01-27-58 v 4
JAIFJARY 27, 1958
1. Cr31 to Order.
2. KIM it!Or., Mr. C. U. Kar.sdrick, Neptune Baptist Church.
3. Approval of Mirrte :sting of January 13, 195g.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Bids on Jail Conatauctior:
a. 3uiiding
b. Plumbing
c. Wiring
d. Heating and Air Conditioning.
6. Comunications to Consirsnion
1. Petition on Bar �aours.
7. Report of City Manager.
1. . nues Grater System Report.
2. Annual Selvo Zein, Seger System report.
3. Request for Ml' o1 toapital-Lots 810 -o 814
Salt stir. Sub.
8. Unfinished Business,
9. Etsport of r
1. License Committee.
2. Traffic Committee
3. Tri-City Planning Committee.
10. Ordinances.
1. Bond E11sction, final readlint /s Jif -�
2. ?ire Department, final reading, S7---5 g' L
3. Bar boars, final reeling. Ze , S$-
'11, Ce iasiou rea
AT8 P,Mo ! 9 t �
Wm. S. Howell
Preben Johansen
Marion Marvin
Chas. Rd Moore
Hugh Roberts, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager
Adele S. Grego, City Clerk
The City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
met in regular session, pursuant to law and the rules of said
Commission, in the City Hall of said City at 8 oclock P.M. ,
January 27th, 1958. The meeting was called to order and upon
the roll being called, there were present:
Wm. S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner, presiding and the following
named Commissioners: Preben Johansen, Marion Marvin, Chas. R.
Moor.e, and Hugh Roberts, Absent: Clone
Minutes of the regular meeting of January 13th, 1958 were
approved Ps written upon motion of Mr,• Johansen; seconded by
Mr. l arvino
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor.
Captain H.A, Sailor called to the Commissions attention the
blind corners, naming 3rd St. and East Coast Drive in particular,
also the garbage can situation, children riding bikes without
lights at night, and the need of zoning study, It was advised
that the Garden Circles of Atlantic Beach have as their project
the garbage can situation and also blind corners and street-ends.
A committee is now working on a Traffic Ordinance which will in-
elude the bike question, and a committee is to be appointed to-night
to study the Zoning laws
Bids were next received on the jail constructionto-gether with
electrical ; plumbing, and heating bids and were tabulated as
G L X aim
A.L. Bowers $3,159.00
E.C. Geismer;Contractor 3,797,00
McMullen Construction Co. 3;275.00
Ross Construction Co. 2,574. 50
R.S, Thames 2,750000
Tharp-Stapp Lumber Co. 3,269.00
Wm0Tinney Construction Co, 3; 550.00
J.H. Wolf, Jr. 4,335.00
Minutes 1-27--58 - Page ;#2
Adams Plumbing Co. $1,250?O0
Harry Goodwin, Inc, 1,042.00
Joe 's Plumbing & Appliance 1.049.00
Electrical Wiring„
Horton Elec. Cobstruction Co:, $ 390,00
Nelson Electric Coy. 366.80
G.M, Smith 355.00
Heati.n„ and Ai.r Co tditior ingj:
The Appliance Cent ;r $3.,265.00
Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel 1,691,00
H.J. Mahoney 1,600„00
Upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr Marvin the bids were
received as tabulated and referred to a committee consisting of
Commissioners Roberts) Johansen, and City Manager Waggoner for
study and awarding contracts„ Said motion was approved by unan-
imous vote.
The City Clerk cert'fied to the commission a Petition initiating
an Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 194 and all Ordinances and
parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, which ordinance would
permit hotels. restaurants and golf and country clubs ender cer-
tain conditions to sell alcoholic beverages on Sundays between
the hours of 2 P.. and midnight,. Mr, Marvin moved that Rule #15
of Ordinance # 5-37-1 be waived and haat the Petition be received
and the Ordinance repealing Ordinance #194 as presented be passed
by Title only on first .?eading,. The motion was seconded by Mr
Moore. Mr, Sailor advised that he thinks the paper is not in order
and is irregula-• as some of the petitions did not have the full
text of the Ordinance attached to them when signed - It was brought
out that the petition and papers as turned in were in orders and
that if anyone anew of any irregularities they could go to court
and enjoin the election, if there is one. The motion having been
duly consideree; the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was.
Ayes Nora:
Nay: Ma"tins Moore , Johansen, Roberts.,, Howell.
Whereupon thy: Mayor declared said motion not carried,, and said
Ordinance rejected.
Mr. Moore roved that said Ordinance to repeal Ordinance #194
be subitte i to the electoro for approval or disapproval at the
Opecj a EJeeti,on on ira:� t,,, .,.z
.. s 19580 Said motion was seconded by
Mr. Marvin and being duly considered the Mayor put the question
thereon and the vote was
Aye: Johansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell
gay: None
:t: r:
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and directed
the Clerk to make necessary arrangements for the election on.
