 6 CLASS OF WORK: ~ NEW ADDITION ALTERATION REPAIR MOVEREMOVE 7 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS C.PR INCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. DIMENSIONS A. PROPOSED USE GROUP MASONRY NUMBER OF STORIES WOOD FRAME TOTAL SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR RESIDENTIAL NON-RESIDENTIAL - STRUCTURAL STEEL AREA.ALL FLOORS. BASED ON ]ONE FAMILY DWELLING ASSEMBLY - REINFORCED CONCRETE EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS - OTHER -SPECIFY TOTAL LAND AREA, SQ. FT. TWO OR MORE FAMILY DWELLING: ~ BUSINESS (OFFLCE) H.NUMBER OF OFF-STREET NO. OF UNITS EDUCATIONAL D.TY PE OF HEATING FUEL PAR KING SPACES nHOTEL, MOTEL, DORMITORY, ENCLOSED NO. OF UNITS ~ FACTORY -INDUSTRIAL - - GAS OUTDOORS OIL GARAGE HAZARDOUS - ELECTRICITY I. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY - COAL ]CARPORT ~ INSTITUTIONAL - OTHER -SPECIFY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS OTHER -SPECIFY ~ MERCANTILE E.TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL NUMBER OF BATHROOMS STORAGE (FULL - PUBLIC OR PRIVATE COMPANY 1 OTHER -SPECIFY , - PRIVATE (SEPTIC TANK, ETC.1 PARTIAL 1 YPE F WATER SUPPLY •T 0 r©~ Q~(/~ ~ - PUBLIC OR PRIVATE COMPANY LB c - PRIVATE (WE LL,CISTERN) B. NON-RESIDENTIAL- DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE PROPOSED USE OF THE BUILDING. 8 VALUATION OF WORK A. BUILDING $ B. PLUMBING $ C. MECHANICAL $ D. ELECTRICAL $ ~ E. OTHER $ F. TO~I~Va~L~[I~.j~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS O N L DEG 15 i9~6 ONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERN NG TH S PROVI S ALL TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT ~~ 7 .PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE `y a.6 PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULAT- ING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ ~ ~~0 SIG ATUR OF CO TRACTO O AUTHO ZED AGENT (DATE) SlG URE OF OWNE (IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) L try ~ ~ -~.,. ~~ .~ ~! x.,.11 i t e (A_ y r s ~ ~~ re, ~t J ~ fX ~~ ,~ / / {Ff f .$ t S" if ~~ •,~ ~., ' , ;, .-,.. _~ <S. ___. -.. ~ ~;; b~ "i i_`a ~, fh ' PAGE TIIREE V V MINUTES Names of MARCH 28,1983 Commrs. M S Y N Advisory Planning Board - Meeting of March 22, 1983 Mr. Moss advised that a draft of the minutes of the meeting of March 22, 1983 had been provided for the Commission to help them in their decisions. A. Proposed Amendment to the Planned Unit Development-Fairway Villas Playor Persons stated that this was the proposed amendment to Fairway Villas where they wanted to change the road layouts and setbacks and the Commission ruled that Fairway Villas would have to go through the full procedure. The 2layor said that he Baas present when they came before the Advisory Planning Board and were told that if they would take one of the lots, at their option, and dedicate it to be adjoined with some other green areas to work as a playground,that the Board would approve the PUD and recommend approval to the Commission. Fair- way Villas agreed to do this. The Mayor suggested that Agenda item 10-B be moved up for action by the Commission. ORDINANCE N0.90-83-79 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.90-83-77 THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE ZONING PROPERTY HEP.EIN DESCRIBED Oj,TNED BY'iW. A. BULL, TO "PUD" DISTRICT AS DEFINED UNDEP. THE LAND DEVELOP MEidT CODE . Said Ordinance was presented by tlayor Persons, in full, in writing, and read by title only, on first reading. Cook x Motion: Said Ordinance No. 90-83-79 be passed on first reading. Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. Morris x x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons x Mayor Persons announced that a request had been made to read the Ordinance on second reading. Commission agreed. ORDINANCE N0. 90-83-79 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.90-83-77 THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE ZONING PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED OWNED BY W. A. BULL, TO "PUD" DISTRICT AS DEFINED UNDER THE LAND DEVELOP MENT CODE. Said Ordinance was presented by Mayor Persons, in full, in writing, and read by title only, on second reading. Cook x Motion: Said Ordinance Ido. 90-83-79 be passed on second reading. Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. The Mayor set the Public Morris x x hearing for April I1, 1983. Persons x B. Request b Mike Ash for "Use By Exce tion" to Construct Mini-Wareh uses The Mayor advised that Mr. Ash was requesting permission to construct mini-warehouses adjacent to his mini-warehouses located on Atlantic Blvd. Mr. Ash went before the Advisory Planning Board and had amended his proposed design to provide for the necessary setbacks and request ed green areas. Mayor Persons said that the Advisory Planning Board discussed whether or not he was estopped by previous development from PAGE FOUR MINUTES MARCH 28, 1983 Advisory Planning Board - continued- Mike Ash construction of mini-warehouses,-and understanding regarding that. T Board reached a decision that it was not estopped-this is a differen piece of property and the old agreements had nothing to do with this piece of property. The Mayor stated that the Advisory Planning Board approved unanimously the proposed "Use by Exception" and recommended the Commission also approve Mr. Ash's request. Motion:Grant the "Use by Exception" request by Mike Ash to - construct mini-warehouses on Atlantic Blvd. During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Cook asked if this construction would be in the way for the right-of-way for the clover- leaf proposed for Atlantic Blvd. The Mayor answered that we would no know until they do the design work, but that it could be. rfr. Ash stated that he clearly understands that he is taking a risk. