Permits 1155 Atlantic Blvd Al CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number . . . . . 06-00031992 Date 1/11/06 Property Address . . . . . . 1155 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . METER CAN Application description . . . ELECTRIC ONLY Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ BROOKS & LIMBAUGH ELECTRIC CO 42 WEST 8TH STREET ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 (904) 241-9051 ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 70 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---------------- - ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 70 . 00 70 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. BUILDING OFFICIAL tct( 69,(d-,? U rn l9akL� OY ATLANTIC BEACH .-AIN."AL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: C) 1c)(,c Telephone 4- Telephone #:,941—C405 I ovq ME 42— Fax rmil given for doing the work as ds in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in c attached plans and specifications wNch are a part hereof and in accordance with the City of Atlantic Ekach dards of —xJ--4— themin. Building Type: a Trailer Service: If OEher CongrUCtjoa jS Q Residence 0 Temp. 0 New being done on this budding Z) Commercial U sips 0 Increase Or site,ILS1 the budding 'ire 0 Addition Sq. Ft. Q Repair Pcrmn nuunbar: / re I - clor Size ANTS1 COPPER ALUNffNUM 7 or RACE aker ANTS PH W VOLT WAY Exisang Service AMPS ZV� R.ALt Siz PH w �3 VOLT WAYY) Feeders� NO. SIZE NO SIZE NO SIZE No �js = Lighting Outlets CONCEALED OPEN Receptacles CONCEALED OPEN 0 710 AMPIS Switches Lncandescent Fluorescent & M V Fixed 0 100 A'MPS OVER BELL Apphances TRANSFER. Air H.P.PLA T f i�-G——�FP-—RAT IN G CEILING KW-HEAT Conditioning COMP, MOTOR _ OTHER MOTORS AMPS HEAT T- Motors 0�-1 H.P. VOLTAGE-- PH NO. OVER I H.P. PHS UND 6 V� ------- OVER600V No T ran s form ers NO. KVA NO. K V WA No.Neon-Tran sf. ------------------ Ea -Sign 1A!scellaj3e0us 800 Seminole Road - Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233.5445 Phone: (904) 247-5800 . Fai: (904) 247-5845 - hnP://Www.ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us PSC 2000 Series 2410 Log for Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner City of Atlantic Beach Bui 904-247-5845 Jan 12 2006 9:48AM D= Time T 3= Dmultaim P= Ruu� Jan 12 9:48AM Fax Sent 96657372 0:42 1 OK Date----------_ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEA(fH Permit #.....I_94.....Fee$................ ..... Valuation $------J,-Po 0 FLORIDA House #.... .............. .......................................................................... APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ............................................................................ Application is hereby made for the -approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlaniic Beach,Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested thata list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. Date ---------_----- 43... 7 ----------------- Owner-------------------- -1 ....... ... --Address..... ---- ----- ------------------------------- ---------- elephone No.-.--? ----- ---- Z-9.... /.......... Archite . ............... ------- .......Address-------------------------------t,=.........................Telephone No.......... -------- Contractor Builder......... _ .2.....7---- ------------------------- ............Address---------------------------------------------_----------Telephone No-------------------------- LotNo--------------------------------------------------Block No----------------------__----Sub Division..-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Zone--.-.------------ ...........I---------------------------------------------Street... -----------------Side Between.---- and---------_-------- Sts A-A :-------------------------------------------- Valuation c1_0_.K__qror what purpose will building be used_.G'11�. __c_... ---------Type of constructionQ ------XIIQ Dimensi2ns of Building ---------------Dimensions of Lot-......................................................Size of Footings----- ...... --------- ---?� "qt- - Size of(�1�erYC4`e-�._ ----------- ize f Sill ------------------Greatest Sill Span in ft---------------------------Type Roof-1. ............. How will Building be Heated?