FEBRUARY 24th, 1958
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation, Mr. C. U. Kendrick.
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of February 10, 19580
4. Recognition of visitors.
5. Communications to Commission.
6. City Manager
1. Swimming Pool Code.
2. Thompson & Kennedy, Mover.
3. Jail
4. Sewer Line, Sherry Dr.
7. Report of Committees:
�s. Tri-City Planning Committee.
b. Traffic Committee.
c. Zoning Committee.
8. Resolutions
9. Ordinances:
a. Traffic I 7-Cs-CV J/
b. Utility Tax Revision. 7D - g- /
10. Commissioners.
1958 AT 8 P.M.
Wm. S. Howell
Preben Johansen
Marion Marvin
Hugh Roberts, Commissioners
J.F. Waggober, Jr. , City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: Charles R. Moore, Commissioner
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
The meett g was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mrs
The invocation was given by the Reverend Carroll U. Kendrick.
Minutes of the regular meeting of February 10, 1958 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Roberts,
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor. There was none,
Mr. Waggoner reported on the trading of Police Car #19. He received
quotations as follows:
Lynch-Davidson Motors , Ford- Net Difference $1,182.00
Duval Motors (verbal) Ford- Net Difference 1,177,00
Platt Motors, Edsel Ranger Net Difference 1,351,00
and since the above amounts were in excess of the amount authorized
at the last meeting, he was referring the matter to the Commission
with the recommendation that they not teade at this time, There
was a discussion and it was decided to take no action at this time
as the bids were too high for present consideration.
Mr. Waggoner advised that he felt it would be a good thin; for the
City to have a Swimming Pool Code, We only have two swimming pools
in the City at the present time, but there is a possibility that
there will be more and he would like for the matter to be referred
to a committee for study and recommendation, Mr. Howell appointed
Mr. Marvin and Mr. Roberts as a committee on this.
Mr. Waggoner reported that a license had been issued to Thompson &
Kennedy to operate a truck transfer and that he had received a
complaint from Mr. Altmanoo.f Atlman Truck Lanes that the license
was issued in error as they had not gotten F;, certificate of conven-
ience and necessity, it was the consensus of opinion that the license
had been properly issued and no certificate was necessary,
Mr. Waggoner advised that the new ia .l is progressing and if the
good weather continues should be finished on schedule.
The Selva Marina Company has started the new sewer line in for
Unit #3
Minutes 2.24-58 , Page #2
Mr. Johansen reported on the meetimg of the Tri -City Advisory
Planning Commission which was held on February 20th at Neptune
Beach City Hall . Beach erosion was discussed at length at the
meeting and the question of forming a Beach Erosion District
was referred to the respective governments for consideration.
Also the forming of a Beaches Civil Defense Council was recom-
mended for consideration of the respective city governments.
Captain F. Wm. Brown a C.O. at the Mayport Naval Base was
present at the meeting and advised that the Navy wants to co-
operate and put several matters before them for consideration
including a traffic light at Mayport Rd, and Atlantic Blvd taxi
cab rates, hitchhiking, fire fighting, and property rentals to
navy families. A committee was appointed with Mr. Johansen as
chairman to investigate these matters
There were no reports from the committees on Boning and Traffic
Upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Marvin appooval was
given to securing the names of the bond holders of the Waterworks
Utility Revenue Bonds and attempt to get their approval to invest
the Sinking Fund monies.
Mr. Johansen presented Resolution #58-3 covering control of
any surplus monies in the Sewerage revolving fund and moved
its adoption. The motion was seconded by Mr. Marvin and
being duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and
the vote was
Aye Johansen, Marviiut Roberts, Howell
Absent: Moore
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolution
#58--3 duly adopted Copy os said Resolution is attached hereto
and made a part hereof.
The matter of diveounts and interest on the sewer assessment pay-
ments was discussed. Mr. Johansen introduced Resolution #58-
setting up a 4% discount on the 2nd and 3rd installments when
paid with the first installment when duet and a 2% discount on
the 3rd installment if paid with the 2nd installment when due;
and no interest to be charged on a payment until It becomes
delinquent9 and moped its adoption. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Marvin and being duly considered the Mayor put the question
thereon and the vote was
Aye Marviny, Roberts ; :Johansen, Howell.
Absent: Moore
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolu-
tion .#58<, + duly adopted. Copy of said Resolution Is attached here-
to and made a part hereof.
There was a discussion of the garbage situation in the Cityt but
no action. It was brought out that civic pride on the part of all
citizens will help the condition. The City Manager is working
with the Garden Circles,
Minutes 2-24-58 Page #3
Certified lists of qualified electors for the Special
Election of March +th9 1958 were presented by the City
Mrs, rlorence Higgenson will act as election official
to assist in the special referendum election covering the
Ordinance on Sunday liquor hours°
Upon motion of Mf. Johansen the meeting adjourned at 9:49
P.M. to meet on March 4thg 19580
Wm. S Howellr Mayor-
)9 .
adLe„ ''
Ad le So Crage9 City *11=rk
f <
RES OLUTI ON15-e' 9-
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida proposes
to construct a sewer system, the collection line of such system
to be financed and paid for from the proceeds of special assess-
ments made against the land and properties serviced thereby;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ordi naz ce pro-
viding for the levy of said assessments shall provide that the
sane be payable in three installments, the first of which shall
be due and payable upon completion of construction of said line;
the second installment a year thereafter, and the third install-
- ment :two years thereafter, and that a discount of 4% of the
amount of said second and third installments be allowed for
payment of said second and third installments in full at the
time said first installment becomes payable; and a discount of
2% of the amount of said third instal lment if paid when sai d
second installment becomes the; and that any instal iment not
paid when due shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of
eight per cent. per annum until paid.
* * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on February 24th, 1958.
6)-4-1?-12-4Th ' ?SI
Adele S. Grage , City Cle
WHEREAS , the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, proposes
to construct in said City a sewer system, the part thereof
consisting of the disposal plant , lift stations , force main
and outfall sewer to be paid for from the proceeds of a
4300,000.00 issue of general obligation bonds of said City
and the remainder of said system to be financed and paid for
from the proceeds of special assessments to be levied against
the lands and premises served by said system, it being the
intention that no part of the proceeds from the sale of said
bonds shall be used to pay for any Dart of said system other
than that described above;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission
of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, that in the event there
is any excess fund remaining from the proceeds of the sale
of the proposed •; 300,000 issue of general obligation bonds of
said City remaining after the payment for the construction of
that part of the proposed sewer system consisting of the dis-
posal plant , lift stations , force main and outfall sewer, such
excess shall be deposited in a fund to be known as the general
obligation bond fund and used for the redemption or retirement
of said bonds; PiZOVIDED HOWEVER, that the City Commission may
from time to time authorize the use of said excess funds tem-
porarily, and pending the collecting of special assessments,
to finance the construction of Darts of said system to be paid
for from the proceeds of special assessments as aforesaid, any
such funds so used to be repaid to said bond funds not later
than the collection of the final assessments , and when so repaid
into said bond fund , to be thereafter used solely far the re-
demption or retirement of said bonds.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Cpmmission on February 21+, 1958. ')
Adele S. Grage , City Cl k