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. City Manager's Report A. Item ~~1 - ZSO Rati Mr. Moss reported on a letter given to the Commission from the Insur- ance Services Office concerning the ISO rating. Mr. P1oss presented a brief background saying that in the latter part of 1980, the Insuranc Services Office performed a survey of the City of Atlantic Beach to determine the appropriate fire classification for the community. The results of the survey were a do~~~ngrade from class 6 to class 8. The City appealed at that time and there was a re-inspection with a determination that there would be a downgrade from class 6 to class ; Class 7, however, was not implemented and the City was given the opportunity to present a program of four improvements in order to hopefully allow the city to gain enough credits to regain the class 6 rating. In September, 1981, a plan was presented to ISO that the staf felt would allow us to obtain enough credits and they allowed us a year to implement the program. We have had an inspection this year, and have been advised that a class 6 is now the appropriate rating for the city. The next ISO's scheduled survey is not for 15 years unless we invite them back to go for a class 5. B.Item ;~2 - Request by Mr. John Leslie of Leslie Motors, Inc. to Use Public Right-of-[Jay for Automotive Business Mr. Moss advised that in December of 1982 he reminded Mr. Leslie that he was using public right-of-way for his private business and asked that he cease using the right-of-way, and on February 23, 1983 Pir. Moss again asked Mr. Leslie to cease using the right-of-way. He stated that r4r. Leslie is asking to appeal the City Manager's decisio by requesting that he be permitted to continue using 13th St. for his business. Discussion followed regarding the unimproved street Names of Commr s. M S V Y V N h t Cook x Gulliford x Cook x x Gulliford x x Morris x Persons x CITY OF J~l~~2ct~c ~eac~i - 7~~~~ 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD _`_______-______-____ P.O.BOX2b ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORTDA 32233 ~~ TELEPHONE (904- 249-2395 March 28, 1983 MEMORANDUM T0: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: A. William Moss, City Manager SUBJECT: Request by Mr. Mike Ash for "Use by Exception" to Construct Mini-Warehouses On March 22, 1983, the Advisory Planning Board reviewed a request by t~lr. Mike Ash to construct mini-warehouses in accordance with the plans presented to the Board. The mini-warehouses will be located on property adjacent to the corner of property located at the northeast inter- section of Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road. The property in question is zoned Commercial Intensive (CI). The intent of a Commercial Intensive district is to provide for high intensive sales and services which require a conspicuous and accessible location with direct access to highways. Mini-warehouses may be allowed as a "Use by Exception". The Advisory Planning Board reviewed the request for a "Use by Exception" as provided by the Land Development Code. As previously requested by the Advisory Planning Board in their meeting of February 8, 1983, the developer provided for green areas with landscaping and adequate setbacks of the buildings. The developer also committed to provide aesthetically pleasing elevations on Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard in accordance with the proposed plans. The Advisory Planning Board recommended that a permit be granted to Mr. Mike Ash to provide for mini-warehouses as a "Use by Exception" for the subject property. Action by the City Commission is requested. Respectfully, I~il iam ss ~~ City Manager AWM: j 1 Gf.,,,~ of 2 E{' a c ' .~ 'USE t3Y EXCEPTI ONE Al'Pl.l CAT1_ON I . ! E F 2 L E D : _ _____ ^ ____- ___ ____ _-- - LOG N 0 . :;.'~.'•fE 6 ADDRESS OF 01~'NER OR TENANT IN POSSESSION OF_ PREMISES: Chris's Ringside Bar _ __-___ 1095 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 PHONE WOE: unknown HOME: A,~' ADEQUATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES AS TO w'HICH THE USE BY EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED: see attached Exhibit A __ _ _ A DESCRIPTION OF THE USE BY EXCEPTION DESIEED, tti'HICH SHALL SPECIFICALLY AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE THE TYPE, CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED USE BY EXCEPTIOIvTc THE REASON FOR REQUESTING T'HE USE BY EXCEPTION: ----_~-p __g~SLj._d P b ca ~ t i~ S P c~ f n r der t~ v~ ~m a n~ i n n r~ x i c t l ri ~ f a r i 1 j, t,v PRES_E_NT 20NING: CI ~~~.-~e~ ~d-!.~ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT OR ATTORNEY. IF AGENT OR ATTORNEY, INCLUDE LETTER OF APPLICANT/Ok'tiER OR TENANT TO THAT EFFECT. REVIEW GUIDELINES 1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to atuomotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flog: and control and access. in case of fire or catastrophe. _ __ _ __^_ - _____ . PAGE 2 OF 2 FUSE BY I:XCI:PII Uti' A1'PL7 C~1TI ON a ~)~ ~. 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the it erns in (1) and (2) above. 4. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability and compatibility. 5. Screening and buffering, with reference to type, dimensions and character. 6. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and compatibility and harmony with properties in the district. 7. Required yards and other open spaces. _ - ______ 8. General co~~patibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district. __ 9. Any conditions, restrictions or limitations in the use of such premises. ___ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advisory Planning Board's Report and Reco~:u-aendations: ___ ~1~~~.,Zd ~V(~~-~~za9~ - - ~~~ seoo 1089 Atlantic Boulevard-Atlantic Beach, Floride 34433-(904) 441-4000 January 26, 1983 Mr. William Moss, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Mr. Moss: During the past 2-1/2 years, we have faced many severe problems due to the distribution of drugs and guns, drunken brawls, drunk drivers, etc. emanating from Chris's Ringside Bar, adjacent to Ashland Center. During this period, we have discussed these prob- lems with various city officials, including the Chief of Police and yourself. To date, no action has been taken. We are pleased to inform you that Ashland Investments, Inc. has recently purchased the property where the bar is located. Since the City of Atlantic Beach has been unable to eliminate the prob- lem of this bar, we are proposing to solve the problem with the City's cooperation. We are proposing to tear down this building completely and construct a few additional mini-storages, according to the attached si~Ee plan, to add to our existing facility. Our studies and outside experts advice have indicated the best use of this property would be some sort of warehouses. Lack of access and the surrounding businesses support this opinion. Moreover, we are proposing to have a front elevation of building that would add a good appearance to the entrance to Atlantic Beach. Under the present zoning, mini-warehouses are allowed by obtaining an exception, and we are submitting our site plan to the Planning Board to request this exception (please see attached). We feel very confident that, knowing all the facts, both the Planning Board and the City Commissioners will grant this exception. Sincerely, Mike Ash cdr " ' .» . ~ EXHIBIT A A part of the Castro Y Ferrer Grant, Section 38, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida more particularly described as follows: For a point of reference commence at the intersection of the Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road (State Road A-1-A) as now established as a 120 foot right of way, with the Northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard (State Road Nos. A-1-A and 10) as now established as a 100 foot right of kay; thence N.89°19'35"E., along said Northerly right of way Iine of Atlantic Boulevard, a distance of 260.