--------- ------------------------------------------Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?---4 .......... Size of Ceiling Joists---------4?_._A_J�0_ Distance on Centers...------/4--------------------­-----I Greatest Span-----------.1-a------------- Size of Floor Joists-------4--- &W................. Distance on Centers — -------------- Greatest Span---------- ...... ---------- '_­ *-- ----------ii--- Size of Rafters..... ...... -----------, Distance on Centers......... ------------I Greatest Span_------ ---------------- This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from -all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. Z 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing Is completed. E-4 E-4 5. When rough plumbing is completed,-and ready to cover up. 2 3 PQ W 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. P 9� 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection,re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance ; VItht V-�ched lans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and 'accordance with the bvilding regulations of the CZY4 A an ah.p Signature of Builder....... ......y........ .... ........ .............................. Address......... ------------------------------*...........*-------- Signatureof Owner...............................r.... .............................. Address...........................................................................I..................... 1093411 DEP AATMEW oFt,611.6ifta ITY 'LANTIC OF At, 1*ACH' P LOCATION INFORmAT1.0# . --------- Permit' Xumber 104)1 4 AdAroxsf 1.105-ATLAXTrc BovLEVARD Permit -Type 4, 13UILDi*p ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 Class 10,ork: ALTiw LROAL D9SCRIPTIO0 Constr. Type: WOOD rjtAkE: Lotl.­1�11 ' I'll I -ell 1 81 Section: Proposed Use: ,:COMMUCIAL/OTREA Rua., 0 1 Colde 0 Subdivision: ON H ; I I :Zstimated Value: $,1950.00 Cost -, to.00 Tota 1 0 .00 Pee$ : Amo,U4 t id 0 0/20/9�51' 1XISTINO BUILD" NO: ------- XPFL ICAT I T 00:.Oo Ad OF $0 d C BIOULt )WATER IMPACT PEX XACXj' FLORIDA 81 IMPACT PEE 12 $0 ob AR. *S. I'MFORMAT ON $o oo 0 XR $0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVE. ess TAP' $010-0 License;, t x 'IMPACT FEE $b.00 C OXIST.$'URCHARGE � .00 qRA9GZ/ATL.8CH. 6 NOTES: ETC.For 4M warICE ALL COWCR $,ANa,FOOTINQ'MUST,W-1,N'PECTW'BEFO I.POURINO R PERMIT VOID SIXMONTHS AFTER DATE OF,ISSUE , MATERIAL,:RUBBISH AND DEBRIS,FROM THIS WORK MUST NOT BE PLACED IN PUBLIC SPACEj AND MUST BE PA00 HAULIED'A#AY B U Y OtH CONTRACTOR OR OWNER: M EC , ILURE-10, COAMY WIT T HE HAINIC LiEN LAW CARRESULT, IN, �IPHE P R e�' P!iWINO, MICE FOR 00��JMPROVEMENT$vt 0 CORDING TO APPROVED,PLANS WHICH ARE-PiA'RT OFTHISPEAMIT AND SUBJECT TO REVOCATIO PROVIS LAW. �,N F R j $'OF ON 34 "T S RCHAR"E '00 'D L.IBCH. iF!R�EU/AT Ditet, 10/30/95 01 , kpt: Q BUILDING DEPARTMSNT 131 0010"32210m, 4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PER14IT CALCULATION SHEET Address—/673— dr4,0�7-1c- &-Ljo /C Date­/o -,2-0 Heateq Square Footage A @ $ 06 i 0 V — per sq ft = $ Garage/Shed X( @ $—per sq ft = $ Carport/Porch e , @ $ $ —per , sq ft Deck @ $—per sq f t = $ Patio @ $—per sq ft = $ TOTAL VALUATION : $ /,S- ,0 �, $ Tot 1 Valuation 1st $/6(10 A) - 5- s Remaining Value $,57 per thousand or portion thereof TOTAL BUILDING FEE + 1/12 Filing Fee $ ( ) Fireplaces @ $15 . 00 $ BUILDING PERMIT FEE WATER IMPACT FEE SEWER IMPACT FEE WATER METER/TAP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER TAP ) RADON (HRS) .0050 SECTION H PAVING ( HYDRAULIC SHARES CROSS CONNECTION ) SURCHARGE . 0050 OTHER s GRAND TOTAL DUE $ ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR FEES: Mechanical_; Plumbing_ Electric/New Electric/Temp_; SwimmingPool Septic Tank Well. Sign_Finish Floor Elevation Survey Other CALCULATIONS and/or NOTES: GLE 0 0�T 1995 Building and Zoning PITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PERMIT APPLICATION REMODEL, ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS DEMOLITIONS Owner(s) 14a _ Address: * " Phone: Block or Unit Subdivision: Contractor: State License Address : Phone No Describe work to be don Present use of building: Valuation of Proposed Construction: Proposed use: Is this an addition? If yes, whet are the dimensions of the added space:-----ft. X ft- Will the added area be heated and cooled?