AUGUST 8, 1960
1. Call to Order
2. Minuted of Meeting of July 25, 1960.
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Bids on Police Car.
5. Donner Sewer System
6. Communications to Commission
7. Commissioners
Wm. S . Howell
Preben Johansen
J.B. Claiborne
Chas . R. Moore
W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Thos . E . Gately, Acting City Manager
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Howell.
Minutes of the meeting of July 25th, 1960 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Claiborne, seconded by Mr. Moore.
Mr, Howell recognized visitors present and called for any bus-
iness from the floor.
Director A.J. Craig of the Beaches Division --Duval County Civil
Defense Council advised that the Isurance Policy covering the
five vehicles belonging to Civil Defense in custody of the Beaches
is due. . This insurance amounts to around $857 .00 (fleet pol-
icy) and the Beaches Division has just enough money in the
bank to pay for this insurance, but if paid it would leave
nothing for emergencies. They are requesting the three muni-
cipalities to consider paying the insurance on a pro-rata
basis similar to their yearly contribution. It was brought
out in the discussion, that Jacksonville Beach maintains the
four vehicles in their custody , as does Neptune Beach with the
one they have, for a nominal usage by them, and that the vehi-
cles are for Civil Defense use of all three Beaches for any
emergency for which they are needed. Mr. Craig advised that the
Atlantic Beach pro-rata would be around $175.00. The matter was
further discussed and referred to the Civil Defense Committee
consisting of Commissioners Howell, Claiborne and Moore for
study and recommendation at next meeting.
Mr. Comer Pierce requested the Commission to Re-Zone his Lots 5
and 6, Block 63 from Residence A to Residence B to permit his
building one nice duplex rather than two small houses. It was
the consensus of opinion that he present a petition signed by
property owners in a radius of 200 feet, and that the matter
would then be considered.
Minutes 8-&-60, Page #2
An invitation to Bid having been sent out to be received at
this meeting, the following were opened and tabulated as follows:
for a new Police car:
Lynch Davidson Motors, Inc. (basic) $2, 279.40,
less trade-in 550.00
Brooks Motors, Inc. (basic) $2,064.00
Less trade-in 650.00
1, 414.00
Each bid contained net costs on additional features.
Upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst the
bids were referred to the Director of Public Safety, Mr. Howell
and the Police Chief for study and authority to purchase.
The Engineer has presented papers on the Donner Sewer System
and would like further instructions as to when to call for bids.
The City Attorney, Mr. Thompson advised that it would be neces-
sary to adopt a Resolution designating this area as a Sanitary
Sewer District, providing for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in said district and calling for a Public Hearing on
same. He advised that he could see no reason why the "Call for
Bids " could not be made so can have specific information at
the Public Hearing. Preparation of the Resolution was referred
to Mr. Thompson who will confer with the City Engineer, Mr. Parks.
A letter was presented from Mr. R.W. Fowler of R.W. Fowler and
Associates, Inc. requesting that Tract #3, Donners Replat located
on the north side of Levy Road be rezoned from Business "B" to
Industrial. He wishes to build a plant for fabricating plastic
products using resin, glass and synthetic fibres to mould various
shapes. There was a discussion and the consensus of opinion
was that the only thing that might not permit this usage in
Business "B" was the interpresation of the words fabrication
and manufacture. It was brought out that we don't want to
open the area to all industrial uses, and that believe his plant
would come under Business "B" providing there were no obnoxious
odors, smoke, etc. Dr. Whitehurst moved that he be notified
by letter that he will be issued a permit for the specific oper-
ation as mentioned in his letter on Tract #3, Donners Replat
providing there are no obnoxious odors, smoke, etc. , seconded
by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
It was advised that City Manager Waggoner was out of City on
Minutes ' 8-8-60, Page #3
Mr. Claiborne reported on air conditioning advising that 2
air conditioning units , a 2 ton and a 3 ton, would be about
$2000.00 and would be for both heating and cooling. This
covers the units installed. There was considerable discussion
during which Mr. Moore advised that he thought the cooling of
the assembly room could be accomplished with two window fans,
and the office heating be supplemepted with additional electric
heaters. There was no action taken as the matter will be
studied further.
There being no further business Mr. Johansen moved adjournment.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said meeting adjourned.
./4;;11/ •
, S. How-ll, Mayor-Commissioner
(2,,cOP )kd
Adele S . Grage, City Jerk