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue N.89°19'35"E., along .said Northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence N.00°40'25"W. a distance of 335.75 feet; thence S.89°19'35"W., parallel to said Northerly right of way line of Atlantic Boulevard, a distance of 230.11 feet to the aforesaid Easterly right of ~~~ay line of 1~Sayport Road; thence S.20°28'35"W., along said Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence S.35°05'55"E. a distance of 293.97 feet to the point of beginning. ~` , PAGE TWO MINU'PES JULY 9, 1979 City Manager's Report - continued City Engineer, in the amount of $414.71 for services rendered during the month of June, 1979. Motion: Approve payment of invoice, in the amount of $414.71, to Mr. k'alter J. Parks. V IV Names of I I I I Commrs. M S Y N Jensen Mhoon Van Ness Minton Ix x New Business - ,...._. zA Mr Mike Ash Extension of existing mini-warehouses~at 1073 At :Bl Mr. Davis noted that he was in"receipt of a request from Mr. Ash fir a permit under Planned Unit Development or Business A to extend the 2nd phase of the existing mini-warehouses that are located on Atlantic Blv Mr. was recognized and stated that his property was 550' in depth; the front half was zoned commercial, and the back half was zoned residential. P a.. .Motion: Mr. Mike Ash s reque Tyr _._,~..r>~.K_a ~ .R .. st for a,permit to extend`existing~, ~. , n, _ -- - ~- ~ -"~ - ~ ~ mini warehouses be referred to, `the Planning Boardo~^Ir B. Regional Sewer Plant I Jensen , ! x Mhoon x x Van Ness , x ~ x Minton ; x t i Mr. Davis reported that an interlocal agreement for the creation of the Duval Beaches Regional Sewer Utility had been made and entered int by the Beaches and the City of Jacksonville. Copies were given to the Commission along with copies of the Resolution approving and selecting the Duval Beaches 201 facilities plan as the most enviroment ily souund cost-effective wastewater plan to meet the water quality standar s will be~held2onOThursdahe Duval Beaches ?O1 Planning Area. A Public He ring y, gust 16,1979 at 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall C. Expansion of Letizia's Restaurant Mr. Davis presented Mrs. Letizia's plans for a proposed building next to the existing building to be in size 24' on the west side and 49.8' on the North side to expand her seating capacity. Mr. Davis noted that the plans had been approved by both the State Board of Health and the Hotel and Restaurant Commission, and has 75' x 200' depth parking space available.. The plans meet all the requirements of the Southern Standard Building Code. Jensen Motion: Approve the plans for expansion of Letizia's Restaurant. Mhoon Van Ness t * t * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton Report of Committees ' Commissioner Van Ness presented a report on the library action committ e, stating that Mrs. Eloise Claiborne, a resident of Atlantic Beach, was appointed by Mayor Godbold to the Jacksonville Library Board of Truste s, and is serving on the Building and Budget Committees. x x x x x x MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY CON1!~IISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JULY 23, 1979 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Alan C. Jensen L. W. Minton, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners AND: Bill M. Davis, City Manager Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk ABSENT: James E. Mhoon, Commissioner Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney ME OF COMI~'1RS . I O S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V 0 T E D r C The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Minton, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of_ the Minutes of July 9, 1979 Jensen x x Motion: The Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of July 9,197 Minton x be approved as submitted. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * Howell x Correspondence Mr. Davis read a letter from Mr. Donald L. Robinson, 43 Forrestal Circ1 South who requested a zoning variance of the code of the City of Atlan •c concerning trailers. He stated that he would like to park a trailer in his yard to be used for a utility workshop. After a short discussion, the following motion was made: Motion: Request by Mr. Donald Robinson to park a trailer in his Jensen x yard to be used for a utility workshop be cenied. Minton x Van Ness x * * * * * t * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Advisory Planning Board A "!~r"`:'~M~ce• 'As'~i~ 5"i~e'giiest°'"~""'~'xter`d °mini-ware~~s~~""~~' T~7~ '~"fT' • B1vrT. The City Manager reported that the Advisory Planning Board had met on July 19, 1979 and had approved Mr. Ash's request under Planned Unit Development to extend mini-warehouses at 1073 Atlantic Blvd. ,~an~an'zP. wF,.°'rwaE^.~"~!"° ~„--a y*a ~3..m.'ir^~~+3X,~.~"^ Y otzon: Accept, ~-e ~-ecommendatzon of tl~e ~7ann~ni~~"~o"~rS an~'~pass'~ Jensen x the Planned Unit Development application for 'a'Pub~ic Hearin 2•iinton x ,_ , `27; `i979. . _ . . _ .- ._ -~ - o be` held `on Augtst Van Ness x _ * ~ * * *~.f '*' ~ ~ * ~~` ~ ` ~ *`'~ * ='* * *'~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x City Manager's Report Mr. Davis requested approval for payment of an invoice from Coffman and , Coleman in the amount of $583.75 for legal services rendered during the month of June, 1979 in the Murphy and Thorsen matters. Motion: Appro~a payment of invoice, in the amount of $583.75, to Jensen x x t•iinton x Coffman & Coleman for legal services during the month of June. Van f.ess x x : * : * * * * * * * * ~ * * ~ * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hcwell x M.IIJUTES OF THE REGULAR h1EETI1lC OF THE ATLAIJTIC BEACH CITY CG.~,','4ISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL 0^J AUGUST 27, 1979 AT 8: DO P~~ r,~tS.=E.~'T: William S. Ho~eZ7., Mayer-Commissioner Alan C. Jensen Jar•es E. h~ioon L. A'. Minton, Jr. Catl1erine C. Van Ness, Commissioners A;dD: BiZZ l4. Davis, City Manager OZ:.ver C. BaZZ, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk The ~^eetinc ryas called to order by Mayor Hor~eZt. The invocation, offered by Corcnissioner Minton, vas foZZo~ed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of Aucfust 13, 1979 Motion: The Minutes of the Regular Corrvrrission 1•^eeting of August 13, 1979 be approved as submitted. F.ecocnition or Visitors The c'nair recognized 11rs. Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, mho requestea that a stop sign be erected at fax Liquors on Royal Palms Drive, fdayor Howell aoreed that a sign should be there and instructed Mr. Davis to have the~sicn installed. Ci to f~larraaer's Report fdr. Davis verbally reported that the pampas grass at the intersection of Z7th and Sea Oats Drive u~as being trimmed back for the necessary visual area at that intersection. "Je~~ Business .~;~ ,. , P,u~ZZC l#earznc~ ~ r__. .. ~.'ayor F_o~eZl recognized Mr. John Alexander, attorney representing Mr, `Bike Ash, mho presented a color coded chart of the area, and pointed out the bu,;:=er zones between the proposed mini-warehouses and single 'a'^ily di.:eZZinas. r'~Ir. Alexander added that it r~xzs his understanding that letters mere in the file from Mrs. Bledsoe, owner of the vacant proYertzf, and rom the manager of the apartments on Cor7ceZZ Lane that t%:ere :mere ro objections to the proposed mini-r~arehouses. He noted thct ar. arec of approxir,7ateZy 560 feet existed as a buffer zone to the closest sincZe ramiZy d~aeZZing. 1•,auor Ho~eZZ announced that a Public .=ea_rinc was r~~~~. open and inv2ted the audience to offer corrurrents from the 1'Zoor. '`r. Ralph Fr-Zzzle, 83 Saratoga Circle presented a petition o=' recues~ : or :?eniaZ sivned by the residents and/or property o:.rrers o.=;~toac Circle South and ;forth. ME OF COMMRS. I O S E C C~ N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N 0 Jensen x fInoon x x Minton x Van Ness x x HoweZZ x 4~ PACE TWO MINUTES AUGUST 27, 7979 New Business - continued - 2~te %~~s7t ~?ubZi,e~~Hearzngn w~ hr. Frizzle cited the mini-warehouses as a nuisance stating there was a Zoud band as a tenant and some people were living in the exis ing .nits. He also stated the proposed extension would be a threat to residential property vatues. As no one else spoke for or agains t'ne ~~auor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mayor HoweZZ asked if ;the City 'rzad acquired a dedicated easement for the proposed road to connect t%:rough the property to CavaZZa Rd. and Mr. Davis answered no, not at this time. The Mayor then expressed reluctance to >ote `'or an extension until the City could adopt an Ordinance controllin t%:e use cam' the mini-warehouses, stating that even a rape had been reported in one of the other mini-warehouses in the area. Mr. Ash ~~vised t%:e Corv.7i.ssion that he nad given the band notice to vacate. A Zencthy discussion followed regardin.a necessary regulations neede~ :-'or such an Ordinance, such as fencing and dead storage only. 11'rs. ~;ues, 27~ Sailfish Drive suggested limited hours with the mini- .y re~c~lses locked at aZZ other times. Cor,~nissioner I9inton asked "r. :?s~ i:" ne ?JOUZd still desire to construct more mini-warehouses y-:ouZd a new Ordinance be passed and Mr. Ash answered in the affir- mative, stating it would be to his advantage. Commissioner Van Iles, opposed a business located in a residential area. Mr. Parks propose the suaoestion for inclusion in stipulations that fencing to be rrovided :or mini-warehouses z~iZZ comply with the stipulations and/ or specifications of the City of Atlantic Beach. Cor>anissioner Jens raminded the Commission that the Corrrprehensive Plan adopted by the City recor~nended proposed usage as medium density and not business. Co,^anissioner 1^noon expressed the opinion that he would be be willing to approve Mr. Ash's application under PUD with the stipulations that the mini-zarehouses would be fenced to the City's specification limited to reasonable day-light hours and locked at aZZ other times. .the area z~ould be lighted; and occupancy to be dead storage only. fCo~»%ssioner-°~~`t~t'~a'~iz~""~no~`Z~zdn ~o app $ ~""apPZ~.~~on tri.t~t ~~ie `sts,t~uZrz'~.s cis s~a~ehr~~?n~"Ct~nrnssoner ~~'i3abon. T}r~ motzbrt`3ier •~ Y ~... ty T "~`wi LW.1CS+~.I~Y.a_, X71" .I ~`~. s~Y~i..~Zdi Ls. w L n ~Y. }r. ~, or Zack='b~"~ it "T~ecoiul~ _ .. ~ , .~ ~ ~~~~~_~.. _. ~~: Report of Committees A. Commissioner Alan Jensen. - Oral report on bids for Pick-up truck: ~~rrzsszoner Jensen reported that six dealerships had received bids and only two had submitted bids - Lynch-Davidson Motors, Ine. and Lee Chevrolet, Inc. Lynch-Davidson's bid was $59.08 lower, but did not include specified 80 amp battery and fiber glass tires as did Lee Chevrolet. Commissioner Jensen reeornended that the bid be rraarded to Lee Chevrolet, Inc. h:otior.: Award the bid of two Z/2 ton pickup trucks to Lee Chevrolet, Inc., in the amount of $20,556.00 for the tw net with trade-in. ~. Names of Commrs. M S V Y V N s; Jensen ~ x x Mhoon x Minton x Van ,'Ness x x HoweZZ x PACE TWO MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10,197: Public Hearing -Revenue Sharing Budget -continued various suggestions. The Mayor then declared the Public Nearing closed. B Bid Opening - Group Insurance -Specification No. 79-3 The foZZo~ing bids mere received and opened with the Mayor suggestin that due to the large number of bids received, that only the names be recorded and the bids be assigned to committee. Con~nission agree Bids received mere: Blue Cross-Blue Shield, R. C. DeZZa Porta & Assoc of Jacksonville for State Mutual Life insurance Co. of America, Aetn Life & Casualty, Gulf Life Group Ins w°ance Co.; Independent Life & Accident Insurance Co.; The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States; R. C. DeZZa Porta & Assoc. for Prudential Insurance Co. of America; Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co. (2); Philadelphia Life Insurance Co. (only submitted bid for Zife insurance 'portion); John Purvis & Associates for Fringe Facts, Inc., aself-insuring pla Crown Life Insurance Co. Motion: Refer bids to cornnittee. Report to be made at the next meeting. .The Mayor appointed Commissioners l~Ifzoon, Jensen and the City Manager to serve on the corrJn-ittee. C. Bid Opening- Rear Load Containers -Specification lJo. 79-4 One bid vas received and opened -Industrial Refuse Sales, Inc. -ZO (ten) units for a total cost of $2, 350. 1~9r. Dcr~is noted that the Zas year's Zou~ bid vas $3Z0 each. Motion: Award bid of ten rear Zoad containers @ $2Z5 ea, total cost of $2,250 to Industrial Refuse Sales, Inc. D~' ~ k8'°~!'s;Pr• pc?s ar ,~nsictir~n ~ f ° ~h;ni~rzr~~hous e`s ~ ' tzc ' ~.vd:" .near ~u~port Road °~- ~_ ~ . _ .M _ w .. _ ~~,. _... _~ Mayor HoweZZ recognized Mr. John Alexander, attor-ney representing lfir. Mike Ash. Mr. Alexander explained that the present proposal ~aouZ be located on a different location than the one submitted at the previous meeting, and it ivas his understanding that the plans meet the tei~rrs of the Code insofar as the zoning requirements. Mr. Davis noted that was correct, the location is zoned Business A, and the plans as submitted meet the code of the City of AtZczntic Beach. Mayo: AoweZZ corrunented for the benefit of the audience and Commission that the building r.