02-10-58 v CIT : OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION AEETI IraC FEBRUARY 10TH, 1958 1, Call to order. 2. - Invocation, Mr. C. U. Kendrick 3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of January 27, 1958 4. Recognition of visitors 5. Communications to Commission.✓ 6. Report o. City Manager. 7. Unfiniuned Business 3. Tax Assessor, Mr. Hamilton. 8. Repert of Committees: a. License Committee b. Traffic Committee c. Zoning Committee 9. ordinances None 10. Commissioners. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH, 1958 AT 8 P.M. Present: Fm. S. Howell Marion Marvin Chas. R. Moore Hugh Roberts, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J.F. Waggoners Jr. City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent% Preben Johansen, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner Howell. Upon motion of Air. t Marvin, seconded by Mr. Moore the minutes of January 27th, 1958 were approted as written. A letter was read from Mr. Hobert Lyneb, station Manager of Radio Station WKTX r Atlantic Beach thanling us for the congrat- ulatory ad in the Beach News. A letter was read from the Jacksonville Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce relative to nominations for their Distinguished Service Award and Good Government award. No action taken for a nomina- tion. Mr. Howell reerognized visitors present and Balled for any business from the floor, There was none. Mr. Waggoner advised that letters had been sant to all registered freeholders giving information on the Sewer Bond Issue. Mr. Howell advised that Mr. Richard Hamilton had not been paid as Tax Assessor for the year 1957. The City Treasurer was directed to pay Mr. Hamilton $300.00 as Tax Assessor for 1957 from the ^anallocated Fund. There were no reports ready from the three committees appointed by Mrs Howell cn licenses, traffic, and sonInge A request which had been received from the protan gas companies to be relieved of listing customers served when reporting their Utility Tax and just Ore: tkevir total sales for the month and the amount of tax collected, was discussed. It was brought out that we have not audited any of these companies and Mrs Marvin moved that the gas companies collecting utility tax for the City be audited at intervals to see that the City is getting the proper amount of money. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried. It was decided that since we are going to make audits it will not be necessary for them to furnish the list and just report the total sales and tax collected. Mr. Thompson was asked to draft an Ordinance to amend the Utility Tax Ord snance in this respect. , 6i Minutes of 2-10-58, Page #2 Mr. Howell, Acting Fire-Chief presented the monthly re- port for January, 1958 which was received and filed. The question of when were we getting a Fire Chief was raised and Mr. Howell advised he had been unsuccessful so far ! but would be happy to receive applications. Mr. Howell reported that Car 19 has been expensive as to upkeep and repairs and it seems it would be advisable to trade it in for a new police car.. There was a discussion following which Mr. Marvin moved that Section 1 of Ordinance #5-57-2 be waived and that the City Manager be authorized to trade up to $700. The motion w.s seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Upon motion of Mr. Marvin the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. to meet February 24th, 1958. 41 /ALAI 411, Wn S. Howell, Mayors Commissioner Attest 4 Adeles , Grage, City Cleik