— . New electrical (or increase)? New Plumbing fixtures? New fireplace?�New Heat/AC? SUBMIT THREE COMPLETE SETS OF PLANS, INCLUDING SITE PLAN, SURVEY, ENERGY CODE FORMS, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT, IF OWNER IS CONTRACTOR. Signature OWNER: Date: Signature CONTRACTOR: Date: License Supplied: .,Pp T,0 1z Kjotkl ,,. TWA% Liability Insurance: Workerts Compensation Insurance: CITY OF 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(%4)2A7-58M .......... FAX(904)247-5805 ChWter4". Florida&jAtftpWtJ -00NVMUCr10NCON1RACTjWGreqUres OWner/Builder to acknowledge the law: DMCLOMM STATEMENT for Section 489.103(7),Florida staUts: State law M'q'm coniftwtiOn to be done by licensed contractors. You have applied for a permit under the exemption W that law. The exemption allows you a the owner of your property,to license, You mut mXW3d,e act as your own contractor even though you do not have a I LUSaadmCtionmrsel You may build or improve 6 One-fffnilY ortwo-faily residence or a form Outbuilding. You may also build Or improve a comn ercial building at a cost of$25,000 Or leas. Thebuilding���, mandoccupince. RmaYnOt be built for sale or lean. If you sell or lease more am one building you have built yourself within I year after the consbuction is complete,the Is w will Presume that You built it for eale or lease,which is a violatioin of this exemption. You MW Ga hire "k' and zoning regulations. h* QWKWr. Your cOndnxtion nixt be done according to building codes is your responsibility to make aure did people co or=jWdpal keeMing or&nan0SS. Ordinances also allow an Owwr to h1prove dwir ownproperty%*en it isforpersonal Orfamily use,and likemse require all wOf**=ePtmwnt8nanw wider$2,000)be undera bwkhWer"utandpays aU normalinspections. 7he ordinance states 0*""'nW PhysicallY do work themselves;or a=him unane rs Ofthe owmr,**o must be on Me -. at n"dworke PrOvided'SUCh wOrkersbe under people.0 7his does not allow use ofunhcensed contrc&ors. -- ---"*ik work is inprogress by unlicensed trades Since oiwwrs m=be to wo&M they hire,the Building Depatmert m1nests Workeral C ation be purchased unl ompens immce ess the h0mCOWrim irmwonce policy clewly protects the owner, Owners hiring workers become employem and thould also observe MS withholding tax and/or Form 1099 requirements on the workers they employ on their improvement wo& TJnlirensgt4-ggcjrNCtW commit be Ca. Owners being subject to$5,000 Penalty under Florida statute No,455.228(l). An*OcO"Oral Iii ense-in not adeculk. The owner should physically see the county'Certificate of ConVetencyl orthe Florida gContractors Catificatel -- DepwtTiert(247-5826)if in doubt to ascertain if a person is a licensed contractor. Telephone the Building I hereby acknowledge that I have read d d d all the above on this day of - 199.5 7 —4W' ��.Building Owner/Builder Addr Oil A - ' A / NOTE: Phrases underlined above oe F we eniphasized by the Building C1 C( :) (J C", Department Phone a DA TE PRE-SERVICE DIVISION JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY 233 WEST DUVAL STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202 THE FOLLOWING FINAL INSPECTION(S) HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE SATISFACTORY: ------------ ------------------------------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Enclosed are the blue copies of the permits. I SI RELY,W BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION cc: FILE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Approved by APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DATE: .19 1" IMPORTANT NOTICE: IN CONSIDERATION OF PERMIT GIVEN FOR DOING THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING, WE HEREBY AGREE TO PERFORM SAID WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHICH ARE A PART HEREOF, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS, CODES AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES. ELECTRICAL FIRM: MAStE-* ELECTARIjSIjN TURE JOURNEYMAN ::A: -L Box_ NAME a IL 6"6 ADDRESS: I A190AFI). BLDG.SIZE BETWEEN: RES.I ) APT.( comm.( PUBLIC INDUS. NEW( OLD ( REW. I ADDITION I ) TRAILER ( TEMP&4- SIGNS ( ) SO. FT. SERVICE: NEW INCREASE ( ) REPAIR FEE CONDUCTOR SIZE -�W 6�2 AMPS 6?