03-04-58 v 14- -
AT 8 P,M.
Wm. S, Howell
preben Johansen
Marion Marvin
Hugh Roberts, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City .Attorney
J.P. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager
Adele S, GrageT City Clerk
Absent: Charles R, Moore, Commissioner
The City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida
met in regular seWssion , pursuant to the law and the rules
of said Commission, in the City Hall of said City at 8 ',M. ,
March 4th, 1958 to canvass the votes cast in the Special
Election pursuant to Ordinance #15"58-1 adopted January 27th,
1958° The meeting was called to order and upon the roll being
called there were presents
Wm. S., Howell, Mayor-Commissioner, presiding and the following
named Commissioners; Preben Johansen, Marion Marvin, Hugh Roberts.
Absent Charles R. Moore, Commissioner.
Commissioner Howell and City Clerk Adele So Grage presented the
Commission with copies of the certificate from the election of-
ficials. Copy of said certificate is attached to these minutes
and made a part thereof.;
Commissioner Jrohansen introduced Resolution #58.5 covering the
canvassing of the returns in the Special Election on the question
of issuing $300,000X0 General Obligation Bonds and declaring the
results of said election did approve the issuance of said Bonds.
Said Resolution 5845 having been read in full, Commissioner
Johansen moved its adoption. Said motion to adopt said Resolution
was seconded by Commissioner Marvin and having been duly considered
the Mayor put the question thereon, and upon the roll being called,
the vote wase
Ayes Johansen, Marvin, Roberts, Howell
Absent; Moore
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolu-
tion #58- 5 adopted. Copy of said Resolution Is attached hereto and
made a part hereof
certificate or Proof of Publication of Notice of Special Election
on the question of issuing 3O0,OOO,0O General 'fblIgatjon Bonds
and Ordinance F15a 58-1 which was a part thereof , 'ts attached to
these minutes and made a part thereof.
Mnutes 3-4.-.58, Page #2 '
Mayor Howell. ana City Clerk Adele S. Grage presented to the
Commission copies of the certificate from the election offi-
cials covering the Special Election on the Ordinance covering
sales of intoxicating beverages with meals a+: restaurants,
and hotels on Sundays. Copy of certificate : s attached to
these minutes and made a part thereof.
Commissioner Marvin presented Resolution #58-6 covering the
canvassing of the returns of said Special Election and declaring
said Ordinance #10-58-3 adopted by the people of the City of
Atlantic Beach, Florida and moved its adoption. Said motion
was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and being duly considered
the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was:
Ayes Marvin, Roberts, Johansen, Howell
Absents Moore
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said
Resolution #58-6 adopted* Copy of said Hesolntion is attached
to these minutias and made a part thereof.
The Comptroller was directed to pay the election officials the
usual fee9 i.e. 615000 each.
The City Attorney advised that the Ordinance covering the issu-
ance of the General Obligation Sewer Bonds vould be ready by
the next regular meeting on March lOt4 1958.
Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned at MO P.M. to
meet on March 10th, 1958 at 8 P.M.
4- Ai AL/4//
Wm. S. 'Owen, Mayor-
Attest. Commissioner
ade-ge, itsAL4.4
Adele S. Grage, City C'rk:
• 1I
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, by its Ordinance, duly and regularly adopted
at its meeting held on the 1-71'1 day of -I9OQI+ Ry , l95F', and
entitled "Ordinance Ordering and Providing for the Holding
of a Freeholder Election in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida
on the Question of Issuing 4300,000.00 General Obligation
Bonds of the City to Pay for the Cost of Constructing a Sewer
System in said City", did call an election for the purpose of
submitting to the qualified electors residing in said City,
who were freeholders, for their approval or disapproval of
the question of whether the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida
shall issue general obligation bonds in the principal amount
of 4300,000.00 bearing interest at a rate or rates not to ex-
ceed six per cent (6%) per annum, and said Ordinance having
further provided and did direct that notice of said election
be given by publication in accordance with law; and
WHEREAS, due and regular notice of said bond election
has been published in the Ocewm &iA}c,9 f?l'-ITTrR , a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
said publication having been made for at least thirty (30)
days and once each week for four (4 ) consecutive weeks during
said period of thirty (30) days, to-wit :
WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Ordinance calling
said election and in accordance with law, the question in said
Ordinance stated was submitted to the qualified electors re-
siding in said City who were freeholders on the date specified
in said Ordinance, to-wit : fl 9-Y C H `tj /Y 5' ; and
WHEREAS, it appears that the list of the names of
qualified electors who are freeholders residing in said City
as certified by the City Clerk, ex officio Registration Offi-
cer, and as disclosed by a certified copy of said list here-
tofore filed with the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, constitutes a true, accurate and complete
list of all voters qualified to participate in said election;
that all names appearing on said list are qualified to vote
in said bond election; and that the total sum of qualified
electors who are freeholders residing within said City en-
titled to participate in said election was 701 ; and
WHEREAS, it appears that the inspectors and clerks
appointed to conduct said election at every voting place
where the election was held were duly furnished a certified
copy of the list of all voters qualified to participate in
said election, in accordance with law, and that such certified
lists have been returned to said Commission by said inspectors
and clerks together with the returns hereinafter mentioned;
WHEREAS, it appears that said election has been duly
and properly held in accordance with law and that the votes
cast thereat have been returned, delivered and canvassed, and
that the returns of said election have been delivered to said
Commission for the purpose of canvassing said election returns
and determining and certifying the result thereof; and
WHEREAS, it appears that the total number of votes
cast in said election by the qualified electors who at the
time of said election were freeholders residing in said City
was WOout of the total number of 70 qualified
electors, as aforesaid, residing in said City and legally
qualified to participate in said election; and
WHEREAS, it appears from the official returns of
said election so delivered to said Commission and so canvassed
by said Commission as aforesaid that the total number of votes
cast in said election by the qualified electors residing in
said City who are freeholders in favor of the issuance of said
bonds was 335- and that the total number of votes cast in
said election by the qualified electors residing in said City
• who are freeholders against the issuance of said bonds was
; and
WHEREAS, it appears that a majority of the qualified
electors residing in said City who are freeholders and legal-
ly entitled to participate in said election did participate
in said bond election;
DECLARED AND HEREBY CERTIFIED by the City Commission of the
City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, at a meeting of said Com-
mission, duly and regularly held, at which the said official
returns of said election have been duly and regularly can-
vassed according to law, as follows that :
1. The total number of qualified electors residing
in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, who were freeholders
and legally qualified to participate in said election held
on the 9 -IP day of March, 195$, was '70/ .
2 . The total number of votes cast in said election
by said qualified electors residing in said City who at the
time of said election were freeholders was Akift .
3 . The total number of votes cast in said election
by said qualified electors residing in said City who at the
time of said election were freeholders in favor of the issu-
ance of said bonds was 335-
3S4.. The total number of votes cast in said election
by said qualified electors residing in said City who at the
time of said election were freeholders against the issuance
of said bonds was YL/ 1/ .
5 . A majority of the qualified electors residing
in said City who at the time of said election were freeholders
and legally entitled to participate in said election did par-
ticipate therein; and that a majority of the votes cast in
said election were in favor of approving and did approve the
issuance of said bonds.
6. Said election was in all respects conducted in
• accordance with law, and that all steps in connection with and
leading up to said election have been duly, reguhrly and
lawfully taken and had, and that all provisions of the statutes
and the Constitution of the State of Florida have been fully
complied with.
7. Said returns be entered and recorded in the
minutes of the City Commission; that this resolution, deter-
mination, finding, declaration and certificate be recorded in
the minutes of the City Commission.
` s r .
Ca*TIf cATn Of MAW or stacw. SIACT1QS UP T= CITY
*UAW TO ORDz MO. L r-►SR*4 AMMO JM 2?, l$$$
OAMMIRAL 0014401MbOM 2011110 ShOULM OM UMW
We, the undersigned, being the Inspectors and Clerk
appointed to conduct the Special sl•ction in the City of
Atlantic Bosch, on Tuesday, March 4th, 1955. on the question
of whether 4300, 400)00 General, Obligati.. bonds should be issued,
hersbi certify that we eructed said election on said date,
and counted the ballots cast for and bagai.e et the question
as ar..nted on the ballots and find the results to be as
The ntAmtwv of qua&keLee electors (fr•eholde rs) , acc sdh.n 'ie) ,
to the Aegi.strat.ion Seek, was
The ewer of ouch qualified elector* tli ra participated
is said •lection and who cast ballets la said election. was Aft-4
The mer of Ballots cast FOR MOM. nes
The near of Ballots cast MAXIM .SOW* MIS . .
wry INSISSOW. 'writ have suesstei tkie ourtitieats this
4th da, of March 1131.
C et)i)
(Inspector) Or
i l
WHEREAS, a proposed ordinance entitle d
"AN ORDINANCE regulating hours for the sale
of alcoholic and intoxicating beverages in
the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, aid
repealing Ordinance No. 194 and all ordinances
and parts of ordi nances in conflict herewith" ,
was initiated pursuant to the provisions of Article X of the
Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and submitted
to the City Commission, and the City Commission, after consider-
int the same , failed to pass or adopt said proposed ordinance,
and ordered the same to be submitted to the e lectors of sal d
City for their approval or disapproval , at an election to be
held on the 4th day of March, 1958; and
WHEREAS, the said election has been duly held in
accordance with law on said date, and the votes cast thereat
have, bj the inspectors and clerks appointed to conduct said
election, been read, delivered and canvassed, and the returns
of said election have been delivered to s aid Commission for the
purpose oil' canvassin;- said election returns and determining and
certifying the result thereof;
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, determined, found, de-
clared and hereby certified by the City Commission of the City of
Atlantic Beach, Florida, at a meeting of such Commission duly and
regularly held, at which said official returns of sa d els ction
have been duly and regularly canvassed according to lava as fol-
lows, that:
1 . The total number of votes cast in said
election, was
2. The total number of votes cast in
said election in favor of said proposed ordinance, was )-k
5. The -bath.] number of votes cast in said �/
election against said proposed ordinance , was a--•3 ll
..4 -/ , Ai
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4. T'nat a majority of the vot^s cast in said election
were in favor of a7 d did Epprove said proposed
ordinance, and that said proposed ordinance is
hereby declared to be an ordinance o_ said City, and
now in full force and effect.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on March 4th, 1956
Adele S. Grage, City C rk