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01-13-58 v
°sssuotastm+3 '8T °2iodo i se;eTg3 omod °i/ •gao'r all a,32PM 01Tii °WC °3aodar 912020180041, °6 ea/pea3j�VT 'solos s r ao; s1s*og -c Qa �+ q{J?7.1S Vo/ G uo . dea es/al °,y. -�� °2u3pvali 281 `uoT2na r-o °T :saousuxpso °8 mollsAg swag 0/ sgauxg pallsTUT3uf 'L woodoad so; sun/a °T •saToucH A133 0 zsod3g °9 -co 6 Teall claystm BA;as °Z uamorm .Te3vTa13 °I •sso3TsTA ;© uomutoaax °q 'LS6T `g30t isquaam 30 gutta I 'LS6T 4pscz xeci 3a ;o STpaod 'LS6T `q;£1 isquawaa 30Supoom •saanUTW 30 -jeaoxddp *c °gaang3 logulog nan2dall sound °laTa1uog on °3 -.IR puaaar►a`3 oa U0tIeaoMI •Z °sap=3 o2 11v3 MQ EV 'cI maw 0&1122N NOISSIWAD3 vara Z3 4113V3G 3I: TVLIV do 7T3 MINUTES OF THE ?REGULAR MEETING OF EE CITY CO �� SS F i �ti.J,�� � C'' .i� CITY• OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 13TH, 1958 AT 8 Present; Wm0 S. Howell Preben Johansen Marion Marvin Hugh Roberts, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J0FWaggoner, Jr. City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The City Commission of the City of Atlantic beach, Florida met in regular session s pursuant to law and rules of said Commission, in the City Hall of said City, at 8 o'clock P.M. January 13th 1958. The meeting was called to order and upon the roil being called there were present; Wm. F Howell, Mayor-Commissioner, presiding and the following named commissioners; Preben Johansen, Marion Marvin, and Hugh Roberts, Absents Chas. R. Moore The Invocation was given by the Revs Carroll U0 Ks. ndricks Minutes of the regular mooting of December 13th, 1957 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen,- seconded by Mr. Roberts. Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 23rd, 1957 were approved as written upon motion of Mr Marvin,, seconded by Mr. Johansen. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of December 30-th, 1957 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mr., Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. Mr. Don Fox of the Minnesota Mutual Life insurance Co. asked the Commission's wishes in regard to a retirement plan for city employees. The matter was discussed and It was brought out that a plan had not yet been presented that was workable. The City Manager recommended that action on a retirement plan be deferred until a later time, and it was unanimously agreed that retirement plans be deferred for the time being. Communication was read from. the Atlantic Beach Fire Department thanking the Commission for the Christmas party. A letter was read from Mt. Harcourt Bull, Jr. advising that the Selva Marina Realty Co. is preparing to construct 830 feet of gravity sewers southerly along the west side of Sherry Drive from 11th Street to the Plaza to serve the lots in the new subdivision to be known as Selva Marina Unit #3. The proposal which they have with the construction company covers either a l2ft line which would be designed to be a part of the future sewer system of the City, or a shallow 8'1 line which could not be a part of the City plan. . • lenetes lele 8, Page #2 The l2" with Dickey PVC type joints will cost $4,855.00 to construct and the 8'" same type $2,808.50 . The eel_va Martha fealty Co. is will- ing to construct the :12r: line if the City is agreeable to re-imburse them for that cost less the amount of special assessment for benefits that would to charged against = elva Marina Unit #3 lots at the same rate that it charges ether propertees when and if the city constructs gravity sewers to serve o her areas of the City from this 12x° line„ There was a full discussion of the matter following which Mr& Marvin presented Aesolution t#58-1 to accept the proposal of the eel va Marina Realty Co. to construct the 12t4 line with Dickey Joints, the City to r.eei.mburse them as set forth in Mr. Bull 's letter of January 11, 19584 and moved fes adoption, S& id motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen, and being duly eonsidered the eeyor put the question thereon and the vote was: Aye : eohansen„ Marvin, Roberts, Howell. Absent Moore. Where- upon the Mayor declared sail;: motion carried and said ilesoiution e58-1 adopteda Ccpy of said tie.o .ution is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof° The City Ma.xager ' s monthly report was received and f.i.