07-28-58 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JULY 28TH, 1958 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation, Mr. C. U. Kendridk, Jr. 3. Approval of Mir_utom of Meeting of July 14, 1958. 4. Recognition of visitor 5. Communication to Commission. 1. Offer of Federal Grant. Resolution accepting Federal Grant.ls'5('`i 1 '2. John A. Futch, Service Station Permit. 6. Bids on Gasoline frau Service Stations. 7. City Manager. 1. Financial Report 1st Half 1958. 2. Request for transfer of funds. Resolution authorizing transfer of funds."J 3. Sanitary Landfill Site. 4. Suer Project Report. )-3 5. Property transfer record. 8. Cosmo.ttee Reports 9. Commissioners. "uoT4e43 oaoung s4ueA ua TaeaS a3TAxeg esnou41t5T'I eo1AsaS o3exey aSesD mos; pal*tngea pug peATepez 02&I't °Oa® Jee*TA/es *exT dex °saeX 3 $ITo 'auTtOsR6 uo epTS ;oaxatt; gsed r epees pue se4 nuTur *vein 04 pettoea ,a ssT t:-8S# uOTantowag ;o Mop °peadopw TZ-9S# uofnyosaj pTes pay peymma uoTaom. pree pametoep soAeyt eqa uodnexettM • e soow :pc a qy (mom s AeN *Ilem011 's:pxegou auTAxew °uesc tttor :aAy :sty 040A Zip pus uoexeul uoTzvenb arta znd . oA w eta pazepTsuoa Aynp ueeq SuTAett pue u TAseW 6314 Aq Pept=00 s's.M uoyaom pies 4uoT4dope eaT paAom nos -ueuor 6214 'Ytn3 uT puss ueaq BuT .ett uoT4uToseell pTeS °auatd x1eS eta. 6uTaonsasuo3 uT 1cTgew 04 queaD tesePedi 0114 30 Aa T3 etta Ag e3usz4da3oa eu . 5uT:spAa>> tZ-8S# u0 4nToeag paauesaxd uesuettor °sW °AUOu 112A esauy °200T; eta won sseuTenq Ault 203 patte3 pule lues92d ssoaTsTA pezTsstho3er ti ; °xW "uTA2eW '2N 4 pepuo3a2 'sa. qOH °. W 3o uoylom uodn ue44T1L se psAosdcte awn 8S6t '14417I A^ttir ;o 5uT4eem amp ;o eelnuTW •tgo.7mg3 as Tadeg eur;deN eql 30 204sea 'wT OXY on Ttoxxe3 °Aeg etc Aq ueATS sees uonea0AuI satt� *ITemoA °2W 'avuoTssguamoD-xoRuW arta Act aepxo oa pgyzeo seem 6uT4eem eu 20uoTaNr o3 'asooW °g 'BeR3 .14uesonf x./3 AATO 'efe2D °S aT PY 2015rueW A4x3 ' •sr 'seuo55em + -r Aeusomr A413 'uosdwot xues3 pug eaeuCTseTsmQo3 'sn,Zegog ttbfH uTA,xeW uoTssr) uesuuttoruagasa l lion 6S °WM :auasaxa 'W'd 8 IV 8S61 4HL8Z A'IM' 'XV 1NOW LW 11W1 ALIO 9KZ IN 012H NOISSIN1403 i!!l.L liMftrt 5.t.,L1.5\17,17 17i,i agTr I 11 t`\:`ME•1 2. Ftir, dO ZT,f1Sli The bids were studied and discussed and it was determined that the Grage Texaco Service bid was the lowest and best bid for the City, Whereupon Mr. Marvin moved that the Grage Texaco Service bid be accepted covering a period to January let, 1959. Motion seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried. The City Manager, Mr. Waggoner, presented a Financial Report on first 6 months receipts and expenditures as covered by the 1958 budget. Mr. Marvin presented Resolution #58-22 covering transfer of funds from one account to another in the 1958 budget. Said Resolution #58-22 having been read in full, Mr. Marvin moved its adoption, said motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: Aye: Marvin, Roberts, Johansen, Howell May: None Absent: Moore Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolution #58-22 adopted. Copy of said Resolution #58-22 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof A letter was read from the Mosquito Control District wanting to know if we had a location available f:or the landfill project. There being no such site available at the present time, Mr. Waggoner was directed to so advise them. Mr. Waggoner reported on the progress of the Sewer Project advising that he had hired A.J.Craig as RAsident Inspector on the work, also that work has started on clearing the plant site. Mr. Waggoner advised that he would like the Commissions approval for a work order change to substitute Fairbanks Morse pumps at Lift Stations A & $ in place of the Aurora Pumps as bid on. There would be an additional cost of $60. for both, and the change is suggested because the Fairbanks Morse Pump could be serviced from Jacksonville while the servicing of the Aurora Pump would have to be from out-of- town. The Engineer advises that he considers the two makes of pumps equal as to performance, etc. but - ao availability of service locally for the Fairbanks-Morse makes it the better choice. Following dis- cussion Mr. Marvin moved that a work order be given to use a Fairbanks Morse Pump instead of the Aurora pump at Lift Stations A & B for a total difference im cost of $60. The motion was seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried, Mr. Waggoner presented an Estimate of Payment Form as prepared by the Wm. S. Smith Co. to be used for payments on their contract with the City. This form has been approved by the Engineer and is recom- mended for use by the City Manager, and it was unanimously agreed by the Commission that this form be accepted for use. l: e=te> 7-28-58, Page *3 • . _, We have difficulty in getting 6 oeeeot property transfers and disc iptions as our only means of securing this information has been through the Financial ncial News which does not give complete data as needed. The American Title and Insurance Co. , Realty