~ouZd be fenced gates and would have business hour, with the gates locked after hours. After a short discussion, the following motion nxrs made: ~ 1~zon.. ~A,Pprvve ,plans for,: construction o,~' im.nzraarehouses on. '+""'~ `~ " Atlantic Bzvd ~°V , n~mr Mayport Rd: '"submitted by 1~ike Ash? Names of Commrs. M S V Y Jensen x x lfhoon x x Ho~eZZ x Jensen x x Idhoon x x Ho~eZt x Jensen x x ~~ 1111^r~oo Aowe~Z x x x MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TiEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COt~iMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 22, 1979 AT 8:OOPN PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Alan C. Jensen James E. Mhoon L. W, Minton, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners AND: Bill M. Davis, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Minton, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of October 8, 1979 Motion: The Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of October 8, 1979 be approved as submitted. Advisor Planning Board Commissioner Van Ness reported that a meeting was held on Tuesday, Oct. 16th and a target date of Noverioer 1, 1979 was set for the land use . portion of the Compreh ensive Plan, and then plan to work on the housing element. She noted that a seminar had been held at Jacksonville L'riiver on Thursday, and Mrs. Dolores Griffin had attended. The next meeting for the Planning Board would be held on Thursday, November 1, 1979 at 7:30 P. M. and Commissioner Van ?;ess invited all interested citizens to attend. City Manager's Report Mr. Davis requested permission to purchase an additional 100 3/4" water meters through the City of Jacksonville bid price. He stated that 50 would be traded in for $4.00 ea,, with a net price of $2,775.00. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to purchase 100 water meters for a net amount of $2,775.00. New Business ,,, ,A.~ Mike"~~s~"i ~~ E~ctens~on`~o'`f`"m n~ zaare'I'iouses a '1©73 tlant' c ~o '~'`~ir°""~~"~ u e: ar The Chair recognized Mr. John Alexander, attorney for Mr. Ash. He asked that the Commission reconsider Mr. Ash's application for an extension of 123 units to the existing 155 units located on Atlantic Blvd. The previc ME OF COMMRS, I O S E C 0 N D V O T E D Y E S V 0 T E D N O Jensen Mhoon x Minton x Van 2dess Howell pity Jensen M1--oon x Minton Van Ness x Howell MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 1979 Names of PAGE TWO Commr s . M S New Business - continued-Mike Ash application was not approved due to lack of a second of the motion. Mr. Alexander stated that Mr. Ash was prepared to comply with the ' rules and regulations set by the new Ordinance regulating mini- warehouses, their conduct and use thereof, that was passed by the Cit Commission on October 8, 19.79 ~~,ymo'tion'~.~as° iroaa~"~°ha~ the reque ~°'r"econsdere~ `by~~om ~ssioner 'Jensen and seconded by Commissioner' ntori ~ Discussions folYowed. Commissioner Minton `expressed his '~ concern for an additional 123 cars traveling in and out of Atlantic Blvd. Mr. Charles Morris, 75 Saratoga Circle South objected to the request as the location is zoned residential and reminded the Commission of a signed petition submitted to the Commission at the Public Hearing held on August 27, 1979. He stated that none of the signed petitioners had changed their minds. Mayor Howell outlined his opinion that he could not pass on the subject without another Public Hearing as Mr. Alexander and Mr. Ash had not provided factual information of no objections from the adjoining residents as request at the meeting of October $, 1979. The Mayor then asked when the property was purchased and Mr. Ash replied in October, 1978 as one parcel of land and at this time he felt that he was land-locked. He stated that the residents of Saratoga Circle now had commercial property within 1~J0 feet, and even with his additional 123 units, there would be a buffer zone of 600 feet to the closest residence. Mr. Alexander asked Mr. Morris what objections he would have now, and Mr. Morris stated,that in his opinion, the property value would drop for the residents on Saratoga Circle. Commissioner Van Ness commented that the land owned by Mr. Ash is bounded on three sides by residential property; one an apartment complex and two sides by single family zoning, and she did not feel the Cor~nission should.. change this zoning. Mr. Alexander stated that he would like to amend his request for reconsideration to request for another Public, Hearing. "Commissioner Jensen then moved for an amended motion:_ =,~iotion,Amend~`"t~~ie"~mo~on t'fiat `the request be ~reconsider~e~~to , dd~-subject fo another-Public Hearing publiq_Aearing ote` was Cnmmi~sionets "~Jensen`~Mhoon"; 'and Mayor ~ Howell, votin~ r .w~•k~ a w"" ,e.1k` ' :mss di'.=+.i~ r . ~- D3 -s, ~,. c „~. f, «, ,. ~~ .''yam-,,„ Faye,: and Commissi'or-ers Minton'' and''Lran -P1ess vot~ng no: Motion ~carrle ~'.~ 3e .tic ~c" 4e'>ie' ~ ~ '~ m*' ~_ fit` ~ 3c -~C' ~ 3c" ~ * ~ 3c Vic' ~ , ~ 'R ~ 3e # # . ik ~k _.*.. a~;'~Ir B. Bud Gross - Application for construction of new business at Mayport Road and 10th Street. The Chair recognized Mr. John Poitevent, agent for ktatson Realty Co who requested for Mr. Gross, 1.) an occupational license for a new business,2~nd a request to place a temporary office trailer on the property for a period of approximately twelve montfi s. During the: twelve months architectural plans for the permanent structure would be submitted to the Commission for approval. Mayor Howell advised that a standard building permit calls for start of construction wit'. six months, and at that time the permit would expire. s >d Jensen x Minton x ;~ ~• ~ I 1 In MIi~TU!'ES OF 'I'tIE RE(~.1IAR 1`~'I'L~}G OF 'IIiF A'I'I..A11I'IC BF11C~i CITY 00;•'MISSION HELD AT THE CITY HAIJ. ON NW}~s•i}3ER 26, 1979 AT 8:OOPM P'}ZESENT : William S . Havel l , 2~Jayor-Carmi s si oner Alan C. Jensen James E. Mhoon L. 4I. }~~intcm, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Corrrnissioners AND: Bill M. Davis, City Manager Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tlscker, City Clerk The meeting eras called to order by PSayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Com:rnssioner Van •Ness, was follaaed by the pledge to the flag A~roval of the Niir7utes of Nwe~nber 12, 1979 tlotion: The Minutes of the Regular CaTmi.ssion Meeting of November 12 1979 be approved as submitted. `~ n n ~' n n J .7, J. J.. _!. ~ s .1. ^' ~ ~ .i. -': n n n .L ^ "!' n n n n n .!. .1,. ~ ~ 'iC iC n n n n n n n i n n n n s.__ ~~~~ ~'N~,yor,' cvc~ ~ m_ ced ,that^Mr.: Da s~i'a~c '°receivec`1`~a ;Ie~~~`. lexander tnthdrs the application by'?lr 1'nke Ash for anJextens~ ~` `~i;~`'re~zses a~1~73' Atlax~i~c Bivd~*~~`."-":=.. -:-°~-~'.,.`'~".:. 1~...