03-10-58 v . A CITY OF AI'I. WIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 10, 1958 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation, Mr. C. U. Kendrick. 3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of February 24, 1958. 4. Sewer Bond Ordinance, 1st reading. 5. Recognition of visitors. 6. Communicatio;as to Commission. 7. City Manager; 1. Resolution authorizing Walter J. Parks, Jr. to proceed with plans and specifications. 2. Resolution authorizing signature on amended application for Federal Sewer Grant. 3. Report on Jail. 4. Report on Sewer Line, Sherry Drive. 8. Report of Cc mitteee: 1. Tri-City Planning Committee. Resolution. 2. Traffic Committee: 3. Zoning Committee. 9. Ordinance 1. Utility Tax 10. Commissioners. ape4oA 6uTrieTT03 et4 'paTTQo buTaq TT03 vq1 uodn pue 4uoaxeq4 uoT4senb etl 4nd jauogeeTomo3-xoAew etn °paxspTsuoo XTnp ueeq buTAeq uoyaom pTQe pue tasooW sauoTs2Tmmo3 Aq pepuoaas ATnp s!M uoTlottt ttoTgA °buTpeas 1111.2T3 uo passed p021213ap eq 03ueurP$0 p0430d3nd pT2s a2g3 pue pGATera eq s2Tn2 ITV leg3 peAoot pus: ,A4TO pTes UT weleA1 361408 5uT431141481o3 ;o 4so3 eq4 aauauT; 04 'epTsoT41 °t�Qag 0T3u2Tww 30 AlT3 atql3o spUog sateg uogfebtTgO TesaueD CO.000 '00£8 30 aouenssT atm buTzt.ot nv a v ti n o NK„ 1112T4Tlue eoueuTp:rp ue 30; Mc( 2 Tin; uT pee.): eq o4 peene3 pue peonposluT uTA.QW 3suoTssgmaro3 "s4sagog ieuo esTmmoD Aq pepuooas °uasuvgor 3euogslTmtuo3 ;o uoT4om uodn ua.4;g2r4 se peAoidde exam 8561 'P=£ tplvW 3o 6uTleem reTnbax at4 ;o se nu TW c.a3oow 3aUOTS$Tmftt03 Aq pepuooas 'uTAseW ieuOTseTmtao3 30 UOT4oW uodn UallT.m se peno.dde a30A 856T '14417z AJQn2ge3 ;o bugles= zeTn6a3 atm ;o se4nuTW "IPTIPIlvM 'n TT0.xae3 •Aag atm Aq uaAT6 URA UOT1e0OAUI etI euoN :4uesgy •slaegog gong pup 'a,xOOW •g seTXQ1ID 'uTA3'QW UOT=QW 'ueBuegor usgeId $830uoTssTu o0 pameu 6uTa►oTTo3 eql pue 6ugpTsasd 'xauoTesTmmo3-soAQyt •TTaI0H •s "IUM =3uase zd exam eiegl paTTeo 6ugaq TM,' atm uodn pue ,epso o4 peTTe3 west 5ut eem et "856T 61;401 qo32N ' 'Wed 8 4v AITO PTes 300 TTeH A;g, egg UT uoTeeTmmo3 pTes 3o saTns eq4 pue MeT of luenasnd 'uoTssee xeTn5ei ug leas epT=oTA °q3eee 3T4U2T4V 30 A4T3 aq'3 30 uoTssTmtnO3 ' T3 StIL xsaT3 AAT3 °a6e1D •s a apy seSestet/ A3T3 ' °xr ':euobbeM •g •C Aeuio44y AVM suosdvtogy xuexd pug eseuoTseTwmea 'slsegoH Ong a.xoow •H •se q3 uTA,zeW u0T12it ueauegor uega.xa TTebOH •S •mM :4ueseaa W•d 9 1Y '8561 'H,LOT HOUVW 'AYQNOW NO Trill AZI3 SRI SV a'Ian NOISSIWWO3 AZIO !MSG 013 V'SL'! 3H1, .TO DNILSSW Wi'IIID3?I SHJ, ao SSJ',f1NIW s, einutes 3-10-58, Page #2 Aye: Johansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell Nays None Whereupon the Mayor-Commissioner declared said motion duly carried and said proposed Ordinance duly peered on first reading, A letter was read from the Hon. John B. Mathews relative to the leasing of the beaches for mining minerals. Commissioner Johansen introduced and caused to be read Resolution #58-7 authorizing Walter: J. Parks, Jr. ,, Engineer to proceed with preparation of working plans and specifications for the Atlantic Beach SewerPlant, lift stations, force mains, etc. and moved its adoption. Said motion to adopt said Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Marvin and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon, and upon the roll being called, the vote was: Ayes Marvin, l400re, Roberts, Johansen, Howell Nays Hone Whereupon the Mayor-Commissionar declared said motion carried and said Recolution #58-7 adopted. Copy of said Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Commissioner Howe introduced and caused to be read Resolution 458-8 directing that en amended application for Federal Grant for the Atlantic Beach Nawar Plant be submitted to the Florida State Board of Health and that J„ F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager be authorized to execute this application, and moved its adoption. Said motion to adopt was seconded by Commissioner Johansen and having been duly considered the Mayor put tha q, estion thereon, and upon the roll being called, the vote was: Ayes Moore, Roberta, Johansen, Marvin, Howell Nay: None Whereupon the Mayor decle ed said motion carried and said Resolution #58-8 adopted. Copy of said Resolution is attached to these minutes and made to part hereof. • Mr. Waggoner reported that the Jail is nearing completion and presented a bill from the Contractor, Rows Construction Co. , covering a partial payment of the contract and recommended that it be paid less the usual 10% holdlaack. Upon motion of Commissioner Moore, seconded by Com- missioner Johansen approval was given to pay this bill as recommended. r Minutes 3-10-58, Page *3 Mr. Waggoner advised that the sewer line which the Selva Marina Co. is putting in on Sherry Drive is almost completed. The Traffic Ordinance will be ready by the next regular meeting. The Zoning Committee plans to meet on Thursday Evening, March 13th. Reports were received from Police Chief Russell and Acting Fire Chief Howell on their respective departments. Reports were filed. Upon motion of Commissioner Johansen the meeting was adjourned to March 17th, 1958 at 8 P.P . / Attest: G�� A A AJI Will S. Howe 1, ayor-Coimnisaioner 0-61P-a-e- Adele S. Grage, City Cl : RESOLUTION NO. 58-7 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That Section 1. Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. . , consulting engineer, be and is hereby authorized to proceed with the preparation of working plans and specifi- cations for the Atlantic Beach Sewer Plant, lift stations, force mains, outfall sewer and gravity sewer lines in accordance with Resolution No.56-9 adopted on June 12, 1956, and that Section 2. Said plans and specifications be completed by May let, 1958. Passed by the City Commission on March 10th, 1958. Attest: City Clerk / A' x20t3 ALTO AI/ - S :40044y '8561 '1140T i seW uo uoTesTmwoo AgTO atm Aq pas sed 'ttD8e11 OT4u0T y ;0 A4TO 9144 3Og; YIOI��'OTtdde pTss 04noexa a paaTsoq ne Aga2aq sT Puy' aq 'sabeuew A4'm ' •ar 'sauobbem 'a •r 'z uoT40ag pue 'g4T2all ;o pavog 04e4S e1:0x20t3 0111 04 p044Tui -qns aq td ssf=aS wesa 0T4u?T4! 0114 So; wrap tesapaJ a so; uOT ?3T•idde papuan ui 't uoT D0S 4011,1 'vaI iOZd 'Ammo `IyI na 'HO £i DUMMY JO AIM ' HI 3O NOISSIWNO3 .FMO eg3L Aa Qr7A'IOSZIJ LI SH 8-8, 'ON MOI Lf?rIOSf11 •