SEPTEMBER 28, 1959
le Call to Order.
20 Minutes of Meeting of September 14, 1959.
3. Recognition of Visitors.
4. Communications to Commission
1. Kenneth T. Scudder, Selva Marina Sewer
2. Louis Stuart, Alcoholic Beverage License location.
5. City Manager
1. Joe Reir&ertscn of Jacksonville, Estimate #6.
2. Request for Bids on painting hater Tank
3. Request for Bids on City Yard Fence.
4. Resurfacing streets.
6. City Clerk
1. 1960 Tax Millage.
7. Ordinances
1. Location of Vendors of Alcoholic Beverages,
Final Reading. Q7-c42- -# /46 - g9-6
2. Zoning Ordinance, Amendment,ent, 1st Reading. 9,4, i- e;
3. Septic Tank Ordinance, lot Reading.
8. Commissioners.
1959 AT 8 P.M.
Wm. S. Howell
Preben Johansen
Chas. R, Moore
Hugh Roberts
W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissiiner,
Mr. Howell.
Minutes of the meeting of September 14th, 1959 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Moore
and carried.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor. Brigadier Emil Miller USO-SA Director pre-
sented request .for $500.00 now and $500.00 in December with a
view of putting $1000.00 in the 1960 budget to assist in the
USO work at the Beaches. A building has been secured at Jack-
sonvilthe Beach, -and the program has started operations on week-
ends. The matter was discussed and it is the opinion of the City
Attorney that we cannot give due to being located outside the
City Limits. It was agreed that all were in sympathy with the
work of the USO-SA and would like to find some way in which we
could assist, but feel sure we cannot give as much as requested.
Dr. Whitehurst moved that the matter be referred to a committee
to investigate ways and means by which we can, if possible, help
the USO, the committee to report back at the next meeting. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Howell
appointed Dr. Whitehurst, Mr. Johansen and himself as the committee.
A letter was presented from Mr. Kenneth Scudder protesting the
charge of $500.00 tap fee to connect onto the sewer line, as his
lot is one of those inclmded in the contract with SM Company
when the City took over the Selva Marina Sewer System. He ad-
vises that he is not located in Selva Marina, that the line was
run by the property he now owns as a convenience to Selva Marina
not at the desire of the owners of the property where he is, and
is costing him approximately $200.00 more that similar lots on
the City' s new system. It was brought out that we have a contract
with SM Company and there is nothing this Commissiin can do about
it. The matter was discussed at length and the suggestion was
made that perhaps he could negotiate with the SM Company to take
Minutes 9-28-59, Page #
a partial payment and the balance in notes, releasing the City
from obligation, or talk to SM Company relative to reducing to
all those similarly involved. Any change would have to be by the
SM Company as our contract with them does not allow us to make
any exceptions. Dr. Whitehurst moved that the City Manager ad-
vise Mr. Scudder of the discussion and that we wish to co-operate
in the situation if possible, and suggest that he and any others
so involved might negotiate with the SM Company on the matter.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore, and carried.
Mr. Waggoner presented Estimate #6 from Joe Reinertson of Jack-
sonville and advised that it had been checked and approved by the
Engineer, Mr. Parks and also the Inspector, Mr. Craig. He re-
commended that it be paid, whereupon Dr. Whitehurst moved taht
Estimate #6 in the amount of $32, 386. 50 be paid from the Sewer
Fund, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Waggoner advised that he would like to call for bids on
painting the water tank and also for the yard fence. Both items
are in the 1959 budget. As to the tank the bid would be on the
labor and we would furnish the paint. He was given the OK to
call for bids on both items.
Mr. Waggoner has talked to McCormick & Sons and to Duval Engineer-
ing & Contracting Co. about the re-surfacing of the streets and
the Duval Engineering representative recommended resurfacing the
streets with a hot mix which would amount to approximately
$18,000.00 for all the streets involved. Mr. Waggoner suggested
that at the present we consider doing Sherry Drive, and the cross
streets between Sherry Drive and East Coast Drive from 2nd St.
thru 8th St. This could be done for approximately $10, 000.00
which could be paid part from Unallocated and part from Surplus.
The matter was discussed at length and the City Manager was
directed to call for bids on the work as recommended by him.
Mr. Howell advised that it is time for renewal of franchise with
the Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. and they have presented the
standard franchise with the exception that they will allow the
City 1% of gross revenue and no free phones. Mr. Howell feels
this should be 1% of gross and six free phones. The matter was
discussed and upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Roberts
it was decided to turn down the present proposal and negotiate
further with the telephone company.