~ ~-1-~ - .. _ _ - -- New Business A. Violet Flores and Sherre DaQley re proposed Day Care Center-9th & Mai rte. Davis stated that the two above mentioned ladies had submitted a request for Cc.~;udssion approval to construct a building at 9th and *•'Sain Streets to house a business called Atlantic Beach Day Care Center. The children would range in age from infancy to six years, and the hours would be frcm 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Alonday through Friday. Mayor Haaell asked if they had aquired the approval from the State Board of Health, and they replied that the State Board of Health was going to assist then in planning the day care center after the City Ccx~nission granted their approval of the project. i lotion: Grant approval for project subject to the approval of the State Board of Health and the necessary plans being sul-xmitted to the City Co~rmission. i7nfinished Business A. Oliver C. Ball report on Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc._ Mr. Ball reported that after careful study of the Florida Statutes, he ME OF COMMRS . I O S E C 0 N D V' O T E D Y E S Jensen x Mhoon x Minton x Van Ness x x Howell x Jensen x 1~1noon x Pti.nton x Van Ness x Howell x PAGE '110 2.1 11~ U T E S FEBRUARY 11,1980 City Manager's Rc~ort - 2•ir. Davis announced that his secretary had been out with the flu, and in lieu of a written report he presented the Commission with thf audit report rendered to him by the firm of Tyson, Fancher ~ White which said in essence the state of the City is very good. I~ew Business A _Ap~roval of Enlargement of the Public Safety Facilities Buildin 2'Ir. Davis requested approval to construct a 10' x 27' concrete block addition to the S. W. corner of the Public Safety building and using in-house personnel. The cost of the project would be approxi- r-~ately $1,500. - Motion: Approval to proceed with the addition to the Public Safety building. B _ A~~roval of F-nergency Repair to sewer Iine at 15th 6 E. Coast Dr. The City 'Snnager advised the Commission of a sewer cave-in at 15th and Eas[ Coast Drive last week and under the emergency provisions of the Ordinance code, he had the line repaired by Jax Utilities, in the amount of $l, 000. Cor;~-nission approved. C. A_p~roval to purchase or Bid on new Carb~e Truck I•tr. Davis explained that he hoped to purchase the new truck (a budgE ed item) under the City of Jacksonville Bid price of $37,000. If the conpany would not allow this, he requested approval to go out tc bid on a new garbage truck. Co~nission approved. .~ ~-~_ ~. .; prova o • P~"Com~3"'" roposetl 1~i~`~ s ropertaes Inc: *s ~ ..., :The City I;anager stated that Mr. Ash proposed to build a work-shop :complex kith a sales office in front and presented the plans to the Commission. Mr. Davis said that the plans are in accordance with the code of the City of Atlantic Beach, in accordance with the Southern Standard Building Code, and has appropriate zoning. }layor Howell reminded Mr. Ash that certain types of business would not be permitted under Business A, and 2•ir. Ash replied all businesses woulc be checked before leasing. ''µ.2Soton "'1~p~irb'~t~"t'li~_~3Ia s su`'bm fi tec~~by it ke~Ash"? J ..~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X ~ ~ ~ V IV N~~rnes of ~ I Cornmrs. 2.7 S ! Y N Jensen x x .Minton x Van Less x x Howell x i. ~ } I c t Jensen x x i•finton • x Van I:ess x x Howell x PAGE FOUR ' M1NU7'ES AUGUST 25, 1980 I:3mes of CorrUnrs. M S V Y V N New Pusiness - continued - "78 Pace" Public Hearing }•',ayor Howell stated that it would be the responsibility of the City CoTrunission when the next project starts, to make certain that proper access on the next portion of the development is provided. Mr. Bull agreed that there would have to be another street provided and that should protect the easements. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Bull if there :could be any problem in acquiring a letter from the owner of the I property to the south authorizing any ingress and egress the City may need over the property to get to the easements for maintenance. Mr. Bull felt confident that he could furnish such a letter. As no one else spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the public hearing clos d. 2•iotion: Passage of initial approval of Planned Unit Development Tihoon x x application by Mr. [,'.A. Bull for "78 Place", subject to Minton x x the final utility drawings being approved, and any othe Van Ness x requirements needed to meet the code of the City of Howell x Atlantic Beach. p . C. P1 nned tTnit .Develo merit a llcation b Mr. Mike As'h fot` a ro~"ose ~ . , . .. ..P PP_ p '~*, ~ ~ _ - _ ~ ex ansion of mini.. warehouses located on 1073 Atlantic Blvd Public He . ~ ~ 4 , g ran ~ ~.. _.. -~- ,~... y v ~ .~ .....~. w ~ .. ,'ayor Howell declared the ~~~eeting open for a public hearing, which was duly advertised according to charter require;:~ents, on a Planned unit Development application by rir. "Sike Ash for e~_pansion of mini- warehouses. The Chair recognized i;r. Ash to answer any questions the audience might have. Mr. Ash presented a drawing of his proposal and stated that he only intended to use only seventy feet of the property in order to seal off the back portion of the Atlantic Beach 1•iini- warehouses to stop the break-ins that have occurred recently. He added that this e~;pansion would still be 700 feet from the residents on Saratoga Circle. Mr. Charles 1•Sorris, 75 Saratoga Circle, represent rig the residents of Saratoga Circle, stated that Tir. Ash had agreed to advise the City Co>Zrnission that if he is granted permission to expand the 70 feet requested, that he will not submit proposals of any furth r expansion of the mini-warehouses or to develop the remaining property for any commercial purposes. Mr. Norris stated that if Mr. would declare his intentions of the above, the neighbors of Saratoga Circle •»ould not object to the 70' proposed expansion. 1•;ayor Howell noted that it was his understanding that the 70' was needed to provide adequate turning for trucks and police security. He reminded I•ir. Ash that the City has an Ordinance that mini-::arehouses can be used for dead storage only and no other purpose. ;ir. Ash stated that he was a»a re of the Ordinance. As no one else spoke for or against, the Mayo ~ declared the Public Hearing closed. r ,,_ iot.1 on • A rove Planned tine t Deve] ot• ent ~ppl 3 cat on ~by Mr ; Pik ~ - PP _ ~ "_ .. .:~. , # r a proposed expansionsjof''mini~•~d'r{eliouses~located _ ., ,~ ~ - on~~3U~3 Atlantic Blvd.,, saitb tbe understznding that ~sh mill never "appear before the City Co,~-nission wit _ .~_ ~.,..,; n~..,,......,~.-.... _... ~. ,... - . another''p:aposed e}:p°ansion or to attE~pt to dEVelop"f 'e g r"E-aging property' ioi-a,ny'co.-.-~ercial purposes: 4.. _ ' ------ - -- I r - _ . _ ._~ _ _ .. ,~ !