% d. Mr. Waggener^ presented liens for a Jail. to be constructed as an addi- tion to eee present Fire Department building. The pians were studied and discussed and the City Manager,. Mrs. Waggoner, was directed to call for b.tds vo be in by tee next meeting, Mr, waeg aner presented a proposed plan as a logical means of providing a compi.eee sanitary se'.rer collection. system and disposal facilities for the City. He proposed holding a referendum election to approve the : ssuance of $300000.00 in General Obligation Bondst, $ 240,000.00 of which would be used for pumping and teeat..ment facilities and balance for l nes: Xi' the 472 000000 grant is received from the Government, it would be •1ssd on the lint and release that much more of the bond money for lines. It is bel;.eved that if Atlantic Beach is ready to let the contract and start week by June 1, 1958 we will be .in a very favorable presition to receive f els federal grant. His report details financing and rotateng funds f cr extending lines. Mr Walter Parks, Engineer, was preseflt and discessed with the Comni. si..on the proposed project and the fins .cing, Followir..g this discession Commissioner Johansen introduced and caused to be read >n full a bill for an Ordinance entitled: "OW INANCB ordering and providing for the holding of, a free- ho',der° election In the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida on the q'.:estion of issuing $.300,000.00 General Obligation Bonds of the City to pay for the cost of constructing a sewer system lee said City)' and coved that all rules be suspended, and that said purported Ordinance be Declared passed en first reading which motion was seconded by Cn mi ssioner Roberts; and said motion having been duly considered, the eayor put the question thereon, and upon the roll, be1rig called, the following voted Absent;Aye a Marvin, i? 4berts„ .Johansen* Howell A bsent e MOO `e mIsle to s 7.11-514 Page #3 Whereuptn the Mayor declarer, said motion duly carried and said proposed Ordinance passed on first reading. Mr. Marvin moved that Rule ,1-15 of Ordinance 5.57-1 be waived in consideration of the next. two Ordinances. The motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen ane carried, Mr. Marvin introduced in writing an Ordinance entitled " An Ordinance Creating a Depar.`.ment to be known as the Atlantic Beach Fire Department, and Providing for its Organization" and moved its adoption on f:trst reading. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen an'l having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: Aye: Roberts, Johanssn, Marvin, Howell. Absent: Moore Whereupon the Mayor dec&sred said motion carried and said Ordinance duly passed on first reading. Mr. Johansen introduced !,n writing an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Reguiati g the Hours for the sale of Alcoholic and Intoxicating Beverabes in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and Repealing all Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Con- flict herewith" and moved its adoption on first reading. Said Ordinance include , the "Christmas Day Closing's of bars, etc Said motion was seconded by Mr. Marvin and hauling been duly con- sidered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: Aye: Johann ens Carvin, Roberts, Howell Absent: Moore Whereupon the payor declared said motion carried and said Ordinance duly passed on first reading0 Upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by M.r-, Roberts the Treasurer's Report was approved as given. Acting Fire Chief Howell presented an annual report for 1957 and a report for the month of December, 195? which were received and filed. Police C4ief i yssell. gave a verbal report Mr. Jc:iansen presented Resolution #58-2 covering the appointment of Charles M. Anderson to the office of Municipal Judge to serve in t_ie absence. sickness or other inability of the Municipal Judge, and moved its adoption„ Said motion was seconded by Mr. I4 .rvin and being duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: . • Minutes 1-13.53 Page #4 Aye. Marvin, Roberts, Johansen, Howell Absent: Moose Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolution #58-2 duly adopted h Copy of said Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mrs. Howell advised that the Atlantic Beach Fireman's Asso- ciation would like for the City to take ownership of the Dodge 300 gal. water truck, which was given them by Mayport, for the amount of the outstanding repair bill which amount is $46.70. This was agreeable to the Commission, but takes no formal action on their part, as it can be handled by the Fire Chief and City Manager. Mr.„ Howell appointed Commissioners Roberts, Moore, and Marvin as a committee to study and prepare a new License Ordinance. Mr. Howell appointed Commissioners Johansen., Roberts, and Howell to work with Police Chief Russell and City Manager, Mr. Waggoner on a Traffic Ordinance, Upon motion of Mr. Roberts the meeting adjourned to meet on January 27th, 1958 at 8 P.M. l I-. Wm 6. Howell, Mayor- Commissioner ayor- Commissioner Attest 1 Otede - --- Adele S,. (rage, City C rk v ' said Selva Marina Realty Company, and does agree that if the said Company shall construct said 12-inch line designed so as to be used as an integral part of the future City sewer system, if and when constructed , using pipe having Dickey F .V .C. type joints, the City will , if and when it constructs gravity sewers to serve other areas of the City from the said 12-inch line, reimburse and pay to Selva Marina