-� COPPE ALUMJ ) SWITCH OR BREAKER AMPS 3 We-2,q4OLTI 11 ( RACEWAY EXIST.SERV.SIZE AMPS PH W VOLT RACEWAY FEEDERS NO. SIZE IND. SIZE I NO. SIZE LIGHTING OUTLETS CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL RECEPTACLES CONCEALED OPEN TOTAL SWITCHES 0.30 AMPS. 31-100 AMPS. INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT&M.V. FIXED 0.100 AMPS. OVER APPLIANCES BELL TRANSF. AIR H.P. RATING H.P. RATING CONDITIONING COMP.MOTOR OTHER MOTORS AMPS CEIL HEAT] KW-HEAT 0-1 OVER MOTORS H.P. VOLTAGE PHS NO. 1 H.P. VOLTAGE PHS MISCELLANEOUS --r7ni A v%,' -- -'F� =)u 'toz 0q %.�, r� I 00 TRANSFORMERS: UNDER 600 V. OVER 600 V. I Ic zt% IL4 ------- CT'Y Li 2 T A 13 DIN C- A'�LICATION FOR BUILDIN specifications r the-approval of the detailed statement of the plans Ind he Building Cirdinance Of Application is hereby made fO This application is made in compliance and confoTlnitY With t the MY Of At'&MIC building or other structure described. rovisions of the Laws of the State of Floridal all ordinances Of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all p hall be complied with, WlIttn" Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, 5 herein speeified or not. 9 been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- The Contractor or Owner-Builder who ha h,Florida. To prevent delay or eynbarrasment regard re duly licensed in the City of Atlaniie Beac contractors engaged by him a ractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-cont be veri�ied. Dift................ 12--/..73-------------------------- 19............ Mr 1175 AUMUC ---Telephone No....2462111---- Owner........ -------& Mrs. Henry I. Jones ----Address......................................... ........................... ------.................................. No......2461150 Architect--- ..............................................Addres&.... --i,*&---R-tut...NO t...Telephone ....................... X 1. JOnGS ...Telephone No....2.44.27-11... Contractor Builder-A�n --04 ............................Address..... -Atj .....7 .................................... 13 See. H- ------------------------------ UtNo...................................................Block No..........................-----Sub Division......................... -------------........Zone----------------- 1155 Atl&ntic Blvd* ......Street.... SO* Side Between..#Y�antie Blydo ........and--- ...S.trsot..W'-"��...*.seg. ...................................................... --------------------- I............................— ............... ... Valuation $-5 ik ...........For what purpose will building be used.....4"th"----------------------Type of construction.Yr .0................... T Dimensions of Building----�61 X 461 621611 101A ...... -----------------Dimensions of Lot..................... ....................Size of Footings-----&"X 24!------------ 6" X 81, Size of Piers--------.........................size of sills 611 ---- --, ... ——.....Greatest Sill Span in ft.— ...........Type Roof-puUt...Up..5..P How will Building be Heated?----pa--Fqrw"�............................Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?.&IU4...................... Size of Ceiling Joists-----��!..X.-8".................. Distance on Centers......I&I ........ Greatest Span.... Size of Floor Joists---------21' X 8n ..... ................ ------------------------------------ Distance on Centers......16tt ... ................................. Greatest Span 12 Size of itafters..... 211 X 8" ............................................ .................. Distance on Centers. .J611...................... -------1 Greatest Span....121 This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot'llnes and existing buildings. Two copies of Plans ane-specifications shall REAR LOT LINE be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1* When steel is in Plaft and ready to Pour footing. 2. When steel is in Place and ready to Pour columns and/or lintel. PA 3. When steel Is in place and ready to Pour beam. 4. When framing is Completed. 5. When rough Plumbing is completed and ready to cover UP. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. 7, -Electrical inspection by MY of Jacksonville. 