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06-09-58 v
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 9TH, 1958 1. Call to Order. 2. Ir;.vocation, Mr. C. U. Kendrick, Jr. 3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of May 26, 1958. 4. Recognition of visitors. 5. Communications to Commission: 1. Land-fill Contract East Duval County Mosquito Control. 6. City Manager: 1. Monthly Report 2. Young Mothers' Study Club Inc. 3. Sewer Bids 4. Assessment Ordinance-g,e,M Q,v 7. Committee Reports 1. Zoning Committee. 8. Ordinances: 1. License Ordinance, Final reading. #41 ,54?''/ 9. Reports: 1. Police Chief's Report. 2. Fire Chief's Report. 10. Commissioners. '91-8S# uoT3 -ntoaew ;o Ado patiOegzY "£06# 4unoo3 eoxn;Tpuedxg tu3Tde0 3uam3sedea f oTtod 04 ''SOI# °411m000y s,;®Ttio eXM aef} W02; 0000591$ 30 20;DUe24 eg4 penosdde uoTegTmas03 "AP 61.1TA2EK ask Aq p®puoaes •esooH °2if ;o uoT4ow uodn •seen;Tpuedxg te3Tde3 $ut1Idda **nod O . 4unoo3v Jssutee s,3eTRJ e2Tat .eq moa; 00°05916 ii;gues4 o; tt H °SOF Aq apsm rem Rsanbes V °p®tsaeo ptte uesum+cgor ask Aq pepuo3ee gem uoT4o®[ atm. 'g£°9STt'. 4v etoso;ow w4.=3 1PTq a /daoo2 o4 uoT4ou aq ®peat 413304011 ' °s6t uoTsenosTP cones sem.;e puv i{3uom sad .000056 3e 3usts4asbg te3ues g pa;ut*esd ostTE? Auedwo3 . a °00°00Vte - VOW °S£°9Stt* - uTosolop =srg®tt®; gv uoT3e'3e oTpes ®gvq 3®eat3svdsa asT3 pug epTtod a jo uo f31'ite'3vuT so; spTct Petted* ttomoR *Mit °1PeT2ay.-a uoT3oW npautTs pue pe3dea3e eq 4oviluoo oto 3ec4 uTAsaM °sN JCR pepuoass pue esooW ask Aq spew ses . uoTlok 0 m8A '$oet so; 30ex3uoa el} se eyes vq4sT o0'0Ott$ 30 4s00 1944 pue teoT3uepT s'S 4vea3uoa eTt4 °6561 ''T Atnr 03 856! °! ATur polled sin 40Tx4vTa tozuo3 ogTnbsoN Agcano3 Tenna 3seS w02; TIT;puvq JowlTues so; 3aes3uo. po4ussead seu©M,ej. *214 aesook ask Ac pepuoaag 2S'4sagas °am ;o uoT4om uodn ue44Tx f rye penosdde asp 8561 *449Z AvN ;0 bu`l::.a:m ®R3 ;0 se4nuT Y °tiasnto 4sT3 a a ,ou 4da N eq4 ;o so;eed `xOTsPuex °tl 11022,3 °nag eta Aq uaAT.6 GSM uoT eooaug *RI °tTH 'seuoTeETwwop-soAeW ata Aq ipso 04 Pa i,tea SSM 5uT4eew eta 31x,3 A4T3 'GEmxD °S aTaPV :3uesgty :{seTo A4 T3 buT4Oy °gqgn4S °k geseb.atak 2e5Ru A4T3 "ar °sauo65em 0a ur Aeuso4wy A4TO qmgdwou xuesd pI eseuCTev so3 @elsecou Rgnli uTsseW uoTs t ®suck all ammo uemavIlor UOCIOXa almegesd ° °d 8 /'if 856T °11Z6 aNne 'AVOINOW NO STN x113 am am arm zcIss 3 /I3 HYaS 3TINV7IV WIZ Jo ONIX2ty! welno is ram Jo S LfNTW , Minutes 6-9-58, Page #2 The City Managers report was received and filed. Mr. Waggoner presented a request from Mr. Robert Swanson representing the Young bothers ` Study Club, Inc. to solicit house to house in Atlantic Beach. After discussion the motion was made by Mr. Marvin that permission be denighed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Waggoner advised that the plans and specifications for the sewer plant were ready. regal notice calling for bids to be received on June 23rd. 1958 was published in the Sunday issue of the Times-Union, June 8th, 1958. Mr. Waggoner requested information concerning a lift station site on Donner Road. The Commission instructed Mr. Waggoner to contact the Tax Assessor to place a value on the site. It was requested by Mr. Waggoner that something be done about the Sewer Assessment Ordinance and he presented a copy of the Winter Park Ordinance for review by the Commission. After discussion it was decided that qtr. Thompson, Mr. Howell and Mr. Waggoner meet 'to draft an Ordinance for the Commission's consideration. Mr. Waggoner advised that the Commission had been invited to attend a meeting at Jacksonville Beach Pier, by M . Morris„ for the purpose of discussing the possibilities of operating a bus service to Jacksonville. The meeting is to be held Tuesday, June 10th, 1958 at 8z00 P.M. Mr. Johansen reported they are still working on the Zoning Ordinance and requested the Committee meet Wednesday night, June 11th, 1958. The Commission went into session for a public hearing on Ordinance #45-58-1 being an Ordinance to provide for License Fees„ etc. The Ordinance having been read in full Mr. Roberts moved its adoption on second and final reading which motion was seconded by Mr. Marvin. The motion having been duly con- sidered the Maayor put the question thereon and motion was unanimously carried. Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried and said Ordinance duly passed on Second and Final reading. The report of the Chief of Police was received for filing. There was a discussion on the stop signs at Sherry Drive and Plaza and the City Manager was instructed to remove the stop signs on Sherry Drive but to leave Saltair Boulevard a stop street. Minutes 6-9-58, Page *3 The Fire Chief's report was received and filed. Mr. Waggoner reported that he had been in contact with Mr. Willis, the new owner of part of Block 33, and expects a proposal from Mr. Willis concerning the exchange of land along the West side of Beach Avenue for land along the North aide of Ahern Street. No contact had been made with Ramos Estate and Mr. Howell agreed to see what he could do toward obtaining the necessary right-of-way. There being no further business the meeting adjourned upon motion of At, Johansen at 9:20 P.M. until Wednesday, June 11th, 1958 at 8:00 P.M. Ar,l;f ; rX., Wm, 8. Howe 1 Mayor-Commissioner Attests 1-11 Mar `gar'et M. S ubbs, Acting City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 58-16 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMPIXON OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That Sixteen Hundred Fifty 01650 .00) Dollars irte the Fire Chief's Account number 401 be and the same is hereby transferred to account number 903, Police Department Capital Expenditures, in the 1958 Budget. Passed by the City Commission on June 9th, 1958° Attest: ,$) City Clerk (Seal)