Title Division, have advised that they will furnish us with a list of property changes quarterly for $25.00 per quarter They have submitted to us a list of changes from January 1, 1957 including stay 30, 1958 which they will let us have for $50.00. The list covers the Official Records' number and the County Clerk's office will furnish us with 8 r. 10" photostats of the deeds for 250 each. The initial cost of thir.:s first list with deed copies will be $132.25. It is estimated that the cost to us for this information will be approximately $40.00 par quarter. The matter was discussed and upon motion of Mr. Marvin, seconded by Mr. Roberts the following Resolution *58-23 war, adopted: RESOLUTION *58-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY TUE CITY COMMISSION OP THE CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That Section 1. The list o transfers of title to lands within the corporate limits of the City of Atlantic Beach as prepared by the American Title and Insurance Co., Realty Title Division be accepted et- a cost of 050.00, and that Section 2. The proposal of said company to furnish quarterly lists of title trazefers within the City for A25.00 per quarter be accepted. and that Section 3. Said lists be referred to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for copier of said title transfers at e„25o each and that Section 4. Twe Hundred Fifteen ($215.00) Dollaro be transferred from Account *801 Unallocated Fund to Account $230 of the 1958 Budget to cover costs on above information on property changers. Upon motion of Mr. vin, seconded by Aar. Roberts approval was given for payment of 0158.39 premium to D,B.Watts for 6 months Fire and Extended Coverage on the Sever Plant and Lift Statione under construction, same to be peed from the Sewer Fund. There was a general discussion WI to the City's policy for the exten- sion of our sewer and water lines and the opening and improving of streets in existing platted areas and future platted areas, especially with reference to the payment of costs and requirements of sub-division owners. It waspointed out that each developed area is different and will present a different problem. Generally speaking the cost of making the improvements will be the responsibility of the owner or developer under such requirements an may be determinsd at the t ns -Upon motion of mr. Johansen the Mayor declared the -.,;,otin9 add ouen fi� // � Attest: .1a,cezez. ' !%. S. L,,z, • -11, Nayor-C:ezeleseoeee /1 � // RESOLUTION NO. n9- ,94 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMIISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: THAT The offer dated July 23rd, 1958 of the Public Health Service of The United States of America for a Federal Grant not to exceed Seventy-Three Thousand .Five Hundred Ninety ($73,590.00) Dollars to the said City of Atlantic Beach to assist in financing the construction of Primary Sewage Treatment Plant, Lift Stations, Force Mains and Plant Outfall Sewer under Project Number WPC-FLA 15 be and the same is hereby accepted; and that, Wm. S. Howell, Mayor Commissioner of this City, be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the said City of Atlantic Beach acceptance of said offer and to make on behalf of the City the assurances contained therein. Passed by the City Commission on 1_ 2_ - k-, 1958 Attest: L40 (43&-e-e- - ' City Clerk (Seal) RESOLUTION NO. 5 f- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT The following funds be transferred from accounts to the accounts shown below: 1. Seven hundred (8700.00) dollars from the unallocated funds to Account 212, Extra Office Help. 2. Two hundred fifty (8250.00) dollars from unallocated funds to Account 508, Maintenance and Repair, Sanitary Department. 3. Five hundred (3500.00) dollars from Account 723, Drainage to Account 708, Maintenance and Repair, Public Works. 4. Fifty (850.00) dollars from Account 742 to Account 722, Beach Barricade, Public Works. All in the 1958 Budget. Passed by the City Commission ,.1. . L 19 Attest: I f City Clerk (SEAL) RESOLUTION #58-23 BE IT EESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY or ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That Section 1. The list of transfers of title to lands within the corporate limits of the City of Atlantic Beach as prepared by the American Title and Insurance Co. , Realty Title Division be accepted at a cost of $50.00, and that Section 2. The proposal of said company to furnish • quarterly lists of title transfers within the City for 825.00 per quarter be accepted. and that Section 3 Said lists be referred to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for copies of said title transfers at $.250 each, and that Section 4,, Two Hundred Fifteen ($215O0) Dollars be transferred from Account #801 Unallocated Fund to Account 230 of the 1958 Budget to cover costs on above information on property changes.. v it a * * ♦ * ?3 Passed by the City Coaiasion July 28th. 195. Attest 0,6e-e,& _ City Cler?:. / (Seal)