•fI1~UTES OF T•HE REGULAR I.IEETING OF THE ATLANTIC PEACH CITY COr~•fISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON FEBRUARY 23,1981 AT 8:00 PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Alan C. Jensen James E. M}~oon L. W. Minton, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners AND: Bill M. Davis, City Manager Oliver C.~Ball, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk M ME OF CONL~IRS . I O S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S ~ C ~ E I; ; C The meeting was called to order by Pfayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Minton, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Piinutes of February 9, 1981 -- Jensen x Motion:The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of February 9,' Plhoon x be approved as submitted. Minton x x Van Iv'ess x x * -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * Howell x Advisory Planning Board Commissioner Van Ness reported that they had met with ilr. Gould severa nights ago and they c.~ere in compliance with the schedule and ready to roll with the 701 project. Cites ?tanager's Report Mr. Davis advised that new construction in the City pf Atlantic Beach, along with a program of reworking and/pr replacing w~•tex meteXS due to mineral content contained in the Cityts water supply made it necessary to request permission from the Coru-aission to purchase 100 water meters under the current City of Jacksonville contract with Rockwell Inter- national. Approximate cost for 100 meters is $3,000, and he said adequate funds for the purchase are contained within the budget of the city. Jensen x Motion:Approve the purchase of 100 water meters under the current Mhoon x City of Jacksonville contract with Rockwell International Mint n x for the approximate amount of $3,000, o V N an ess x x ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Howell x New Business A:"Mike Ash re~c~i'ange`zn 7ocation`of Building B at 1089 Atlantic Bivdz - __ ._ ..........~ ._~~. ,W_.~..a ~'he City I~fanager explained that Mr. Ash's plans for additional structur 8t 1089 Atlantic Boulevard had prior approval of City Cor~mission~ and 1~" rACE Two v .. MITJUTES ?~~3mes of '' FEBRUARY 23, 1981 CorrJnrs. 1•S S Y 2:ew Business - continued - Mike Ash he was in the audience to request a change in location of Building "B" due to a need for better security by relocating the building on the back side of the property. Mr. Ash could adequately control entry into and out of the complex by the relocation. Jensen x x ..,r: "P°P r-''^M'R' !a"' v..~-~.. r.n7r ~}~ v.. _'1 Y _ _ .. .._. i ,.,, r~ Ash for ~re-~ ~•iike plans~submatte~'~by,.Mr. a Ztioin:"~~Approve the 1. ihoon x ~ s _f* ~ Bovlevard.. location of{8u~lding B ak .1089. At~antic 2•;inton x x _ - -.. ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ * t ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * * ~: ;~ * * * ~ ~: ~ ~ Howell x B. Mr. Joseph 0. Shaffer re extension of City water lines on 2•`.ayFor _ Road to proposed Cypress Cove (Located on Assis_Lane)__ _ Mr. Joseph 0. Shaffer, President Arms Corp. of Jax Realtors, re- gvested permission to extend the City lines on P;a}°port Road to thei proposed new project located on As sis Lane, to be }:n own as C; press Cove. He further requested Corunission approval to install a master c,eter at the project to enable them to control the water system distribution and petering as they expect to build a temporary sewer s~'stem until such time that sewer facilities are available. The coLpany will develop and ultimately build approximately ape thous- and residential units in the area. Mayor Howell queried Mr. Shaffe as to why he wanted a master meter. Tir. Shaffer answered that this would provide them with the ability to turn the water off if sewer bills were not paid. The ?'~ayor disapproved of the master Deter sayi g that would take the control of the water completely out of the Cit}' s hands, and offered the suggestion that perhaps the City could bi_11 the sewer c's:arges on the City's water bills. He also reminded ?•ir. Shaffer that Arms Corp. of Jax Realtors would have to pay all chard s of the line; they will be built to the City's specifications, and Mr. Shaffer or Arms Corp. cannot at any time i_n the future e~:pect to recover any portion of the cost. Mr. Shaffer advised that he was aware of the stipulation. 2~iayor Howell suggested that Pir.Davis draw some type of legal agreement with Mr. Shaffer concerning the City handling the billing of sewer charges. Cormissioner Aiinton voiced his objection and stated that he would like to see the legal agreement on billing a private company's sewer charges before the vote was cast. 3ensen x i-iotion: PreliLir,ary approval given subject to other arrangements .;hoop x to be worked out and brought back to the Co-~~ission. Tiinton x x ~'an 2~ess x x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Howell x unfinished Business ' A. George Bull re Selva Marina Garden (Reconsideration) *:avor Howell announced that at the last meeting a motion was approv ~ d reconsider Mr. George Bull's proposed plans for Selva '~arina to Garden and the subject kas now up for reconsideration. _ ___ v N DRAFT MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA March 22, 1983 7:00 P . Ai. City Hall PRESENT: W. Gregg McCaulie, Chairman Ron Gray Ruth Gregg Mayor Robert Persons, Jr. AND: A. William Moss, City Manager Laurie Stucki, Recording Secretary AND: Mr. Mike Ash Mr. Dale Westling Mr. Doug Miller The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chairman McCaulie who noted for the record that Mayor Persons was present to fill the chair of Commissioner John t4orris, who was out of town, and that Guy Jennings was absent from the meeting due to a conflict. Chairman ricCaulie then asked the Board to direct their attention to the minutes of the meetings of January 25, 1983 and February 8, 1983. He asked if there were any corrections or objections to those minutes as presented. There were none, and Chairman McCaulie made the following motion: To approve the minutes of the meetings of January 25, 1983 and i~iarch 8, 1983 as presented. Mr. Ron Gray seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Chairman McCaulie then requested that the Board move on to new business and directed them to Item ~~1 on the agenda: Application for "Use by Exception" by Mr. riike Ash to build mini-warehouses on Atlantic Blvd. Chairman McCaulie asked Mr. Ash to identify himself or his representative and to state if they had any other comments to make in addition to the materials they had submitted. Mr. Dale Westling, Mr. Ash's attorney, reviewed the two areas of contention that led to the postponement of Mr. Ash's "Use by Exception" application at the previous Advisory Planning Board meeting of February 8, 19$3. Page 2 ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD March 22, 1983 Those areas of contention were: (1) The proposed site plan which was presented did not meet the setback requirements of the City, and there was a need for more aesthetically pleasing green area in the proposed complex; and (2) Whether or not Mr. Ash had bound himself or his company in 1979 or 1980 to not seek further extentions of the mini-warehouse complex that was proposed at that time. Mr. Westling assured the Board that the new plans that were submitted at this meeting did include the proper setback requirements as given to them by the City Manager. He also presented color drawings on the proposed complex which showed the added green areas, and he contended that the complex would be very attractive to look at. Mr. Westling addressed the second area of contention, and stated that Mr. Ash had agreed not to seek any further extension of the mini-warehouse project relative to Saratoge Circle. He further stated that the agreement is not in any way relevant to the matter at hand. Mr. Westling also reiterated the point that they felt that Mr. Ash was providing a benefit to the community of Atlantic Beach by getting rid of a crime problem and replacing it with something that was of great use to the residents, especially the military personnel stationed in this area. He then asked that the Advisory Planning Board present a favorable recommendation to the City Commission. Chairman McCaulie asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to address themselves to this issue. There was no one, so he then asked the members of the Board or Mr. Moss if they had any questions about the proposal Mr. Ash was submitting. A general discussion ensued concerning commercial side yard setbacks, how the proposed cloverleaf would possibly affect the proerty, access to and from the warehouses, and the signs to be used at the complex. Chairman McCaulie then called for any other questions or comments from the Board. Mr. Moss advised Mr. Ash that if his plan was approved, he would then have to meet the site plan requirements with the City Engineer; Mr. Ash replied that he was aware of that. Chairman McCaulie called for a motion to approve or disapprove the plan as submitted by Mr. Ash. Mrs. Ruth Gregg made the following motion: To approve the revised plan in P1r. Ash's "Use by Exception" application. Mr. Ron Gray seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.. Page 3 ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD March 22, 1983 Chairman McCaulie asked the Board to direct their attention to the second item on the agenda: Proposed Deviations for the Fairway Villas development by Stokes & Co. The Chairman asked for the representative from Stokes & Co. to identify himself and to add any comments to supplement the materials the Board had received. Mr. Doug Miller of England & Thims, the firm representing Stokes & Co., commented on the objectives of Stokes & Co. in this project. They wish to upgrade the project that they had bought from Ahern and Associates by putting in larger and higher income units. In order to do this, Stokes & Co. is requesting two modi- fications to the original PUD as approved for Ahern & Co. These modifications are: (1) Adjust the front and rear setbacks to 15' rather than the original 20' to accommodate the larger units, and (2) Eliminate the "T" turnarounds in the original plans, and replace them with standard cul-de-sacs to give a better appearance and to discourage any future through traffic in the area. Chairman McCaulie asked for questions and comments from the Board. Mr. Ron Gray asked about the precedence of buying and selling of an approved PUD property, and Mr. Moss advised him that when a property is sold, the PUD status goes with it. The buyer always has the right to try to make changes to the original PUD. PLr. Gray then brought up the subjects of the loss of the secondary access, the separate ingress and egress, and the previously proposed playground area due to the closing off of the north end of the development. Mrs. Gregg also added that in case of fire, there would be no alternate way out of the subdivision. A lengthy discussion ensued on these point that from a traffic and a safe secondary access or separate ingress would be detrimental to the project. are even longer cul-de-sacs in Selva hazardous. points with Mr. Miller reiterating the ty standpoint, there is no need for the and egress. He felt that, in fact, it Mayor Persons also noted that there Tierra, and they do not seem to be The subject of the playground area was discussed at great length with Mr. Miller agreeing to donate one lot to combine with the green area for a playground area. The determination of which lot and how they would combine the green areas with it would be left up to the discretion of Stokes & Co. Mr. Miller also asked that Stokes & Co. be allowed to give up a few extra feet from the playground area to add to the lot(s) adjacent to the playground for the purpose of an additional buffer. Chairman McCaulie then asked for a motion to approve the proposed plan with some modifications. .,~ Page 4 ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD March 22, 1983 Mr. Ron Gray made the following motion: To approve the modifications as presented by Stokes & Co. in their letter of March 16, 1983 for the proposed deviations for Fairway Villas. This includes the setbacks as they proposed them--15 feet front and rear, no change in the side setbacks; eliminate the "T" turnaround at the south end of the property line and the secondary access at the north end, using the cul-de-sacs as they so indicate on their plan dated March 16, 1983. This is with the provision that Stokes & Co., the developers, donate one addi- tional lot at their discretion to be combined with existing green area for a playground area with the approval to increase the adjacent residential lot(s) to the playground by up to 10 feet to provide an additional buffer zone. Also, the minimum building size shall be 1000 square feet. Mrs. Gregg seconded the motion. Chairman McCaulie asked for any other questions or comments; there were none, so he called for a vote. The motion to accept the the plan of proposed deviations for Fairway Villas with the above-mentioned modifications was approved unanimously. P1r. Moss noted for the record that Mr. Doug Miller, representing England & Thims is going to be doing some engineering work for the City of Atlantic Beach, which is separate from this project of Fairway Villas. Chairman McCaulie asked if there were any further matters to be discussed. There were not, so he made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Ruth Gregg seconded the motion. Chairman McCaulie then declared the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. W. Gregg McCaulie, Chairman