City Commission Members present:
Mike Borno, Mayor
John L. Fletcher, Mayor Pro Tem
Paul B. Parsons, Commissioner
Carolyn Woods, Commissioner
Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner
Staff present:
Jim Hanson, City Manager
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary
1. The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussion on the TMDL project, was
called to order at 5:02 p.m. by Mayor Borno.
2. Review of bids received for construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades and
pipeline in connection with the TMDL Project.
Donna Kaluzniak introduced the engineers, John Collins, Gary Adams, and Paul Jarrett stating
they could answer any technical questions. She gave a summary of the bids with a Power Point
presentation showing the project budget vs. the bid. She explained the four options stating the
low bid was a combination of two options for a total of $1,501,814 which was almost $2 million
under the estimated cost. She further stated the second low bidder was the contractor's choice
option by TB Landmark to do directional drilling instead of open cut on Selva Marina Drive,
which is about $7,000 more. She stated the Commission may want to consider awarding that
contract if they wish to avoid the inconvenience of having open cut construction along Selva
Marina Drive.
Ms. Kaluzniak explained the budget for the wastewater plant work was $6.169 million which
included $469,000 of additional plant improvements that were recommended in the sewer master
plan. She stated those improvements were included with the wastewater treatment plant design
and even with those improvements included the bid came in at $5 million which was
considerably under budget as well, with a savings of a little over $1 million, which gives a total
savings over the budget amount of about $3 million.
3. Treatment and disposal of wastewater sludge.
Ms. Kaluzniak gave an overview of the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1 and a Power Point
presentation explaining the sludge treatment process and recommended improvements to the
sludge facility, which our current plan does not include, as well as the benefits and cost savings
if the improvements are made. She answered several questions from the Commission.
Mr. Hanson further explained they hope to reuse a lot of the existing equipment which will save
a lot of money.
Ms. Kaluzniak explained with our current process we actually have inadequate digestion
capacity, which has the possibility of creating odors. She further explained the dewatering
Minutes — City Commission Workshop December 6, 2010
Page 2
capacity can compromise the plant capacity in nitrogen removal and recycling of the nitrogen in
the waste stream. She stated we currently have dual digestion operations with open sludge
drying beds which are susceptible to the weather and can cause odor problems. She detailed the
costs for these improvements and the benefits and answered questions regarding the costs from
the Commission. Mr. Hanson gave further explanations and also answered questions from the
4. Results of odor control study related to wastewater treatment plant upgrades
Ms. Kaluzniak explained there has been a limited history of odor complaints, but Mr. Hanson had
asked for an odor study which JEA helped us out with. She pointed out the odor monitoring
locations the reading samples were taken from. She further summarized the odor control system
and gave a Power Point presentation showing solutions investigated and recommendations. Ms.
Kaluzniak and John Collins answered several questions from the Commission.
Mr. Collins and Ms. Kaluzniak summarized the electrical and energy savings issues for the plant.
After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to put these items on the next
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk