APRIL 14, 1958
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation by Rev. C. U. Kendrick
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of March 240 1958 and
March 310 1958.
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Communications to Commission
6. City Manager
1. Theresa Richards
2. Quarterly Report
3. Monthly Report
7. Report of Commission
1. Zoning
8. Ordinances
1. Traffic` 7 J I
2. Utility * 70 '` a
9. Commissioners
► '
'8S6T 'lira qac uo eaT;;o s, Xebsupii '4T3
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ese►Aayi -g psegaTg - xe; euo 'suoT4eaTTdde om4 eg4 uo s{Tmssd
6uTPT'tnq jo eaupnesT 044 moo; ueAT5 seas TeAosdde °ueeupgor
•api Aq pepuo*as 'uTAssm •sM 30 uoT4om uodn e , exeXagt -apt ee
uosresss 6=8 eq4 30; 1:10AT5 40U ORM 4Tmsed ®g/ °8S6t 411t£ qac
uo ?Tszsed oto; Ape.x saT;;o n, sabsusw A4TD sg4 uT ;Taxed sMe4
3T4daa pup suVTd sTq peq osTt Aquoao •g ger 1pgf Ano
;gbnosq sum 4T 14074M uT as4gvm uo uoTssnasTp a seas exegX
-xetdnp wig PTTnq 04 wig vTmsed Pup ;sTE tiPsuK 3o uoT40, s;agq
puTosax oq uoTesTemo3 eql paq sanbax ell •eoT33o sT'q uT uersq
seuobbeM yam pint 01VP 412g4 penseT ueeq cum; pTnom 4Tmaed Ot L
•pasnase u30q peg 4Tured oT4dae pup 4eTt. qaalem aso;siq
aaT33o e, 3 6sueyi i3T3 0tjl IIT esem suUTd sTq 4vg4 pesTnpv
pup °tT MaoTq "CZ 40T uo FTTnq 04 csegwpt sq qOT x.Tdnp a41
aro; supTd ago uoTssTasao3 ego pe4uesesd eaeA 'g pxug0Tg 'sa
"tet; atm mon sseuTsnq
Aup 303 POTTea pup 4uesesd sso'TsT4 pezTuboaex TTsm0H '3w
•uesuegor 'am Aq
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exam 8S6T '4sT£ t32Irm ;0 6u-flees psauxno rpbt eql ;o ea;nu-
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axsm 8S6T 't�Z qa) 3o buT400111 ae1nbsg eqo 10 asa;nu Tw
')pT1Pusx '!1 T'Losxe3 -Aad sign Aq uaATb ram uoTleoonui segs
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LLIM H3V8 3.Yd+[+lV'LLV gITI SIO ONIIggkt VV It19g'9 8HL JO smnium
Minutes 4-14-58. Page #2
Mrs. Ann Rhodes requested permiaeion from the Commission to
have a day-nursery school from 9:00 At4. to 12:00 Noon, beginning
September and lasting through the school year, at her residence
392 Ocean Boulevard. She advised this would be for the smaller
children three and four years old. Upon motion of Mr. Moore,
seconded by Mr. Marvin approval was given for Mrs. Rhodes to
have the pre-school nursery.
A communication was read from the Mate Road Department advising
that a survey had been made at the corner of Mayport Road and
Atlantic Boulevard and it was found that a traffic light is
not necessary at this corner. Mr. Johansen advised that he
understood the Chamber of Commerce was also taking up the
matter of the traffic situation at Atlantic Boulevard and
Mayport Road and perhaps they can get some action.
Mr. Howell reported on a meeting with County Commissioner
Mallard who has promised to pave The Plaza from Sherry Drive
to Mayport Road, however, he advised that his funds were spent
for the present but he expects to have funds available for this
work in October.
Mr. Mallard also advised that work would start right away on
converting part of the school grounds into a playground at the
Atlantic Beach School.
A letter was presented from Charles E;. Culver requesting per-
mission to put his trailer in back of Sue 's Drive-In on Atlantic
Boulevard. Since the Zoning Ordinance does not allow trailers
the Commission unanimously agreed that it could not be done.
An application was presented from Mrs. Beulah M. Allen for a
beer and wine license to be used on the property known as The
Anchor-Inn. The matter was discussed and upon motion of Mr.
Marvin, seconded by Mr. Johaneen it was referred to the License
Committee for investigation and report. The City Clerk was
directed not to issue a license until authorized to do so by
the Commission.
Mr. Howell advised that he plans to appoint the Board of
Adjustments for Zoning at the next meeting.
Mr. Howell distributed the City Manager 's Report for the Month
of March and also the Quarterly Report on The Budget. He also
advised that the City Manager has again submitted the applica-
tion for a Federal 3rant for money for the sewer plant.
A letter was presented from Mr. Parks advising that the sewer
line on Sherry Drive between 9th and .lith Streets has been
satisfactorily constructed in accordance with plans and specs-
Minutes 4-14..58, Page #3
fications. A note was presented from the City Manager advising
that all work had been completed satisfactorily.
Upon motion of Mr. Marvin, seconded by Mr. Johansen, approval
was given for the acceptance by the City of this 12 inch
gravity sewer line.
A request was received from the City Manager to transfer
$100.00 from the unallocated funds to Election Expense Account
No. 224, due to the elections anticipated this year. Upon
motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Commission
approved the transfer of the $100.00 from the unallocated funds to
Election Expense Account No. 224. Attached copy of Resolution #58-12.
The Zoning Committee reported that they have had tb Monday
night meetings and will meet again next Monday night, April
21st, 1958.
The Commission next went into session for Public Hearing on
two Ordinances in line with Notices as posted.
Commissioner Marvin introduced and caused to be read in full
a bill for Ordinance #')5-58-1 entitled:
"AN ORDINANCE adopting the Florida model tY'affic
ordinance for regulating the movement of all vehicular,
pedestrian and other traffic within the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida. "
and moved that all rules be waived and that said Ordinance be
passed on second and final reading, which motion was duly
seconded by Mr. Moore. No one appeared either for or against
said Ordinance and said motion having been duly considered
the Mayor put the question thereon, and motion was unanimously
carried. Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried
and said, Ordinance duly passed on second and final reading.
The next Ordinance considered was Ordinance #70-58-1 covering
Utility tax :
"An ORDINANCE imposing and levying a tax on each and
every purchase of electricity, metered or bottled
gas (natural, liquified petroleum gas F..nufactured)
within the corporate limits of the City of Atlantic
Beach. Florida, etc. .. "
Tho Ordinance having been read in full and no one appeared
either for or against Mr. Marvin moved its adoption on
second and final reading which motion was seconded by
T� A;T, '4,5,30 •g etepy
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•olaxaq pegas@q;s Aaoo °tt-9Sit uoT40to,, Aq Pezaeoo
spun; ;o i;suer iTgy •peTzxeo pus uTnssx •3yj Aq papuooas
uoT4ow •ssznaTpuedxg Ts4Tds3 araTiod - £C6# 4un0004 0.4 ,,puna
pelsooTTVun ayl moa; p03300u034 aq 00e007$ "0244 p4,Aossu °JOON •1W
•peT33eo u0T40W ',mea saoTT0C g40g uT p0tts4suT aq off. 4,,0 swOT1T12,c'
03TM '00'00Zte pesoxa 4ou seop eoT3d eq4 buTpTnozd °x4,3saq pus
uoTaaTwsupz x4, tod ql,Tm .zold®oz ui psaa sooprino; s Anq o:
J0TMO aoTTod 0q1 q3 TA .le44e 101,3ebsuslA A4TO eq'3 4,ZT3ogans
pus epTq aTn3as o3 ueAT6 030A suoTaarXsuT snsegoN °.N Aq
papuooas &uTILsK •.zp ;o uoT4om uodn pus p*stnosTp ss* 2e43sm oqy
•6T# seo 03VTd03 04 sea 3oop-sr.o; s 6uTgla6 zepTsuoa
pus uoT;o4, 20=0; iTeqq sapTsuooaa o4 uoTssTmm3 6.q4 .so; a,TT
PTnom aH •3sea 3oop 0014 V uT auop aq lc.0 ptnoa sTtt4 PUP **so;
aoTtoa 3no ;o uoT43a3o3d 3o; uoT4T43'Id axle+ a 44TH peddTnbe
aq Pincus ssso a3TTOd 041 1341 sTaF3 sq 4T UT saoT, buIPT=
sT usas auo aql aouTs 41144 pus MID 3oop omq a buTeq 6t# �o
aoTTod aq3 4nO puelexapun lou PTP e11 vsgl PesTnps uTn2V11 *Mg
•e3T;3o opt 3o; 3Tetto pus 'pimp aim pa4suop oum spu4,T3;
pelmsti4 Pus lxoda, ATq u0tu sTq pwituasaId T€aest1T Jr0TIO ooTTod
TeuT3 pus puooas uo passsd Atnp ®3usuTp20 PTrtx Pus PeT32V0
Atnp uoT4osu PTssaa pereToap ioA,y,; aq4 uodsnaras •petT3x,eo
ATsnomTueun ism uoTlow pus uoa.,Ta uoT4sartb aql lnd 3oAvv
041 p4,3epTsu00 Atnp uaag 6uTn,t{ uoT 0m PT'S °0300) 4.41
b# abed '85-tT-° sa4nuT
• . J .
One Hund ed 0100.00) Dr y.:+arra from the unallocated
funds be and the same is hereby transferred to account
number 224, covering Elaction Expense Account, in the
1958 Budget.
Passed by the City Commission on April 14, 1958.
1 ,
Adele S. Grage
Four Hundred Fifty ($450.00) Dollars from the unallocated
funds be and the same is hereby transferred to account
number 903, Police Department Capital Expenditures, in
the 1958 Budget.
Passed by the City Commission on April 14th, 1958.
City Clerk