06-11-58 v •
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tteH "S "act
Minutes 6/11/5$,Page #2
RES OLUT 1 0x3 *58-17
WHEREAS, the City Commission of fib. City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida has met on June 11th, 1958, at 8;00 o'clock
to open and consider all bids subssitte for 8300 000:,00 General
Obligation Sewer Bonds? and
WHEREAS, the fol/owing bide mere submitted;
Net Interact Average ,_..fit. era
B. 47, V'c n Ingen & Co.
nisei, Florida $2350310,00 3.8480%
Pierce, Carr ►sono 'ulbe n,
Inc.'„ Jacksonville, Fla. 240,863.50 3.93839%
Leedy,WheelevoAllemsnoin .
Orlando,; F1c rides 244,599,01 30 99998394
BercusoKindred & Co.
ciicago, Ill. & Associates 254,333,00 4.1591%
Bei/ & Hough, Inco
St, Peter::. g, 1'laT 260,167.50 4.254578%
sad it appearing to the City C•n.<-sssion after due consideration
that the bid of L J. Van Ingen & Co., Inc. in the amount of
*300,000.00 and accrued interest for the $300,000.00 General
Obligation Sewer Bends being interest as hereinafter stated
is the highest and bit bid received.
NON, TEEBIBPOiM O BE IT =SOLVED by the City Commiseion
of the City of Atlantic laeaCh, Florida, that;
M f I3XON 1. The said General Obligation Bawer Bonds
be awarded to B. J. V'nn Ingen & Co. , Inc. at the bid of $300,000.00
and accrued interest ffor said bonds bearing interest as follows:
t `iaerest Ante
1961 thru 1962, both 2nclmeive 35904 •
1983 thru 1988, both inclusive 3.80%
CECTION 2, The said General Obligation Sem Bonds
shall be delivered to the successful bidder on or about July 7th,
1958, at the Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville,
SECTYON 3. mit Resolutiovt mball take effect immediately
on passage.
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.3K Ag pop ogee:weft UoT4nT0 _pTve 1401m 01 u0OW Min