07-11-60 v COMSSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JULY 11, 1960 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of June 27, 1960 Meeting. 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Ordinances 1. Zoning, Final Reading 5. Communications to Commission 1. R.W. Fowler, 400 Levy Rd. 6. City Manager 1. Royal Palms: water sewerage, paving 2. Donner Sewer System 3. Lot Clearing 4. Atlantic Gardens 5. Miscellaneous 7. Commissioners MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JULY 11TH, 1960 AT 8 P.M. Present: Wm. S. Howell Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne Chas. R. Moore W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners and Frank Thom ,ison, City Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager Adele S . Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Minutes of the meeting of June 27th, 1960 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. The Mayor recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor. There was none. Mr. Howell presented an Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 affecting some of the property on either side of Mayport Road , setting up a Residence A-i, Residence A-C, and Business AA and caused same to be read in full. Copy of Certified Proof of Publication is attached to these minutes and made a part there- of. The Mayor declared the Commission in session for Public Hear- ing on said Ordinance as advertised and posted. Seven appeared to protest changing their property from Business to Residence, and 3 spoke in favor of the change. The consensus of opinion was that they all favored raising the classification of the residen- tial area higher than at present. The Commissioners discussed at length the upgrading of the community as to Zoning, the trend that the development in that area has taken, the long range plan which has to be considered for the City, and other points that came up for consideration. Following th:i_s discussion Mr. Johansen moved that action be deferred until July 25th meeting so that Commission can get to-gether and study this Ordinance further. The vote was Aye: Johansen, Moore Whitehurst Nay: Claiborne, Howell Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Waggoner presented a request from R.W. Fowler and Associates to expand their facilities to fabricate fiberglass pipe, tanks, and similar plastic equipment. The operation will closely parallel Minutes 7-11-60, Page #2 their present type of business. They advise there will be no obnoxious odors or smoke that will bother the surrounding prop- erty. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Johansen moved that his request be granted with his assurance that there would be no obnoxious odors or smoke, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and carried. Mr. Waggoner advised that he has just received plans from our Engineer, Mr. Parks covering water, sewerage and paving in the Royal Palms sub-division Unit #1. After discussion it was the consensus of opinion that these plans be sent to the Hercules Co. for them to follow our Engineer 's plans. Mr. Waggoner submitted plans for the gravity sewer system in the Donner Section and the consensus of opinion was to prepare work- ing plans in two sections, but to take bids on the entire job, with the understanding that it could be done in two sections. Mr. Waggoner presented a list of lots which in his judgement needed clearing for the health and welfare of the City, and re- commended that he be authorized to proceed in line with Ordinance #55-59-4. Mr. Claiborne presented Resolution #60-17 covering the clearing of the lots as listed and moved its adoption, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and carried. Copy of Resolution #60-17 is at- tached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Waggoner advised that he is endeavoring to enforce the Garbage Ordinance and will appreciate any help from those who will notify him of any violations. Following the meeting the Commission will meet with the Wm. S, Smith Co. representatives to discuss the sewer service to their apartment project on Mayport Rd. There being no further business, the Mayor de - -ed the •e ting adjourned. / 111 m. S . Howell, Mayor-C•mmissioner Attest: ad2Le& Adele S. Grage, City C rk RESOLUTION NO. 60-17 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT The lots and plots listed below, all located within the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, do, because of excessive growth of weeds, thickets , brush and/or accumulated trash, constitute a health hazard to the citizens of the said City: Lot 9 Atlantic Beach Terrace Lot 10 Atlantic Beach Terrace Lot 11 Atlantic Beach Terrace N2 Lots 2 & 4, Blk 5 Atlantic Beach Lot 3 Blk 5 Atlantic Beach Lot 5 Blk 5 Atlantic Beach Lot 1 Blk 5 Atlantic Beach Lot 1 Blk 7 Atlantic Beach Lot 1 Blk 9 Atlantic Beach Lot 3 Blk 23 Atlantic Beach Lot 5 Blk 3 Selva Marina Unit #2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, in accordance with Ordinance No. 55-59-4 of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, the owners of the above listed lots are ordered to remove such weeds, thickets, brush and/or accumulated trash and that the procedure and provisions of Ordinance No. 55-59-4 be carried out. * * * * Passed by the City Commission on July 11, 1960. Attest: l02/40 City Clerk (SEAL)