MAY 26TH, 1958
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation, Mr. C. U. Kendrick, Jr.
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting May 12th, 1958.
Approval of Minutes of Meeting May 19th, 1958.
4. Recognition of visitors.
5. Communications to Commission:
1. Initiative Petition.
6. City Manager:
1. Bids on Sewer Plant Project.
7. Committee Reports
1. Zoning Committee.
2. Tri-City Committee.
8. Ordinances:
1. License Ordinance, Final reading. , I"J 'St
2. Subdivision Ordinance, First reading.
9. Commissioners.
1' '
AT 8 P.M.
Wm. So Howell
Preben Johansen
Chas. kin Moore
Marion Marvin
Hugh Roberts F Commissioners
Frank Thompson City attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr.. City Manager
Adele So Drage City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Howell.
The Invocation was given by the Rev9 Carroll O. Kendrick,
Pastor of the Neptune Baptist Church
Minutes of the meeting of May 12th, 1958 were approved as
written upon motion of Mme., Johansen, seconded by Mr. Moore.
Minutes of the meeting of May 19th,, 1958 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Jphansen, seconded by Mr. Moore.
4,a City Clerk certified to the Commission a petition initiat=
ing an Ordinance covering closing hours of places serving and/or
selling alcoholic beverages and repealing Ordinance Noe 10-58.3
and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith,
and further petitioning the Commission to substitute this new
Ordinance for the one filed with the Commission on April 28th,
19580 The petition was found by the City Clerk to have suffi-
cient signatures. Mr. Howell presented the petition and the
initiative ordinance as proposed and read same :in full. Mr.
Thompson advised that he believed this Ordinance was in order.
The matter having been duly considered Mr. Moore moved that
the Ordinance not be Adopted on first reading, seconded by
Mr. Marvin and upon the question being called the vote was!
Ayes Johansen. Moore, Marvin Roberts, Howell
Nay! None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said
Initiative Ordinance not approved:,
Mr. Marvin moved, that said Initiative Ordinance covering
closing hours for places serving and/or selling alcoholic bev-
erages and repealing Ordinance #10-58-3 be subiitted to the
electors for approval or disapproval at a Special Election
to be held on July 1st, 1958 and that the City Clerk be directed
to make the necessary atrangements for the Special Election and
secure election officials for same. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Roberts and having been duly considered the Mayor put the
question theeeon and the vote wase
Ayes Marvin Moores Roberts, Johansen, Howell
Nay; None
. . Minutes 5-26.58, Page #2
Whereupon. the Mayor declared said notion carried with said
Special Election to be held July 1, 1958,
Er. Waggoner advised that Mr* Walter Parks, Engineer expects
to have the plans and specifications for the sewer plant,
lift stations,, etc. ready by June 2nd and he would like authori-
ty to call for bids on this work to be received June 23rd, so
that we can be grad;), to start work by July 1st° There was a
discussion during which the question wee talked over as to
whether we should appy for the 657g000° which it is believed
we could get now, or to wait a little longer to see if some
of the present appropriation is unclaimed a or perhaps the Federal
Government will appropriate more. Mr. Waggoner advised that it
is his impression from talking with the State Board of Health
that we should wait a little while anyway until the next meet-
ing and see what develops° There was further discussion and
Mr. Marvin moved that the City Manager be authorized and directed
to advertise for bids to cover the Sewer Plant, etc. as soon as
plans and specifications are received from the Engineer, bids to
be received June 23rd, 1958° The motion was a'condsd by Mr.
Roberts and carried°
The Zoning Committee reported that they are still working on
the new Ordinance.
Mr. Waggoner and Mr. Johansen reported on the meeting of the
Tri-City Planning Commission° There was a discussion of post-
office facilities and house to house delivery. Mr. Waggoner
was appointed as chairman of the TricCity Committee to further
investigate the Postoffice situation. The Tri City Commission
also favors the appointment of two residents from each Beach
city to serve as an exploratory committee tantament to the
establishment of a Tri-City Recreation Authority. Mr. Johansen
advised that he felt we could get two citizens who would be
interest in serving on this committee it we let it be known that
we wanted someone.
The Commi.sson next went into sssion for a Public Hearing on
Ordinanc6 #45.58.1 being an Ordinance to provide for License
Fees, etc. Said Public Hearing was in line with notice as
posted. ix. Howell presented and caused to be read in full
said Ordinance #45-58-1. Mr* Wm. H. Bitzer feels there should
be a main heading of "advertising" and under this put the various
classifications rather than in several different places as they
are listed in said ordinance° There was also a question of
having a different rate for taxis and busses, as think busses
should be more. There was further discussion following which
Mr. Johansen moved that the Ordinance be referred back to the
License Committee, for study and report at the next meeting°
Motion was seconded by Mro Marvin and carried°
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