8- Final Inspection. Note: In ease of any reJecticn,re-Inspection MTjST be called for a r to corrections are made. In consideration of permit given for doing the 'Work as d cribed in -the above sta FRONT OF LOT work in accordance With the attached plans and es regulations of the C- flAtlantic B specifications, which are a P tement, we hereby agree to perform said of lt4L"O aft hereof, and in accordance with the building Signature Of Builder......A- .. .............&........ Address... Signature Of Owner--- ............ ...........?. .. ...................... ............... . .... ... Address.... ............ .................................. ....................I........ FOR OFFICE USI ONLY 19 ...... Date.........j.h..V Pe it !;.g2�86$... CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Valuation .......Z,�..:�..... Zn FLORIDA House ..... .....10/ ............................................................................ P LICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT .......................................................................... Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Buildinir Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlanfic Beach,Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses c= be verified. Date.................Il---12.1-73--------_---------_---y 19............ Owner........Mr.---&..M.r.so---H*nry...I_._._Jone_3-_-----------_--....Address.....11.75..A.t1antic---Blvd-,...Telephone No....?!!�..27.11... ------- ... ......... --­---------- ---- ------------- .......... ..................... ............. .......... Architect_;!q!�SA...R5?1!;W----------------------------------------------Address..... --&I= -Ma#...NP.t...TelephoneNo.......4�..T!59 r _4!�nq..T!...Jones Contractor Builder. ---------------------------------------------------Address..... A3 31 ...Telephone No-----2.44-2711... Lot No..................................................Block No---------- _--__Sub Division....S*0'...H.........................................................Zone----------------- 1155 Atlantic Blvd,.......Street.........SP..........Side Between..Atlantic 131-Vd* t... ..Sts. .................................................... --- ------------and---�st. Street.Wes o..* ................ ........................................ Valuation - -----------For what purpose will building be used.... ......._............Type of construction. ................. Dimensions of Building----�61 A 461 ..Dimensionsofiot----6-2.1.6"-..X---3201. Size of Footings._.W�...24-1.1. X...I -------------------------- ........ ... ........ .................. it------------ Size of Piers... --- Size of Sill ---------Greatest Sill Span in ft.....1Z-------------_Type RoofJ5V"Ut41)..5---P.1yo How will Building be Heated?----Oil Furnace ....................................................Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?_39!11.94...................... Size of Ceiling joists......2!1...X--- ........' Distance on Centers...... ............................. Greatest Span....121................................. 211 X 80 .................. Size of Floor Joists........ -_---------------- Distance on Centers...... ... ............................... Greatest Span....T91................................ Size of Rafters................2_"_X---8-"-. 1611 -test Span----ig, ...... --------_------ Distance on Centers......................................... Grea ......... ................... This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans ane specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in plam and ready to pour footing. 44 rA 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. Z Z 8. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. 4. When framing Is completed. 5. When rough plumbing is completed,-and ready to cover up. 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final Inspection. Note: In case of any rejection,re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the attached plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the Citj_of�ktlantic BUCK.) ......... ......VaK%4I Signature of Builder....... ................. . .. .. .. ..............&......... Address...tb.6-b_---_------------- ........... ................ . .... ......... Signature of Owner........ ............. . .. ....... .... .............. Address.... FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 11 1? Date-----------------..................19 -7-P ......Fee$1 ........... Permit # ?7 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH '2 Valuation $..... " '�16) ............................. .. . .... FLORIDA House #...J/:��... ............ ..................................................................... APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ............................................................................ Application is hereby made for theapproval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. The Contractor or Owner-Builder who has been issued a Building Permit is automatically responsible to ascertain that all sub- contractors engaged by him are duly licensed in the City of Atlaniic Beach, Florida. To prevent delay or embarrasment regard- ing intermediate or final inspections it is suggested that a list of sub-contractors be submitted to this office so that licenses can be verified. Date... .............. 19..76 ------- ... Own s------ -26 i4ne No... — 27/1 er....... ----------_--_-----_-------------Addres ............. Architect............ ?- -_--------------_-----------------------Addres&...........................................................Telephone No.............. ---------- ContractorBuilder------ - - --- - -------------------------------------------------Address----------_------- -----------------------------------Telephone No---_-----_----------- Lot No..---------------------------------- ------:,...---Block No.--......J3 ... ... ---------...-..Sub Division-------- fi----------------------------------------........Zone..... .. -----­------------------- ------------------------Street---------------- --------Side Between......-............_------------------------------and.-----------------------------------------------------Sts. '00 Valuation .........Yor what purpose will building be used-------PJ �A�_..Type of construction---- —------- 7 Dimensions of Building--- ------------ 7-e) -Dimensions of Lot------Z�....................-----------------------Size of Footings--------F .....X------------------ Size of .-.-.Size of,Sills--.-----------­------------.-Greatest Sill Span in ft--------------------------Type Roof_-------------------------------- X, How will Building be Heated?------ ----------------------- ------....-Will Building be on Solid or Filled Ground?....... ---------------*------------ Size of Ceiling Joists--------- ----------------I Distance on Centers----- 7........ ----_------ Greatest Span--------/ ------------------.......... 11 Size of Floor Joists_-------- AP/ of -_------------------------.-, Distance on Centers.--------- -----16-.."..............I Greatest Span..... -------------------...... Size of Rafters_.----------------------------------- ----------- Distance on Centers.....-- ---------------------------------- Greatest Span-.-.-----___----------------------.... to This rectangle is to represent the lot. Locate the building or buildings in the right position. Give distance in feet from -all lot-lines and existing buildings. REAR LOT LINE Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with application. Inspections required. 1. When steel is in place and ready to pour footing. 2. When steel is in place and ready to pour columns and/or lintel. Z 3. When steel is in place and ready to pour beam. �i 4. When framing is completed. H E-4 5. When rough plumbing is completed,-and ready to cover up. 3 2 PQ N 6. When septic tank drain field or sewer is laid but before it is covered. $:� 0 7. Electrical inspection by City of Jacksonville. 8. Final inspection. Note: In case of any rejection,re-inspection MUST be called for after corrections are made. FRONT OF LOT In consideration of permit given for doing the work as described in the above statement, we hereby agree to perform said work in accordance with the aoa<.hed plans and specifications, which are a part hereof, and in accordance with the building regulations of the Citx of A*an 1 B I A-1— Signatureof Builder.........f--4 L ... ..... ..................................... Address----------------------------------------------------- ........-_--------------_--- Signatureof Owner----_-------------_-__.................................._4--_------------ Address..................................................................................................