The City Clerk announced that the millage for the 1959 Tax Roll
will be 10.5 mills.
Minutes 9-28-59, Page #3
The Commission next went into session for Public Hearing on
Ordinance #10-59-6 being an Ordinance restricting the location
wherein vendors of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted to
conduct his place of business, etc. Mayor Howell presented the
Ordinance and caused same to be read in full. Dr. Wiitehurst
moved its adoption on second and final reading, seconded by Mr.
Roberts, and having been duly considered and no-one appearing for
or against, the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was;
Aye: Johansen, Roberts, Moore, Whitehurst, Howell
Nay: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordi-
nance adopted on second and final reading.
Mr. H?well presented an Ordinance in writing, said Ordinance be-
ing an Ordinance providing that no building permit shall be issued
for the construction of any building or structure, outside the
area served by the Atlantic Beach Sanitary Sewer System, in which
sanitary facilities or plumbing is required, until a permit for
construction of a sanitary disposal system shall have been ob-
tained, etc. Mr. Johansen moved its adoption on first
reading, seconded by Mr. Moore, and having been duly considered
the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was:
Aye: Moore, Roberts, Whitehurst, Johansen, Howell
Nay: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordi-
nance adopted on first reading. October 12th, 1959 was set as
the date for the Public Hearing.
Mr. Howell presented in writing an Ordinance providing for the
Zoning of the City of Atlantic Beach, etc, changing some zones
and regulating secondary dwellings. There was a lengthy dis-
cussion in which set-back requirements for remodeling and re-
pairing present secondary structures were gone into. It was
decided to leave the' requircments for new secondary dwellings
as written, but on remodeling, repairing or re-building present
old structures that if there is no encroachment and the recon-
struction is completed by January 1, 1961 it will be allowed
providing , side or rear set-back distances are not reduced to
less than that existing at the time of the passage of the ordi-
nance; and that any such secondary dwelling that is encroaching
on the street right-of-way cannot be rebuilt or altered unless
such encroachment is corrected,Dr. Whitehurst moved that said
Ordinance as above amended be passed on first reading, seconded
by Mr. Roberts, and having been duly considered the Mayor put the
Minutes 9-28-59, Page #4
motion thereon and the vote was:
Aye: Roberts, Whitehurst, Johansen, Moore, Howell
Nay: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said
Ordinance adopted on first reading. October 12th, 1959 was
set for Public Hearing on said Ordinance.
A letter was presented from Louis Stuart requesting the Commis-
sion to approve the transfer of his liquor license from the
location on Atlantic Blvd. to a proposed building on Mayport
Rd. This building is to be constructed on Lots 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,
Section "H". The matter was discussed following which Mr.
Moore moved that approval be given for Mr. Stuart to transfer
his liquor license as requested to the new location when built,
seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Waggoner advised that the Selva Marina Country Club has re-
quested garbage collection from the City, and he suggests that
we give this service for $100. per year. The matter was dis-
cussed and it was agreed that we should have a definite policy
for collection outside the City and also a scale of charges if
we are going to provide this service to areas outside city
limits, also we should investigate to make sure our Insurance
will cover. It was suggested that if we pass adjacent to or
near the property and it is convenient that we could give the
service if it was requested. Mr. Moore moved that we establish
the scale of four times the City rate, but no less than $100.00
on this, and four times the City rate but not less than $75.00
on residences, seconded by Mr. Johansen and having been duly
considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was
Aye: Whitehurst, Johansen, Moore, Roberts
Nay: None
Pass: Howell
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried.
Mr. Johansen advthsed that although the sign as requested by Mr.
Gurley to be erected on the vacant lots at Ahern and Ocean Blvd.
had been turned down by the Commission he felt that in view of
the improvements which have been made on this property and the
apparent size of the sign as indicated by the posts, the Commis-
sion should reconsider their former action. The matter was
discussed and Dr. Whitehurst moved that the City Manager be
directed to take the necessary steps and investigate the condi-
tion of the Ramos Building and have same condemned if advisable,
and to also investigate the type of sign to be erected by Mr.
Gurley and report back at the next meeting, , seconded by Mr.
Moore and carried.
c - -
Minutes of 9-28-59, Page #5
The report of the Fire Department for the month of August, 1959
was received and filed.
There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 11: 20 P.M.
// / /
S . Ho - 1 ` ayor-
Adele S. Grage, City C rk