March lith 1958.
The City Manager presented annual reports en the Water System
and the Selva Marina Sewer System.
The City Manager asked the Commissions advice as to whether
an animal hospial would be permi s,ibte in Business ".A`{ Zone.
It, was the unanimous opinion of the Commission that it would
not be,
The Clerk advised that the house on Pt. of Lot y''y� q .Donner's
Sub-division Deed Hook .1683»322 burned down in 19543 but the
improvement had not been taken from the Tax Polls for the years
19554 1956 and 1957, The; City Manager checked and found that
the house which the Assessors took to be on this lot is really
on the lot next to it and that there is no house on the above
lot Whereupon Mr., Johansen moved that the improvement as shown
on P t a of Lot 7 Donner' s S/P DEK 1683-32.2 be removed from the
1955 . 1956 and 1957 Tax Rolls. The motion was seconded by Mr
Roberts and carried,
Mr. Johansen reported on the meeting of the Tri-City Planning
Advisory Commission. He was very pleased at the sprit shown at
the meeting at which Harry Burns, Jr was elected chairman of the
Commission,: They are going to rotate their meetings between the
three Beaches with the Beach where they are meeting standing the
expense of that meeting. It was recommended that the 3 Beaches
join the Beach Erosion Association at a cost pt $200,00 per year.
this association is doing extensive work and study in connection
with beach erosion it was the unanimous opinion of the Commission
that we join the Beach Erosion Association and also approve the
meetings rotating and that we share the expense as suggested.
The Commission next went into session for Public Hearing on
three Ordinances in line with Notices as posted.
Commissioner Johansen introduced and caused to be read in full
a bill for Ordinance .1715-58-1 entitled:
"ORDINtNCE ordering and providing for the holding of a
Freeholder Election in the City cf Atlantic Beach,.
Florida on the question of issuing $3O0,OOOOOO Genera?.
Obligation Bonds of the City to pay for the cost of
constructing a Sewer System {.n said City v
and moved that all rules be sl and that said purported
Ordinance be declared passed on second and final reading, which
motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mar'/in. No one appeared
either for or against said Ordinance and said motion having been
duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon, and upon the
roll being called, the following voted:
Aye: Marvin, Moore, xtoberts , Johansen, Howell
Nay: None
r c4
Whereupon the Mayer de B.l.ared said motion duly carried and
said proposed Ordinance duly passed on second and final
The next Ordinance considered was Ordinance #57-58-2 creating
a department to be known as Atlantic Beach Fire DepartmentQ The
Ordinance having been read in full and no one appearing for or
against, Commissioner Marvin moved its adoption on second and
final beading, which motiok was seconded by Commissioner Moor
Said motion having been duly considered the Mayor put the que.
thereon and the roll being called , the vote was:
Aye : Moore, Roberts, Johansen, Marvin, Howell.
Nay: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordinance
#57-58 .2 adopted on second and final reading.
The third Ordinance considered was Ordinance *10-58-2 being an
Ordinance to regulate the hours for the sale of alcoholic bev-
erages, said ordinance includes the "Christmas Day" closing of
bars, etc The Ordinance having been read in full and no one
appearing either for or against, Commissioner Johansen moved its
adoption on second and final reading, which motion was seconded
by Commissioner ±ober,ts., Said motion having been duly considered
the Mayor put the question thereon and the roll being called , the
following voted:
Aye : Roberts , Johansen, Marvin, Howell
Nay: Moore
Whereupon the Mayor declarbd said motion carried and said Ordinance
#10-58-2 adopted on second and final reading. Mr. Moore advised
that he could see no reason for opening the bars at 5 P.M. on
Christmas Day.; Mr Lincoln Fax complimented the Commission for
their promptness in handling the Christmas Day Closing matter,
Mayor Howell appointed the following committee to study and make
recommendations on the Zoning Preben Johansen, Chairman, and
Marion Marvin, 'Wm. S. Howell, Harcourt Bull, Jr , Robtr, i Lynch,
Norman MinchewA
a representative from the Professional. Insurance Company requested
permission of the Commission to contact the City employees relative
to hospitalization and for approval of the payroll deduction plan.
The Commission advised that they had no objection to their contact-
ing the employees nor to the payroll deaection plan if it could
be worked out with the City Clerk,
The Commissioners decided to meet Friday, January 31st at 8 P.M.
for an informal study of the sewer project and the bond election:
Upon motion of Mr. Moore the meeting adjourned to meet in regular
session on February 10th, 1958,
/ /
` . .
4.t Wm. 3. H.owe 1, Mayor-