Realty Company ')4855.00, less the amount of the special assessments for benefits that would be charged against Selva Marina Unit No. 3 lots ( $90 feet of Sherry Drive frontage) at the same rate the City levies assess- ments against other properties, such reimbursement and payment to be made within one year after the first installment of such special assessments would otherwise be due. 0 ctAA--e—eQ 44/ 6e9-7"kvvtA---L-A--de--#c__,„e‘_d o-Y / 3/ I �t RESOLUTION NO. 5$-1 WHEREAS , Selva Marina Realty Company proposes to construct gravity sewers along the West side of Sherry Drive from 11th Street to the Plaza, to serve the lots in the new Subdivision to be known as Selva Marina Unit No. 3 ; and WHEREAS, a shallow 8-inch line costing a maximum sum of ;12$0$.50 will adequately serve the said lots in said subdivision, but will be unsuitable and insufficient to serve other areas of the City, if and when the City constructs gravity sewers to serve such other areas; and WHEREAS , a 12-inch line constructed of pipe having Dickey P.V.C. type joints, and Properly designed to serve other areas of the City, will cost ; 4$55.00; and WHEREAS, Selva Marina Realty Company has agreed to construct the said .12-inch line (as set forth in its letter to this Commission dated January 11, 195$, hereto attached and made a part hereof) ,designed as part of the future City sewer system, and to pay y 4$55.00 for the same , provided the City will reimburse said Company for said cost of 44855.00, less the amount of the special assessments for benefits that would be charged against Selva Marina Unit No. 3 lots ( $90 feet of Sherry Drive frontage) at the same rate as the City charges other property, when and if the City constructs gravity sewers to serve other areas of the City from the said 12-inch line, and the City Commission deems it to the best interest of the City to accept said proposal ; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach: That the City does hereby accept said proposal of HARCOURT BULL, LTR. ATTORNEY AT LAW 321 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA January 11, 1958 Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City Commission City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Re: Selva Marina Sewer System Selva Marina Unit No. 3 Gentlemen: Selva Marina Realty Company is now preparing to construct 830 feet of gravity sewers Southerly along the West side of Sherry Drive from the manhole at 11th Street so as to serve the lots (in a new subdivision to be known as Selva Marina Unit No. 3) on the West side of Sherry Drive between 11th Street and The Plaza. Attached is a copy of a proposal from Joe Reinertson of Jacksonville,. Inc., based on two plans of construction, as follows: (1) A 12 inch line designed as part of the future City sewer system costing *3,935.00 for GK type joints or $4,855.00 for Dickey P. V. C. type joints; or (2) A shallow 8 inch line costing $2,404.50 for GK type joints or $2,808.50 for Dickey P. V. C. type joints. The Dickey P. V. C. type joints are more desireable because infiltration of ground water is materially reduced by the watertightness of this type of joint. The difference of cost between the 8 inch and 12 inch lines is $2,046.50, which additional cost is the basis and reason of the following proposal. Selva Marina Realty Company is willing to assist in furthering the City's progress by constructing the 12 inch line and pay $4455.00 for same, if the City is agreeable to reimbursing Selva Marina Realty Company for that cost less the amount of the special assessment for benifits that would be charged against Selva Marina Unit No. 3 lots (890 feet of Sherry Drive frontage) at the same rate as it charges other properties when and if the City constructs gravity sewers to serve other areas of the City from this 12 inch line. Such reimbursement can be deferred if convenient for one year after the first in- stallment of the special assessment is otherwise due. Il the City wishes Selva Marina Realty Company to construct the 12 inch line and is agreeable to reimbursing Selva Marina Realty Company as outlined above, it is suggested that the City Commission adopt a suitable resolution of accept- ance attaching thereto as a part thereof this letter. Respect ' fly yours, /e y� _or , , H court Bull, Jr. i/ of/RESOLUTION -� BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, Section 1. Charles M. Anderson is hereby appointed to the office of Municipal Judge to serve in the event of the absence, sickness , disqualification or other inability of the Municipal Judge and shall have all the power and perform all the duties of said Municipal Judge during such sickness , absence , disqualification or other inability, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Section 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage . ************************* Passed by the City Commission on January 13, 1958. Attest: City Clerk